 def test_default(self):
     for rx in [
         get_ionic_radii("Sr", charge=2, coordination=8),
         get_ionic_radii("Mn", charge=2, coordination=8),
         get_ionic_radii("Mg", charge=2, coordination=8),
         get_ionic_radii("Ba", charge=2, coordination=8),
         D_j = self.D0 * strain_coefficient(
             self.ri, rx, r0=self.r0, E=self.E, T=self.Tk
         self.assertTrue(D_j > 0.0)
         self.assertTrue(D_j < self.D0)
 def setUp(self):
     elements = [i for i in REE(dropPm=True) if i != "Eu"]  # drop Pm, Eu
     self.xs = np.array(get_ionic_radii(elements, coordination=8, charge=3))
     self.default_degree = 5
     self.expect = [
         (1.00533, 1.12824),
         (0.99141, 1.06055, 1.14552),
         (0.98482, 1.03052, 1.10441, 1.15343),
 def test_params(self):
     # the first three all have the same result - defaulting to ONeill 2016
     # the two following use a full REE set for the OP basis function definition
     # the last illustrates that custom parameters could be used
     degree = self.default_degree
     for params in [
             "O'Neill (2016)",
                 get_ionic_radii(REE(), charge=3, coordination=8),  # xs
         with self.subTest(params=params):
             ret = calc_lambdas(self.df, params=params, degree=degree)
             self.assertTrue(ret.columns.size == self.default_degree)
 def setUp(self):
     self.xs = np.array(get_ionic_radii(REE(), coordination=8, charge=3))
     self.default_degree = 4
Ionic Radii

:mod:`pyrolite` incldues a few sets of reference tables for ionic radii in aangstroms
(Å) from [Shannon1976]_ and [WhittakerMuntus1970]_, each with tables indexed
by element, ionic charge and coordination. The easiset way to access these is via
the :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.ind.get_ionic_radii` function. The function can be used
to get radii for individual elements:
from pyrolite.geochem.ind import get_ionic_radii, REE

Cu_radii = get_ionic_radii("Cu")
# Note that this function returned a series of the possible radii, given specific
# charges and coordinations of the Cu ion. If we completely specify these, we'll get
# a single number back:
Cu2plus6fold_radii = get_ionic_radii("Cu", coordination=6, charge=2)
# You can also pass lists to the function. For example, if you wanted to get the Shannon
# ionic radii of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in eight-fold coordination with a valence of
# +3, you should use the following:
shannon_ionic_radii = get_ionic_radii(REE(), coordination=8, charge=3)
# The function defaults to using the Shannon ionic radii consistent with [Pauling1960]_,
# but you can adjust to use the set you like with the `pauling` boolean argument
 def setUp(self):
     self.r0 = get_ionic_radii("Ca", charge=2, coordination=8)  # angstroms
     self.ri = get_ionic_radii("Ca", charge=2, coordination=8)
     self.D0 = 4.1
     self.E = 120 * 10 ** 9  # Pa
     self.Tk = 1200.0  #  kelvin
 def test_modulus_not_specified(self):
     rx = get_ionic_radii("Sr", charge=2, coordination=8)
     D_j = self.D0 * strain_coefficient(self.ri, rx, r0=self.r0, z=2, T=self.Tk)
     self.assertTrue(D_j > 0.0)
     self.assertTrue(D_j < self.D0)
Ionic Radii

:mod:`pyrolite` incldues a few sets of reference tables for ionic radii in aangstroms
(Å) from [Shannon1976]_ and [WhittakerMuntus1970]_, each with tables indexed
by element, ionic charge and coordination. The easiset way to access these is via
the :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.ind.get_ionic_radii` function. The function can be used
to get radii for individual elements, using a :code:`source` keyword argument to swap
between the datasets:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyrolite.geochem.ind import get_ionic_radii, REE

REE_radii = pd.Series(get_ionic_radii(REE(),
REE_radii.pyroplot.spider(color="k", logy=False)
# References
# ----------
# .. [Shannon1976] Shannon RD (1976). Revised effective ionic radii and systematic
#         studies of interatomic distances in halides and chalcogenides.
#         Acta Crystallographica Section A 32:751–767.
#         `doi: 10.1107/S0567739476001551 <https://doi.org/10.1107/S0567739476001551>`__.
# .. [WhittakerMuntus1970] Whittaker, E.J.W., Muntus, R., 1970.
#        Ionic radii for use in geochemistry.
from pyrolite.mineral.lattice import strain_coefficient

