def __save_ifgs_dict_with_headers_and_epochs(dest_tifs, ifgs_dict, params,
    tmpdir = params[cf.TMPDIR]
    if not os.path.exists(tmpdir):

    preread_ifgs_file = Configuration.preread_ifgs(params)
    nifgs = len(dest_tifs)
    # add some extra information that's also useful later
    gt, md, wkt = shared.get_geotiff_header_info(
    epochlist = algorithm.get_epochs(ifgs_dict)[0]
    log.info('Found {} unique epochs in the {} interferogram network'.format(
        len(epochlist.dates), nifgs))
    ifgs_dict['epochlist'] = epochlist
    ifgs_dict['gt'] = gt
    ifgs_dict['md'] = md
    ifgs_dict['wkt'] = wkt
    # dump ifgs_dict file for later use
    cp.dump(ifgs_dict, open(preread_ifgs_file, 'wb'))

    for k in ['gt', 'epochlist', 'md', 'wkt']:

    return ifgs_dict
    def test_get_epochs(self):
        def str2date(s):
            segs = s[:4], s[4:6], s[6:]  # year, month, day
            return date(*[int(sg) for sg in segs])

        raw_date = [
            '20060619', '20060828', '20061002', '20061106', '20061211',
            '20070115', '20070219', '20070326', '20070430', '20070604',
            '20070709', '20070813', '20070917'

        exp_dates = [str2date(d) for d in raw_date]
        exp_repeat = [1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2]
        exp_spans = [
            0, 0.1916, 0.2875, 0.3833, 0.4791, 0.5749, 0.6708, 0.7666, 0.8624,
            0.9582, 1.0541, 1.1499, 1.2457

        ifms = join(SML_TEST_TIF, "ifms_17")
        ifgs = [Ifg(join(SML_TEST_TIF, p)) for p in parse_namelist(ifms)]
        for i in ifgs:

        epochs = get_epochs(ifgs)[0]

        self.assertTrue((exp_dates == epochs.dates).all())
        self.assertTrue((exp_repeat == epochs.repeat).all())
        assert_array_almost_equal(exp_spans, epochs.spans, decimal=4)
    def test_mst_matrix_as_array(self):
        # Verifies MST matrix func returns array with dict/trees in each cell
        for i in self.ifgs[3:]:
            i.phase_data[0, 1] = 0  # partial stack of NODATA to one cell

        for i in self.ifgs:
            i.convert_to_nans()  # zeros to NaN/NODATA

        epochs = algorithm.get_epochs(self.ifgs)[0]
        res = mst._mst_matrix_as_array(self.ifgs)
        ys, xs = res.shape

        for y, x in product(range(ys), range(xs)):
            r = res[y, x]
            num_nodes = len(r)
            self.assertTrue(num_nodes < len(epochs.dates))

            stack = array([i.phase_data[y, x]
                           for i in self.ifgs])  # 17 ifg stack
                0 == nsum(stack == 0))  # all 0s should be converted
            nc = nsum(isnan(stack))
            exp_count = len(epochs.dates) - 1

            if nc == 0:
                self.assertEqual(num_nodes, exp_count)
            elif nc > 5:
                # rough test: too many nans must reduce the total tree size
                self.assertTrue(num_nodes <= (17 - nc))
def _create_ifg_dict(dest_tifs, params):
    1. Convert ifg phase data into numpy binary files.
    2. Save the preread_ifgs dict with information about the ifgs that are
    later used for fast loading of Ifg files in IfgPart class

    :param list dest_tifs: List of destination tifs
    :param dict params: Config dictionary
    :param list tiles: List of all Tile instances

    :return: preread_ifgs: Dictionary containing information regarding
                interferograms that are used later in workflow
    :rtype: dict
    ifgs_dict = {}
    nifgs = len(dest_tifs)
    process_tifs = mpiops.array_split(dest_tifs)
    for d in process_tifs:
        ifg = shared._prep_ifg(d, params)
        ifgs_dict[d] = PrereadIfg(path=d,
    ifgs_dict = _join_dicts(mpiops.comm.allgather(ifgs_dict))

    preread_ifgs_file = join(params[cf.TMPDIR], 'preread_ifgs.pk')

    if mpiops.rank == MASTER_PROCESS:

