def clear_plotted_items(self, graph: pg.PlotWidget): dataItems = graph.listDataItems() for i in dataItems: # console(, " ", y_name) if i is not None: graph.removeItem(i) graph.plotItem.legend.clear()
class PyQtGraphDataPlot(QWidget): _colors = [,, Qt.magenta, Qt.cyan,, Qt.darkYellow,, Qt.darkRed, Qt.gray, Qt.darkCyan ] def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PyQtGraphDataPlot, self).__init__(parent) self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.setBackground((255, 255, 255)) self._plot_widget.setXRange(0, 10, padding=0) self.legend = self._plot_widget.addLegend() vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self._plot_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) self._color_index = 0 self._curves = {} def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_name, data_x, data_y): color = QColor(self._colors[self._color_index % len(self._colors)]) self._color_index += 1 pen = mkPen(color, width=1) plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen) data_x = numpy.array(data_x) data_y = numpy.array(data_y) self._curves[curve_id] = {'x': data_x, 'y': data_y, 'plot': plot} self._update_legend() def remove_curve(self, curve_id): curve_id = str(curve_id) if curve_id in self._curves: self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._curves[curve_id]['plot']) del self._curves[curve_id] self._update_legend() def _update_legend(self): # TODO Figure this out pass @Slot(str, list, list) def update_values(self, curve_id, x, y): curve = self._curves[curve_id] curve['x'] = numpy.append(curve['x'], x) curve['y'] = numpy.append(curve['y'], y) def redraw(self): # Set axis bounds x_range, _ = self._plot_widget.viewRange() x_delta = x_range[1] - x_range[0] x_max = 0 for curve in self._curves.values(): if len(curve['x']) == 0: continue x_max = max(x_max, curve['x'][-1]) curve['plot'].setData(curve['x'], curve['y']) self._plot_widget.setXRange(x_max - x_delta, x_max, padding=0)
class RealtimePlotWidget(QWidget): COLORS = [,,, Qt.magenta, Qt.cyan, Qt.darkRed, Qt.darkBlue, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.darkYellow, Qt.gray ] def __init__(self, parent=None): super(RealtimePlotWidget, self).__init__(parent) self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.setBackground((0, 0, 0)) self._plot_widget.addLegend() self._plot_widget.showButtons() self._plot_widget.enableAutoRange() self._plot_widget.showGrid(x=True, y=True, alpha=0.2) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self._plot_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) self._color_index = 0 self._curves = {} def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_name, data_x=[], data_y=[]): color = QColor(self.COLORS[self._color_index % len(self.COLORS)]) self._color_index += 1 pen = mkPen(color, width=1) plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen) data_x = numpy.array(data_x) data_y = numpy.array(data_y) self._curves[curve_id] = {'x': data_x, 'y': data_y, 'plot': plot} def remove_curve(self, curve_id): curve_id = str(curve_id) if curve_id in self._curves: self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._curves[curve_id]['plot']) del self._curves[curve_id] def set_x_range(self, left, right): self._plot_widget.setRange(xRange=(left, right)) def update_values(self, curve_id, x, y): curve = self._curves[curve_id] curve['x'] = numpy.append(curve['x'], x) curve['y'] = numpy.append(curve['y'], y) def redraw(self): for curve in self._curves.values(): if len(curve['x']): curve['plot'].setData(curve['x'], curve['y']) def lazy_redraw(self, period): timestamp = time.time() if not hasattr(self, '_prev_lazy_redraw'): self._prev_lazy_redraw = 0.0 if timestamp - self._prev_lazy_redraw > period: self._prev_lazy_redraw = timestamp self.redraw()
class RealtimePlotWidget(QWidget): COLORS = [,,, Qt.magenta, Qt.cyan, Qt.darkRed, Qt.darkBlue, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.darkYellow, Qt.gray] def __init__(self, parent=None): super(RealtimePlotWidget, self).__init__(parent) self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.setBackground((0, 0, 0)) self._plot_widget.addLegend() self._plot_widget.showButtons() self._plot_widget.enableAutoRange() self._plot_widget.showGrid(x=True, y=True, alpha=0.2) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self._plot_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) self._color_index = 0 self._curves = {} def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_name, data_x=[], data_y=[]): color = QColor(self.COLORS[self._color_index % len(self.COLORS)]) self._color_index += 1 pen = mkPen(color, width=1) plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen) data_x = numpy.array(data_x) data_y = numpy.array(data_y) self._curves[curve_id] = {'x': data_x, 'y': data_y, 'plot': plot} def remove_curve(self, curve_id): curve_id = str(curve_id) if curve_id in self._curves: self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._curves[curve_id]['plot']) del self._curves[curve_id] def set_x_range(self, left, right): self._plot_widget.setRange(xRange=(left, right)) def update_values(self, curve_id, x, y): curve = self._curves[curve_id] curve['x'] = numpy.append(curve['x'], x) curve['y'] = numpy.append(curve['y'], y) def redraw(self): for curve in self._curves.values(): if len(curve['x']): curve['plot'].setData(curve['x'], curve['y']) def lazy_redraw(self, period): timestamp = time.time() if not hasattr(self, '_prev_lazy_redraw'): self._prev_lazy_redraw = 0.0 if timestamp - self._prev_lazy_redraw > period: self._prev_lazy_redraw = timestamp self.redraw()
def update_graph(self, graph: pg.PlotWidget, x, y, y_name, x_Unit, y_Unit='V', color=(255, 255, 102)): """ Updates a graph :param graph: plotWidget :param x: x dataset :param y: y dataset :param y_name: name (MUST) :param color: default: 255, 255, 102 :return: """ sizex = len(x) sizey = len(y) np_x = np.asarray(x) np_y = np.asarray(y) if sizex == sizey: dataItems = graph.listDataItems() for i in dataItems: # console(, " ", y_name) if i is not None: if == y_name: graph.removeItem(i) cpen = mkPen(color=color, width=3) # npx, npy = get_mod_array(np_x, np_y, self.ui.corZeroBox.isChecked(), self.ui.formulaEdit.text()) graph.plot(np_x, np_y, pen=cpen, name=y_name) self.replot_saved_graphs() graph.setLabel('bottom', "Time scale", units=str(x_Unit)) graph.setLabel('left', "CH scale", units=str(y_Unit)) else: console("Inequality", y_name, " ; ", sizex, " ; ", sizey) self.append_html_paragraph( "Inequality: " + str(y_name) + " ; " + str(sizex) + " ; " + str(sizey), -1, True)
class widget_mfi_lon_plot(QWidget): #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE INITIALIZATION FUNCTION. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, core): # Inherit all attributes of an instance of "QWidget". super(widget_mfi_lon_plot, self).__init__() # Store the Janus core. self.core = core # Prepare to respond to signals received from the core. self.connect(self.core, SIGNAL('janus_rset'), self.resp_rset) self.connect(self.core, SIGNAL('janus_chng_mfi'), self.resp_chng_mfi) # Initialize this widget's instance of "PlotWidget", which will # contain the plot of MFI magnetic field data. # Note. The "QGridLayout" object given to this widget as its # layout is essentially a dummy. I could have just had # this class inherit "PlotWidget", but I think that this # gives me a bit more control (and a similar structure # "janus_widget_fc_cup"). self.setLayout(QGridLayout()) self.plt = PlotWidget() self.layout().addWidget(self.plt) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Extract the individual elements of the "PlotWidget" object # (e.g., it's axes) for more convenient access later. self.vbx = self.plt.getViewBox() self.axs_x = self.plt.getAxis('bottom') self.axs_y = self.plt.getAxis('left') self.ptm = self.plt.getPlotItem() # Initialize and store the pens and fonts. self.pen_vbx = mkPen(color='k') self.pen_crv_lon = mkPen(color='#FFD700') self.fnt = # Configure the plot: disable automatic adjustments and # adjustments made by the user, change the background and # foreground colors, enable grid lines for both axes, label the # axes, adjust the tick font size, adjust the "AxisItem" sizes, # and add a margin around the entire plot. self.plt.disableAutoRange() self.plt.setMouseEnabled(False, False) self.plt.setMenuEnabled(False) self.plt.hideButtons() self.plt.setBackground('w') setConfigOption('foreground', 'k') #####self.plt.showGrid( True, True ) labelStyle = {'color': 'k'} self.axs_x.setLabel('Time [s]', **labelStyle) self.axs_y.setLabel('Azim. [deg]', **labelStyle) self.axs_x.label.setFont(self.fnt) self.axs_y.label.setFont(self.fnt) self.axs_x.setTickFont(self.fnt) self.axs_y.setTickFont(self.fnt) self.axs_x.setHeight(35) self.axs_y.setWidth(40) self.vbx.border = self.pen_vbx self.ptm.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) # Initialize the curves that will be added to this plot. self.crv_lon = None # Populate this plot and adjust it's settings. self.make_plt() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE FUNCTION FOR POPULATING THE PLOT. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_plt(self): # Reset the plot (i.e., remove all plot elements). self.rset_plt() # Establish the ranges of its time and magnetic field values. # If the core contains no data or only a single datum, # improvise (for the purpose of later establishing axis limits). if (self.core.n_mfi >= 1): # Establish the domain of the plot. t_min = min(amin(self.core.mfi_s), 0.) t_max = max(amax(self.core.mfi_s), self.core.fc_spec['dur']) # Establish the range of the plot. As part of this, # ensure that the range satisfies a minimum size and has # sufficient padding. ang_max = max(self.core.mfi_b_lon) ang_min = min(self.core.mfi_b_lon) ang_max = 5. + ang_max ang_min = -5. + ang_min d_t_0 = t_max - t_min d_t = max(1.5 + d_t_0, 3.) t_max = t_min + d_t else: t_min = 0.001 t_max = 3.500 ang_min = -360 ang_max = 360 # Set the range of the axis of each plot. self.plt.setXRange(t_min, t_max, padding=0.0) self.plt.setYRange(ang_min, ang_max, padding=0.0) # If the core contains no Wind/MFI magnetic field data, return. if (self.core.n_mfi <= 0): return # Generate and display each curve for the plot. self.crv_lon = PlotDataItem(self.core.mfi_s, self.core.mfi_b_lon, pen=self.pen_crv_lon) self.plt.addItem(self.crv_lon) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE FUNCTION FOR RESETTING THIS PLOT (CLEARING ALL ELEMENTS). #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def rset_plt(self): # Hide and remove each of this plot's elements. if (self.crv_lon is not None): self.plt.removeItem(self.crv_lon) # Permanently delete this plot's elements by setting each of the # variables that store them to "None". self.crv_lon = None #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE FUNCTION FOR RESPONDING TO THE "rset" SIGNAL. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def resp_rset(self): # Reset the plot. self.rset_plt() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE FUNCTION FOR RESPONDING TO THE "chng_mfi" SIGNAL. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def resp_chng_mfi(self): # Regenerate the plot. self.make_plt()
