def createMask(xxC, yyC, spatialRefProj):
    This will create a mask for a given basin, which will be defined by grib.basin
    :param xxC: <np array> The center points of the x grid
    :param yyC: <np array> The center points in the y grid
    :param spatialRefProj: <gdal obj> Current Projection
        Make sure the .geojson basin files exist. The files were created using the USGS streamstats online app:
    :return: <np array> masked array.
    # Get the lat / lon of each grid box's center point.
    lons_centerPt, lats_centerPt = Proj(spatialRefProj)(xxC, yyC, inverse=True)

    # given a bunch of lat/lons in the geotiff, we can get the polygon points.
        sf = fiona.open(
            os.path.join(dir_path, 'Shapefiles', grib.basin,
                         grib.basin + '.geojson'))
        logger.error('No basin shapefile found in ' + dir_path +
                     '/Shapefiles/' + grib.basin + '/' + grib.basin +
                     '.geojson' + '\n A mask was not created.')
    geoms = [feature["geometry"] for feature in sf]
    poly = Polygon(
    )  # For a simple square, this would be 4 points, but it can be thousands of points for other objects.
    polyMinLon, polyMinLat, polyMaxLon, polyMaxLat = sf.bounds  # Get the bounds to speed up the process of generating a mask.

    # create a 1D numpy mask filled with zeros that is the exact same size as the lat/lon array from our projection.
    mask = np.zeros(lons_centerPt.flatten().shape)

    # These are test variables to see where the center points are (plot with basemaps to prove to yourself they're in the right spot).
    #debugCenterX = np.zeros(lats_centerPt.flatten().shape)
    #debugCenterY = np.zeros(lons_centerPt.flatten().shape)

    # Create Mask by checking whether points in the raster are within the bounds of the polygon. Instead of checking
    # every single point in the raster, just focus on points within the max/min bounds of the polygon (it's slow as hell
    # if you don't do that).
    i = 0  # counter
    for xp, yp in zip(lons_centerPt.flatten(), lats_centerPt.flatten()):
        if ((polyMinLon <= xp <= polyMaxLon)
                and (polyMinLat <= yp <= polyMaxLat)):
            mask[i] = (Point(xp, yp).within(poly))
            # Debugging FOR CENTER POINT OF GRID BOX: If you want to visualize the center point
            #       of each grid box that's found in the polygon,
            #       include this below and then you can put a dot (via m.plot)
            #if (Point(xp, yp).within(poly)):
            #debugCenterX[i] = xp
            #debugCenterY[i] = yp
        i += 1

    # mask = ([Point(xp, yp).within(poly) for xp, yp in zip(lons.flatten(), lats.flatten()) if
    #         ((polyMinLon <= xp <= polyMaxLat) and (polyMinLat <= yp <= polyMaxLat))])
    mask = np.reshape(mask, (xxC.shape))
    return mask
def createMask(xxC, yyC, spatialRefProj):

    # Get the lat / lon of each grid box's center point.
    lons_centerPt, lats_centerPt = Proj(spatialRefProj)(xxC, yyC, inverse=True)

    # given a bunch of lat/lons in the geotiff, we can get the polygon points.
    sf = fiona.open(dir_path + '/Shapefiles/' + grib.basin + '/' + grib.basin +
    geoms = [feature["geometry"] for feature in sf]
    poly = Polygon(
    )  # For a simple square, this would be 4 points, but it can be thousands of points for other objects.
    grib.basinArea = ops.transform(
            pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init='EPSG:4326'),
            pyproj.Proj(proj='aea', lat_1=poly.bounds[1],
                        lat_2=poly.bounds[3])), poly).area
    # NOTE: Calculating area in the mercator projection (ESPG:3587) will lead to large errors due to inaccuracies in
    # that projections distance measurements. Instead, you must convert over to 4326 or equal area coordinates (whci is best)
    # For example, if instead of proj='aea' (in code below) you used proj = 'merc' the area for French Meadows
    # increases from roughly . 30,000 acres to over 50,000 acres. Alternatively, you could calculate the area by
    # counting the grid boxes in the polygon and summing up the area of one grid where
    # xres = 0.008333 deg * 111,111 m and yres = 0.008333 deg * 111,111 m * cos(latitude of grid box).
    # The method below is the easiest way to do this.

    polyMinLon, polyMinLat, polyMaxLon, polyMaxLat = sf.bounds  # Get the bounds to speed up the process of generating a mask.