        # add some extra information that's also useful later
        gt, md, wkt = shared.get_geotiff_header_info(process_tifs[0])
        epochlist = algorithm.get_epochs(ifgs_dict)[0]
            'Found {} unique epochs in the {} interferogram network'.format(
                len(epochlist.dates), nifgs))
        ifgs_dict['epochlist'] = epochlist
        ifgs_dict['gt'] = gt
        ifgs_dict['md'] = md
        ifgs_dict['wkt'] = wkt
        # dump ifgs_dict file for later use
        cp.dump(ifgs_dict, open(preread_ifgs_file, 'wb'))

    preread_ifgs = OrderedDict(
        sorted(cp.load(open(preread_ifgs_file, 'rb')).items()))
    log.debug('Finished converting phase_data to numpy in process {}'.format(
    return preread_ifgs
def write_timeseries_geotiff(ifgs, params, tsincr, pr_type):
    # setup metadata for writing into result files
    gt, md, wkt = get_geotiff_header_info(ifgs[0].data_path)
    epochlist = algorithm.get_epochs(ifgs)[0]

    for i in range(tsincr.shape[2]):
        md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates[i + 1]
        md['SEQUENCE_POSITION'] = i + 1  # sequence position

        data = tsincr[:, :, i]
        dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR],
                    pr_type + "_" + str(epochlist.dates[i + 1]) + ".tif")
        md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = pr_type
        write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, data, dest, np.nan)
def linear_rate_array(tscuml, ifgs, params):
    This function loops over all pixels in a 3-dimensional cumulative
    time series array and calculates the linear rate (line of best fit)
    for each pixel using linear regression.

    :param ndarray tscuml: 3-dimensional cumulative time series array
    :param list ifgs: list of interferogram class objects.
    :param dict params: Configuration parameters

    :return: linrate: Linear rate map from linear regression
    :rtype: ndarray
    :return: intercept: Array of Y-axis intercepts from linear regression
    :rtype: ndarray
    :return: rsquared: Array of R-squared value of the linear regression
    :rtype: ndarray
    :return: error: Array of standard errors of the linear regression
    :rtype: ndarray
    :return: samples: Number of observations used in linear regression for each pixel
    :rtype: ndarray
    b0_mat, interp, p_thresh, sm_factor, sm_order, ts_method, ifg_data, mst, \
        ncols, nrows, nvelpar, span, tsvel_matrix = \
        _time_series_setup(ifgs, params)

    epochlist = get_epochs(ifgs)[0]
    # get cumulative time per epoch
    t = asarray(epochlist.spans)

    # test for equal length of input vectors
    if tscuml.shape[2] != len(t):
        raise TimeSeriesError(
            "linear_rate_array: tscuml and nepochs are not equal length")

    # preallocate empty arrays for results
    linrate = np.empty([nrows, ncols], dtype=float32)
    rsquared = np.empty([nrows, ncols], dtype=float32)
    error = np.empty([nrows, ncols], dtype=float32)
    intercept = np.empty([nrows, ncols], dtype=np.float32)
    samples = np.empty([nrows, ncols], dtype=np.float32)

    # pixel-by-pixel calculation.
    # nested loops to loop over the 2 image dimensions
    for i in range(nrows):
        for j in range(ncols):
            linrate[i, j], intercept[i, j], rsquared[i, j], error[i, j], samples[i, j] = \
                linear_rate_pixel(tscuml[i, j, :], t)

