def organizeFiles(): # Create files that are usually generated by mkimset. # We have more information about how to properly group our # files together. imsetsFilename = 'standards.imageSets' obsparFilename = 'standards.obsParams' shiftsFilename = 'standards.shifts' iMagniFilename = 'standards.instMag' imsets = open(imsetsFilename, 'w') obspar = open(obsparFilename, 'w') shifts = open(shiftsFilename, 'w') for star in stars: roots = [] for filter in filters: dir = star.lower() + '_' + filter.lower() if filter == 'Lp': dir += '2' images = glob.glob(dataDir + dir + '/c????.fits') imageRoots = [] for ii in images: fileRoot = ii.split('/')[-1] imageRoots.append(fileRoot.replace('.fits', '')) roots.append(imageRoots) print star, filter, len(imageRoots) longCount = np.array([len(r) for r in roots]).max() print 'Long Count for %s = %d' % (star, longCount) for ii in range(longCount): imsets.write('%5s : ' % star) for ff in range(len(roots)): if ii < len(roots[ff]): # Write obsParams ir.txdump(roots[ff][ii] + '.phot.mag', 'IMAGE,IFILTER,ITIME,XAIRMASS,OTIME', 'yes', Stdout=obspar) # Write shifts posInfo = ir.txdump(roots[ff][ii] + '.phot.mag', 'IMAGE,XCENTER,YCENTER', 'yes', Stdout=1) posFields = posInfo[0].split() shiftX = -1.0 * float(posFields[1]) shiftY = -1.0 * float(posFields[2]) shifts.write('%-10s %7.2f %7.2f\n' % (posFields[0], shiftX, shiftY)) # Write imageSet imsets.write('%-10s ' % (roots[ff][ii] + '.fits')) else: imsets.write('%-10s ' % ('INDEF')) imsets.write('\n') imsets.close() obspar.close() shifts.close() # Now run mknobsfile ir.delete(iMagniFilename) ir.digiphot() ir.photcal() ir.unlearn('mknobsfile') ir.mknobsfile.obsparams = obsparFilename ir.mknobsfile.shifts = shiftsFilename ir.mknobsfile('*.phot.mag', ','.join(filters), imsetsFilename, iMagniFilename, verbose='no', wrap='no') # Run mkconfig ir.delete('standards.config') ir.unlearn('mkconfig') ir.mkconfig('standards.config', 'fphotcal_ukirt_faint.dat', 'fstandards.instMag.dat', 'tphotcal_ukirt_faint.dat', check='no', edit='no')
def calibphot(inlist, fwhm, rdnoise='2.6', gain='2.5', interact=yes, config='', objkey="OBJECT", airkey="AIRMASS", filtkey='FILTER', skykey='SKYBKG', phosfx="pho", possfx="pos", clobber=globclob, verbose=globver): """ perform aperture photometry on a standard field to fit the transformation equations. these transformation equations will then be applied to comparison stars' aperture photometries outputted by, in order to find the true magnitudes of the comparison stars. this will then provide and apply the corrections to the magnitude of a single target star (SN?). """ # Defaults / constants alpha=list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') psfmult=5 #standard factor (multiplied by fwhm to get psfradius) imgprop={} imglist={} allobjs={} allfilt={} # Necessary package iraf.imutil() # Parse gain/readnoise inputs gainkey=None'^!(.+)',gain)'^[\d\.]+',gain) if re1: elif re2: try: gainval=float(gain) except: print "Error converting gain" return else: print "Error finding gain" return rdnskey=None'^!(.+)',rdnoise)'^[\d\.]+',rdnoise) if re1: elif re2: try: readval=float(rdnoise) except: print "Error converting readnoise" return else: print "Error finding readnoise" return # Parse inputs infiles=iraffiles(inlist) #first make sure to add back in background of sky iraf.iqsubsky(inlist, sub=no, skykey=skykey) # Process each file in turn for image in infiles: # Check that the image is there check_exist(image,"r") # Grab all the useful keywords [sky,objname,filter,airmass] = \ get_head(image,[skykey,objkey,filtkey,airkey]) # Get gain & readnoise, if necessary if gainkey: gainval=get_head(image,gainkey) if rdnskey: readval=get_head(image,rdnskey) # Calculate theoretical sigma of sky if len(str(sky))>0: sigma= (((sky * gainval) + readval**2)**.5) / gainval else: print "Failed to retrieve sky value from image header" return # check standard field name if len(objname)==0: print "Failed to retrieve object name from image header" return # Generate posfile and phofile names posfile=objname+'.'