def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QSplitter.__init__(self, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) self.ctrlPanel = QtGui.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) self.addWidget(self.ctrlPanel) self.fieldList = QtGui.QListWidget() self.fieldList.setSelectionMode(self.fieldList.ExtendedSelection) self.ptree = ptree.ParameterTree(showHeader=False) self.filter = DataFilterParameter() self.colorMap = ColorMapParameter() self.params = ptree.Parameter.create(name='params', type='group', children=[self.filter, self.colorMap]) self.ptree.setParameters(self.params, showTop=False) self.plot = PlotWidget() self.ctrlPanel.addWidget(self.fieldList) self.ctrlPanel.addWidget(self.ptree) self.addWidget(self.plot) bg = pg.mkColor(pg.getConfigOption('background')) bg.setAlpha(150) self.filterText = pg.TextItem(border=pg.getConfigOption('foreground'), color=bg) self.filterText.setPos(60,20) self.filterText.setParentItem(self.plot.plotItem) = None self.mouseOverField = None self.scatterPlot = None = dict(pen=None, symbol='o') self.fieldList.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.fieldSelectionChanged) self.filter.sigFilterChanged.connect(self.filterChanged) self.colorMap.sigColorMapChanged.connect(self.updatePlot)
def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QSplitter.__init__(self, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) self.ctrlPanel = QtGui.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) self.addWidget(self.ctrlPanel) self.fieldList = QtGui.QListWidget() self.fieldList.setSelectionMode(self.fieldList.ExtendedSelection) self.ptree = ptree.ParameterTree(showHeader=False) self.filter = DataFilterParameter() self.colorMap = ColorMapParameter() self.params = ptree.Parameter.create(name="params", type="group", children=[self.filter, self.colorMap]) self.ptree.setParameters(self.params, showTop=False) self.plot = PlotWidget() self.ctrlPanel.addWidget(self.fieldList) self.ctrlPanel.addWidget(self.ptree) self.addWidget(self.plot) bg = pg.mkColor(pg.getConfigOption("background")) bg.setAlpha(150) self.filterText = pg.TextItem(border=pg.getConfigOption("foreground"), color=bg) self.filterText.setPos(60, 20) self.filterText.setParentItem(self.plot.plotItem) = None self.mouseOverField = None self.scatterPlot = None = dict(pen=None, symbol="o") self.fieldList.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.fieldSelectionChanged) self.filter.sigFilterChanged.connect(self.filterChanged) self.colorMap.sigColorMapChanged.connect(self.updatePlot)
def test_config(self): '''Test PyQtGraph configurations edited with RENDERING''' state = qt_config.RENDERING['useOpenGL'] self.assertEquals(state, pg.getConfigOption('useOpenGL')) qt_config.RENDERING['useOpenGL'] = not state self.assertEquals(not state, pg.getConfigOption('useOpenGL')) qt_config.RENDERING['useOpenGL'] = state
def test_ensuring_substrate(): prev_setting = pg.getConfigOption("useCupy") try: pg.setConfigOption("useCupy", True) ii = pg.ImageItem() data = cupy.random.randint(0, 255, size=(32, 32)).astype(cupy.uint8) assert data is ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, cupy) assert isinstance(ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, cupy), cupy.ndarray) assert data is not ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, np) assert isinstance(ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, np), np.ndarray) data = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(32, 32)).astype(np.uint8) assert data is ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, np) assert isinstance(ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, np), np.ndarray) assert data is not ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, cupy) assert isinstance(ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, cupy), cupy.ndarray) data = range(0, 255) assert data is not ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, np) assert isinstance(ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, np), np.ndarray) assert data is not ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, cupy) assert isinstance(ii._ensure_proper_substrate(data, cupy), cupy.ndarray) finally: pg.setConfigOption("useCupy", prev_setting)
def generatePicture(self): self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() if self.pen is None or self.pos is None or self.adjacency is None: return p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) pen = self.pen if pen == 'default': pen = getConfigOption('foreground') p.setPen(fn.mkPen((165, 42, 42), width=3)) pts = self.pos[self.adjacency] pts = pts.reshape((pts.shape[0] * pts.shape[1], pts.shape[2])) x = pts[:, 0] y = pts[:, 1] path = QtGui.QPainterPath() path.moveTo(x[0], y[0]) for i in range(1, y.shape[0]): if i % 2 != 0: c1x = x[i - 1] + 0.4 * (x[i] - x[i - 1]) c1y = y[i - 1] + 0.05 * (y[i] - y[i - 1]) c2x = x[i] + 0.2 * (x[i] - x[i - 1]) c2y = y[i] - 0.5 * (y[i] - y[i - 1]) c1 = pg.QtCore.QPointF(c1x, c1y) c2 = pg.QtCore.QPointF(c2x, c2y) endPoint = pg.QtCore.QPointF(x[i], y[i]) path.cubicTo(c1, c2, endPoint) else: path.moveTo(x[i], y[i]) p.drawPath(path)
def generatePicture(self): self.picture = pg.QtGui.QPicture() if self.pen is None or self.pos is None or self.adjacency is None: return p = pg.QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) try: pts = self.pos[self.adjacency] pen = self.pen if isinstance(pen, np.ndarray): lastPen = None for i in range(pts.shape[0]): pen = self.pen[i] if np.any(pen != lastPen): lastPen = pen if pen.dtype.fields is None: p.setPen(pg.mkPen(color=(pen[0], pen[1], pen[2], pen[3]), width=1)) else: p.setPen(pg.mkPen(color=(pen['red'], pen['green'], pen['blue'], pen['alpha']), width=pen['width'])) p.drawLine(pg.QtCore.QPointF(*pts[i][0]), pg.QtCore.QPointF(*pts[i][1])) else: if pen == 'default': pen = pg.getConfigOption('foreground') p.setPen(pg.mkPen(pen)) pts = pts.reshape((pts.shape[0]*pts.shape[1], pts.shape[2])) path = fn.arrayToQPath(x=pts[:,0], y=pts[:,1], connect='pairs') p.drawPath(path) finally: p.end()
