def run_imstat(input): """ Call imstatistics for a list of images and show in terminal """ #iraf.images() for image in input: iraf.imstat(image)
def badimage(img, _type): from pyraf import iraf import string import floyds hdr = floyds.util.readhdr(img) _tel = floyds.util.readkey3(hdr, 'telescop') rr1 = float( string.split(iraf.imstat(img + '[1250:1270,140:200]', Stdout=1)[1])[2]) rr2 = float( string.split(iraf.imstat(img + '[1570:1620,170:210]', Stdout=1)[1])[2]) bb1 = float( string.split(iraf.imstat(img + '[1090:1110,370:400]', Stdout=1)[1])[2]) bb2 = float( string.split(iraf.imstat(img + '[1560:1700,340:360]', Stdout=1)[1])[2]) bg1 = float( string.split(iraf.imstat(img + '[1500:1540,290:310]', Stdout=1)[1])[2]) #print rr1,rr2,bb1,bb2,bg1 good = 1 if _type in ['flat', 'arc', 'lamp']: if rr1 / rr2 <= 1.25 and bb1 / bb2 <= 1.25: good = 0 if good == 1: if _type in ['flat']: if rr1 / bg1 < 20 and bb1 / bg1 > 2.5 and 'South' in _tel: good = 0 if bb1 / bg1 < 1.0: good = 0 if rr1 < 1000: good = 0 if good == 0: print '\n### warning: image ' + img + ' rejected' return good
def badimage(img,_type): from pyraf import iraf import string import floyds hdr=floyds.util.readhdr(img) _tel=floyds.util.readkey3(hdr,'telescop') rr1=float(string.split(iraf.imstat(img+'[1250:1270,140:200]',Stdout=1)[1])[2]) rr2=float(string.split(iraf.imstat(img+'[1570:1620,170:210]',Stdout=1)[1])[2]) bb1=float(string.split(iraf.imstat(img+'[1090:1110,370:400]',Stdout=1)[1])[2]) bb2=float(string.split(iraf.imstat(img+'[1560:1700,340:360]',Stdout=1)[1])[2]) bg1=float(string.split(iraf.imstat(img+'[1500:1540,290:310]',Stdout=1)[1])[2]) #print rr1,rr2,bb1,bb2,bg1 good=1 if _type in ['flat','arc','lamp']: if rr1/rr2<=1.25 and bb1/bb2<=1.25: good=0 if good==1: if _type in ['flat']: if rr1/bg1<20 and bb1/bg1>2.5 and 'South' in _tel: good=0 if bb1/bg1<1.0: good=0 if rr1<1000: good=0 if good==0: print '\n### warning: image '+img+' rejected' return good
def get_imstats(image): output = [] with Capturing(output) as output: iraf.imstat(image) output = output[1].split(" ") print output max = float(output[-1]) min = float(output[-2]) return max, min
def rejectbias(lista, _interactive, nn=10): # print "LOGX:: Entering `rejectbias` method/function in %(__file__)s" % # globals() import numpy as np import ntt from pyraf import iraf iraf.images(_doprint=0) listgood = [] f = open('_listgoodbias', 'w') for img in lista: f.write(img + '\n') f.close() biasstd = np.array(iraf.imstat( '@_listgoodbias', fields='stddev', format='no', Stdout=1), float) # biasmedian=np.array(iraf.imstat('@_listgoodbias', fields='mean',format='no',Stdout=1),float) # print lista median = np.median(biasstd) sigma = (np.percentile(biasstd, 75) - np.percentile(biasstd, 25)) * 1.349 lista1 = np.compress((biasstd < (median + nn * sigma)) & (biasstd > (median - nn * sigma)), np.array(lista)) # lista1=np.compress((np.mean(biasstd)-2*np.std(biasstd)<=biasstd)&(np.mean(biasstd)+2*np.std(biasstd)>=biasstd)& # (np.mean(biasmedian)-2*np.std(biasmedian)<=biasmedian)& # (np.mean(biasmedian)+2*np.std(biasmedian)>=biasmedian), np.array(lista)) ntt.util.delete('_listgoodbias') for i in range(0, len(lista)): if lista[i] not in lista1: print lista[i] + ' ' + str(biasstd[i]) + ' rejected' else: print lista[i], biasstd[i] for img in lista1: if _interactive: aa, bb, cc = ntt.util.display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) titolo, result = iraf.imstat(img, Stdout=1) print titolo[1:] print result answ = 'nn' while answ not in ['g', 'G', 'b', 's']: answ = raw_input('good/bad [[g]/b/G(all good)/s(stop) ] ? ') if not answ: answ = 'g' if answ not in ['g', 'G', 'b', 's']: print 'warning: value not valid, try again' if answ == 'g': listgood.append(img) elif answ == 'G': listgood = lista1 break elif answ == 's': break else: listgood.append(img) return listgood
def writecountingstatstoafile(images, ditgroupcounter, bandpass, target): imagesinirafformat = str(images).replace("', '", ",").replace("['", "").replace( "']", "") date = images[0][5:11] outputfilename = '%s.%s.%s.%s.txt' % (target, date, bandpass, ditgroupcounter) iraf.imstat.unlearn() iraf.imstat(imagesinirafformat, field='image, mean, midpt, mode, stddev, npix', Stdout=outputfilename)
def darkcom(input_dark): import glob import os, sys import numpy as np from pyraf import iraf from import fits from import ascii curdir = os.getcwd() curdate = curdir.split('/')[-1] #dark = ", ".join(input_dark) iraf.noao() iraf.imred() iraf.ccdred() iraf.ccdred.setinst(instrume='camera', directo='/iraf/iraf/noao/imred/ccdred/ccddb/', query='q', review='no') #iraf.chdir('./dark') #dark = glob.glob('cal*dk*.fit') #dark ='dark.list', guess=True, data_start=0) ''' allexptime = [] for i in range(len(dark)) : hdr = fits.getheader(dark[i]) allexptime.append(hdr['exptime']) expset = set(allexptime) exptime = list(sorted(expset)) i=0 for i in range(len(exptime)) : print('Find images with exptime of '+str(exptime[i])) imlist = [] for j in range(len(dark)) : hdr = fits.getheader(dark[j]) if hdr['exptime'] == exptime[i] : imlist.append(dark[j]) else : pass print(imlist) input_name = 'dark'+str(int(exptime[i]))+'.list' output_name = curdate+'_dark'+str(int(exptime[i]))+'.fits' #input_name = output_name[:-5]+'.list' f=open(input_name,'w+') for k in range(len(imlist)) : f.write(imlist[k]+'\n') f.close() ''' #output_name = curdate+'_dark'+str(int(exptime[i]))+'.fits' output_name = curdate+'_'+input_dark[:-5]+'.fits' print('Darkcombine is running...') iraf.imstat(images='z@'+input_dark) iraf.darkcombine(input='z@'+input_dark, output=output_name, combine='median', reject='minmax', process='no', scale='none', ccdtype='' ) #os.system('/usr/bin/cp '+output_name+' ../') os.system('/usr/bin/cp '+output_name+' /data1/KHAO/MDFTS/red/masterdark/') #os.system('/usr/bin/rm d*.list') #iraf.chdir('../') iraf.dir('.') print('Output master '+output_name+' is created.')
def flatcom(input_flat='zFLAT*.fit'): import glob import os, sys import itertools import numpy as np from pyraf import iraf from import fits from import ascii iraf.noao() iraf.imred() iraf.ccdred() iraf.ccdred.setinst(instrume='camera', directo='/iraf/iraf/noao/imred/ccdred/ccddb/', query='q', review='no') # Filter classification calflat = glob.glob(input_flat) allfilter = [] i=0 for i in range(len(calflat)) : hdr = fits.getheader(calflat[i]) allfilter.append(hdr['filter']) filterset = set(allfilter) infilter = list(sorted(filterset)) i=0 for i in range(len(infilter)) : print('Find images with filter of '+str(infilter[i])) imlist = [] for j in range(len(calflat)) : hdr = fits.getheader(calflat[j]) if hdr['filter'] == infilter[i] : imlist.append(calflat[j]) else : pass print(imlist) imlist.sort() input_name = str(infilter[i])+'flat.list' k=0 f=open(input_name,'w+') for k in range(len(imlist)) : f.write(imlist[k]+'\n') f.close() output_name = input_name[:-5]+'.fits' #iraf.flatcombine(input='@'+input_name, output=output_name, combine='average', reject='crreject', process='no', scale='mode', ccdtype='', lsigma='3.', hsigma='3.' ) iraf.flatcombine(input='@'+input_name, output=output_name, combine='median', reject='minmax', process='no', scale='mode', ccdtype='') print(output_name+' is created. Normalizing...') data, newhdr = fits.getdata(output_name, header=True) x = np.mean(data) nimage = data/x newflat_name = curdate+'_n'+str(infilter[i])+'flat.fits' fits.writeto(newflat_name, nimage, header=newhdr, overwrite=True) #os.system('/usr/bin/cp '+newflat_name+' ../') os.system('/usr/bin/cp '+newflat_name+' /data1/KHAO/MDFTS/red/masterflat_'+infilter[i]+'/') print('Normalised master flats are created.') iraf.imstat(images='*n?flat.fits')
def cull_bias(biaslist, listname): iraf.imstat("@{}".format(listname)) bads = raw_input("Select any biasi you want to remove, q to continue\n") while bads.lower() != "q": badlist = bads.split(",") print "badlist is {}".format(badlist) newlist = [i for i in biaslist if not any([j.strip() in i for j in badlist])] write_list(newlist, listname) iraf.imstat("@{}".format(listname)) bads = raw_input("Select any biasi you want to remove, q to continue\n") return
def main(fits, x0, x1, y0, y1): x0 = int(round(x0, 0)) x1 = int(round(x1, 0)) y0 = int(round(y0, 0)) y1 = int(round(y1, 0)) reg = "[%d:%d,%d:%d]" % (x0, x1 - 1, y0, y1 - 1) key_ls = ["IMAGE", "NPIX", "MEAN", "STDDEV", "MIDPT", "MODE", "MIN", "MAX"] fields = ",".join(key_ls).lower() result = iraf.imstat(fits + reg, Stdout=1, nclip=5, lsigma=3., usigma=3., fields=fields, format="no") #result = iraf.imstat(fits+reg,Stdout=1,fields=fields,format="no") val_ls = [ float(val) if str(val).replace(".", "").isdigit() else str(val) for val in result[0].split() ] d = dict([(key, val) for key, val in zip(key_ls, val_ls)]) print d return d
def getObjectStatistics(self, photObject, multiple=2.5): #photObject.printInfo() # Will get statistics around a box of width = w + multiple/2., height = h + multiple/2. _boxX1 = int(photObject._pixelx - multiple*(self._MEDFWHM/2.)) _boxX2 = int(photObject._pixelx + multiple*(self._MEDFWHM/2.)) _boxY1 = int(photObject._pixely - multiple*(self._MEDFWHM/2.)) _boxY2 = int(photObject._pixely + multiple*(self._MEDFWHM/2.)) irafinput = "%s[%d:%d,%d:%d]" % (self._Name, _boxX1, _boxX2, _boxY1, _boxY2) tmp = iraf.imstat(irafinput, fields='npix,mean,stddev,min,max,midpt', format=0, Stdout=1 ) tmp = [i for i in tmp[0].split(" ") if i != ""] photObject.setBox([_boxX1,_boxX2,_boxY1,_boxY2]) photObject.setNPIX(float(tmp[0])) photObject.setMEAN(float(tmp[1])) photObject.setSTDDEV(float(tmp[2])) photObject.setMIN(float(tmp[3])) photObject.setMAX(float(tmp[4])) photObject.setMEDIAN(float(tmp[5]))
def show_bias_files_statistics(list_of_files): """ Show the statistics for the bias files received. This function applies imstat to the files received and print the results. Args: list_of_files: List of files to get their statistics. """ # Control pyraf exception. try: # Get statistics for the list of bias files using imstat. means = iraf.imstat(list_of_files, fields='mean', Stdout=1) means = means[IMSTAT_FIRST_VALUE:] mean_strings = [str(m).translate(None, ",\ ") for m in means] mean_values = [float(m) for m in mean_strings] # Print the stats results. logging.debug("Bias images stats: Max. mean: %d Min. mean: %d" % (max(mean_values), min(mean_values))) except iraf.IrafError as exc: logging.error("Error executing imstat: Stats for bias images: %s" % (list_of_files)) logging.error("Iraf error is: %s" % (exc)) except ValueError as ve: logging.error("Error calculating mean values: %s" % (mean_strings)) logging.error("Error is: %s" % (ve))
def get_stat_from_files(input, stat): iraf.images() result = [] for image in input: result.append( float(iraf.imstat(image, fields=stat, format=0, Stdout=1)[0])) return result
def createFlatFiles(): import re print "CreateFlatFiles start" for f in FILTERS: if(os.listdir(os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, "flat", f))): iraf.imcombine.setParam("input", os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, "flat", f) + "/*.fits") flatFile = os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, "flat", f , "Flat.fits") if os.path.exists(flatFile): print("flatFile %s alreday exists deleting" % flatFile) os.remove(flatFile) iraf.imcombine.setParam("output", flatFile) #from doc: # #--> iraf.listpix(mode='ql') # confirms parameter #--> iraf.listpix(mode='h') # doesn't ask for parameter...@@ iraf.imcombine(mode="h") #NORMALIZE #imstat res = iraf.imstat(flatFile, Stdout=1) print(res[0].strip()) print(res[1].strip()) resArray = re.split("\s+", res[1].strip()) #max value #toDivValue = float(resArray[5]) #meanValue toDivValue = float(resArray[2]) flatNormFile = os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, "flat", f , "FlatNorm.fits") if os.path.exists(flatNormFile): print("flatNormFile %s alreday exists deleting" % flatNormFile) os.remove(flatNormFile) #divide by max value iraf.imarith(flatFile, '/', toDivValue, flatNormFile) else: print("NO FLAT FILES for filter %s PRESENT" %f) print "CreateFlatFiles end"
def getBackgroundSTDEV(self): # load the header self.loadHeader() # Use iraf to get the sky background STDEV skySTDEV = iraf.imstat(images=self._Name, fields='stddev', nclip = 25, format=0, Stdout=1 ) self._skySTDEV = float(skySTDEV[0]) # Skynoise in JHK is interpolation smoothed due to blowing up the images # In the Drizzle algorithm the ratio of true to output noise is R = 1/(1-r/3) where r is pixfrac/scale if self._Band in 'JHK': self._skySTDEV = self._skySTDEV * self.getHeader("INTERPSM", 1.662) else: self._skySTDEV = self._skySTDEV * self.getHeader("INTERPSM", 1.07) print "SKY STDDEV: %f" % (self._skySTDEV) return self._skySTDEV
def doDarks(dark, readnoise, images): '''This function will take the provided name of the dark frame (dark), determine the dark signal (median of the frame) and compute the dark current expected for each file name in images. This is then compared to the readnoise. A list of all images in which the dark current is expected to be greater than the readnoise is printed, separated by commas, so you can cut-n-paste into ccdproc's epar.''' if not iraf.imaccess(dark): print "Error: can't open dark frame %s" % (dark) return # First off, get the dark current and exposure time dc = float(iraf.imstat(images=dark, fields='mean', Stdout=1)[1]) dt = get_header(dark, 'darktime', float)[dark] print 'dark: count=%f exptime=%f dark current rate=%f' % (dc, dt, dc / dt) # Next, get the exposure times for each image res = get_header(images=images, field='exptime', type=float) # a list to be printed out at the end (good for cut-n-paste) names = [] print "expected dark currents:" for name in res.keys(): print name, "%.2f" % (res[name] * dc / dt) if res[name] * dc / dt > readnoise: names.append(name) print "expected dark current greater than read noise:" print string.join(names, ',')
def getPeakPixel(): x1=int(eval(xySkyDict[1][0]))-smallBox x2=int(eval(xySkyDict[1][0]))+smallBox y1=int(eval(xySkyDict[1][1]))-smallBox y2=int(eval(xySkyDict[1][1]))+smallBox foo = iraf.imstat(fitsDir+fitsFile+"["+str(x1)+":"+str(x2)+","+str(y1)+":"+str(y2)+"]",Stdout=1) # assumes max is last thing in imstat bar = foo[-1].split()[-1] return eval(bar)
def biascom(input_bias='bias.list'): """ 1. Description : This function makes a master bias image of SAO 1-m using Pyraf. Put bias images to 201XXXXX/bias/ directory. Run this code on 201XXXXX directory, then pyraf chdir task enter bias directory and makes process. Output image is zero.fits and it will be copied on upper directory. Due to iraf.chdir task, you should reset python when this code is finished in order to make confusion of current directory between iraf and python! 2. Usage : Start on 2018XXXX directory. Make bias directory which contains each bias frame. Naming of each bias images should be cal* Then just use SAO_biascom() >>> SAO_biascom() 3. History 2018.03 Created by G.Lim. 2018.12.17 Edited by G.Lim. Define SAO_biascom function. 2019.02.07 Assign archive of masterbias in each date by G. Lim """ import glob import os, sys import numpy as np from pyraf import iraf from import fits curdir = os.getcwd() curdate = curdir.split('/')[-1] iraf.noao() iraf.imred() iraf.ccdred() iraf.ccdred.setinst(instrume='camera', directo='/iraf/iraf/noao/imred/ccdred/ccddb/', query='q', review='no') #input_name = 'bias.list' output_name = curdate+'_zero.fits' #calibrations = input_bias #f = open(input_name,'w+') #for i in range(len(calibrations)): # f.write(calibrations[i]+'\n') #f.close() print('Zerocombine is running...') iraf.imstat(images='@'+input_bias) iraf.zerocombine(input='@'+input_bias, output=output_name, combine='median', reject='minmax', process='no', scale='none', ccdtype='' ) print('Output master '+output_name+' is created.') os.system('/usr/bin/cp '+output_name+' /data1/KHAO/MDFTS/red/masterbias/') iraf.dir('.')