    # create a 1D numpy mask filled with zeros that is the exact same size as the lat/lon array from our projection.
    mask = np.zeros(lons_centerPt.flatten().shape)

    # These are test variables to see where the center points are (plot with basemaps to prove to yourself they're in the right spot).
    global debugCenterX, debugCenterY
    debugCenterX = np.zeros(lats_centerPt.flatten().shape)
    debugCenterY = np.zeros(lons_centerPt.flatten().shape)

    # Create Mask by checking whether points in the raster are within the bounds of the polygon. Instead of checking
    # every single point in the raster, just focus on points within the max/min bounds of the polygon (it's slow as hell
    # if you don't do that).
    i = 0  # counter
    for xp, yp in zip(lons_centerPt.flatten(), lats_centerPt.flatten()):
        if ((polyMinLon <= xp <= polyMaxLon)
                and (polyMinLat <= yp <= polyMaxLat)):
            mask[i] = (Point(xp, yp).within(poly))
            # Debugging FOR CENTER POINT OF GRID BOX: If you want to visualize the center point
            #       of each grid box that's found in the polygon,
            #       include this below and then you can put a dot (via m.plot)
            if (Point(xp, yp).within(poly)):
                debugCenterX[i] = xp
                debugCenterY[i] = yp
        i += 1

    mask = np.reshape(mask, (xxC.shape))
    return mask
def createMask(xxC, yyC, spatialRefProj):

    # Get the lat / lon of each grid box's center point.
    lons_centerPt, lats_centerPt = Proj(spatialRefProj)(xxC, yyC, inverse=True)

    # given a bunch of lat/lons in the geotiff, we can get the polygon points.
    sf = fiona.open(dir_path + '/Shapefiles/' + grib.basin + '/' + grib.basin +
    geoms = [feature["geometry"] for feature in sf]
    poly = Polygon(
    )  # For a simple square, this would be 4 points, but it can be thousands of points for other objects.
    polyMinLon, polyMinLat, polyMaxLon, polyMaxLat = sf.bounds  # Get the bounds to speed up the process of generating a mask.

    # create a 1D numpy mask filled with zeros that is the exact same size as the lat/lon array from our projection.
    mask = np.zeros(lons_centerPt.flatten().shape)

    # These are test variables to see where the center points are (plot with basemaps to prove to yourself they're in the right spot).
    global debugCenterX, debugCenterY
    debugCenterX = np.zeros(lats_centerPt.flatten().shape)
    debugCenterY = np.zeros(lons_centerPt.flatten().shape)

    # Create Mask by checking whether points in the raster are within the bounds of the polygon. Instead of checking
    # every single point in the raster, just focus on points within the max/min bounds of the polygon (it's slow as hell
    # if you don't do that).
    i = 0  # counter
    for xp, yp in zip(lons_centerPt.flatten(), lats_centerPt.flatten()):
        if ((polyMinLon <= xp <= polyMaxLon)
                and (polyMinLat <= yp <= polyMaxLat)):
            mask[i] = (Point(xp, yp).within(poly))
            # Debugging FOR CENTER POINT OF GRID BOX: If you want to visualize the center point
            #       of each grid box that's found in the polygon,
            #       include this below and then you can put a dot (via m.plot)
            if (Point(xp, yp).within(poly)):
                debugCenterX[i] = xp
                debugCenterY[i] = yp
        i += 1

    mask = np.reshape(mask, (xxC.shape))
    return mask