def createPlotRegion(self): self.linearRegionItem = pg.LinearRegionItem(brush=pg.intColor(1,alpha=100)) self.linearRegionItem.setZValue(10) self.regionLabel = pg.TextItem(, color=pg.intColor(1), anchor=(0,1)) self.regionLabel.setX(self.linearRegionItem.getRegion()[0]) self.plotWidget.addItem(self.regionLabel) self.plotWidget.addItem(self.linearRegionItem, ignoreBounds=True) self.linearRegionItem.sigRegionChanged.connect(self.linearRegionItem_RegionChanged) self.regionObserver.bind(self.linearRegionItem,self.linearRegionItem.setRegion,self._linearRegionItem_regionChanged)
def matchFreq(self): freq1,freq2,ok=matchDialog.getData() pencil1=pg.mkPen(color=pg.intColor(1)) pencil2=pg.mkPen(color=pg.intColor(20)) pencil3=pg.mkPen(color=pg.intColor(30)) for k in range(1,4): self.p3.plot([k*freq1,k*freq1],[0,1.],pen=pencil1) self.p3.plot([k*freq2,k*freq2],[0,1.],pen=pencil2) for l in range(1,3): self.p3.plot([k*freq2-l*freq1,k*freq2-l*freq1],[0,.5],pen=pencil3) self.p3.plot([k*freq2+l*freq1,k*freq2+l*freq1],[0,.5],pen=pencil3) self.p3.addItem(pg.PlotDataItem(pen=pencil1,name='ICRF')) self.p3.addItem(pg.PlotDataItem(pen=pencil2,name='Helicon')) self.p3.addItem(pg.PlotDataItem(pen=pencil3,name='Beat'))
def redrawPlot(self): self.graph.clearPushed() for bnum in range(0, self.numKeys): if self.enabledbytes[bnum]: self.graph.setColorInt(bnum, self.numKeys) self.graph.passTrace(self.SADList[bnum], pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(bnum, 16)), idString = str(bnum))
def plotSignal(self,item): indexColor=0 self.p1.clear() self.p2.clear() for fileName in self.fileName: print fileName self.Back=False self.signalName=item time,data,self.sampling=readHdf5.getData(fileName,item,self.env) self.time=np.array(time) self.frqlabel.setText('sampling rate: '+str(self.sampling)) pencil=pg.mkPen(color=pg.intColor(indexColor)) self.p1.plot(self.time,,pen=pencil) self.p2.plot(self.time,,pen=pencil) indexColor=indexColor+1 if self.existingData:[self.left,self.right]) else:[self.time[0],self.time[-1]]) self.left=self.time[0] self.right=self.time[-1] self.p1.addItem(
def updateBluetooth(self): returnedList = blescan.parse_events(self.sock, 1) for beacon in returnedList: words = beacon.split(',') mac = words[0] uid = words[1] major = words[2] minor = words[3] power = words[4] rssi = words[5] print mac, rssi, minor #print "dict lenght" ,len(self.signalList) if mac not in self.signalList: #self.signalList[mac] = np.zeros(self.bufferLength,'f') self.signalList[mac] = np.zeros(0,'f') self.curveList[mac] = self.p.plot(pen=QtGui.QPen(pg.intColor(self.nextColor))) self.nextColor += 1 s = self.signalList[mac] val = 100 + float(rssi) if s.size < self.bufferLength: s = np.append(s,val) # if s.size > 4: # s[-1] = self.runningMeanFast(s,3)[0] print "append" , val else: s = np.roll(s,-1) s[-1] = val # s[-1] = self.runningMeanFast(s,3)[0] self.curveList[mac].setData(s) self.signalList[mac] = s self.timeElapsed() ## force complete redraw for every plot
def addTracesABR(self, x, ys, intensity, trace_num): self.clearTraces() nreps = ys.shape[0] for irep in reversed(range(nreps)): self.trace_stash.append(self.plot(x, ys[irep, :], pen=(irep, nreps))) line = self.plot(pen=pg.intColor(irep, hues=nreps)) self.legend.addItem(line, 'trace_' + str(trace_num[irep]) + ': ' + str(intensity[irep]) + ' dB') self.legend_names.append('trace_' + str(trace_num[irep]) + ': ' + str(intensity[irep]) + ' dB')
def displayPartitions(self, differences={"partclass":None, "diffs":None}, traces=None, tRange=(0, -1)): if traces is None: traces = self.traceManager() if tRange[1] < 0: tRange = (tRange[0], traces.numTrace() + 1 + tRange[1]) self.partObject.setPartMethod(differences["partclass"]) self.numKeys = len(self.partObject.partMethod.getPartitionNum(traces, 0)) self.SADList = differences["diffs"] self.graph = self.parent.getGraphWidgets(["Partition Differences"])[0] # Place byte selection option on graph if hasattr(self, 'enabledbytes') and len(self.enabledbytes) == self.numKeys: pass else: self.enabledbytes = [False] * self.numKeys self.doRedraw = True self.byteNumAct = [] for i in range(0, self.numKeys): ql = QToolButton() ql.setText('%d' % i) color = pg.intColor(i, self.numKeys) ql.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(%d, %d, %d)" % (,, qa = QWidgetAction(self) qa.setDefaultWidget(ql) qa.setStatusTip('%d' % i) ql.setCheckable(True) ql.setChecked(self.enabledbytes[i]) ql.clicked[bool].connect(partial(self.setBytePlot, i)) self.byteNumAct.append(qa) byteNumAllOn = QAction('All On', self) byteNumAllOff = QAction('All Off', self) byteNumAllOn.triggered.connect(partial(self.setByteAll, True)) byteNumAllOff.triggered.connect(partial(self.setByteAll, False)) bselection = QToolBar() for i in range(0, self.numKeys): bselection.addAction(self.byteNumAct[i]) bselection.addAction(byteNumAllOn) bselection.addAction(byteNumAllOff) self.graph.addWidget(bselection) self.graph.setPersistance(True) # self.poi.setDifferences(SADList) # self.parent.findParam('poi-pointrng').setLimits((0, len(SADList[0]))) # self.parent.findParam('poi-pointrng').setValue((0, len(SADList[0]))) self.redrawPlot()
def doPlot(columns, first, last): from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np import pyqtgraph as pg import pyqtgraph.exporters import itertools pg.setConfigOptions( antialias=True, background='w', foreground='k', ) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Curve plotter") win.setWindowTitle('Curve plotter') plot = win.addPlot(title="Rights and Usage") ndays=(last-first).days+1 timeAxis = plot.getAxis('bottom') timeAxis.setTicks([[ (i*25, first+datetime.timedelta(days=i)) for i in xrange(ndays) ],[ (i, i%25) for i in xrange(25*ndays) ]]) timeAxis.setStyle( tickTextHeight=390, ) timeAxis.setGrid(100) plot.addLegend() for i,column in enumerate(columns): plot.plot(np.array(column[1:]), pen=pg.intColor(i), name=column[0], symbol='o', symbolBrush=pg.intColor(i), ) app.exec_()
def __init__(self, x0=0.0, v0=0.0, t0=0.0, prog=None, pen=None, brush=None): if pen is None: pen = pg.intColor(Clock.nClocks, 12) if brush is None: brush = (0,0,150) Clock.nClocks += 1 self.x0 = x0 self.v0 = v0 self.t0 = t0 self.prog = prog self.pen = pen self.brush = brush
def __init__(self, groups, xlims=None, parent=None): super(ProgressWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.lines = [] self.legend = self.addLegend() for iline in range(len(groups)): # give each line a different color line = self.plot(pen=pg.intColor(iline, hues=len(groups))) self.lines.append(line) self.legend.addItem(line, str(groups[iline])) if xlims is not None: self.setXlim((xlims[0], xlims[1])) self.groups = groups
def new_curve(self, results, color=pg.intColor(0), **kwargs): if 'pen' not in kwargs: kwargs['pen'] = pg.mkPen(color=color, width=2) if 'antialias' not in kwargs: kwargs['antialias'] = False curve = ResultsCurve(results, x=self.plot_frame.x_axis, y=self.plot_frame.y_axis, **kwargs ) curve.setSymbol(None) curve.setSymbolBrush(None) return curve
def __init__(self, dataForCandle=None): super(pgCandleWidget, self).__init__() # 0) adds candle self.candleData = dataForCandle self.item01 = CandlestickItem(dataForCandle) #self.addItem(self.item01) # 1)cross hair self.vLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False) self.hLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False) self.addItem(self.vLine, ignoreBounds=True) self.addItem(self.hLine, ignoreBounds=True) # 2) adds textInfo self.textInfo = pg.TextItem("test") self.addItem(self.textInfo, ignoreBounds=True) #vb = self.plotItem.vb #vb.setAspectLocked(True) n = 300 self.lastClicked = [] def clicked(plot, points): for p in self.lastClicked: p.resetPen() print("clicked points", points) for p in points: p.setPen('b', width=2) self.lastClicked = points self.item02 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen('w'), pxMode=False) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,n), scale=1e-5) spots3 = [] for i in range(10): for j in range(10): spots3.append({'pos': (1e-6*i, 1e-6*j), 'size': 1, 'pen': {'color': 'w', 'width': 2}, 'brush':pg.intColor(i*10+j, 100)}) n=5 spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'brush':pg.intColor(i, n), 'symbol': i%5, 'size': 50+i/10.} for i in range(n)] a1 = {'pos': (10, 20), 'data': 5,'size': 5, 'pen': {'color': 'w', 'width': 2}, 'symbol': 't', 'brush':pg.intColor(10, 100)} a2 = {'pos': (15, 20), 'data': 5,'size': 5, 'pen': {'color': 'w', 'width': 2}, 'symbol': 'd', 'brush':pg.intColor(10, 100)} a3 = {'pos': (20, 20), 'data': 5,'size': 5, 'pen': {'color': 'w', 'width': 2}, 'symbol': '+', 'brush':pg.intColor(10, 100)} spots2 = [] spots2.append(a1) spots2.append(a2) spots2.append(a3) self.item02.addPoints(spots2) self.addItem(self.item02) self.item02.sigClicked.connect(clicked) self.proxy = pg.SignalProxy(self.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=self.mouseMoved)
def receiveNewNames(self, newNames): # print("Receiving new names") self.names = newNames self.dataColumns = len(self.names) for i in range(self.dataColumns): color = pg.intColor(i, self.dataColumns) self.curveColors.append(color) item = QtGui.QStandardItem(self.names[i]) item.setBackground(color) item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) item.setCheckable(True) self.listViewModel.appendRow(item) self.nameCheckItems.append(item)
def addSource(self, sourceX=None, sourceY=None): if (sourceX is not None and not (isinstance(sourceX.content(), int) or isinstance(sourceX.content(), float))) or \ (sourceY is not None and not (isinstance(sourceY.content(), int) or isinstance(sourceY.content(), float))): print "cannot add this type as source" return sourceTarget=Curve2DBox("data", self, dataRange=[0,0], color=pg.intColor(len(self.targets))) #if sourceX is not None: # sourceTarget.sources[0].updateSource(sourceX) if sourceY is not None: sourceTarget.sources[1].updateSource(sourceY) self.targets.append(sourceTarget) self.targets_layout.addWidget(sourceTarget) self.rebuildLegend()
def __init__(self, x0=0.0, y0=0.0, m0=1.0, v0=0.0, t0=0.0, pen=None, brush=None, prog=None): if pen is None: pen = pg.intColor(Clock.nClocks, 12) if brush is None: brush = (0,0,150) Clock.nClocks += 1 self.pen = pg.mkPen(pen) self.brush = pg.mkBrush(brush) self.y0 = y0 self.x0 = x0 self.v0 = v0 self.m0 = m0 self.t0 = t0 self.prog = prog
def onViewRangeChanged(viewRange, x, y, barGraphItem): """Updates barGraphItem data depending on plotItem viewRange. @param viewRange: PlotItem viewRange @param x, y: Data of barGraphItem @param barGraphItem: BarGraphItem which data is to be updated """ v = list() v.append(max(x[0], viewRange[0])) v.append(min(x[-1], viewRange[-1])) # n = 1024 newX = np.linspace(v[0], v[1], n) newY = np.interp(newX, x, y) # colors must be interpolated either in my task, here I just create new list of random colors colors = [pg.intColor(np.random.randint(1, 100)) for i in xrange(n)] barGraphItem.setOpts(x0=newX[:-1], x1=newX[1:], y0=[0] * n, y1=newY, brushes=colors, pens=colors)
def setup_plot(self): self.plot = self#.plot() self.showGrid(x=True, y=True) # don't show the default left & bottom axes [self.plot.showAxis(o, False) for o in ('left', 'bottom')] # create & add scatter item to plot self.scatters = [] for i, ul in enumerate(self.ulabels): mask = self.labels == ul brush = pg.intColor(i, hues=len(self.ulabels), alpha=125) spi = pg.ScatterPlotItem(x=self.x[mask], y=self.y[mask], pen=None, brush=brush) self.scatters.append(spi) map(self.plot.addItem, self.scatters)
