def train_argmax_policy(load_dir: str, env_sim: MetaDomainRandWrapper, subroutine: Algorithm, num_restarts: int, num_samples: int, policy_param_init: to.Tensor = None, valuefcn_param_init: to.Tensor = None) -> Policy: """ Train a policy based on the maximizer of the posterior mean. :param load_dir: directory to load from :param env_sim: simulation environment :param subroutine: algorithm which performs the policy / value-function optimization :param num_restarts: number of restarts for the optimization of the acquisition function :param num_samples: number of samples for the optimization of the acquisition function :param policy_param_init: initial policy parameter values for the subroutine, set `None` to be random :param valuefcn_param_init: initial value function parameter values for the subroutine, set `None` to be random :return: the final BayRn policy """ # Load the required data cands = to.load(osp.join(load_dir, '')) cands_values = to.load(osp.join(load_dir, '')).unsqueeze(1) bounds = to.load(osp.join(load_dir, '')) uc_normalizer = UnitCubeProjector(bounds[0, :], bounds[1, :]) # Find the maximizer argmax_cand = BayRn.argmax_posterior_mean(cands, cands_values, uc_normalizer, num_restarts, num_samples) # Set the domain randomizer given the hyper-parameters env_sim.adapt_randomizer(argmax_cand.numpy()) # Reset the subroutine's algorithm which includes resetting the exploration subroutine.reset() # Reset the subroutine's policy (and value function) subroutine.policy.init_param(policy_param_init) if isinstance(subroutine, ActorCritic): subroutine.critic.value_fcn.init_param(valuefcn_param_init) if policy_param_init is None: print_cbt('Learning the argmax solution from scratch', 'y') else: print_cbt('Learning the argmax solution given an initialization', 'y') subroutine.train( snapshot_mode='best') # meta_info=dict(prefix='final') return subroutine.policy
def _load_experiment(ex_dir: pyrado.PathLike): # Load the algorithm algo = Algorithm.load_snapshot(ex_dir) if not isinstance(algo, (NPDR, BayesSim)): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=algo, expected_type=(NPDR, BayesSim)) # Load the prior and the data prior = pyrado.load("", ex_dir) data_real = pyrado.load("", ex_dir) # Load the posteriors posteriors = [ SBIBase.load_posterior(ex_dir, idx_round=i, verbose=True) for i in range(algo.num_sbi_rounds) ] posteriors = remove_none_from_list( posteriors) # in case the algorithm terminated early if data_real.shape[0] > len(posteriors): print_cbt( f"Found {data_real.shape[0]} data sets but {len(posteriors)} posteriors. Truncated the superfluous data.", "y", ) data_real = data_real[:len(posteriors), :] # Artificially repeat the data (which was the same for every round) to later be able to use the same code data_real = data_real.repeat(len(posteriors), 1) assert data_real.shape[0] == len(posteriors) return algo, prior, data_real, posteriors
def _adapt_batch_size(self, subroutine: Algorithm, n: int): """ Adapt the number of dynamics transitions (steps or rollouts) of the subroutines according to the number of domains that is used in the current iteration of SPOTA. """ if isinstance(subroutine, ParameterExploring): # Subclasses of ParameterExploring sample num_rollouts_per_param complete rollouts per iteration subroutine.sampler.num_rollouts_per_param = self.ntau * n elif isinstance(subroutine, ActorCritic): # The PPO sampler can either sample a minimum number of rollouts or steps if subroutine.sampler.min_steps is not None: subroutine.min_steps = self.ntau * n * self._env_dr.max_steps subroutine.sampler.set_min_count(min_steps=self.ntau * n * self._env_dr.max_steps) if subroutine.sampler.min_rollouts is not None: subroutine.min_rollouts = self.ntau * n subroutine.sampler.set_min_count(min_rollouts=self.ntau * n) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'No _adapt_batch_size method found for class {type(subroutine)}!' )