def __init__(self, parent=None, useOpenGL=None, background='k'): """Re-implementation of QGraphicsView that removes scrollbars and allows unambiguous control of the viewed coordinate range. Also automatically creates a QGraphicsScene and a central QGraphicsWidget that is automatically scaled to the full view geometry. By default, the view coordinate system matches the widget's pixel coordinates and automatically updates when the view is resized. This can be overridden by setting autoPixelRange=False. The exact visible range can be set with setRange(). The view can be panned using the middle mouse button and scaled using the right mouse button if enabled via enableMouse() (but ordinarily, we use ViewBox for this functionality).""" self.closed = False QtGui.QGraphicsView.__init__(self, parent) if useOpenGL is None: useOpenGL = pyqtgraph.getConfigOption('useOpenGL') self.useOpenGL(useOpenGL) self.setCacheMode(self.CacheBackground) if background is not None: brush = fn.mkBrush(background) self.setBackgroundBrush(brush) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus) self.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.NoFrame) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setTransformationAnchor(QtGui.QGraphicsView.NoAnchor) self.setResizeAnchor(QtGui.QGraphicsView.AnchorViewCenter) self.setViewportUpdateMode(QtGui.QGraphicsView.MinimalViewportUpdate) #self.setSceneRect(QtCore.QRectF(-1e10, -1e10, 2e10, 2e10)) self.lockedViewports = [] self.lastMousePos = None self.setMouseTracking(True) self.aspectLocked = False #self.yInverted = True self.range = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1) self.autoPixelRange = True self.currentItem = None self.clearMouse() self.updateMatrix() self.sceneObj = GraphicsScene() self.setScene(self.sceneObj) ## by default we set up a central widget with a grid layout. ## this can be replaced if needed. self.centralWidget = None self.setCentralItem(QtGui.QGraphicsWidget()) self.centralLayout = QtGui.QGraphicsGridLayout() self.centralWidget.setLayout(self.centralLayout) self.mouseEnabled = False self.scaleCenter = False ## should scaling center around view center (True) or mouse click (False) self.clickAccepted = False
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """ Accepts the same arguments as setData() """ prof = debug.Profiler('ScatterPlotItem.__init__', disabled=True) GraphicsObject.__init__(self) self.picture = None # QPicture used for rendering when pxmode==False self.fragments = None # fragment specification for pxmode; updated every time the view changes. self.fragmentAtlas = SymbolAtlas() = np.empty(0, dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('size', float), ('symbol', object), ('pen', object), ('brush', object), ('data', object), ('fragCoords', object), ('item', object)]) self.bounds = [None, None] ## caches data bounds self._maxSpotWidth = 0 ## maximum size of the scale-variant portion of all spots self._maxSpotPxWidth = 0 ## maximum size of the scale-invariant portion of all spots self.opts = { 'pxMode': True, 'useCache': True, ## If useCache is False, symbols are re-drawn on every paint. 'antialias': pg.getConfigOption('antialias'), } self.setPen(200,200,200, update=False) self.setBrush(100,100,150, update=False) self.setSymbol('o', update=False) self.setSize(7, update=False) prof.mark('1') self.setData(*args, **kargs) prof.mark('setData') prof.finish()
def paint(self, p, *args, **kwargs): if self.picture == None: self.generatePicture() if pg.getConfigOption("antialias") is True: print("setting antialias") p.setRenderHint(True)
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """ Forwards all arguments to :func:`setData <pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem.setData>`. Some extra arguments are accepted as well: ============== ======================================================= **Arguments:** parent The parent GraphicsObject (optional) clickable If True, the item will emit sigClicked when it is clicked on. Defaults to False. ============== ======================================================= """ GraphicsObject.__init__(self, kargs.get('parent', None)) self.clear() self.path = None self.fillPath = None self._boundsCache = [None, None] ## this is disastrous for performance. #self.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.DeviceCoordinateCache) self.metaData = {} self.opts = { 'pen': fn.mkPen('w'), 'shadowPen': None, 'fillLevel': None, 'brush': None, 'stepMode': False, 'name': None, 'antialias': pg.getConfigOption('antialias'), } self.setClickable(kargs.get('clickable', False)) self.setData(*args, **kargs)
def update(antialias=pg.getConfigOption('antialias'), connect='all', skipFiniteCheck=False): global curve, data, ptr, elapsed, fpsLastUpdate if connect == 'array': connect = connect_array # Measure t_start = perf_counter() curve.setData(data[ptr], antialias=antialias, connect=connect, skipFiniteCheck=skipFiniteCheck) app.processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.ProcessEventsFlag.AllEvents) t_end = perf_counter() elapsed.append(t_end - t_start) ptr = (ptr + 1) % data.shape[0] # update fps at most once every 0.2 secs if t_end - fpsLastUpdate > 0.2: fpsLastUpdate = t_end average = np.mean(elapsed) fps = 1 / average pw.setTitle('%0.2f fps - %0.1f ms avg' % (fps, average * 1_000))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) GraphicsObject.__init__(self) self.qpicture = None ## rendered picture for display self.axisOrder = getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') if 'edgecolors' in kwargs.keys(): self.edgecolors = kwargs['edgecolors'] else: self.edgecolors = None if 'antialiasing' in kwargs.keys(): self.antialiasing = kwargs['antialiasing'] else: self.antialiasing = False if 'cmap' in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs['cmap'] in Gradients.keys(): self.cmap = kwargs['cmap'] else: raise NameError( 'Undefined colormap, should be one of the following: ' + ', '.join(['"' + i + '"' for i in Gradients.keys()]) + '.') else: self.cmap = 'viridis' # If some data have been sent we directly display it if len(args) > 0: self.setData(*args) self.levels = None
