def render(self, gen): self.rendered = True gen.begin_class(self, self.super_class) for inter in self.interfaces: gen.implements(inter) for field, fielddef in self.fields.values(): gen.add_field(field) # Emit the constructor: gen.begin_constructor() # set default values for fields for field, f_default in self.fields.values(): if field.jtype is not jVoid: gen.load_jvm_var(self, 0) # load this ptr # load default value of field push_constant(gen.db, field.OOTYPE, f_default, gen) # store value into field gen.end_constructor() for method in self.methods.values(): method.render(gen) for method in self.abstract_methods.values(): gen.begin_j_function(self, method) gen.new_with_jtype(jPyPyAbstractMethodException) gen.throw() gen.end_function() gen.end_class()
def create_pointer(self, gen): if not self.value: TYPE = ootype.ROOT gen.push_null(TYPE) else: TYPE = self.value._TYPE push_constant(self.db, self.value._TYPE, self.value, gen) gen.create_weakref(TYPE)
def render(self, ilasm): if self.is_root(self.INSTANCE): return self.ilasm = ilasm self.gen = CLIBaseGenerator(self.db, ilasm) if self.namespace: ilasm.begin_namespace(self.namespace) ilasm.begin_class(, self.get_base_class(), abstract=self.is_abstract()) for f_name, (f_type, f_default) in self.INSTANCE._fields.iteritems(): cts_type = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(f_type) f_name = self.cts.escape_name(f_name) if cts_type != CTS.types.void: ilasm.field(f_name, cts_type) self._ctor() self._toString() for m_name, m_meth in self.INSTANCE._methods.iteritems(): if hasattr(m_meth, 'graph'): # if the first argument's type is not a supertype of # this class it means that this method this method is # not really used by the class: don't render it, else # there would be a type mismatch. args = m_meth.graph.getargs() SELF = args[0].concretetype if not ootype.isSubclass(self.INSTANCE, SELF): continue f = self.db.genoo.Function(self.db, m_meth.graph, m_name, is_method=True) f.render(ilasm) else: # abstract method METH = m_meth._TYPE arglist = [(self.cts.lltype_to_cts(ARG), 'v%d' % i) for i, ARG in enumerate(METH.ARGS) if ARG is not ootype.Void] returntype = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(METH.RESULT) ilasm.begin_function(m_name, arglist, returntype, False, 'virtual') #, 'abstract') ilasm.add_comment('abstract method') if isinstance(METH.RESULT, ootype.OOType): ilasm.opcode('ldnull') else: push_constant(self.db, METH.RESULT, 0, self.gen) ilasm.opcode('ret') ilasm.end_function() ilasm.end_class() if self.namespace: ilasm.end_namespace()
def create_pointer(self, gen): gen.prepare_cast_ptr_to_weak_address() if not self.value: TYPE = ootype.ROOT gen.push_null(TYPE) else: TYPE = self.value._TYPE push_constant(self.db, self.value._TYPE, self.value, gen) gen.finalize_cast_ptr_to_weak_address(TYPE)
def render(self, ilasm): if self.is_root(self.INSTANCE): return self.ilasm = ilasm self.gen = CLIBaseGenerator(self.db, ilasm) if self.namespace: ilasm.begin_namespace(self.namespace) ilasm.begin_class(, self.get_base_class(), abstract=self.is_abstract()) for f_name, (f_type, f_default) in self.INSTANCE._fields.iteritems(): cts_type = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(f_type) f_name = self.cts.escape_name(f_name) if cts_type != CTS.types.void: ilasm.field(f_name, cts_type) self._ctor() self._toString() for m_name, m_meth in self.INSTANCE._methods.iteritems(): if hasattr(m_meth, 'graph'): # if the first argument's type is not a supertype of # this class it means that this method this method is # not really used by the class: don't render it, else # there would be a type mismatch. args = m_meth.graph.getargs() SELF = args[0].concretetype ## if not ootype.isSubclass(self.INSTANCE, SELF): ## continue f = self.db.genoo.Function(self.db, m_meth.graph, m_name, is_method = True) f.render(ilasm) else: # abstract method METH = m_meth._TYPE arglist = [(self.cts.lltype_to_cts(ARG), 'v%d' % i) for i, ARG in enumerate(METH.ARGS) if ARG is not ootype.Void] returntype = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(METH.RESULT) ilasm.begin_function(m_name, arglist, returntype, False, 'virtual') #, 'abstract') ilasm.add_comment('abstract method') if isinstance(METH.RESULT, ootype.OOType): ilasm.opcode('ldnull') else: push_constant(self.db, METH.RESULT, METH.RESULT._defl(), self.gen) ilasm.opcode('ret') ilasm.end_function() ilasm.end_class() if self.namespace: ilasm.end_namespace()
def _check_for_void_dict(self, gen): KEYTYPE = self.value._TYPE._KEYTYPE keytype = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(KEYTYPE) keytype_T = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(self.value._TYPE.KEYTYPE_T) VALUETYPE = self.value._TYPE._VALUETYPE valuetype = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(VALUETYPE) valuetype_T = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(self.value._TYPE.VALUETYPE_T) if VALUETYPE is ootype.Void: gen.add_comment(' CLI Dictionary w/ void value') class_name = PYPY_DICT_OF_VOID % keytype for key in self.value._dict: gen.ilasm.opcode('dup') push_constant(self.db, KEYTYPE, key, gen) meth = 'void class %s::ll_set(%s)' % (class_name, keytype_T) gen.ilasm.call_method(meth, False) return True return False
def _ctor(self): self.ilasm.begin_function('.ctor', [], 'void', False, 'specialname', 'rtspecialname', 'instance') self.ilasm.opcode('ldarg.0')'instance void %s::.ctor()' % self.get_base_class()) # set default values for fields default_values = self.INSTANCE._fields.copy() default_values.update(self.INSTANCE._overridden_defaults) for f_name, (F_TYPE, f_default) in default_values.iteritems(): INSTANCE_DEF, _ = self.INSTANCE._lookup_field(f_name) cts_type = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(F_TYPE) f_name = self.cts.escape_name(f_name) if cts_type != 'void': self.ilasm.opcode('ldarg.0') push_constant(self.db, F_TYPE, f_default, self.gen) class_name = self.db.class_name(INSTANCE_DEF) self.ilasm.set_field((cts_type, class_name, f_name)) self.ilasm.opcode('ret') self.ilasm.end_function()
def _ctor(self): self.ilasm.begin_function('.ctor', [], 'void', False, 'specialname', 'rtspecialname', 'instance') self.ilasm.opcode('ldarg.0')'instance void %s::.ctor()' % self.get_base_class()) # set default values for fields default_values = self.INSTANCE._fields.copy() default_values.update(self.INSTANCE._overridden_defaults) for f_name, (F_TYPE, f_default) in default_values.iteritems(): if getattr(F_TYPE, '_is_value_type', False): continue # we can't set it to null INSTANCE_DEF, _ = self.INSTANCE._lookup_field(f_name) cts_type = self.cts.lltype_to_cts(F_TYPE) f_name = self.cts.escape_name(f_name) if cts_type != CTS.types.void: self.ilasm.opcode('ldarg.0') push_constant(self.db, F_TYPE, f_default, self.gen) class_name = self.db.class_name(INSTANCE_DEF) self.ilasm.set_field((cts_type, class_name, f_name)) self.ilasm.opcode('ret') self.ilasm.end_function()
def load(self, value): if isinstance(value, flowmodel.Variable): jty, idx = self._var_data(value) return self.load_jvm_var(jty, idx) if isinstance(value, SubOperation): return render_sub_op(value, self.db, self) if isinstance(value, flowmodel.Constant): return push_constant(self.db, value.concretetype, value.value, self) raise Exception('Unexpected type for v in load(): '+ repr(value.concretetype) + " v=" + repr(value))
def initialize_data(self, constgen, gen): if self.value is not None: push_constant(self.db, self.value._TYPE, self.value, gen) gen.ilasm.call_method('void %s::ll_set(object)' % self.get_type(), True) return True
def load(self, v): if isinstance(v, flowmodel.Constant): push_constant(self.db, v.concretetype, v.value, self) else: assert False