def main(): # init args args = parse_args() assert args.config_file is not None, 'a config file must be provided!' # init and load retrieval pipeline settings cfg = get_defaults_cfg() cfg = setup_cfg(cfg, args.config_file, args.opts) # load features query_fea, query_info, _ = feature_loader.load(cfg.index.query_fea_dir, cfg.index.feature_names) gallery_fea, gallery_info, _ = feature_loader.load( cfg.index.gallery_fea_dir, cfg.index.feature_names) # build helper and index features index_helper = build_index_helper(cfg.index) index_result_info, query_fea, gallery_fea = index_helper.do_index( query_fea, query_info, gallery_fea) # build helper and evaluate results evaluate_helper = build_evaluate_helper(cfg.evaluate) mAP, recall_at_k = evaluate_helper.do_eval(index_result_info, gallery_info) # show results evaluate_helper.show_results(mAP, recall_at_k)
def main(): start = time.time() # init args args = parse_args() assert args.config_file is not None, 'a config file must be provided!' # init and load retrieval pipeline settings cfg = get_defaults_cfg() cfg = setup_cfg(cfg, args.config_file, args.opts) # load features query_fea, query_info, _ = feature_loader.load(cfg.index.query_fea_dir, cfg.index.feature_names) gallery_fea, gallery_info, _ = feature_loader.load( cfg.index.gallery_fea_dir, cfg.index.feature_names) print("using init_load time: {:6f}s".format(time.time() - start)) # build helper and index features index_helper = build_index_helper(cfg.index) index_result_info, query_fea, gallery_fea = index_helper.do_index( query_fea, query_info, gallery_fea) # # build helper and evaluate results # evaluate_helper = build_evaluate_helper(cfg.evaluate) # mAP, recall_at_k = evaluate_helper.do_eval(index_result_info, gallery_info) # # show results # evaluate_helper.show_results(mAP, recall_at_k) save_result(args.save_file, index_result_info, query_info, gallery_info) save_result_n(r"./result_tmp/submission_30.csv", index_result_info, query_info, gallery_info) print("using total time: {:6f}s".format(time.time() - start))
def main(): # init args args = parse_args() assert args.save_path is not None, 'the save path must be provided!' assert args.search_modules is not None, 'the search modules must be provided!' # init retrieval pipeline settings cfg = get_defaults_cfg() # load search space datasets = load_datasets() pre_processes = importlib.import_module("{}.pre_process_dict".format( args.search_modules)).pre_processes models = importlib.import_module("{}.extract_dict".format( args.search_modules)).models extracts = importlib.import_module("{}.extract_dict".format( args.search_modules)).extracts # search in an exhaustive way for data_name, data_args in datasets.items(): for pre_proc_name, pre_proc_args in pre_processes.items(): for model_name, model_args in models.items(): feature_full_name = data_name + "_" + pre_proc_name + "_" + model_name print(feature_full_name) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.save_path, feature_full_name)): print("[Search Extract]: config exists...") continue # load retrieval pipeline settings cfg.datasets.merge_from_other_cfg(pre_proc_args) cfg.model.merge_from_other_cfg(model_args) cfg.extract.merge_from_other_cfg(extracts[model_name]) # build dataset and dataloader dataset = build_folder(data_args, cfg.datasets) dataloader = build_loader(dataset, cfg.datasets) # build model model = build_model(cfg.model) # build helper and extract features extract_helper = build_extract_helper(model, cfg.extract) extract_helper.do_extract(dataloader, save_path=os.path.join( args.save_path, feature_full_name))
def main(): # init args args = parse_args() # init retrieval pipeline settings cfg = get_defaults_cfg() # load search space datasets = load_datasets() pre_processes = importlib.import_module("{}.pre_process_dict".format(args.search_modules)).pre_processes models = importlib.import_module("{}.extract_dict".format(args.search_modules)).models extracts = importlib.import_module("{}.extract_dict".format(args.search_modules)).extracts for data_name, data_args in datasets.items(): for pre_proc_name, pre_proc_args in pre_processes.items(): for model_name, model_args in models.items(): feature_full_name = data_name + "_" + pre_proc_name + "_" + model_name print(feature_full_name) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.save_path, feature_full_name)): print("[Search Extract]: config exists...") continue # load retrieval pipeline settings cfg.datasets.merge_from_other_cfg(pre_proc_args) cfg.model.merge_from_other_cfg(model_args) cfg.extract.merge_from_other_cfg(extracts[model_name]) # set train feature path for pwa pwa_train_fea_dir = os.path.join("/data/features/test_gap_gmp_gem_crow_spoc", feature_full_name) if "query" in pwa_train_fea_dir: pwa_train_fea_dir.replace("query", "gallery") elif "paris" in pwa_train_fea_dir: pwa_train_fea_dir.replace("paris", "oxford_gallery") print("[PWA Extractor]: train feature: {}".format(pwa_train_fea_dir)) cfg.extract.aggregators.PWA.train_fea_dir = pwa_train_fea_dir # build dataset and dataloader dataset = build_folder(data_args, cfg.datasets) dataloader = build_loader(dataset, cfg.datasets) # build model model = build_model(cfg.model) # build helper and extract features extract_helper = build_extract_helper(model, cfg.extract) extract_helper.do_extract(dataloader, save_path=os.path.join(args.save_path, feature_full_name))
