def _Py_InitPyPyModule(space, name, methods, doc, w_self, apiver): """ Create a new module object based on a name and table of functions, returning the new module object. If doc is non-NULL, it will be used to define the docstring for the module. If self is non-NULL, it will passed to the functions of the module as their (otherwise NULL) first parameter. (This was added as an experimental feature, and there are no known uses in the current version of Python.) For apiver, the only value which should be passed is defined by the constant PYTHON_API_VERSION. Note that the name parameter is actually ignored, and the module name is taken from the package_context attribute of the cpyext.State in the space cache. CPython includes some extra checking here to make sure the module being initialized lines up with what's expected, but we don't. """ from pypy.module.cpyext.typeobjectdefs import PyTypeObjectPtr modname = rffi.charp2str(name) state = space.fromcache(State) f_name, f_path = state.package_context w_mod = PyImport_AddModule(space, f_name) dict_w = {'__file__': space.wrap(f_path)} convert_method_defs(space, dict_w, methods, None, w_self, modname) for key, w_value in dict_w.items(): space.setattr(w_mod, space.wrap(key), w_value) if doc: space.setattr(w_mod, space.wrap("__doc__"), space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(doc))) return borrow_from(None, w_mod)
def getdefaultlocale(): encoding = "cp%d" % GetACP() BUFSIZE = 50 buf_lang = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, BUFSIZE, flavor="raw") buf_country = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, BUFSIZE, flavor="raw") try: if GetLocaleInfo( cConfig.LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, cConfig.LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, buf_lang, BUFSIZE ) and GetLocaleInfo(cConfig.LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, cConfig.LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME, buf_country, BUFSIZE): lang = rffi.charp2str(buf_lang) country = rffi.charp2str(buf_country) language = "%s_%s" % (lang, country) # If we end up here, this windows version didn't know about # ISO639/ISO3166 names (it's probably Windows 95). Return the # Windows language identifier instead (a hexadecimal number) elif GetLocaleInfo(cConfig.LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, cConfig.LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE, buf_lang, BUFSIZE): lang = rffi.charp2str(buf_lang) language = "0x%s" % (lang,) else: language = None finally:, flavor="raw"), flavor="raw") return language, encoding
def PyCodec_IncrementalEncoder(space, encoding, errors): w_codec = interp_codecs.lookup_codec(space, rffi.charp2str(encoding)) if errors: w_errors = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(errors)) return space.call_method(w_codec, "incrementalencoder", w_errors) else: return space.call_method(w_codec, "incrementalencoder")
def PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(space, w_obj, encoding, errors): """Coerce an encoded object obj to an Unicode object and return a reference with incremented refcount. String and other char buffer compatible objects are decoded according to the given encoding and using the error handling defined by errors. Both can be NULL to have the interface use the default values (see the next section for details). All other objects, including Unicode objects, cause a TypeError to be set.""" w_encoding = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(encoding)) if errors: w_errors = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(errors)) else: w_errors = space.w_None # - unicode is disallowed # - raise TypeError for non-string types if space.is_true(space.isinstance(w_obj, space.w_unicode)): w_meth = None else: try: w_meth = space.getattr(w_obj, space.wrap("decode")) except OperationError, e: if not e.match(space, space.w_AttributeError): raise w_meth = None
