def calibrate(spec_in, spec_out, data_path='.', sens_prefix='sens', params={}): """ Run iraf calibrate to flux calibrate input spectrum. Parameters ---------- spec_in : str Input spectrum file name. spec_out : str Output spectrum file name. data_path : str Directory that contains the data. sens_prefix : str Sensitivity correction file name prefix. params : dict Iraf calibrate parameters. """ _check_working_dir(data_path)'running iraf calibrate') iraf.calibrate.unlearn() iraf.calibrate.extinct = params.pop('extinct', 'no') iraf.calibrate.flux = params.pop('flux', 'yes') iraf.calibrate.extinction = params.pop('extinction', '') iraf.calibrate.ignoreaps = params.pop('ignoreaps', 'yes') iraf.calibrate.sensitivity = params.pop('sensitivity', sens_prefix) iraf.calibrate.fnu = params.pop('fnu', 'no') iraf.calibrate(input=spec_in, output=spec_out)
def calibrate(namelst): iraf.noao() iraf.twodspec() iraf.longslit(dispaxis=2, nsum=1, observatory='ca', extinction=extpath, caldir=stdpath) for fitname in namelst: outname = 'mark_' + fitname if os.path.isfile(outname): print('remove file ' + outname) os.remove(outname) iraf.calibrate(input=fitname, output=outname, extinct='yes', flux='yes', extinction=extpath, ignoreaps='yes', sensitivity='Sens', fnu='no') iraf.splot(images=outname) iraf.flpr()
def red_science(image, flats, spath, object=None, arc='Arc-Red.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', telluric='telluric.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec(image[0], 'c%s' % image[0], 'cm%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, telluric), '.') iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, telluric, xcorr=yes, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.t' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return
def blue_science(image, spath, object=None, flat='Flat-Blue.fits', arc='Arc-Blue.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Apply flat-field shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, flat), '.') iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=flat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec('j%s' % image[0], 'cj%s' % image[0], 'cmj%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.s' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return
def calibrate(): scilist = glob.glob('AGN*LF.fits') for f in scilist: os.remove(f) scired = glob.glob('AGN*EL.fits') extinct = 'extinction_lasilla.dat' observ = 'paranal' for spec in scired: hdo = pyfits.getheader(spec) _airmass = np.average([hdo['HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START'],hdo['HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM END']]) _exptime = hdo['EXPTIME'] name = spec.rsplit('_EL',1)[0]+'_LF' iraf.calibrate(spec,name,extinction=extinct,observatory=observ,airmass=_airmass,exptime=_exptime)
def calibrate_err(mefile): '''Apply a sensitivity function to a linearized multispectrum file. The error is propagated simply by dividing it by the sensitivity function. This makes the assumption that there is no error in the sensitivity function itself. ''' outputname = mefile.replace('me_', 'me_rf_') iraf.calibrate(mefile, outputname, extinct=False, flux=True, ignoreap=True, sensiti='sens', fnu=False) return outputname
def calibrate_err(mefile): '''Apply a sensitivity function to a linearized multispectrum file. The error is propagated simply by dividing it by the sensitivity function. This makes the assumption that there is no error in the sensitivity function itself. ''' outputname = mefile.replace('me_','me_rf_') iraf.calibrate(mefile, outputname, extinct=False, flux=True, ignoreap=True, sensiti='sens', fnu=False) return outputname
def calibrate(): namelst = [i.split('\n')[0] for i in file(targetoutput)] for i in namelst: iraf.twodspec() iraf.longslit(dispaxis=2, nsum=1, observatory='Lijiang', extinction='onedstds$LJextinct.dat', caldir='onedstds$ctiocal/') iraf.calibrate(input=i, output=i.split('.')[0] + 'f.fits', extinct='yes', flux='yes', extinction='onedstds$LJextinct.dat', ignoreaps='yes', sensitivity='sens', fnu='no')