def to_update(self,obj=None): self.spots,self.adj = self.graphModel.to_plot() self.pos = [] try: selected = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() selected = [x.row() for x in selected] except AttributeError: selected = [] for i,s in enumerate(self.spots): if i in selected: s['pen'] = pg.mkPen('r') else: s['pen'] = pg.mkPen('k') for k,v in s.items(): if k == 'pos': self.pos.append(v) elif k == 'symbol': if v is None: val = symbols[0] elif v[0] == 'factor': if v[1] > len(symbols) - 1: val = symbols[-1] else: val = symbols[v[1]] else: val = symbols[0] s[k] = val elif k == 'size': if v is None: val = s_r[0] elif v[0] == 'factor': val = ((s_r[1] - s_r[0]) * (v[1]/v[2])) + s_r[0] else: val = ((s_r[1] - s_r[0]) * v[1]) + s_r[0] s[k] = val elif k == 'brush': if v is None: val = pg.mkBrush('c') elif v[0] == 'factor': s[k] = pg.mkBrush(pg.intColor(v[1], hues = v[2])) else: s[k] = pg.mkBrush(0,0,((c_r[1] - c_r[0]) * v[1]) + c_r[0]) self.spots[i] = s self.update_data()
def makeScatterPlot(): ## 1) All spots identical and transform-invariant (top-left plot). ## In this case we can get a huge performance boost by pre-rendering the spot ## image and just drawing that image repeatedly. n = 300 s1 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=pg.mkBrush(255, 255, 255, 120)) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,n), scale=1e-5) spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'data': 1} for i in range(n)] + [{'pos': [0,0], 'data': 1}] s1.addPoints(spots) w1.addItem(s1) s1.sigClicked.connect(clicked) ## 2) Spots are transform-invariant, but not identical (top-right plot). ## In this case, drawing is as fast as 1), but there is more startup overhead ## and memory usage since each spot generates its own pre-rendered image. s2 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen('w'), pxMode=True) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,n), scale=1e-5) spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor(i, n), 'symbol': i%5, 'size': 5+i/10.} for i in range(n)] s2.addPoints(spots) w2.addItem(s2) s2.sigClicked.connect(clicked) ## 3) Spots are not transform-invariant, not identical (bottom-left). ## This is the slowest case, since all spots must be completely re-drawn ## every time because their apparent transformation may have changed. s3 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(pxMode=False) ## Set pxMode=False to allow spots to transform with the view spots3 = [] for i in range(10): for j in range(10): spots3.append({'pos': (1e-6*i, 1e-6*j), 'size': 1e-6, 'pen': {'color': 'w', 'width': 2}, 'brush':pg.intColor(i*10+j, 100)}) s3.addPoints(spots3) w3.addItem(s3) s3.sigClicked.connect(clicked) ## Test performance of large scatterplots s4 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=pg.mkBrush(255, 255, 255, 20)) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,10000), scale=1e-9) s4.addPoints(x=pos[0], y=pos[1]) w4.addItem(s4) s4.sigClicked.connect(clicked) QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()
def plot_data(self, X, y): self.clear_plot() # get the simple cross validation score clf = LDA() scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=5) score = np.mean(scores) self.ui.titleLabel.setText("Accuracy: %.2f" % score) # project the data to 3D for visualization clf = LDA(n_components=3) X_proj =, y).transform(X) labels = sorted(np.unique(y)) for i in labels: plot = gl.GLScatterPlotItem( pos=X_proj[y == i], color=pg.glColor(pg.intColor(i))) self.plotWidget.addItem(plot) self.plot_items.append(plot)
def color_by_layer(self, root=None): try: unblock = False if not isinstance(root, pg.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem): self.blockSignals(True) unblock = True root = self.labels_by_acronym['Isocortex']['item'] name = str(root.text(1)) if ', layer' in name.lower(): layer = name.split(' ')[-1] layer = {'1': 0, '2': 1, '2/3': 2, '4': 3, '5': 4, '6a': 5, '6b': 6}[layer] self.set_label_color(, pg.intColor(layer, 10), recursive=False, emit=False) for i in range(root.childCount()): self.color_by_layer(root.child(i)) finally: if unblock: self.blockSignals(False) self.labels_changed.emit()
def __init__(self, plotter, refresh_time=0.1, parent=None): super(PlotterWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.plotter = plotter columns = plotter.results.procedure.DATA_COLUMNS self.setWindowTitle("Results Plotter") self.main = QtGui.QWidget(self) vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.main) vbox.setSpacing(0) hbox1 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hbox1.setSpacing(6) hbox1.setContentsMargins(-1, 6, -1, -1) file_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.main) file_label.setText("Data Filename:") self.file = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.main) self.file.setText(plotter.results.data_filename) hbox1.addWidget(file_label) hbox1.addWidget(self.file) vbox.addLayout(hbox1) self.plot_widget = PlotWidget(columns, check_status=False) self.plot = self.plot_widget.plot vbox.addWidget(self.plot_widget) self.main.setLayout(vbox) self.setCentralWidget(self.main) self.resize(800, 600) self.curve = ResultsCurve( plotter.results, columns[0], columns[1], pen=pg.mkPen(color=pg.intColor(0), width=2), antialias=False ) self.plot.addItem(self.curve) self.plot_widget.updated.connect(self.check_stop)
def setup(self, buffer): """ Setup the graph with the number of sensors from the buffer. """ self._number_of_sensors = buffer.number_of_sensors # Create the data lists for the graph. self._graph_data = [[] for vehicle in range(1, self._number_of_sensors + 1)] # Create the curves for the graph. color_index = 0 for vehicle in range(1, self._number_of_sensors + 1): index = vehicle - 1 color = pg.intColor(color_index, hues=len(self._graph_data), maxValue=200) color_index += 1 curve = self._graph.plot() curve.setData(self._graph_data[index], pen=pg.mkPen(color, width=1.5)) self._graph_curves.append(curve)
def calculatefft(self): indexColor=0 self.p3.clear() self.p3.addLegend() for fileName in self.fileName: time,data,self.sampling=readHdf5.getData(fileName,self.signalName,self.env) self.time=np.array(time) rang=self.p2.getPlotItem().getViewBox().viewRange() rang2=rang[0] # Number of samplepoints[(self.time>=rang2[0]) & (self.time<=rang2[1])] N=len(dataslice) # sample spacing T = 1.0 / self.sampling yf = scipy.fftpack.fft(dataslice) xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N/2) pencil=pg.mkPen(color=pg.intColor(indexColor)) self.p3.plot(xf, 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[0:N/2]),pen=pencil,name=fileName[0:-5]) indexColor=indexColor+1 self.p3.setLabel('left', "Spectral power (SI)") self.p3.setLabel('bottom', "Frequency (Hz)")
def main(): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) tabs = QtGui.QTabWidget() for family in families: scroller = QtGui.QScrollArea() vb = pg.GraphicsWindow() vb.setMinimumHeight(3000) vb.setMinimumWidth(1900) scroller.setWidget(vb) for i, name in enumerate(pywt.wavelist(family)): pen = pg.intColor(i) wavelet = pywt.Wavelet(name) if wavelet.orthogonal: phi, psi, x = wavelet.wavefun(level=5) ax = vb.addPlot( + " phi") ax.plot(phi, pen=pen) bx = vb.addPlot( + " psi") bx.plot(psi, pen=pen) else: phi, psi, phi_r, psi_r, x = wavelet.wavefun(level=5) ax = vb.addPlot( + " phi") ax.plot(phi, pen=pen) bx = vb.addPlot( + " psi") bx.plot(psi, pen=pen) ax = vb.addPlot( + " phi_r") ax.plot(phi_r, pen=pen) bx = vb.addPlot( + " psi_r") bx.plot(psi_r, pen=pen) if i % 2 == 0: vb.nextRow() tabs.addTab(scroller, family) tabs.setWindowTitle('Wavelets') tabs.resize(1920, 1080) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def _check(self): # Update progress bar completion percentage every time, not only when # new iteration callback data has arrived. self._progress.setValue(self._runner.get_iteration_current()) # Stop the runner and update timer if the planning is done, then check # for updates and final data. if self._runner.done or not self._running: self._stop() self._update_timer.stop() if self._updated: # Update the graph with updated iteration statistics. c = 0 for name, data in self._graph_data.iteritems(): if name not in self._graph_plots: color = pg.intColor(c, hues=len(self._graph_data), maxValue=200) plot = self._graph.plot(symbol='o', symbolBrush=color, symbolSize=5, pen=color, name=name) self._graph_plots[name] = plot self._graph_plots[name].setData(data) c += 1 self._draw_list_item(self._graph_label, self._graph) if self._runner.done or self._updated: # Draw the plots for the Pareto front and any selected solution. self._runner.make_pareto_plot(self._front_axes) self._front_canvas.draw() self._draw_list_item(self._front_label, self._front_canvas) self._draw_solutions() self._updated = False
import numpy as np win = pg.plot() win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: beeswarm') data = np.random.normal(size=(4,20)) data[0] += 5 data[1] += 7 data[2] += 5 data[3] = 10 + data[3] * 2 ## Make bar graph #bar = pg.BarGraphItem(x=range(4), height=data.mean(axis=1), width=0.5, brush=0.4) #win.addItem(bar) ## add scatter plots on top for i in range(4): xvals = pg.pseudoScatter(data[i], spacing=0.4, bidir=True) * 0.2 win.plot(x=xvals+i, y=data[i], pen=None, symbol='o', symbolBrush=pg.intColor(i,6,maxValue=128)) ## Make error bars err = pg.ErrorBarItem(x=np.arange(4), y=data.mean(axis=1), height=data.std(axis=1), beam=0.5, pen={'color':'w', 'width':2}) win.addItem(err) ## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside. if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()
def show(self): = pg.GraphicsWindow()'w') Fs = self.Fs p1 ='Stimulus', row=0, col=0, labels={ 'bottom': 'T (ms)', 'left': 'V' }) p1.plot(self.stim.time * 1000, self.stim.sound, pen=pg.mkPen('k', width=0.75)) p1.setXLink(p1) p2 ='AN spikes', row=1, col=0, labels={ 'bottom': 'T (ms)', 'left': 'AN spikes (first trial)' }) for nr in range(self.nrep): xan = [] yan = [] for k in range(len(self.pre_cells[nr])): r = self.pre_cells[nr][k]._spiketrain xan.extend(r) yr = k + np.zeros_like(r) + 0.2 yan.extend(yr) c = pg.PlotCurveItem() xp = np.repeat(np.array(xan), 2) yp = np.repeat(np.array(yan), 2) yp[1::2] = yp[::2] + 0.6 c.setData(xp.flatten(), yp.flatten(), connect='pairs', pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(nr, self.nrep), hues=self.nrep, width=1.0)) p2.addItem(c) p2.setXLink(p1) p3 ='%s Spikes' % self.cell, row=2, col=0, labels={ 'bottom': 'T (ms)', 'left': 'Trial #' }) xcn = [] ycn = [] xspks = [] for k in range(self.nrep): bspk = PU.findspikes(self.time[k], self.vms[k], -35.) xcn.extend(bspk) yr = k + np.zeros_like(bspk) + 0.2 ycn.extend(yr) d = pg.PlotCurveItem() xp = np.repeat(np.array(xcn), 2) yp = np.repeat(np.array(ycn), 2) yp[1::2] = yp[::2] + 0.6 d.setData(xp.flatten(), yp.flatten(), connect='pairs', pen=pg.mkPen('k', width=1.5)) p3.addItem(d) p3.setXLink(p1) p4 ='%s Vm' % self.cell, row=3, col=0, labels={ 'bottom': 'T (ms)', 'left': 'Vm (mV)' }) for nr in range(self.nrep): p4.plot(self.time[nr], self.vms[nr], pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(nr, self.nrep), hues=self.nrep, width=1.0)) p4.setXLink(p1) p5 ='xmtr', row=0, col=1, labels={ 'bottom': 'T (ms)', 'left': 'gSyn' }) if synapseType == 'multisite': for nr in [0]: syn = self.synapses[nr] j = 0 for k in range(self.n_sgc): synapse = syn[k] for i in range(synapse.terminal.n_rzones): p5.plot(self.time[nr], self.xmtrs[nr]['xmtr%04d' % j], pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(nr, self.nrep), hues=self.nrep, width=1.0)) j = j + 1 p5.setXLink(p1) p6 ='AN PSTH', row=1, col=1, labels={ 'bottom': 'T (ms)', 'left': 'Sp/ms/trial' }) bins = np.arange(0, 200, 1) (hist, binedges) = np.histogram(xan, bins) curve6 = p6.plot(binedges, hist, stepMode=True, fillBrush=(0, 0, 0, 255), brush=pg.mkBrush('k'), fillLevel=0) p7 ='%s PSTH' % self.cell, row=2, col=1, labels={ 'bottom': 'T (ms)', 'left': 'Sp/ms/trial' }) bins = np.arange(0, 200, 1) (hist, binedges) = np.histogram(xcn, bins) curve7 = p7.plot(binedges, hist, stepMode=True, fillBrush=(0, 0, 0, 255), brush=pg.mkBrush('k'), fillLevel=0)
