def test_salmon(): sl = quant.Salmon(salmon_index="") assert sl.check_index() == False, "Failed salmon check_index" st = sl.build_index(index_path=testVars.testDir + "/salmonIndex", index_name="salIndex", fasta=testVars.cdna) assert st == True, "Failed to build salmon index" opts = { "-o": testVars.testDir + "/salOut", "-l": "A", "-1": testVars.fq1, "-2": testVars.fq2 } st = sl.run_salmon("quant", **opts) assert st == True, "Failed to run salmon"
def test_salmon(): sl=quant.Salmon(index=testVars.testDir+"/salmonIndex/salIndex",transcriptome=testVars.cdna_big) assert sl.check_index()==True, "Failed salmon build_index" opts={"-o":testVars.testDir+"/salOut", "-l":"A", "-1":testVars.fq1, "-2":testVars.fq2}'quant',target='tests/testout/salOut/quant.sf',**opts) assert st==True, "Failed to run salmon"
def test_pipeline1(): sraOb = sra.SRA(srr, workingDir) st = sraOb.download_sra() assert st == True, "SRA download failed" st = sraOb.run_fasterqdump(delete_sra=False, **{ "-e": "8", "-f": "", "-t": workingDir }) assert st == True, "fqdump failed" bbdOpts = { "ktrim": "r", "k": "23", "mink": "11", "qtrim": "'rl'", "trimq": "10", "--": ("-Xmx2g", ), "ref": testVars.bbdukAdapters } bbdOb = qc.BBmap(**bbdOpts) st = sraOb.perform_qc(bbdOb) assert st == True, "bbduk failed" tgOpts = { "--cores": "10", "-o": testVars.testDir, "--paired": "", "--": (fq1, fq2) } tg = qc.Trimgalore(**tgOpts) st = sraOb.perform_qc(tg) assert st == True, "tg failed" #runbowtie2 bt = mapping.Bowtie2(bowtie2_index="") assert bt.check_index() == False, "Failed bowtie2 check_index" st = bt.build_index(testVars.testDir + "/btIndex", "bowtieIndex", testVars.genome) assert st == True, "Failed to build bowtie2 index" st = bt.perform_alignment(sraOb) assert os.path.isfile(st) == True, "bowtie failed" hsOpts = {"--dta-cufflinks": "", "-p": "8"} hs = mapping.Hisat2(hisat2_index="", **hsOpts) st = hs.build_index(testVars.testDir, "hisatindex", testVars.genome) assert st == True, "Failed to build hisat2 index" #perform alignment with sraobject st = hs.perform_alignment(sraOb) assert os.path.isfile(st) == True, "hisat failed" hisatSam = st samOb = tools.Samtools(**{"-@": "8"}) bam = samOb.sam_sorted_bam(hisatSam, delete_sam=False, delete_bam=False) assert os.path.isfile(bam) == True, "sam to bam failed" stie = assembly.Stringtie(reference_gtf=testVars.gtf) result = stie.perform_assembly(bam, out_dir=testVars.testDir) assert pu.check_files_exist(result) == True, "Failed stringtie" tr = assembly.Trinity() tr_out = tr.perform_assembly(sraOb, verbose=True) assert pu.check_files_exist(tr_out) == True, "Failed stringtie" kl = quant.Kallisto(kallisto_index="") assert kl.check_index() == False, "Failed kallisto check_index" st = kl.build_index(index_path=testVars.testDir + "/kallistoIndex", index_name="kalIndex", fasta=testVars.cdna) assert st == True, "Failed to build kallisto index" st = kl.perform_quant(sraOb) assert os.path.isdir(st) == True, "Failed to run kallisto" sl = quant.Salmon(salmon_index="") assert sl.check_index() == False, "Failed salmon check_index" st = sl.build_index(index_path=testVars.testDir + "/salmonIndex", index_name="salIndex", fasta=testVars.cdna) assert st == True, "Failed to build salmon index" st = sl.perform_quant(sraOb) assert os.path.isdir(st) == True, "Failed to run salmon"
} bbdOb = qc.BBmap(None, **bbdOpts) tg = qc.Trimgalore() bt = mapping.Bowtie2(index=testVars.testDir + "/btIndex", genome=testVars.genome) hsOpts = {"--dta-cufflinks": "", "-p": "8"} hs = mapping.Hisat2(index=testVars.testDir + "/hisatindex", genome=testVars.genome, **hsOpts) star = mapping.Star(index=os.path.join(testVars.testDir, "starIndex"), genome=testVars.genome) samOb = tools.Samtools() stie = assembly.Stringtie() kl = quant.Kallisto(index=testVars.testDir + "/kallistoIndex/kalIndex", transcriptome=testVars.cdna) sl = quant.Salmon(index=testVars.testDir + "/salmonIndex/salIndex", transcriptome=testVars.cdna_big) #sra ob sraOb = sra.SRA(srr, workingDir) st = sraOb.fastq_exists() assert st == True, "fasterq-dump failed" def test_pipeline1(): st = sraOb.trim(bbdOb).align(hs).assemble(stie).quant(kl) assert st != None, "pipeline 1 failed" def test_pipeline2(): st = sraOb.trim(tg).align(hs).assemble(stie).quant(kl) assert st != None, "pipeline 2 failed"
if analysis == 'quant': runquant = True if analysis == 'align': runalign = True with open(idsfile) as f: data = #set infile dir as workdir basedir = pu.get_file_directory(idsfile) #pyrpipe objects star = mapping.Star() #Create stringtie object stieobj = assembly.Stringtie() #biobambam biobb = Bamtofastq() #salmon for quant salmon = quant.Salmon() #delete final sorted bam delete_bam = True #out_dir is same name as input file out_dir = basedir progresslog = open(idsfile + '_progress.log', 'w') bam_suffix = '' #process each bam for line in data: temp = line.split('\t') sampleid = temp[0] #add fid to out dir this_outdir = os.path.join(basedir, sampleid) pu.mkdir(this_outdir)