def calibrate(lstfile): stdpath = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + os.sep + 'standarddir' + os.sep extpath = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + os.sep + 'LJextinct.dat' iraf.noao() iraf.twodspec() iraf.longslit(dispaxis = 2, nsum = 1, observatory = 'Lijiang', extinction = extpath, caldir = stdpath) f = open(lstfile) l = f.readlines() f.close() l = [tmp.split('\n')[0] for tmp in l] for fitname in l: stdobjname = select_std(fitname) stdfitname = 'sensawftbo' + stdgroup[stdobjname][0] iraf.calibrate(input = 'awftbo'+ fitname, output = 'mark_awftbo' + fitname, extinct = 'yes', flux = 'yes', extinction = extpath, ignoreaps = 'yes', sensitivity = stdfitname, fnu = 'no') iraf.splot(images = 'mark_awftbo' + fitname)
def iraf_standard(directory, objecto, sensfile): ''' Do the flux calibration on the targets in the directory using the sensfile Parameters ------------- directory: Directory where all the science files are located. i.e. Objectname/Science objecto: Name of the object in the directory to flux calibrate sensfile: Full name of the sensfile to calibrate the data Output ------------- Flux calibrated data ''' # Check that the files don't exist if check_existence("%s/%s*OutWaveStd.fits" % (directory, objecto), 'iraf_standard'): return # Create file suffix suffix = sensfile[5:-5] # For each of the science targets, correct the flux list_of_objects = glob.glob('%s/%s*BiasFlatSkyOutWave.fits' % (directory, objecto)) for file_name in list_of_objects: calibrate( input=file_name, # Input spectra to calibrate output=file_name[:-5] + "Std_%s.fits" % suffix, # Output calibrated spectra extinct='no', # Apply extinction correction flux='yes', # Apply flux calibration extinction='', # Extinction file observatory=')_.observatory', # Observatory for data ignoreaps='yes', # Ignore aperture numbers in flux calibration sensitivity=sensfile, # Image root name for sensitivity spectra. fnu='no', # Create spectra having units of FNU? airmass='', # exptime='', # mode='ql' # IRAF mode )
def sens_corr_standard(): """ Check this has worked by correcting stanard for wavelength-dependent sensitivity """ if os.path.exists(''): os.remove('') print 'Removing file' iraf.calibrate.unlearn() # Input spectra to calibrate. Output should have 'c' prefixed. iraf.calibrate.setParam('input','[1]') iraf.calibrate.setParam('output','') # Should be found automatically from header - check this for target spectrum. iraf.calibrate.setParam('airmass','') iraf.calibrate.setParam('exptime','') # Apply extinction correction? Not sure what this does iraf.calibrate.setParam('extinct','no') # Apply flux calibration? iraf.calibrate.setParam('flux','yes') # Extinction file iraf.calibrate.setParam('extinction','') # Ignore aperture numbers in flux calibration? Maybe this should be yes iraf.calibrate.setParam('ignoreaps','yes') # Image root name for sensitivity spectra iraf.calibrate.setParam('sensitivity','sens.fits') # Create spectra having units of FNU? iraf.calibrate.setParam('fnu','no') iraf.calibrate() return None
def calibrate(imlist_name, obs): """ calibrate -- Apply extinction corrections and flux calibrations calibrate input output [records] """ import glob import os, sys from pyraf import iraf iraf.noao() iraf.onedspec() imlist = glob.glob(imlist_name) imlist.sort() for i in range(len(imlist)): inim = imlist[i] #iraf.calibrate(input=inim , output='s'+inim, extinct='/iraf/iraf/noao/lib/onedstds/ctioextinct.dat', flux='yes', observatory=obs) iraf.calibrate(input=inim, output='s' + inim, extinct='yes', flux='yes', observatory=obs)
def flux_cal_new(objname, stdobjnames): print 'run flux_cal...' iraf.imred() iraf.kpnoslit() stdname, stdmag, stdmagband = get_std_name(stdobjnames[0]) print 'the standard star is ' + stdname stdmag = float(stdmag) stdairmass, stdexptime = get_fits_airmass_exptime(stdobjnames[0]) scripath = sys.argv[0] tempindex = scripath.rfind(os.sep) scripath = scripath[:tempindex] extpath = scripath + os.sep + 'LJextinct.dat' calpath = scripath + os.sep + 'standarddir' + os.sep outname1 = 'std' + stdobjnames[0] stdobjname = '' for tempstdname in stdobjnames: stdobjname = stdobjname + tempstdname + ',' stdobjname = stdobjname[:-1] if os.path.isfile(outname1): print 'file %s is already exist' % outname1 else: print 'run standard...' print 'make file %s ...' % outname1 iraf.standard(input = stdobjname , output = outname1, samestar = True, beam_switch = False , apertures = '', bandwidth = 30.0, bandsep = 20.0 , fnuzero = 3.6800000000000E-20, extinction = extpath , caldir = calpath, observatory = ')_.observatory' , interact = True, graphics = 'stdgraph', cursor = '' , star_name = stdname, airmass = stdairmass, exptime = stdexptime , mag = stdmag, magband = stdmagband, teff = '', answer = 'yes') outname2 = 'sens' + stdobjname if os.path.isfile(outname2): print 'file %s is already exist' % outname2 else: print 'run sensfunc...' print 'make file %s ...' % outname2 iraf.sensfunc(standards = outname1 , sensitivity = outname2, apertures = '', ignoreaps = True , logfile = 'logfile', extinction = ')_.extinction' , newextinction = extpath, observatory = 'bao', function = 'spline3' , order = 6, interactive = True, graphs = 'sr' , marks = 'plus cross box', colors = '2 1 3 4', cursor ='' , device = 'stdgraph', answer = 'yes') outname3 = 'c' + objname if os.path.isfile(outname3): print 'file %s is already exist' % outname3 else: print 'run calibrate...' print 'make file %s ...' % outname3 iraf.calibrate(input = objname , output = outname3, extinct = True, flux = True , extinction = extpath, observatory = 'bao', ignoreaps = True , sensitivity = outname2, fnu = False) final_outname = 'mark_' + objname if os.path.isfile(final_outname): print 'file %s is already exist' else: print 'run scopy' print 'make file %s ...' % final_outname iraf.scopy(input = outname3 , output = final_outname, w1 = 'INDEF', w2 = 'INDEF' , apertures = '', bands = 1, beams = '', apmodulus = 0 , format = 'multispec', renumber = False, offset = 0 , clobber = False, merge = False, rebin = True, verbose = False) print 'splot %s' % final_outname iraf.splot(images = final_outname) return final_outname
mode = "al") ### Apply calibration to file_name hdulist ="smoothdiv_" + file_name) air_mass = hdulist[0].header['AIRMASS'] exposure_time = hdulist[0].header['EXPTIME'] os.system("rm fluxcal_" + file_name ) iraf.calibrate( input = "smoothdiv_" + file_name,\ output = "fluxcal_" + file_name,\ airmass = air_mass,\ exptime = exposure_time,\ extinct = 1,\ flux = 1,\ extinction = program_dir + "flux_data/",\ observatory = "SSO",\ ignoreaps = 1,\ sensitivity = "sens",\ fnu = 0,\ mode = "al") ### Apply high/low rejection again to remove cosmic rays os.system("rm temp.fits") iraf.continuum( input = "fluxcal_"+ file_name,\ output = "temp.fits",\ ask = "no",\ lines = "*",\ bands = "*",\
iraf.sensfunc(standard="std", sensitiv="sens", apertures="", ignoreaps="no", logfile="logfile", extinction="/home/aries/Music/Atsoa2018/iao_extinction.dat", newextinctio="extinct.dat", observatory=" ", function="spline3", order=6, interactive="yes", graphs="sr", marks="plus cross box", colors="2 1 3 4", cursor="", device="stdgraph", answer="yes") iraf.calibrate( input="J105829_250_3500_4_Grism_7_2015_06_17_yf170018apbfcw.fits", output="J105829_250_3500_4_Grism_7_2015_06_17_yf170018apbfcwf.fits", extinct="yes", flux="yes", extinction="/home/aries/Music/Atsoa2018/iao_extinction.dat", observatory=" ", ignoreaps="yes", sensitivity="sens", fnu="no", airmass=2.3, exptime=2700)
def lris_extract(science, standards, dostandard=yes): '''Extract and flux calibrate LRIS spectra (assuming they have been processed into 2D images using LRIS_pipe above).''' if dostandard: lris_standard(standards) for src in science: bimages = iraffiles("%s_??_B.fits" % src) rimages = iraffiles("%s_??_R.fits" % src) joinstr = "" for bimage in bimages: bimage = bimage.split(".")[0] # Find appropriate standard for this image bstd = get_head("%s.fits" % bimage, "STDNAME") # Extract 1D spectra if get_head("%s.fits" % bimage, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference=bstd) else: iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference=bstd) # Normalize by the standard continuua iraf.sarith("" % bimage, "/", "../standards/" % bstd, "" % bimage, w1=INDEF, w2=INDEF) # Telluric correct iraf.telluric("" % bimage, "" % bimage, "../standards/telluric.%s.fits" % bstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700,8750:9925') # Flux calibration iraf.calibrate("" % bimage, "" % bimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sens="../standards/%s.sens" % bstd, airmass='', exptime='') joinstr += "," % bimage for rimage in rimages: rimage = rimage.split(".")[0] # Find appropriate standard for this image rstd = get_head("%s.fits" % rimage, "STDNAME") # Extract 1D spectra if get_head("%s.fits" % rimage, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference=rstd) else: iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference=rstd) # Normalize by the standard continuua iraf.sarith("" % rimage, "/", "../standards/" % rstd, "" % rimage, w1=5500, w2=INDEF) # Telluric correct iraf.telluric("" % rimage, "" % rimage, "../standards/telluric.