def test_pddr(ex_dir, env: SimEnv, policy, algo_hparam): pyrado.set_seed(0) # Create algorithm and train teacher_policy = deepcopy(policy) critic = GAE( vfcn=FNNPolicy(spec=EnvSpec(env.obs_space, ValueFunctionSpace), hidden_sizes=[16, 16], hidden_nonlin=to.tanh)) teacher_algo_hparam = dict(critic=critic, min_steps=1500, max_iter=2) teacher_algo = PPO # Wrapper randomizer = create_default_randomizer(env) env = DomainRandWrapperLive(env, randomizer) # Subroutine algo_hparam = dict( max_iter=2, min_steps=env.max_steps, std_init=0.15, num_epochs=10, num_teachers=2, teacher_policy=teacher_policy, teacher_algo=teacher_algo, teacher_algo_hparam=teacher_algo_hparam, num_workers=1, ) algo = PDDR(ex_dir, env, policy, **algo_hparam) algo.train() assert algo.curr_iter == algo.max_iter # Save and load algo.save_snapshot(meta_info=None) algo_loaded = Algorithm.load_snapshot(load_dir=ex_dir) assert isinstance(algo_loaded, Algorithm) policy_loaded = algo_loaded.policy # Check assert all(algo.policy.param_values == policy_loaded.param_values) # Load the experiment. Since we did not save any hyper-parameters, we ignore the errors when loading. env, policy, extra = load_experiment(ex_dir) assert isinstance(env, Env) assert isinstance(policy, Policy) assert isinstance(extra, dict)
def train_argmax_policy( load_dir: pyrado.PathLike, env_sim: MetaDomainRandWrapper, subrtn: Algorithm, num_restarts: int, num_samples: int, policy_param_init: to.Tensor = None, valuefcn_param_init: to.Tensor = None, subrtn_snapshot_mode: str = "best", ) -> Policy: """ Train a policy based on the maximizer of the posterior mean. :param load_dir: directory to load from :param env_sim: simulation environment :param subrtn: algorithm which performs the policy / value-function optimization :param num_restarts: number of restarts for the optimization of the acquisition function :param num_samples: number of samples for the optimization of the acquisition function :param policy_param_init: initial policy parameter values for the subroutine, set `None` to be random :param valuefcn_param_init: initial value function parameter values for the subroutine, set `None` to be random :param subrtn_snapshot_mode: snapshot mode for saving during training of the subroutine :return: the final BayRn policy """ # Load the required data cands = pyrado.load("", load_dir) cands_values = pyrado.load("", load_dir).unsqueeze(1) ddp_space = pyrado.load("ddp_space.pkl", load_dir) if cands.shape[0] > cands_values.shape[0]: print_cbt( f"There are {cands.shape[0]} candidates but only {cands_values.shape[0]} evaluations. Ignoring the" f"candidates without evaluation for computing the argmax.", "y", ) cands = cands[:cands_values.shape[0], :] # Find the maximizer argmax_cand = BayRn.argmax_posterior_mean(cands, cands_values, ddp_space, num_restarts, num_samples) # Set the domain randomizer env_sim.adapt_randomizer(argmax_cand.numpy()) # Reset the subroutine algorithm which includes resetting the exploration subrtn.reset() # Do a warm start subrtn.init_modules(warmstart=True, policy_param_init=policy_param_init, valuefcn_param_init=valuefcn_param_init) subrtn.train(snapshot_mode=subrtn_snapshot_mode, meta_info=dict(suffix="argmax")) return subrtn.policy
from pyrado.algorithms.meta.npdr import NPDR from pyrado.algorithms.meta.sbi_base import SBIBase from pyrado.environment_wrappers.utils import inner_env from pyrado.plotting.distribution import draw_posterior_pairwise_scatter from pyrado.utils.argparser import get_argparser if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse command line arguments args = get_argparser().parse_args() plt.rc("text", usetex=args.use_tex) if not isinstance(args.num_samples, int) or args.num_samples < 1: raise pyrado.ValueErr(given=args.num_samples, ge_constraint="1") # NPDR ex_dir_npdr = os.path.join(pyrado.TEMP_DIR, "mg-ik", "npdr_time", "") algo = Algorithm.load_snapshot(ex_dir_npdr) if not isinstance(algo, NPDR): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=algo, expected_type=NPDR) env_sim = inner_env(pyrado.load("env_sim.pkl", ex_dir_npdr)) prior_npdr = pyrado.load("", ex_dir_npdr) posterior_npdr = algo.load_posterior(ex_dir_npdr, idx_iter=0, idx_round=6, obj=None, verbose=True) # CHOICE data_real_npdr = pyrado.load(f"", ex_dir_npdr, prefix="iter_0", verbose=True) # CHOICE domain_params_npdr, log_probs = SBIBase.eval_posterior( posterior_npdr,