def makefigs(bounds:(int, int)=(1922, 2005), outdir:str='.'): "Construit et enregistre les visualisations graphiques de la fonction Rollin" makepath = lambda path: os.path.join(outdir, path) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise RuntimeError("Given output directory is not valid: " + str(outdir)) # Build the data ANNEES = tuple(range(*bounds)) NOMBRES_ROLLIN = range(1, 10) ROLLIN = tuple(rollin(annee) for annee in ANNEES) assert min(ROLLIN) == 1 and max(ROLLIN) == 9, (min(ROLLIN), max(ROLLIN)) def evolution(nbs:[int], start:int) -> [int]: prev = start for nb in nbs: nb, prev = nb - prev, nb yield nb EVOLUTION = tuple(evolution(ROLLIN, rollin(bounds[0] - 1))) GREEN = (119,172,48) RED = (200,12,48) # Association nombre de Rollin -> années ANNEE_PAR_NB = {} # nombre de rollin -> {années} for annee, nb_rollin in zip(ANNEES, ROLLIN): ANNEE_PAR_NB.setdefault(nb_rollin, []).append(annee) COMPTAGE_ANNEES = tuple(len(ANNEE_PAR_NB[nb]) for nb in NOMBRES_ROLLIN) # Simple plot de la fonction plot = init("Nombre de Rollin et son évolution en fonction de l'année ({}-{})".format(*bounds)) # plot = win.addPlot(title="Plotting with symbols") plot.addLegend() plot.plot(ANNEES, ROLLIN, pen=GREEN, symbolBrush=GREEN, symbolPen='w', symbol='d', symbolSize=14, name="Nombre de Rollin") # Plot de l'évolution du nombre de Rollin plot.plot(ANNEES, EVOLUTION, pen=RED, symbolBrush=RED, symbolPen='w', symbol='t2', symbolSize=14, name="Évolution du nombre de Rollin") # plot.setXRange(bounds[0]-10, bounds[1]+1) plot.setYRange(min(EVOLUTION + ROLLIN), max(EVOLUTION + ROLLIN) + 2) # Nombre d'années pour chaque nombre de Rollin win = init_base("Dénombrement des années {}-{} selon leur nombre de Rollin".format(*bounds)) # help(pg.BarGraphItem) win.addItem(pg.BarGraphItem(x=NOMBRES_ROLLIN, height=COMPTAGE_ANNEES, width=0.3)) # for nb_rollin in NOMBRES_ROLLIN: # win.addItem(pg.BarGraphItem(x=[nb_rollin], height=[ANNEE_PAR_NB[nb_rollin]], width=0.3)) # Boxplot, pour avoir une idée de la distribution des années # does not exists in pyqtgraph ; building it myself… win = init_base("Dénombrement des années {}-{} selon leur nombre de Rollin".format(*bounds)) for nb_rollin in NOMBRES_ROLLIN: annees = ANNEE_PAR_NB[nb_rollin] win.plot(x=[nb_rollin], y=annees, pen=None, symbol='o', symbolBrush=pg.intColor(nb_rollin,6)) mean, median, stdev = statistics.mean(annees), statistics.median(annees), statistics.stdev(annees) maxi, mini = max(annees), min(annees) limits_amplitude = (maxi - mini) / 2 middle = limits_amplitude + mini boxes = ( (middle, limits_amplitude*2, 0.8, 'b', 1.2), (mean, stdev, 0.5, 'w', 3), (mean, 0, 0.5, 'w', 3), (median, 0, 0.5, 'r', 4), ) for center, amplitude, beam, color, width in boxes: win.addItem(pg.ErrorBarItem(x=np.array([nb_rollin]), y=np.array([center]), height=np.array([amplitude]), beam=beam, pen={'color': color, 'width': width}))
f = QtGui.QFont() f.setPointSize(10) symbol.addText(0, 0, f, label) br = symbol.boundingRect() scale = min(1. / br.width(), 1. / br.height()) tr = QtGui.QTransform() tr.scale(scale, scale) tr.rotate(angle) tr.translate(-br.x() - br.width()/2., -br.y() - br.height()/2.) return TextSymbol(label,, 0.1 / scale) random_str = lambda : (''.join([chr(np.random.randint(ord('A'),ord('z'))) for i in range(np.random.randint(1,5))]), np.random.randint(0, 360)) s2 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen('w'), pxMode=True) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,n), scale=1e-5) spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor(i, n), 'symbol': i%5, 'size': 5+i/10.} for i in range(n)] s2.addPoints(spots) spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor(i, n), 'symbol': label[1], 'size': label[2]*(5+i/10.)} for (i, label) in [(i, createLabel(*random_str())) for i in range(n)]] s2.addPoints(spots) w2.addItem(s2) s2.sigClicked.connect(clicked) ## 3) Spots are not transform-invariant, not identical (bottom-left). ## This is the slowest case, since all spots must be completely re-drawn ## every time because their apparent transformation may have changed. s3 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(pxMode=False) ## Set pxMode=False to allow spots to transform with the view spots3 = [] for i in range(10): for j in range(10):
import numpy as np win = pg.plot() win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: beeswarm') data = np.random.normal(size=(4, 20)) data[0] += 5 data[1] += 7 data[2] += 5 data[3] = 10 + data[3] * 2 ## Make bar graph # bar = pg.BarGraphItem(x=range(4), height=data.mean(axis=1), width=0.5, brush=0.4) # win.addItem(bar) ## add scatter plots on top for i in range(4): xvals = pg.pseudoScatter(data[i], spacing=0.4, bidir=True) * 0.2 win.plot(x=xvals + i, y=data[i], pen=None, symbol='o', symbolBrush=pg.intColor(i, 6, maxValue=128)) ## Make error bars err = pg.ErrorBarItem(x=np.arange(4), y=data.mean(axis=1), height=data.std(axis=1), beam=0.5, pen={'color': 'w', 'width': 2}) win.addItem(err) ## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside. if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()
p.setPen('b', width=2) lastClicked = points s1.sigClicked.connect(clicked) ## 2) Spots are transform-invariant, but not identical (top-right plot). ## In this case, drawing is as fast as 1), but there is more startup overhead ## and memory usage since each spot generates its own pre-rendered image. s2 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen('w'), pxMode=True) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2, n), scale=1e-5) spots = [{ 'pos': pos[:, i], 'data': 1, 'brush': pg.intColor(i, n), 'symbol': i % 5, 'size': 5 + i / 10. } for i in range(n)] s2.addPoints(spots) w2.addItem(s2) s2.sigClicked.connect(clicked) ## 3) Spots are not transform-invariant, not identical (bottom-left). ## This is the slowest case, since all spots must be completely re-drawn ## every time because their apparent transformation may have changed. s3 = pg.ScatterPlotItem( pxMode=False ) ## Set pxMode=False to allow spots to transform with the view spots3 = []
def plot_transform(transform, scales=None, multiview=False): """ Display the different bands on the requested scales. Parameters ---------- transform: WaveletTransformBase derived instance a wavelet decomposition. scales: list of int, default None the desired scales, if None compute at all scales. multiview: bool, default False if True use a slider to select a specific band. """ # Set default scales scales = scales or range(transform.nb_scale) # Create application and tab widget app = pyqtgraph.mkQApp() tabs = QtGui.QTabWidget() tabs.setWindowTitle("Wavelet Transform") # Go through each scale pen = pyqtgraph.intColor(2) for scale in scales: # Create the plots for this scales with scrolling possibilities scroller = QtGui.QScrollArea() tabs.addTab(scroller, "Scale {0}".format(scale)) # Go through each band of the current scale # > using multiview # TODO: update this code if multiview: raise NotImplementedError( "Multiview transform view not yet implemented.") window = pyqtgraph.image(numpy.asarray(transform[scale])) scroller.setWidget(window) # > using mosaic else: window = pyqtgraph.GraphicsWindow() scroller.setWidget(window) scale_data = transform[scale] if not isinstance(scale_data, list): scale_data = [scale_data] for subband_data in scale_data: # Deal with complex data if numpy.iscomplex(subband_data).any(): subband_data = numpy.abs(subband_data) subband_data = numpy.lib.pad( subband_data, 1, "constant", constant_values=subband_data.max()) # Select viewer if subband_data.ndim == 1: ax = window.addPlot() ax.plot(subband_data, pen=pen) elif subband_data.ndim == 2: box = window.addViewBox() box.setAspectLocked(True) image = pyqtgraph.ImageItem(subband_data) box.addItem(image) else: raise ValueError("This function currently support only " "1D or 2D data.") window.nextRow() # Display the tab # Run application app.exec_()
def __init__(self, rts, update_freq=50, z_ax='abs_pu', use_colors=False, rotating=False, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.rts = rts = self.dt = self.rts.dt ps = self.z_ax = z_ax # nx.draw(G) self.scale = 10 if self.z_ax == 'angle': self.scale_z = 10*np.ones(ps.n_bus) self.offset_z = 3 # *np.ones(ps.n_bus) elif self.z_ax == 'abs': self.scale_z = 10 * ps.v_n / max(ps.v_n) * 0.3 self.offset_z = 0 # np.zeros(ps.n_bus) elif self.z_ax == 'abs_pu': self.scale_z = 10 * 0.3*(ps.v_n**0) self.offset_z = 0 # np.zeros(ps.n_bus) # elif self.z_ax == 'both': # self.scale_z = 10*np.ones(ps.n_bus) # self.offset_z = 12*np.ones(ps.n_bus) line_admittances = np.zeros(len(ps.lines), dtype=[('Y', float)]) for i, line in enumerate(ps.lines): line_admittances[i] = abs(ps.read_admittance_data('line', line)[2]) trafo_admittances = np.zeros(len(ps.transformers), dtype=[('Y', float)]) for i, trafo in enumerate(ps.transformers): trafo_admittances[i] = abs(ps.read_admittance_data('transformer', trafo)[2]) self.G = nx.MultiGraph() self.G.add_nodes_from(ps.buses['name']) # G.add_edges_from(ps.lines[['from_bus', 'to_bus']]) # G.add_edges_from(ps.transformers[['from_bus', 'to_bus']]) self.G.add_weighted_edges_from( dps_uf.combine_recarrays(ps.lines, line_admittances)[['from_bus', 'to_bus', 'Y']]) self.G.add_weighted_edges_from( dps_uf.combine_recarrays(ps.transformers, trafo_admittances)[['from_bus', 'to_bus', 'Y']]) self.grid_layout() self.n_edges = len(ps.lines) + len(ps.transformers) self.edge_from_bus = np.concatenate([dps_uf.lookup_strings(type_['from_bus'], ps.buses['name']) for type_ in [ps.lines, ps.transformers]]) self.edge_to_bus = np.concatenate([dps_uf.lookup_strings(type_['to_bus'], ps.buses['name']) for type_ in [ps.lines, ps.transformers]]) self.edge_x = np.vstack([self.x[self.edge_from_bus], self.x[self.edge_to_bus]]).T self.edge_y = np.vstack([self.y[self.edge_from_bus], self.y[self.edge_to_bus]]).T self.edge_z = np.vstack([self.z[self.edge_from_bus], self.z[self.edge_to_bus]]).T self.colors = lambda i: pg.intColor(i, hues=9, values=1, maxValue=255, minValue=150, maxHue=360, minHue=0, sat=255, alpha=255) self.window = gl.GLViewWidget() # self.window.setBackgroundColor('w') self.window.setWindowTitle('Grid') self.window.setGeometry(0, 110, 1920, 1080) self.window.setCameraPosition(distance=30, elevation=12) self.rotating = rotating self.gz = gl.GLGridItem() self.gz.translate(dx=0, dy=0, dz=-self.offset_z) self.window.addItem(self.gz) color = np.ones((ps.n_bus, 4)) color[:, -1] = 0.5 if use_colors: color[ps.gen_bus_idx, :] = np.array([self.colors(i).getRgb() for i in range(]) / 255 else: color[ps.gen_bus_idx, :] = np.array([1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1, 0.5])[None, :] self.points = gl.GLScatterPlotItem( pos=np.vstack([self.x, self.y, self.z]).T, color=color, size=15 ) self.edge_x_mod = np.append(self.edge_x, np.nan*np.ones((self.n_edges, 1)), axis=1) self.edge_y_mod = np.append(self.edge_y, np.nan*np.ones((self.n_edges, 1)), axis=1) self.edge_z_mod = np.append(self.edge_z, np.nan*np.ones((self.n_edges, 1)), axis=1) # line_x_mod = line_x # line_y_mod = line_y edge_pos = np.vstack([self.edge_x_mod.flatten(), self.edge_y_mod.flatten(), self.edge_z_mod.flatten()]).T line_color = np.ones((self.n_edges, 4)) line_color[:, -1] = 0.5 line_color[len(ps.lines):, :] = np.array([1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1, 0.5])[None, :] # self.scale_branch_flows = 4 line_widths = np.ones((self.n_edges, 4)) self.lines = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=edge_pos, color=np.repeat(line_color, 3, axis=0), antialias=True, width=2) self.window.addItem(self.points) self.window.addItem(self.lines) # self.axis = gl.GLAxisItem() # self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update) self.timer.start(1000//update_freq) self.t_prev = time.time()
for index in range(1, len(sPi)): # Build the plot series if index == 1: print('Decimal Point skipped') else: x.append(float(xDict[int(sPi[index])]) + x[index - 2]) y.append(float(yDict[int(sPi[index])]) + y[index - 2]) # create plot pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w') pg.intColor(index, hues=9, values=1, maxValue=255, minValue=150, maxHue=360, minHue=0, sat=255, alpha=255) print() plt = pg.plot(x, y, title=theTitle, pen=pg.mkPen(cosmetic=True, width=1.2, color='b')) #, symbol='.') plt.showGrid(x=True, y=True) plt.hideAxis('left') plt.hideAxis('bottom') ## Start Qt event loop.