+possfx phofile=objname+'.'+phosfx # check filter name if len(filter)==0: print "Failed to retrieve filter name from image header" return # Check airmass value if len(airmass)>0: try: airval=float(airmass) except: print "Failed to convert airmass value to float" return else: print "Failed to retrieve airmass value from image header" return # Save keyword values for this image imgprop[image]=[gainval,readval,sky,objname,filter,airmass] # Add dictionary entries for the current image listkey=objname+'-'+filter if imglist.has_key(listkey): imglist[listkey].append(image) else: imglist[listkey]=[image] # Keep track of all filters/object fields allobjs[objname]=1 allfilt[filter]=1 #add in extra range of aperture radii, leave in background? fwhmpsf=float(fwhm) ap1 = fwhmpsf ap15 = 1.5 * fwhmpsf ap2 = 2 * fwhmpsf ap25 = 2.5 * fwhmpsf ap3 = 3 * fwhmpsf innersky = 3.5 * fwhmpsf #do photometry on all stars in field check_exist(image+".mag.std.1", "w", clobber=yes) iraf.phot(image, output = image+".mag.std.1", coords=posfile, sigma=sigma, datamin = sky - 3.5*sigma, apertures = ap25, dannulus="10", annulus=innersky, verify="no") ############################## #make imsets file imsetsfile="stdfield.dat" imsetstuff = open(imsetsfile,"w") for objname in allobjs.keys(): maxnum=0 for key in imglist.keys(): if,key): maxnum=max(maxnum,len(imglist[key])) for i in range(maxnum): imset=objname+alpha[i]+" :" for key in imglist.keys(): if,key): if i<len(imglist[key]): imset+=" "+imglist[key][i] imsetstuff.write(imset+"\n") imsetstuff.close() #make observations file (specify aperture number?) obsfile = "standobs" check_exist(obsfile, "w", clobber=yes) iraf.mknobsfile(photfiles = "*.mag.std.1", idfilters = " ".join(allfilt.keys()), imsets = imsetsfile, observations = obsfile, tolerance="500") #rename stars in catalog file so they agree, print good stars to new file catpholines = getlines(phofile) s=1 newcatpholines = [catpholines[0]] lastline = catpholines[-1] lastlinedata = lastline.split() digits = len(lastlinedata[0])+1 for line in catpholines: if"vary?", line): continue ess=str(s) idlength=len(objname)+len(ess)+1 numspace= digits - idlength + 1 newline = " "*numspace+objname+"-"+ess+line[digits:] s=s+1 if not"99.999",newline): newcatpholines.append(newline) newcatdata = "\n".join(newcatpholines) newphofile = phofile+".2" newphostuff = open(phofile+".2", "w") newphostuff.write(newcatdata) newphostuff.close() #rename stars in standobs to be field-# instead of fielda-#, fieldb-#, etc #what is field? obsdatalines=getlines(obsfile) for i in range(len(obsdatalines)): line=obsdatalines[i] for objname in allobjs.keys(): if,line): index=line.index(objname) lline=list(line) lline[index:index+len(objname)+1]=list(" "+objname) line="".join(lline) obsdatalines[i]=line break newobsdata = "\n".join(obsdatalines) fixobsfile = "fix"+obsfile fixobsstuff = open(fixobsfile, "w") fixobsstuff.write(newobsdata) fixobsstuff.close() #if no config file exists, make one #first, make a file that has stetson catalog formats in it if not config: newconfig="fcat.dat" check_exist(newconfig, "w", clobber=yes) catformat=open(newconfig, "w") catinfo = ["#Declare the catalog variables", " ", "catalog", " ", " B\t2", "Berror\t3", "V\t6", "Verror\t7", "R\t10", "Rerror\t11", "I\t14", "Ierror\t15"] catdata = "\n".join(catinfo) catformat.write(catdata) catformat.close() config="cat.cfg" transfile="ftrans.dat" check_exist(transfile, "w", clobber=yes) transstuff=open(transfile, "w") transinfo = ["transformation", " ", "fit v1 = 0, v2 = 0.17, v3= 0", "fit b1 = 0, b2 = 0.35, b3= 0", "fit r1 = 0, r2 = 0.08, r3= 0", " ", "const v4 = 0", "const b4 = 0", "const r4 = 0", " ", "Vfit : V = mV + v1 + v2*XV + v3*(mB-mV) + v4*(mB-mV)*XV", "Bfit : B = mB + b1 + b2*XB + b3*(mB-mV) + b4*(mB-mV)*XB", "Rfit : R = mR + r1 + r2*XR + r3*(mV-mR) + r4*(mV-mR)*XR"] transdata = "\n".join(transinfo)+"\n" transstuff.write(transdata) transstuff.close() check_exist(config, "w", clobber=yes) iraf.mkconfig(config, catalog = newconfig, observations = "f"+obsfile+".dat", transform=transfile, check=no, edit=no) #fit parameters of transformation equations (specify aperture in ansfile?) ansfile = objname+".ans.1" check_exist(ansfile, "w", clobber=yes) iraf.fitparams(observations = fixobsfile, catalogs = newphofile, config=config, parameters = ansfile, interactive = interact) #apply to standard stars to check to make sure fits are okay? calibfile = objname+".calib.1" check_exist(calibfile, "w", clobber=yes) iraf.evalfit(observations = fixobsfile, config = config, parameters = ansfile, calib = calibfile)
def calibphot(inlist, fwhm, rdnoise='2.6', gain='2.5', interact=yes, config='', objkey="OBJECT", airkey="AIRMASS", filtkey='FILTER', skykey='SKYBKG', phosfx="pho", possfx="pos", clobber=globclob, verbose=globver): """ perform aperture photometry on a standard field to fit the transformation equations. these transformation equations will then be applied to comparison stars' aperture photometries outputted by, in order to find the true magnitudes of the comparison stars. this will then provide and apply the corrections to the magnitude of a single target star (SN?). """ # Defaults / constants alpha = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') psfmult = 5 #standard factor (multiplied by fwhm to get psfradius) imgprop = {} imglist = {} allobjs = {} allfilt = {} # Necessary package iraf.imutil() # Parse gain/readnoise inputs gainkey = None re1 ='^!(.+)', gain) re2 ='^[\d\.]+', gain) if re1: gainkey = elif re2: try: gainval = float(gain) except: print "Error converting gain" return else: print "Error finding gain" return rdnskey = None re1 ='^!(.+)', rdnoise) re2 ='^[\d\.]+', rdnoise) if re1: rdnskey = elif re2: try: readval = float(rdnoise) except: print "Error converting readnoise" return else: print "Error finding readnoise" return # Parse inputs infiles = iraffiles(inlist) #first make sure to add back in background of sky iraf.iqsubsky(inlist, sub=no, skykey=skykey) # Process each file in turn for image in infiles: # Check that the image is there check_exist(image, "r") # Grab all the useful keywords [sky,objname,filter,airmass] = \ get_head(image,[skykey,objkey,filtkey,airkey]) # Get gain & readnoise, if necessary if gainkey: gainval = get_head(image, gainkey) if rdnskey: readval = get_head(image, rdnskey) # Calculate theoretical sigma of sky if len(str(sky)) > 0: sigma = (((sky * gainval) + readval**2)**.5) / gainval else: print "Failed to retrieve sky value from image header" return # check standard field name if len(objname) == 0: print "Failed to retrieve object name from image header" return # Generate posfile and phofile names posfile = objname + '.' + possfx phofile = objname + '.' + phosfx # check filter name if len(filter) == 0: print "Failed to retrieve filter name from image header" return # Check airmass value if len(airmass) > 0: try: airval = float(airmass) except: print "Failed to convert airmass value to float" return else: print "Failed to retrieve airmass value from image header" return # Save keyword values for this image imgprop[image] = [gainval, readval, sky, objname, filter, airmass] # Add dictionary entries for the current image listkey = objname + '-' + filter if imglist.has_key(listkey): imglist[listkey].append(image) else: imglist[listkey] = [image] # Keep track of all filters/object fields allobjs[objname] = 1 allfilt[filter] = 1 #add in extra range of aperture radii, leave in background? fwhmpsf = float(fwhm) ap1 = fwhmpsf ap15 = 1.5 * fwhmpsf ap2 = 