class widget_mfi_lin_plot(QWidget): #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE INITIALIZATION FUNCTION. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, core): # Inherit all attributes of an instance of "QWidget". super(widget_mfi_lin_plot, self).__init__() # Store the Janus core. self.core = core # Prepare to respond to signals received from the core. self.connect(self.core, SIGNAL('janus_rset'), self.resp_rset) self.connect(self.core, SIGNAL('janus_chng_mfi'), self.resp_chng_mfi) # Initialize this widget's instance of "PlotWidget", which will # contain the plot of MFI magnetic field data. # Note. The "QGridLayout" object given to this widget as its # layout is essentially a dummy. I could have just had # this class inherit "PlotWidget", but I think that this # gives me a bit more control (and a similar structure # "janus_widget_fc_cup"). self.setLayout(QGridLayout()) self.plt = PlotWidget() self.layout().addWidget(self.plt) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Extract the individual elements of the "PlotWidget" object # (e.g., it's axes) for more convenient access later. self.vbx = self.plt.getViewBox() self.axs_x = self.plt.getAxis('bottom') self.axs_y = self.plt.getAxis('left') self.ptm = self.plt.getPlotItem() # Initialize and store the pens and fonts. self.pen_vbx = mkPen(color='k') self.pen_crv_m = mkPen(color='k') self.pen_crv_n = mkPen(color='k') self.pen_crv_x = mkPen(color='r') self.pen_crv_y = mkPen(color='g') self.pen_crv_z = mkPen(color='b') self.fnt = # Configure the plot: disable automatic adjustments and # adjustments made by the user, change the background and # foreground colors, enable grid lines for both axes, label the # axes, adjust the tick font size, adjust the "AxisItem" sizes, # and add a margin around the entire plot. self.plt.disableAutoRange() self.plt.setMouseEnabled(False, False) self.plt.setMenuEnabled(False) self.plt.hideButtons() self.plt.setBackground('w') setConfigOption('foreground', 'k') #####self.plt.showGrid( True, True ) labelStyle = {'color': 'k'} self.axs_x.setLabel('Time [s]', **labelStyle) self.axs_y.setLabel('Magnetic Field [nT]', **labelStyle) self.axs_x.label.setFont(self.fnt) self.axs_y.label.setFont(self.fnt) self.axs_x.setTickFont(self.fnt) self.axs_y.setTickFont(self.fnt) self.axs_x.setHeight(35) self.axs_y.setWidth(40) self.vbx.border = self.pen_vbx self.ptm.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) # Initialize the curves that will be added to this plot. self.crv_m = None self.crv_n = None self.crv_x = None self.crv_y = None self.crv_z = None = [] # Populate this plot and adjust it's settings. self.make_plt() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE FUNCTION FOR POPULATING THE PLOT. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_plt(self): # Reset the plot (i.e., remove all plot elements). self.rset_plt() # Establish the ranges of its time and magnetic field values. # If the core contains no data or only a single datum, # improvise (for the purpose of later establishing axis limits). if (self.core.n_mfi >= 1): # Establish the domain of the plot. t_min = min(amin(self.core.mfi_s), 0.) t_max = max(amax(self.core.mfi_s), self.core.fc_spec['dur']) # Establish the range of the plot. As part of this, # ensure that the range satisfies a minimum size and has # sufficient padding. b_max = amax(self.core.mfi_b) b_min = -b_max d_t_0 = t_max - t_min d_b_0 = b_max - b_min d_t = max(1.5 + d_t_0, 3.) d_b = max(1.2 * d_b_0, 5.) t_max = t_min + d_t b_min = b_min - (d_b - d_b_0) / 2. b_max = b_max + (d_b - d_b_0) / 2. else: t_min = 0.001 t_max = 3.500 b_min = -2.5 b_max = 2.5 # Set the range of the axis of each plot. self.plt.setXRange(t_min, t_max, padding=0.0) self.plt.setYRange(b_min, b_max, padding=0.0) # Set the PESA-L pen with a width corresponding to one rotation # Note: For some reason, the lines are not wide enough unless 5 # is added to the scaled width of the rotation time rot = 3.05 * self.axs_x.width() / (t_max - t_min) + 5 self.pen_pl = mkPen(color=(245, 245, 245), width=rot) # If the core contains no Wind/MFI magnetic field data, return. if (self.core.n_mfi <= 0): return # Generate and display each curve for the plot. self.crv_m = PlotDataItem(self.core.mfi_s, self.core.mfi_b, pen=self.pen_crv_m) self.crv_n = PlotDataItem(self.core.mfi_s, [-b for b in self.core.mfi_b], pen=self.pen_crv_n) self.crv_x = PlotDataItem(self.core.mfi_s, self.core.mfi_b_x, pen=self.pen_crv_x) self.crv_y = PlotDataItem(self.core.mfi_s, self.core.mfi_b_y, pen=self.pen_crv_y) self.crv_z = PlotDataItem(self.core.mfi_s, self.core.mfi_b_z, pen=self.pen_crv_z) # If PESA-L spectra were loaded, add the vertical indicators # showing their time relative to the start of the FC spectrum for n in range(len(self.core.pl_spec_arr)): time = self.core.pl_spec_arr[n]['time'][0] t_0 = self.core.fc_spec['time'] delta_t = (time - t_0).total_seconds() += [ InfiniteLine(delta_t + self.core.fc_spec['rot'] / 2., pen=self.pen_pl) ] for i in range(len( self.plt.addItem([i]) self.plt.addItem(self.crv_m) self.plt.addItem(self.crv_n) self.plt.addItem(self.crv_x) self.plt.addItem(self.crv_y) self.plt.addItem(self.crv_z) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE FUNCTION FOR RESETTING THIS PLOT (CLEARING ALL ELEMENTS). #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def rset_plt(self): # Hide and remove each of this plot's elements. if (self.crv_m is not None): self.plt.removeItem(self.crv_m) if (self.crv_n is not None): self.plt.removeItem(self.crv_n) if (self.crv_x is not None): self.plt.removeItem(self.crv_x) if (self.crv_y is not None): self.plt.removeItem(self.crv_y) if (self.crv_z is not None): self.plt.removeItem(self.crv_z) if ( != []): for i in range(len( self.plt.removeItem([i]) # if ( self.crv_colat is not None ) : # self.plt.removeItem( self.crv_colat ) # if ( self.crv_lon is not None ) : # self.plt.removeItem( self.crv_lon ) # Permanently delete this plot's elements by setting each of the # variables that store them to "None". self.crv_m = None self.crv_n = None self.crv_x = None self.crv_y = None self.crv_z = None = [] #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE FUNCTION FOR RESPONDING TO THE "rset" SIGNAL. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def resp_rset(self): # Reset the plot. self.rset_plt() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE FUNCTION FOR RESPONDING TO THE "chng_mfi" SIGNAL. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def resp_chng_mfi(self): # Regenerate the plot. self.make_plt()
class MesCourbes(): def __init__(self): self.plot_widget = PlotWidget() self.plot_widget.showGrid(x=True,y=True) # self.plot_widget.getPlotItem().addLegend() self.plot_widget.setBackground((0, 0, 0)) # dictionary with all the curve and their data # curve 0 is dedicated to the live/acquisition plot self.curves = {} def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_color, markers_on=False): curve_name = curve_id pen = pg.mkPen(curve_color, width=3) symbol = "o" symbolPen = pg.mkPen(0,0,0) symbolBrush = curve_color symbolSize = 8 # this adds the item to the plot and legend if markers_on: plot = self.plot_widget.plot( name=curve_name, pen=pen, symbol=symbol, symbolPen=symbolPen, symbolBrush=symbolBrush, symbolSize=symbolSize ) else: plot = self.plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen) self.curves[curve_id] = { 'plot':plot, 'data':{'Current':[],'X':[],'Y':[],'R':[],'Phi':[]} } def average(self,curve_id,param_tree): current_min = param_tree.give('Laser Driver','current min') current_max = param_tree.give('Laser Driver','current max') nbr_pts = param_tree.give('Laser Driver','nbr pts') nbr_seqs = param_tree.give('Laser Driver','nbr seqs') current_list = np.linspace(current_min,current_max,nbr_pts) self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Current'] = current_list for k in ['X','Y','R','Phi']: temp = self.curves[curve_id]['data'][k] self.curves[curve_id]['data'][k] = toolbox.function.average(temp,nbr_seqs) def clear_data(self,curve_id): for k in ['Current','X','Y','R','Phi']: self.curves[curve_id]['data'][k] = [] def create_current_list(self,curve_id,param_tree): ''' Create a array with all the frequency use for the frequency sweep It take into account if many sequences have been asked ''' current_min = param_tree.give('Laser Driver','current min') current_max = param_tree.give('Laser Driver','current max') nbr_pts = param_tree.give('Laser Driver','nbr pts') nbr_seqs = param_tree.give('Laser Driver','nbr seqs') current_list = np.linspace(current_min,current_max,nbr_pts) if nbr_seqs > 1: temp = current_list i=0 while i < int(nbr_seqs)-1: i+=1 current_list = np.append(current_list,temp[::(-1)**i]) self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Current'] = current_list def display(self,curve_id,what): X = self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Current'] Y = self.curves[curve_id]['data'][what] # during acquisition freq is longer than the others datas # so it is useful to reduce it if len(X) != len(Y): X = self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Current'][0:len(Y)] self.set_values(curve_id,X,Y) def remove_curve(self, curve_id): curve_id = str(curve_id) if curve_id in self.curves: self.plot_widget.removeItem(self.curves[curve_id]['plot']) del self.curves[curve_id] def set_values(self, curve_id, data_x, data_y): curve = self.curves[curve_id]['plot'] curve.setData(data_x, data_y) def update_X_Y_R_Phi(self,curve_id,A): self.curves[curve_id]['data']['X'] = np.append(self.curves[curve_id]['data']['X'],A[0]) self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Y'] = np.append(self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Y'],A[1]) self.curves[curve_id]['data']['R'] = np.append(self.curves[curve_id]['data']['R'],A[2]) self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Phi'] = np.append(self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Phi'],A[3])
class clsDataView(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # 类成员变量初始化 self.colorDex = ['#7CFC00', '#B22222', '#E0FFFF', '#FFFF00', '#66FF00'] self.lPlottedItems = [] # list of plotItems in the dataplot area self.currentPlotWin = '' # keep current selected plot window for next curve plotting self.curLabelofYvalue = None # the label of Y value in current plot area self.lPlotWindows = ['Plot1'] # list of plot window self.lViewBoxes = [] # list of View box corresponding to the plotitem self.lAxisItems = [] # list of axis item of the layout of plotItem self.lPlottedCurves = [] # list of plotCurves of each plotItem self.lDataFileName = [] # data file name list self.shortfname = '' # data file name without path self.bPlotted = False # not curve is plotted - could be replaced by len(lPlotItems) > 1 self.dataInRange_x = [] # keep the x ['TIME'] of data in range - first curve plotted self.dataInRange_y = [] # keep the y of data in range - first curve plotted self.lTestDATA = [] # the test data to be reviewed, each item is a class of data structure # [testData1, testData2 ...] # [(filename, column name, dataframe of data) self.parColPlotted = [] # parameter column in plotting self.minTimestamp = 1514764800.0 # the minimum of 20180101 08:00:00, ie. 1514764800.0 = datetime.datetime.strptime('2018-1-1 8:00:0', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timestamp() self.maxTimestamp = 1514800800.0 # datetime.strptime('2018-1-1 18:00:0', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timestamp() self.minYvalue = -20000 self.maxYvalue = 20000 # r'C:\onedrive\OneDrive - Honeywell\VPD\parameters code.csv' self.dataparam = dataParam(self.resource_path('parameters_code.csv')) # data parameter definition #self.dataparam = dateParam() paramlist = self.dataparam.getParamName() #self.dataparam.getParamInfo('ABCVIINR', 'paramDesc') #self.dfData = pd.DataFrame() # pandas dataframes to be plot # pyqtGraph 相关设置,必须要在self.setupUi之前 setConfigOption('background', 'w') # before loading widget # # set the time axis of X ### TODO: need to comment the self.dataplot line in the if it is recreated ### or there is a error the plot widget being with no name of Plot1 xAxis = self.TimeAxisItem(orientation='bottom') self.dataPlot = PlotWidget(self, axisItems={'bottom': xAxis}, name='Plot1') ### TODO: need to comment the self.dataplot line in the if it is recreated self.setupUi(self) self.initUI() #self.showMaximized() # max the window def initUI(self): # 添加打开菜单 selFileAction = QAction('&Open', self) # QAction(QIcon('open.png'), '&Open', self) selFileAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+O') selFileAction.setStatusTip('Open new File') selFileAction.triggered.connect(self.openFile) # open data file selFileAction.setIcon(QIcon(self.resource_path('import.png'))) exitAction = QAction('&Exit', self) #QtGui.QAction(QIcon('exit.png'), '&Exit', self) exitAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+Q') exitAction.setStatusTip('Exit the application') #exitAction.triggered.connect(QtGui.qApp.quit) exitAction.triggered.connect(self.exitAPP) # exit the application exitAction.setIcon(QIcon(self.resource_path('exit.png'))) clearAction = QAction('Clear', self) # QtGui.QAction(QIcon('Clear.png'), 'Clear', self) clearAction.triggered.connect(self.clearPlotArea) clearAction.setIcon(QIcon(self.resource_path('clear.png'))) addPlotAction = QAction( 'Add a Plot', self) #QtGui.QAction(QIcon('Addplot.png'), 'Add a Plot', self) addPlotAction.triggered.connect(self.addPlotAera) addPlotAction.setIcon(QIcon(self.resource_path('addplot.png'))) removePlotAction = QAction('Remove the Plot', self) # QtGui.QAction(QIcon('Addplot.png'), 'Remove a Plot', self) removePlotAction.triggered.connect(self.removeDataPlotWin) removePlotAction.setIcon(QIcon(self.resource_path('remvplot.png'))) viewAllAction = QAction("View All", self) viewAllAction.triggered.connect(self.autoRangeAllWins) viewAllAction.setIcon(QIcon(self.resource_path('viewall.png'))) menubar = self.menuBar() fileMenu = menubar.addMenu('&File') # add menu File fileMenu.addAction(selFileAction) # link menu bar to openfile action with a menu item fileMenu.addAction(exitAction) # add menu item exit plotMenu = menubar.addMenu("Plot") # add menu Plot plotMenu.addAction(clearAction) # add