def getdefaultlocale(space): encoding = "cp%d" % GetACP() BUFSIZE = 50 buf_lang = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, BUFSIZE, flavor='raw') buf_country = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, BUFSIZE, flavor='raw') try: if (GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, buf_lang, BUFSIZE) and GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME, buf_country, BUFSIZE)): lang = rffi.charp2str(buf_lang) country = rffi.charp2str(buf_country) return space.newtuple([space.wrap("%s_%s" % (lang, country)), space.wrap(encoding)]) # If we end up here, this windows version didn't know about # ISO639/ISO3166 names (it's probably Windows 95). Return the # Windows language identifier instead (a hexadecimal number) elif GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE, buf_lang, BUFSIZE): lang = rffi.charp2str(buf_lang) return space.newtuple([space.wrap("0x%s" % lang), space.wrap(encoding)]) else: return space.newtuple([space.w_None, space.wrap(encoding)]) finally:, flavor='raw'), flavor='raw')
def dcgettext(space, w_domain, msg, category): """dcgettext(domain, msg, category) -> string Return translation of msg in domain and category.""" if space.is_w(w_domain, space.w_None): domain = None msg_c = rffi.str2charp(msg) try: result = _dcgettext(domain, msg_c, rffi.cast(rffi.INT, category)) # note that 'result' may be the same pointer as 'msg_c', # so it must be converted to an RPython string *before* # we free msg_c. result = rffi.charp2str(result) finally: rffi.free_charp(msg_c) else: domain = space.str_w(w_domain) domain_c = rffi.str2charp(domain) msg_c = rffi.str2charp(msg) try: result = _dcgettext(domain_c, msg_c, rffi.cast(rffi.INT, category)) # note that 'result' may be the same pointer as 'msg_c', # so it must be converted to an RPython string *before* # we free msg_c. result = rffi.charp2str(result) finally: rffi.free_charp(domain_c) rffi.free_charp(msg_c) return space.wrap(result)
def PyFile_FromString(space, filename, mode): """ On success, return a new file object that is opened on the file given by filename, with a file mode given by mode, where mode has the same semantics as the standard C routine fopen(). On failure, return NULL.""" w_filename = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(filename)) w_mode = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(mode)) return space.call_method(space.builtin, 'file', w_filename, w_mode)
def _ssl_seterror(space, ss, ret): assert ret <= 0 if ss is None: errval = libssl_ERR_peek_last_error() errstr = rffi.charp2str(libssl_ERR_error_string(errval, None)) return ssl_error(space, errstr, errval) elif ss.ssl: err = libssl_SSL_get_error(ss.ssl, ret) else: err = SSL_ERROR_SSL errstr = "" errval = 0 if err == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: errstr = "TLS/SSL connection has been closed" errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN elif err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: errstr = "The operation did not complete (read)" errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ elif err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: errstr = "The operation did not complete (write)" errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE elif err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: errstr = "The operation did not complete (X509 lookup)" errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP elif err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT: errstr = "The operation did not complete (connect)" errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT elif err == SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: e = libssl_ERR_get_error() if e == 0: if ret == 0 or space.is_w(ss.w_socket, space.w_None): errstr = "EOF occurred in violation of protocol" errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_EOF elif ret == -1: # the underlying BIO reported an I/0 error