def update(self, rollouts: Sequence[StepSequence], use_empirical_returns: bool = False): """ Adapt the parameters of the advantage function estimator, minimizing the MSE loss for the given samples. :param rollouts: batch of rollouts :param use_empirical_returns: use the return from the rollout (True) or the ones from the V-fcn (False) :return adv: tensor of advantages after V-function updates """ # Turn the batch of rollouts into a list of steps concat_ros = StepSequence.concat(rollouts) concat_ros.torch(data_type=to.get_default_dtype()) if use_empirical_returns: # Compute the value targets (empirical discounted returns) for all samples v_targ = discounted_values(rollouts, self.gamma).view(-1, 1) else: # Use the value function to compute the value targets (also called bootstrapping) v_targ = self.tdlamda_returns(concat_ros=concat_ros) concat_ros.add_data('v_targ', v_targ) # Logging with to.no_grad(): v_pred_old = self.values(concat_ros) loss_old = self.loss_fcn(v_pred_old, v_targ) vfcn_grad_norm = [] # Iterate over all gathered samples num_epoch times for e in range(self.num_epoch): for batch in tqdm(concat_ros.split_shuffled_batches( self.batch_size, complete_rollouts=isinstance(self.vfcn, RecurrentPolicy)), total=num_iter_from_rollouts(None, concat_ros, self.batch_size), desc=f'Epoch {e}', unit='batches', file=sys.stdout, leave=False): # Reset the gradients self.optim.zero_grad() # Make predictions for this mini-batch using values function v_pred = self.values(batch) # Compute estimator loss for this mini-batch and backpropagate vfcn_loss = self.loss_fcn(v_pred, batch.v_targ) vfcn_loss.backward() # Clip the gradients if desired vfcn_grad_norm.append(Algorithm.clip_grad(self.vfcn, self.max_grad_norm)) # Call optimizer self.optim.step() # Update the learning rate if a scheduler has been specified if self._lr_scheduler is not None: self._lr_scheduler.step() # Estimate the advantage after fitting the parameters of the V-fcn adv = self.gae(concat_ros) # is done with to.no_grad() with to.no_grad(): v_pred_new = self.values(concat_ros) loss_new = self.loss_fcn(v_pred_new, v_targ) vfcn_loss_impr = loss_old - loss_new # positive values are desired explvar = explained_var(v_pred_new, v_targ) # values close to 1 are desired # Log metrics computed from the old value function (before the update) self.logger.add_value('explained var critic', explvar, 4) self.logger.add_value('loss improv critic', vfcn_loss_impr, 4) self.logger.add_value('avg grad norm critic', np.mean(vfcn_grad_norm), 4) if self._lr_scheduler is not None: self.logger.add_value('lr critic', self._lr_scheduler.get_last_lr(), 6) return adv
from pyrado.logger.experiment import ask_for_experiment from pyrado.utils.argparser import get_argparser from pyrado.utils.experiments import load_experiment if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse command line arguments args = get_argparser().parse_args() # Get the experiment's directory to load from ex_dir = ask_for_experiment( hparam_list=args.show_hparams) if args.dir is None else args.dir # Load the environment and the policy env_sim, policy, kwout = load_experiment(ex_dir, args) subrtn = Algorithm.load_snapshot(load_dir=ex_dir, load_name="subrtn") # Start from previous results policy if desired ppi = if args.warmstart is not None else None if isinstance(subrtn, ActorCritic): vpi = kwout[ "vfcn"] if args.warmstart is not None else None else: vpi = None # Set seed if desired pyrado.set_seed(args.seed, verbose=True) # Train the policy on the most lucrative domain BayRn.train_argmax_policy(ex_dir, env_sim,