def photometry(filenames): """ Do photometry of the files """ for item in range(len(filenames)): print('Photometry on file', filenames[item][0]) iraf.imstat(filenames[item][0]) iraf.display(filenames[item][0], 1) print( 'Press , (comma) on your target to get the coord and then q, but DONT press r \n' ) imx = iraf.imexam(Stdout=1) # If there is an error like "# ^SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing" then make imx[2] instead imx[3] in all places. It is mainly a file reading problem Xref = eval( imx[1].split() [0]) #Using the first star as ref star for cose shift calculation Yref = eval(imx[1].split()[1]) if (imx[1].split()[10] == 'INDEF'): fwhm = 4.0 print('fwhm:', 'INDEF', 'but taken as 4.0') else: fwhm = eval(imx[1].split()[10]) print('fwhm:', fwhm) print('Reference cord:', Xref, Yref) file1 = open('coord_list', 'w') file1.write('{0:0.3f}\t{1:0.3f}\n'.format(Xref, Yref)) file1.close() Xref1, Yref1 = np.loadtxt('coord_list') print('Xref1, Yref1', Xref1, Yref1) do_phot(filenames[item][0], 'coord_list', fwhm=fwhm, sky_annulus=10.0, width_sky=10., zeropoint=25.) print('All photometry is done. Enjoy! Check .phot file')
def scaleimages(images): ims = str(images).replace("', '", ", ").replace("']", "").replace("['", "") iraf.imstat.unlearn() imstat = iraf.imstat(ims, field='image, mean, stddev', Stdout=1) means = [float(x.split()[1]) for x in imstat[1:]] stds = [float(x.split()[2]) for x in imstat[1:]] meanofmeans = np.mean(means) upperlimits = np.array(meanofmeans) + 2. * np.array(stds) lowerlimits = np.array(meanofmeans) - 2. * np.array(stds) means2 = np.array([]) stds2 = np.array([]) for index, im in enumerate(images): iraf.imstat.unlearn() lower = lowerlimits[index] upper = upperlimits[index] imstat = iraf.imstat(im, field='image, mean, stddev', Stdout=1, lower=lower, upper=upper) means2 = np.append(means2, float(imstat[1].split()[1])) stds2 = np.append(stds2, float(imstat[1].split()[2])) meanofmeans = np.mean(means2) for index, im in enumerate(images): scale = meanofmeans / means[index] scaledimage = 'sc' + im iraf.imarith.unlearn() iraf.imarith(im, '*', scale, result=scaledimage) oim = 'o' + im expr = 'cp %s %s' % (im, oim) os.system(expr) expr = 'mv %s %s' % (scaledimage, im) os.system(expr)
def subtractskyrescaling(images, sky): for im in images: iraf.imstat.unlearn() imstat = iraf.imstat(im, field='image, mean, midpt, mode, stddev', Stdout=1) #meanim = np.mean([float(x.split()[1]) for x in imstat[1:]]) iraf.imstat.unlearn() skystat = iraf.imstat(sky, field='image, mean, midpt, mode, stddev', Stdout=1) #meansky = np.mean([float(x.split()[1]) for x in skystat[1:]]) #addresfact = meanim - meansky #addresfact=0. iraf.imarith.unlearn() #iraf.imarith(sky, '-' , addresfact, 'res'+sky) #iraf.imarith(im, '-', 'res'+sky, 's'+im) iraf.imarith(im, '-', sky, 's' + im) #removetempsky = 'rm %s' % ('res'+sky) #os.system(removetempsky) skysubtim = ['s' + x for x in images] return skysubtim
def get_sky(image): '''return estimate for sky value and standard deviation of sky implicit assumption is that the sky is constant throughout the image and that most of the image actually shows the sky (no very crowded fields)! calls iraf.imstat with ncli=10 this calculates mean and standard dev of mean, clips all values significantly above the standard and then recalculates mean and std dev. This loop runs 10 times to clip of values of the stellar counts. stat=iraf.imstat(image,fields='midpt,stddev',ncli=10,Stdout=1) return float(stat[1].split()[0]), float(stat[1].split()[1]) Usage: sky,skydev=get_sky(filename)''' stat=iraf.imstat(image,fields='midpt,stddev',ncli=10,Stdout=1) return float(stat[1].split()[0]), float(stat[1].split()[1])
def trim_remove_bias(WhatToTrim): imstat = WhatToTrim + "[2098:2147,*]" mean_overscan = iraf.imstat(imstat, Stdout=1, fields="mean", format="no") single_file_new = WhatToTrim.replace(".fits", ".-overscan_will_be_removed.fits") iraf.imarith(WhatToTrim, "-", mean_overscan[0], single_file_new) old = single_file_new + "[51:2097,3:2063]" new = WhatToTrim.replace(".fits", ".trim_will_be_removed.fits") iraf.imcopy(old, new) os.remove(single_file_new) return new
def _imstat(filename): """ Call imstat on a file and convert the result to a dictionary. """ s = iraf.imstat(filename, Stdout=1) if s[1].startswith("Error"): return {} stat_dict = dict(zip(s[0].split()[1:], s[1].split())) for key, val in stat_dict.items(): try: val = float(val) except ValueError: pass stat_dict[key] = val return stat_dict
def normalize_flats(files): """ Normalize a set of flat files. This function receives a list of flat files and returns a list of files of the flat files after normalize them. The normalization is performed dividing the flat image by the mean value of the flat image. This mean is the result of applying imstat to each image. Args: files: The names of the files corresponding to the flat images. """ for fl in files: # Get the 'work' and 'normalized' names for the flat files to process. work_file = fl.replace("." + FIT_FILE_EXT, WORK_FILE_SUFFIX) norm_file = fl.replace("." + FIT_FILE_EXT, NORM_FILE_SUFFIX) # Getting statistics for flat file. try: flat_stats = iraf.imstat(work_file, fields=IMSTAT_MEAN, Stdout=1) flat_stats = flat_stats[IMSTAT_FIRST_VALUE] try: mean_value = float(flat_stats) # Normalize flat dividing flat by its mean value. iraf.imarith(work_file, '/', mean_value, norm_file) except iraf.IrafError as exc: logging.error( "Error executing imarith: normalizing flat image: %s" % (fl)) logging.error("Iraf error is: %s" % (exc)) except ValueError as ve: logging.error("Error calculating mean value for: %s" % (flat_stats)) logging.error("Error is: %s" % (ve)) except iraf.IrafError as exc: logging.error( "Error executing imstat: getting stats for flat image: %s" % (fl)) logging.error("Iraf error is: %s" % (exc))
def normalize_flats(files): """ Normalize a set of flat files. This function receives a list of flat files and returns a list of files of the flat files after normalize them. The normalization is performed dividing the flat image by the mean value of the flat image. This mean is the result of applying imstat to each image. Args: files: The names of the files corresponding to the flat images. """ for fl in files: # Get the 'work' and 'normalized' names for the flat files to process. work_file = fl.replace("." + FIT_FILE_EXT, WORK_FILE_SUFFIX) norm_file = fl.replace("." + FIT_FILE_EXT, NORM_FILE_SUFFIX) # Getting statistics for flat file. try: flat_stats = iraf.imstat(work_file, fields=IMSTAT_MEAN, Stdout=1) flat_stats = flat_stats[IMSTAT_FIRST_VALUE] try: mean_value = float(flat_stats) # Normalize flat dividing flat by its mean value. iraf.imarith(work_file, '/', mean_value, norm_file) except iraf.IrafError as exc: logging.error("Error executing imarith: normalizing flat image: %s" % (fl)) logging.error("Iraf error is: %s" % (exc)) except ValueError as ve: logging.error("Error calculating mean value for: %s" % (flat_stats)) logging.error("Error is: %s" % (ve)) except iraf.IrafError as exc: logging.error("Error executing imstat: getting stats for flat image: %s" % (fl)) logging.error("Iraf error is: %s" % (exc))
def rejectflat(lista, _interactive): from numpy import where, size from ntt.util import display_image from pyraf import iraf iraf.images(_doprint=0) import os import string listone = [] for img in lista: dataimg =[0].data numberpixels = size(dataimg) indices = where(dataimg > 60000) numbersaturated = size(dataimg[indices]) indices2 = where(dataimg < 1000) numberlow = size(dataimg[indices2]) if 100 * float(numbersaturated) / float(numberpixels) <= 5 and \ 100 * float(numberlow) / float(numberpixels) <= 10: listone.append(img) listgood = [] if _interactive: for img in listone: aa, bb, cc = display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) titolo, result = iraf.imstat(img, Stdout=1) print titolo[1:] print result answ = 'nn' while answ not in ['g', 'G', 'b', 's']: answ = raw_input('good/bad [[g]/b/G(all good)/s(stop)]? ') if not answ: answ = 'g' if answ not in ['g', 'G', 'b', 's']: print 'warning: value not valid, try again' if answ == 'g': listgood.append(img) elif answ == 'G': listgood = listone break elif answ == 's': break else: listgood = listone return listgood
def trimMyself(self, outname="remcut.fits", region="[400:500,400:500]", verbose=False): self._logger["trimMyself"] = [] if self._Name == "None": self._logger["trimMyself"].append("No filename set, please check.") imCopy = imFits() imCopy._Name = outname iraf.imcopy("%s%s" % (self._Name,region), imCopy._Name) if verbose: self._logger["trimMyself"].append(iraf.imstat(self._Name)) for log in self._logger["trimMyself"]: print log return imCopy
def calculate_datamin(image_file_name, phot_params): """ Calculate a datamin value for the image received using imstat. Args: image_file_name: Name of the file with the image. phot_params: Parameters for phot. """ # Set a default value for datamin. datamin = phot_params.datamin try: imstat_output = iraf.imstat(image_file_name, fields='mean,stddev', \ Stdout=1) imstat_values = imstat_output[IMSTAT_FIRST_VALUE] values = imstat_values.split() # Set a calculated value for datamin. datamin = float( values[0]) - phot_params.datamin_mult * float(values[1]) except iraf.IrafError as exc: logging.error("Error executing imstat: Stats for data image: %s" % (image_file_name)) logging.error("Iraf error is: %s" % (exc)) except ValueError as ve: logging.error("Value Error calculating datamin for image: %s" % (image_file_name)) logging.error("mean is: %s stddev is: %s" % (values[0], values[1])) logging.error("Value Error is: %s" % (ve)) if datamin < phot_params.datamin: datamin = phot_params.datamin return datamin
def createFlatFiles(): import re print "CreateFlatFiles start" for f in FILTERS: if (os.listdir(os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, "flat", f))): iraf.imcombine.setParam( "input", os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, "flat", f) + "/*.fits") flatFile = os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, "flat", f, "Flat.fits") if os.path.exists(flatFile): print("flatFile %s alreday exists deleting" % flatFile) os.remove(flatFile) iraf.imcombine.setParam("output", flatFile) #from doc: # #--> iraf.listpix(mode='ql') # confirms parameter #--> iraf.listpix(mode='h') # doesn't ask for parameter...@@ iraf.imcombine(mode="h") #NORMALIZE #imstat res = iraf.imstat(flatFile, Stdout=1) print(res[0].strip()) print(res[1].strip()) resArray = re.split("\s+", res[1].strip()) #max value #toDivValue = float(resArray[5]) #meanValue toDivValue = float(resArray[2]) flatNormFile = os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, "flat", f, "FlatNorm.fits") if os.path.exists(flatNormFile): print("flatNormFile %s alreday exists deleting" % flatNormFile) os.remove(flatNormFile) #divide by max value iraf.imarith(flatFile, '/', toDivValue, flatNormFile) else: print("NO FLAT FILES for filter %s PRESENT" % f) print "CreateFlatFiles end"
def skyflat(date, low=15000, high=23000, numimages=5): ''' make a combined b skyflat. Requires: a bias image in same directory to do the bias subtraction skyflats must be offset and have appropriate count number input: the date the skyflats were observed YYMMDD output: flat.B, a text file that lists the names of the skyflat fits files ccdYYMMDD.skyflatB.fits, the combined skyflat ''' #check if biases are in this directory if len(glob.glob('*.bias.*')) < 1: print "no combined bias found, exiting" return #get image name and mean pixel value for all skyflat images stats=iraf.imstat('*sky*',format=False,fields='image,mean',Stdout=1) pairs=[i.split() for i in stats] #write the names of the skyflats w right ammount of counts to file #keep track of how many good ones there are goodCount=0 with open("flat.B",'w') as FB: for i in pairs: if float(i[1]) > low and float(i[1]) < high: FB.write(i[0]+'\n') goodCount+=1 if goodCount < numimages: print "only "+str(goodCount)+" skyflats have counts between "+str(low)+" and "+str(high) print "no combined skyflat made" return else: iraf.ccdproc(images="@flat.B",output=" ",fixpix="no",overscan="yes",trim="no",zerocor="yes",darkcor="no",flatcor="no",illumcor="no",fringecor="no",readcor="no",scancor="no",readaxis="line",biassec="[3:14,1:1024]",zero="*.bias.fits",interactive="no",functio="spline3",order=11) iraf.flatcombine("@flat.B",output="FLAT",combine="median",reject="minmax",process="no",scale="mode",ccdtype="") os.system("mv FLAT.fits ccd"+str(date)+".skyflatB.fits") print ("made combined skyflat ccd"+str(date)+".skyflatB.fits") return