error = rsocket.last_error() return interp_socket.converted_error(space, error) else: errstr = "Some I/O error occurred" errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL else: errstr = rffi.charp2str(libssl_ERR_error_string(e, None)) errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL elif err == SSL_ERROR_SSL: e = libssl_ERR_get_error() errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_SSL if e != 0: errstr = rffi.charp2str(libssl_ERR_error_string(e, None)) else: errstr = "A failure in the SSL library occurred" else: errstr = "Invalid error code" errval = PY_SSL_ERROR_INVALID_ERROR_CODE return ssl_error(space, errstr, errval)
def PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(space, name, w_code, pathname): """Like PyImport_ExecCodeModule(), but the __file__ attribute of the module object is set to pathname if it is non-NULL.""" code = space.interp_w(PyCode, w_code) w_name = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(name)) if pathname: pathname = rffi.charp2str(pathname) else: pathname = code.co_filename w_mod = importing.add_module(space, w_name) space.setattr(w_mod, space.wrap('__file__'), space.wrap(pathname)) importing.exec_code_module(space, w_mod, code) return w_mod
def PyUnicode_Decode(space, s, size, encoding, errors): """Create a Unicode object by decoding size bytes of the encoded string s. encoding and errors have the same meaning as the parameters of the same name in the unicode() built-in function. The codec to be used is looked up using the Python codec registry. Return NULL if an exception was raised by the codec.""" w_str = space.wrap(rffi.charpsize2str(s, size)) w_encoding = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(encoding)) if errors: w_errors = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(errors)) else: w_errors = space.w_None return space.call_method(w_str, "decode", w_encoding, w_errors)
def make_struct_passwd(space, pw): w_passwd_struct = space.getattr(space.getbuiltinmodule('pwd'), space.wrap('struct_passwd')) w_tuple = space.newtuple([ space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(pw.c_pw_name)), space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(pw.c_pw_passwd)), space.wrap(intmask(pw.c_pw_uid)), space.wrap(intmask(pw.c_pw_gid)), space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(pw.c_pw_gecos)), space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(pw.c_pw_dir)), space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(pw.c_pw_shell)), ]) return space.call_function(w_passwd_struct, w_tuple)
def _init_timezone(): timezone = daylight = altzone = 0 tzname = ["", ""] # pypy cant' use in_dll to access global exported variables # so we can't compute these attributes # if _WIN: # cdll.msvcrt._tzset() # # timezone = c_long.in_dll(cdll.msvcrt, "_timezone").value # if hasattr(cdll.msvcrt, "altzone"): # altzone = c_long.in_dll(cdll.msvcrt, "altzone").value # else: # altzone = timezone - 3600 # daylight = c_long.in_dll(cdll.msvcrt, "_daylight").value # tzname = _tzname_t.in_dll(cdll.msvcrt, "_tzname") # tzname = (tzname.tzname_0, tzname.tzname_1) if _POSIX: YEAR = (365 * 24 + 6) * 3600 t = (((c_time(lltype.nullptr(TIME_TP.TO))) / YEAR) * YEAR) # we cannot have reference to stack variable, put it on the heap t_ref = lltype.malloc(TIME_TP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') t_ref[0] = t p = c_localtime(t_ref) janzone = -p.c_tm_gmtoff tm_zone = rffi.charp2str(p.c_tm_zone) janname = [" ", tm_zone][bool(tm_zone)] tt = t + YEAR / 2 t_ref[0] = tt p = c_localtime(t_ref), flavor='raw') tm_zone = rffi.charp2str(p.c_tm_zone) julyzone = -p.c_tm_gmtoff julyname = [" ", tm_zone][bool(tm_zone)] if janzone < julyzone: # DST is reversed in the southern hemisphere timezone = julyzone altzone = janzone daylight = int(janzone != julyzone) tzname = [julyname, janname] else: timezone = janzone altzone = julyzone daylight = int(janzone != julyzone) tzname = [janname, julyname] return timezone, daylight, tzname, altzone
