    def rotate(self, rotation: List[float]) -> None:
        """Rotates a transformation matrix.

        :param rotation: The x, y, z rotation to perform (in radians).
        m = vrep.simGetObjectMatrix(self._handle, -1)
        x_axis = [m[0], m[4], m[8]]
        y_axis = [m[1], m[5], m[9]]
        z_axis = [m[2], m[6], m[10]]
        axis_pos = vrep.simGetObjectPosition(self._handle, -1)
        m = vrep.simRotateAroundAxis(m, z_axis, axis_pos, rotation[2])
        m = vrep.simRotateAroundAxis(m, y_axis, axis_pos, rotation[1])
        m = vrep.simRotateAroundAxis(m, x_axis, axis_pos, rotation[0])
        vrep.simSetObjectMatrix(self._handle, -1, m)
    def set_matrix(self, matrix: List[float], relative_to=None) -> None:
        """Sets the transformation matrix of this object.

        :param relative_to: Indicates relative to which reference frame the
            matrix is specified. Specify None to set the absolute transformation
            matrix, or an Object relative to whose reference frame the
            transformation matrix is specified.
        :param matrix: A list of 12 float values (the last row of the 4x4 matrix
            (0,0,0,1) is not needed).
                The x-axis of the orientation component is (m[0], m[4], m[8])
                The y-axis of the orientation component is (m[1], m[5], m[9])
                The z-axis of the orientation component is (m[2], m[6], m[10])
                The translation component is (m[3], m[7], m[11])
        relto = -1 if relative_to is None else relative_to.get_handle()
        vrep.simSetObjectMatrix(self._handle, relto, matrix)