2 * fwhmpsf ap25 = 2.5 * fwhmpsf ap3 = 3 * fwhmpsf innersky = 3.5 * fwhmpsf #do photometry on all stars in field check_exist(image + ".mag.std.1", "w", clobber=yes) iraf.phot(image, output=image + ".mag.std.1", coords=posfile, sigma=sigma, datamin=sky - 3.5 * sigma, apertures=ap25, dannulus="10", annulus=innersky, verify="no") ############################## #make imsets file imsetsfile = "stdfield.dat" imsetstuff = open(imsetsfile, "w") for objname in allobjs.keys(): maxnum = 0 for key in imglist.keys(): if, key): maxnum = max(maxnum, len(imglist[key])) for i in range(maxnum): imset = objname + alpha[i] + " :" for key in imglist.keys(): if, key): if i < len(imglist[key]): imset += " " + imglist[key][i] imsetstuff.write(imset + "\n") imsetstuff.close() #make observations file (specify aperture number?) obsfile = "standobs" check_exist(obsfile, "w", clobber=yes) iraf.mknobsfile(photfiles="*.mag.std.1", idfilters=" ".join(allfilt.keys()), imsets=imsetsfile, observations=obsfile, tolerance="500") #rename stars in catalog file so they agree, print good stars to new file catpholines = getlines(phofile) s = 1 newcatpholines = [catpholines[0]] lastline = catpholines[-1] lastlinedata = lastline.split() digits = len(lastlinedata[0]) + 1 for line in catpholines: if"vary?", line): continue ess = str(s) idlength = len(objname) + len(ess) + 1 numspace = digits - idlength + 1 newline = " " * numspace + objname + "-" + ess + line[digits:] s = s + 1 if not"99.999", newline): newcatpholines.append(newline) newcatdata = "\n".join(newcatpholines) newphofile = phofile + ".2" newphostuff = open(phofile + ".2", "w") newphostuff.write(newcatdata) newphostuff.close() #rename stars in standobs to be field-# instead of fielda-#, fieldb-#, etc #what is field? obsdatalines = getlines(obsfile) for i in range(len(obsdatalines)): line = obsdatalines[i] for objname in allobjs.keys(): if, line): index = line.index(objname) lline = list(line) lline[index:index + len(objname) + 1] = list(" " + objname) line = "".join(lline) obsdatalines[i] = line break newobsdata = "\n".join(obsdatalines) fixobsfile = "fix" + obsfile fixobsstuff = open(fixobsfile, "w") fixobsstuff.write(newobsdata) fixobsstuff.close() #if no config file exists, make one #first, make a file that has stetson catalog formats in it if not config: newconfig = "fcat.dat" check_exist(newconfig, "w", clobber=yes) catformat = open(newconfig, "w") catinfo = [ "#Declare the catalog variables", " ", "catalog", " ", " B\t2", "Berror\t3", "V\t6", "Verror\t7", "R\t10", "Rerror\t11", "I\t14", "Ierror\t15" ] catdata = "\n".join(catinfo) catformat.write(catdata) catformat.close() config = "cat.cfg" transfile = "ftrans.dat" check_exist(transfile, "w", clobber=yes) transstuff = open(transfile, "w") transinfo = [ "transformation", " ", "fit v1 = 0, v2 = 0.17, v3= 0", "fit b1 = 0, b2 = 0.35, b3= 0", "fit r1 = 0, r2 = 0.08, r3= 0", " ", "const v4 = 0", "const b4 = 0", "const r4 = 0", " ", "Vfit : V = mV + v1 + v2*XV + v3*(mB-mV) + v4*(mB-mV)*XV", "Bfit : B = mB + b1 + b2*XB + b3*(mB-mV) + b4*(mB-mV)*XB", "Rfit : R = mR + r1 + r2*XR + r3*(mV-mR) + r4*(mV-mR)*XR" ] transdata = "\n".join(transinfo) + "\n" transstuff.write(transdata) transstuff.close() check_exist(config, "w", clobber=yes) iraf.mkconfig(config, catalog=newconfig, observations="f" + obsfile + ".dat", transform=transfile, check=no, edit=no) #fit parameters of transformation equations (specify aperture in ansfile?) ansfile = objname + ".ans.1" check_exist(ansfile, "w", clobber=yes) iraf.fitparams(observations=fixobsfile, catalogs=newphofile, config=config, parameters=ansfile, interactive=interact) #apply to standard stars to check to make sure fits are okay? calibfile = objname + ".calib.1" check_exist(calibfile, "w", clobber=yes) iraf.evalfit(observations=fixobsfile, config=config, parameters=ansfile, calib=calibfile)