menu item of 'Clear' plot plotMenu.addAction(addPlotAction) # add menu item of 'Add a Plot' plotMenu.addAction(removePlotAction) # add menu item of 'Add a Plot' helpMenu = menubar.addMenu("Help") # add menu help helpAction = QAction('?', helpMenu) helpAction.triggered.connect(self.helpme) helpMenu.addAction(helpAction) toolBar = self.addToolBar("Open") toolBar.addAction(selFileAction) # link tool bar to openfile action toolBar.addAction(clearAction) toolBar.addAction(addPlotAction) toolBar.addAction(removePlotAction) toolBar.addAction(viewAllAction) # toolBar = self.addToolBar('Exit') # toolBar.addAction(selExitAction) # link menu bar to openfile action # 设置dataPlot class: PlotWidget self.dataPlot.plotItem.showGrid(True, True, 0.5) #self.dataPlot.plotItem.addLegend() self.dataPlot.setAutoVisible(y=True) # 设置treeWidget的相关 class: QTreeWidget self.treeWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.treeWidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.showContextMenu) self.treeWidget.treeContextMenu = QMenu(self) self.actionA = self.treeWidget.treeContextMenu.addAction(u'Plot') self.actionA.triggered.connect( lambda: self.plotData(self.currSelctPlotWgt, self.treeWidget.selectedItems())) self.treeWidget.setColumnCount(4) self.treeWidget.setHeaderLabels(['#', 'Parameter', 'Parameter Name', 'Unit']) self.treeWidget.setColumnWidth(0, 10) self.treeWidget.setColumnWidth(1, 50) self.treeWidget.setColumnWidth(2, 100) ### drag and drop self.treeWidget.setDragDropMode(self.treeWidget.DragOnly) # set up context menu of list widget self.listWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.listWidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.showListContextMenu) self.listWidget.listContextMenu = QMenu(self) self.actionB = self.listWidget.listContextMenu.addAction(u'Remove') self.actionB.triggered.connect( lambda: self.removeItemInPlot(self.listWidget.selectedItems())) #################### get the test data from the import window self.winImpData = clsImportData(self.dataparam, self.lTestDATA) # instance of the ImportData window # # x axis for time # xAxis = self.TimeAxisItem("bottom") xAxis = self.dataPlot.plotItem.axes['bottom']['item'] # plotitem and viewbox ## at least one plotitem is used whioch holds its own viewbox and left axis viewBox = self.dataPlot.plotItem.vb # reference to viewbox of the plotitem viewBox.scaleBy(y=None) # # link x axis to view box xAxis.linkToView(viewBox) self.dataPlot.plotItem.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(self.mouseMove) #self.dataPlot.plotItem.scene().sigMouseClicked.connect(self.mouseClick) # self.dataPlot.HoverEnterEvent = self.hoverEnterEvent ## drag and drop # self.dataPlot.dragEnterEvent = self.dragEnterEvent # self.dataPlot.plotItem.setAcceptDrops(True) # self.dataPlot.plotItem.dropEvent = self.dropEvent vLine = InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False, name='vline') hLine = InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False, name='hline') self.dataPlot.addItem(vLine, ignoreBounds=True) self.dataPlot.addItem(hLine, ignoreBounds=True) # set the default plot range self.dataPlot.setXRange(self.minTimestamp,self.maxTimestamp,padding=20) self.dataPlot.setYRange(-10, 10, padding=20) self.dataPlot.plotItem.getViewBox().setLimits() self.dataPlot.plotItem.getAxis('left').setWidth(w=30) self.dataPlot.plotItem.hideButtons() #self.dataPlot.plotItem.scene().sigMouseLeave.connect(self.mouseLeave) # ##TODO: cleaning house job self.dataPlot.installEventFilter(self) txtY_value = TextItem("", fill=(0, 0, 255, 80), anchor=(0,1),color='w') txtY_value.setParentItem(viewBox) self.curLabelofYvalue = txtY_value # #self.dataPlot.addItem(self.lableY_value) # labelY_value.setPos(self.minTimestamp,100.0) self.configPlotArea(self.dataPlot) # set current selection plot window background self.currSelctPlotWgt = self.dataPlot self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground(0.95) def eventFilter(self, source, event): #print (event.type()) if event.type() == QEvent.Enter: #HoverEnter: #print("Enter " + self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground('default') self.currSelctPlotWgt = source self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground(0.95) plotAreaName = #self.lPlottedItems.append({'Plot': plotWgtName, 'Curvename': curve_name, 'Filename': filename}) labelofYvalueExisting = False plotAreaDirty = False for i in self.lPlottedItems: if i['Plot'] == plotAreaName: # there is at least a curve in the plot plotAreaDirty = True break if plotAreaDirty: # get the lable of labelY_value for item in source.getViewBox().childItems(): if isinstance(item, graphicsItems.TextItem.TextItem): # the text label is linked to the viewbox, not showing up self.curLabelofYvalue = item source.addItem(self.curLabelofYvalue) # add the text label to show it up labelofYvalueExisting = True break if not labelofYvalueExisting: for item in source.plotItem.items: # the text label is in the plot item list if isinstance(item, graphicsItems.TextItem.TextItem): self.curLabelofYvalue = item break if event.type() == QEvent.Leave: # and source is self.dataPlot: #print("Leave " + for item in source.plotItem.items: if isinstance(item, graphicsItems.TextItem.TextItem): source.plotItem.removeItem(item) # remove the item item.setParentItem(source.getViewBox()) # keep the link of the text label in the view box break # move the hline to 0 for iLine in source.items(): # loop for the hline if hasattr(iLine, 'name'): if == 'hline': iLine.setPos(self.minTimestamp) break # print(event.type()) # if event.type() == QEvent.GraphicsSceneDragEnter: # self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground('default') # self.currSelctPlotWgt = source # self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground(0.95) return super(clsDataView,self).eventFilter(source,event) def configPlotArea(self, plotWin): vLine = InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False, name='vline') hLine = InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False, name='hline') plotWin.addItem(vLine, ignoreBounds=True) plotWin.addItem(hLine, ignoreBounds=True) #self.dataPlotRange.addItem(self.region, ignoreBounds=True) def showContextMenu(self): self.treeWidget.treeContextMenu.move(QCursor.pos()) def dragEnterEvent(self, evt): evt.accept() # for i in range(self.dataPlotLayout.count()): # plotAera = self.dataPlotLayout.itemAt(i).widget() # print(plotAera.underMouse()) # if plotAera.underMouse(): # self.currSelctPlotWgt = plotAera # # break # if self.currSelctPlotWgt.underMouse(): # else: # evt.ignore() def hoverEnterEvent(self,evet): pass def dropEvent(self, evt): #self.emit(mouseEnter event) #if self.currSelctPlotWgt.underMouse(): for i in range(self.dataPlotLayout.count()): plotAera = self.dataPlotLayout.itemAt(i).widget() print( print (plotAera.underMouse()) if plotAera.underMouse(): self.currSelctPlotWgt = plotAera self.plotData(plotAera, self.treeWidget.selectedItems()) break self.plotData(self.currSelctPlotWgt, self.treeWidget.selectedItems()) def showListContextMenu(self): self.listWidget.listContextMenu.move(QCursor.pos()) def autoRangeAllWins(self): for i in range(self.dataPlotLayout.count()): plotItem = self.dataPlotLayout.itemAt(i).widget() plotItem.getViewBox().autoRange() def mouseClick(self, evnt): if self.currSelctPlotWgt: self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground('default') if evnt.currentItem is not None: try: self.currSelctPlotWgt = evnt.currentItem._viewWidget() # get the current selected widget self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground(0.95) except Exception as e: pass #QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", e.__str__()) def clearPlotArea(self): #self.dataPlot.plotItem.clear() choice = QMessageBox.question(self, 'Plot1', "Remove all items in the first plot 1?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if choice == QMessageBox.Yes: for item in self.dataPlot.items(): self.dataPlot.removeItem(item) lstitems = self.listWidget.findItems('Plot1', Qt.MatchStartsWith) if len(lstitems) > 0: for iitem in lstitems: self.listWidget.takeItem(self.listWidget.row(iitem)) for item in self.currSelctPlotWgt.scene().items(): if isinstance(item, graphicsItems.LegendItem.LegendItem): # remove items in the scene including the legend self.currSelctPlotWgt.scene().removeItem(item) #self.dataPlotRange.plotItem.clear() self.bPlotted = False self.configPlotArea(self.dataPlot) def addPlotAera(self): plotname = 'Plot' + str(len(self.lPlotWindows) + 1) axis = self.TimeAxisItem(orientation='bottom') vb = ViewBox() newdataPlot = PlotWidget(self, viewBox=vb, axisItems={'bottom': axis}, name = plotname) self.dataPlotLayout.addWidget(newdataPlot) self.configPlotArea(newdataPlot) newdataPlot.plotItem.scene().sigMouseClicked.connect(self.mouseClick) newdataPlot.plotItem.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(self.mouseMove) ## drag and drop # newdataPlot.dragEnterEvent = self.dragEnterEvent # newdataPlot.plotItem.setAcceptDrops(True) # newdataPlot.plotItem.dropEvent = self.dropEvent # set the default plot range newdataPlot.setXRange(self.minTimestamp,self.maxTimestamp,padding=20) newdataPlot.setYRange(-10, 10, padding=20) newdataPlot.plotItem.getAxis('left').setWidth(w=30) newdataPlot.plotItem.hideButtons() newdataPlot.installEventFilter(self) newdataPlot.plotItem.showGrid(True, True, 0.5) vb.scaleBy(y=None) # make it the current selection plot area self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground('default') self.currSelctPlotWgt = newdataPlot # set the current selection to plot1 self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground(0.95) # link x axis to view box of the first data plot viewBox = self.dataPlot.plotItem.vb # reference to viewbox of the plot 1 axis.linkToView(viewBox) #axis.linkToView(vb) # Link plot 1 X axia to the view box lastplotItem = self.dataPlotLayout.itemAt(self.dataPlotLayout.count()-2).widget() lastplotItem.getViewBox().setXLink(newdataPlot) #lastplotItem.getViewBox().autoRange() txtY_value = TextItem("", fill=(0, 0, 255, 80), anchor=(0, 1), color='w') txtY_value.setParentItem(newdataPlot.plotItem.getViewBox()) self.autoRangeAllWins() self.lPlotWindows.append(plotname) def removeDataPlotWin(self): curreSelctPlotWgtName = self.currSelctPlotWgt.getViewBox().name if curreSelctPlotWgtName != 'Plot1' and curreSelctPlotWgtName in self.lPlotWindows: # can't delete plot1 choice = QMessageBox.question(self, curreSelctPlotWgtName, "Remove the selected plot window?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if choice == QMessageBox.Yes: for item in self.currSelctPlotWgt.items(): # delete the items of the plot self.currSelctPlotWgt.removeItem(item) lstitems = self.listWidget.findItems(curreSelctPlotWgtName, Qt.MatchStartsWith) # delete the list in the list widget if len(lstitems) > 0: for iitem in lstitems: self.listWidget.takeItem(self.listWidget.row(iitem)) for item in self.currSelctPlotWgt.scene().items(): # remove everything in the scene including the legend self.currSelctPlotWgt.scene().removeItem(item) self.dataPlotLayout.removeWidget(self.currSelctPlotWgt) self.currSelctPlotWgt.deleteLater() #setHidden(True) # hide the selected widget, should be deleted, to be updated with delect command self.currSelctPlotWgt = None self.lPlotWindows.remove(curreSelctPlotWgtName) # remove the plot name from list of plot windows self.currSelctPlotWgt = self.dataPlot # set the current selection to plot1 self.currSelctPlotWgt.setBackground(0.95) def plotData(self, plotItem, selectedItems): '''selectedItems: items selected in tree view dfData: data frame of the selected data ''' #plotItem = self.dataPlot.plotItem # viewbox = pg.ViewBox() # plotItem.scene().addItem(viewbox) #plotItem = self.currSelctPlotWgt plotItem.addLegend() #plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setPen(pg.mkPen(color='#000000', width=1)) i = 0 for iItem in selectedItems: if iItem.parent(): # not the root item filename = iItem.parent().text(1) # get the parent item name - filename for iData in self.lTestDATA: # find out the data from the data frame list by the filename if filename == iData.fileName: dfData = break # break out of the loop for data data_head = iItem.text(1) # get the column name of data for plotting curve_name = data_head + '>>' + iItem.text(2) + '>>' + iItem.text(3) # parameter/parameter desc/unit # y axis data_2_plot = list(dfData[data_head]) # get the list of time column, for x axis sTime = list(dfData['TIME']) # convert the time in string to date time object iTime = [self.sTimeToDateTime(j) for j in sTime] i += 1 # for color index use # example # pw.plot(x=[x.timestamp() for x in iTime ], y= list(df['BCVIIN']), pen = 'r') try: plotcurve = PlotCurveItem(x=[x.timestamp() for x in iTime], y= data_2_plot, name = curve_name, pen=self.colorDex[i%5]) plotItem.addItem(plotcurve) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Error with data to plot.