def calculate_datamin(image_file_name, phot_params): """ Calculate a datamin value for the image received using imstat. Args: image_file_name: Name of the file with the image. phot_params: Parameters for phot. """ # Set a default value for datamin. datamin = phot_params.datamin try: imstat_output = iraf.imstat(image_file_name, fields='mean,stddev', \ Stdout=1) imstat_values = imstat_output[IMSTAT_FIRST_VALUE] values = imstat_values.split() # Set a calculated value for datamin. datamin = float(values[0]) - phot_params.datamin_mult * float(values[1]) except iraf.IrafError as exc: logging.error("Error executing imstat: Stats for data image: %s" % (image_file_name)) logging.error("Iraf error is: %s" % (exc)) except ValueError as ve: logging.error("Value Error calculating datamin for image: %s" % (image_file_name)) logging.error("mean is: %s stddev is: %s" % (values[0], values[1])) logging.error("Value Error is: %s" % (ve)) if datamin < phot_params.datamin: datamin = phot_params.datamin return datamin
if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) #copy bias images to save_path os.system('cp bias*.fits '+save_path) #change to sabe_path os.chdir(save_path) #verify if previous superbias exist if os.path.isfile('superbias.fits') == True: os.system('rm superbias.fits') #create the list of bias images bias_list = string.join(bias,',') #combine the bias image and create the superbias iraf.imcombine(bias_list,'superbias.fits') iraf.imstat('superbias.fits') #clean previos bias files print '\n Cleaning bias*.fits images ....\n' os.system('rm bias*.fits') print '\n.... done.' #Return to original directory os.chdir(original_path) #END of the masterbias reduction messsage print '\nsuperbias.fits created!\n' print '\nEND of superbias reduction!\n'
def run_imstat(input): iraf.images() for image in input: iraf.imstat(image)
def imshiftcomb(inlist, outimg, fitgeom='shift', inpref='', objmask='none', combine='average', reject='none', fscale=False, fbase=100, fhead='F1', second=False, first_pref='sdfr', second_pref='sdf2r', indep=False, sigmap='none', expmap='none', whtmap='none', gain=5.6, ffpref=''): # check output image if os.access(outimg, os.R_OK): print >> sys.stderr, 'operation would overwrite existing image (%s)' % outimg return 1 # check input image list inimg_arr = check_input(inlist, inpref) if isinstance(inimg_arr, int): return 1 # check input image list if sigmap != 'none': ffimg_arr = check_input2(inlist, ffpref) if isinstance(ffimg_arr, int): return 1 # check optional output image if sigmap != 'none': if os.access(sigmap, os.R_OK): print >> sys.stderr, 'operation would overwrite existing image (%s)' % sigmap return 1 if expmap != 'none': if os.access(expmap, os.R_OK): print >> sys.stderr, 'operation would overwrite existing image (%s)' % expmap return 1 if whtmap != 'none': if os.access(whtmap, os.R_OK): print >> sys.stderr, 'operation would overwrite existing image (%s)' % whtmap return 1 # get array size im =[0]) nx = im[0].header['NAXIS1'] ny = im[0].header['NAXIS2'] im.close() # check geomap data dx = [] dy = [] gmp_arr = [] gmp2_arr = [] dbs_arr = [] for i in range(len(inimg_arr)): fname, ext = os.path.splitext(inimg_arr[i]) gmp = fname + '.gmp' gmp2 = fname + '.gmp2' dbs = fname + '.dbs' gmp_arr.append(gmp) gmp2_arr.append(gmp2) dbs_arr.append(dbs) if not os.access(gmp, os.R_OK): print >> sys.stderr, 'geomap file (%s) does not exist' % (gmp) return 1 if os.access(dbs, os.R_OK): print >> sys.stderr, 'database file (%s) is already exist' % (dbs) return 1 if os.access(gmp2, os.R_OK): print >> sys.stderr, 'modified geomap file (%s) is already exist' % ( gmp2) return 1 fgmp = open(gmp) nl = 1 dx_ave = 0.0 dy_ave = 0.0 for line in fgmp: if not line.startswith('#'): param = line[:-1].split() if len(param) != 4: print >> sys.stderr, 'Invalid format in line %d of %s: %s' % ( nl, gmp, line[:-1]) fgmp.close() return 1 else: if isfloat(param[0]) == False or isfloat( param[1]) == False or isfloat( param[2]) == False or isfloat( param[3]) == False: print >> sys.stderr, 'failed to decode line %d of %s: %s' % ( nl, gmp, line[:-1]) fgmp.close() return 1 else: dx_ave += float(param[0]) - float(param[2]) dy_ave += float(param[1]) - float(param[3]) nl += 1 #print inimg_arr[i],nl dx.append(dx_ave / (nl - 1)) dy.append(dy_ave / (nl - 1)) if len(inimg_arr) != len(dx): print >> sys.stderr, 'number of input images does not match with that of offsets' return 1 #print 'debug' #print dx, max(dx), min(dx) #print dy, max(dy), min(dy) # check object mask if objmask.lower() == 'none': objmask = '' else: objmask_arr = check_inpref(objmask, inimg_arr) if isinstance(objmask_arr, int): return 1 # independent run flag if indep: second = True # prepare for temporary file tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='', prefix='', dir='/tmp') tmp_prefix = tmp.close() # calculate image median for zero shift iraf.unlearn('imstat') iraf.unlearn('mimstat') bgmed = [] for i in range(len(inimg_arr)): if objmask == '': ret = iraf.imstat(inimg_arr[i], format='no', fields='midpt', nclip=50, lsigma=3., usigma=3., Stdout=1) else: if not second: ret = iraf.mimstat(inimg_arr[i], imasks=objmask_arr[i] + '[pl]', format='no', fields='midpt', nclip=50, lsigma=3., usigma=3., Stdout=1) else: ret = iraf.mimstat(inimg_arr[i], imasks=objmask_arr[i], format='no', fields='midpt', nclip=50, lsigma=3., usigma=3., Stdout=1) if len(ret) == 1: bgmed.append(-1.0 * float(ret[0])) else: fout.close() remove_temp_all(tmp_prefix) print >> sys.stderr, 'failed to calculate median of the background in %s' % inimg_arr[ i] return 1 # get large array size and combined image size ret = get_large_region(nx, ny, dx, dy) if len(ret) != 6: print >> sys.stderr, 'failed to get large array size' return 1 x_size = ret[0] y_size = ret[1] xcmin = ret[2] xcmax = ret[3] ycmin = ret[4] ycmax = ret[5] # calculate image region in the large format xmin = int((x_size - nx) / 2) + 1 xmax = nx + int((x_size - nx) / 2) ymin = int((y_size - ny) / 2) + 1 ymax = ny + int((y_size - ny) / 2) #print 'debug' #print x_size, y_size, xcmin, xcmax, ycmin, ycmax #print xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax # copy image to larger format and shift image # iraf.unlearn('geomap') iraf.unlearn('geotran') obj_list = tmp_prefix + '_obj.lst' if os.access(obj_list, os.R_OK): os.remove(obj_list) fobj = open(obj_list, 'w') # for exposure time weight expweight = tmp_prefix + '_exp.lst' if os.access(expweight, os.R_OK): os.remove(expweight) fexp = open(expweight, 'w') # for zero offset zeroshift = tmp_prefix + '_zeroshift.dat' if os.access(zeroshift, os.R_OK): os.remove(zeroshift) fzero = open(zeroshift, 'w') # save the original fit geometry fitgeom_org = fitgeom # preparing for the sigma list and mask if sigmap == 'none': tmp_rejmask = '' else: tmp_rejmask = tmp_prefix + 'rejmask.fits' if os.access(tmp_rejmask, os.R_OK): os.remove(tmp_rejmask) inverse_var_list = tmp_prefix + '_var.lst' if os.access(inverse_var_list, os.R_OK): os.remove(inverse_var_list) finverse_var = open(inverse_var_list, 'w') for i in range(len(inimg_arr)): # restore the original fit geometry fitgeom = fitgeom_org # geometry transformation fgmp = open(gmp_arr[i]) fgmp2 = open(gmp2_arr[i], 'w') nobj = 0 for line in fgmp: if not line.startswith('#'): param = line[:-1].split() xref = float(param[0]) + xmin - 1 yref = float(param[1]) + ymin - 1 xin = float(param[2]) + xmin - 1 yin = float(param[3]) + ymin - 1 fgmp2.write('%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n' % (xref, yref, xin, yin)) nobj += 1 fgmp.close() fgmp2.close() # check number of objects if i == 0 and nobj == 1 and fitgeom == 'rotate': print 'Warning: Number of reference objects is not enought to measure the rotation' print 'Warning: Only shift applied for all images' fitgeom = 'shift' fitgeom_org = 'shift' if nobj == 1 and fitgeom == 'rotate': print 'Warning: Number of objects in %s is not enought to measure the rotation' % ( inimg_arr[i]) print 'Warning: Only shift applied for %s' % (inimg_arr[i]) fitgeom = 'shift' # mapping geometry iraf.geomap(gmp2_arr[i], dbs_arr[i], 1, x_size, 1, y_size, fitgeom=fitgeom, interac='no') # mask frame msk = np.ones((y_size, x_size)) msk[ymin - 1:ymax, xmin - 1:xmax] = 0 hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(msk) msk_img = pyfits.HDUList([hdu]) msk_fits = tmp_prefix + 'mask' + os.path.basename(inimg_arr[i]) msktr_fits = tmp_prefix + 'masktr' + os.path.basename(inimg_arr[i]) if os.access(msk_fits, os.R_OK): os.remove(msk_fits) if os.access(msktr_fits, os.R_OK): os.remove(msktr_fits) msk_img.writeto(msk_fits) msk_img.close() # transform mask geometry iraf.geotran(msk_fits, msktr_fits, dbs_arr[i], gmp2_arr[i], geometr='linear', boundar='constant', constant=1) os.remove(msk_fits) convert_maskfits_int(msktr_fits, msktr_fits) # load original frame img =[i]) if sigmap != 'none': ffimg =[i]) # for exposure time weight try: t = float(img[0].header['EXP1TIME']) coadd = float(img[0].header['COADDS']) expt = t * coadd except KeyError: print >> sys.stderr, 'can not read exposure time from the header of %s' % inimg_arr[ i] img.close() return 1 # for flux scaling and weight if fscale: try: flux = float(img[0].header[fhead]) except KeyError: print >> sys.stderr, 'can not read flux keyword (%s) from the header of %s' % ( fhead, inimg_arr[i]) img.close() return 1 flux_scale = fbase / flux weight = expt * (1.0 / flux_scale)**2 else: flux_scale = 1.0 weight = expt fzero.write('%f\n' % (bgmed[i] * flux_scale)) fexp.write('%f\n' % weight) # object frame obj = np.zeros((y_size, x_size)) obj[ymin - 1:ymax, xmin - 1:xmax] = img[0].data * flux_scale hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(obj) obj_img = pyfits.HDUList([hdu]) obj_img[0].header = img[0].header obj_img[0].header['bpm'] = msktr_fits obj_img[0].header['expmap'] = expt obj_fits = tmp_prefix + 'obj' + os.path.basename(inimg_arr[i]) objtr_fits = tmp_prefix + 'objtr' + os.path.basename(inimg_arr[i]) if os.access(obj_fits, os.R_OK): os.remove(obj_fits) obj_img.writeto(obj_fits) obj_img.close() iraf.geotran(obj_fits, objtr_fits, dbs_arr[i], gmp2_arr[i], geometr='linear', boundar='constant', constant=0) fobj.write('%s\n' % objtr_fits) img.close() if sigmap != 'none': inverse_var = np.zeros((y_size, x_size)) inverse_var[ymin - 1:ymax, xmin - 1:xmax] = (np.sqrt(ffimg[0].data / (gain * expt)) * flux_scale)**-2 hdu_var = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(inverse_var) inverse_var_img = pyfits.HDUList([hdu_var]) inverse_var_img[0].header = img[0].header inverse_var_img[0].header['bpm2'] = '%s[*,*,%d]' % (tmp_rejmask, i + 1) inverse_var_fits = tmp_prefix + 'var' + os.path.basename( inimg_arr[i]) inverse_vartr_fits = tmp_prefix + 'vartr' + os.path.basename( inimg_arr[i]) if os.access(inverse_var_fits, os.R_OK): os.remove(inverse_var_fits) if os.access(inverse_vartr_fits, os.R_OK): os.remove(inverse_vartr_fits) inverse_var_img.writeto(inverse_var_fits) inverse_var_img.close() iraf.geotran(inverse_var_fits, inverse_vartr_fits, dbs_arr[i], gmp2_arr[i], geometr='linear', boundar='constant', constant=0) finverse_var.write('%s\n' % inverse_vartr_fits) ffimg.close() # close file handlers fobj.close() fexp.close() fzero.close() if sigmap != 'none': finverse_var.close() # combine image comb_img = tmp_prefix + '_comb.fits' if os.access(comb_img, os.R_OK): os.remove(comb_img) if expmap == 'none': tmp_expmap = '' else: tmp_expmap = tmp_prefix + 'expmap.fits' if os.access(tmp_expmap, os.R_OK): os.remove(tmp_expmap) iraf.unlearn('imcombine') try: iraf.imcombine('@' + obj_list, comb_img, sigma='', rejmask=tmp_rejmask, expmasks=tmp_expmap, combine=combine, reject=reject, masktype='!BPM', maskvalue=0.0, zero='@' + zeroshift, weight='@' + expweight, expname='EXPMAP') except: if os.access(comb_img, os.R_OK): os.remove(comb_img) if expmap != 'none': if