    def __init__(self,
                 endpoint: str,
                 device: AbstractDevice,
                 timeout: float = 10) -> None:
        Client to communicate with the Compiler Server.

        :param endpoint: TCP or IPC endpoint of the Compiler Server
        :param device: PyQuil Device object to use as compilation target

        if not endpoint.startswith("tcp://"):
            raise ValueError(
                f"PyQuil versions >= 2.4 can only talk to quilc "
                f"versions >= 1.4 over network RPCQ.  You've supplied the "
                f"endpoint '{endpoint}', but this doesn't look like a network "
                f"ZeroMQ address, which has the form 'tcp://domain:port'. "
                f"You might try clearing (or correcting) your COMPILER_URL "
                f"environment variable and removing (or correcting) the "
                f"compiler_server_address line from your .forest_config file.")

        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self.client = Client(endpoint, timeout=timeout)
        td = TargetDevice(isa=device.get_isa().to_dict(),
                          specs=None)  # type: ignore
        self.target_device = td

        except QuilcNotRunning as e:
                f"{e}. Compilation using quilc will not be available.")
    def __init__(
        quilc_endpoint: Optional[str],
        qpu_compiler_endpoint: Optional[str],
        device: AbstractDevice,
        timeout: int = 10,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        session: Optional[ForestSession] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Client to communicate with the Compiler Server.

        :param quilc_endpoint: TCP or IPC endpoint of the Quil Compiler (quilc).
        :param qpu_compiler_endpoint: TCP or IPC endpoint of the QPU Compiler.
        :param device: PyQuil Device object to use as compilation target.
        :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for a response from the client.
        :param name: Name of the lattice being targeted.
        :param session: ForestSession object, which manages engagement and configuration.

        if not (session or (quilc_endpoint and qpu_compiler_endpoint)):
            raise ValueError(
                "QPUCompiler requires either `session` or both of `quilc_endpoint` and "

        self.session = session
        self.timeout = timeout

        if quilc_endpoint:
            _quilc_endpoint = quilc_endpoint
        elif self.session and self.session.config.quilc_url:
            _quilc_endpoint = self.session.config.quilc_url
            raise ValueError("Must provide a 'quilc_endpoint' or a 'session'")

        if not _quilc_endpoint.startswith("tcp://"):
            raise ValueError(
                f"PyQuil versions >= 2.4 can only talk to quilc "
                f"versions >= 1.4 over network RPCQ.  You've supplied the "
                f"endpoint '{quilc_endpoint}', but this doesn't look like a network "
                f"ZeroMQ address, which has the form 'tcp://domain:port'. "
                f"You might try clearing (or correcting) your COMPILER_URL "
                f"environment variable and removing (or correcting) the "
                f"compiler_server_address line from your .forest_config file.")

        self.quilc_client = Client(_quilc_endpoint, timeout=timeout)

        self.qpu_compiler_endpoint = qpu_compiler_endpoint
        self._qpu_compiler_client: Optional[Union[Client,
                                                  HTTPCompilerClient]] = None

        self._device = device
        td = TargetDevice(isa=device.get_isa().to_dict(),
                          specs=None)  # type: ignore
        self.target_device = td
        self.name = name

        except QuilcNotRunning as e:
                f"{e}. Compilation using quilc will not be available.")
        except QPUCompilerNotRunning as e:
                f"{e}. Compilation using the QPU compiler will not be available."