\n" + e.__str__()) if not self.bPlotted: self.bPlotted = True plotWgtName = self.currSelctPlotWgt.getViewBox().name if not plotWgtName: print("check the plotwidget definition in the, comment it!!!!") self.lPlottedItems.append({'Plot': plotWgtName, 'Curvename': curve_name, 'Filename': filename }) self.listWidget.addItem(plotWgtName + '||' + curve_name + '||' + filename ) # labl = QLabel(curve_name) # plotItem.addItem(labl) for lgditem in plotItem.scene().items(): # remove the legend if isinstance(lgditem, graphicsItems.LegendItem.ItemSample): # lgditem.hide() # hide the sample of legend # plotItem.scene().items()[5].item is the curve itself break self.autoRangeAllWins() def removeItemInPlot(self, selectedItem): try: if selectedItem[0]: [plotname,itemname,filename] = selectedItem[0].text().split('||') #selectedItems()[0].text().split('||') for i in range(self.dataPlotLayout.count()): # plot name = plot1 or plot2 plotWin = self.dataPlotLayout.itemAt(i).widget() if plotname == plotWin.getViewBox().name: # get the plot item break for j in plotWin.plotItem.curves: # get the curve item curvename = if curvename == itemname: curveFound = True break if curveFound: plotWin.removeItem(j) # delete the curve from the plot #plotWin.scene().removeItem(plotWin.plotItem.legend) for item in plotWin.scene().items(): # remove the legend if isinstance(item, graphicsItems.LegendItem.LegendItem): #isinstance(plotWin.scene().items()[6], pg.graphicsItems.LegendItem.LegendItem) if item.items[0][1].text == curvename: # get the legend of the curve plotWin.scene().removeItem(item) break self.listWidget.takeItem( self.listWidget.row(selectedItem[0])) # remove the item from the list for iPlottedItem in self.lPlottedItems: if iPlottedItem['Filename'] == filename and iPlottedItem['Curvename'] == curvename: self.lPlottedItems.remove(iPlottedItem) break self.autoRangeAllWins() except Exception as e: print(e.__str__()) def mouseMove(self, evt): #evtsender = self.sender() try: pos = evt # get the point of mouse y_value = {} # to keep the y values of all curves except Exception as e: print('exception @ mousemove 1' + e.__str__()) if self.bPlotted: try: mousePoint = self.currSelctPlotWgt.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(pos) # map the mouse position to the view position # mpOffset = plotWin.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(QPointF(0.0, 0.0)) # offset the mouse point x = self.minTimestamp timeIndex = datetime.fromtimestamp(x).strftime('%H:%M:%S:%f')[:12] if mousePoint.x() < self.minTimestamp - 3600 or mousePoint.x() > self.maxTimestamp + 2 * 3600: #self.curLabelofYvalue.setPos(self.minTimestamp, mousePoint.y()) self.currSelctPlotWgt.plotItem.removeItem(self.curLabelofYvalue) # remove the item self.curLabelofYvalue.setParentItem(self.currSelctPlotWgt.getViewBox()) self.currSelctPlotWgt.plotItem.vb.autoRange() return if mousePoint.y() < self.minYvalue or mousePoint.y() > self.maxYval: #self.curLabelofYvalue.setPos(mousePoint.x(), self.minYvalue) self.currSelctPlotWgt.plotItem.removeItem(self.curLabelofYvalue) # remove the item self.curLabelofYvalue.setParentItem(self.currSelctPlotWgt.getViewBox()) self.currSelctPlotWgt.plotItem.vb.autoRange() #self.currSelctPlotWgt.scale(1,1,[{self.minTimestamp,self.minYvalue}]) return except Exception as e: pass try: #currentPlotArea = self.currSelctPlotWgt # move the vline in all plot area for i in range(self.dataPlotLayout.count()): # loop for each plot area plotWin = self.dataPlotLayout.itemAt(i).widget() if plotWin.plotItem.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos): # mouse point in the plot aera #print('Plot name: %s' % plotWin.getViewBox().name) #print('view pos x: %0.1f + y: %0.1f' % (mousePoint.x(), mousePoint.y())) # map the mouse position to the view position mousePoint = plotWin.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(pos) x = mousePoint.x() # convert x coord from timestamp to time string timeIndex = datetime.fromtimestamp(x).strftime('%H:%M:%S:%f')[:12] #print('time: %s' % timeIndex) for iLine in plotWin.items(): # loop for the vline if hasattr(iLine, 'name'): if == 'vline': iLine.setPos(mousePoint.x()) break #if plotWin.underMouse(): # check if the mouse is on the widget, True: current plot the mouse is in #currentPlotArea = plotWin # move both hline in current plot area for iLine in self.currSelctPlotWgt.items(): # loop for the vline and hline mousePoint = self.currSelctPlotWgt.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(pos) if hasattr(iLine, 'name'): if == 'hline': iLine.setPos(mousePoint.y()) break except Exception as e: print('exception @ mousemove 2' + e.__str__()) # get the y value of all plotted curves try: if self.lPlottedItems.__len__() > 0: curr_Y = [round(mousePoint.y(),2)] for iCurve in self.lPlottedItems: plotname = iCurve['Plot'] filename = iCurve["Filename"] curvename = iCurve["Curvename"].split('>>')[0] for dataset in self.lTestDATA: dfData = startTime = datetime.strptime('2018 ' + dfData['TIME'].iloc[0], '%Y %H:%M:%S:%f').timestamp() endTime = datetime.strptime('2018 ' + dfData['TIME'].iloc[-1], '%Y %H:%M:%S:%f').timestamp() rate = dataset.rate if x > startTime and x < endTime: row = round((x - startTime) * rate) # the the row number #print('row number: %d' % row) y = dfData[curvename].iloc[row] # dfData[curvename].iloc()[row] #print('y: %f' % y) y_value[curvename] = y # keep the curve value in y to the list if self.currSelctPlotWgt.getViewBox().name == plotname: # the data set of current plot area curr_Y.append(round(y,2)) except Exception as e: print('exception @ mousemove 3' + e.__str__()) # display the y value of all curves try: self.labelTime.setText("<span style='font-size: 11pt'>Time=%s" % (timeIndex)) if y_value: # show the values of all curves shown in plots self.labelValueY.setText("<span style='font-size: 11pt; color: red'>" + str( ["%s=%0.1f" % (k, v) for k, v in y_value.items()])) except Exception as e: print('exception @ mousemove 4' + e.__str__()) # show the label in current plot area try: if curr_Y.__len__() > 0: # labelY_value = pg.TextItem("v") # currentPlotArea.addItem(labelY_value) # currentPlotArea.setPos(mousePoint.x(), mousePoint.y()) self.curLabelofYvalue.setText((''.join(str(e) + '\n' for e in curr_Y))[:-1]) # [:-1] to remove the last '\n' self.curLabelofYvalue.setPos(mousePoint.x(), mousePoint.y()) #print(self.curLabelofYvalue.__str__) #self.dataPlot.addItem(labelY_value) except Exception as e: print('exception @ mousemove 5' + e.__str__()) def openFile(self): self.winImpData.exec_() # Run the imp data window in modal self.treeUpdate() def exitAPP(self): choice = QMessageBox.question(self, 'Exit', "Close the application?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if choice == QMessageBox.Yes: sys.exit() else: pass def treeUpdate(self): QTreeWidget.clear(self.treeWidget) for tdataset in self.lTestDATA: fname = tdataset.fileName #os.path.basename(self.winImpData.sDataFilePath) rate = tdataset.rate treeRoot = QTreeWidgetItem(self.treeWidget) treeRoot.setText(1, fname) treeRoot.setText(2, str(rate) + 'Hz') self.treeItem = tdataset.header # list(self.winImpData.dfData) self.numTree = tdataset.column #self.treeItem.__len__() for i in range(1, len(self.treeItem)): child = QTreeWidgetItem(treeRoot) child.setText(0, str(i)) child.setText(1, self.treeItem[i]) child.setText(2, self.dataparam.getParamInfo(self.treeItem[i],'paramDesc')) child.setText(3, self.dataparam.getParamInfo(self.treeItem[i],'unit')) def helpme(self): QMessageBox.information(self,'Wheel & Brake Test Data Explorer', 'Technical support:\nHON MS&C Shanghai.') ### for PyInataller use to bundle data file into one file def resource_path(self, relative_path): """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """ if hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'): return path.join(sys._MEIPASS, relative_path) return path.join(path.abspath("."), relative_path) # base_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path) class TimeAxisItem(AxisItem): #### class TimeAxisItem is used for overloading x axis as time def tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing): strns = [] #rng = max(values) - min(values) # values are timestamp of date #946656000 = datetime.strptime('2000', '%Y').timestamp() , handel dates after 2000 only # if min(values) < 946656000: # Windows can't handle dates before 1970, # # 1514764800.0 = datetime.datetime.strptime('2018-1-1 8:00:0', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timestamp() # # 1514766600.0 = datetime.datetime.strptime('2018-1-1 8:30:0', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timestamp() # #defaultValues = range(1514736000.0, 1514768400.0, 720) # # return pg.AxisItem.tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing) for x in values: try: if x < 946656000: x += 946656000 ## handle time starting from 1/1/2000 strns.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(x).strftime('%H:%M:%S')) except ValueError: ## Windows can't handle dates before 1970 strns.append('') return strns # show hour:minute:second on the x axis #return [datetime.fromtimestamp(value).strftime('%H:%M:%S') for value in values] # 946656000 = datetime.strptime('2000', '%Y').timestamp() def sTimeToDateTime(self, inTime): # convert time from string to datetime object # inTime: '13:43:02:578' string type # outTime: 2018-01-01 13:43:02.578000 datetime object # '2018 ' + startTime, '%Y %H:%M:%S' #itime = inTime[:8] + "." + inTime[10:12] # convert 13:43:02:578 to 13:43:02.578 # add date (2018-01-01)to the TIME for the sake of format of datetime class. could use real date of the data created try: outTime = datetime.strptime('2018 ' + inTime, '%Y %H:%M:%S:%f') # convert the time from string to the datetime format except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "TIME format error.\n" + e.__str__()) outTime = return outTime
class Plot(QObject, Object): """Generic widget to plot data series. The data series have to be added first, then one may add plot items using two them as x and y values. The series will be automatically updated when the master attribute fires a value_changed signal or based on an internal update timer. This master series has to be defined while adding it. .. todo:: Currently only setting both series of a plot item to the same, fixed length works. Find a better handling for this. """ TYPE_STATIC = 0 TYPE_TIME = 1 TYPE_SCALAR = 2 TYPE_SPECTRUM = 3 ROLE_SLAVE = 0 ROLE_MASTER = 1 def __init__(self, parent=None): """Construct a new Plot instance. :param parent: Optional, but needed for painting. :type parent: QGraphicsItem """ QObject.__init__(self) Object.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.lines = {} self.items = {} #plot items = {} #data series to the plot items self.master = None #id of the data series which triggers the update self.x_range = -1 #id of the data series which range defines the plot range self.mutex = QMutex() self.update_timer = QTimer(self) self.update_timer_start = None self.setup_ui() def setup_ui(self): """Setup the internal widget object. Called by :func:`__init__()`.""" self.widget = PlotWidget(self.parent) self.widget.