os.access(tmp_expmap, os.R_OK): os.remove(tmp_expmap) iraf.imcombine('@' + obj_list, comb_img, sigma='', rejmask='', expmasks=tmp_expmap, combine=combine, reject=reject, masktype='!BPM', maskvalue=0.0, zero='@' + zeroshift, weight='@' + expweight, expname='EXPMAP') if sigmap != 'none': tmp_inverse_var_sum = tmp_prefix + 'inverse_var.fits' if os.access(tmp_inverse_var_sum, os.R_OK): os.remove(tmp_inverse_var_sum) iraf.imcombine('@' + inverse_var_list, tmp_inverse_var_sum, combine='sum', reject='none', masktype='!BPM', maskvalue=0.0) iraf.stsdas() tmp_sigma = tmp_prefix + 'sigma.fits' if os.access(tmp_sigma, os.R_OK): os.remove(tmp_sigma) iraf.imcalc(tmp_inverse_var_sum, tmp_sigma, 'sqrt(1.0/im1)', pixtype='double') # cut image iraf.unlearn('imcopy') cut_img = '%s[%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (comb_img, xcmin, xcmax, ycmin, ycmax) iraf.imcopy(cut_img, outimg) if expmap != 'none': cut_exp = '%s[%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (tmp_expmap, xcmin, xcmax, ycmin, ycmax) iraf.imcopy(cut_exp, expmap) if sigmap != 'none': cut_sigma = '%s[%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (tmp_sigma, xcmin, xcmax, ycmin, ycmax) iraf.imcopy(cut_sigma, sigmap) if whtmap != 'none': cut_wht = '%s[%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (tmp_inverse_var_sum, xcmin, xcmax, ycmin, ycmax) iraf.imcopy(cut_wht, whtmap) # delete temporary object files remove_temp_all(tmp_prefix + 'obj') os.remove(obj_list) os.remove(comb_img) # record relative offset between input images and combined image and rotation for i in range(len(inimg_arr)): im =[i], mode='update') if second: if indep: # calculate offset dxc = xcmin - xmin - dx[i] dyc = ycmin - ymin - dy[i] # retrieve rotation rot = 0.0 fdbs = open(dbs_arr[i]) for line in fdbs: param = line[:-1].split() if param[0] == 'xrotation': rot = float(param[1]) if rot > 180.0: rot = rot - 360.0 im[0].header['dx'] = dx[i] im[0].header['dy'] = dy[i] im[0].header['dxc'] = dxc im[0].header['dyc'] = dyc im[0].header['rotation'] = rot else: # check number of objects in the geomap file nobj = 0 fgmp = open(gmp_arr[0]) for line in fgmp: nobj += 1 im1 =[i].replace(second_pref, first_pref), mode='update') for j in range(nobj): key = 'XC%d' % (j + 1) im[0].header[key] = float(im1[0].header[key]) key = 'YC%d' % (j + 1) im[0].header[key] = float(im1[0].header[key]) key = 'PEAK%d' % (j + 1) im[0].header[key] = float(im1[0].header[key]) key = 'FWHM%d' % (j + 1) im[0].header[key] = float(im1[0].header[key]) key = 'DX' im[0].header[key] = float(im1[0].header[key]) key = 'DY' im[0].header[key] = float(im1[0].header[key]) key = 'DXC' im[0].header[key] = float(im1[0].header[key]) key = 'DYC' im[0].header[key] = float(im1[0].header[key]) key = 'ROTATION' im[0].header[key] = float(im1[0].header[key]) im1.close() else: # calculate offset dxc = xcmin - xmin - dx[i] dyc = ycmin - ymin - dy[i] # retrieve rotation rot = 0.0 fdbs = open(dbs_arr[i]) for line in fdbs: param = line[:-1].split() if param[0] == 'xrotation': rot = float(param[1]) if rot > 180.0: rot = rot - 360.0 im[0].header['dx'] = dx[i] im[0].header['dy'] = dy[i] im[0].header['dxc'] = dxc im[0].header['dyc'] = dyc im[0].header['rotation'] = rot im.close() # remove all temporary files remove_temp_all(tmp_prefix) return 0
def lacos_im(_input, _output='clean.fits', outmask='mask.fits', gain=1.3, readn=9, xorder=9, yorder=9, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1, skyval=0, niter=2, verbose=True, interactive=False): import floyds from floyds.util import delete import sys, re, os, string from pyraf import iraf import numpy as np iraf.convolve.bilinear = 'no' iraf.convolve.radsym = 'no' # make temporary files oldoutput, galaxy, skymod, med5 = 'oldoutput.fits', 'galaxy.fits', 'skymod.fits', 'med5.fits' blk, lapla, med3, med7, sub5, sigima, finalsel = 'blk.fits', 'lapla.fits', 'med3.fits', 'med7.fits', 'sub5.fits',\ 'sigima.fits', 'finalsel.fits' deriv2, noise, sigmap, firstsel, starreject = 'deriv2.fits', 'noise.fits', 'sigmap.fits', 'firstsel.fits',\ 'starreject.fits' inputmask, gfirstsel = 'inputmask.fits', 'gfirstsel.fits' f = open('_kernel', 'w') f.write('0 -1 0;\n-1 4 -1;\n0 -1 0') f.close() # create growth kernel f = open('_gkernel', 'w') f.write('1 1 1;\n1 1 1;\n1 1 1') f.close() gkernel = np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]) # initialize loop usegain = gain i = 1 stop = 'no' previous = 0 if not _output: _output = _input arrayinput, headerinput = floyds.cosmics.fromfits(_input, verbose=False) floyds.cosmics.tofits(outmask, np.float32(arrayinput - arrayinput), headerinput, verbose=False) delete(oldoutput) if skyval > 0: arrayoldoutput = arrayinput + skyval else: arrayoldoutput = arrayinput floyds.cosmics.tofits(oldoutput, np.float32(arrayoldoutput), headerinput, verbose=False) # start iterations while stop == 'no': # take second-order derivative (Laplacian) of input image # kernel is convolved with subsampled image, in order to remove negative # pattern around high pixels delete(blk) delete(lapla) delete(deriv2) iraf.blkrep(oldoutput, blk, 2, 2) iraf.convolve(blk, lapla, '_kernel') iraf.imreplace(lapla, 0, upper=0, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.blkavg(lapla, deriv2, 2, 2, option="average") delete(med5) # create model of background flux - 5x5 box should exclude all CRs iraf.median(oldoutput, med5, 5, 5, zlo='INDEF', zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') iraf.imreplace(med5, 0.0001, upper=0, lower='INDEF', radius=0) # create noise model delete(noise) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr='sqrt(a*' + str(usegain) + '+' + str(readn) + '**2)/' + str(usegain), a=med5, output=noise, verbose='no') # divide Laplacian by noise model delete(sigmap) iraf.imarith(deriv2, "/", noise, sigmap) # Laplacian of blkreplicated image counts edges twice: iraf.imarith(sigmap, "/", 2., sigmap) # removal of large structure (bright, extended objects) delete(med5) iraf.median(sigmap, med5, 5, 5, zlo='INDEF', zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') arraysigmap, headersigmap = floyds.cosmics.fromfits(sigmap, verbose=False) arraymed5, headermed5 = floyds.cosmics.fromfits(med5, verbose=False) arraysigmap = arraysigmap - arraymed5 iraf.imarith(sigmap, "-", med5, sigmap) # find all candidate cosmic rays # this selection includes sharp features such as stars and HII regions delete(firstsel) iraf.imcopy(sigmap, firstsel, verbose='no') iraf.imreplace(firstsel, 0, upper=sigclip, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imreplace(firstsel, 1, lower=0.1, upper='INDEF', radius=0) # arraygfirst=arraysigmap # arraygfirst = np.where(arraygfirst<sigclip,0,arraygfirst) # arraygfirst = np.where(arraygfirst>0.1,1,arraygfirst) # compare candidate CRs to median filtered image # this step rejects bright, compact sources from the initial CR list # subtract background and smooth component of objects delete(med3) delete(med7) iraf.median(oldoutput, med3, 3, 3, zlo='INDEF', zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') iraf.median(med3, med7, 7, 7, zlo='INDEF', zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') iraf.imarith(med3, "-", med7, med3) iraf.imarith(med3, "/", noise, med3) iraf.imreplace(med3, 0.01, upper=0.01, lower='INDEF', radius=0) # compare CR flux to object flux delete(starreject) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr="(a*b)/c", a=firstsel, b=sigmap, c=med3, output=starreject, verbose='no') # discard if CR flux <= objlim * object flux iraf.imreplace(starreject, 0, upper=objlim, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imreplace(starreject, 1, lower=0.5, upper='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imarith(firstsel, "*", starreject, firstsel) # grow CRs by one pixel and check in original sigma map delete(gfirstsel) iraf.convolve(firstsel, gfirstsel, '_gkernel') iraf.imreplace(gfirstsel, 1, lower=0.5, upper='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imarith(gfirstsel, "*", sigmap, gfirstsel) iraf.imreplace(gfirstsel, 0, upper=sigclip, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imreplace(gfirstsel, 1, lower=0.1, upper='INDEF', radius=0) # grow CRs by one pixel and lower detection limit sigcliplow = sigfrac * sigclip delete(finalsel) iraf.convolve(gfirstsel, finalsel, '_gkernel') iraf.imreplace(finalsel, 1, lower=0.5, upper='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imarith(finalsel, "*", sigmap, finalsel) iraf.imreplace(finalsel, 0, upper=sigcliplow, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imreplace(finalsel, 1, lower=0.1, upper='INDEF', radius=0) # determine number of CRs found in this iteration delete(gfirstsel) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr="(1-b)*a", a=outmask, b=finalsel, output=gfirstsel, verbose='no') npix = iraf.imstat(gfirstsel, fields="npix", lower=0.5, upper='INDEF', Stdout=1) # create cleaned output image; use 3x3 median with CRs excluded delete(med5) iraf.imarith(outmask, "+", finalsel, outmask) iraf.imreplace(outmask, 1, lower=1, upper='INDEF', radius=0) delete(inputmask) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr="(1-10000*a)", a=outmask, output=inputmask, verbose='no') iraf.imarith(oldoutput, "*", inputmask, inputmask) delete(med5) iraf.median(inputmask, med5, 5, 5, zloreject=-9999, zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') iraf.imarith(outmask, "*", med5, med5) if i > 1: delete(_output) delete(_output) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr="(1.-b)*a+c", a=oldoutput, b=outmask, c=med5, output=_output, verbose='no') # cleanup and get ready for next iteration delete(oldoutput) iraf.imcopy(_output, oldoutput, verbose='no') if npix == 0: stop = 'yes' i = i + 1 if i > niter: stop = 'yes' # delete temp files delete(blk + "," + lapla + "," + deriv2 + "," + med5) delete(med3 + "," + med7 + "," + noise + "," + sigmap) delete(firstsel + "," + starreject + "," + gfirstsel) delete(finalsel + "," + inputmask) if skyval > 0: iraf.imarith(_output, "-", skyval, _output) delete('_kernel' + "," + '_gkernel') delete(oldoutput)
def get_photometry(filelist, fwhmpsf, thresh, mkiraf=True): """ Performs sextracting by daofind and photometry by daophot filename is WITHOUT suffix .fits fwhmpsf is rough estimation of typical frame FWHM THRESH is signal-to-noise ratio, typically 4 or so Outputs are two files *.coo.1 and *.mag.1 with x-y coordinates """ # Create at execution of the script if flag set to true if mkiraf: proc = subprocess.Popen(['mkiraf'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) outs, errs = proc.communicate('y\nxterm') # Now we make the Pyraf imports from pyraf import iraf from pyraf.iraf import daophot # Parameter to get rid of the faint stars with high magnitude error magnitude_error_threshold = 0.5 iraf.noao iraf.digiphot iraf.daophot iraf.unlearn('phot') iraf.unlearn('datapars') iraf.unlearn('photpars') iraf.unlearn('daopars') iraf.datapars.epadu = 1 iraf.datapars.readnoi = 6 iraf.datapars.datamin = "INDEF" iraf.datapars.datamax = "50000" # fwhm tarot 1.5 oaj 3.5 iraf.datapars.fwhm = fwhmpsf for filename in filelist: IMstatres = iraf.imstat(filename, Stdout=1) IMmean = IMstatres[1].split()[2] iraf.datapars.sigma = math.sqrt( float(IMmean) * float(iraf.datapars.epadu) + float(iraf.datapars.readnoi)**2) / float(iraf.datapars.epadu) print("--- performing daophot sextracting ---") iraf.daofind(filename, output="default", verify="no", verbose="no", threshold=thresh) iraf.datapars.datamax = "INDEF" print("--- performing daophot photometry ---") iraf.daophot.phot(image=filename, coords="default", output="default", interactive="no", sigma="INDEF", airmass="AIRMASS", exposure="EXPOSURE", filter="FILTER", obstime="JD", calgorithm="gauss", verify="no", verbose="no")
