    def test_array_multiply(self):
        array1 = Array.create('x', (2, 2), 'BINARY')
        array2 = Array.create('y', (2, 2), 'BINARY')
        expected = Array([[
            Binary('x[0][0]') * Binary('y[0][0]'),
            Binary('x[0][1]') * Binary('y[0][1]')
                              Binary('x[1][0]') * Binary('y[1][0]'),
                              Binary('x[1][1]') * Binary('y[1][1]')
        self.assertTrue(array1 * array2 == expected)

        expected2 = Array([[Binary('x[0][0]') * 2,
                            Binary('x[0][1]') * 2],
                           [Binary('x[1][0]') * 2,
                            Binary('x[1][1]') * 2]])
        self.assertTrue(array1 * 2 == expected2)
        self.assertTrue(2 * array1 == expected2)
        self.assertTrue(array1 * (2 * np.ones((2, 2))) == expected2)
    def test_array_add(self):
        array1 = Array.create('x', (2, 2), 'BINARY')
        array2 = Array.create('y', (2, 2), 'BINARY')
        expected = Array([[
            Binary('x[0][0]') + Binary('y[0][0]'),
            Binary('x[0][1]') + Binary('y[0][1]')
                              Binary('x[1][0]') + Binary('y[1][0]'),
                              Binary('x[1][1]') + Binary('y[1][1]')
        self.assertTrue(array1 + array2 == expected)

        expected2 = Array([[Binary('x[0][0]') + 1,
                            Binary('x[0][1]') + 1],
                           [Binary('x[1][0]') + 1,
                            Binary('x[1][1]') + 1]])
        self.assertTrue(array1 + 1 == expected2)
        self.assertTrue(1 + array1 == expected2)
        self.assertTrue(array1 + np.ones((2, 2)) == expected2)

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: array1 + "str")
        array3 = Array.create('z', (2, 3), 'BINARY')
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: array1 + array3)
    def test_array_subtract(self):
        array1 = Array.create('x', (2, 2), 'BINARY')
        array2 = Array.create('y', (2, 2), 'BINARY')
        expected = Array([[
            Binary('x[0][0]') - Binary('y[0][0]'),
            Binary('x[0][1]') - Binary('y[0][1]')
                              Binary('x[1][0]') - Binary('y[1][0]'),
                              Binary('x[1][1]') - Binary('y[1][1]')
        self.assertTrue(array1 - array2 == expected)

        expected2 = Array([[Binary('x[0][0]') - 1,
                            Binary('x[0][1]') - 1],
                           [Binary('x[1][0]') - 1,
                            Binary('x[1][1]') - 1]])
        self.assertTrue(array1 - 1 == expected2)
        expected3 = Array([[1 - Binary('x[0][0]'), 1 - Binary('x[0][1]')],
                           [1 - Binary('x[1][0]'), 1 - Binary('x[1][1]')]])
        self.assertTrue(1 - array1 == expected3)
        self.assertTrue(array1 - np.ones((2, 2)) == expected2)
 def test_equality_of_express(self):
     a, b = Binary("a"), Binary("b")
     exp = a * b + 2 * a - 1
     expected_exp = AddList([Mul(a, b), Num(-1.0), Mul(a, 2)])
     self.assertTrue(exp == expected_exp)
from pyqubo import Binary, Constraint, Placeholder
from dimod import ExactSolver

# Flagpole problem from Denny's slide 2
# On slide 3, he uses an auxiliary variable p = xy
# what other kind of variables are there?
p, x, y, z = Binary("p"), Binary("x"), Binary("y"), Binary("z")

lamda = Placeholder("lamda")
H = (p * z) + (lamda * Constraint((3 * p) + (x * y) - (2 * p * (x + y)), label="subst"))

# Can I find the minimum valid energy?
# Can I find the maximum valid energy?
# and the minimum invalid energy?
# what do they require?
model = H.compile()
bqm = model.to_dimod_bqm(feed_dict={"lamda":1.4})
exact_response = ExactSolver().sample(bqm)
for smpl, energy in exact_response.data(['sample', 'energy']):
    sol, broken, eny = model.decode_solution(smpl, vartype='BINARY', feed_dict={"lamda":0.7})
    if not broken:
        print(" Good ", sol, eny)
    if broken:
        print(" Bad ", sol, eny)
 def test_array_equality(self):
     array1 = Array([[Binary('x0'), Binary('x1')],
                     [Binary('x2'), Binary('x3')]])
     array2 = Array([[Binary('x0'), Binary('x1')],
                     [Binary('x2'), Binary('x3')]])
     array3 = Array([[Binary('x0'), Binary('x1')],
                     [Binary('x2'), Binary('x4')]])
     self.assertTrue(array1 == array2)
     self.assertTrue(array1 != array3)
     self.assertTrue(not array1 == Binary('x2'))
import dimod
from pyqubo import Binary

exactsolver = dimod.ExactSolver()