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(Qt.NoBrush)) count = len(self.janus.widgets["mainwindow"].findChildren(PlotWidget)) self.widget.setObjectName("plotWidgetPlot{0}".format(count)) self.widget.getAxis("bottom").setPen(QPen( self.widget.getAxis("left").setPen(QPen( def update_values(self, attribute=None): """Update all data of TYPE_TIME, TYPE_SCALAR, TYPE_SPECTRUM and plot it. This method is connected to either the the value_changed signal of the device instance that the master attribute belongs to or the internal update_timer if the master is of TYPE_TIME. :param attribute: Name of the master attribute which triggered the update or None if master is of TYPE_TIME. :type attribute: str|None """ self.mutex.lock() if not ((attribute is None and \[self.master]["data_type"] == Plot.TYPE_TIME) or \ (attribute ==[self.master]["name"] and \[self.master]["data_type"] in \ [Plot.TYPE_SCALAR, Plot.TYPE_SPECTRUM])): self.mutex.unlock() return if self.update_timer_start is not None: time_stamp = time.time() - self.update_timer_start update = len(self.items) * [False] #retrieve new data and cycle the buffer if max_length is reached for i in range(len( if[i]["data_type"] == Plot.TYPE_TIME: if[i]["data"].shape[0] >[i]["max_length"]:[i]["data"].resize([i]["max_length"]) if[i]["data"].shape[0] ==[i]["max_length"]:[i]["data"] = numpy.concatenate( \ ([i]["data"][1:],[i]["data"][:1]))[i]["data"][-1] = time_stamp else: numpy.concatenate([i]["data"], time_stamp) elif[i]["data_type"] == Plot.TYPE_SCALAR: if[i]["data"].shape[0] >[i]["max_length"]:[i]["data"].resize([i]["max_length"]) if[i]["data"].shape[0] ==[i]["max_length"]:[i]["data"] = numpy.concatenate( \ ([i]["data"][1:],[i]["data"][:1]))[i]["data"][-1] =[i]["getter"]( refresh=True) else: numpy.concatenate([i]["data"], \[i]["getter"](refresh=True)) elif[i]["data_type"] == Plot.TYPE_SPECTRUM:[i]["data"] = numpy.ndarray([i]["getter"](refresh=True)) if[i]["data"].shape[0] >=[i]["max_length"] or \[i]["data"].shape[0] <[i]["min_length"]:[i]["data"].resize([i]["max_length"]) else: continue for item in[i]["items"]: update[item] = True #set view boundaries if tie_x_range is set to a dataset if self.x_range > -1: if[self.x_range]["data_type"] == Plot.TYPE_TIME: self.widget.setLimits( \[self.x_range]["data"][1], \[self.x_range]["data"][-1]) else: self.widget.setLimits( \ xMin=numpy.amin([self.x_range]["data"]), \ xMax=numpy.amax([self.x_range]["data"])) #replot items for i in range(len(self.items)): if update[i]: self.items[i]["plot"].setData( \[self.items[i]["x"]]["data"], \[self.items[i]["y"]]["data"]) self.mutex.unlock() def add_plot_data(self, i, data=None, attr=None, data_type=TYPE_STATIC, \ role=ROLE_SLAVE, interval=1.0, \ min_length=0, length=-1, max_length=-1): """Add a data series to the plot. :param i: Id of the data series. Should be ascending natural numbers from 0 up. :type i: int :param data: Initial series of values. May be omited if not of TYPE_STATIC. :type data: numpy.ndarray|None :param attr: Reference to the getter function for an attribute of an device object. May be omited if not of TYPE_SCALAR or TYPE_SPECTRUM. :type attr: Device.method :param data_type: How the data is updated. May be one of the following - TYPE_STATIC no update, - TYPE_TIME append time stamp at trigger point, - TYPE_SCALAR append attribute value at trigger point, - or TYPE_SPECTRUM exchange data series by attribute values at trigger point. :type data_type: int|TYPE_STATIC|TYPE_TIME|TYPE_SCALAR|TYPE_SPECTRUM :param role: Should be ROLE_MASTER for data series which triggers the plot update. :type role: int|ROLE_SLAVE|ROLE_MASTER :param interval: Interval, to which the update_timer is set if of TYPE_TIME and ROLE_MASTER. May be omited otherwise. :type interval: float :param min_length: Data series will be extended to this length. May be omited. :type min_length: int :param length: Sets min_length and max_length to this value. -1 will will disable this feature. May be omited. :type length: int :param max_length: Data series will be shortened to this length. -1 will will disable this feature. May be omited. :type max_length: int :return: False on errors, True otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if length > -1: min_length = length max_length = length if data is not None and type(data) != numpy.ndarray: data = numpy.array(data) if data is not None and data.shape[0] < min_length: data.resize(min_length) if data is not None and max_length > 0 and data.shape[0] > max_length: data.resize(max_length) datum = { \ "data": data, \ "data_type": data_type, \ "min_length": min_length, \ "length": length, \ "max_length": max_length, \ "items" : []} if data_type in [Plot.TYPE_SCALAR, Plot.TYPE_SPECTRUM]: try: if callable(attr): device = attr.__self__ name = attr.__name__ else: return False except: return False datum["device"] = device #device instance datum["name"] = name #attribute name datum["getter"] = attr #attribute getter method if data is None and data_type == Plot.TYPE_SCALAR: start_value = attr(refresh=True) datum["data"] = numpy.full(min_length, start_value) elif data is None: datum["data"] = numpy.array(attr(refresh=True)) if datum["data"].shape[0] < min_length: datum["data"].resize(min_length) if max_length > 0 and datum["data"].shape[0] > max_length: datum["data"].resize(max_length) elif data_type == Plot.TYPE_TIME: datum["interval"] = interval if data is None: datum["data"] = numpy.linspace( \ -(min_length-1)*interval, 0, min_length) elif data_type != Plot.TYPE_STATIC: return False self.mutex.lock()[i] = datum self.mutex.unlock() if role == Plot.ROLE_MASTER: self.set_master(i) return True def remove_plot_data(self, i): if i == self.master: self.unset_master() items =[i]["items"] for item in items: self.remove_plot_item(item) del[i] def add_plot_item(self, i, x, y, """Add a plot item representing two already added data series. :param i: Id of the plot item. Should be ascending natural numbers from 0 up. :type i: int :param x: Id of the data series holding the x values. :type x: int :param y: Id of the data series holding the y values. :type y: int :param colour: Colour of the plot item. The default is red. :type colour: str|QRgb|QColor|Qt.GlobalColor """ self.items[i] = {"x": x, "y": y}[x]["items"].append(i)[y]["items"].append(i) self.items[i]["plot"] = PlotDataItem( \[x]["data"], \[y]["data"], \ pen=QColor(colour)) self.widget.addItem(self.items[i]["plot"]) def remove_plot_item(self, i): self.mutex.lock()[self.items[i]["x"]]["items"].remove(i)[self.items[i]["y"]]["items"].remove(i) self.widget.removeItem(self.items[i]["plot"]) del self.items[i] self.mutex.unlock() def add_line_item(self, i, **kwargs): self.mutex.lock() self.lines[i] = InfiniteLine(**kwargs) self.widget.addItem(self.lines[i]) self.mutex.unlock() def remove_line_item(self, i): self.mutex.lock() self.widget.removeItem(self.lines[i]) del self.lines[i] self.mutex.unlock() def set_master(self, i): """Set which data series will trigger a plot update. :param data: Id of the data series which triggers the update. :type data: int """ self.mutex.lock() if self.master is not None and self.master != i: self.unset_master()[i]["device"].value_changed.disconnect(self.update_values) if[i]["data_type"] in [Plot.TYPE_SCALAR, Plot.TYPE_SPECTRUM]:[i]["device"].value_changed.connect(self.update_values) elif[i]["data_type"] == Plot.TYPE_TIME: self.update_timer.timeout.connect(self.update_values) self.update_timer_start = time.time() self.update_timer.start([i]["interval"] * 1000.) self.master = i self.mutex.unlock() def unset_master(self): self.mutex.lock() if[self.master]["data_type"] in \ [Plot.TYPE_SCALAR, Plot.TYPE_SPECTRUM]:[self.master]["device"].value_changed.disconnect( \ self.update_values) elif[self.master]["data_type"] == Plot.TYPE_TIME: self.update_timer.timeout.disconnect(self.update_values) self.update_timer.stop() self.mutex.unlock() def tie_x_range(self, data=-1): """Sets the plot x range to be the same as the given data series. :param data: Id of the data series holding the x values. :type data: int """ self.x_range = data def clear(self): data = list( for datum in data: self.remove_plot_data(datum) for line in list(self.lines.keys()): self.remove_line_item(line)
class PyQtGraphDataPlot(QWidget): limits_changed = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PyQtGraphDataPlot, self).__init__(parent) self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.getPlotItem().addLegend() self._plot_widget.setBackground((255, 255, 255)) self._plot_widget.setXRange(0, 10, padding=0) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self._plot_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) self._plot_widget.getPlotItem().sigRangeChanged.connect( self.limits_changed) self.bins = 10 self.window = 100 self._curves = {} self._current_vline = None def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_name, curve_color=QColor(, markers_on=False): pen = mkPen(curve_color, width=1) # this adds the item to the plot and legend plot = self._plot_widget.plot(stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=(0, 0, 255, 150)) self._curves[curve_id] = plot def remove_curve(self, curve_id): curve_id = str(curve_id) if curve_id in self._curves: self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._curves[curve_id]) del self._curves[curve_id] self._update_legend() def _update_legend(self): # clear and rebuild legend (there is no remove item method for the legend...) self._plot_widget.clear() self._plot_widget.getPlotItem().legend.items = [] for curve in self._curves.values(): self._plot_widget.addItem(curve) if self._current_vline: self._plot_widget.addItem(self._current_vline) def redraw(self): pass def set_values(self, curve_id, data_x, data_y): curve = self._curves[curve_id] if len(data_y) > 0: y, x = numpy.histogram(data_y[-self.window:], self.bins) curve.setData(x, y) else: curve.clear() self._plot_widget.autoRange() def vline(self, x, color): if self._current_vline: self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._current_vline) self._current_vline = self._plot_widget.addLine(x=x, pen=color) def set_xlim(self, limits): # TODO: this doesn't seem to handle fast updates well self._plot_widget.setXRange(limits[0], limits[1], padding=0) def set_ylim(self, limits): self._plot_widget.setYRange(limits[0], limits[1], padding=0) def get_xlim(self): x_range, _ = self._plot_widget.viewRange() return x_range def get_ylim(self): _, y_range = self._plot_widget.viewRange() return y_range
class Plotter(QWidget): MAX_DATA_POINTS_PER_CURVE = 200000 COLORS = [,,, # RGB - Qt.yellow, Qt.cyan, Qt.magenta, # Close to RGB Qt.darkRed, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.darkBlue, # Darker RGB Qt.darkYellow, Qt.darkCyan, Qt.darkMagenta, # Close to RGB Qt.gray, Qt.darkGray] # Leftovers INITIAL_X_RANGE = 60 def __init__(self, parent=None): # Parent super(Plotter, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle('UAVCAN Plotter') self.setWindowIcon(APP_ICON) # Redraw timer self._update_timer = QTimer() self._update_timer.timeout.connect(self._update) self._update_timer.setSingleShot(False) self._update_timer.start(30) # PyQtGraph self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.setBackground((0, 0, 0)) self._legend = self._plot_widget.addLegend() self._plot_widget.setRange(xRange=(0, self.INITIAL_X_RANGE), padding=0) self._plot_widget.showButtons() self._plot_widget.enableAutoRange() self._plot_widget.showGrid(x=True, y=True, alpha=0.4) # Controls # button_add_matcher = QtGui.QPushButton('New matcher', self) button_add_matcher.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme('list-add')) button_add_matcher.setToolTip('Add new curve matcher') button_add_matcher.clicked.connect( lambda: NewCurveMatcherWindow(self, lambda: sorted(self._active_messages), self._add_curve_matcher).show()) button_clear_plots = QtGui.QPushButton('Clear plots', self) button_clear_plots.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme('edit-clear')) button_clear_plots.setToolTip('Clear the plotting area') button_clear_plots.clicked.connect(lambda: self._remove_all_curves()) def delete_all_matchers(): self._curve_matchers = [] for i in reversed(range(self._curve_matcher_container.count())): self._curve_matcher_container.itemAt(i).widget().deleteLater() self._remove_all_curves() button_delete_all_matchers = QtGui.QPushButton('Delete matchers', self) button_delete_all_matchers.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme('edit-delete')) button_delete_all_matchers.setToolTip('Delete all matchers') button_delete_all_matchers.clicked.connect(delete_all_matchers) self._autoscroll = QtGui.QCheckBox('Autoscroll', self) self._autoscroll.setChecked(True) self._max_x = self.INITIAL_X_RANGE # Layout control_panel = QHBoxLayout() control_panel.addWidget(button_add_matcher) control_panel.addWidget(button_clear_plots) control_panel.addWidget(self._autoscroll) control_panel.addStretch() control_panel.addWidget(button_delete_all_matchers) self._curve_matcher_container = QVBoxLayout() layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self._plot_widget, 1) layout.addLayout(control_panel) layout.addLayout(self._curve_matcher_container) self.setLayout(layout) # Logic self._color_index = 0 self._curves = {} self._message_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self._active_messages = set() # set(data type name) self._curve_matchers = [] # Defaults self._add_curve_matcher(CurveMatcher('uavcan.protocol.debug.KeyValue', 'value', [('key', None)])) def _add_curve_matcher(self, matcher): self._curve_matchers.append(matcher) view = CurveMatcherView(matcher, self) def remove(): self._curve_matchers.remove(matcher) self._curve_matcher_container.removeWidget(view) view.setParent(None) view.deleteLater() view.on_remove = remove self._curve_matcher_container.addWidget(view) def _update(self): # Processing messages while True: try: m = self._message_queue.get_nowait() self._process_message(m) except queue.Empty: break # Updating curves for curve in self._curves.values(): if len(curve['x']): if len(curve['x']) > self.MAX_DATA_POINTS_PER_CURVE: curve['x'] = curve['x'][-self.MAX_DATA_POINTS_PER_CURVE:] curve['y'] = curve['y'][-self.MAX_DATA_POINTS_PER_CURVE:] assert len(curve['x']) == len(curve['y']) curve['plot'].setData(curve['x'], curve['y']) self._max_x = max(self._max_x, curve['x'][-1]) # Updating view range if self._autoscroll.checkState(): (xmin, xmax), _ = self._plot_widget.viewRange() diff = xmax - xmin xmax = self._max_x xmin = self._max_x - diff self._plot_widget.setRange(xRange=(xmin, xmax), padding=0) def _process_message(self, m): self._active_messages.add(m.data_type_name) for matcher in self._curve_matchers: if matcher.match(m): name, x, y = matcher.extract_curve_name_x_y(m) self._draw_curve(name, x, y) def _remove_all_curves(self): for curve in self._curves.values(): self._plot_widget.removeItem(curve['plot']) self._plot_widget.clear() self._curves = {} self._color_index = 0 self._legend.scene().removeItem(self._legend) self._legend = self._plot_widget.addLegend() def _draw_curve(self, name, x, y): if name not in self._curves:'Adding curve %r', name) color = self.COLORS[self._color_index % len(self.COLORS)] self._color_index += 1 pen = mkPen(QColor(color), width=1) plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=name, pen=pen) self._curves[name] = {'x': numpy.array([]), 'y': numpy.array([]), 'plot': plot} curve = self._curves[name] curve['x'] = numpy.append(curve['x'], [x] if isinstance(x, (float, int)) else x) curve['y'] = numpy.append(curve['y'], [y] if isinstance(y, (float, int)) else y) assert len(curve['x']) == len(curve['y']) def push_received_message(self, msg): self._message_queue.put_nowait(msg)