def test_init_spots(): plot = pg.PlotWidget() # set view range equal to its bounding rect. # This causes plots to look the same regardless of pxMode. plot.setRange(rect=plot.boundingRect()) spots = [ {'x': 0, 'y': 1}, {'pos': (1, 2), 'pen': None, 'brush': None, 'data': 'zzz'}, ] s = pg.ScatterPlotItem(spots=spots) # Check we can display without errors plot.addItem(s) app.processEvents() plot.clear() # check data is correct spots = s.points() defPen = pg.mkPen(pg.getConfigOption('foreground')) assert spots[0].pos().x() == 0 assert spots[0].pos().y() == 1 assert spots[0].pen() == defPen assert spots[0].data() is None assert spots[1].pos().x() == 1 assert spots[1].pos().y() == 2 assert spots[1].pen() == pg.mkPen(None) assert spots[1].brush() == pg.mkBrush(None) assert spots[1].data() == 'zzz'
def test_getArrayRegion(transpose=False): pr = pg.PolyLineROI([[0, 0], [27, 0], [0, 28]], closed=True) pr.setPos(1, 1) rois = [ (pg.ROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'baseroi'), (pg.RectROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'rectroi'), (pg.EllipseROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'ellipseroi'), (pr, 'polylineroi'), ] for roi, name in rois: # For some ROIs, resize should not be used. testResize = not isinstance(roi, pg.PolyLineROI) origMode = pg.getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') try: if transpose: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='row-major') check_getArrayRegion(roi, 'roi/' + name, testResize, transpose=True) else: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='col-major') check_getArrayRegion(roi, 'roi/' + name, testResize) finally: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=origMode)
def test_init_spots(): spots = [ { 'x': 0, 'y': 1 }, { 'pos': (1, 2), 'pen': None, 'brush': None, 'data': 'zzz' }, ] s = pg.ScatterPlotItem(spots=spots) # Check we can display without errors plot.addItem(s) app.processEvents() plot.clear() # check data is correct spots = s.points() defPen = pg.mkPen(pg.getConfigOption('foreground')) assert spots[0].pos().x() == 0 assert spots[0].pos().y() == 1 assert spots[0].pen() == defPen assert spots[0].data() is None assert spots[1].pos().x() == 1 assert spots[1].pos().y() == 2 assert spots[1].pen() == pg.mkPen(None) assert spots[1].brush() == pg.mkBrush(None) assert spots[1].data() == 'zzz'
def test_init_spots(): spots = [ {'x': 0, 'y': 1}, {'pos': (1, 2), 'pen': None, 'brush': None, 'data': 'zzz'}, ] s = pg.ScatterPlotItem(spots=spots) # Check we can display without errors plot.addItem(s) app.processEvents() plot.clear() # check data is correct spots = s.points() defPen = pg.mkPen(pg.getConfigOption('foreground')) assert spots[0].pos().x() == 0 assert spots[0].pos().y() == 1 assert spots[0].pen() == defPen assert spots[0].data() is None assert spots[1].pos().x() == 1 assert spots[1].pos().y() == 2 assert spots[1].pen() == pg.mkPen(None) assert spots[1].brush() == pg.mkBrush(None) assert spots[1].data() == 'zzz'
def set_style(self, style=None): """PgUserAxisItem의 모양을 설정한다. Args: style : Dict형태로 모양을 입력한다. {'font_family': 'Courier New', 'label_font_size': 15, 'tick_font_size': 15, 'tick_thickness': 2, 'tickTextOffset': 10} """ if style is None: return if "tick_thickness" in style: self.setPen(pg.getConfigOption("foreground"), width=style["tick_thickness"]) if "tickTextOffset" in style: self.setStyle(tickTextOffset=style["tickTextOffset"]) if "font_family" in style and "tick_font_size" in style: self.setTickFont( QFont(style["font_family"], style["tick_font_size"])) elif "font_family" in style: self.setTickFont(QFont(style["font_family"])) elif "tick_font_size" in style: self.setTickFont(QFont("Courier New", style["tick_font_size"])) if "font_family" in style and "label_font_size" in style: self.label.setFont( QFont(style["font_family"], style["label_font_size"])) elif "font_family" in style: self.label.setFont(QFont(style["font_family"])) elif "label_font_size" in style: self.label.setFont(QFont("Courier New", style["label_font_size"]))
def __init__( self, *, x: np.ndarray = None, y: np.ndarray = None, z: np.ndarray = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() self.qpicture: Optional[QPicture] = None self.axisOrder = getConfigOption("imageAxisOrder") self.edgecolors = kwargs.get("edgecolors", None) self.antialiasing = kwargs.get("antialiasing", False) # set up colormap if "cmap" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["cmap"] in cc_cmaps: cmap = kwargs["cmap"] else: raise NameError( "Undefined colormap, should be one of the following: " + ", ".join([f'"{i}"' for i in cc_cmaps]) # TODO: make this legible + "." ) else: cmap = "fire" lut = cc.palette[cmap] lut = [QColor(*hex2uint8(v)) for v in lut] self.lut = lut # set up data self.setData(x, y, z)
def __init__(self, image=None, **kargs): """ See :func:`setImage <pyqtgraph.ImageItem.setImage>` for all allowed initialization arguments. """ GraphicsObject.__init__(self) = None self.image = None ## original image data self.qimage = None ## rendered image for display self.paintMode = None self.levels = None ## [min, max] or [[redMin, redMax], ...] self.lut = None self.autoDownsample = False self.axisOrder = getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') # In some cases, we use a modified lookup table to handle both rescaling # and LUT more efficiently self._effectiveLut = None self.drawKernel = None self.border = None self.removable = False if image is not None: self.setImage(image, **kargs) else: self.setOpts(**kargs)
def __init__(self, size, width=5, brush=None, pen=None, suffix='m', offset=None): GraphicsObject.__init__(self) GraphicsWidgetAnchor.__init__(self) self.setFlag(self.ItemHasNoContents) self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) if brush is None: brush = getConfigOption('foreground') self.brush = fn.mkBrush(brush) self.pen = fn.mkPen(pen) self._width = width self.size = size if offset == None: offset = (0, 0) self.offset = offset = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem() self.text = TextItem(text=fn.siFormat(size, suffix=suffix), anchor=(0.5, 1), angle=90, color=(0, 0, 0)) self.text.setParentItem(self)
def update_plot(self): point = self.trace_attrs['Point'] symbol = point['symbol'] if symbol == 'None': symbol = None point = { 'symbol': symbol, 'symbolSize': point['Size'], 'symbolBrush': tuple(point['Brush']) } line = self.trace_attrs['Line'] width = line['width'] line = {'color': line['color'], 'style': line_styles[line['style']]} if pg.getConfigOption('useOpenGL'): line['width'] = width pen = pg.mkPen(**line) if 'Fill' in self.trace_attrs and self.trace_attrs['Fill'][ 'Fill Annotation']: point['fillBrush'] = tuple(self.trace_attrs['Fill']['Brush']) point['fillLevel'] = 0 if self.trace is None: self.trace = self.plot_view.plot([0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 0, 0], pen=pen, **point) else: self.trace.setData([0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 0, 0], pen=pen, **point) self.attrs = {'pen': pen, 'point': point}
