def test_indent(caplog, reset_logger): # Given the logger level is set to INFO, logging.getLogger(DEFAULT_LOGGER).setLevel(logging.INFO) # And the nesting level is not changed assert logger.nesting == 0 # When the report method is called within an indentation context, with logger.indent():'make', '/some/report') # Then the spacing should be increased. match = match_last_report(caplog) assert match['spacing'] == ReportFormatter.SPACING * 2 # When report is called within a multi level indentation context, count = 5 with logger.indent(count):'make', '/some/report') # Then the spacing should be increased accordingly. match = match_last_report(caplog) assert match['spacing'] == ReportFormatter.SPACING * (count + 1) # When any other method is called with indentation, count = 3 with logger.indent(count):'something') # Then the spacing should be added in the beginning assert (ReportFormatter.SPACING * count + 'something') in last_log(caplog)
def test_configure_logger(monkeypatch, caplog, reset_logger): # Given an environment that supports color, monkeypatch.setattr('pyscaffold.termui.supports_color', lambda *_: True) # when configure_logger in called, opts = dict(log_level=logging.INFO) configure_logger(opts) # then the formatter should be changed to use colors,'some', 'activity') out = caplog.text assert ansi_regex('some').search(out)
def test_configure_logger(monkeypatch, caplog): # Given an environment that supports color, monkeypatch.setattr('pyscaffold.termui.supports_color', lambda *_: True) # when configure_logger in called, opts = dict(log_level=logging.INFO) configure_logger(opts) # then the formatter should be changed to use colors, name = uniqstr()'some', name) out = caplog.messages[-1] assert'some') + '.+' + name, out)
def test_configure_logger(monkeypatch, caplog): # Given an environment that supports color, monkeypatch.setattr('pyscaffold.termui.supports_color', lambda *_: True) # when configure_logger in called, opts = dict(log_level=logging.INFO) configure_logger(opts) # then the formatter should be changed to use colors, name = uniqstr()'some', name) out = caplog.text assert'some') + '.+' + name, out)
def test_report(caplog, tmpfolder): # Given the logger level is properly configured caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) # When the report method is called, name = uniqstr()'make', str(tmpfolder.join(name))) # Then the message should be formatted accordingly. logs = caplog.text match ='make.+' + name, logs) assert match # And relative paths should be used assert lp('/tmp') not in
def test_report(caplog, tmpfolder): # Given the logger level is properly configured caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) # When the report method is called, name = uniqstr()'make', str(tmpfolder.join(name))) # Then the message should be formatted accordingly. logs = caplog.text match ='make.+' + name, logs) assert match # And relative paths should be used assert '/tmp' not in
def test_colored_report(tmpfolder, caplog, reset_logger): # Given the logger is properly set, logging.getLogger(DEFAULT_LOGGER).setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.handler.setFormatter(ColoredReportFormatter()) # When the report method is called,'make', str(tmpfolder) + '/some/report') # Then the message should contain activity surrounded by ansi codes, out = caplog.text assert ansi_regex('make').search(out) # And relative paths should be used assert '/tmp' not in out assert 'some/report' in out
def test_report(tmpfolder, caplog, reset_logger): # Given the logger level is set to INFO, logging.getLogger(DEFAULT_LOGGER).setLevel(logging.INFO) # When the report method is called,'make', str(tmpfolder) + '/some/report') # Then the message should be formatted accordingly. match = match_last_report(caplog) assert match['activity'] == 'make' assert match['content'] == 'some/report' # And relative paths should be used out = caplog.text assert '/tmp' not in out assert 'some/report' in out
def test_copy(caplog, reset_logger): # Given the logger level is set to INFO, logging.getLogger(DEFAULT_LOGGER).setLevel(logging.INFO) # And the nesting level is not changed assert logger.nesting == 0 # And a copy of the logger is made withing a context, count = 3 with logger.indent(count): logger2 = logger.copy() # When the original logger indentation level is changed, with logger.indent(7):'make', '/some/report') # And the report method is called in the clone logger'call', '/other/logger') # Then the spacing should not be increased. match = match_last_report(caplog) assert match['spacing'] == ReportFormatter.SPACING * (count + 1)