def uname_llimpl(): l_utsbuf = lltype.malloc(UTSNAMEP.TO, flavor='raw') result = os_uname(l_utsbuf) if result == -1: raise OSError(rposix.get_errno(), "os_uname failed") retval = ( rffi.charp2str(rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, l_utsbuf.c_sysname)), rffi.charp2str(rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, l_utsbuf.c_nodename)), rffi.charp2str(rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, l_utsbuf.c_release)), rffi.charp2str(rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, l_utsbuf.c_version)), rffi.charp2str(rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, l_utsbuf.c_machine)), ), flavor='raw') return retval
def Py_CompileStringFlags(space, source, filename, start, flags): """Parse and compile the Python source code in str, returning the resulting code object. The start token is given by start; this can be used to constrain the code which can be compiled and should be Py_eval_input, Py_file_input, or Py_single_input. The filename specified by filename is used to construct the code object and may appear in tracebacks or SyntaxError exception messages. This returns NULL if the code cannot be parsed or compiled.""" source = rffi.charp2str(source) filename = rffi.charp2str(filename) if flags: raise OperationError(space.w_NotImplementedError, space.wrap( "cpyext Py_CompileStringFlags does not accept flags")) return compile_string(space, source, filename, start)
def __init__(self, getset, w_type): self.getset = getset = rffi.charp2str(getset.c_name) self.w_type = w_type doc = set = get = None if doc: doc = rffi.charp2str(getset.c_doc) if getset.c_get: get = GettersAndSetters.getter.im_func if getset.c_set: set = GettersAndSetters.setter.im_func GetSetProperty.__init__(self, get, set, None, doc, cls=None, use_closure=True, tag="cpyext_1")
def Py_CompileStringFlags(space, source, filename, start, flagsptr): """Parse and compile the Python source code in str, returning the resulting code object. The start token is given by start; this can be used to constrain the code which can be compiled and should be Py_eval_input, Py_file_input, or Py_single_input. The filename specified by filename is used to construct the code object and may appear in tracebacks or SyntaxError exception messages. This returns NULL if the code cannot be parsed or compiled.""" source = rffi.charp2str(source) filename = rffi.charp2str(filename) if flagsptr: flags = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, flagsptr.c_cf_flags) else: flags = 0 return compile_string(space, source, filename, start, flags)
def PyUnicode_AsEncodedObject(space, w_unicode, llencoding, llerrors): """Encode a Unicode object and return the result as Python object. encoding and errors have the same meaning as the parameters of the same name in the Unicode encode() method. The codec to be used is looked up using the Python codec registry. Return NULL if an exception was raised by the codec.""" if not PyUnicode_Check(space, w_unicode): PyErr_BadArgument(space) encoding = errors = None if llencoding: encoding = rffi.charp2str(llencoding) if llerrors: errors = rffi.charp2str(llerrors) return unicodetype.encode_object(space, w_unicode, encoding, errors)
def __init__(self, member, w_type): self.member = member = rffi.charp2str(member.c_name) self.w_type = w_type flags = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, member.c_flags) doc = set = None if member.c_doc: doc = rffi.charp2str(member.c_doc) get = GettersAndSetters.member_getter.im_func del_ = GettersAndSetters.member_delete.im_func if not (flags & structmemberdefs.READONLY): set = GettersAndSetters.member_setter.im_func GetSetProperty.__init__(self, get, set, del_, doc, cls=None, use_closure=True, tag="cpyext_2")