def errore(img,imgpsf,coordlist,size,truemag,fwhm0,leng0,_show,_interactive,_numiter,z11,z22,midpt,nax,nay,xbgord0,ybgord0,_recenter,apco0,dmax=51000, dmin=-100): import agnkey import os,sys,re,string from numpy import array,mean,std,compress,average from pyraf import iraf if not _numiter: _numiter=3 dartf=100 while dartf>=size-1: if _interactive: artfac0 =raw_input('>>> Dispersion of artificial star positions (in units of FWHM) [1] ') if not artfac0: artfac0=1 else: artfac0=1 try: artfac0=float(artfac0) if float(artfac0)>=size-1: print '!!! WARNING: '+str(artfac0)+' too large (max '+str(size)+'- 1)' print 'try again....' else: dartf = artfac0 except: print '#### WARNING: '+str(artfac0)+' should be a number !!!!' print 'try again....' agnkey.util.delete("tmpar?") agnkey.util.delete('artskyfit.fits') os.system('cp skyfit.fits artskyfit.fits') i=0 tmpart=[] while i<=8: agnkey.util.delete(",,,,") artrad = fwhm0/2. #artseed = artseed+1234 artx = int(i/3.)-1 if i<=2: arty = artx+i if 3<=i<=5: arty = artx-1+i-3 if i>=6: arty = artx-2+i-6 ff=open(img+".sn.coo",'r') ss=ff.readline() ff.close() xbb=float(string.split(ss)[0]) ybb=float(string.split(ss)[1]) xbb=xbb+artx*fwhm0*artfac0 ybb=ybb+arty*fwhm0*artfac0 agnkey.util.delete(coordlist) ff=open(coordlist,'w') ff.write(str(xbb)+' '+str(ybb)+' '+str(truemag[0])+" 1") ff.close() xb1 = int(float(xbb)-fwhm0*float(leng0)/2) xb2 = int(float(xbb)+fwhm0*float(leng0)/2) yb1 = int(float(ybb)-fwhm0*float(leng0)/2) yb2 = int(float(ybb)+fwhm0*float(leng0)/2) sec="1 "+str(xb1)+" 1 "+str(nay)+'\n' sec=sec+str(xb2)+' '+str(nax)+" 1 "+str(nay)+'\n' sesc=sec+str(xb1)+' '+str(xb2)+" 1 "+str(yb1)+'\n' sec=sec+str(xb1)+' '+str(xb2)+' '+str(yb2)+' '+str(nay)+'\n' ff = open('sec','w') ff.write(sec) ff.close() agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") iraf.addstar("artskyfit",coordlist,imgpsf,"reserr",nstar=1,veri='no',simple='yes',verb='no') # reserr = skyfit + artificial star ######## inp = "artbg.fits["+str(xb1)+":"+str(xb2)+","+str(yb1)+":"+str(yb2)+"]" out = "artsky.fits["+str(xb1)+":"+str(xb2)+","+str(yb1)+":"+str(yb2)+"]" iraf.imsurfit("reserr","artbg",xorder=xbgord0,yorder=ybgord0,regions="section",section="sec") midpt=float(iraf.imstat("artbg",field="mean", Stdout=1)[1]) iraf.imcopy('reserr.fits','artsky.fits') iraf.imcopy(inp,'artbgs.fits') iraf.imcopy("artbgs.fits",out) iraf.imarith("reserr","-","artsky","artsn",calctype="r",pixtype="r",verb='no') iraf.imarith("artsn","+",midpt,"artsn",verb='no') artap1,artap2,artap3,artmag1,artmag2,artmag3,artfitmag,arttruemag,artmagerr,artcentx,artcenty = \ fitsn(img,imgpsf,coordlist,_recenter,fwhm0,'reserr','artsn','artres',_show,_interactive,z11,z22,midpt,size,apco0,dmax) for ii in range(0,_numiter): agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") iraf.imsurfit("skyfit","artbg",xorder=xbgord0,yorder=ybgord0,regions="section",section="sec") midpt=float(iraf.imstat("artbg",field="mean", Stdout=1)[1]) iraf.imcopy("reserr.fits","artsky.fits") iraf.imcopy(inp,"artbgs.fits") iraf.imcopy("artbgs.fits",out) iraf.imarith("reserr","-","artsky","artsn",calctype="r",pixtype="r",verb='no') iraf.imarith("artsn.fits","+",midpt,"artsn.fits",verb='no') artap1,artap2,artap3,artmag1,artmag2,artmag3,artfitmag,arttruemag,artmagerr,artcentx,artcenty=fitsn(img,imgpsf,coordlist,_recenter,fwhm0,'reserr','artsn','artres',_show,_interactive,z11,z22,midpt,size,0, dmax, dmin) ####### if i==0: era='yes' else: era='no' artx = .5+.25*artx arty = .5+.25*arty if _show: _tmp1,_tmp2,goon=agnkey.util.display_image('skyfit.fits',1,'', '', False, _xcen=artx, _ycen=arty, _xsize=.25, _ysize=.25, _erase=era) try: tmpart.append(float(arttruemag[0])) except: pass i=i+1 for i in tmpart: print i print " ########## " try: media=mean(array(tmpart)) arterr=std(array(tmpart)) arterr2=std(compress((average(tmpart)-std(tmpart)<array(tmpart))&(array(tmpart)<average(tmpart)+std(tmpart)),array(tmpart))) except: media=0 arterr=0 arterr2=0 print '### average = %6.6s \t arterr= %6.6s ' % (str(media),str(arterr)) print '### %6.6s \t (error at 1 sigma rejection) ' % (str(arterr2)) agnkey.util.delete(",,,,,") agnkey.util.delete("") agnkey.util.delete("") return arterr2,arterr
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, ds9, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False,_catalog='',_datamax=''): try: import agnkey hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if 'kb' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 45000 elif 'fl' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 60000 elif 'fs' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 65000 try: #if 1==1: if 'WCSERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCSERR'] elif 'WCS_ERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCS_ERR'] print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'kb' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fl' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fs' in instrument: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except ValueError: # except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'.fits[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img+'.fits[0]', 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img+'[0]', 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) _ra1,_dec1,xx11,yy11,_mag,_dist = agnkey.agnastrodef.starsfields(img+'.fits',20,19) if len(_ra1): dist,pos0,pos1 = agnkey.agnastrodef.crossmatchxy(xs,ys,xx11,yy11,10) if len(pos0): xs = xs[pos0] ys = ys[pos0] ran = ran[pos0] decn = decn[pos0] magbest = magbest[pos0] classstar = classstar[pos0] fluxrad = fluxrad[pos0] bkg = bkg[pos0] ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) sect = '[' + str(x1) + ':' + str(x2) + ',' + str(y1) + ':' + str(y2) + ']' try: fmax = iraf.imstat(img+'.fits[0]' + sect, fields='max', Stdout=1)[1] ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) except: print sect # print 'problem here' # pass ff.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() elif _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog ' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img,inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # print '\n### use sextractor' # xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) # ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') # for i in range(len(xs)): # ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) # ff.close() ################################################################################### print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if ds9 == 0 and interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=False, Stdin=photmag) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='rectangle', length=35, label=False, Stdin=pst) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) new_cols = pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ]) tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(new_cols) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except IOError as e: print e result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
# pixtype = "",\ # calctype = "",\ # verbose = 1,\ # noact = 0,\ # mode = "ql") # os.system("rm " + "master_smooth.fits") # os.system("mv " + "temp_master_smooth.fits master_smooth.fits") smooth_max = iraf.imstat( images = "master_smooth.fits[*,1,1]",\ fields = "max",\ lower = "INDEF",\ upper = "INDEF",\ nclip = 1,\ lsigma = 5.0,\ usigma = 5.0,\ binwidth = 0.1,\ format = 1,\ cache = 1,\ mode = "al",\ Stdout = 1) iraf.imarith( operand1 = "master_smooth.fits",\ op = "/",\ operand2 = smooth_max[1],\ result = "temp_master_smooth.fits",\ title = "",\ divzero = 0.,\ hparams = "",\
def performPhotometry(task, logger): #iraf.prcacheOff() [iraf.unlearn(t) for t in ('phot','pstselect','psf','allstar')] iraf.set(imtype="fits,noinherit") # set image output format iraf.set(clobber="yes")['images'])[0] hdr = hdu.header imdata = for key,value in task['fits'].iteritems(): task[key] = hdr.get(value,1) #Sextractor to find stars; add an object for the force detect'Running SExtractor on [%s]' % os.path.basename(task['images'])) sex = sextractor.SExtractor() makeSexConfig(sex,task)['images']) catalog = sex.catalog() #Set up image parameters MIN_X = max(1,int(task['numpixx']*task['filtfactor'])) MIN_Y = max(1,int(task['numpixy']*task['filtfactor'])) MAX_X = int(task['numpixx']*(1-task['filtfactor'])) MAX_Y = int(task['numpixy']*(1-task['filtfactor'])) AREAXY = '[%s:%s,%s:%s]' % (MIN_X, MAX_X, MIN_Y, MAX_Y) AREANO = '[%s:%s,%s:%s]' % (MIN_X, MAX_X-2*MIN_X, MIN_Y, MAX_Y-2*MIN_Y) try: task['pixscale'] = abs(hdr.get('CD1_1'))*3600. except TypeError: task['pixscale'] = abs(hdr.get('CDELT1'))*3600. task['seeing'] = np.median( sorted([i['FWHM_IMAGE'] for i in catalog])[:int(-len(catalog)*0.5)] ) #Take the median of the "bottom" 50% of objects'--> %s SExtractor detected bright objects in the field' % (len(catalog),) )'--> %0.2f median FWHM of bright objects in the field, in arcsec' % (task['seeing']*task['pixscale'],)) task['objects'] = [(i['ALPHA_J2000'],i['DELTA_J2000']) for i in catalog] task['objects'].append(task['objwcs']) task['objectlist'] = open(os.path.join(task['output_directory'],'objectlist'),'w') task['objectlist'].write('\n'.join([' %s %s' % (i[0],i[1]) for i in task['objects']])) task['objectlist'].close()'Running iraf.imstat') irafoutput = iraf.imstat(images=task['images']+AREANO,fields='midpt,min,max,stddev', format=0, Stdout=1) task['nimgs'] = hdr.get('NIMGS',1) task['gain'] *= task['nimgs']*2/3. task['ron'] *= np.sqrt(task['nimgs'])/task['nimgs']*constants.INTERPSM[task['band']] task['datamean'], task['datamin'], task['datamax'], task['datastdev'] = map(float, irafoutput[0].split()) irafoutput = iraf.imstat(images=task['images'],fields='stddev,midpt',nclip=25,format=0,cache='yes',Stdout=1) task['skynoise'], task['datamean'] = map(float, irafoutput[0].split() ) task['skynoise'] *= constants.INTERPSM[task['band']] task['airmass'] = hdr.get('AIRMASS',1) task['zmag'] -= (float(task['airmass'])-1.0)*constants.extinction_coefficients[task['band']] task['match_proximity'] = 2.5 * task['seeing']'--> %5.2f counts: Sky noise, corrected for drizzle imcombine' % task['skynoise'])'--> %5.2f Median count value, after background subtraction' % task['datamean'])'--> %5.2f Airmass' % task['airmass']) #prepare temp files that iraf will use for filename in ('photfile','pstfile','psfimg','opstfile','groupfile','allstarfile','rejfile','subimage'): task[filename] = open(os.path.join(task['output_directory'],filename),'w') task[filename].close() #iraf.phot to get APP magnitudes'Running iraf.apphot.phot') #apsizes = [i*task['faperture']*task['seeing'] for i in (0.4,0.5,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0)] #irafapsizes = ','.join(['%.2f' % i for i in apsizes]) irafapsizes = '%0.2f' % (task['faperture']*task['seeing']) kwargs = dict(image=task['images'],coords=task['objectlist'].name, output=task['photfile'].name, interac='no',scale=1, fwhmpsf=task['seeing'], wcsin='world', wcsout='physical', sigma=task['skynoise'], datamin=task['datamin'], datamax=task['datamax'], readnoi=task['ron'], epadu=task['gain'], itime=task['exposure'], xairmass=task['airmass'], ifilter=task['band'], otime=task['dateobs'], aperture= irafapsizes, zmag=task['zmag'], annulus=task['fannulus']*task['seeing'], dannulus=task['fdannulus']*task['seeing'], calgorithm='gauss', cbox = 1.5*task['seeing'], maxshift=2.0*task['seeing'], mode="h",Stdout=1,verify=0) iraf.phot(**kwargs) if task['band'] not in constants.infrared: #iraf.pstselect to choose objects for PSF modelling'Running iraf.daophot.pstselect') kwargs = dict(image=task['images'], photfile=task['photfile'].name,pstfile=task['pstfile'].name, maxnpsf=task['pstnumber'], wcsin='physical', wcsout='physical', interac="no",verify='no',scale=1, fwhmpsf=task['seeing'], datamin=0, datamax=task['datamax'], psfrad=3.0*task['seeing'], fitrad=1.0*task['seeing'], recente='yes', nclean=task['nclean'], mode="h",Stdout=1) iraf.pstselect(**kwargs) #iraf.psf to model PSF'Running iraf.daophot.psf') kwargs = dict( image=task['images'], photfile=task['photfile'].name, pstfile=task['pstfile'].name, psfimage=task['psfimg'].name, opstfile=task['opstfile'].name, groupfile=task['groupfile'].name, wcsin='physical',wcsout='physical', interac="no",verify="no",scale=1, fwhmpsf=task['seeing'], sigma=task['skynoise'], datamin=task['datamin'], datamax=task['datamax'], readnoi=task['ron'], epadu=task['gain'], itime=task['exposure'], xairmass=task['airmass'], ifilter=task['band'], otime=task['dateobs'], function=task['func'], varorder=task['varorder'], saturat='no', psfrad=3.0*task['seeing'], fitrad=1.