def _update_plots(self): sweeps = self.sweeps self.current_event_set = None self.event_table.clear() # clear all plots self.pre_plot.clear() self.post_plot.clear() pre = self.params['pre'] post = self.params['post'] # If there are no selected sweeps or channels have not been set, return if len(sweeps) == 0 or pre == post or pre not in self.channels or post not in self.channels: return pre_mode = sweeps[0][pre].clamp_mode post_mode = sweeps[0][post].clamp_mode for ch, mode, plot in [(pre, pre_mode, self.pre_plot), (post, post_mode, self.post_plot)]: units = 'A' if mode == 'vc' else 'V' plot.setLabels(left=("Channel %d" % ch, units), bottom=("Time", 's')) # Iterate over selected channels of all sweeps, plotting traces one at a time # Collect information about pulses and spikes pulses = [] spikes = [] post_traces = [] for i,sweep in enumerate(sweeps): pre_trace = sweep[pre]['primary'] post_trace = sweep[post]['primary'] # Detect pulse times stim = sweep[pre]['command'].data sdiff = np.diff(stim) on_times = np.argwhere(sdiff > 0)[1:, 0] # 1: skips test pulse off_times = np.argwhere(sdiff < 0)[1:, 0] pulses.append(on_times) # filter data post_filt = self.artifact_remover.process(post_trace, list(on_times) + list(off_times)) post_filt = self.baseline_remover.process(post_filt) post_filt = self.filter.process(post_filt) post_traces.append(post_filt) # plot raw data color = pg.intColor(i, hues=len(sweeps)*1.3, sat=128) color.setAlpha(128) for trace, plot in [(pre_trace, self.pre_plot), (post_filt, self.post_plot)]: plot.plot(trace.time_values,, pen=color, antialias=False) # detect spike times spike_times = [] spike_info = [] for on, off in zip(on_times, off_times): spikes = detect_evoked_spikes(sweep[pre], [on, off]) spike_info.append(spikes) for spike in spikes: if spike['max_slope_time'] is None: continue spike_times.append(spike['max_slope_time']) spikes.append(spike_info) dt = pre_trace.dt vticks = pg.VTickGroup(spike_times, yrange=[0.0, 0.2], pen=color) self.pre_plot.addItem(vticks) # Iterate over spikes, plotting average response all_responses = [] avg_responses = [] fits = [] fit = None npulses = max(map(len, pulses)) self.response_plots.clear() self.response_plots.set_shape(1, npulses+1) # 1 extra for global average self.response_plots.setYLink(self.response_plots[0,0]) for i in range(1, npulses+1): self.response_plots[0,i].hideAxis('left') units = 'A' if post_mode == 'vc' else 'V' self.response_plots[0, 0].setLabels(left=("Averaged events (Channel %d)" % post, units)) fit_pen = {'color':(30, 30, 255), 'width':2, 'dash': [1, 1]} for i in range(npulses): # get the chunk of each sweep between spikes responses = [] all_responses.append(responses) for j, sweep in enumerate(sweeps): # get the current spike if i >= len(spikes[j]): continue spike = spikes[j][i] if spike is None: continue # find next spike next_spike = None for sp in spikes[j][i+1:]: if sp is not None: next_spike = sp break # determine time range for response max_len = int(40e-3 / dt) # don't take more than 50ms for any response start = spike['rise_index'] if next_spike is not None: stop = min(start + max_len, next_spike['rise_index']) else: stop = start + max_len # collect data from this trace trace = post_traces[j] d =[start:stop].copy() responses.append(d) if len(responses) == 0: continue # extend all responses to the same length and take nanmean avg = ragged_mean(responses, method='clip') avg -= float_mode(avg[:int(1e-3/dt)]) avg_responses.append(avg) # plot average response for this pulse start = np.median([sp[i]['rise_index'] for sp in spikes if sp[i] is not None]) * dt t = np.arange(len(avg)) * dt self.response_plots[0,i].plot(t, avg, pen='w', antialias=True) # fit! fit = self.fit_psp(avg, t, dt, post_mode) fits.append(fit) # let the user mess with this fit curve = self.response_plots[0,i].plot(t, fit.eval(), pen=fit_pen, antialias=True).curve curve.setClickable(True) = fit curve.sigClicked.connect(self.fit_curve_clicked) # display global average global_avg = ragged_mean(avg_responses, method='clip') t = np.arange(len(global_avg)) * dt self.response_plots[0,-1].plot(t, global_avg, pen='w', antialias=True) global_fit = self.fit_psp(global_avg, t, dt, post_mode) self.response_plots[0,-1].plot(t, global_fit.eval(), pen=fit_pen, antialias=True) # display fit parameters in table events = [] for i,f in enumerate(fits + [global_fit]): if f is None: continue if i >= len(fits): vals = OrderedDict([('id', 'avg'), ('spike_time', np.nan), ('spike_stdev', np.nan)]) else: spt = [s[i]['peak_index'] * dt for s in spikes if s[i] is not None] vals = OrderedDict([('id', i), ('spike_time', np.mean(spt)), ('spike_stdev', np.std(spt))]) vals.update(OrderedDict([(k,f.best_values[k]) for k in f.params.keys()])) events.append(vals) self.current_event_set = (pre, post, events, sweeps) self.event_set_list.setCurrentRow(0) self.event_set_selected()
def analyze(self): if self.plotlist != [[], [], [], [], []]: for x in self.plotlist: self.p1.getRoiPlot().removeItem(x) self.plotlist = [[], [], [], [], []] dntpnames = ["dCTP", "dATP", "dGTP", "dTTP"] dntps = [[], [], [], []] zpro = [[], [], [], []] n = len(dntps) lz, lx, ly = self.stack.shape seq = self.stack.reshape(lz, lx * ly) for i, x in enumerate(dntpnames): fn = [ filename for filename in os.listdir(self.direc) if filename.startswith(x) and filename.endswith('.h5') ] hfile = h5py.File(self.direc + os.sep + fn[-1]) # print self.direc + os.sep+ fn[-1] dntps[i] = np.array(hfile["images"]).astype(float) if self.roip1 != []: dntps[i] = dntps[i][:, self.roip1[1]:self.roip2[1] + 1, self.roip1[0]:self.roip2[0] + 1] # if self.filtertype != []: dntps[i] = dntps[i][100:900] dntps[i] -= np.mean(dntps[i]) dntps[i] = (dntps[i] / dntps[i].std()) zpro[i] = np.median(dntps[i], 0) zpro[0] -= np.mean(zpro[0]) zpro[1] -= np.mean(zpro[1]) zpro[1] -= np.mean(zpro[2]) zpro[2] -= np.mean(zpro[3]) cscore = ascore = gscore = tscore = np.array(()) scores = [cscore, ascore, gscore, tscore] total = [] for i, x in enumerate(scores): x =, zpro[i].ravel()) x = (x - x.mean()) / x.std() if i == 0: total = x**2 else: total = total + x**2 color = pg.intColor(i, hues=4) scores[i] = x self.plotlist[i] = self.p1.getRoiPlot().plot(x - np.median(x), pen=color) self.p1.getRoiPlot().setRange(yRange=[-4, 10]) scores = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose(scores)) tot = abs(scores[0] + scores[1] - scores[2] - scores[3]) predictedseq = np.zeros(len(tot)) predictedseq[np.array(scores.idxmax(axis=1) == 0)] = 1 predictedseq[np.array(scores.idxmax(axis=1) == 1)] = 2 predictedseq[np.array(scores.idxmax(axis=1) == 2)] = 3 predictedseq[np.array(scores.idxmax(axis=1) == 3)] = 4 predictedseq[np.array( tot < np.median(predictedseq) + np.std(predictedseq))] = 0 self.plotlist[4] = self.p1.getRoiPlot().plot(predictedseq, pen=pg.mkPen('w', width=3))
expts = ExperimentList(cache='expts_cache.pkl') dates = [( - expts[0].date).days for e in expts] ud = list(np.unique(dates)) days = [ud.index(d) for d in dates] probed = np.array([e.n_connections_probed for e in expts]) found = np.array([e.n_connections for e in expts]) ctypes = [tuple(exp.cre_types) for exp in expts] n_ctypes = len(set(ctypes)) ctype_colors = {} for exp in expts: ct = tuple(exp.cre_types) color = pg.intColor(len(ctype_colors), hues=6, values=2, minValue=100) ctype_colors.setdefault(ct, pg.mkBrush(color)) expt_colors = [ctype_colors[ct] for ct in ctypes] p1 = pg.plot( dates, np.cumsum(probed), symbol='o', symbolBrush=expt_colors, symbolPen=None, title="Connections probed over time (including no-experiment days)") p1 = pg.plot(days, np.cumsum(probed), symbol='o',
def myLayout(self): self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) #the whole window, main layout self.inputLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.plotLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.inputLayout) self.layout.addLayout(self.plotLayout) self.m_button = QtGui.QSpinBox() self.m_button.setRange(-50, 50) self.m_button.setValue(0) self.inputLayout.addWidget(self.m_button, 1, 0) self.inputLayout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Zernike m"), 0, 0) self.n_button = QtGui.QSpinBox() self.n_button.setValue(2) self.inputLayout.addWidget(self.n_button, 1, 1) self.inputLayout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Zernike n"), 0, 1) self.m_button.editingFinished.connect(self.worker_calc_zernike) self.n_button.editingFinished.connect(self.worker_calc_zernike) self.scatterPlotItem1 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=30, pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=pg.intColor(2)) ah = 0.5 hh = ah * np.sqrt(3) / 2.0 hpoint1 = QtCore.QPointF(0, -ah) hpoint2 = QtCore.QPointF(hh, -ah / 2) hpoint3 = QtCore.QPointF(hh, ah / 2) hpoint4 = QtCore.QPointF(0, ah) hpoint5 = QtCore.QPointF(-hh, ah / 2) hpoint6 = QtCore.QPointF(-hh, -ah / 2) hexagonShape = QtGui.QPolygonF( [hpoint1, hpoint2, hpoint3, hpoint4, hpoint5, hpoint6]) spotShape = QtGui.QPainterPath() spotShape.addPolygon(hexagonShape) #self.scatterPlotItem1.Symbols['h'] = hexagonShape self.scatterPlotItem1.setData(symbol=spotShape) self.graphWindow1 = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() self.graphWindow2 = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() self.graphWindow3 = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() self.graphWindow4 = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() #self.graphWindow.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding,QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.plotLayout.addWidget(self.graphWindow1, 0, 0) self.plotLayout.addWidget(self.graphWindow2, 0, 1) self.plotLayout.addWidget(self.graphWindow3, 1, 0) self.plotLayout.addWidget(self.graphWindow4, 1, 1) view1 = self.graphWindow1.addViewBox() view1.setAspectLocked(True) self.img1 = pg.ImageItem(border='w') #self.scatterPlotItem1.addPoints(self.electrodeCoordinates[:,0]*self.x_points/2.0/self.laserSpotSizeScale+self.x_points/2, self.electrodeCoordinates[:,1]*self.y_points/2.0/self.laserSpotSizeScale+self.y_points/2) view1.addItem(self.img1) view1.addItem(self.scatterPlotItem1) view2 = self.graphWindow2.addViewBox() view2.setAspectLocked(True) self.img2 = pg.ImageItem(border='w') self.scatterPlotItem1.addPoints( self.electrodeCoordinates[:, 0] * self.x_points / self.laserSpotSizeScale + self.x_points / 2, self.electrodeCoordinates[:, 1] * self.y_points / self.laserSpotSizeScale + self.y_points / 2) view2.addItem(self.img2) view3 = self.graphWindow3.addViewBox() view3.setAspectLocked(True) self.img3 = pg.ImageItem(border='w') self.scatterPlotItem1.addPoints( self.electrodeCoordinates[:, 0] * self.x_points / self.laserSpotSizeScale + self.x_points / 2, self.electrodeCoordinates[:, 1] * self.y_points / self.laserSpotSizeScale + self.y_points / 2) view3.addItem(self.img3) view4 = self.graphWindow4.addViewBox() view4.setAspectLocked(True) self.img4 = pg.ImageItem(border='w') self.scatterPlotItem1.addPoints( self.electrodeCoordinates[:, 0] * self.x_points / self.laserSpotSizeScale + self.x_points / 2, self.electrodeCoordinates[:, 1] * self.y_points / self.laserSpotSizeScale + self.y_points / 2) view4.addItem(self.img4) # #self.spots = QtGui.QGraphicsWidget() #self.graphWindow.addItem(self.spots,{'pos': self.electrodeCoordinates[1], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor(2), 'symbol': 'o', 'size': 50}) #======================================================================= # spots = {'pos': self.electrodeCoordinates[1], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor(2), 'symbol': 'o', 'size': 50} # #for i in range(0,3): # # spots.append({'pos': self.electrodeCoordinates[i], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor(2), 'symbol': 'o', 'size': 50}) # #======================================================================= self.calc_zernike()