env, policy, kwout = load_experiment(ex_dir, args) env_real = pyrado.load("env_real.pkl", ex_dir) data_real = kwout["data_real"] if args.iter == -1: # This script is not made to evaluate multiple iterations at once, thus we always select the data one iteration data_real = to.atleast_2d(data_real[args.iter]) # Override the time step size if specified if args.dt is not None: env.dt = args.dt # Use the environments number of steps in case of the default argument (inf) max_steps = env.max_steps if args.max_steps == pyrado.inf else args.max_steps # Check which algorithm was used in the experiment algo = Algorithm.load_snapshot(load_dir=ex_dir, load_name="algo") if not isinstance(algo, (NPDR, BayesSim)): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=algo, expected_type=(NPDR, BayesSim)) # Sample domain parameters from the posterior. Use all samples, by hijacking the get_ml_posterior_samples to obtain # them sorted. domain_params, log_probs = SBIBase.get_ml_posterior_samples( dp_mapping=algo.dp_mapping, posterior=kwout["posterior"], data_real=data_real, num_eval_samples=args.num_samples, num_ml_samples=args.num_samples, calculate_log_probs=True, normalize_posterior=args.normalize, subrtn_sbi_sampling_hparam=dict(sample_with_mcmc=args.use_mcmc), return_as_tensor=False,
# PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ Continue a training run in the same folder """ import os.path as osp from pyrado.algorithms.base import Algorithm from pyrado.logger.experiment import ask_for_experiment, load_dict_from_yaml from pyrado.utils.argparser import get_argparser if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse command line arguments args = get_argparser().parse_args() # Get the experiment's directory to load from ex_dir = ask_for_experiment( hparam_list=args.show_hparams) if args.dir is None else args.dir # Load the hyper-parameters hparams = load_dict_from_yaml(osp.join(ex_dir, "hyperparams.yaml")) # Load the complete algorithm algo = Algorithm.load_snapshot(ex_dir) # Jeeeha algo.train(seed=hparams.get("seed", None))
def test_snapshots_notmeta(ex_dir, env: SimEnv, policy, algo_class, algo_hparam): # Collect hyper-parameters, create algorithm, and train common_hparam = dict(max_iter=1, num_workers=1) common_hparam.update(algo_hparam) if issubclass(algo_class, ActorCritic): common_hparam.update( min_rollouts=3, critic=GAE( vfcn=FNNPolicy(spec=EnvSpec(env.obs_space, ValueFunctionSpace), hidden_sizes=[16, 16], hidden_nonlin=to.tanh)), ) elif issubclass(algo_class, ParameterExploring): common_hparam.update(num_init_states_per_domain=1) elif issubclass(algo_class, (DQL, SAC)): common_hparam.update(memory_size=1000, num_updates_per_step=2, gamma=0.99, min_rollouts=1) fnn_hparam = dict(hidden_sizes=[8, 8], hidden_nonlin=to.tanh) if issubclass(algo_class, DQL): # Override the setting env = BallOnBeamDiscSim(env.dt, env.max_steps) net = FNN( input_size=DiscreteActQValPolicy.get_qfcn_input_size(env.spec), output_size=DiscreteActQValPolicy.get_qfcn_output_size(), **fnn_hparam, ) policy = DiscreteActQValPolicy(spec=env.spec, net=net) else: # Override the setting env = ActNormWrapper(env) policy = TwoHeadedGRUPolicy(env.spec, shared_hidden_size=8, shared_num_recurrent_layers=1) obsact_space =[env.obs_space, env.act_space]) common_hparam.update(qfcn_1=FNNPolicy( spec=EnvSpec(obsact_space, ValueFunctionSpace), **fnn_hparam)) common_hparam.update(qfcn_2=FNNPolicy( spec=EnvSpec(obsact_space, ValueFunctionSpace), **fnn_hparam)) else: raise NotImplementedError # Simulate training algo = algo_class(ex_dir, env, policy, **common_hparam) algo.policy.param_values += to.tensor([42.0]) if isinstance(algo, ActorCritic): algo.critic.vfcn.param_values += to.tensor([42.0]) # Save and load algo.save_snapshot(meta_info=None) algo_loaded = Algorithm.load_snapshot(load_dir=ex_dir) assert isinstance(algo_loaded, Algorithm) policy_loaded = algo_loaded.policy if isinstance(algo, ActorCritic): critic_loaded = algo_loaded.critic # Check assert all(algo.policy.param_values == policy_loaded.param_values) if isinstance(algo, ActorCritic): assert all( algo.critic.vfcn.param_values == critic_loaded.vfcn.param_values) # Load the experiment. Since we did not save any hyper-parameters, we ignore the errors when loading. env, policy, extra = load_experiment(ex_dir) assert isinstance(env, Env) assert isinstance(policy, Policy) assert isinstance(extra, dict)