class RealtimePlotWidget(QWidget): AUTO_RANGE_FRACTION = 0.99 COLORS = [,,, Qt.magenta, Qt.cyan, Qt.darkRed, Qt.darkBlue, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.darkYellow, Qt.gray ] def __init__(self, display_measurements, parent): super(RealtimePlotWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setAttribute( Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) # This is required to stop background timers! self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.setBackground((0, 0, 0)) self._legend = self._plot_widget.addLegend() self._plot_widget.showButtons() self._plot_widget.showGrid(x=True, y=True, alpha=0.3) vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) vbox.addWidget(self._plot_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) self._last_update_ts = 0 self._reset_required = False self._update_timer = QTimer(self) self._update_timer.setSingleShot(False) self._update_timer.timeout.connect(self._update) self._update_timer.start(200) self._color_index = 0 self._curves = {} # Crosshair def _render_measurements(cur, ref): text = 'time %.6f sec, y %.6f' % cur if ref is None: return text dt = cur[0] - ref[0] dy = cur[1] - ref[1] if abs(dt) > 1e-12: freq = '%.6f' % abs(1 / dt) else: freq = 'inf' display_measurements(text + ';' + ' ' * 4 + 'dt %.6f sec, freq %s Hz, dy %.6f' % (dt, freq, dy)) display_measurements( 'Hover to sample Time/Y, click to set new reference') add_crosshair(self._plot_widget, _render_measurements) # Final reset self.reset() def _trigger_auto_reset_if_needed(self): ts = time.monotonic() dt = ts - self._last_update_ts self._last_update_ts = ts if dt > 2: self._reset_required = True def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_name, data_x=[], data_y=[]): color = QColor(self.COLORS[self._color_index % len(self.COLORS)]) self._color_index += 1 pen = mkPen(color, width=1) plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen) data_x = numpy.array(data_x) data_y = numpy.array(data_y) self._curves[curve_id] = {'data': (data_x, data_y), 'plot': plot} self._trigger_auto_reset_if_needed() def update_values(self, curve_id, x, y): curve = self._curves[curve_id] old_x, old_y = curve['data'] curve['data'] = numpy.append(old_x, x), numpy.append(old_y, y) self._trigger_auto_reset_if_needed() def reset(self): for curve in self._curves.keys(): self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._curves[curve]['plot']) self._curves = {} self._color_index = 0 self._plot_widget.enableAutoRange(enable=self.AUTO_RANGE_FRACTION, x=self.AUTO_RANGE_FRACTION, y=self.AUTO_RANGE_FRACTION) self._legend.scene().removeItem(self._legend) self._legend = self._plot_widget.addLegend() def _update(self): if self._reset_required: self.reset() self._reset_required = False for curve in self._curves.values(): if len(curve['data'][0]): curve['plot'].setData(*curve['data'])
class Design(QWidget): colors = {"cathode": "#FF0000", "anode": "#0000FF", "full": "#000000"} symbols = {"cathode": "o", "anode": "s", "full": "t"} def __init__(self, parent): super(Design, self).__init__() self.parent = parent self.core = parent.core self.parameters = None self.datas = None self.renderWindow() self.initPlotView() self.setUpProcessUI() self.bindEvents() def bindEvents(self): self.generate.clicked.connect(self.genCurve) self.Sheme.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.selectScheme) pass def renderWindow(self): #边框结构 self.setGeometry(80, 80, 800, 420) size = self.geometry() screen = QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry() posX = (screen.width() - size.width()) / 2 posY = (screen.height() - size.height()) / 2 self.move(posX, posY) #标题 self.setWindowTitle('Designer') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('resource/curve.ico')) #布局 layout = QGridLayout() self.graphicsView = QGridLayout() layout.addLayout(self.graphicsView, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.Process_Box = QGroupBox() self.Process_Box.setMinimumSize(240, 440) self.Process_Box.setFlat(True) layout.addWidget(self.Process_Box, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.setLayout(layout) def setUpProcessUI(self): layout = QGridLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) layout.setSpacing(10) self.Process_Box.setLayout(layout) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate('Standard Cathode')), 0, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate('Standard Anode')), 1, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel( self.translate('Capacity Ratio of 0.01C/0.2C')), 2, 0, 1, 3) #() layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate('Capacity of 0.2C')), 3, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate('1st Cycle Efficiency')), 4, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate('Cathode Area')), 5, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate('Cathode Coating Weight')), 6, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate('Cathode Loading')), 7, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate('Anode Coating Weight')), 8, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate("Anode Loading")), 9, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate("Sheme")), 10, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate("Discharge Start Voltage")), 11, 0, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(QLabel(self.translate("Discharge End Voltage")), 12, 0, 1, 3) self.Cathodes = QComboBox() self.Anodes = QComboBox() keys = list(self.core.datas.keys()) keys.sort(key=lambda x: self.core.order.index(x)) for k in keys: for tag in self.core.pos_tag: if isStartWith(k, tag): self.Cathodes.addItem(k) break for tag in self.core.neg_tag: if isStartWith(k, tag): self.Anodes.addItem(k) break self.Sheme = QComboBox() self.Sheme.addItems([ self.translate("Discharge Start Voltage"), self.translate("Discharge End Voltage") ]) self.Ratio = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=10, dec=4) self.Capacity = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=10000, val=0, dec=4) self.Efficiency = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=1, val=0.98, dec=4) self.CathodeArea = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=1E9, dec=4) self.CathodeCW = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=1E9, dec=4) self.CathodeLoading = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=1, dec=4) self.AnodeCW = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=1E9, dec=4) self.AnodeLoading = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=1, dec=4) self.StartVoltage = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=5, val=4.3, dec=4) self.EndVoltage = SpinBox(lower=0, upper=5, val=2.7, dec=4) layout.addWidget(self.Cathodes, 0, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.Anodes, 1, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.Ratio, 2, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.Capacity, 3, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.Efficiency, 4, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.CathodeArea, 5, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.CathodeCW, 6, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.CathodeLoading, 7, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.AnodeCW, 8, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.AnodeLoading, 9, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.Sheme, 10, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.StartVoltage, 11, 3, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.EndVoltage, 12, 3, 1, 3) self.load = QPushButton(self.translate("Load")) self.generate = QPushButton(self.translate("Generate")) = QPushButton(self.translate("Save")) self.load.setDisabled(True) scheme = int(self.defaultSetting("Design/Sheme", 0)) self.Sheme.setCurrentIndex(scheme) self.selectScheme() layout.addWidget(self.load, 13, 0, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(self.generate, 13, 2, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(, 13, 4, 1, 2) pass def initPlotView(self): self.plot = PlotWidget(enableAutoRange=True) self.plotLegand = self.plot.addLegend() self.graphicsView.addWidget(self.plot) self.setGraphViewStyle() def setGraphViewStyle(self): bgColor = self.defaultSetting('Graph/BackgroundColor', '#ffffff') gridAlpha = float(self.defaultSetting('Graph/GridAlpha', 0.25)) axisColor = self.defaultSetting('Graph/AxisColor', '#000000') axisWidth = float(self.defaultSetting('Graph/AxisWidth', 1.5)) self.plot.setAutoVisible(y=True) self.plot.setBackground(bgColor) self.plot.showGrid(x=True, y=True, alpha=gridAlpha) self.plot.getAxis('bottom').setPen(color=axisColor, width=axisWidth) self.plot.getAxis('left').setPen(color=axisColor, width=axisWidth) def drawCurve(self, x, y, text): self.plot.removeItem(text) curveType = self.defaultSetting('Curve/type', 'line') width = int(self.defaultSetting('Curve/width', 3)) size = int(self.defaultSetting('Curve/size', 5)) color = self.colors[text] symbol = self.symbols[text] pen = mkPen(color=color, width=width) text = self.translate(text) self.plotLegand.removeItem(text) if curveType == 'scatter': self.plot.plot(x, y, pen=pen, symbolBrush=color, symbolPen=color, symbol=symbol, symbolSize=size, name=text) else: self.plot.plot(x, y, pen=pen, name=text) def genCurve(self): posName = self.Cathodes.currentText() negName = self.Anodes.currentText() capacity = self.Ratio.value() * self.Capacity.value() posMass = self.CathodeArea.value() * self.CathodeCW.value( ) * self.CathodeLoading.value() / 1540.25 negMass = self.CathodeArea.value() * self.AnodeCW.value( ) * self.AnodeLoading.value() / 1540.25 efficiency = self.Efficiency.value() if capacity * posMass * negMass * efficiency == 0 or posName == "" or negName == "": self.critical("Invalid Parameters!") return posLoss = capacity * (1 / efficiency - 1) #print(posMass,posLoss) posData = self.core.get_data(posName).modify_x(posMass, 0) posLoss = posData.x_max - capacity - posLoss if posLoss < 0: return self.cathodeLess() posData = self.core.get_data(posName).modify_x(posMass, posLoss) #print(posMass,posLoss) if self.Sheme.currentIndex() == 1: terminal = posData.posValue(capacity) #print(terminal) if terminal == None: return self.cathodeLess() delta = terminal - self.EndVoltage.value() negData = self.core.get_data(negName).modify_x(negMass, 0) terminal = negData.invert().posValue(delta) if terminal == None or terminal < capacity: return self.anodeLess() negLoss = terminal - capacity negData = self.core.get_data(negName).modify_x(negMass, negLoss) else: terminal = posData.posValue(0) if terminal == None: return self.cathodeLess() delta = terminal - self.StartVoltage.value() negData = self.core.get_data(negName).modify_x(negMass, 0) #print(delta) terminal = negData.invert().posValue(delta) if terminal == None: return self.anodeLess() negLoss = terminal negData = self.core.get_data(negName).modify_x(negMass, negLoss) if negData.x_max < capacity: return self.anodeLess() fulDataX = np.linspace(0, capacity, 2000) fulDataY = posData.interpolate(fulDataX).y_data - negData.interpolate( fulDataX).y_data self.parameters = [posMass, posLoss, negMass, negLoss] self.datas = [posData, negData, posData.copy(fulDataX, fulDataY)] for x in self.plot.items(): if isinstance(x, (ScatterPlotItem, PlotCurveItem, PlotDataItem)): self.plot.removeItem(x) self.drawCurve(*posData(), "cathode") self.drawCurve(*negData(), "anode") self.drawCurve(fulDataX, fulDataY, "full") def saveCurve(self): # (value, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self, self.translate("Save Data"), self.translate("Please input data name"), QLineEdit.Normal, "") # if not ok: # return # if self.parameters == None or self.datas == None: # return # if value == "": # self.critical("Data name can not be empty string!") # return # elif re.match(r'(\:|\\|\/|\*|\?