def main(): # init args args = parse_args() assert args.config_file is not "", 'a config file must be provided!' assert os.path.exists(args.config_file), 'the config file must be existed!' # init and load retrieval pipeline settings cfg = get_defaults_cfg() cfg = setup_cfg(cfg, args.config_file, args.opts) # set path for single image path = '/data/caltech101/query/airplanes/image_0004.jpg' # build transformers transformers = build_transformers(cfg.datasets.transformers) # build model model = build_model(cfg.model) # read image and convert it to tensor img ="RGB") img_tensor = transformers(img) # build helper and extract feature for single image extract_helper = build_extract_helper(model, cfg.extract) img_fea_info = extract_helper.do_single_extract(img_tensor) stacked_feature = list() for name in cfg.index.feature_names: assert name in img_fea_info[ 0], "invalid feature name: {} not in {}!".format( name, img_fea_info[0].keys()) stacked_feature.append(img_fea_info[0][name].cpu()) img_fea = np.concatenate(stacked_feature, axis=1) # load gallery features gallery_fea, gallery_info, _ = feature_loader.load( cfg.index.gallery_fea_dir, cfg.index.feature_names) # build helper and single index feature index_helper = build_index_helper(cfg.index) index_result_info, query_fea, gallery_fea = index_helper.do_index( img_fea, img_fea_info, gallery_fea) index_helper.save_topk_retrieved_images('retrieved_images/', index_result_info[0], 5, gallery_info) print('single index have done!')
def main(): # init args args = parse_args() assert args.data_json is not None, 'the dataset json must be provided!' assert args.save_path is not None, 'the save path must be provided!' assert args.config_file is not None, 'a config file must be provided!' # init and load retrieval pipeline settings cfg = get_defaults_cfg() cfg = setup_cfg(cfg, args.config_file, args.opts) # build dataset and dataloader dataset = build_folder(args.data_json, cfg.datasets) dataloader = build_loader(dataset, cfg.datasets) # build model model = build_model(cfg.model) # build helper and extract features extract_helper = build_extract_helper(model, cfg.extract) extract_helper.do_extract(dataloader, args.save_path, args.save_interval)
def main(): # init args args = parse_args() assert args.fea_dir is not None, 'the feature directory must be provided!' assert args.search_modules is not None, 'the search modules must be provided!' assert args.save_path is not None, 'the save path must be provided!' # init retrieval pipeline settings cfg = get_defaults_cfg() # load search space datasets = load_datasets() indexes = importlib.import_module("{}.index_dict".format( args.search_modules)).indexes evaluates = importlib.import_module("{}.index_dict".format( args.search_modules)).evaluates if os.path.exists(args.save_path): with open(args.save_path, "r") as f: results = json.load(f) else: results = list() for dir in os.listdir(args.fea_dir): for data_name, data_args in datasets.items(): for index_name, index_args in indexes.items(): if data_name in dir: print(dir) # get dirs gallery_fea_dir, query_fea_dir, train_fea_dir = get_dir( args.fea_dir, dir, data_args) # get evaluate setting evaluate_args = evaluates["reid_overall"] for dim_proc in index_args.dim_processors.names: if dim_proc in ["PartPCA", "PartSVD", "PCA", "SVD"]: index_args.dim_processors[ dim_proc].train_fea_dir = train_fea_dir for fea_name in fea_names: result_dict = get_default_result_dict( dir, data_name, index_name, fea_name) if check_result_exist(result_dict, results): print("[Search Query]: config exists...") continue # load retrieval pipeline settings index_args.feature_names = [fea_name] cfg.index.merge_from_other_cfg(index_args) cfg.evaluate.merge_from_other_cfg(evaluate_args) # load features query_fea, query_info, _ = feature_loader.load( query_fea_dir, [fea_name]) gallery_fea, gallery_info, _ = feature_loader.load( gallery_fea_dir, [fea_name]) # build helper and index features index_helper = build_index_helper(cfg.index) index_result_info, _, _ = index_helper.do_index( query_fea, query_info, gallery_fea) # build helper and evaluate results evaluate_helper = build_evaluate_helper(cfg.evaluate) mAP, recall_at_k = evaluate_helper.do_eval( index_result_info, gallery_info) # record results to_save_recall = dict() for k in recall_at_k: to_save_recall[str(k)] = recall_at_k[k] result_dict["mAP"] = float(mAP) result_dict["recall_at_k"] = to_save_recall results.append(result_dict) # save results with open(args.save_path, "w") as f: json.dump(results, f)
from utils.search_modules import SearchModules from pyretri.config import get_defaults_cfg pre_processes = SearchModules() pre_processes.add( "Direct256128", { "batch_size": 32, "folder": { "name": "Folder" }, "collate_fn": { "name": "CollateFn" }, "transformers": { "names": ["DirectResize", "TwoFlip", "ToTensor", "Normalize"], "DirectResize": { "size": (256, 128), "interpolation": 3 }, "Normalize": { "mean": [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], "std": [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] } } }) cfg = get_defaults_cfg() pre_processes.check_valid(cfg["datasets"])