*task['faperture']*task['seeing'], nclean=task['nclean'], mergerad=1.5*task['seeing'], mode='h',Stdout=1) iraf.psf(**kwargs)'Running iraf.daophot.allstar') #iraf.allstars to compute PSF photometry; recenter with recenter='yes', mergerad=<value> to avoid duplicate detection kwargs = dict(image=task['images'], photfile=task['photfile'].name, wcsin='physical', wcsout='physical', psfimage=task['psfimg'].name, allstarf=task['allstarfile'].name, rejfile=task['rejfile'].name, subimage=task['subimage'].name, verbose=1,verify='no',scale=1, fwhmpsf=task['seeing'], sigma=task['skynoise'], datamin=task['datamin'], datamax=task['datamax'], readnoi=task['ron'], epadu=task['gain'], itime=task['exposure'], xairmass=task['airmass'], ifilter=task['band'], otime=task['dateobs'], function=task['func'], varorder=task['varorder'], psfrad=3.*task['seeing'], fitrad=1.*task['faperture']*task['seeing'], recenter='yes', mergerad=1.5*task['seeing'], mode='h',Stdout=1) iraf.allstar(**kwargs) #Parse both photometry, convert to RA,DEC,MAG,MAGERR'iraf tasks complete. Parsing results and calibrating') photometry = {} photometry['APP'] = iraf.txdump(textfiles=task['photfile'].name, fields='XCENTER,YCENTER,MAG,MERR',expr='yes', headers='no',Stdout=1) if task['band'] not in constants.infrared: photometry['PSF'] = iraf.txdump(textfiles=task['allstarfile'].name, fields='XCENTER,YCENTER,MAG,MERR',expr='yes', headers='no',Stdout=1) for phototype in photometry: kwargs = dict(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', insystem='%s physical' % task['images'], outsystem='%s world' % task['images'], ilatuni='physical', ilnguni='physical', olnguni='degrees', olatuni='degrees', ilngfor='%10.7f', ilatfor='%10.7f', olngfor='%10.5f', olatfor='%10.5f', Stdin=photometry[phototype],Stdout=1) photometry[phototype] = [i.split() for i in iraf.skyctran(**kwargs) if i and not i.startswith('#') and 'INDEF' not in i] photometry[phototype] = [map(float,(i[4],i[5],i[2],i[3])) for i in photometry[phototype] ] #Now we have [(ra,dec,'mag','mageerr'),...] results = calibrate((task['objwcs'][0],task['objwcs'][1]),task,photometry,logger) # if 'PSF' not in results: return results
_ybgord0 = ybgord0 try: float(xbgord0) float(ybgord0) checkorder = 'no' except: print 'WARNING: value not valid !!' checkorder = 'yes' iraf.imsurfit("original", "bg", xorder=xbgord0, yorder=ybgord0, regions="sections", sections="sec") midpt = float(iraf.imstat("bg", field="mean", Stdout=1)[1]) iraf.imcopy("original.fits", "sky.fits") iraf.imcopy(inp, "bgs.fits") iraf.imcopy("bgs.fits", out) iraf.imarith("original.fits", "-", "sky.fits", "sn.fits") iraf.imarith("sn.fits", "+", midpt, "sn.fits") answ0 = 'y' print answ0 if _show or _interactive: _tmp1, _tmp2, goon = agnkey.util.display_image( 'original.fits', 1, z11, z22, False, _xcen=.25,
def create_masterflat(flatdir=None, biasdir=None, channel='rc'): ''' Creates a masterflat from both dome flats and sky flats if the number of counts in the given filter is not saturated and not too low (between 1500 and 40000). ''' if (flatdir == None or flatdir==""): flatdir = "." if (biasdir == None or biasdir==""): biasdir = "." os.chdir(flatdir) if (len(glob.glob("Flat_%s*norm.fits"%channel)) == 4): print "Master Flat exists!" return else: print "Starting the Master Flat creation!" bias_slow = "Bias_%s_fast.fits"%channel bias_fast = "Bias_%s_fast.fits"%channel if (not os.path.isfile(bias_slow) and not os.path.isfile(bias_fast) ): create_masterbias(biasdir) lsflat = [] lfflat = [] #Select all filts that are Flats with same instrument for f in glob.glob("*fits"): #try: if fitsutils.has_par(f, "OBJECT"): obj = str.upper(fitsutils.get_par(f, "OBJECT")) else: continue if ( ("DOME" in obj or "FLAT" in obj) and (channel == fitsutils.get_par(f, "CHANNEL"))): if (fitsutils.get_par(f, "ADCSPEED")==2): lfflat.append(f) else: lsflat.append(f) #except: # print "Error with retrieving parameters for file", f # pass print "Files for slow flat", lsflat print "Files for fast flat", lfflat fsfile ="lflat_slow_"+channel np.savetxt(fsfile, np.array(lsflat), fmt="%s") fffile ="lflat_fast_"+channel np.savetxt(fffile, np.array(lfflat), fmt="%s") # Running IRAF iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.imred(_doprint=0) iraf.ccdred(_doprint=0) #Remove bias from the flat if len(lsflat) >0: iraf.imarith("@"+fsfile, "-", bias_slow, "b_@"+fsfile) if len(lfflat) >0: iraf.imarith("@"+fffile, "-", bias_fast, "b_@"+fffile) #Slices the flats. debiased_flats = glob.glob("b_*.fits") for f in debiased_flats: print "Slicing file", f slice_rc(f) #Remove the un-sliced file os.remove(f) #Selects the ones that are suitable given the number of counts and combines them. bands = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i'] for b in bands: out = "Flat_%s_%s.fits"%(channel, b) out_norm = out.replace(".fits","_norm.fits") if (os.path.isfile(out_norm)): print "Master Flat for filter %s exists. Skipping..."%b continue lfiles = [] for f in glob.glob('b_*_%s.fits'%b): d =[0].data if np.percentile(d, 90)>1500 and np.percentile(d, 90)<40000: lfiles.append(f) if len(lfiles) == 0: print "WARNING!!! Could not find suitable flats for band %s"%b continue ffile ="lflat_"+b np.savetxt(ffile, np.array(lfiles), fmt="%s") #Cleaning of old files if(os.path.isfile(out)): os.remove(out) if(os.path.isfile(out_norm)): os.remove(out_norm) if(os.path.isfile("Flat_stats")): os.remove("Flat_stats") #Combine flats iraf.imcombine(input = "@"+ffile, \ output = out, \ combine = "median",\ scale = "mode", weight = "exposure") iraf.imstat(out, fields="image,npix,mean,stddev,min,max,mode", Stdout="Flat_stats") st = np.genfromtxt("Flat_stats", names=True, dtype=None) #Normalize flats iraf.imarith(out, "/", st["MODE"], out_norm) #Do some cleaning print 'Removing from lfiles' for f in glob.glob('b_*_%s.fits'%b): os.remove(f) os.remove(ffile) if os.path.isfile(fsfile): os.remove(fsfile) if os.path.isfile(fffile): os.remove(fffile)
print bexoplanet #exoplanet = string.join(exoplanet,',') #create the list string of exoplanet science images #bexoplanet = string.join(bexoplanet,',')#create the list string of bexoplanet science images print '\nSubtracting superbias.fits from all '+planet+'*.fits images ....\n' for i in range(len(exoplanet)): iraf.imarith(exoplanet[i],'-','superbias.fits',bexoplanet[i]) update_progress((i+1.)/len(bexoplanet)) print '\n.... cleaning '+planet+'*.fits images\n' os.system('rm '+planet+'*.fits') print '\n Statistics of B'+planet+'*.fits images: \n' for i in range(len(bexoplanet)): iraf.imstat(bexoplanet[i]) #%% print '\nFlatfielding the B'+planet+'*.fits ....\n' #create the names for exoplanet science images with bias subtracted and flatfielding abexoplanet = [] for i in bexoplanet: abexoplanet.append('A'+i) #verify if previous superbias exist if os.path.isfile('A'+i) == True: os.system('rm A'+i) print '\n Will be create this images: \n' print abexoplanet #flatifielding images for i in range(len(abexoplanet)): iraf.imarith(bexoplanet[i],'/','superflat.fits',abexoplanet[i])
def fringe_sub(inlist, inpref='', outpref='s', mskpref='none', iternum=50, nsigma=3, bpm='none', second=False, fr_x0=0.0, fr_y0=0.0, fr_step=5, surfit=False, xsorder=4, ysorder=4): # load IRAF package iraf.proto() # check input image list inimg_arr = check_input(inlist, inpref) if isinstance(inimg_arr, int): return 1 # check output outimg_arr = check_outpref(outpref, inimg_arr) if isinstance(outimg_arr, int): return 1 # check mask images if mskpref.lower() == 'none' or mskpref == '': mask = 0 else: mask = 1 mskimg_arr = check_inpref(mskpref, inimg_arr) if isinstance(mskimg_arr, int): return 1 # check bad pixel mask if bpm.lower() != 'none': bpmex = 1 if os.access(bpm, os.R_OK) == False: print >> sys.stderr, 'cannot read bad pixel mask (%s)' % bpm return 1 else: bpmex = 0 # prefix for temoprary images tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='', prefix='', dir='/tmp') tmp_prefix = tmp.close() # subtract sky for i in range(len(inimg_arr)): if mask == 1: iraf.unlearn('mimstat') if not second: ret = iraf.mimstat(inimg_arr[i], imasks=mskimg_arr[i]+'[pl]', format='no', fields='midpt', nclip=iternum, lsigma=nsigma, usigma=nsigma, Stdout=1) else: if bpmex == 1: tmp_mask = tmp_prefix + os.path.basename(mask_img_arr[i]) iraf.imarith(maskimg_arr[i], '+', bpm, tmp_mask, verbose='no') convert_maskfits_int(tmp_mask, tmp_mask) ret = iraf.mimstat(inimg_arr[i], imasks=tmp_mask, format='no', fields='midpt', nclip=iternum, lsigma=nsigma, usigma=nsigma, Stdout=1) else: ret = iraf.mimstat(inimg_arr[i], imasks=mskimg_arr[i], format='no', fields='midpt', nclip=iternum, lsigma=nsigma, usigma=nsigma, Stdout=1) else: iraf.unlearn('imstat') ret = iraf.imstat(inimg_arr[i], format='no', fields='midpt', nclip=iternum, lsigma=nsigma, usigma=nsigma, Stdout=1) if len(ret) == 1: objmed = float(ret[0]) else : print >> sys.stderr, 'failed to calculate median of the object background' return 1 # record input fits data into memory im =[i]) im_hdr = im[0].header im_data = im[0].data out_data = im_data - objmed if surfit: out_data_org = np.copy(out_data) im.close() # fringe subtraction for NB imaging if mask == 1: if bpmex == 1: tmp_mask = tmp_prefix + os.path.basename(mask_img_arr[i]) mask_im = else: mask_im =[i]) if not second: mask_data = mask_im[1].data else: mask_data = mask_im[0].data mask_im.close() x = np.ones(out_data.shape[0]*out_data.shape[1]).reshape(out_data.shape[0],out_data.shape[1])* np.arange(out_data.shape[1]) + 1 y = (np.ones(out_data.shape[1]*out_data.shape[0]).reshape(out_data.shape[1],out_data.shape[0]) * np.arange(out_data.shape[0]) + 1).T r = np.sqrt((x-fr_x0)*(x-fr_x0) + (y-fr_y0)*(y-fr_y0)) rmax = np.max(r) rmin = np.min(r) r1 = rmin while r1 <= rmax: r2 = r1 + fr_step idx = np.logical_and(r>=r1, r<r2) out_subset = out_data[idx] if mask == 1: mask_subset = mask_data[idx] idx_sky = np.where(mask_subset == 0) #if len(out_subset[idx_sky]) != len(out_subset): # print "masked:",inimg_arr[i],r1,r2,fr_x0,fr_y0,len(out_subset[idx_sky]),"/",len(out_subset),meanclip(out_subset[idx_sky],median=1)[0],meanclip(out_subset, median=1)[0] med, sigma = meanclip(out_subset[idx_sky],median=1) else: med, sigma = meanclip(out_data[idx],median=1) out_data[idx] = out_data[idx] - med r1 += fr_step # save output fits file hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out_data) imgout = pyfits.HDUList([hdu]) imgout[0].header = im_hdr if surfit: tmp_fsub = tmp_prefix + "fsub" + os.path.basename(inimg_arr[i]) tmp_fsub_fit = tmp_prefix + "fsub_fit" + os.path.basename(inimg_arr[i]) imgout.writeto(tmp_fsub) imgout.close() iraf.imsurfit(tmp_fsub, tmp_fsub_fit, xsorder, ysorder) imfit = imfit_data = imfit[0].data out_data_fs = np.copy(out_data_org - imfit_data) r1 = rmin while r1 <= rmax: r2 = r1 + fr_step idx = np.logical_and(r>=r1, r<r2) out_subset = out_data_fs[idx] if mask == 1: mask_subset = mask_data[idx] idx_sky = np.where(mask_subset == 0) med, sigma = meanclip(out_subset[idx_sky],median=1) else: med, sigma = meanclip(out_data_fs[idx],median=1) out_data_org[idx] = out_data_org[idx] - med r1 += fr_step hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out_data_org) imgout = pyfits.HDUList([hdu]) imgout[0].header = im_hdr imgout.writeto(outimg_arr[i]) imgout.close() remove_temp_all(tmp_prefix) else: imgout.writeto(outimg_arr[i]) imgout.close() if bpmex == 1: remove_temp_all(tmp_prefix) return 0