def paint(self, p, *args): if self.path is None: self.drawPath() pen = self.opts['pen'] if pen is None: pen = pg.getConfigOption('foreground') p.setPen(pg.mkPen(pen)) p.drawPath(self.path)
def test_ImageItem_axisorder(): # All image tests pass again using the opposite axis order origMode = pg.getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') altMode = 'row-major' if origMode == 'col-major' else 'col-major' pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=altMode) try: test_ImageItem(transpose=True) finally: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=origMode)
def rowmajor_axisorder(): """ Context manager that sets the PyQtGraph image axis order to row-major. The environment is reset to the initial value after context close. """ old_image_axis_order = pg.getConfigOption("imageAxisOrder") pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder="row-major") yield pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=old_image_axis_order)
def __init__(self, parent=None, scaled=False): QtOpenGL.QGLWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.scaled = scaled self.image = None self.uploaded = False self.smooth = False self.opts = None self.row_major = getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') == 'row-major' self.texture = None
def stackItemDblClicked(self, item): editor = self.editor if editor is None: editor = pg.getConfigOption("editorCommand") if editor is None: return tb = self.currentFrame() lineNum = tb.tb_lineno fileName = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename subprocess.Popen(self.editor.format(fileName=fileName, lineNum=lineNum), shell=True)
def setLut(self, lut): """ Sets the lookup table to the image item. :param ndarray Array: an N x 3 array. """ logger.debug("------ setLut called") assertIsLut(lut) pgVersionInfo = versionStrToTuple(pg.__version__) if pgVersionInfo < (0, 11): if not isExtended(lut): # The lookup table in the imageItem must be extended. See extentLut doc string logger.debug( "Side effect: duplicating last item of LUT in image item.") extendedLut = extentLut(lut) else: # The lookup table in the imageItem already is extended. Draw the original extendedLut = lut lut = np.copy(lut[0:-1, :]) assert len(lut) == len(extendedLut) - 1, "Sanity check" else: extendedLut = lut if self._imageItem: logger.debug("Setting image item to extended lut") self._imageItem.setLookupTable(extendedLut) # Draw a color scale that shows the LUT. barWidth = 1 imgAxOrder = pg.getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') if imgAxOrder == 'col-major': lutImg = np.ones(shape=(barWidth, len(lut), 3), dtype=lut.dtype) lutImg[...] = lut[np.newaxis, :, :] elif imgAxOrder == 'row-major': lutImg = np.ones(shape=(len(lut), barWidth, 3), dtype=lut.dtype) lutImg[...] = lut[:, np.newaxis, :] else: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected imageAxisOrder config value: {}".format( imgAxOrder)) logger.debug("lutImg.shape: {}".format(lutImg.shape)) self.colorScaleImageItem.setImage(lutImg) yRange = [0, len(lut)] logger.debug("Setting colorScaleViewBox yrange to: {}".format(yRange)) # Do not set disableAutoRange to True in setRange; it triggers 'one last' auto range. # This is why the viewBox' autorange must be False at construction. self.colorScaleViewBox.setRange(xRange=[0, barWidth], yRange=yRange, padding=0.0, update=False, disableAutoRange=False)
def setBackground(self, background): """ Set the background color of the GraphicsView. To use the defaults specified py pyqtgraph.setConfigOption, use background='default'. To make the background transparent, use background=None. """ self._background = background if background == 'default': background = pyqtgraph.getConfigOption('background') brush = fn.mkBrush(background) self.setBackgroundBrush(brush)
def stackItemDblClicked(self, item): editor = self.editor if editor is None: editor = pg.getConfigOption('editorCommand') if editor is None: return tb = self.currentFrame() lineNum = tb.tb_lineno fileName = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename subprocess.Popen(self.editor.format(fileName=fileName, lineNum=lineNum), shell=True)
def setPen(self, pen): """ Set the pen used for drawing text, axes, ticks, and grid lines. if pen == None, the default will be used (see :func:`setConfigOption <pyqtgraph.setConfigOption>`) """ self._pen = pen self.picture = None if pen is None: pen = pg.getConfigOption('foreground') self.labelStyle['color'] = '#' + pg.colorStr(pg.mkPen(pen).color())[:6] self.setLabel() self.update()
def setPen(self, pen): """ Set the pen used for drawing text, axes, ticks, and grid lines. if pen == None, the default will be used (see :func:`setConfigOption <pyqtgraph.setConfigOption>`) """ self._pen = pen self.picture = None if pen is None: pen = pg.getConfigOption("foreground") self.labelStyle["color"] = "#" + pg.colorStr(pg.mkPen(pen).color())[:6] self.setLabel() self.update()
def __init__(self, parent=None): pg.QtGui.QSplitter.__init__(self, pg.QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) self.ctrlPanel = pg.QtGui.QSplitter(pg.QtCore.Qt.Vertical) self.addWidget(self.ctrlPanel) self.fieldList = pg.QtGui.QListWidget() self.fieldList.setSelectionMode(self.fieldList.ExtendedSelection) self.ptree = pg.parametertree.ParameterTree(showHeader=False) self.filter = DataFilterParameter() self.colorMap = ColorMapParameter() = StyleMapParameter() self.params = pg.parametertree.Parameter.create(name='params', type='group', children=[self.filter, self.colorMap,]) self.ptree.setParameters(self.params, showTop=False) self.plot = PlotWidget() self.ctrlPanel.addWidget(self.fieldList) self.ctrlPanel.addWidget(self.ptree) self.addWidget(self.plot) fg = pg.mkColor(pg.getConfigOption('foreground')) fg.setAlpha(150) self.filterText = pg.TextItem(border=pg.getConfigOption('foreground'), color=fg) self.filterText.setPos(60,20) self.filterText.setParentItem(self.plot.plotItem) = None self.indices = None self.mouseOverField = None self.scatterPlot = None self.selectionScatter = None self.selectedIndices = [] self._visibleXY = None # currently plotted points self._visibleData = None # currently plotted records self._visibleIndices = None self._indexMap = None self.fieldList.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.fieldSelectionChanged) self.filter.sigFilterChanged.connect(self.filterChanged) self.colorMap.sigColorMapChanged.connect(self.updatePlot)