%s.fits" % rstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration iraf.calibrate("" % rimage, "" % rimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sens="../standards/%s.sens" % rstd, airmass='', exptime='') joinstr += "," % rimage # Combine iraf.scombine(joinstr[:-1], "" % src, combine="average", reject="avsigclip", w1=INDEF, w2=INDEF, dw=INDEF, nw=INDEF, scale="median", zero="none", weight="none", sample="5450:5600", lsigma=3.0, hsigma=3.0, gain=RCCDGAIN, rdnoise=RCCDRNOISE) # Plot to enable final tweaks iraf.splot("" % src) return
def deimos_extract(science, standard, dostandard=yes): '''Extract and flux calibrate DEIMOS spectra (assuming they have been processed into 2D images using deimos_pipe above).''' if dostandard: deimos_standard(standard) for source in science: images = iraffiles("%s_??_B.fits" % source) joinstr = "" for image in images: bimage = image.split(".")[0]; rimage = bimage[:-1] + "R" update_head(bimage, "FLUX_OBJ", standard) update_head(rimage, "FLUX_OBJ", standard) # Extract 1D spectra if get_head("%s.fits" % bimage, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference="%s_01_B" % standard) iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference="%s_01_R" % standard) else: iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference="%s_01_B" % standard) iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference="%s_01_R" % standard) # Normalize by the standard continuua iraf.sarith("" % bimage, "/", "" % standard, "" % bimage) iraf.sarith("" % rimage, "/", "" % standard, "" % rimage) # Telluric correct bstd = "%s_01_B" % standard; rstd = "%s_01_R" % standard iraf.telluric("" % bimage, "" % bimage, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') iraf.telluric("" % rimage, "" % rimage, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration iraf.calibrate("" % bimage, "" % bimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sensitivity="%s.B.sens" % standard, airmass='', exptime='') iraf.calibrate("" % rimage, "" % rimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sensitivity="%s.R.sens" % standard, airmass='', exptime='') joinstr += ",," % (bimage, rimage) # Combine iraf.scombine(joinstr[:-1], "" % source, combine="average", reject="avsigclip", w1=INDEF, w2=INDEF, dw=INDEF, nw=INDEF, scale="none", zero="none", weight="none", lsigma=3.0, hsigma=3.0, gain=CCDGAIN, rdnoise=CCDRNOISE) # Plot to enable final tweaks iraf.splot("" % source) return
def sens_corr_target(): """ Take out wavelength-dependent sensitivity """ if not os.path.exists('sens.fits'): print 'need file sens.fits' if not os.path.exists('model_tell_spec.fits'): print 'need file model_tell_spec.fits' if os.path.exists(''): os.remove('') print 'Removing file' """ for some reason dimcomb+bkgd doesn't have much in its fits header, so we need to add these keys words """ # hdulist ='') # airmass = hdulist[0].header['airmass'] # exptime = float(hdulist[0].header['ncombine']) * 60.0 # hdulist ='', mode='update') # hdulist[0].header['airmass'] = airmass # hdulist[0].header['exptime'] = exptime # hdulist.flush() iraf.calibrate.unlearn() # Input spectra to calibrate. Output should have 'c' prefixed. iraf.calibrate.setParam('input','') # might need to specify extension. iraf.calibrate.setParam('output','') # Should be found automatically from header - check this for target spectrum. iraf.calibrate.setParam('airmass','') iraf.calibrate.setParam('exptime','') # Apply extinction correction? Not sure what this does iraf.calibrate.setParam('extinct','no') # Apply flux calibration? iraf.calibrate.setParam('flux','yes') # Extinction file iraf.calibrate.setParam('extinction','') # Ignore aperture numbers in flux calibration? Maybe this should be yes iraf.calibrate.setParam('ignoreaps','yes') # Image root name for sensitivity spectra iraf.calibrate.setParam('sensitivity','sens.fits') # Create spectra having units of FNU? iraf.calibrate.setParam('fnu','no') iraf.calibrate() return None
def blue_science(image, spath, object=None, flat='Flat-Blue.fits', arc='Arc-Blue.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Apply flat-field shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, flat), '.') iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=flat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec('j%s' % image[0], 'cj%s' % image[0], 'cmj%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object == None: object = get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.s' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return