def load_experiment( ex_dir: str, args: Any = None ) -> Tuple[Optional[Union[SimEnv, EnvWrapper]], Optional[Policy], Optional[dict]]: """ Load the (training) environment and the policy. This helper function first tries to read the hyper-parameters yaml-file in the experiment's directory to infer why entities should be loaded. If no file was found, we fall back to some heuristic and hope for the best. :param ex_dir: experiment's parent directory :param args: arguments from the argument parser, pass `None` to fall back to the values from the default argparser :return: environment, policy, and optional output (e.g. valuefcn) """ env, policy, extra = None, None, dict() if args is None: # Fall back to default arguments. By passing [], we ignore the command line arguments args = get_argparser().parse_args([]) # Hyper-parameters extra["hparams"] = load_hyperparameters(ex_dir) # Algorithm specific algo = Algorithm.load_snapshot(load_dir=ex_dir, load_name="algo") if == "spota": # Environment env = pyrado.load("env.pkl", ex_dir) if getattr(env, "randomizer", None) is not None: if not isinstance(env, DomainRandWrapperBuffer): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=env, expected_type=DomainRandWrapperBuffer) typed_env(env, DomainRandWrapperBuffer).fill_buffer(10) print_cbt( f"Loaded the domain randomizer\n{env.randomizer}\nand filled it with 10 random instances.", "w") else: print_cbt("Loaded environment has no randomizer, or it is None.", "r") # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.subroutine_cand.policy, f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, verbose=True) # Extra (value function) if isinstance(algo.subroutine_cand, ActorCritic): extra["vfcn"] = pyrado.load(algo.subroutine_cand.critic.vfcn, f"{args.vfcn_name}.pt", ex_dir, verbose=True) elif == "bayrn": # Environment env = pyrado.load("env_sim.pkl", ex_dir) if hasattr(env, "randomizer"): last_cand = to.load(osp.join(ex_dir, ""))[-1, :] env.adapt_randomizer(last_cand.numpy()) print_cbt(f"Loaded the domain randomizer\n{env.randomizer}", "w") else: print_cbt("Loaded environment has no randomizer, or it is None.", "r") # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy, verbose=True) # Extra (value function) if isinstance(algo.subroutine, ActorCritic): extra["vfcn"] = pyrado.load(f"{args.vfcn_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.subroutine.critic.vfcn, verbose=True) elif == "simopt": # Environment env = pyrado.load("env_sim.pkl", ex_dir) if getattr(env, "randomizer", None) is not None: last_cand = to.load(osp.join(ex_dir, ""))[-1, :] env.adapt_randomizer(last_cand.numpy()) print_cbt(f"Loaded the domain randomizer\n{env.randomizer}", "w") else: print_cbt("Loaded environment has no randomizer, or it is None.", "r") # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.subroutine_policy.policy, verbose=True) # Extra (domain parameter distribution policy) extra["ddp_policy"] = pyrado.load("", ex_dir, obj=algo.subroutine_distr.policy, verbose=True) elif in ["epopt", "udr"]: # Environment env = pyrado.load("env_sim.pkl", ex_dir) if getattr(env, "randomizer", None) is not None: if not isinstance(env, DomainRandWrapperLive): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=env, expected_type=DomainRandWrapperLive) print_cbt(f"Loaded the domain randomizer\n{env.randomizer}", "w") else: print_cbt("Loaded environment has no randomizer, or it is None.", "y") # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy, verbose=True) # Extra (value function) if isinstance(algo.subroutine, ActorCritic): extra["vfcn"] = pyrado.load(f"{args.vfcn_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.subroutine.critic.vfcn, verbose=True) elif in ["bayessim", "npdr"]: # Environment env = pyrado.load("env_sim.pkl", ex_dir) if getattr(env, "randomizer", None) is not None: if not isinstance(env, DomainRandWrapperBuffer): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=env, expected_type=DomainRandWrapperBuffer) typed_env(env, DomainRandWrapperBuffer).fill_buffer(10) print_cbt( f"Loaded