def show_pg(self, cell=None, rmponly=False): print("rmpvalue : ") print(rmponly) """ Plot results from run_iv() Using pyqtgraph. Parameters ---------- cell : cell object (default: None) """ # # Generate figure with subplots # note that some of the plot windows are not used... maybe later # app = pg.mkQApp() win = pg.GraphicsWindow() #'%s %s (%s)' % (cell.status['name'], cell.status['modelType'], cell.status['species'])) = win win.resize(1000, 800) Vplot = win.addPlot(labels={'left': 'Vm (mV)', 'bottom': 'Time (ms)'}) rightGrid = win.addLayout(rowspan=2) win.nextRow() PostCellPlot = win.addPlot(labels={'left': 'Ipost (nA)', 'bottom': 'Time (ms)'}) win.nextRow() Iplot = win.addPlot(labels={'left': 'Iinj (nA)', 'bottom': 'Time (ms)'}) # right side: IVplot = rightGrid.addPlot(labels={'left': 'Vm (mV)', 'bottom': 'Icmd (nA)'}) IVplot.showGrid(x=True, y=True) rightGrid.nextRow() spikePlot = rightGrid.addPlot(labels={'left': 'Iinj (nA)', 'bottom': 'Spike times (ms)'}) rightGrid.nextRow() FIplot = rightGrid.addPlot(labels={'left': 'Spike count', 'bottom': 'Iinj (nA)'}), 10), 5) # # Plot the simulation results # Vm = self.sgc_voltage_traces Iinj = self.current_traces # Icmd = self.current_cmd DVm = self.axon_voltage_traces post = self.post_cell_current_traces calyxca = self.calyx_ca t = self.time_values steps = len(Iinj) # plot I, V traces colors = [(i, steps*3./2.) for i in range(steps)] # plot all the stimuli for i in range(steps): Vplot.plot(t, Vm[i], pen='w') #Iplot.plot(t, Iinj[i], pen=colors[i]) # that was the current pulses Iplot.plot(t[:len(calyxca[i])], calyxca[i], pen='y') # calcium is more interesting PostCellPlot.plot(t, post[i], pen=colors[i]) if len(DVm) == 0: continue nnodes = len(DVm[i]) axcolors = [pg.intColor(k, nnodes) for k in range(nnodes)] for j in range(len(DVm[i])): # for each site if j in range(nnodes): #[1, nnodes-1]: ilen = len(DVm[i][j]) Vplot.plot(t[:ilen], DVm[i][j], pen=axcolors[j]) trange = [0,140] xmin = trange[0] xmax = trange[1] Vplot.setXRange(xmin, xmax) print("rescaled voltage") Iplot.setXRange(xmin, xmax) PostCellPlot.setXRange(xmin, xmax) Iplot.setXLink(Vplot) PostCellPlot.setXLink(Vplot) if rmponly: print("In this condition") return
data[0] += 5 data[1] += 7 data[2] += 5 data[3] = 10 + data[3] * 2 ## Make bar graph #bar = pg.BarGraphItem(x=range(4), height=data.mean(axis=1), width=0.5, brush=0.4) #win.addItem(bar) ## add scatter plots on top for i in range(4): xvals = pg.pseudoScatter(data[i], spacing=0.4, bidir=True) * 0.2 win.plot(x=xvals + i, y=data[i], pen=None, symbol='o', symbolBrush=pg.intColor(i, 6, maxValue=128)) ## Make error bars err = pg.ErrorBarItem(x=np.arange(4), y=data.mean(axis=1), height=data.std(axis=1), beam=0.5, pen={ 'color': 'w', 'width': 2 }) #win.addItem(err) ## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside.
def get_color(i, j, data): x = data.iloc[i][data.columns[j]] return pg.intColor(int((x + 1) / 2 * 1000), 1000)
def __init__(self, settings: Settings, data_model: DataModel, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, *args: Any) -> None: super().__init__(parent, *args) self.setObjectName('plot_dialog') self.settings: Settings = settings self.setModal(True) self.setWindowTitle('Plot')) if parent is not None: self.setWindowIcon(parent.windowIcon()) layout: QHBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout(self) controls_panel: QWidget = QWidget(self) layout.addWidget(controls_panel) controls_layout: QFormLayout = QFormLayout(controls_panel) plot: pg.PlotWidget = pg.PlotWidget(self) canvas: pg.PlotItem = plot.getPlotItem() canvas.setAxisItems({'bottom': pg.DateAxisItem()}) layout.addWidget(plot) layout.setStretch(0, 0) cursor_balloon: pg.TextItem = pg.TextItem() plot.addItem(cursor_balloon, True) # ignore bounds def on_mouse_moved(event: Tuple[QPointF]) -> None: pos: QPointF = event[0] if plot.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos): point: QPointF = canvas.vb.mapSceneToView(pos) if plot.visibleRange().contains(point): cursor_balloon.setPos(point) cursor_balloon.setText( f'{datetime.fromtimestamp(round(point.x()))}\n{point.y()}' ) balloon_border: QRectF = cursor_balloon.boundingRect() sx: float sy: float sx, sy = canvas.vb.viewPixelSize() balloon_width: float = balloon_border.width() * sx balloon_height: float = balloon_border.height() * sy anchor_x: float = 0.0 if point.x() - plot.visibleRange( ).left() < balloon_width else 1.0 anchor_y: float = 0.0 if plot.visibleRange().bottom( ) - point.y() < balloon_height else 1.0 cursor_balloon.setAnchor((anchor_x, anchor_y)) cursor_balloon.setVisible(True) else: cursor_balloon.setVisible(False) else: cursor_balloon.setVisible(False) self._mouse_moved_signal_proxy: pg.SignalProxy = pg.SignalProxy( plot.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=10, slot=on_mouse_moved) header: str column: np.ndarray visibility: bool self.lines: List[pg.PlotDataItem] = [] self.color_buttons: List[pg.ColorButton] = [] visible_columns_count: int = 0 visible_headers: List[str] = [] for header, column, visibility in zip( data_model.header, data_model.all_data, self.settings.check_items_values): if not (visibility and (self.settings.show_all_zero_columns or not np.alltrue((column == 0.0) | np.isnan(column)))) \ or header.endswith(('(s)', '(sec)', '(secs)')): continue else: visible_columns_count += 1 visible_headers.append(header) def set_line_color(sender: pg.ColorButton) -> None: index: int = self.color_buttons.index(sender) self.lines[index].setPen(sender.color()) self.settings.line_colors[visible_headers[index]] = sender.color() for header, column, visibility in zip( data_model.header, data_model.all_data, self.settings.check_items_values): if not (visibility and (self.settings.show_all_zero_columns or not np.alltrue((column == 0.0) | np.isnan(column)))) \ or header.endswith(('(s)', '(sec)', '(secs)')): continue color: QColor = self.settings.line_colors.get( header, pg.intColor(len(self.lines), hues=visible_columns_count)) self.color_buttons.append(pg.ColorButton(controls_panel, color)) controls_layout.addRow(header, self.color_buttons[-1]) self.lines.append( canvas.plot(np.column_stack((data_model.all_data[0], column)), name=header, pen=color)) self.color_buttons[-1].sigColorChanged.connect(set_line_color) self.settings.beginGroup('plot') window_settings: bytes = self.settings.value('geometry') if window_settings is not None: self.restoreGeometry(window_settings) self.settings.endGroup()
for p in lastClicked: p.resetPen() for p in points: print('Pos: ', p.pos()) p.setPen('b', width=2) lastClicked = points n = 20 w = view.addViewBox() s = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen('w')) pos = np.linspace(0, 100, n) spots = [{ 'pos': (0, pos[i]), 'data': 1, 'brush': pg.intColor(i), 'symbol': 1, 'size': 10 } for i in range(n)] s.addPoints(spots) w.addItem(s) s.sigClicked.connect(clicked) if __name__ == '__main__': QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_() import pyqtgraph as pg import pyqtgraph.opengl class MyView(pg.opengl.GLViewWidget):
for p in points: p.setPen('b', width=2) lastClicked = points s1.sigClicked.connect(clicked) # 2) Spots are transform-invariant, but not identical (top-right plot). # In this case, drawing is almsot as fast as 1), but there is more startup # overhead and memory usage since each spot generates its own pre-rendered # image. s2 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen('w'), pxMode=True) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2, n), scale=1e-5) spots = [{'pos': pos[:, i], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor( i, n), 'symbol': i % 5, 'size': 5+i/10.} for i in range(n)] s2.addPoints(spots) w2.addItem(s2) s2.sigClicked.connect(clicked) # 3) Spots are not transform-invariant, not identical (bottom-left). # This is the slowest case, since all spots must be completely re-drawn # every time because their apparent transformation may have changed. # Set pxMode=False to allow spots to transform with the view s3 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(pxMode=False) spots3 = [] for i in range(10): for j in range(10): spots3.append({'pos': (1e-6*i, 1e-6*j), 'size': 1e-6,
def __init__(self, model_runner): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self) self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.slicer = NDSlicer(model_runner.param_space.axes()) self.slicer.selection_changed.connect(self.selection_changed) self.layout.addWidget(self.slicer) # set up a few default 2D slicer views v1 = self.slicer.params.child('2D views').addNew() v1['axis 0'] = 'n_release_sites' v1['axis 1'] = 'base_release_probability' v2 = self.slicer.params.child('2D views').addNew() v2['axis 0'] = 'depression_amount' v2['axis 1'] = 'base_release_probability' self.slicer.dockarea.moveDock(v2.viewer.dock, 'bottom', v1.viewer.dock) v3 = self.slicer.params.child('2D views').addNew() v3['axis 0'] = 'depression_tau' v3['axis 1'] = 'base_release_probability' v4 = self.slicer.params.child('2D views').addNew() v4['axis 0'] = 'facilitation_amount' v4['axis 1'] = 'base_release_probability' self.slicer.dockarea.moveDock(v4.viewer.dock, 'bottom', v3.viewer.dock) self.result_widget = ModelSingleResultWidget() self.result_dock = pg.dockarea.Dock('model results') self.result_dock.addWidget(self.result_widget) self.slicer.dockarea.addDock(self.result_dock, 'bottom') # turn on max projection for all parameters by default for ch in self.slicer.params.child('max project'): if == 'synapse': continue ch.setValue(True) self.model_runner = model_runner self.param_space = model_runner.param_space # result_img = np.zeros(self.param_space.result.shape) # for ind in np.ndindex(result_img.shape): # result_img[ind] = self.param_space.result[ind].likelihood result_img = self.param_space.result['likelihood'] self.slicer.set_data(result_img) self.results = result_img # select best result best = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(result_img), result_img.shape) self.select_result(best) max_like = self.results.max() # if results are combined across synapses, set up colors if 'synapse' in self.param_space.params: self.slicer.params['color axis', 'axis'] = 'synapse' syn_axis = list(self.param_space.params.keys()).index('synapse') max_img = np.array([result_img.take(i, axis=syn_axis).max() for i in range(result_img.shape[syn_axis])]) max_like = max_img.min() max_img = max_img.min() / max_img syns = self.param_space.params['synapse'] for i in syns: c = pg.colorTuple(pg.intColor(i, len(syns)*1.2)) c = pg.mkColor(c[0]*max_img[i], c[1]*max_img[i], c[2]*max_img[i]) self.slicer.params['color axis', 'colors', str(i)] = c # set histogram range self.slicer.histlut.setLevels(max_like * 0.85, max_like)