# Binary variables
x = Binary('x')
y = Binary('y')
z = Binary('z')
w = Binary('w')

# Hamiltonian
H = x + y - (2 * x * y) - 1
H += (2 * y * z) - y - z
H += z + w - (2 * z * w) - 1

# Compile the model, and turn it into a QUBO object
model = H.compile()
Q = model.to_qubo()
bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel.from_qubo(Q[0], offset=Q[1])

# solve the problem
results = exactsolver.sample(bqm)

# print the results
for smpl, energy in results.data(['sample', 'energy']):
    print(smpl, energy)
 def test_equality_of_express_with_placeholder(self):
     a, b, p = Binary("a"), Binary("b"), Placeholder("p")
     exp = a + b - 1 + a * p
     expected_exp = AddList([a, Num(-1.0), b, Mul(p, a)])
     self.assertTrue(exp == expected_exp)
 def test_repr(self):
     a, b, p = Binary("a"), Binary("b"), Placeholder("p")
     exp = a + p - 1 + Constraint(a * b, label="const")
     expected = "(Binary(a)+Placeholder(p)+Num(-1)+Const(const, (Binary(a)*Binary(b))))"
     self.assertTrue(repr(exp) == expected)
 def test_equality_sub(self):
     a, b = Binary("a"), Binary("b")
     exp = 1 - a - b
     expected_exp = AddList([Mul(a, -1), Num(1.0), Mul(b, -1)])
     self.assertTrue(exp == expected_exp)
     self.assertTrue(exp - 0.0 == expected_exp)
 def test_equality_sub2(self):
     a, b = Binary("a"), Binary("b")
     exp = a - b - 1
     expected_exp = AddList([a, Num(-1.0), Mul(b, -1)])
     self.assertTrue(exp == expected_exp)
        pickle.dump(samples, f)

# I am lazy and took these values from a CS 381 problem
vals = [1, 6, 18, 22, 28]
weights = [1, 2, 5, 6, 7]
W = 11

A = 100
# We need B*max(vals) < A so the H_B doesn't "overpower" H_A
B = 2 * 28

# y_k is 1 if the final weight is k and 0 otherwise
final_weight_term = 0
for i in range(W):
    final_weight_term += Binary(f'y_{i}')
final_weight_term = A * (1 - final_weight_term)**2

# we want to weight of the objects to sum to the final weight:

ft = 0
st = 0
final_enforcement_term = 0

for i in range(len(vals)):
    st += weights[i] * Binary(f'x_{i}')
for i in range(W):
    ft += (i + 1) * Binary(f'y_{i}') - st  # need n to start from 1 not 0!

final_enforcement_term = A * (ft)**2
H_A = final_weight_term + final_enforcement_term
    tasks = np.array(tasks)

    return tasks, velocity

#read problem(infomation of tasks)
arg = sys.argv[1]
tasks, velocity = read_distances(arg)
n = len(velocity)
row = n
column = n * 2

# creating instance of problem
x = []
for i in range(row * column):
x = Array(np.reshape(np.array(x), (1, row * column)))

#Starting point of arm
start = [0, 0]

#Weight(distance of movement)
w0 = []
w = [[] for i in range(column)]
wf = []

for i in range(column):
    w0.append(dist_cal(start, tasks[i]))
    for j in range(column):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            w[i].append(dist_cal(tasks[i + 1], tasks[j]))
import dimod
import minorminer
from dwave.system import DWaveSampler
from dwave.system.composites import AutoEmbeddingComposite, FixedEmbeddingComposite
from pyqubo import Binary
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys

dwaveSampler = DWaveSampler()
dimodSampler = dimod.ExactSolver()

## EXAMPLE Problem -> Replace with general form
binArr = []
index = 0
for i in range(0, 5):
    binArr.append(Binary('s' + str(i + 1)))
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = binArr[0], binArr[1], binArr[2], binArr[3], binArr[4]
H = (s1 + 2 * s2 + 3 * s3 + 4 * s4 + 5 * s5 - 8 * 3)**2 + (s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 +
                                                           s5 - 3 * 3)**2

def get_embedding_with_short_chain(J: dict,
                                   tries: int = 5,
                                   processor: list = None,
                                   verbose=False) -> dict:
    '''Try a few probabilistic embeddings and return the one with the shortest
    chain length

    :param J: Couplings
    :param tries: Number of probabilistic embeddings
    :param verbose: Whether to print out diagnostic information
    def test_array_dot(self):

        # inner product of 1-D arrays
        array_a = Array([Binary('a'), Binary('b')])
        array_b = Array([Binary('c'), Binary('d')])
        expected = ((Binary('a') * Binary('c')) + (Binary('b') * Binary('d')))
        self.assertTrue(expected == array_a.dot(array_b))