def _init_timezone(space): timezone = daylight = altzone = 0 tzname = ["", ""] if _WIN: c_tzset() timezone = c_get_timezone() altzone = timezone - 3600 daylight = c_get_daylight() tzname_ptr = c_get_tzname() tzname = rffi.charp2str(tzname_ptr[0]), rffi.charp2str(tzname_ptr[1]) if _POSIX: YEAR = (365 * 24 + 6) * 3600 t = ((c_time(lltype.nullptr(rffi.TIME_TP.TO))) / YEAR) * YEAR # we cannot have reference to stack variable, put it on the heap t_ref = lltype.malloc(rffi.TIME_TP.TO, 1, flavor="raw") t_ref[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.TIME_T, t) p = c_localtime(t_ref) janzone = -p.c_tm_gmtoff tm_zone = rffi.charp2str(p.c_tm_zone) janname = [" ", tm_zone][bool(tm_zone)] tt = t + YEAR / 2 t_ref[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.TIME_T, tt) p = c_localtime(t_ref), flavor="raw") tm_zone = rffi.charp2str(p.c_tm_zone) julyzone = -p.c_tm_gmtoff julyname = [" ", tm_zone][bool(tm_zone)] if janzone < julyzone: # DST is reversed in the southern hemisphere timezone = julyzone altzone = janzone daylight = int(janzone != julyzone) tzname = [julyname, janname] else: timezone = janzone altzone = julyzone daylight = int(janzone != julyzone) tzname = [janname, julyname] _set_module_object(space, "timezone", space.wrap(timezone)) _set_module_object(space, "daylight", space.wrap(daylight)) tzname_w = [space.wrap(tzname[0]), space.wrap(tzname[1])] _set_module_object(space, "tzname", space.newtuple(tzname_w)) _set_module_object(space, "altzone", space.wrap(altzone))
def convert_method_defs(space, dict_w, methods, w_type, w_self=None, name=None): w_name = space.wrap(name) methods = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(PyMethodDef), methods) if methods: i = -1 while True: i = i + 1 method = methods[i] if not method.c_ml_name: break methodname = rffi.charp2str(method.c_ml_name) flags = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, method.c_ml_flags) if w_type is None: if flags & METH_CLASS or flags & METH_STATIC: raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap("module functions cannot set METH_CLASS or METH_STATIC")) w_obj = space.wrap(W_PyCFunctionObject(space, method, w_self, w_name)) else: if methodname in dict_w and not (flags & METH_COEXIST): continue if flags & METH_CLASS: if flags & METH_STATIC: raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap("method cannot be both class and static")) #w_obj = PyDescr_NewClassMethod(space, w_type, method) w_obj = space.w_Ellipsis # XXX elif flags & METH_STATIC: w_func = PyCFunction_NewEx(space, method, None, None) w_obj = PyStaticMethod_New(space, w_func) else: w_obj = PyDescr_NewMethod(space, w_type, method) dict_w[methodname] = w_obj
def g(): l = rffi.liststr2charpp(["a", "b", "c"]) try: set_z(l) return rffi.charp2str(get_z()[2]) finally: rffi.free_charpp(l)
def PyString_InternFromString(space, string): """A combination of PyString_FromString() and PyString_InternInPlace(), returning either a new string object that has been interned, or a new ("owned") reference to an earlier interned string object with the same value.""" s = rffi.charp2str(string) return space.new_interned_str(s)
def PyRun_SimpleString(space, command): """This is a simplified interface to PyRun_SimpleStringFlags() below, leaving the PyCompilerFlags* argument set to NULL.""" command = rffi.charp2str(command) run_string(space, command, "<string>", Py_file_input, space.w_None, space.w_None) return 0
def PyUnicode_SetDefaultEncoding(space, encoding): """Sets the currently active default encoding. Returns 0 on success, -1 in case of an error.""" w_encoding = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(encoding)) setdefaultencoding(space, w_encoding) default_encoding[0] = "\x00" return 0