print('\n' + 'Combining spectra...') iraf.scombine(input='@speclist', output='allspec', group='all', combine='median', gain=2.45, reject='crreject', lthresh=1e-30, hthresh=hthresh2) print('\n' + 'Applying flux calibration to sensitivity function...') iraf.calibrate( '@speclist', 'allspeccal', obs='lapalma', sens=sensfile, extinct='no', ignoreaps='yes' ) ## If extinct='yes', try extinction ='onedstds$ctioextinct.dat' print('\n' + 'Extracting the 1D spectra from the calibrated multispec file...') iraf.scopy('allspeccal[0]', 'allspeccal2', format='onedspec', w1=4000, w2=8000, rebin='no') print('\n' + '1D spectrum output...') iraf.wspectext('allspeccal2.0001', obj + '_' + date + '.txt', header='no')
def deimos_extract(science, standard, dostandard=yes): '''Extract and flux calibrate DEIMOS spectra (assuming they have been processed into 2D images using deimos_pipe above).''' if dostandard: deimos_standard(standard) for source in science: images = iraffiles("%s_??_B.fits" % source) joinstr = "" for image in images: bimage = image.split(".")[0] rimage = bimage[:-1] + "R" update_head(bimage, "FLUX_OBJ", standard) update_head(rimage, "FLUX_OBJ", standard) # Extract 1D spectra if get_head("%s.fits" % bimage, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference="%s_01_B" % standard) iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none", reference="%s_01_R" % standard) else: iraf.apall(bimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference="%s_01_B" % standard) iraf.apall(rimage, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit", reference="%s_01_R" % standard) # Normalize by the standard continuua iraf.sarith("" % bimage, "/", "" % standard, "" % bimage) iraf.sarith("" % rimage, "/", "" % standard, "" % rimage) # Telluric correct bstd = "%s_01_B" % standard rstd = "%s_01_R" % standard iraf.telluric("" % bimage, "" % bimage, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') iraf.telluric("" % rimage, "" % rimage, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration iraf.calibrate("" % bimage, "" % bimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sensitivity="%s.B.sens" % standard, airmass='', exptime='') iraf.calibrate("" % rimage, "" % rimage, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction="home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat", observatory="Keck", sensitivity="%s.R.sens" % standard, airmass='', exptime='') joinstr += ",," % (bimage, rimage) # Combine iraf.scombine(joinstr[:-1], "" % source, combine="average", reject="avsigclip", w1=INDEF, w2=INDEF, dw=INDEF, nw=INDEF, scale="none", zero="none", weight="none", lsigma=3.0, hsigma=3.0, gain=CCDGAIN, rdnoise=CCDRNOISE) # Plot to enable final tweaks iraf.splot("" % source) return
iraf.hedit(file,fields="REFSPEC1",value="",add='yes',ver='no',show='yes') #wavelength calinration for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if file.endswith('ms.fits'): iraf.dispcor(file, 'd'+file) #flux calibration shutil.copy('./stds/sens.0001.fits','.') shutil.copy('./stds/lapalmaextinct.dat','.') for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if file.startswith('dspec'): iraf.calibrate(file, 'f'+file) #combine spectra finalcomb = [] for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if file.startswith('fds'): finalcomb.append(file) file1 = open('listascombine', 'w') file1.writelines(["%s\n" % item for item in finalcomb]) file1.close() iraf.scombine('@listascombine', 'temp_quick.fits') iraf.scopy('temp_quick.fits',target+'_quick.fits',w1='4000',w2='9000')
def red_science(image, flats, spath, object=None, arc='Arc-Red.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', telluric='telluric.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec(image[0], 'c%s' % image[0], 'cm%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object == None: object = get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, telluric), '.') iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, telluric, xcorr=yes, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.t' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return