the domain randomizer\n{env.randomizer}\nand filled it with 10 random instances.", "w") else: print_cbt("Loaded environment has no randomizer, or it is None.", "y") env = remove_all_dr_wrappers(env, verbose=True) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy, verbose=True) # Extra (prior, posterior, data) extra["prior"] = pyrado.load("", ex_dir, verbose=True) # By default load the latest posterior (latest iteration and the last round) try: extra["posterior"] = algo.load_posterior(ex_dir, args.iter, args.round, obj=None, verbose=True) # Load the complete data or the data of the given iteration prefix = "" if args.iter == -1 else f"iter_{args.iter}" extra["data_real"] = pyrado.load(f"", ex_dir, prefix=prefix, verbose=True) except FileNotFoundError: pass elif in ["a2c", "ppo", "ppo2"]: # Environment env = pyrado.load("env.pkl", ex_dir) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy, verbose=True) # Extra (value function) extra["vfcn"] = pyrado.load(f"{args.vfcn_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.critic.vfcn, verbose=True) elif in ["hc", "pepg", "power", "cem", "reps", "nes"]: # Environment env = pyrado.load("env.pkl", ex_dir) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy, verbose=True) elif in ["dql", "sac"]: # Environment env = pyrado.load("env.pkl", ex_dir) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy, verbose=True) # Target value functions if == "dql": extra["qfcn_target"] = pyrado.load("", ex_dir, obj=algo.qfcn_targ, verbose=True) elif == "sac": extra["qfcn_target1"] = pyrado.load("", ex_dir, obj=algo.qfcn_targ_1, verbose=True) extra["qfcn_target2"] = pyrado.load("", ex_dir, obj=algo.qfcn_targ_2, verbose=True) else: raise NotImplementedError elif == "svpg": # Environment env = pyrado.load("env.pkl", ex_dir) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy, verbose=True) # Extra (particles) for idx, p in enumerate(algo.particles): extra[f"particle{idx}"] = pyrado.load(f"particle_{idx}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.particles[idx], verbose=True) elif == "tspred": # Dataset extra["dataset"] = to.load(osp.join(ex_dir, "")) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy, verbose=True) elif == "sprl": # Environment env = pyrado.load("env.pkl", ex_dir) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, 'env.pkl')}.", "g") # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.policy_name}.pt')}", "g") # Extra (value function) if isinstance(algo._subroutine, ActorCritic): extra["vfcn"] = pyrado.load(f"{args.vfcn_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo._subroutine.critic.vfcn, verbose=True) elif == "pddr": # Environment env = pyrado.load("env.pkl", ex_dir) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(f"{args.policy_name}.pt", ex_dir, obj=algo.policy, verbose=True) # Teachers extra["teacher_policies"] = algo.teacher_policies extra["teacher_envs"] = algo.teacher_envs extra["teacher_expl_strats"] = algo.teacher_expl_strats extra["teacher_critics"] = algo.teacher_critics extra["teacher_ex_dirs"] = algo.teacher_ex_dirs else: raise pyrado.TypeErr( msg= "No matching algorithm name found during loading the experiment!") # Check if the return types are correct. They can be None, too. if env is not None and not isinstance(env, (SimEnv, EnvWrapper)): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=env, expected_type=[SimEnv, EnvWrapper]) if policy is not None and not isinstance(policy, Policy): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=policy, expected_type=Policy) if extra is not None and not isinstance(extra, dict): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=extra, expected_type=dict) return env, policy, extra