def _get_color(self, index): ''' Returns incremental plot colors based on index ''' return pg.intColor(index, minValue=self.plot_min_value, maxValue=self.plot_max_value, hues=self.distinct_plot_hues, minHue=self.plot_min_hue, maxHue=self.plot_max_hue)
def makeMultiplePlots(): ## if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): ## QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_() app = QtGui.QApplication([]) mw = QtGui.QMainWindow() mw.resize(800,800) view = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() ## GraphicsView with GraphicsLayout inserted by default mw.setCentralWidget(view) mw.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: ScatterPlot') ## create four areas to add plots w1 = view.addPlot() w2 = view.addViewBox() w2.setAspectLocked(True) view.nextRow() w3 = view.addPlot() w4 = view.addPlot() print("Generating data, this takes a few seconds...") ## There are a few different ways we can draw scatter plots; each is optimized for different types of data: ## 1) All spots identical and transform-invariant (top-left plot). ## In this case we can get a huge performance boost by pre-rendering the spot ## image and just drawing that image repeatedly. n = 300 s1 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=pg.mkBrush(255, 255, 255, 120)) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,n), scale=1e-5) spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'data': 1} for i in range(n)] + [{'pos': [0,0], 'data': 1}] s1.addPoints(spots) w1.addItem(s1) ## Make all plots clickable lastClicked = [] def clicked(plot, points): global lastClicked for p in lastClicked: p.resetPen() print("clicked points", points) for p in points: p.setPen('b', width=2) lastClicked = points s1.sigClicked.connect(clicked) ## 2) Spots are transform-invariant, but not identical (top-right plot). ## In this case, drawing is as fast as 1), but there is more startup overhead ## and memory usage since each spot generates its own pre-rendered image. s2 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen('w'), pxMode=True) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,n), scale=1e-5) spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor(i, n), 'symbol': i%5, 'size': 5+i/10.} for i in range(n)] s2.addPoints(spots) w2.addItem(s2) s2.sigClicked.connect(clicked) ## 3) Spots are not transform-invariant, not identical (bottom-left). ## This is the slowest case, since all spots must be completely re-drawn ## every time because their apparent transformation may have changed. s3 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(pxMode=False) ## Set pxMode=False to allow spots to transform with the view spots3 = [] for i in range(10): for j in range(10): spots3.append({'pos': (1e-6*i, 1e-6*j), 'size': 1e-6, 'pen': {'color': 'w', 'width': 2}, 'brush':pg.intColor(i*10+j, 100)}) s3.addPoints(spots3) w3.addItem(s3) s3.sigClicked.connect(clicked) ## Test performance of large scatterplots s4 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=pg.mkBrush(255, 255, 255, 20)) pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,10000), scale=1e-9) s4.addPoints(x=pos[0], y=pos[1]) w4.addItem(s4) s4.sigClicked.connect(clicked)
def setup(self): self.has_turbo = 'tc110_turbo' in if self.has_turbo: self.turbo_names = [] for name in ['prep', 'ion', 'nano']: for x in ['speed', 'power', 'temp']: self.turbo_names.append(name + "_" + x) self.settings.New('delta_t', dtype=float, unit='s', vmin=0.0, initial=1.0) self.settings.New('save_h5', dtype=bool, initial=True) #display self.settings.New('show_last', dtype=int, initial=-1) self.names = names = ('Prep', 'Nano') for name in self.names: self.settings.New(name + "_pressure", dtype=float, ro=True, si=True, unit="Bar") #self.settings.New('start_time', dtype=str, ro=True, initial = datestring()) self.settings.New('ADC_channels', dtype=str, initial='9215A/ai0:1') self.settings.New('TC_channels', dtype=str, initial='cDAQ1-9211/ai0:1') #setup gui self.ui = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.ui.setLayout(self.layout) self.control_widget = QtWidgets.QGroupBox( self.layout.addWidget(self.control_widget, stretch=0) self.control_widget.setLayout(QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()) self.start_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Start") self.control_widget.layout().addWidget(self.start_button) self.stop_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Stop") self.control_widget.layout().addWidget(self.stop_button) self.start_button.clicked.connect(self.start) self.stop_button.clicked.connect(self.interrupt) self.control_widget.layout().addWidget(\ self.settings.New_UI(exclude=['activation','progress','profile'])) self.control_widget.layout().addWidget(\ self.graph_layout = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(border=(100, 100, 100)) self.layout.addWidget(self.graph_layout, stretch=1) self.ui.setWindowTitle("auger_pressure_history") self.NUM_CHANS = 2 self.TC_CHAN_NAMES = ['oven_air', 'vac_system'] self.TC_CHANS = 2 self.plots = [] #ion gauge pressure display axis = DateAxis(orientation='bottom') self.pressure_plot = plot = self.graph_layout.addPlot( title="Pressure", axisItems={'bottom': axis}) plot.setLogMode(y=True) plot.setYRange(-11, -6) plot.showGrid(y=True, x=True, alpha=1.0) plot.addLegend() self.plots.append(plot) self.pressure_plot_lines = [] for i in range(self.NUM_CHANS): color = pg.intColor(i) plot_line = self.pressure_plot.plot(pen=pg.mkPen(color, width=4), name=names[i], autoDownsample=True) self.pressure_plot_lines.append(plot_line) self.graph_layout.nextRow() #turbo status display self.turbo_plot = self.graph_layout.addPlot(title="Turbo", axisItems={'bottom': axis}) self.turbo_plot.showGrid(y=True, x=True, alpha=1.0) self.turbo_plot.addLegend() self.turbo_plot_lines = dict() for name in self.turbo_names: if 'prep' in name: color = 'r' elif 'ion' in name: color = 'y' else: color = 'w' if 'speed' in name: width = 4 style = 1 elif 'power' in name: style = 2 width = 2 else: style = style = 3 width = 1 self.turbo_plot_lines[name] = self.turbo_plot.plot( pen=pg.mkPen(color=color, width=width), name=name, autoDownsample=True)
def __init__(self,filename,env,parent=None): super(overview,self).__init__(parent) pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w') pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k') self.fileName=filename self.setWindowTitle("Overview Signal") self.showMaximized() self.env=env p1=self.addPlot(title='Current Big coils') self.nextRow() p2=self.addPlot(title='Pressure') self.nextRow() p3=self.addPlot(title='Helicon power') self.nextRow() p4=self.addPlot(title='ICRF power') self.nextRow() p5=self.addPlot(title='Density Langmuir probe') self.nextRow() p6=self.addPlot(title='Amplitude B-dot probes') self.nextRow() p7=self.addPlot(title='Phase B-dot probes') indexColor=0 for x in self.fileName: try: timeCoils,dataCoils,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'S7/Big_coil_I [A]',env) except: pass try: timeP,dataP,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'S7/vacuum [mbar]',env) except: pass try: timeHF,dataHF,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'Generator/Fpower',env) except: pass try: timeHR,dataHR,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'Generator/Rpower',env) except: pass try: timeIF,dataIF,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'PXI M6251/IC_fwd',env) except: pass try: timeIR,dataIR,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'PXI M6251/IC_ref',env) except: pass try: dataL=np.array(readHdf5.getDataProcess(x,'Process/Langmuir_dens',env)) timeL=np.array(readHdf5.getDataProcess(x,'Process/Langmuir_time',env)) except: pass try: timeFW,dataFW,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'PXI M6251/U_fast',env) except: pass try: timeSW,dataSW,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'PXI M6251/U_slow',env) except: pass try: timePhase1,dataPhase1,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'PXI M6251/Phi_fast',env) except: pass try: timePhase2,dataPhase2,sampling=readHdf5.getData(x,'PXI M6251/Phi_slow',env) except: pass pencil=pg.mkPen(color=pg.intColor(indexColor)) try: p1.plot(timeCoils,dataCoils,pen=pencil) except: pass try: p2.plot(timeP,dataP,pen=pencil) except: pass try: p3.plot(timeHF,dataHF,pen=pencil) p3.plot(timeHR,dataHR,pen=pencil) except: pass try: p4.plot(timeIF,dataIF,pen=pencil) p4.plot(timeIR,dataIR,pen=pencil) except: pass try: p5.plot(timeL,dataL,pen=pencil) except: pass try: p6.plot(timeFW,dataFW,pen=pencil) p6.plot(timeSW,dataSW,pen=pencil) except: pass try: p7.plot(timePhase1,dataPhase1-dataPhase2,pen=pencil) except: pass indexColor=indexColor+1 p7.setXLink(p1) p6.setXLink(p1) p5.setXLink(p1) p4.setXLink(p1) p3.setXLink(p1) p2.setXLink(p1)