        # dot product of 1-D array and N-D array
        array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')],
                         [Binary('c'), Binary('d')]])
        array_b = Array([Binary('e'), Binary('f')])
        expected = Array([
            ((Binary('a') * Binary('e')) + (Binary('b') * Binary('f'))),
            ((Binary('c') * Binary('e')) + (Binary('d') * Binary('f')))
        self.assertTrue(expected == array_a.dot(array_b))

        # both are 2-D arrays
        array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')],
                         [Binary('c'), Binary('d')]])
        array_b = Array([[Binary('e'), Binary('f')],
                         [Binary('g'), Binary('h')]])
        expected = Array(
            [[((Binary('a') * Binary('e')) + (Binary('b') * Binary('g'))),
              ((Binary('a') * Binary('f')) + (Binary('b') * Binary('h')))],
             [((Binary('c') * Binary('e')) + (Binary('d') * Binary('g'))),
              ((Binary('c') * Binary('f')) + (Binary('d') * Binary('h')))]])
        self.assertTrue(expected == array_a.dot(array_b))

        # array_a is a  N-D array and array_b is an M-D array (where N, M>=2)
        array_a = Array.create('a', shape=(3, 2, 4), vartype='BINARY')
        array_b = Array.create('b', shape=(5, 4, 3), vartype='BINARY')
        i, j, k, m = (1, 1, 3, 2)
            array_a.dot(array_b)[i, j, k, m] == sum(array_a[i, j, :] *
                                                    array_b[k, :, m]))

        # array_a is 1-D array and array_b is a list
        array_a = Array([Binary('a'), Binary('b')])
        array_b = [3, 4]
        self.assertTrue((Binary('a') * 3 +
                         (Binary('b') * 4)) == array_a.dot(array_b))

        # test validation
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: array_a.dot(1))
 def test_express_error(self):
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: 2 / Binary("a"))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Binary("a") / Binary("a"))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Binary("a")**1.5)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Mul(1, Binary("b")))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Add(1, Binary("b")))
    def test_array_matmul(self):

        # the either of the arguments is 1-D array,
        array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')],
                         [Binary('c'), Binary('d')]])
        array_b = Array([Binary('e'), Binary('f')])
        expected = Array([
            ((Binary('a') * Binary('e')) + (Binary('b') * Binary('f'))),
            ((Binary('c') * Binary('e')) + (Binary('d') * Binary('f')))
        self.assertTrue(array_a.matmul(array_b) == expected)

        # both arguments are 2-D array
        array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')],
                         [Binary('c'), Binary('d')]])
        array_b = Array([[Binary('e'), Binary('f')],
                         [Binary('g'), Binary('h')]])
        expected = Array(
            [[((Binary('a') * Binary('e')) + (Binary('b') * Binary('g'))),
              ((Binary('a') * Binary('f')) + (Binary('b') * Binary('h')))],
             [((Binary('c') * Binary('e')) + (Binary('d') * Binary('g'))),
              ((Binary('c') * Binary('f')) + (Binary('d') * Binary('h')))]])
        self.assertTrue(array_a.matmul(array_b) == expected)

        # either argument is N-D (where N > 2)
        array_a = Array.create('a', shape=(2, 2, 3), vartype='BINARY')
        array_b = Array.create('b', shape=(3, 2), vartype='BINARY')
            (array_a.matmul(array_b))[0] == array_a[0].matmul(array_b))

        # array_a is 2-D array and array_b is a list
        array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')],
                         [Binary('c'), Binary('d')]])
        array_b = [3, 4]
        expected = Array([((Binary('a') * Num(3)) + (Binary('b') * Num(4))),
                          ((Binary('c') * Num(3)) + (Binary('d') * Num(4)))])
        self.assertTrue(expected == array_a.matmul(array_b))

        # test validation
        array_a = Array.create('a', shape=(2, 2, 3), vartype='BINARY')
        array_b = Array.create('b', shape=(3, 3, 2), vartype='BINARY')
        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, lambda: array_a.matmul(array_b))
 def test_equality_of_num(self):
     self.assertTrue(Num(1) == Num(1))
     self.assertFalse(Num(1) == Num(2))
     self.assertFalse(Num(1) == Binary("a"))
 def test_array_create_binary(self):
     array = Array.create('x', shape=(3, 3, 3), vartype='BINARY')
     self.assertTrue(array.shape == (3, 3, 3))
     self.assertTrue(array[0][0][0] == Binary('x[0][0][0]'))
 def test_equality(self):
     xor1 = XorConst(Binary("a"), Binary("b"), Binary("c"), label="xor")
     xor2 = XorConst(Binary("a"), Binary("b"), Binary("c"), label="xor")
     xor3 = XorConst(Binary("b"), Binary("c"), Binary("a"), label="xor")
     or1 = OrConst(Binary("a"), Binary("b"), Binary("c"), label="xor")
     self.assertTrue(xor1 + 1 == xor2 + 1)
     self.assertTrue(xor1 == xor2)
     self.assertFalse(xor1 == or1)
     self.assertFalse(xor1 == xor3)