def load_experiment( ex_dir: str, args: Any = None) -> (Union[SimEnv, EnvWrapper], Policy, dict): """ Load the (training) environment and the policy. This helper function first tries to read the hyper-parameters yaml-file in the experiment's directory to infer why entities should be loaded. If no file was found, we fall back to some heuristic and hope for the best. :param ex_dir: experiment's parent directory :param args: arguments from the argument parser, pass `None` to fall back to the values from the default argparser :return: environment, policy, and optional output (e.g. valuefcn) """ env, policy, extra = None, None, dict() if args is None: # Fall back to default arguments. By passing [], we ignore the command line arguments args = get_argparser().parse_args([]) # Hyper-parameters hparams_file_name = 'hyperparams.yaml' try: hparams = load_dict_from_yaml(osp.join(ex_dir, hparams_file_name)) extra['hparams'] = hparams except (pyrado.PathErr, FileNotFoundError, KeyError): print_cbt( f'Did not find {hparams_file_name} in {ex_dir} or could not crawl the loaded hyper-parameters.', 'y', bright=True) # Algorithm specific algo = Algorithm.load_snapshot(load_dir=ex_dir, load_name='algo') if isinstance(algo, BayRn): # Environment env = pyrado.load(None, 'env_sim', 'pkl', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, 'env_sim.pkl')}.", 'g') if hasattr(env, 'randomizer'): last_cand = to.load(osp.join(ex_dir, ''))[-1, :] env.adapt_randomizer(last_cand.numpy()) print_cbt(f'Loaded the domain randomizer\n{env.randomizer}', 'w') else: print_cbt('Loaded environment has no randomizer.', 'r') # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.policy, f'{args.policy_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.policy_name}.pt')}", 'g') # Extra (value function) if isinstance(algo.subroutine, ActorCritic): extra['vfcn'] = pyrado.load(algo.subroutine.critic.vfcn, f'{args.vfcn_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.vfcn_name}.pt')}", 'g') elif isinstance(algo, SPOTA): # Environment env = pyrado.load(None, 'env', 'pkl', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, 'env.pkl')}.", 'g') if hasattr(env, 'randomizer'): if not isinstance(env.randomizer, DomainRandWrapperBuffer): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=env.randomizer, expected_type=DomainRandWrapperBuffer) typed_env(env, DomainRandWrapperBuffer).fill_buffer(100) print_cbt( f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, 'env.pkl')} and filled it with 100 random instances.", 'g') else: print_cbt('Loaded environment has no randomizer.', 'r') # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.subroutine_cand.policy, f'{args.policy_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.policy_name}.pt')}", 'g') # Extra (value function) if isinstance(algo.subroutine_cand, ActorCritic): extra['vfcn'] = pyrado.load(algo.subroutine_cand.critic.vfcn, f'{args.vfcn_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.vfcn_name}.pt')}", 'g') elif isinstance(algo, SimOpt): # Environment env = pyrado.load(None, 'env_sim', 'pkl', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, 'env_sim.pkl')}.", 'g') if hasattr(env, 'randomizer'): last_cand = to.load(osp.join(ex_dir, ''))[-1, :] env.adapt_randomizer(last_cand.numpy()) print_cbt(f'Loaded the domain randomizer\n{env.randomizer}', 'w') else: print_cbt('Loaded environment has no randomizer.', 'r') # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.subroutine_policy.policy, f'{args.policy_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.policy_name}.pt')}", 'g') # Extra (domain parameter distribution policy) extra['ddp_policy'] = pyrado.load(algo.subroutine_distr.policy, 'ddp_policy', 'pt', ex_dir, None) elif isinstance(algo, (EPOpt, UDR)): # Environment env = pyrado.load(None, 'env_sim', 'pkl', ex_dir, None) if hasattr(env, 'randomizer'): if not isinstance(env.randomizer, DomainRandWrapperLive): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=env.randomizer, expected_type=DomainRandWrapperLive) print_cbt( f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, 'env.pkl')} with DomainRandWrapperLive randomizer.", 'g') else: print_cbt('Loaded environment has no randomizer.', 'y') # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.policy, f'{args.policy_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.policy_name}.pt')}", 'g') # Extra (value function) if