def init_UI(self): """Produce the widgets and buttons.""" self.centre_widget = QWidget() self.tabs = QTabWidget() # make tabs for each main display self.centre_widget.layout = QVBoxLayout() self.centre_widget.layout.addWidget(self.tabs) self.centre_widget.setLayout(self.centre_widget.layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.centre_widget) # change font size font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(18) #### menubar at top gives options #### menubar = self.menuBar() # file menubar allows you to save/load data file_menu = menubar.addMenu('File') for label, function in [['Load Config', self.load_config], ['Save Config', self.save_config], ['Load Trace', self.load_trace], ['Save Trace', self.save_trace], ['Save Graph', self.save_graph]]: action = QAction(label, self) action.triggered.connect(function) file_menu.addAction(action) #### tab for settings #### settings_tab = QWidget() settings_grid = QGridLayout() settings_tab.setLayout(settings_grid) self.tabs.addTab(settings_tab, "Settings") self.settings = QTableWidget(1, 6) self.settings.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Duration (ms)', 'Sample Rate (kS/s)', 'Trigger Channel', 'Trigger Level (V)', 'Trigger Edge', 'Use Trigger?']) settings_grid.addWidget(self.settings, 0,0, 1,1) defaults = [str(self.stats['Duration (ms)']), str(self.stats['Sample Rate (kS/s)']), self.stats['Trigger Channel'], str(self.stats['Trigger Level (V)']), self.stats['Trigger Edge'], '1'] validators = [double_validator, double_validator, None, double_validator, None, bool_validator] for i in range(6): table_item = QLineEdit(defaults[i]) # user can edit text to change the setting if defaults[i] == 'Sample Rate (kS/s)': table_item.setEnabled(False) table_item.setValidator(validators[i]) # validator limits the values that can be entered self.settings.setCellWidget(0,i, table_item) self.settings.resizeColumnToContents(1) self.settings.setFixedHeight(70) # make it take up less space self.settings.cellWidget(0,0).textChanged.connect(self.check_slice_duration) # start/stop: start waiting for a trigger or taking an acquisition self.toggle = QPushButton('Start', self) self.toggle.setCheckable(True) self.toggle.clicked.connect(self.activate) settings_grid.addWidget(self.toggle, 1,0, 1,1) # channels self.channels = QTableWidget(8, 7) # make table self.channels.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Channel', 'Label', 'Scale (X/V)', 'Offset (V)', 'Range', 'Acquire?', 'Plot?']) settings_grid.addWidget(self.channels, 2,0, 1,1) validators = [None, double_validator, double_validator, None, bool_validator, bool_validator] for i in range(8): chan = 'Dev2/ai'+str(i) # name of virtual channel table_item = QLabel(chan) self.channels.setCellWidget(i,0, table_item) if chan in self.stats['channels']: # load values from previous defaults = self.stats['channels'][chan] else: # default values when none are loaded defaults = channel_stats("[dummy, "+str(i)+", 1.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0, 0]")['dummy'] for j, key in zip([0,1,2,4,5], ['label', 'scale', 'offset', 'acquire', 'plot']): table_item = QLineEdit(str(defaults[key])) if 'acquire' in key: table_item.textChanged.connect(self.check_slice_channels) elif 'plot' in key: table_item.textChanged.connect(self.set_acquire) table_item.setValidator(validators[j]) self.channels.setCellWidget(i,j+1, table_item) vrange = QComboBox() # only allow certain values for voltage range vrange.text = vrange.currentText # overload function so it's same as QLabel vrange.addItems(['%.1f'%x for x in self.slave.vrs]) try: vrange.setCurrentIndex(self.slave.vrs.index(defaults['range'])) except Exception as e: logger.error('Invalid channel voltage range\n'+str(e)) self.channels.setCellWidget(i,4, vrange) #### Plot for most recently acquired trace #### trace_tab = QWidget() trace_grid = QGridLayout() trace_tab.setLayout(trace_grid) self.tabs.addTab(trace_tab, "Trace") # button activates horizontal line self.hline_toggle = QPushButton('Horizontal line', self, checkable=True) self.hline_toggle.clicked.connect(self.add_horizontal) trace_grid.addWidget(self.hline_toggle, 0,0, 1,1) self.hline_label = QLabel() trace_grid.addWidget(self.hline_label, 0,1, 1,1) fadeline_button = QPushButton('Persist', self) fadeline_button.clicked.connect(self.set_fadelines) trace_grid.addWidget(fadeline_button, 0,2, 1,1) # plot the trace self.trace_canvas = pg.PlotWidget() self.trace_legend = self.trace_canvas.addLegend() self.trace_canvas.getAxis('bottom').tickFont = font self.trace_canvas.getAxis('left').tickFont = font self.trace_canvas.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) self.trace_canvas.setLabel('left', 'Voltage', 'V', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) self.lines = [] # handles for lines plotting the last measurement self.fadelines = [] # handles for previous measurement lines for i in range(8): chan = self.channels.cellWidget(i,1).text() self.lines.append(self.trace_canvas.plot([1], name=chan, pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(i), width=3))) self.lines[i].hide() self.fadelines.append(self.trace_canvas.plot([1], pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(i, alpha=50), width=2))) self.fadelines[i].hide() self.hline = pg.InfiniteLine(1., angle=0, pen='k', movable=True) self.trace_canvas.addItem(self.hline) self.hline.sigPositionChanged.connect(self.update_hline) self.hline.hide() trace_grid.addWidget(self.trace_canvas, 1,0, 1,3) #### Settings for slices of the trace accumulating into the graph #### slice_tab = QWidget() slice_grid = QGridLayout() slice_tab.setLayout(slice_grid) self.tabs.addTab(slice_tab, "Slice") # Buttons to add/remove slices and reset graph for i, (label, func) in enumerate([['Add slice', self.add_slice], ['Remove slice', self.del_slice], ['Reset graph', self.reset_graph]]): button = QPushButton(label, self) button.clicked.connect(func) slice_grid.addWidget(button, 0,i, 1,1) # parameters for slices self.slices = QTableWidget(0, 4) # make table self.slices.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Slice name', 'Start (ms)', 'End (ms)', 'Channels']) slice_grid.addWidget(self.slices, 1,0, 1,3) #### Plot for graph of accumulated data #### graph_tab = QWidget() graph_grid = QGridLayout() graph_tab.setLayout(graph_grid) self.tabs.addTab(graph_tab, "Graph") self.mean_graph = pg.PlotWidget() # for plotting means self.stdv_graph = pg.PlotWidget() # for plotting standard deviations self.graph_legends = [] for i, g in enumerate([self.mean_graph, self.stdv_graph]): g.getAxis('bottom').tickFont = font g.getAxis('bottom').setFont(font) g.getAxis('left').tickFont = font g.getAxis('left').setFont(font) graph_grid.addWidget(g, i,0, 1,1) self.reset_lines() # make a line for every slice channel self.stdv_graph.setLabel('bottom', 'Shot', '', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) self.stdv_graph.setLabel('left', 'Standard Deviation', 'V', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) self.mean_graph.setLabel('left', 'Mean', 'V', **{'font-size':'18pt'}) #### tab for TCP message settings #### tcp_tab = QWidget() tcp_grid = QGridLayout() tcp_tab.setLayout(tcp_grid) self.tabs.addTab(tcp_tab, "Sync") label = QLabel('Run number: ') tcp_grid.addWidget(label, 0,0, 1,1) self.n_edit = QLineEdit(str(self.stats['n'])) self.n_edit.setValidator(int_validator) self.n_edit.textEdited[str].connect(self.set_n) tcp_grid.addWidget(self.n_edit, 0,1, 1,1) label = QLabel('Save directory: ') tcp_grid.addWidget(label, 1,0, 1,1) self.save_edit = QLineEdit(self.stats['save_dir']) self.save_edit.textEdited[str].connect(self.set_save_dir) tcp_grid.addWidget(self.save_edit, 1,1, 1,1) label = QLabel('Trace file name: ') tcp_grid.addWidget(label, 2,0, 1,1) self.trace_edit = QLineEdit(self.stats['trace_file']) self.trace_edit.textEdited[str].connect(self.set_trace_file) tcp_grid.addWidget(self.trace_edit, 2,1, 1,1) label = QLabel('Graph file name: ') tcp_grid.addWidget(label, 3,0, 1,1) self.graph_edit = QLineEdit(self.stats['graph_file']) self.graph_edit.textEdited[str].connect(self.set_graph_file) tcp_grid.addWidget(self.graph_edit, 3,1, 1,1) reset = QPushButton('Reset TCP client', self) reset.clicked.connect(self.reset_client) tcp_grid.addWidget(reset, 4,0, 1,1) #### Title and icon #### self.setWindowTitle('- NI DAQ Controller -') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('docs/daqicon.png')) self.setGeometry(200, 200, 800, 600)
def creategradient(self): g = QtGui.QLinearGradient() for i in range(17): g.setColorAt(float(i)/17.0, pg.intColor(i, hues=17)) return g
def new_curve(self, results, color=None, **kwargs): if color is None: color = pg.intColor(self.browser.topLevelItemCount() % 8) return self.plot_widget.new_curve(results, color=color, **kwargs)
view.nextRow() w3 = view.addPlot(title="residual Sugar vs Density in red Wines") w4 = view.addPlot(title="residual Sugar vs Density in white Wines") print("Generating data, this takes a few seconds...") # 1: pH vs Alcohol red wines (color = quality) s1 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pxMode=True) spots1 = [] n = len(data['alcohol']) x_var1 = data['alcohol'] y_var1 = data['pH'] scale = data['quality'] for i in range(n): spots1.append({ 'pos': (x_var1[i], y_var1[i]), 'brush': pg.intColor(scale[i] * 10, 100) }) s1.addPoints(spots1) w1.addItem(s1) # 2: pH vs Alcohol white(color = quality) s2 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pxMode=True) spots2 = [] n = len(data2['alcohol']) x_var2 = data2['alcohol'] y_var2 = data2['pH'] scale2 = data2['quality'] for i in range(n): spots2.append({ 'pos': (x_var2[i], y_var2[i]), 'brush': pg.intColor(scale2[i] * 10, 100)
def updatePlot(self, *args): rawIndex = self.rawCB.currentIndex() trajIndex = self.trajCB.currentIndex() # get current acquisition if data or trajectory plot enabled if rawIndex != 0 or trajIndex != 0: # get currently selected row from table view row = self.tableView.currentIndex().row() # read corresponding acquisiton from table model buffer aq = ismrmrd.Acquisition( self.tableModel.rbuffer.getCell(row)['head']) # update raw data plot if rawIndex != 0: # get the data data = self.tableModel.rbuffer.getCell(row)['data'].view( np.complex64).reshape( (aq.active_channels, aq.number_of_samples))[:] # modifiy data depending on selected visualization if self.rawCB.currentText() == 'Real': dataOut = np.real(data) elif self.rawCB.currentText() == 'Imag': dataOut = np.imag(data) elif self.rawCB.currentText() == 'FFT (magnitude)': dataOut = abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(data))) elif self.rawCB.currentText() == 'Phase': dataOut = np.angle(data) elif self.rawCB.currentText() == 'Phase (unwrapped)': dataOut = np.unwrap(np.angle(data)) else: dataOut = abs(data) # remove old plots and legend entries for item in self.rawPlot.items(): self.rawPlot.removeItem(item) try: self.rawPlot.legend.scene().removeItem(self.rawPlot.legend) except Exception as e: print(e) #self.plotWidget.rawPlot.clear() self.rawPlot.setTitle('Coil data') self.rawPlot.legend = self.rawPlot.addLegend() for ind in range(0, len(dataOut)): color = pg.intColor(ind) self.rawPlot.plot(dataOut[ind, :], pen=pg.mkPen(color), name=' Channel ' + str(ind)) else: self.rawPlot.hide() # update trajectory plot if self.trajCB.currentIndex() != 0 and aq.traj.size > 0: # get the data data = self.tableModel.rbuffer.getCell(row)['traj'].reshape( (aq.number_of_samples, aq.trajectory_dimensions))[:] # modifiy data depending on selected visualization if self.trajCB.currentText() == 'FFT (magnitude)': dataOut = abs(np.fft.fft(data)) else: dataOut = data # remove old plots and legend entries for item in self.trajPlot.items(): self.trajPlot.removeItem(item) try: self.trajPlot.legend.scene().removeItem(self.trajPlot.legend) except Exception as e: print(e) #self.plotWidget.trajPlot.clear() self.trajPlot.setTitle('Trajectory data') self.trajPlot.legend = self.trajPlot.addLegend() for ind in range(0, dataOut.shape[1]): color = pg.intColor(ind) self.trajPlot.plot(dataOut[:, ind], pen=pg.mkPen(color), name=' Channel ' + str(ind)) else: self.trajPlot.hide()