def getCupy(): if getConfigOption("useCupy"): try: import cupy except ImportError: warn("cupy library could not be loaded, but 'useCupy' is set.") return None if == "nt" and cupy.cuda.runtime.runtimeGetVersion() < 11000: warn( "In Windows, CUDA toolkit should be version 11 or higher, or some functions may misbehave." ) return cupy else: return None
def setBackground(self, background): """ Set the background color of the GraphicsView. To use the defaults specified py pyqtgraph.setConfigOption, use background='default'. To make the background transparent, use background=None. """ self._background = background if background == "default": background = pyqtgraph.getConfigOption("background") if background is None: self.setBackgroundRole(QtGui.QPalette.NoRole) else: brush = fn.mkBrush(background) self.setBackgroundBrush(brush)
def __init__(self, size, val=-1, width=5, brush=None, pen=None, suffix='px', offset=None): """ Displays a rectangular bar to indicate the relative scale of objects on the view. Args: size (float): The width of the scalebar in view pixels. Keyword Args: val (float): The value displayed in the scalebar text label. width (int): The width of the scale bar rectangle. brush pen suffix (str): The units displayed in the scalebar text label. offset (int tuple): """ pg.GraphicsObject.__init__(self) pg.GraphicsWidgetAnchor.__init__(self) self.setFlag(self.ItemHasNoContents) self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) if brush is None: brush = pg.getConfigOption('foreground') self.brush = pg.fn.mkBrush(brush) self.pen = pg.fn.mkPen(pen) self._width = width self.size = size if offset is None: offset = (0, 0) self.offset = offset = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem() if val == -1: val = size self.text = pg.TextItem(text=pg.fn.siFormat(val, suffix=suffix), anchor=(0.5, 1)) self.text.setParentItem(self)
def add_param_tree(self): self.ptree = ptree.ParameterTree(showHeader=False) self.filter = DataFilterParameter() params = ptree.Parameter.create(name='params', type='group', children=[self.filter]) self.ptree.setParameters(params, showTop=False) self.filter_layout.addWidget(self.ptree) self.filterText = TextItem(border=getConfigOption('foreground')) self.filterText.setPos(60, 20) self.filterText.setParentItem(self.plot.plotItem) self.filter.sigFilterChanged.connect(self.filterChanged) self.filter.setFields([('butterFilter', {'units': 'Hz'})])
def test_useCupy_can_be_set_after_init(): prev_setting = pg.getConfigOption("useCupy") try: pg.setConfigOption("useCupy", False) w = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() view = pg.ViewBox() w.setCentralWidget(view) w.resize(200, 200) img = cupy.random.randint(0, 255, size=(32, 32)).astype(cupy.uint8) ii = pg.ImageItem() view.addItem(ii) pg.setConfigOption("useCupy", True) ii.setImage(img) w.hide() finally: pg.setConfigOption("useCupy", prev_setting)
def __init__(self, size, width=5, brush=None, pen=None, suffix='m'): GraphicsObject.__init__(self) GraphicsWidgetAnchor.__init__(self) self.setFlag(self.ItemHasNoContents) self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) if brush is None: brush = pg.getConfigOption('foreground') self.brush = fn.mkBrush(brush) self.pen = fn.mkPen(pen) self._width = width self.size = size = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem() self.text = TextItem(text=fn.siFormat(size, suffix=suffix), anchor=(0.5,1)) self.text.setParentItem(self)
def change_width(self, size): """ Change the width of every plot data item rendered on the plot. This currently does not include uncertainty indicators. Notes ----- Enabling a width greater than 1 will automatically enable opengl and use the user's gpu to render the plot. If the user has not set the global pyqtgraph opengl option to true, opengl will be disabled when the user returns the size to 1. Parameters ---------- size : int The new width of the rendered lines. """ if not pg.getConfigOption('useOpenGL'): self.useOpenGL(True if size > 1 else False) for item in self.items(): if isinstance(item, PlotDataItem): item.width = size
def test_getArrayRegion(transpose=False): pr = pg.PolyLineROI([[0, 0], [27, 0], [0, 28]], closed=True) pr.setPos(1, 1) rois = [ (pg.ROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'baseroi'), (pg.RectROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'rectroi'), (pg.EllipseROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'ellipseroi'), (pr, 'polylineroi'), ] for roi, name in rois: # For some ROIs, resize should not be used. testResize = not isinstance(roi, pg.PolyLineROI) origMode = pg.getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') try: if transpose: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='row-major') check_getArrayRegion(roi, 'roi/'+name, testResize, transpose=True) else: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='col-major') check_getArrayRegion(roi, 'roi/'+name, testResize) finally: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=origMode)
def setText(self, text, **args): """Set the text and text properties in the label. Accepts optional arguments for auto-generating a CSS style string: ==================== ============================== **Style Arguments:** color (str) example: 'CCFF00' size (str) example: '8pt' bold (bool) italic (bool) ==================== ============================== """ self.text = text opts = self.opts for k in args: opts[k] = args[k] optlist = [] color = self.opts['color'] if color is None: color = pg.getConfigOption('foreground') color = fn.mkColor(color) optlist.append('color: #' + fn.colorStr(color)[:6]) if 'size' in opts: optlist.append('font-size: ' + opts['size']) if 'bold' in opts and opts['bold'] in [True, False]: optlist.append('font-weight: ' + {True:'bold', False:'normal'}[opts['bold']]) if 'italic' in opts and opts['italic'] in [True, False]: optlist.append('font-style: ' + {True:'italic', False:'normal'}[opts['italic']]) full = "<span style='%s'>%s</span>" % ('; '.join(optlist), text) #print full self.item.setHtml(full) self.updateMin() self.resizeEvent(None) self.updateGeometry()
