    def test_devolve(self):
        strategy = ModuleDictStrategy(space)
        storage = strategy.get_empty_storage()
        d = W_ModuleDictObject(space, strategy, storage)

        key = "a"
        w_key = self.FakeString(key)
        d.setitem(w_key, 1)
        c = d.get_global_cache(key)
        assert c.getvalue(space) == 1
        assert c.valid

        d.setitem(5, 1)
        assert not c.valid
    def test_getcache_and_builtins(self):
        space = FakeSpace()
        strategy = ModuleDictStrategy(space)
        storage = strategy.get_empty_storage()
        builtindict = W_ModuleDictObject(space, strategy, storage)
        builtindict.setitem_str("len", 2)
        builtindict.setitem_str("list", 19)

        class FakeModule:
            w_dict = builtindict

        space.builtin = FakeModule()
        storage = strategy.get_empty_storage()
        d = W_ModuleDictObject(space, strategy, storage)

        # just in the builtins
        c = d.get_global_cache("len")
        assert c.cell is None
        assert c.builtincache.cell == 2

        # in both dicts
        d.setitem_str("list", 23)
        c = d.get_global_cache("list")
        assert c.cell == 23
        assert c.builtincache is None

        # not in the builtins but in the normal dict
        d.setitem_str("a", 45)
        c = d.get_global_cache("a")
        assert c.cell == 45
        assert c.builtincache is None

        # not in either dict
        c = d.get_global_cache("b")
        assert c.cell is None
        assert c.builtincache is None