def update_scater_plot(): global number_of_spikes global tsne_spots global spike_info scatter_item.clear() scatter_selected_item.clear() number_of_spikes = len(spike_info) progdialog = QtWidgets.QProgressDialog() progdialog.setGeometry(500, 500, 400, 40) progdialog.setWindowTitle('Loading t-sne plot') progdialog.setMinimum(0) progdialog.setMaximum(5) progdialog.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) progdialog.setLabelText( 'Generating colors _____________________________________') progdialog.setValue(0) QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() color = [ pg.intColor(spike_info['template_after_sorting'].iloc[i], hues=50, values=1, maxValue=255, minValue=150, maxHue=360, minHue=0, sat=255, alpha=255) for i in range(number_of_spikes) ] progdialog.setLabelText( 'Generating brushes ____________________________________') progdialog.setValue(1) brush = [pg.mkBrush(color[i]) for i in range(number_of_spikes)] progdialog.setLabelText( 'Generating positions __________________________________') progdialog.setValue(2) tsne_spots = [{ 'pos': [spike_info['tsne_x'].iloc[i], spike_info['tsne_y'].iloc[i]], 'data': 1, 'brush': brush[i] } for i in range(number_of_spikes)] progdialog.setLabelText( 'Adding points to plot __________________________________') progdialog.setValue(3) scatter_item.addPoints(tsne_spots) progdialog.setLabelText( 'Generating symbols ... Almost done ______________________') progdialog.setValue(4) symbol = [] for i in range(number_of_spikes): symbol.append( hf.symbol_from_type(spike_info['type_after_sorting'].iloc[i])) scatter_item.setSymbol(symbol) progdialog.setValue(5) progdialog.close()
def add_data(self,x,y,yerr=None,name=None,fit=False,color=None): """ Adds data into the plot where: x=Array of x-values y=Array of y-values yerr=Array of yerr-values. If None yerr will be set to sqrt(y) name=any string to be used for the key to put the data fit= True if the data corresponds to a fit """ if not (isinstance(yerr,list) or isinstance(yerr,np.ndarray)): yerr=np.ones_like(y) x=np.array(x) y=np.array(y) if len(x)==len(y) and len(y)==len(yerr): if name is None: dname=str(self.data_num) else: dname=name if np.all(yerr==1): self.yerr[dname]=False else: self.yerr[dname]=True[dname]=fit if dname in if color is None:[dname].opts['symbolPen'].color() pen=pg.mkPen(color=color,width=float(self.lineWidthLineEdit.text())) symbol='o' if[dname]: symbol=None[dname].setData(x,y,pen=pen,symbol=symbol,symbolSize=float(self.pointSizeLineEdit.text()),symbolPen=pg.mkPen(color=color),symbolBrush=pg.mkBrush(color=color))[dname].setPen(pg.mkPen(color=pg.intColor(np.random.choice(range(0,210),1)[0]),width=int(self.lineWidthLineEdit.text()))) #if self.errorbarCheckBox.isChecked(): # self.dataErrPos[dname].setData(x,np.where(y+yerr/2.0>0,y+yerr/2.0,y)) # self.dataErrNeg[dname].setData(x,np.where(y-yerr/2.0>0,y-yerr/2.0,y)) self.err[dname]= yerr self.dataErr[dname].setData(x=x, y=y, top=self.err[dname], bottom=self.err[dname], pen='w')# beam=min(np.abs(x))*0.01*float(self.pointSizeLineEdit.text()),pen='w') #self.dataErr[dname].setCurves(self.dataErrPos[dname],self.dataErrNeg[dname]) else: if color is None: color=pg.intColor(np.random.choice(range(0,210),1)[0])[dname].opts['pen'].color() pen=pg.mkPen(color=color,width=float(self.lineWidthLineEdit.text())) symbol='o' if[dname]: symbol=None[dname]=pg.PlotDataItem(x,y,pen=pen,symbol=symbol,symbolSize=float(self.pointSizeLineEdit.text()),symbolPen=pg.mkPen(color=color),symbolBrush=pg.mkBrush(color=color)) self.dataErr[dname] = pg.ErrorBarItem() self.err[dname]=yerr self.dataErr[dname].setData(x=x,y=y,top=self.err[dname],bottom=self.err[dname], pen='w')# beam=min(np.abs(x))*0.01*float(self.pointSizeLineEdit.text()),pen='w')[dname].curve.setClickable(True,width=10)[dname].sigClicked.connect(self.colorChanged) #if self.errorbarCheckBox.isChecked(): # self.dataErrPos[dname]=pg.PlotDataItem(x,np.where(y+yerr/2.0>0,y+yerr/2.0,y)) # self.dataErrNeg[dname]=pg.PlotDataItem(x,np.where(y-yerr/2.0>0,y-yerr/2.0,y)) #self.dataErr[dname]=pg.FillBetweenItem(curve1=self.dataErrPos[dname],curve2=self.dataErrNeg[dname],brush=pg.mkBrush(color=pg.hsvColor(1.0,sat=0.0,alpha=0.2))) self.data_num+=1 #if len(x)>1: self.Plot([dname]) return True else: QMessageBox.warning(self,'Data error','The dimensions of x, y or yerr are not matching',QMessageBox.Ok) return False
def on_tsne_color_scheme_combo_box_change(index): global number_of_spikes global spike_info progdialog = QtWidgets.QProgressDialog() progdialog.setGeometry(500, 500, 400, 40) progdialog.setWindowTitle('Changing spike color scheme') progdialog.setMinimum(0) progdialog.setMaximum(2) progdialog.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) progdialog.setLabelText( 'Generating colors and symbols ... ') progdialog.setValue(0) QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() spikes_to_change = range(number_of_spikes) if index == 0: color_scheme = spike_info['template_after_sorting'] brush = [ pg.intColor(color_scheme.iloc[i], hues=50, values=1, maxValue=255, minValue=150, maxHue=360, minHue=0, sat=255, alpha=255) for i in spikes_to_change ] symbol = [] for i in spikes_to_change: symbol.append( hf.symbol_from_type( spike_info['type_after_sorting'].iloc[i])) elif index == 1: color_scheme = spike_info['template_after_cleaning'] brush = [ pg.intColor(color_scheme.iloc[i], hues=50, values=1, maxValue=255, minValue=150, maxHue=360, minHue=0, sat=255, alpha=255) for i in spikes_to_change ] symbol = [] for i in spikes_to_change: symbol.append( hf.symbol_from_type( spike_info['type_after_cleaning'].iloc[i])) progdialog.setValue(1) progdialog.setLabelText( 'Applying colors and symbols ... ') QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() scatter_item.setBrush(brush) scatter_item.setSymbol(symbol) progdialog.setValue(2) progdialog.close()
def plotResults(self, res, runInfo, somasite=['postsynapticV', 'postsynapticI', 'dendriteV']): clist={'axon': 'r', 'heminode': 'g', 'stalk':'y', 'branch': 'g', 'neck': 'b', 'swelling': 'm', 'tip': 'k', 'parentaxon': '', r'synapse': 'c', 'Soma': 'k', 'dendrite': 'c', 'dend': 'c'} dx = np.array([x for k,x in res['distanceMap'].items()]) dlen = res['monitor']['postsynapticV'].shape[0] dxmax = np.max(dx) if self.plotmode == 'pg': self.plots['Soma'].setLabel('left', 'V') self.plots['Soma'].plot(res['monitor']['time'][:dlen], res['monitor']['postsynapticV'], pen=pg.mkPen(clist['Soma'], width=0.5), ) if 'dendriteV' in somasite and self.plots['Dendrite'] is not None and len(res['monitor']['dendriteV']) > 0: self.plots['Dendrite'].plot(res['monitor']['time'][:dlen], res['monitor']['dendriteV'], pen=pg.mkPen(clist['dendrite'], width=0.5), ) self.plots['Dendrite'].setLabel('left', 'V (mV)') if 'vec' in res.keys()and self.plots['p4'] is not None: for v in res['vec']: self.plots['p4'].plot(res['monitor']['time'], res['vec'][v], pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(int(255.*res['distanceMap'][v]/dxmax))), width=1.5) if 'postsynapticI' in somasite and self.plots['Iinj'] is not None: vlen = len(res['monitor']['postsynapticI']) self.plots['Iinj'].plot(res['monitor']['time'][0:vlen], res['monitor']['postsynapticI'], pen = pg.mkPen('b', width=0.5)) self.plots['Iinj'].setLabel('left', 'I (inj, nA)') if 'vec' in res.keys() and self.plots['p4'] is not None: for v in res['vec']: self.plots['p4'].plot(res['monitor']['time'], res['vec'][v], pen=pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(int(255.*res['distanceMap'][v]/dxmax))), width=0.5) #for c in res['ICa']: # self.plots['Dendrite'].plot(res['monitor']['time'], res['ICa'][c]*1e12, pen=pg.mkPen('b', width=1.5)) # self.plots['Iinj'].plot(res['vec']['time'], res['Cai'][c]*1e6, pen=pg.mkPen('g', width=1.5)) #p2.set_ylim(-5e-12, 1e-12) self.plots['Soma'].setXRange(0., 120., padding=0.2) self.plots['Dendrite'].setXRange(0., 120., padding=0.2) if self.plots['Iinj'] is not None: self.plots['Iinj'].setXRange(0., 120., padding=0.2) pgPH.cleanAxes([self.plots['Soma'], self.plots['Dendrite'], self.plots['Iinj'], self.plots['p4']]) pgPH.nice_plot(self.plots['Soma']) pgPH.calbar(self.plots['Soma'], [110, -50, 20, 50]) # pgPH.nice_plot(self.plots['Dendrite']) # pgPH.calbar(self.plots['Dendrite'], [110, 0.1, 20, 1]) if self.plots['Iinj'] is not None: pgPH.nice_plot(self.plots['Iinj']) pgPH.calbar(self.plots['Iinj'], [110, -0.1, 20, 1]) elif self.plotmode == 'mpl': self.plots['Soma'].set_ylabel('V') self.plots['Soma'].plot(res['monitor']['time'][:dlen], res['monitor']['postsynapticV'], color=clist['Soma'], linewidth=0.5) if 'dendriteV' in somasite and self.plots['Dendrite'] is not None and len(res['monitor']['dendriteV']) > 0: self.plots['Dendrite'].plot(res['monitor']['time'][:dlen], res['monitor']['dendriteV'], color=clist['dendrite'], linewidth=0.5) self.plots['Dendrite'].set_ylabel('V (mV)') if 'vec' in res.keys()and self.plots['p4'] is not None: for v in res['vec']: self.plots['p4'].plot(res['monitor']['time'], res['vec'][v], color=[[int(255.*res['distanceMap'][v]/dxmax)]*3], linewidth=0.75) if 'postsynapticI' in somasite and self.plots['Iinj'] is not None: vlen = len(res['monitor']['postsynapticI']) self.plots['Iinj'].plot(res['monitor']['time'][0:vlen], res['monitor']['postsynapticI'], color='b', linewidth=0.5) self.plots['Iinj'].set_ylabel('I (inj, nA)') if 'vec' in res.keys() and self.plots['p4'] is not None: for v in res['vec']: self.plots['p4'].plot(res['monitor']['time'], res['vec'][v], color=[[int(255.*res['distanceMap'][v]/dxmax)]*3], linewidth=0.75) #for c in res['ICa']: # self.plots['Dendrite'].plot(res['monitor']['time'], res['ICa'][c]*1e12, pen=pg.mkPen('b', width=1.5)) # self.plots['Iinj'].plot(res['vec']['time'], res['Cai'][c]*1e6, pen=pg.mkPen('g', width=1.5)) #p2.set_ylim(-5e-12, 1e-12) self.plots['Soma'].set_xlim(0., 120.) self.plots['Dendrite'].set_xlim(0., 120.) if self.plots['Iinj'] is not None: self.plots['Iinj'].set_xlim(0., 120.) PH.cleanAxes([self.plots['Soma'], self.plots['Dendrite'], self.plots['Iinj']]) PH.nice_plot(self.plots['Soma']) PH.calbar(self.plots['Soma'], [110, -50, 20, 50]) PH.nice_plot(self.plots['Dendrite']) PH.calbar(self.plots['Dendrite'], [110, -50, 20, 50]) # pgPH.nice_plot(self.plots['Dendrite']) # pgPH.calbar(self.plots['Dendrite'], [110, 0.1, 20, 1]) if self.plots['Iinj'] is not None: PH.nice_plot(self.plots['Iinj']) PH.calbar(self.plots['Iinj'], [110, -0.1, 20, 1])
def define_pens(self, width=2, max_colors=10): self._line_width = width self._max_colors = max_colors self._brightness_percentage = 90 self._pens = [pg.mkPen(pg.intColor(i, self._max_colors+1).lighter(self._brightness_percentage), width=self._line_width) for i in range(self._max_colors)]