def paint(self, p, opt, widget): prof = debug.Profiler('PlotCurveItem.paint '+str(id(self)), disabled=True) if self.xData is None: return if HAVE_OPENGL and pg.getConfigOption('enableExperimental') and isinstance(widget, QtOpenGL.QGLWidget): self.paintGL(p, opt, widget) return x = None y = None if self.path is None: x,y = self.getData() if x is None or len(x) == 0 or y is None or len(y) == 0: return self.path = self.generatePath(x,y) self.fillPath = None path = self.path prof.mark('generate path') if self._exportOpts is not False: aa = self._exportOpts.get('antialias', True) else: aa = self.opts['antialias'] p.setRenderHint(p.Antialiasing, aa) if self.opts['brush'] is not None and self.opts['fillLevel'] is not None: if self.fillPath is None: if x is None: x,y = self.getData() p2 = QtGui.QPainterPath(self.path) p2.lineTo(x[-1], self.opts['fillLevel']) p2.lineTo(x[0], self.opts['fillLevel']) p2.lineTo(x[0], y[0]) p2.closeSubpath() self.fillPath = p2 prof.mark('generate fill path') p.fillPath(self.fillPath, self.opts['brush']) prof.mark('draw fill path') sp = fn.mkPen(self.opts['shadowPen']) cp = fn.mkPen(self.opts['pen']) ## Copy pens and apply alpha adjustment #sp = QtGui.QPen(self.opts['shadowPen']) #cp = QtGui.QPen(self.opts['pen']) #for pen in [sp, cp]: #if pen is None: #continue #c = pen.color() #c.setAlpha(c.alpha() * self.opts['alphaHint']) #pen.setColor(c) ##pen.setCosmetic(True) if sp is not None and != QtCore.Qt.NoPen: p.setPen(sp) p.drawPath(path) p.setPen(cp) p.drawPath(path) prof.mark('drawPath') #print "Render hints:", int(p.renderHints()) prof.finish()
def __init__(self, parent=None, border=None, lockAspect=False, enableMouse=True, invertY=False, enableMenu=True, name=None): """ ============= ============================================================= **Arguments** *parent* (QGraphicsWidget) Optional parent widget *border* (QPen) Do draw a border around the view, give any single argument accepted by :func:`mkPen <pyqtgraph.mkPen>` *lockAspect* (False or float) The aspect ratio to lock the view coorinates to. (or False to allow the ratio to change) *enableMouse* (bool) Whether mouse can be used to scale/pan the view *invertY* (bool) See :func:`invertY <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.invertY>` ============= ============================================================= """ GraphicsWidget.__init__(self, parent) = None self.linksBlocked = False self.addedItems = [] #self.gView = view #self.showGrid = showGrid self.state = { ## separating targetRange and viewRange allows the view to be resized ## while keeping all previously viewed contents visible 'targetRange': [[0,1], [0,1]], ## child coord. range visible [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]] 'viewRange': [[0,1], [0,1]], ## actual range viewed 'yInverted': invertY, 'aspectLocked': False, ## False if aspect is unlocked, otherwise float specifies the locked ratio. 'autoRange': [True, True], ## False if auto range is disabled, ## otherwise float gives the fraction of data that is visible 'autoPan': [False, False], ## whether to only pan (do not change scaling) when auto-range is enabled 'autoVisibleOnly': [False, False], ## whether to auto-range only to the visible portion of a plot 'linkedViews': [None, None], ## may be None, "viewName", or weakref.ref(view) ## a name string indicates that the view *should* link to another, but no view with that name exists yet. 'mouseEnabled': [enableMouse, enableMouse], 'mouseMode': ViewBox.PanMode if pyqtgraph.getConfigOption('leftButtonPan') else ViewBox.RectMode, 'enableMenu': enableMenu, 'wheelScaleFactor': -1.0 / 8.0, 'background': None, } self._updatingRange = False ## Used to break recursive loops. See updateAutoRange. self._itemBoundsCache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self.locateGroup = None ## items displayed when using ViewBox.locate(item) self.setFlag(self.ItemClipsChildrenToShape) self.setFlag(self.ItemIsFocusable, True) ## so we can receive key presses ## childGroup is required so that ViewBox has local coordinates similar to device coordinates. ## this is a workaround for a Qt + OpenGL bug that causes improper clipping ## self.childGroup = ChildGroup(self) self.childGroup.sigItemsChanged.connect(self.itemsChanged) self.background = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem(self.rect()) self.background.setParentItem(self) self.background.setZValue(-1e6) self.background.setPen(fn.mkPen(None)) self.updateBackground() #self.useLeftButtonPan = pyqtgraph.getConfigOption('leftButtonPan') # normally use left button to pan # this also enables capture of keyPressEvents. ## Make scale box that is shown when dragging on the view self.rbScaleBox = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 1, 1) self.rbScaleBox.setPen(fn.mkPen((255,255,100), width=1)) self.rbScaleBox.setBrush(fn.mkBrush(255,255,0,100)) self.rbScaleBox.hide() self.addItem(self.rbScaleBox) self.axHistory = [] # maintain a history of zoom locations self.axHistoryPointer = -1 # pointer into the history. Allows forward/backward movement, not just "undo" self.setZValue(-100) self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)) self.setAspectLocked(lockAspect) self.border = fn.mkPen(border) = ViewBoxMenu(self) self.register(name) if name is None: self.updateViewLists()