|\"|<|>|\|)',value): # self.critical("There are invalid characters in the data name!") # return # if (value + "_full") in self.core.datas or (value + "_anode") in self.core.datas or (value + "_cathode") in self.core.datas: # ok = self.warnning("Data with the same name already exists!\nDo you want to override old datas?") # if not ok: # return # self.core.add_data((value + "_cathode"),self.datas[0],override=True) # self.core.add_data((value + "_anode"),self.datas[1],override=True) # self.core.add_data((value + "_full"),self.datas[2],override=True) self.core.max_capacity = self.Ratio.value() * self.Capacity.value() self.parent.setSetting('Core/MaxCapacity', self.core.max_capacity) self.core.auto_cal_param(self.parameters[0], 0) self.core.auto_cal_param(self.parameters[1], 1) self.core.auto_cal_param(self.parameters[2], 2) self.core.auto_cal_param(self.parameters[3], 3) self.core.for_fitting = [ self.Cathodes.currentText(), self.Anodes.currentText(), "" ] self.core.triggle('change') self.core.triggle('fitting') def anodeLess(self): self.critical( "The theoretical maximum anode capacity is less than the design capacity!" ) def cathodeLess(self): self.critical( "The theoretical maximum cathode capacity is less than the design capacity!" ) def selectScheme(self, idx=0): if self.Sheme.currentIndex() == 0: self.EndVoltage.setDisabled(True) self.StartVoltage.setEnabled(True) else: self.StartVoltage.setDisabled(True) self.EndVoltage.setEnabled(True) self.setSetting("Design/Sheme", self.Sheme.currentIndex()) def translate(self, text): if self.parent: self.langText = self.parent.langText else: self.langText = load(open('SCN.translation', encoding='utf-8')) if text in self.langText: return self.langText[text] return text def defaultSetting(self, key, value): if self.parent: return self.parent.defaultSetting(key, value) return value def setSetting(self, key, value): if self.parent: return self.parent.setSetting(key, value) def critical(self, text): QMessageBox.critical(self, self.translate("Critical"), self.translate(text), QMessageBox.Yes) def warnning(self, text): return QMessageBox.warning(self, self.translate("Warning"), self.translate(text), QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Yes)
class PyQtGraphDataPlot(QWidget): limits_changed = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PyQtGraphDataPlot, self).__init__(parent) self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.getPlotItem().addLegend() self._plot_widget.setBackground((255, 255, 255)) self._plot_widget.setXRange(0, 10, padding=0) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self._plot_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) self._plot_widget.getPlotItem().sigRangeChanged.connect(self.limits_changed) self._curves = {} self._current_vline = None def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_name, curve_color=QColor(, markers_on=False): pen = mkPen(curve_color, width=1) symbol = "o" symbolPen = mkPen(QColor( symbolBrush = mkBrush(curve_color) # this adds the item to the plot and legend if markers_on: plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen, symbol=symbol, symbolPen=symbolPen, symbolBrush=symbolBrush, symbolSize=4) else: plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen) self._curves[curve_id] = plot def remove_curve(self, curve_id): curve_id = str(curve_id) if curve_id in self._curves: self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._curves[curve_id]) del self._curves[curve_id] self._update_legend() def _update_legend(self): # clear and rebuild legend (there is no remove item method for the legend...) self._plot_widget.clear() self._plot_widget.getPlotItem().legend.items = [] for curve in self._curves.values(): self._plot_widget.addItem(curve) if self._current_vline: self._plot_widget.addItem(self._current_vline) def redraw(self): pass def set_values(self, curve_id, data_x, data_y): curve = self._curves[curve_id] curve.setData(data_x, data_y) def vline(self, x, color): if self._current_vline: self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._current_vline) self._current_vline = self._plot_widget.addLine(x=x, pen=color) def set_xlim(self, limits): # TODO: this doesn't seem to handle fast updates well self._plot_widget.setXRange(limits[0], limits[1], padding=0) def set_ylim(self, limits): self._plot_widget.setYRange(limits[0], limits[1], padding=0) def get_xlim(self): x_range, _ = self._plot_widget.viewRange() return x_range def get_ylim(self): _, y_range = self._plot_widget.viewRange() return y_range
class MainWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self, appinst, profilecon, settingscon, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = appinst self.profilecon = profilecon # connector class instance for reading/writing profile settings self.settingscon = settingscon self.gcode = None self.machine = None self.backgroundTask = None self.postBackgroundTask = None self.coord_plot_items = list( ) # list of all plot items added to the coord plot self.mainlayout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.mainlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.toolBar = QToolBar() self.toolBar.setStyleSheet("""QToolBar {background-color: white; border-top: 1px solid black}""" ) self.mainlayout.addWidget(self.toolBar) self.add_toolbar_action("./res/folder.svg", "Open", self.open_file_dialog) self.add_toolbar_action("./res/x-square.svg", "Close", self.close_file) self.add_toolbar_action("./res/save.svg", "Export", self.export) self.toolBar.addSeparator() self.add_toolbar_action("./res/sliders.svg", "Settings", self.open_settings_dialog) self.add_toolbar_action("./res/play.svg", "Simulate", self.start_simulation) self.toolBar.addSeparator() self.add_toolbar_action("./res/maximize.svg", "Fit to View", self.fit_plot_to_window) self.add_toolbar_action("./res/maximize-2.svg", "Reset View", self.reset_plot_view) self.toolBar.addSeparator() self.profileSelector = QComboBox() for name in self.profilecon.list_profiles(): self.profileSelector.addItem(name) self.profileSelector.setCurrentText( self.settingscon.get_value("Current_Profile")) self.profilecon.select_profile( self.settingscon.get_value("Current_Profile")) self.toolBar.addWidget(self.profileSelector) self.profileSelector.currentTextChanged.connect( self.selected_profile_changed) divider = QWidget() divider.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.toolBar.addWidget(divider) self.add_toolbar_action("./res/info.svg", "About", self.open_about_dialog) self.contentLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.contentLayout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) self.mainlayout.addLayout(self.contentLayout) self.layerSlider = QSlider() self.layerSlider.setMinimum(0) self.layerSlider.setValue(0) self.layerSlider.setDisabled(True) self.layerSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.show_layer) self.contentLayout.addWidget(self.layerSlider) self.coordPlot = PlotWidget() self.coordPlot.setAspectLocked(True) # self.coordPlot.setLimits(xMin=0, yMin=0) self.configure_plot( ) # is done in a seperate funciton because values need to be updated after settings are changed self.contentLayout.addWidget(self.coordPlot) self.sidebarlayout = QVBoxLayout() self.contentLayout.addLayout(self.sidebarlayout) self.sidebarheader = QLabel("Options") self.sidebarheader.setFixedSize(300, 50) self.sidebarlayout.addWidget(self.sidebarheader) def configure_plot(self): self.coordPlot.invertX( self.profilecon.get_value("invert_x") ) # needs to be done before setting the axis ranges because self.coordPlot.invertY( self.profilecon.get_value("invert_y") ) # inverting does not update the viewbox, but setting the range does self.coordPlot.setXRange(self.profilecon.get_value("bed_min_x"), self.profilecon.get_value("bed_max_x")) self.coordPlot.setYRange(self.profilecon.get_value("bed_min_y"), self.profilecon.get_value("bed_max_y")) def selected_profile_changed(self, new_profile): # select the new profile in the settings connector and update the ui accordingly self.profilecon.select_profile(new_profile) self.settingscon.set_value("Current_Profile", new_profile) # remember selected profile self.settingscon.save_to_file() self.configure_plot() def add_toolbar_action(self, icon, text, function): # wrapper function for adding a toolbar button and connecting it to trigger a function open_icon = QIcon(icon) action = self.toolBar.addAction(open_icon, text) action.triggered.connect(function) def finish_background_task(self): # function is called when a background task finishes if self.postBackgroundTask: # run cleanup task (i.e. ui update); runs on main ui thread! self.postBackgroundTask() # reset variables self.postBackgroundTask = None self.backgroundTask = None def run_in_background(self, task, after=None, args=None): # wrapper function for creating and starting a thread to run a function in the background # arguments can be passed to the function in the thread and a cleanup function can be specified # which is run on the main ui thread when the background task is finished self.backgroundTask = BackgroundTask(task) if args: self.backgroundTask.set_arguments(args) self.backgroundTask.finished.connect(self.finish_background_task) self.postBackgroundTask = after self.backgroundTask.start() def open_file_dialog(self): # in case a file is open already, close it properly first if self.machine: ret = self.close_file() if not ret: # user canceled closing of current file; can't open new one return # open dialog for selecting a gcode file to be loaded dialog = QFileDialog(self) dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.ExistingFile) filters = ["G-code (*.gcode)", "Any files (*)"] dialog.setNameFilters(filters) dialog.selectNameFilter(filters[0]) dialog.setViewMode(QFileDialog.Detail) filename = None if dialog.exec_(): filename = dialog.selectedFiles() if filename: self.run_in_background(self.load_data, after=self.show_layer, args=filename) def open_settings_dialog(self): # open a dialog with settings dialog = SettingsDialog(self, self.profilecon) dialog.exec() # update settings self.configure_plot() def open_about_dialog(self): # open the about dialog dialog = QDialog() dialog.setWindowTitle("About...") layout = QVBoxLayout() dialog.setLayout(layout) text = QLabel(strings.about) layout.addWidget(text) dialog.exec() def close_file(self): # close the current gcode file, discard all data # Before, ask for user confirmation cfmsgbox = QMessageBox() cfmsgbox.setWindowTitle("Close file?") cfmsgbox.setText( "Are you sure you want to close the current file and discard all unsaved data?" ) cfmsgbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) cfmsgbox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.No) ret = cfmsgbox.exec() if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: for item in self.coord_plot_items: self.coordPlot.removeItem(item) self.machine = None self.gcode = None # TODO: fix: this will not terminate a running background process return True return False def export(self): pass def start_simulation(self): pass def fit_plot_to_window(self): x, y = self.machine.get_path_coordinates( layer_number=self.layerSlider.value()) self.coordPlot.setRange(xRange=(min(x), max(x)), yRange=(min(y), max(y))) def reset_plot_view(self): self.coordPlot.setXRange(self.profilecon.get_value("bed_min_x"), self.profilecon.get_value("bed_max_x")) self.coordPlot.setYRange(self.profilecon.get_value("bed_min_y"), self.profilecon.get_value("bed_max_y")) def load_data(self, filename): # initalizes a virtual machine from the gcode in the file given # all path data for this gcode is calculated; this is a cpu intensive task! self.gcode = GCode() self.gcode.load_file(filename) self.machine = Machine(self.gcode, self.profilecon) self.machine.create_path() # set the layer sliders maximum to represent the given amount of layers and enable the slider self.layerSlider.setMaximum(len(self.machine.layers) - 1) self.layerSlider.setEnabled(True) def show_layer(self): # plot path for the layer selected by the layer slider x, y = self.machine.get_path_coordinates( layer_number=self.layerSlider.value()) pltitm = self.coordPlot.plot(x, y, clear=True) self.coord_plot_items.append(pltitm)
