文件: clipping.py 项目: nh13/samwell
def _make_read_unmapped(rec: AlignedSegment) -> None:
    """Removes mapping information from a read."""
    if rec.is_reverse:
        quals = rec.query_qualities
        rec.query_sequence = dnautils.reverse_complement(rec.query_sequence)
        rec.query_qualities = quals
        rec.is_reverse = False

    rec.reference_id = sam.NO_REF_INDEX
    rec.reference_start = sam.NO_REF_POS
    rec.cigar = None
    rec.mapping_quality = 0
    rec.template_length = 0
    rec.is_duplicate = False
    rec.is_secondary = False
    rec.is_supplementary = False
    rec.is_proper_pair = False
    rec.is_unmapped = True
文件: read.py 项目: bcgsc/mavis
def convert_events_to_softclipping(
    read: pysam.AlignedSegment,
    orientation: str,
    max_event_size: int,
    min_anchor_size: Optional[int] = None,
) -> pysam.AlignedSegment:
    given an alignment, simplifies the alignment by grouping everything past the first anchor and including the
    first event considered too large and unaligning them turning them into softclipping

    if min_anchor_size is None:
        min_anchor_size = max_event_size

    if orientation == ORIENT.LEFT:
        event_size = 0
        adjusted_cigar = []
        anchor = 0
        for state, count in read.cigar:
            if state == CIGAR.M:
                raise NotImplementedError('match v mismatch must be specified')
            elif anchor < min_anchor_size:
                if state == CIGAR.EQ:
                    anchor += count
            elif state in EVENT_STATES:
                event_size += count
                if event_size > max_event_size:
                event_size = 0
            adjusted_cigar.append((state, count))
        if event_size > max_event_size:
            while adjusted_cigar[-1][0] in EVENT_STATES:
                del adjusted_cigar[-1]
            aligned = sum([y for x, y in adjusted_cigar if x in QUERY_ALIGNED_STATES] + [0])
            sc = len(read.query_sequence) - aligned
            adjusted_cigar.append((CIGAR.S, sc))
            read = copy(read)
            read.cigar = adjusted_cigar
    elif orientation == ORIENT.RIGHT:
        # more complicated than left b/c need to also adjust the start position
        event_size = 0
        anchor = 0
        adjusted_cigar = []
        for state, count in read.cigar[::-1]:  # first event from the right
            if state == CIGAR.M:
                raise NotImplementedError('match v mismatch must be specified')
            elif anchor < min_anchor_size:
                if state == CIGAR.EQ:
                    anchor += count
            elif state in EVENT_STATES:
                event_size += count
                if event_size > max_event_size:
                event_size = 0
            adjusted_cigar.append((state, count))
        if event_size > max_event_size:
            while adjusted_cigar[-1][0] in EVENT_STATES:
                del adjusted_cigar[-1]
            originally_refaligned = sum(
                [y for x, y in read.cigar if x in REFERENCE_ALIGNED_STATES] + [0]
            refaligned = sum([y for x, y in adjusted_cigar if x in REFERENCE_ALIGNED_STATES] + [0])
            aligned = sum([y for x, y in adjusted_cigar if x in QUERY_ALIGNED_STATES] + [0])
            sc = len(read.query_sequence) - aligned
            adjusted_cigar = [(CIGAR.S, sc)] + adjusted_cigar[::-1]
            read = copy(read)
            read.cigar = adjusted_cigar
            read.reference_start += originally_refaligned - refaligned
        raise ValueError('orientation must be specified', orientation)
    return read