def peer_certificate(self, der=False): """peer_certificate([der=False]) -> certificate Returns the certificate for the peer. If no certificate was provided, returns None. If a certificate was provided, but not validated, returns an empty dictionary. Otherwise returns a dict containing information about the peer certificate. If the optional argument is True, returns a DER-encoded copy of the peer certificate, or None if no certificate was provided. This will return the certificate even if it wasn't validated.""" if not self.peer_cert: return if der: # return cert in DER-encoded format with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARPP.TO, 1) as buf_ptr: buf_ptr[0] = lltype.nullptr(rffi.CCHARP.TO) length = libssl_i2d_X509(self.peer_cert, buf_ptr) if length < 0: raise _ssl_seterror(, self, length) try: # this is actually an immutable bytes sequence return[0])) finally: libssl_OPENSSL_free(buf_ptr[0]) else: verification = libssl_SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode( libssl_SSL_get_SSL_CTX(self.ssl)) if not verification & SSL_VERIFY_PEER: return else: return _decode_certificate(, self.peer_cert)
def PyObject_HasAttrString(space, w_obj, name_ptr): try: name = rffi.charp2str(name_ptr) w_res = operation.hasattr(space, w_obj, space.wrap(name)) return space.is_true(w_res) except OperationError: return 0
def os_listdir_llimpl(path): if path and path[-1] not in ('/', '\\', ':'): path += '/' path += '*.*' filedata = lltype.malloc(WIN32_FIND_DATA, flavor='raw') try: result = [] hFindFile = FindFirstFile(path, filedata) if hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: error = GetLastError() if error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return result else: # XXX guess error code :-( raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "FindFirstFile failed") while True: name = rffi.charp2str(rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, filedata.c_cFileName)) if name != "." and name != "..": # skip these result.append(name) if not FindNextFile(hFindFile, filedata): break # FindNextFile sets error to ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES if # it got to the end of the directory error = GetLastError() FindClose(hFindFile) if error == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES: return result else: # XXX guess error code :-( raise OSError(errno.EIO, "FindNextFile failed") finally:, flavor='raw')
def gethost_common(hostname, hostent, addr=None): if not hostent: raise HSocketError(hostname) family = rffi.getintfield(hostent, 'c_h_addrtype') if addr is not None and != family: raise CSocketError(_c.EAFNOSUPPORT) h_aliases = hostent.c_h_aliases if h_aliases: # h_aliases can be NULL, according to SF #1511317 aliases = rffi.charpp2liststr(h_aliases) else: aliases = [] address_list = [] h_addr_list = hostent.c_h_addr_list i = 0 paddr = h_addr_list[0] while paddr: if family == AF_INET: p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(_c.in_addr), paddr) addr = INETAddress.from_in_addr(p) elif AF_INET6 is not None and family == AF_INET6: p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(_c.in6_addr), paddr) addr = INET6Address.from_in6_addr(p) else: raise RSocketError("unknown address family") address_list.append(addr) i += 1 paddr = h_addr_list[i] return (rffi.charp2str(hostent.c_h_name), aliases, address_list)
def EnumKey(space, w_hkey, index): """string = EnumKey(key, index) - Enumerates subkeys of an open registry key. key is an already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. index is an integer that identifies the index of the key to retrieve. The function retrieves the name of one subkey each time it is called. It is typically called repeatedly until an EnvironmentError exception is raised, indicating no more values are available.""" hkey = hkey_w(w_hkey, space) null_dword = lltype.nullptr(rwin32.LPDWORD.TO) # The Windows docs claim that the max key name length is 255 # characters, plus a terminating nul character. However, # empirical testing demonstrates that it is possible to # create a 256 character key that is missing the terminating # nul. RegEnumKeyEx requires a 257 character buffer to # retrieve such a key name. with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, 257) as buf: with lltype.scoped_alloc(rwin32.LPDWORD.TO, 1) as retValueSize: retValueSize[0] = r_uint(257) # includes NULL terminator ret = rwinreg.RegEnumKeyEx(hkey, index, buf, retValueSize, null_dword, None, null_dword, lltype.nullptr(rwin32.PFILETIME.TO)) if ret != 0: raiseWindowsError(space, ret, 'RegEnumKeyEx') return space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(buf))