def doflatsofi(flats, _doflat, illum, _output): # print "LOGX:: Entering `doflatsofi` method/function in %(__file__)s" % # globals() import ntt from ntt.util import display_image, delete, searchflat, name_duplicate from pyraf import iraf import glob import string onofflimit = {'J': 1000, 'H': 1000, 'Ks': 5000} masklimit = {'J': {'ON': 1000, 'OFF': 30}, 'H': { 'ON': 1000, 'OFF': 40}, 'Ks': {'ON': 1000, 'OFF': 1000}} if flats and _doflat: listaflat = [] for _filter in flats: for ID in flats[_filter]: images = flats[_filter][ID] if len(images) == 8: mflat = makeflat(images) listaflat.append(mflat) display_image(mflat, 1, '', '', False) raw_input('go on ') elif len(images) != 8: # % 8 == 0: print '\n### to compute a flat field you need a sequence of 8 calibration files in the following orders:' print 'OFF OFFMASK ONMASK ON ON ONMASK OFFMASK OFF\n' print len(images), _filter, ID tipo = ['OFF', 'OFFMASK', 'ONMASK', 'ON', 'ON', 'ONMASK', 'OFFMASK', 'OFF'] listtmp = [] ii = 0 nn = 0 for img in images: onoffvalue = float(string.split(iraf.imstat( img + '[500:600,900:1000]', Stdout=1)[1])[2]) maskvalue = float(string.split(iraf.imstat( img + '[100:200,900:1000]', Stdout=1)[1])[2]) if onoffvalue >= onofflimit[_filter]: onoff = 'ON' else: onoff = 'OFF' if maskvalue >= masklimit[_filter][onoff]: mask = 'none' else: mask = 'MASK' # display_image(img,1,'','',False) print onoff, mask, onoffvalue, maskvalue, img, tipo[nn] for img in images: onoffvalue = float(string.split(iraf.imstat( img + '[500:600,900:1000]', Stdout=1)[1])[2]) maskvalue = float(string.split(iraf.imstat( img + '[100:200,900:1000]', Stdout=1)[1])[2]) if onoffvalue >= onofflimit[_filter]: onoff = 'ON' else: onoff = 'OFF' if maskvalue >= masklimit[_filter][onoff]: mask = 'none' else: mask = 'MASK' display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) print onoff, mask, onoffvalue, maskvalue, img, tipo[nn] answ = raw_input('ok [[y]/n/r/s] ? ') if not answ: answ = 'y' if answ == 'y': listtmp.append(img) ii = ii + 1 nn = nn + 1 if len(listtmp) == 8: print '### number images selected: ', str(len(listtmp)) mflat = ntt.soficalibdef.makeflat(listtmp) listaflat.append(mflat) display_image(mflat, 1, '', '', False) nn = 0 listtmp = [] elif answ == 'r': listtmp = [] ii = 0 nn = 0 elif answ == 's': break else: print len(images), _filter, ID print '### number images selected: ', str(len(listtmp)) else: listaflat = flats listaillum = [] if illum: for _filter in illum: for ID in illum[_filter]: images = illum[_filter][ID] flatfield = searchflat(images[0], listaflat)[0] if flatfield: illum_frame = ntt.soficalibdef.makeillumination( images, flatfield) listaillum.append(illum_frame) else: print 'flat field not found' for img in listaflat: try: ntt.util.phase3header(img) # phase 3 definitions ntt.util.updateheader( img, 0, {'BUNIT': ['ADU', 'pixel units(ADU,electrons)']}) ntt.util.updateheader( img, 0, {'FILETYPE': [31202, 'flat field']}) except: print '\n### problems with phase 3 definitions' for img in listaillum: try: ntt.util.phase3header(img) # phase 3 definitions ntt.util.updateheader( img, 0, {'BUNIT': ['ADU', 'pixel units(ADU,electrons)']}) ntt.util.updateheader( img, 0, {'FILETYPE': [31213, 'illum corr frames']}) except: print '\n### problems with phase 3 definitions' return listaflat, listaillum
def create_masterbias(biasdir=None, channel='rc'): ''' Combines slow and fast readout mode biases for the specified channel. ''' iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.imred(_doprint=0) iraf.ccdred(_doprint=0) if (biasdir is None) or biasdir=="": biasdir = "." outs = "Bias_%s_slow.fits"%channel outf = "Bias_%s_fast.fits"%channel doslow = True dofast = True if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(biasdir,outs))): logger.warn( "%s master Bias exists!"%outs) doslow = False if ( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(biasdir,outf))): logger.warn("%s master Bias exists!"%outs) dofast = False if(doslow or dofast):"Starting the Master Bias creation!") else: return os.chdir(biasdir) lfastbias = [] lslowbias = [] #Select all filts that are Bias with same instrument for f in glob.glob("rc*fits"): try: if ( "BIAS" in str.upper(fitsutils.get_par(f, "IMGTYPE")) ): if (fitsutils.get_par(f, "ADCSPEED")==2): lfastbias.append(f) else: lslowbias.append(f) except: pass"Files for bias SLOW mode: %s"% lslowbias) "Files for bias FAST mode: %s"% lfastbias) if len(lfastbias) > 0 and dofast: bfile_fast ="lbias_fast_"+channel np.savetxt(bfile_fast, np.array(lfastbias), fmt="%s") if (os.path.isfile("Bias_stats_fast")): os.remove("Bias_stats_fast") iraf.imstat("@"+bfile_fast, Stdout="Bias_stats_fast") st = np.genfromtxt("Bias_stats_fast", names=True, dtype=None)"%s"%st) iraf.imcombine(input = "@"+bfile_fast, \ output = outf, \ combine = "median",\ scale = "mode") os.remove(bfile_fast) #copy into the reference folder with current date newdir = os.path.join("../../refphot/", os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(biasdir))) if (not os.path.isdir(newdir)): os.makedirs(newdir) shutil.copy(outf, os.path.join(newdir, os.path.basename(outf)) ) else: copy_ref_calib(biasdir, outf) if len(lslowbias) > 0 and doslow: bfile_slow ="lbias_slow_"+channel np.savetxt(bfile_slow, np.array(lslowbias), fmt="%s") if (os.path.isfile("Bias_stats_slow")): os.remove("Bias_stats_slow") iraf.imstat("@"+bfile_slow, Stdout="Bias_stats_slow") st = np.genfromtxt("Bias_stats_slow", names=True, dtype=None)"%s"%st) iraf.imcombine(input = "@"+bfile_slow, \ output = outs, \ combine = "median",\ scale = "mode") os.remove(bfile_slow) #copy into the reference folder with current date newdir = os.path.join("../../refphot/", os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(biasdir))) if (not os.path.isdir(newdir)): os.makedirs(newdir) shutil.copy(outs, os.path.join(newdir, os.path.basename(outs)) ) else: copy_ref_calib(biasdir, outs)
def irafflatten(): os.system('cp /Users/rfinn/clusters/spitzer/flatsexfiles/* .') infile=open('InputImageList.txt','r') outfile=open('FlatImageList.txt','w') sky=[] for line in infile: im=line[0:(len(line)-1)] mask='mask'+im skyim='s'+im outline='f'+line iraf.imgets(im,'DRIBKGND') t=iraf.imgets.value sky.append(float(t)) outfile.write(outline) #get object positions using sextractor iraf.imarith(im,'-',t,skyim)#subtract sky before running sextractor (otherwise it doesn't detect any objects - don't know why...) s='sex '+skyim os.system(s) x=[] y=[] catfile=open('','r') for line in catfile: if line.find('#') > -1: continue t=line.split() x.append(float(t[10])) y.append(float(t[11])) catfile.close() x=N.array(x,'f') y=N.array(y,'f') try:#create image of ones same size as image iraf.imarith(im,'/',im,'mask') except: iraf.imdelete('mask') iraf.imarith(im,'/',im,'mask') print "masking objects" for j in range(len(x)): #mask objects and radius around each position using imreplace, radius=10 pix for k in range(11): y1=int(y[j]+5-k) if y1 < 1: continue if y1 > 128: continue xmin=int(x[j]-5) if xmin < 1: xmin=1 xmax=int(x[j]+5) if xmax > 128: xmax=128 s='mask['+str(xmin)+':'+str(xmax)+","+str(y1)+":"+str(y1)+"]" iraf.imreplace(s,0.) iraf.imrename('mask',mask) print "updating BPM field in header" iraf.hedit(im,fields='BPM',value=mask,add='yes',verify='no',update='yes') outfile.close() infile.close() avesky=N.average(N.array(sky,'f')) lthresh=avesky-1. hthresh=avesky+.6 iraf.imcombine('@InputImageList.txt','flat',combine='average',reject='ccdclip',scale='none',zero='mode',lthreshold=lthresh,hthreshold=hthresh,lsigma=2.,hsigma=2.,rdnoise=5.,gain=5.,blank=1.,grow=12.,masktype='badvalue',maskvalue='0') t=iraf.imstat('flat',fields='mean',format='no',Stdout=1) ave=float(t[0]) iraf.imarith('flat','/',ave,'nflat') iraf.imarith('@InputImageList.txt','/','nflat','@FlatImageList.txt')
def masterflat(input_file): """ Obtain the masterflat image for calibration. ___ INPUT: For obtain this parameters, use the input_info function. data_path: string, path where are the images data. save_path: string, path where will save all reduced images. input_file: dict, with information describe in the YAML file. OUTPUT: It is possible that the function return some of these values: 0. Create the masterflat image on the save_path. 1. It do not create the masterflat image, because of some erros. """ #set original directory original_path = os.getcwd() data_path = input_file['data_path'] save_path = input_file['save_path'] #Change your directory to data diretory os.chdir(data_path) #list all flat images flat = glob.glob('flat*.fits') print 'Loading flat images \nTotal of flat files = ',len(flat),'\nFiles = \n' print flat #if save_path exist, continue; if not, create. if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) #create a list of bias images and copy images to save_path os.system('cp flat*.fits '+save_path) #creating the names of flat with bias subctracted bflat = [] for i in flat: bflat.append('B'+i) print '\n Names os flat images with bias subtracted: \n \n',bflat #change for save_path directory os.chdir(save_path) #verify if previous superbias exist if os.path.isfile('superflat.fits') == True: os.system('rm superflat.fits') #verify if exits previous bflat*.fits files and remove then. for i in bflat: if os.path.isfile(i) == True: os.system('rm -f '+i) print '\nCreating superflat .... \n' #create the list of flat images and bflat images #flat = string.join(flat,',') #bflat = string.join(bflat,',') print '\n Subtracting bias from flat images and creating bflat images.... \n' #iraf.imarith() for i in range(len(flat)): iraf.imarith(flat[i],'-','superbias.fits',bflat[i]) #print statistics from bflat*.fits images iraf.imstat(bflat[i]) print '\n .... done \n' #clean previos flat*.fits files print '\n Clean flat*.fits images .... \n' os.system('rm flat*.fits') print '\n .... done. \n' #normalizing each flat print '\nNormalizing each flat ....\n' #checking if mean from numpy is the same from your bflat images using imstat #take the mean of each bflat image bflat_mean = np.zeros(len(bflat)) for i in range(len(bflat)): image = fits.getdata(bflat[i]) image = np.array(image,dtype='Float64') bflat_mean[i] = round(np.mean(image)) image = 0 #clean image allocate to this variable print 'The mean of each bflat image, respectivaly ...' print bflat_mean #creating the names of bflat images after the normalization: abflat = [] for i in bflat: abflat.append('A'+i) print '\n Names os bflat images with bias subtracted and normalizad: \n \n',abflat #verify if exist previous ABflat*.fits images and remove then. for i in abflat: if os.path.isfile(i) == True: os.system('rm -f '+i) for i in range(len(abflat)): iraf.imarith(bflat[i],'/',bflat_mean[i],abflat[i]) print '\n.... done!\n' print '\n Cleaning bflat*.fits images ....\n' os.system('rm Bflat*.fits') print '\n.... done.\n' print 'Statistics of the abflat*.fits images .... \n' for i in range(len(abflat)): iraf.imstat(abflat[i]) print '\n Combining abflat images ....\n' ablist = string.join(abflat,',') iraf.imcombine(ablist,'superflat.fits') iraf.imstat('superflat.fits') print '\n .... done. \n' print '\nCleaning ABflat*.fits images ....\n' os.system('rm ABflat*.fits') print '\n.... done!' #Verify if the image was created: output = glob.glob('superflat*.fits') if len(output) != 0: output = 0 else: output = 1 #Return to original directory os.chdir(original_path) #last mensage print '\n MASTERFLAT.FITS created! \n' print '\n END of Data Reduction for create a masterflat.fits file. \n' #obtain the value of return if output == 1: print '!!! ERROR/WARNING !!!' print 'Check if the superbias was created or if there is more than one superbias image.' return output