def __init__(self, parent=None, useOpenGL=None, background="default"): """ ============ ============================================================ Arguments: parent Optional parent widget useOpenGL If True, the GraphicsView will use OpenGL to do all of its rendering. This can improve performance on some systems, but may also introduce bugs (the combination of QGraphicsView and QGLWidget is still an 'experimental' feature of Qt) background Set the background color of the GraphicsView. Accepts any single argument accepted by :func:`mkColor <pyqtgraph.mkColor>`. By default, the background color is determined using the 'backgroundColor' configuration option (see :func:`setConfigOption <pyqtgraph.setConfigOption>`. ============ ============================================================ """ self.closed = False QtGui.QGraphicsView.__init__(self, parent) if useOpenGL is None: useOpenGL = pyqtgraph.getConfigOption("useOpenGL") self.useOpenGL(useOpenGL) self.setCacheMode(self.CacheBackground) ## This might help, but it's probably dangerous in the general case.. # self.setOptimizationFlag(self.DontSavePainterState, True) self.setBackground(background) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus) self.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.NoFrame) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setTransformationAnchor(QtGui.QGraphicsView.NoAnchor) self.setResizeAnchor(QtGui.QGraphicsView.AnchorViewCenter) self.setViewportUpdateMode(QtGui.QGraphicsView.MinimalViewportUpdate) self.lockedViewports = [] self.lastMousePos = None self.setMouseTracking(True) self.aspectLocked = False self.range = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1) self.autoPixelRange = True self.currentItem = None self.clearMouse() self.updateMatrix() self.sceneObj = GraphicsScene() self.setScene(self.sceneObj) ## Workaround for PySide crash ## This ensures that the scene will outlive the view. if pyqtgraph.Qt.USE_PYSIDE: self.sceneObj._view_ref_workaround = self ## by default we set up a central widget with a grid layout. ## this can be replaced if needed. self.centralWidget = None self.setCentralItem(QtGui.QGraphicsWidget()) self.centralLayout = QtGui.QGraphicsGridLayout() self.centralWidget.setLayout(self.centralLayout) self.mouseEnabled = False self.scaleCenter = False ## should scaling center around view center (True) or mouse click (False) self.clickAccepted = False
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ScatterPlotWidget, self).__init__(self) self._hidden = True bg = fn.mkColor(getConfigOption('background')) bg.setAlpha(255) # we need to do that, since in default widget alpha is set to 50, but we want it BLACK!
def drawPicture(self): self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) pen = self.opts['pen'] pens = self.opts['pens'] if pen is None and pens is None: pen = pg.getConfigOption('foreground') brush = self.opts['brush'] brushes = self.opts['brushes'] if brush is None and brushes is None: brush = (128, 128, 128) def asarray(x): if x is None or np.isscalar(x) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x return np.array(x) x = asarray(self.opts.get('x')) x0 = asarray(self.opts.get('x0')) x1 = asarray(self.opts.get('x1')) width = asarray(self.opts.get('width')) if x0 is None: if width is None: raise Exception('must specify either x0 or width') if x1 is not None: x0 = x1 - width elif x is not None: x0 = x - width/2. else: raise Exception('must specify at least one of x, x0, or x1') if width is None: if x1 is None: raise Exception('must specify either x1 or width') width = x1 - x0 y = asarray(self.opts.get('y')) y0 = asarray(self.opts.get('y0')) y1 = asarray(self.opts.get('y1')) height = asarray(self.opts.get('height')) if y0 is None: if height is None: y0 = 0 elif y1 is not None: y0 = y1 - height elif y is not None: y0 = y - height/2. else: y0 = 0 if height is None: if y1 is None: raise Exception('must specify either y1 or height') height = y1 - y0 p.setPen(pg.mkPen(pen)) p.setBrush(pg.mkBrush(brush)) for i in range(len(x0)): if pens is not None: p.setPen(pg.mkPen(pens[i])) if brushes is not None: p.setBrush(pg.mkBrush(brushes[i])) if np.isscalar(y0): y = y0 else: y = y0[i] if np.isscalar(width): w = width else: w = width[i] p.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(x0[i], y, w, height[i])) p.end() self.prepareGeometryChange()
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """ There are many different ways to create a PlotDataItem: **Data initialization arguments:** (x,y data only) =================================== ====================================== PlotDataItem(xValues, yValues) x and y values may be any sequence (including ndarray) of real numbers PlotDataItem(yValues) y values only -- x will be automatically set to range(len(y)) PlotDataItem(x=xValues, y=yValues) x and y given by keyword arguments PlotDataItem(ndarray(Nx2)) numpy array with shape (N, 2) where x=data[:,0] and y=data[:,1] =================================== ====================================== **Data initialization arguments:** (x,y data AND may include spot style) =========================== ========================================= PlotDataItem(recarray) numpy array with dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ...] PlotDataItem(list-of-dicts) [{'x': x, 'y': y, ...}, ...] PlotDataItem(dict-of-lists) {'x': [...], 'y': [...], ...} PlotDataItem(MetaArray) 1D array of Y values with X sepecified as axis values OR 2D array with a column 'y' and extra columns as needed. =========================== ========================================= **Line style keyword arguments:** ========== ================================================ pen Pen to use for drawing line between points. Default is solid grey, 1px width. Use None to disable line drawing. May be any single argument accepted by :func:`mkPen() <pyqtgraph.mkPen>` shadowPen Pen for secondary line to draw behind the primary line. disabled by default. May be any single argument accepted by :func:`mkPen() <pyqtgraph.mkPen>` fillLevel Fill the area between the curve and fillLevel fillBrush Fill to use when fillLevel is specified. May be any single argument accepted by :func:`mkBrush() <pyqtgraph.mkBrush>` ========== ================================================ **Point style keyword arguments:** (see :func:`ScatterPlotItem.setData() <pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem.setData>` for more information) ============ ================================================ symbol Symbol to use for drawing points OR list of symbols, one per point. Default is no symbol. Options are o, s, t, d, +, or any QPainterPath symbolPen Outline pen for drawing points OR list of pens, one per point. May be any single argument accepted by :func:`mkPen() <pyqtgraph.mkPen>` symbolBrush Brush for filling points OR list of brushes, one per point. May be any single argument accepted by :func:`mkBrush() <pyqtgraph.mkBrush>` symbolSize Diameter of symbols OR list of diameters. pxMode (bool) If True, then symbolSize is specified in pixels. If False, then symbolSize is specified in data coordinates. ============ ================================================ **Optimization keyword arguments:** ================ ===================================================================== antialias (bool) By default, antialiasing is disabled to improve performance. Note that in some cases (in particluar, when pxMode=True), points will be rendered antialiased even if this is set to False. decimate deprecated. downsample (int) Reduce the number of samples displayed by this value downsampleMethod 'subsample': Downsample by taking the first of N samples. This method is fastest and least accurate. 