def Py_DecRef(space, obj): if not obj: return assert lltype.typeOf(obj) == PyObject obj.c_ob_refcnt -= 1 if DEBUG_REFCOUNT: debug_refcount("DECREF", obj, obj.c_ob_refcnt, frame_stackdepth=3) if obj.c_ob_refcnt == 0: state = space.fromcache(RefcountState) ptr = rffi.cast(ADDR, obj) if ptr not in state.py_objects_r2w: # this is a half-allocated object, lets call the deallocator # without modifying the r2w/w2r dicts _Py_Dealloc(space, obj) else: w_obj = state.py_objects_r2w[ptr] del state.py_objects_r2w[ptr] w_type = space.type(w_obj) if not w_type.is_cpytype(): _Py_Dealloc(space, obj) del state.py_objects_w2r[w_obj] # if the object was a container for borrowed references state.delete_borrower(w_obj) else: if not we_are_translated() and obj.c_ob_refcnt < 0: message = "Negative refcount for obj %s with type %s" % ( obj, rffi.charp2str(obj.c_ob_type.c_tp_name)) print >>sys.stderr, message assert False, message
def get_msg(self): # this method may be patched below return rffi.charp2str(_c.gai_strerror(self.errno))
def _get_error_msg(): errno = rposix.get_errno() return rffi.charp2str(strerror(errno))
def test_open_mixer(): if RMix.OpenAudio(22050, RSDL.AUDIO_S16LSB, 2, 1024) != 0: error = rffi.charp2str(RSDL.GetError()) raise Exception(error) RMix.CloseAudio()
def __init__(self, space, ml, w_type): = space = ml = rffi.charp2str(ml.c_ml_name) self.w_objclass = w_type
def PyString_FromString(space, char_p): s = rffi.charp2str(char_p) return space.wrap(s)
def get_doc(self, space): doc = if doc: return space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(doc)) else: return space.w_None
def PyUnicode_FromString(space, s): """Create a Unicode object from an UTF-8 encoded null-terminated char buffer""" w_str = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(s)) return space.call_method(w_str, 'decode', space.wrap("utf-8"))
def w_convert_charp(self, space, data): if data: return self.w_convert(space, rffi.charp2str(data)) else: return space.w_None
def issuer(self): return
def ErrorString(space, code): """ErrorString(errno) -> string Returns string error for given number.""" return space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(XML_ErrorString(code)))
def getservbyport(port, proto=None): servent = _c.getservbyport(htons(port), proto) if not servent: raise RSocketError("port/proto not found") return rffi.charp2str(servent.c_s_name)
def __init__(self, space, ml, w_self, w_module=None): = ml = rffi.charp2str( self.w_self = w_self self.w_module = w_module
def GetProgramFullPath(self): impl = self.lib.getpointer("Py_GetProgramFullPath", [], libffi.ffi_type_pointer) return rffi.charp2str(
def server(self): return
def getaddrinfo(hostname, servname, family=_c.AF_UNSPEC, socktype=0, protocol=0, flags=0, address_to_fill=None): if not hostname and not servname: raise GAIError(EAI_NONAME) # error checks for hints if flags & ~AI_MASK: raise GAIError(EAI_BADFLAGS) if family not in (_c.AF_UNSPEC, _c.AF_INET): raise GAIError(EAI_FAMILY) if socktype == GAI_ANY: if protocol == GAI_ANY: pass elif protocol == _c.IPPROTO_UDP: socktype = _c.SOCK_DGRAM elif protocol == _c.IPPROTO_TCP: socktype = _c.SOCK_STREAM else: socktype = _c.SOCK_RAW elif socktype == _c.SOCK_RAW: pass elif socktype == _c.SOCK_DGRAM: if protocol not in (_c.IPPROTO_UDP, GAI_ANY): raise GAIError(EAI_BADHINTS) protocol = _c.IPPROTO_UDP elif socktype == _c.SOCK_STREAM: if protocol not in (_c.IPPROTO_TCP, GAI_ANY): raise GAIError(EAI_BADHINTS) protocol = _c.IPPROTO_TCP else: raise GAIError(EAI_SOCKTYPE) port = GAI_ANY # service port if servname: if str_isdigit(servname): port = _c.htons(int(servname)) # On windows, python2.3 uses getattrinfo.c, # python2.4 uses VC2003 implementation of getaddrinfo(). # if sys.version < (2, 4) # socktype = _c.SOCK_DGRAM # protocol = _c.IPPROTO_UDP else: if socktype == _c.SOCK_DGRAM: proto = "udp" elif socktype == _c.SOCK_STREAM: proto = "tcp" else: proto = None sp = _c.getservbyname(servname, proto) if not sp: raise GAIError(EAI_SERVICE) port = sp.c_s_port if socktype == GAI_ANY: s_proto = rffi.charp2str(sp.c_s_proto) if s_proto == "udp": socktype = _c.SOCK_DGRAM protocol = _c.IPPROTO_UDP elif s_proto == "tcp": socktype = _c.SOCK_STREAM protocol = _c.IPPROTO_TCP else: raise GAIError(EAI_PROTOCOL) # hostname == NULL # passive socket -> anyaddr ( or ::) # non-passive socket -> localhost ( or ::1) if not hostname: result = [] if family in (_c.AF_UNSPEC, _c.AF_INET): sin = rffi.make(_c.sockaddr_in) try: rffi.setintfield(sin, 'c_sin_family', _c.AF_INET) rffi.setintfield(sin, 'c_sin_port', port) if flags & _c.AI_PASSIVE: s_addr = 0x0 # addrany else: s_addr = 0x0100007f # loopback rffi.setintfield(sin.c_sin_addr, 'c_s_addr', s_addr) addr = make_address(rffi.cast(_c.sockaddr_ptr, sin), rffi.sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in), address_to_fill) result.append(( _c.AF_INET, socktype, protocol, "", # xxx canonname meaningless? "anyaddr" addr)) finally:, flavor='raw') if not result: raise GAIError(EAI_FAMILY) return result # hostname as numeric name if family in (_c.AF_UNSPEC, _c.AF_INET): packedaddr = _c.inet_addr(hostname) if packedaddr != rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, INADDR_NONE): v4a = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, _c.ntohl(packedaddr)) if (v4a & r_uint(0xf0000000) == r_uint(0xe0000000) or # IN_MULTICAST() v4a & r_uint(0xe0000000) == r_uint(0xe0000000)): # IN_EXPERIMENTAL() flags &= ~_c.AI_CANONNAME v4a >>= 24 # = IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT if v4a == r_uint(0) or v4a == r_uint(127): # = IN_LOOPBACKNET flags &= ~_c.AI_CANONNAME sin = rffi.make(_c.sockaddr_in) try: rffi.setintfield(sin, 'c_sin_family', _c.AF_INET) rffi.setintfield(sin, 'c_sin_port', port) rffi.setintfield(sin.c_sin_addr, 'c_s_addr', packedaddr) addr = make_address(rffi.cast(_c.sockaddr_ptr, sin), rffi.sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in), address_to_fill) finally:, flavor='raw') if not flags & _c.AI_CANONNAME: canonname = "" else: # getaddrinfo() is a name->address translation function, # and it looks strange that we do addr->name translation # here. # This is what python2.3 did on Windows: # if sys.version < (2, 4): # canonname = get_name(hostname, sin.sin_addr, # sizeof(_c.in_addr)) canonname = hostname return [(_c.AF_INET, socktype, protocol, canonname, addr)] if flags & _c.AI_NUMERICHOST: raise GAIError(EAI_NONAME) # hostname as alphabetical name result = get_addr(hostname, socktype, protocol, port, address_to_fill) if result: return result raise GAIError(EAI_FAIL)
def gai_strerror_str(errno): return rffi.charp2str(gai_strerror(errno))
def entry_point(argv): res = interp_pyexpat.XML_ErrorString(3) os.write(1, rffi.charp2str(res)) return 0
def PyErr_SetString(space, w_type, message_ptr): message = rffi.charp2str(message_ptr) PyErr_SetObject(space, w_type, space.wrap(message))
def print_cstr(s): ss = rffi.charp2str(s) os.write(1, ss) return True
def llimpl(fmt, x): res = ll_strtod(fmt, x) return rffi.charp2str(res)
def test_libintl(): if sys.platform != "darwin" or not sys.platform.startswith("linux"): py.test.skip("there is (maybe) no libintl here") _gettext = external('gettext', [rffi.CCHARP], rffi.CCHARP) res = _gettext("1234") assert rffi.charp2str(res) == "1234"
def w_string(space, buf, len=-1): #assert type(len) is int if len < 0: return space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(buf)) else: return space.wrap(rffi.charpsize2str(buf, len))