class PyQtGraphDataPlot(QWidget): limits_changed = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PyQtGraphDataPlot, self).__init__(parent) self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.getPlotItem().addLegend() self._plot_widget.setBackground((255, 255, 255)) self._plot_widget.setXRange(0, 10, padding=0) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self._plot_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) self._plot_widget.getPlotItem().sigRangeChanged.connect( self.limits_changed) self._curves = {} self._current_vline = None def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_name, curve_color=QColor(, markers_on=False): pen = mkPen(curve_color, width=1) symbol = "o" symbolPen = mkPen(QColor( symbolBrush = mkBrush(curve_color) # this adds the item to the plot and legend if markers_on: plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen, symbol=symbol, symbolPen=symbolPen, symbolBrush=symbolBrush, symbolSize=4) else: plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen) self._curves[curve_id] = plot def remove_curve(self, curve_id): curve_id = str(curve_id) if curve_id in self._curves: self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._curves[curve_id]) del self._curves[curve_id] self._update_legend() def _update_legend(self): # clear and rebuild legend (there is no remove item method for the legend...) self._plot_widget.clear() self._plot_widget.getPlotItem().legend.items = [] for curve in self._curves.values(): self._plot_widget.addItem(curve) if self._current_vline: self._plot_widget.addItem(self._current_vline) def redraw(self): pass def set_values(self, curve_id, data_x, data_y): curve = self._curves[curve_id] curve.setData(data_x, data_y) def vline(self, x, color): if self._current_vline: self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._current_vline) self._current_vline = self._plot_widget.addLine(x=x, pen=color) def set_xlim(self, limits): # TODO: this doesn't seem to handle fast updates well self._plot_widget.setXRange(limits[0], limits[1], padding=0) def set_ylim(self, limits): self._plot_widget.setYRange(limits[0], limits[1], padding=0) def get_xlim(self): x_range, _ = self._plot_widget.viewRange() return x_range def get_ylim(self): _, y_range = self._plot_widget.viewRange() return y_range
class Plotter(QWidget): MAX_DATA_POINTS_PER_CURVE = 200000 COLORS = [,,, # RGB - Qt.yellow, Qt.cyan, Qt.magenta, # Close to RGB Qt.darkRed, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.darkBlue, # Darker RGB Qt.darkYellow, Qt.darkCyan, Qt.darkMagenta, # Close to RGB Qt.gray, Qt.darkGray ] # Leftovers INITIAL_X_RANGE = 60 def __init__(self, parent=None): # Parent super(Plotter, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle('UAVCAN Plotter') self.setWindowIcon(APP_ICON) # Redraw timer self._update_timer = QTimer() self._update_timer.timeout.connect(self._update) self._update_timer.setSingleShot(False) self._update_timer.start(30) # PyQtGraph self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.setBackground((0, 0, 0)) self._legend = self._plot_widget.addLegend() self._plot_widget.setRange(xRange=(0, self.INITIAL_X_RANGE), padding=0) self._plot_widget.showButtons() self._plot_widget.enableAutoRange() self._plot_widget.showGrid(x=True, y=True, alpha=0.4) # Controls # button_add_matcher = QtGui.QPushButton('New matcher', self) button_add_matcher.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme('list-add')) button_add_matcher.setToolTip('Add new curve matcher') button_add_matcher.clicked.connect(lambda: NewCurveMatcherWindow( self, lambda: sorted(self._active_messages), self. _add_curve_matcher).show()) button_clear_plots = QtGui.QPushButton('Clear plots', self) button_clear_plots.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme('edit-clear')) button_clear_plots.setToolTip('Clear the plotting area') button_clear_plots.clicked.connect(lambda: self._remove_all_curves()) def delete_all_matchers(): self._curve_matchers = [] for i in reversed(range(self._curve_matcher_container.count())): self._curve_matcher_container.itemAt(i).widget().deleteLater() self._remove_all_curves() button_delete_all_matchers = QtGui.QPushButton('Delete matchers', self) button_delete_all_matchers.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme('edit-delete')) button_delete_all_matchers.setToolTip('Delete all matchers') button_delete_all_matchers.clicked.connect(delete_all_matchers) self._autoscroll = QtGui.QCheckBox('Autoscroll', self) self._autoscroll.setChecked(True) self._max_x = self.INITIAL_X_RANGE # Layout control_panel = QHBoxLayout() control_panel.addWidget(button_add_matcher) control_panel.addWidget(button_clear_plots) control_panel.addWidget(self._autoscroll) control_panel.addStretch() control_panel.addWidget(button_delete_all_matchers) self._curve_matcher_container = QVBoxLayout() layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self._plot_widget, 1) layout.addLayout(control_panel) layout.addLayout(self._curve_matcher_container) self.setLayout(layout) # Logic self._color_index = 0 self._curves = {} self._message_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self._active_messages = set() # set(data type name) self._curve_matchers = [] # Defaults self._add_curve_matcher( CurveMatcher('uavcan.protocol.debug.KeyValue', 'value', [('key', None)])) def _add_curve_matcher(self, matcher): self._curve_matchers.append(matcher) view = CurveMatcherView(matcher, self) def remove(): self._curve_matchers.remove(matcher) self._curve_matcher_container.removeWidget(view) view.setParent(None) view.deleteLater() view.on_remove = remove self._curve_matcher_container.addWidget(view) def _update(self): # Processing messages while True: try: m = self._message_queue.get_nowait() self._process_message(m) except queue.Empty: break # Updating curves for curve in self._curves.values(): if len(curve['x']): if len(curve['x']) > self.MAX_DATA_POINTS_PER_CURVE: curve['x'] = curve['x'][-self.MAX_DATA_POINTS_PER_CURVE:] curve['y'] = curve['y'][-self.MAX_DATA_POINTS_PER_CURVE:] assert len(curve['x']) == len(curve['y']) curve['plot'].setData(curve['x'], curve['y']) self._max_x = max(self._max_x, curve['x'][-1]) # Updating view range if self._autoscroll.checkState(): (xmin, xmax), _ = self._plot_widget.viewRange() diff = xmax - xmin xmax = self._max_x xmin = self._max_x - diff self._plot_widget.setRange(xRange=(xmin, xmax), padding=0) def _process_message(self, m): self._active_messages.add(m.data_type_name) for matcher in self._curve_matchers: if matcher.match(m): name, x, y = matcher.extract_curve_name_x_y(m) self._draw_curve(name, x, y) def _remove_all_curves(self): for curve in self._curves.values(): self._plot_widget.removeItem(curve['plot']) self._plot_widget.clear() self._curves = {} self._color_index = 0 self._legend.scene().removeItem(self._legend) self._legend = self._plot_widget.addLegend() def _draw_curve(self, name, x, y): if name not in self._curves:'Adding curve %r', name) color = self.COLORS[self._color_index % len(self.COLORS)] self._color_index += 1 pen = mkPen(QColor(color), width=1) plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=name, pen=pen) self._curves[name] = { 'x': numpy.array([]), 'y': numpy.array([]), 'plot': plot } curve = self._curves[name] curve['x'] = numpy.append(curve['x'], [x] if isinstance(x, (float, int)) else x) curve['y'] = numpy.append(curve['y'], [y] if isinstance(y, (float, int)) else y) assert len(curve['x']) == len(curve['y']) def push_received_message(self, msg): self._message_queue.put_nowait(msg)
class MesCourbes(): def __init__(self): self.plot_widget = PlotWidget() self.plot_widget.showGrid(x=True, y=True) # self.plot_widget.getPlotItem().addLegend() self.plot_widget.setBackground((0, 0, 0)) # dictionary with all the curve and their data # curve 0 is dedicated to the live/acquisition plot self.curves = {} def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_color, markers_on=False): curve_name = curve_id pen = pg.mkPen(curve_color, width=3) symbol = "o" symbolPen = pg.mkPen(0, 0, 0) symbolBrush = curve_color symbolSize = 8 # this adds the item to the plot and legend if markers_on: plot = self.plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen, symbol=symbol, symbolPen=symbolPen, symbolBrush=symbolBrush, symbolSize=symbolSize) else: plot = self.plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen) self.curves[curve_id] = { 'plot': plot, 'data': { 'X': [], 'Y': [], 'R': [], 'Phi': [] } } def clear_data(self, curve_id): for k in ['Time', 'X', 'Y', 'R', 'Phi']: self.curves[curve_id]['data'][k] = [] # def display(self,curve_id,what): # X = self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Freq'] # Y = self.curves[curve_id]['data'][what] # # during acquisition freq is longer than the others datas # # so it is useful to reduce it # if len(X) != len(Y): # X = self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Freq'][0:len(Y)] # self.set_values(curve_id,X,Y) def remove_curve(self, curve_id): curve_id = str(curve_id) if curve_id in self.curves: self.plot_widget.removeItem(self.curves[curve_id]['plot']) del self.curves[curve_id] def set_values(self, curve_id, data_x, data_y): curve = self.curves[curve_id]['plot'] curve.setData(data_x, data_y) def update_X_Y_R_Phi(self, curve_id, A): self.curves[curve_id]['data']['X'] = np.append( self.curves[curve_id]['data']['X'], A[0]) self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Y'] = np.append( self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Y'], A[1]) self.curves[curve_id]['data']['R'] = np.append( self.curves[curve_id]['data']['R'], A[2]) self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Phi'] = np.append( self.curves[curve_id]['data']['Phi'], A[3])
class RealtimePlotWidget(QWidget): AUTO_RANGE_FRACTION = 0.99 COLORS = [,,, Qt.magenta, Qt.cyan, Qt.darkRed, Qt.darkBlue, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.darkYellow, Qt.gray] def __init__(self, display_measurements, parent): super(RealtimePlotWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) # This is required to stop background timers! self._plot_widget = PlotWidget() self._plot_widget.setBackground((0, 0, 0)) self._legend = self._plot_widget.addLegend() self._plot_widget.showButtons() self._plot_widget.showGrid(x=True, y=True, alpha=0.3) vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) vbox.addWidget(self._plot_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) self._last_update_ts = 0 self._reset_required = False self._update_timer = QTimer(self) self._update_timer.setSingleShot(False) self._update_timer.timeout.connect(self._update) self._update_timer.start(200) self._color_index = 0 self._curves = {} # Crosshair def _render_measurements(cur, ref): text = 'time %.6f sec, y %.6f' % cur if ref is None: return text dt = cur[0] - ref[0] dy = cur[1] - ref[1] if abs(dt) > 1e-12: freq = '%.6f' % abs(1 / dt) else: freq = 'inf' display_measurements(text + ';' + ' ' * 4 + 'dt %.6f sec, freq %s Hz, dy %.6f' % (dt, freq, dy)) display_measurements('Hover to sample Time/Y, click to set new reference') add_crosshair(self._plot_widget, _render_measurements) # Final reset self.reset() def _trigger_auto_reset_if_needed(self): ts = time.monotonic() dt = ts - self._last_update_ts self._last_update_ts = ts if dt > 2: self._reset_required = True def add_curve(self, curve_id, curve_name, data_x=[], data_y=[]): color = QColor(self.COLORS[self._color_index % len(self.COLORS)]) self._color_index += 1 pen = mkPen(color, width=1) plot = self._plot_widget.plot(name=curve_name, pen=pen) data_x = numpy.array(data_x) data_y = numpy.array(data_y) self._curves[curve_id] = {'data': (data_x, data_y), 'plot': plot} self._trigger_auto_reset_if_needed() def update_values(self, curve_id, x, y): curve = self._curves[curve_id] old_x, old_y = curve['data'] curve['data'] = numpy.append(old_x, x), numpy.append(old_y, y) self._trigger_auto_reset_if_needed() def reset(self): for curve in self._curves.keys(): self._plot_widget.removeItem(self._curves[curve]['plot']) self._curves = {} self._color_index = 0 self._plot_widget.enableAutoRange(enable=self.AUTO_RANGE_FRACTION, x=self.AUTO_RANGE_FRACTION, y=self.AUTO_RANGE_FRACTION) self._legend.scene().removeItem(self._legend) self._legend = self._plot_widget.addLegend() def _update(self): if self._reset_required: self.reset() self._reset_required = False for curve in self._curves.values(): if len(curve['data'][0]): curve['plot'].setData(*curve['data'])