def make_routable_request(dbsession: Optional[Session],
                          registry: Registry,
                          path="/") -> IRequest:
    """Creates a dummy request that has route_url and other routing methods.

    As this request does not get HTTP hostname and such stuff from WSGI environment, a configuration variable ``websauna.site_url`` is passed as the base URL.

    See also :func:`make_dummy_request`.

    :param dbsession: Use existing dbsession or set to ``None`` to generate a new dbsession and transaction manager. None that this TM is not the thread local transaction manager in ``transaction.mananger``.

    base_url = registry.get("websauna.site_url", None)

    # TODO: Honour request_factory here
    request = Request.blank(path, base_url=base_url)
    # apply_request_extensions()?
    request.registry = registry
    request.user = None

    if dbsession:
        request.dbsession = dbsession
        tm = TransactionManager()
        dbsession = create_dbsession(request.registry, tm)
        request.dbsession = dbsession
        request.tm = request.transaction_manager = tm

        def terminate_session(request):
            # Close db session at the end of the request and return the db connection back to the pool


    return request