'mean': Downsample by taking the mean of N samples. 'peak': Downsample by drawing a saw wave that follows the min and max of the original data. This method produces the best visual representation of the data but is slower. autoDownsample (bool) If True, resample the data before plotting to avoid plotting multiple line segments per pixel. This can improve performance when viewing very high-density data, but increases the initial overhead and memory usage. clipToView (bool) If True, only plot data that is visible within the X range of the containing ViewBox. This can improve performance when plotting very large data sets where only a fraction of the data is visible at any time. identical *deprecated* ================ ===================================================================== **Meta-info keyword arguments:** ========== ================================================ name name of dataset. This would appear in a legend ========== ================================================ """ GraphicsObject.__init__(self) self.setFlag(self.ItemHasNoContents) self.xData = None self.yData = None self.xDisp = None self.yDisp = None self.dataMask = None #self.curves = [] #self.scatters = [] self.curve = PlotCurveItem() self.scatter = ScatterPlotItem() self.curve.setParentItem(self) self.scatter.setParentItem(self) self.curve.sigClicked.connect(self.curveClicked) self.scatter.sigClicked.connect(self.scatterClicked) #self.clear() self.opts = { 'fftMode': False, 'logMode': [False, False], 'alphaHint': 1.0, 'alphaMode': False, 'pen': (200,200,200), 'shadowPen': None, 'fillLevel': None, 'fillBrush': None, 'symbol': None, 'symbolSize': 10, 'symbolPen': (200,200,200), 'symbolBrush': (50, 50, 150), 'pxMode': True, 'antialias': pg.getConfigOption('antialias'), 'pointMode': None, 'downsample': 1, 'autoDownsample': False, 'downsampleMethod': 'peak', 'clipToView': False, 'data': None, } self.setData(*args, **kargs)
def __init__(self, parent=None, border=None, lockAspect=False, enableMouse=True, invertY=False, name=None): GraphicsWidget.__init__(self, parent) = None self.linksBlocked = False self.addedItems = [] #self.gView = view #self.showGrid = showGrid self.state = { ## separating targetRange and viewRange allows the view to be resized ## while keeping all previously viewed contents visible 'targetRange': [[0,1], [0,1]], ## child coord. range visible [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]] 'viewRange': [[0,1], [0,1]], ## actual range viewed 'yInverted': invertY, 'aspectLocked': False, ## False if aspect is unlocked, otherwise float specifies the locked ratio. 'autoRange': [True, True], ## False if auto range is disabled, ## otherwise float gives the fraction of data that is visible 'linkedViews': [None, None], 'mouseEnabled': [enableMouse, enableMouse], 'mouseMode': ViewBox.PanMode if pyqtgraph.getConfigOption('leftButtonPan') else ViewBox.RectMode, 'wheelScaleFactor': -1.0 / 8.0, } self.exportMethods = collections.OrderedDict([ ('SVG', self.saveSvg), ('Image', self.saveImage), ('Print', self.savePrint), ]) self.setFlag(self.ItemClipsChildrenToShape) self.setFlag(self.ItemIsFocusable, True) ## so we can receive key presses ## childGroup is required so that ViewBox has local coordinates similar to device coordinates. ## this is a workaround for a Qt + OpenGL but that causes improper clipping ## self.childGroup = ChildGroup(self) self.childGroup.sigItemsChanged.connect(self.itemsChanged) #self.useLeftButtonPan = pyqtgraph.getConfigOption('leftButtonPan') # normally use left button to pan # this also enables capture of keyPressEvents. ## Make scale box that is shown when dragging on the view self.rbScaleBox = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 1, 1) self.rbScaleBox.setPen(fn.mkPen((255,0,0), width=1)) self.rbScaleBox.setBrush(fn.mkBrush(255,255,0,100)) self.rbScaleBox.hide() self.addItem(self.rbScaleBox) self.axHistory = [] # maintain a history of zoom locations self.axHistoryPointer = -1 # pointer into the history. Allows forward/backward movement, not just "undo" self.setZValue(-100) self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)) self.setAspectLocked(lockAspect) self.border = border = ViewBoxMenu(self) self.register(name) if name is None: self.updateViewLists()
def set_temp_options(**options): oldopts = {key:pg.getConfigOption(key) for key in options} validoptions = {k:v for k, v in options.items() if v is not None} pg.setConfigOptions(**validoptions) return oldopts
def paint(self, p, *args): if self.picture == None: self.generatePicture() if pg.getConfigOption('antialias') is True: p.setRenderHint(p.Antialiasing)
def pen(self): if self._pen is None: return fn.mkPen(pg.getConfigOption("foreground")) return pg.mkPen(self._pen)
#log.startLogging(sys.stdout) from autobahn.twisted.websocket import ( WebSocketClientProtocol, WebSocketClientFactory, connectWS ) # Message queue for messaging between WebSockets thread and Qt thread MESSAGE_QUEUE = Queue() # Global variables to hold the data subscriptions SUBSCRIPTIONS = None ### DEFAULTS DEFAULTS = { 'x_window': 600, 'jump_ahead': 0.2, 'color': pg.getConfigOption('foreground'), 'line_width': 2, 'unit': '', 'column_defs': ('color', 'label', 'x', 'y'), 'column_headers': ('', 'Label', 'Time', 'Value'), 'column_widths': (None, None, 100, None), # The last one is ignored 'ylogscale': False, 'xaxis': 'time', 'xformat': 'HH:mm:ss', 'yformat': '.2f', 'table_padding': 5, 'title_size': 26, # Data reduction 'x_absolute': 10, } ### DEFAULTS