isinstance(algo.subroutine, ActorCritic): extra['vfcn'] = pyrado.load(algo.subroutine.critic.vfcn, f'{args.vfcn_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.vfcn_name}.pt')}", 'g') elif isinstance(algo, ActorCritic): # Environment env = pyrado.load(None, 'env', 'pkl', ex_dir, None) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.policy, f'{args.policy_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.policy_name}.pt')}", 'g') # Extra (value function) extra['vfcn'] = pyrado.load(algo.critic.vfcn, f'{args.vfcn_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.vfcn_name}.pt')}", 'g') elif isinstance(algo, ParameterExploring): # Environment env = pyrado.load(None, 'env', 'pkl', ex_dir, None) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.policy, f'{args.policy_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.policy_name}.pt')}", 'g') elif isinstance(algo, ValueBased): # Environment env = pyrado.load(None, 'env', 'pkl', ex_dir, None) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.policy, f'{args.policy_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.policy_name}.pt')}", 'g') # Target value functions if isinstance(algo, DQL): extra['qfcn_target'] = pyrado.load(algo.qfcn_targ, 'qfcn_target', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, '')}", 'g') elif isinstance(algo, SAC): extra['qfcn_target1'] = pyrado.load(algo.qfcn_targ_1, 'qfcn_target1', 'pt', ex_dir, None) extra['qfcn_target2'] = pyrado.load(algo.qfcn_targ_2, 'qfcn_target2', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt( f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, '')} and {osp.join(ex_dir, '')}", 'g') else: raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(algo, SVPG): # Environment env = pyrado.load(None, 'env', 'pkl', ex_dir, None) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.policy, f'{args.policy_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) print_cbt(f"Loaded {osp.join(ex_dir, f'{args.policy_name}.pt')}", 'g') # Extra (particles) for idx, p in enumerate(algo.particles): extra[f'particle{idx}'] = pyrado.load(algo.particles[idx], f'particle_{idx}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) elif isinstance(algo, TSPred): # Dataset extra['dataset'] = to.load(osp.join(ex_dir, '')) # Policy policy = pyrado.load(algo.policy, f'{args.policy_name}', 'pt', ex_dir, None) else: raise pyrado.TypeErr( msg= 'No matching algorithm name found during loading the experiment!') # Check if the return types are correct. They can be None, too. if env is not None and not isinstance(env, (SimEnv, EnvWrapper)): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=env, expected_type=[SimEnv, EnvWrapper]) if policy is not None and not isinstance(policy, Policy): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=policy, expected_type=Policy) if extra is not None and not isinstance(extra, dict): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=extra, expected_type=dict) return env, policy, extra
parser.add_argument('--new_ex_dir', type=str, nargs='?', help="path to the directory where the experiment should be saved/moved to") args = parser.parse_args() if not osp.isdir(args.ex_dir): raise pyrado.PathErr(given=args.ex_dir) if args.new_ex_dir is None: raise pyrado.ValueErr(msg='Provide the path to the new experiment directory using --new_ex_dir') # Create the new directory and test it os.makedirs(args.new_ex_dir, exist_ok=True) if not osp.isdir(args.new_ex_dir): raise pyrado.PathErr(given=args.new_ex_dir) # Load the old algorithm including the loggers algo = Algorithm.load_snapshot(args.ex_dir) # Update all entries that contain information about where the experiment is stored algo.save_dir = args.new_ex_dir for printer in algo.logger.printers: if isinstance(printer, CSVPrinter): printer.file = osp.join(args.new_ex_dir, printer.file[printer.file.rfind('/') + 1:]) elif isinstance(printer, TensorBoardPrinter): printer.dir = args.new_ex_dir # Copy the complete content copy_tree(args.ex_dir, args.new_ex_dir) # Save the new algorithm with the updated entries algo.save_snapshot()