    return linrate, intercept, rsquared, error, samples
def write_stackrate_tifs(ifgs, params, res):
    rate, error, samples = res
    gt, md, wkt = get_geotiff_header_info(ifgs[0].data_path)
    epochlist = algorithm.get_epochs(ifgs)[0]
    dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], "stack_rate.tif")
    md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates
    md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.STACKRATE
    write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, rate, dest, np.nan)
    dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], "stack_error.tif")
    md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.STACKERROR
    write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, error, dest, np.nan)
    dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], "stack_samples.tif")
    md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.STACKSAMP
    write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, samples, dest, np.nan)
    write_stackrate_numpy_files(error, rate, samples, params)
def write_linrate_tifs(ifgs, params, res):
    # log.info('Writing linrate results')
    rate, error, samples = res
    gt, md, wkt = get_geotiff_header_info(ifgs[0].data_path)
    epochlist = algorithm.get_epochs(ifgs)[0]
    dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], "linrate.tif")
    md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates
    md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.LINRATE
    write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, rate, dest, np.nan)
    dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], "linerror.tif")
    md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.LINERROR
    write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, error, dest, np.nan)
    dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], "linsamples.tif")
    md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.LINSAMP
    write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, samples, dest, np.nan)
    write_linrate_numpy_files(error, rate, samples, params)
def _time_series_setup(ifgs, mst, params):
    Convenience function for setting up time series computation parameters
    if len(ifgs) < 1:
        msg = 'Time series requires 2+ interferograms'
        raise TimeSeriesError(msg)

    # if mst is not a single tree then do interpolation
    interp = 0 if mst_module.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs)[1] else 1

    # Parallel Processing parameters
    parallel = params[cf.PARALLEL]
    # Time Series parameters
    tsmethod = params[cf.TIME_SERIES_METHOD]

    pthresh, smfactor, smorder = _validate_params(params, tsmethod)

    epochlist = get_epochs(ifgs)[0]
    nrows = ifgs[0].nrows
    ncols = ifgs[0].ncols
    nifgs = len(ifgs)
    span = diff(epochlist.spans)
    nepoch = len(epochlist.dates)  # epoch number
    nvelpar = nepoch - 1  # velocity parameters number
    # nlap = nvelpar - smorder  # Laplacian observations number
    mast_slave_ids = master_slave_ids(epochlist.dates)
    imaster = [mast_slave_ids[ifg.master] for ifg in ifgs]
    islave = [mast_slave_ids[ifg.slave] for ifg in ifgs]
    imaster = min(imaster, islave)
    islave = max(imaster, islave)
    b0_mat = zeros((nifgs, nvelpar))
    for i in range(nifgs):
        b0_mat[i, imaster[i]:islave[i]] = span[imaster[i]:islave[i]]

    # change the sign if slave is earlier than master
    isign = where(np.atleast_1d(imaster) > np.atleast_1d(islave))
    b0_mat[isign[0], :] = -b0_mat[isign[0], :]
    tsvel_matrix = np.empty(shape=(nrows, ncols, nvelpar), dtype=float32)
    ifg_data = np.zeros((nifgs, nrows, ncols), dtype=float32)
    for ifg_num in range(nifgs):
        ifg_data[ifg_num] = ifgs[ifg_num].phase_data
    if mst is None:
        mst = ~isnan(ifg_data)
    return b0_mat, interp, pthresh, smfactor, smorder, tsmethod, ifg_data, \
        mst, ncols, nrows, nvelpar, parallel, span, tsvel_matrix
def get_nml(ifg_list_instance, nodata_value, nan_conversion=False):
    :param xxx(eg str, tuple, int, float...) ifg_list_instance: xxxx
    :param float nodata_value: No data value in image
    :param bool nan_conversion: Convert NaNs
    :return: ifg_list_instance: replaces in place
    :rtype: list
    :return: _epoch_list: list of epochs
    :rtype: list
    _epoch_list, n = algorithm.get_epochs(ifg_list_instance.ifgs)
    if nan_conversion:
        # turn on for nan conversion
    return ifg_list_instance, _epoch_list
def _ts_to_ifgs(tsincr, preread_ifgs):
    Function that converts an incremental displacement time series into
    interferometric phase observations. Used to re-construct an interferogram
    network from a time series.

    :param ndarray tsincr: incremental time series array of size
                (ifg.shape, nepochs-1)
    :param dict preread_ifgs: Dictionary of shared.PrereadIfg class instances

    :return: None, interferograms are saved to disk
    log.debug('Reconstructing interferometric observations from time series')
    ifgs = list(OrderedDict(sorted(preread_ifgs.items())).values())
    _, n = get_epochs(ifgs)
    index_master, index_slave = n[:len(ifgs)], n[len(ifgs):]
    for i, ifg in enumerate(ifgs):
        phase = np.sum(tsincr[:, :, index_master[i]:index_slave[i]], axis=2)
        _save_aps_corrected_phase(ifg.path, phase)