def main():
    not_allowed = none
    with open(policy_file, 'rb') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        for row in reader:
            not_allowed = not_allowed match(srcmac=MAC(row['mac_0']), dstmac=MAC(row['mac_1'])) match(srcmac=MAC(row['mac_1']), dstmac=MAC(row['mac_0']))

    allowed = ~not_allowed
    return  allowed>>act_like_switch()
def main():
    # start with a policy that doesn't match any packets
    not_allowed = none
    # and add traffic that isn't allowed
    with open(policy_file, 'rb') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        for row in reader:
            not_allowed = not_allowed | union([match(srcmac=MAC(row['mac_0']), dstmac=MAC(row['mac_1'])) | match(srcmac=MAC(row['mac_1']), dstmac=MAC(row['mac_0']))])

    # express allowed traffic in terms of not_allowed - hint use '~'
    allowed = ~not_allowed
#    allowed = if_(not_allowed, drop, passthrough)

    # and only send allowed traffic to the mac learning (act_like_switch) logic
    return allowed >> act_like_switch()
def main():
    # start with a policy that doesn't match any packets
    not_allowed = none
    # and add traffic that isn't allowed
    with open(policy_file, 'rb') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        for row in reader:
            not_allowed = not_allowed + match(
                srcmac=MAC(row['mac_0']), dstmac=MAC(row['mac_1'])) + match(
                    srcmac=MAC(row['mac_1']), dstmac=MAC(row['mac_0']))

    # express allowed traffic in terms of not_allowed - hint use '~'
    allowed = ~not_allowed
    #    allowed = if_(not_allowed, drop, passthrough)

    # and only send allowed traffic to the mac learning (act_like_switch) logic
    return allowed >> act_like_switch()
def main():
    # Copy the code you used to read firewall-policies.csv last week

    # start with a policy that doesn't match any packets
    not_allowed = none
    # and add traffic that isn't allowed
    with open(policyFile, "r") as csvfile:
        dictReader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
        for connectionPair in dictReader:
            forward = match(srcmac=MAC(connectionPair['mac_0']), dstmac=MAC(connectionPair['mac_1'])) 
            reverse = match(srcmac=MAC(connectionPair['mac_1']), dstmac=MAC(connectionPair['mac_0']))
            not_allowed = not_allowed + (forward + reverse)

    # express allowed traffic in terms of not_allowed - hint use '~'
    allowed = ~not_allowed

    # and only send allowed traffic to the mac learning (act_like_switch) logic
    return allowed >> act_like_switch()
from pyretic.lib.corelib import *
from pyretic.lib.std import *
from pyretic.modules.mac_learner import mac_learner as act_like_switch
import csv, os

policy_file = "%s/pyretic/pyretic/examples/firewall-policies.csv" % os.environ[ 'HOME' ]

def main():

    # start with a policy that doesn't match any packets
    not_allowed = none
    # and add traffic that isn't allowed
    for <each pair of MAC address in firewall-policies.csv>:
        not_allowed = not_allowed + ( <traffic going in one direction> ) + ( <traffic going in the other direction> )

    # express allowed traffic in terms of not_allowed - hint use '~'
    allowed = <...>

    # and only send allowed traffic to the mac learning (act_like_switch) logic
    return allowed >> act_like_switch()