def lacos_im(_input, _output='clean.fits', outmask='mask.fits', gain=1.3, readn=9, xorder=9, yorder=9, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1, skyval=0, niter=2, verbose=True, interactive=False): # print "LOGX:: Entering `lacos_im` method/function in %(__file__)s" % # globals() import ntt from ntt.util import delete import sys import re import os import string from pyraf import iraf import numpy as np iraf.convolve.bilinear = 'no' iraf.convolve.radsym = 'no' # make temporary files oldoutput, galaxy, skymod, med5 = 'oldoutput.fits', 'galaxy.fits', 'skymod.fits', 'med5.fits' blk, lapla, med3, med7, sub5, sigima, finalsel = 'blk.fits', 'lapla.fits', 'med3.fits', 'med7.fits', 'sub5.fits', 'sigima.fits', 'finalsel.fits' deriv2, noise, sigmap, firstsel, starreject = 'deriv2.fits', 'noise.fits', 'sigmap.fits', 'firstsel.fits', 'starreject.fits' inputmask, gfirstsel = 'inputmask.fits', 'gfirstsel.fits' f = open('_kernel', 'w') f.write('0 -1 0;\n-1 4 -1;\n0 -1 0') f.close() # create growth kernel f = open('_gkernel', 'w') f.write('1 1 1;\n1 1 1;\n1 1 1') f.close() gkernel = np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]) # initialize loop usegain = gain i = 1 stop = 'no' previous = 0 if not _output: _output = _input arrayinput, headerinput = ntt.cosmics.fromfits(_input, verbose=False) ntt.cosmics.tofits(outmask, np.float32( arrayinput - arrayinput), headerinput, verbose=False) delete(oldoutput) if skyval > 0: arrayoldoutput = arrayinput + skyval else: arrayoldoutput = arrayinput ntt.cosmics.tofits(oldoutput, np.float32( arrayoldoutput), headerinput, verbose=False) # start iterations while stop == 'no': # take second-order derivative (Laplacian) of input image # kernel is convolved with subsampled image, in order to remove negative # pattern around high pixels delete(blk) delete(lapla) delete(deriv2) iraf.blkrep(oldoutput, blk, 2, 2) iraf.convolve(blk, lapla, '_kernel') iraf.imreplace(lapla, 0, upper=0, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.blkavg(lapla, deriv2, 2, 2, option="average") delete(med5) # create model of background flux - 5x5 box should exclude all CRs iraf.median(oldoutput, med5, 5, 5, zlo='INDEF', zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') iraf.imreplace(med5, 0.0001, upper=0, lower='INDEF', radius=0) # create noise model delete(noise) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr='sqrt(a*' + str(usegain) + '+' + str(readn) + '**2)/' + str(usegain), a=med5, output=noise, verbose='no') # divide Laplacian by noise model delete(sigmap) iraf.imarith(deriv2, "/", noise, sigmap) # Laplacian of blkreplicated image counts edges twice: iraf.imarith(sigmap, "/", 2., sigmap) # removal of large structure (bright, extended objects) delete(med5) iraf.median(sigmap, med5, 5, 5, zlo='INDEF', zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') arraysigmap, headersigmap = ntt.cosmics.fromfits(sigmap, verbose=False) arraymed5, headermed5 = ntt.cosmics.fromfits(med5, verbose=False) arraysigmap = arraysigmap - arraymed5 iraf.imarith(sigmap, "-", med5, sigmap) # find all candidate cosmic rays # this selection includes sharp features such as stars and HII regions delete(firstsel) iraf.imcopy(sigmap, firstsel, verbose='no') iraf.imreplace(firstsel, 0, upper=sigclip, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imreplace(firstsel, 1, lower=0.1, upper='INDEF', radius=0) # arraygfirst=arraysigmap # arraygfirst = np.where(arraygfirst<sigclip,0,arraygfirst) # arraygfirst = np.where(arraygfirst>0.1,1,arraygfirst) # compare candidate CRs to median filtered image # this step rejects bright, compact sources from the initial CR list # subtract background and smooth component of objects delete(med3) delete(med7) iraf.median(oldoutput, med3, 3, 3, zlo='INDEF', zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') iraf.median(med3, med7, 7, 7, zlo='INDEF', zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') iraf.imarith(med3, "-", med7, med3) iraf.imarith(med3, "/", noise, med3) iraf.imreplace(med3, 0.01, upper=0.01, lower='INDEF', radius=0) # compare CR flux to object flux delete(starreject) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr="(a*b)/c", a=firstsel, b=sigmap, c=med3, output=starreject, verbose='no') # discard if CR flux <= objlim * object flux iraf.imreplace(starreject, 0, upper=objlim, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imreplace(starreject, 1, lower=0.5, upper='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imarith(firstsel, "*", starreject, firstsel) # grow CRs by one pixel and check in original sigma map delete(gfirstsel) iraf.convolve(firstsel, gfirstsel, '_gkernel') iraf.imreplace(gfirstsel, 1, lower=0.5, upper='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imarith(gfirstsel, "*", sigmap, gfirstsel) iraf.imreplace(gfirstsel, 0, upper=sigclip, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imreplace(gfirstsel, 1, lower=0.1, upper='INDEF', radius=0) # grow CRs by one pixel and lower detection limit sigcliplow = sigfrac * sigclip delete(finalsel) iraf.convolve(gfirstsel, finalsel, '_gkernel') iraf.imreplace(finalsel, 1, lower=0.5, upper='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imarith(finalsel, "*", sigmap, finalsel) iraf.imreplace(finalsel, 0, upper=sigcliplow, lower='INDEF', radius=0) iraf.imreplace(finalsel, 1, lower=0.1, upper='INDEF', radius=0) # determine number of CRs found in this iteration delete(gfirstsel) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr="(1-b)*a", a=outmask, b=finalsel, output=gfirstsel, verbose='no') npix = iraf.imstat(gfirstsel, fields="npix", lower=0.5, upper='INDEF', Stdout=1) # create cleaned output image; use 3x3 median with CRs excluded delete(med5) iraf.imarith(outmask, "+", finalsel, outmask) iraf.imreplace(outmask, 1, lower=1, upper='INDEF', radius=0) delete(inputmask) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr="(1-10000*a)", a=outmask, output=inputmask, verbose='no') iraf.imarith(oldoutput, "*", inputmask, inputmask) delete(med5) iraf.median(inputmask, med5, 5, 5, zloreject=- 9999, zhi='INDEF', verbose='no') iraf.imarith(outmask, "*", med5, med5) if i > 1: delete(_output) delete(_output) iraf.imutil.imexpr(expr="(1.-b)*a+c", a=oldoutput, b=outmask, c=med5, output=_output, verbose='no') # cleanup and get ready for next iteration delete(oldoutput) iraf.imcopy(_output, oldoutput, verbose='no') if npix == 0: stop = 'yes' i = i + 1 if i > niter: stop = 'yes' # delete temp files delete(blk + "," + lapla + "," + deriv2 + "," + med5) delete(med3 + "," + med7 + "," + noise + "," + sigmap) delete(firstsel + "," + starreject + "," + gfirstsel) delete(finalsel + "," + inputmask) if skyval > 0: iraf.imarith(_output, "-", skyval, _output) delete('_kernel' + "," + '_gkernel') delete(oldoutput)
def create_masterbias(biasdir=None, channel='rc'): ''' Combines slow and fast readout mode biases for the specified channel. ''' iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.imred(_doprint=0) iraf.ccdred(_doprint=0) if (biasdir == None) or biasdir=="": biasdir = "." outs = "Bias_%s_slow.fits"%channel outf = "Bias_%s_fast.fits"%channel if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(biasdir,outs)) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(biasdir,outf))): print "Master Bias exists!" return else: print "Starting the Master Bias creation!" os.chdir(biasdir) lfastbias = [] lslowbias = [] #Select all filts that are Bias with same instrument for f in glob.glob("*fits"): try: if (channel == fitsutils.get_par(f, "CHANNEL") and "BIAS" in str.upper(fitsutils.get_par(f, "OBJECT")) ): if (fitsutils.get_par(f, "ADCSPEED")==2): lfastbias.append(f) else: lslowbias.append(f) except: pass print "Files for bias SLOW mode: ", lslowbias print "Files for bias FAST mode: ", lfastbias if len(lfastbias) > 0: bfile_fast ="lbias_fast_"+channel np.savetxt(bfile_fast, np.array(lfastbias), fmt="%s") if (os.path.isfile("Bias_stats_fast")): os.remove("Bias_stats_fast") iraf.imstat("@"+bfile_fast, Stdout="Bias_stats_fast") st = np.genfromtxt("Bias_stats_fast", names=True, dtype=None) print st iraf.imcombine(input = "@"+bfile_fast, \ output = outf, \ combine = "median",\ scale = "mode") os.remove(bfile_fast) if len(lslowbias) > 0: bfile_slow ="lbias_slow_"+channel np.savetxt(bfile_slow, np.array(lslowbias), fmt="%s") if (os.path.isfile("Bias_stats_slow")): os.remove("Bias_stats_slow") iraf.imstat("@"+bfile_slow, Stdout="Bias_stats_slow") st = np.genfromtxt("Bias_stats_slow", names=True, dtype=None) print st iraf.imcombine(input = "@"+bfile_slow, \ output = outs, \ combine = "median",\ scale = "mode") os.remove(bfile_slow)
def science_reduction(input_file): """ Calibrate science images with masterflat (or superflat) and masterbias (or superbias) images. ___ INPUT: For obtain this parameters, use the input_info function. data_path: string, path where are the images data. save_path: string, path where will save all reduced images. input_file: dict, with information describe in the YAML file. OUTPUT: It is possible that the function return some of these values: 0. Create the masterflat image on the save_path. 1. It do not create the masterflat image, because of some erros. """ #name of the planet planet = input_file['exoplanet'] #set original directory original_path = os.getcwd() save_path = input_file['save_path'] data_path = input_file['data_path'] #Change your directory to data diretory os.chdir(data_path) #list all flat images exoplanet = glob.glob(planet+'*.fits') print '\nLoading exoplanet images \nTotal of '+planet+'*.fits files = ',len(exoplanet),'\nFiles = \n' print exoplanet #if save_path exist, continue; if not, create. if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) #create a list of bias images and copy images to save_path print '\nCopy science images to save_path directory to main reduction: ....' os.system('cp '+planet+'*.fits '+save_path) print '\n .... done. \n' #change to save_path os.chdir(save_path) #create the names for exoplanet science mages with bias subtracted bexoplanet = [] for i in exoplanet: bexoplanet.append('B'+i) #verify if previous superbias exist if os.path.isfile('B'+i) == True: os.system('rm B'+i) print '\n Will be create this images: \n' print bexoplanet #exoplanet = string.join(exoplanet,',') #create the list string of exoplanet science images #bexoplanet = string.join(bexoplanet,',')#create the list string of bexoplanet science images print '\nSubtracting superbias.fits from all '+planet+'*.fits images ....\n' for i in range(len(exoplanet)): iraf.imarith(exoplanet[i],'-','superbias.fits',bexoplanet[i]) use.update_progress((i+1.)/len(bexoplanet)) print '\n.... cleaning '+planet+'*.fits images\n' os.system('rm '+planet+'*.fits') print '\n Statistics of B'+planet+'*.fits images: \n' for i in range(len(bexoplanet)): iraf.imstat(bexoplanet[i]) print '\nFlatfielding the B'+planet+'*.fits ....\n' #create the names for exoplanet science images with bias subtracted and flatfielding abexoplanet = [] for i in bexoplanet: abexoplanet.append('A'+i) #verify if previous superbias exist if os.path.isfile('A'+i) == True: os.system('rm A'+i) print '\n Will be create this images: \n' print abexoplanet #flatifielding images for i in range(len(abexoplanet)): iraf.imarith(bexoplanet[i],'/','superflat.fits',abexoplanet[i]) use.update_progress((i+1.)/len(abexoplanet)) print '\n.... cleaning B'+planet+'*.fits images\n' os.system('rm B'+planet+'*.fits') print '\n Statistics of AB'+planet+'*.fits images: \n' for i in range(len(abexoplanet)): iraf.imstat(abexoplanet[i]) os.chdir(original_path) #change to save_path return
#! /usr/bin/env python from pyraf import iraf iraf.images() iraf.imstat("dev$pix")
def masterbias(input_file): """ Obtain the masterbias.fits image. ___ Input: For obtain this parameters, use the input_info function. data_path: string, path where are the images data. save_path: string, path where will save all reduced images. input_file: dict, with information describe in the YAML file. Output: It is possible that the function return some of these values: 0. Create the masterbias image on the save_path. 1. It do not create the masterbias image, because of some error ___ """ #Set original directory original_path = os.getcwd() save_path = input_file['save_path'] data_path = input_file['data_path'] #Change your directory to data diretory os.chdir(data_path) #list all bias images bias = glob.glob('bias*.fits') print 'Loading bias images \nTotal of bias files = ',len(bias),'\nFiles = \n' print bias print '\nCreating superbias \n' #if save_path exist, continue; if not, create. if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) #copy bias images to save_path os.system('cp bias*.fits '+save_path) #change to sabe_path os.chdir(save_path) #verify if previous superbias exist if os.path.isfile('superbias.fits') == True: os.system('rm superbias.fits') #create the list of bias images bias_list = string.join(bias,',') #combine the bias image and create the superbias iraf.imcombine(bias_list,'superbias.fits') iraf.imstat('superbias.fits') #clean previos bias files print '\n Cleaning bias*.fits images ....\n' os.system('rm bias*.fits') print '\n.... done.' #print output #test of outpu value #os.remove('superbias.fits') #Verify if the image was created: output = glob.glob('superbias*.fits') if len(output) != 0: output = 0 else: output = 1 #Return to original directory os.chdir(original_path) #END of the masterbias reduction messsage print '\nsuperbias.fits created!\n' print '\nEND of superbias reduction!\n' #obtain the value of return if output == 1: print '!!! ERROR/WARNING !!!' print 'Check if the superbias was created or if there is more than one superbias image.' return output