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3
# First, we need to define some of the necessary parameters including temperature, the Young's
# moduli for the :math:`X^{2+}` and :math:`X^{3+}` sites in plagioclase (:math:`E_2`,
# :math:`E_3`), and some reference partition coefficients and radii for calcium and
# sodium:
D_Na = 1.35  # Partition coefficient Plag-Melt
D_Ca = 4.1  # Partition coefficient Plag-Melt
Tc = 900  # Temperature, °C
Tk = Tc + 273.15  # Temperature, K
E_2 = 120 * 10**9  # Youngs modulus for 2+ site, Pa
E_3 = 135 * 10**9  # Youngs modulus for 3+ site, Pa
r02, r03 = 1.196, 1.294  # fictive ideal cation radii for these sites
rCa = get_ionic_radii("Ca", charge=2, coordination=8)
rLa = get_ionic_radii("La", charge=3, coordination=8)
# We can calculate and plot the partitioning of :math:`X^{2+}` cations relative to
# :math:`Ca^{2+}` at a given temperature using their radii and the lattice strain function:
fontsize = 8
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)

site2labels = ["Na", "Ca", "Eu", "Sr"]
# get the Shannon ionic radii for the elements in the 2+ site
site2radii = [
    get_ionic_radii("Na", charge=1, coordination=8),
        get_ionic_radii(el, charge=2, coordination=8)
        for el in ["Ca", "Eu", "Sr"]
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyrolite.plot import pyroplot
from pyrolite.plot.spider import REE_v_radii
from pyrolite.geochem.ind import REE, get_ionic_radii
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 4

# Where data is not specified, it will return a formatted axis which can be used for
# subsequent plotting:
ax = REE_v_radii(
    index='radii')  # radii mode will put ionic radii on the x axis

# create some example data
ree = REE()
xs = get_ionic_radii(ree, coordination=8, charge=3)
ys = np.linspace(1, 20, len(xs))
ax.plot(xs, ys, marker='D', color='k')
# Here we generate some example data:
no_analyses = 10

data_ree = REE(dropPm=True)
data_radii = np.array(get_ionic_radii(data_ree, coordination=8, charge=3))
data_radii = np.tile(data_radii,
                     (1, no_analyses)).reshape(no_analyses,

dataframes = []
Shannon Radii
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyrolite.geochem.ind import get_ionic_radii, REE

REE_radii = get_ionic_radii(REE(), coordination=8, charge=3)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(REE_radii, c='k', marker='D')
ax.set_ylabel('Ionic Radius ($\AA$)')
ax.set_title('Rare Earth Element Shannon Ionic Radii')
# .. seealso:: `Pandas Lambda Ln(REE) Function <../lambdas/pandaslambdas.html>`__,
#              `Lambdas for Dimensional Reduction <../lambdas/lambdadimreduction.html>`__,
#              `REE Radii Plot <../plotting/REE_radii_plot.html>`__
from pyrolite.geochem.ind import REE, get_ionic_radii
from pyrolite.mineral.lattice import strain_coefficient
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3
# First, we need to define some of the necessary parameters including temperature, the Young's
# moduli for the :math:`X^{2+}` and :math:`X^{3+}` sites in plagioclase (:math:`E_2`,
# :math:`E_3`), and some reference partition coefficients and radii for calcium and
# sodium:
D_Na = 1.35  # Partition coefficient Plag-Melt
D_Ca = 4.1  # Partition coefficient Plag-Melt
Tc = 900  # Temperature, °C
Tk = Tc + 273.15  # Temperature, K
E_2 = 120 * 10 ** 9  # Youngs modulus for 2+ site, Pa
E_3 = 135 * 10 ** 9  # Youngs modulus for 3+ site, Pa
r02, r03 = 1.196, 1.294  # fictive ideal cation radii for these sites
rCa = get_ionic_radii("Ca", charge=2, coordination=8)
rLa = get_ionic_radii("La", charge=3, coordination=8)
# We can calculate and plot the partitioning of :math:`X^{2+}` cations relative to
# :math:`Ca^{2+}` at a given temperature using their radii and the lattice strain function:
fontsize = 8
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)

site2labels = ["Na", "Ca", "Eu", "Sr"]
# get the Shannon ionic radii for the elements in the 2+ site
site2radii = [
    get_ionic_radii("Na", charge=1, coordination=8),
    *[get_ionic_radii(el, charge=2, coordination=8) for el in ["Ca", "Eu", "Sr"]],
# plot the relative paritioning curve for cations in the 2+ site
        f = np.ones_like(xs) * w
        for c in p:
            f *= xs - np.float(c)
        if log:
            f = np.exp(f)

        label = ("$r^{}: \lambda_{}".format(len(p), len(p)) +
                 ["\cdot f_{}".format(len(p)), ""][int(len(p) == 0)] + "$")
        ax.plot(xs, f, label=label, **kwargs)

# First we generate some example data:
data_ree = REE(dropPm=True)
data_radii = np.array(get_ionic_radii(data_ree, charge=3, coordination=8))
lnY = (np.random.randn(*data_radii.shape) * 0.1 +
       np.linspace(3.0, 0.0, data_radii.size) + (data_radii - 1.11)**2.0 - 0.1)

for ix, el in enumerate(data_ree):
    if el in ["Ce", "Eu"]:
        lnY[ix] += np.random.randn(1) * 0.6

Y = np.exp(lnY)
# Now we can calculate the lambdas:
exclude = ["Ce", "Eu"]
if exclude:
    subset_ree = [i for i in data_ree if not i in exclude]
    subset_Y = Y[[i in subset_ree for i in data_ree]]