def run_hci_pyscf(h, g, nelec, ecore=0, select_cutoff=5e-4, ci_cutoff=5e-4, nroots=1): # {{{ #heat bath ci from pyscf import mcscf from pyscf.hci import hci cisolver = hci.SCI() cisolver.select_cutoff = select_cutoff cisolver.ci_coeff_cutoff = ci_cutoff ehci, civec = cisolver.kernel(h, g, h.shape[1], nelec, ecore=ecore, verbose=4, nroots=nroots) hci_dim = civec[0].shape[0] print(" HCI: %12.8f Dim:%6d" % (ehci, hci_dim)) print("HCI %10.8f" % (ehci)) #for i in range(0,nroots): # print("HCI %10.8f"%(ehci[i])) #hci_dim = 1 return ehci, hci_dim
do_hci = 1 if do_fci: # FCI from pyscf import fci cisolver = fci.direct_spin1.FCI(mol) efci, ci = cisolver.kernel(h, g, h.shape[1], mol.nelectron, ecore=0) fci_dim = ci.shape[0] * ci.shape[1] print(" FCI: %12.8f Dim:%6d" % (efci, fci_dim)) print("FCI %10.8f" % (efci + enu)) if do_hci: #heat bath ci from pyscf import mcscf from pyscf.hci import hci cisolver = hci.SCI(mol) ehci, civec = cisolver.kernel(h, g, h.shape[1], mol.nelectron, ecore=0, verbose=4) hci_dim = civec[0].shape[0] print(" HCI: %12.8f Dim:%6d" % (ehci, hci_dim)) print("HCI %10.8f" % (ehci + enu)) blocks = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] #blocks = [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7]] n_blocks = len(blocks) clusters = []
def test_1(): n_cluster_states = 1000 from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf, ao2mo mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = ''' H 0.00 0.00 0.00 H 0.00 0.00 1.50 H 0.00 0.00 3.00 H 0.00 2.00 0.00 H 0.00 2.00 1.50 H 0.00 2.10 3.00 ''' mol.charge = +0 mol.spin = +0 mol.max_memory = 1000 # MB mol.basis = 'sto-3g' myhf = scf.RHF(mol).run() print(myhf.mo_energy) #exit() n_orb = myhf.mo_coeff.shape[1] nel,temp = mol.nelec print(nel) #g.shape = (n_orb,n_orb,n_orb,n_orb) enu = myhf.energy_nuc() S = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph') local = 'lowdin' local = 'p' if local == 'lowdin': print("Using lowdin orthogonalized orbitals") #forming S^-1/2 to transform to A and B block. sal, svec = np.linalg.eigh(S) idx = sal.argsort()[::-1] sal = sal[idx] svec = svec[:, idx] sal = sal**-0.5 sal = np.diagflat(sal) X = svec @ sal @ svec.T C = cp.deepcopy(X) h = g = ao2mo.kernel(mol,C,aosym='s4',compact=False).reshape(4*((n_orb),)) else: h = g = ao2mo.kernel(mol,myhf.mo_coeff,aosym='s4',compact=False).reshape(4*((n_orb),)) print(g.shape) do_fci = 1 do_hci = 1 if do_fci: # FCI from pyscf import fci cisolver = fci.direct_spin1.FCI(mol) efci, ci = cisolver.kernel(h, g, h.shape[1], mol.nelectron, ecore=0) fci_dim = ci.shape[0]*ci.shape[1] print(" FCI: %12.8f Dim:%6d"%(efci,fci_dim)) print("FCI %10.8f"%(efci+enu)) if do_hci: #heat bath ci from pyscf import mcscf from pyscf.hci import hci cisolver = hci.SCI(mol) ehci, civec = cisolver.kernel(h, g, h.shape[1], mol.nelectron, ecore=0,verbose=4) hci_dim = civec[0].shape[0] print(" HCI: %12.8f Dim:%6d"%(ehci,hci_dim)) print("HCI %10.8f"%(ehci+enu)) blocks = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5]] #blocks = [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7]] n_blocks = len(blocks) ecore=0.0 init_fspace = ((3,3),(0,0)) clusters, clustered_ham, ci_vector, cmf_out = system_setup(h, g, ecore, blocks, init_fspace, cmf_maxiter = 0 ) ci_vector = ClusteredState() ci_vector.init(clusters,((3,3),(0,0))) ci_vector.add_fockspace(((2,2),(1,1))) ci_vector.add_fockspace(((1,3),(2,0))) ci_vector.add_fockspace(((3,1),(0,2))) ci_vector.add_fockspace(((3,2),(0,1))) ci_vector.add_fockspace(((2,3),(1,0))) #ci_vector.init(((1,1),(1,1),(0,0),(0,0))) #ci_vector.expand_to_full_space() ci_vector.expand_each_fock_space(clusters) e_prev = 0 thresh_conv = 1e-8 ci_vector_ref = ci_vector.copy() e_last = 0 #ci_vector.print_configs() ci_vector, pt_vector, e0, e2 = tp_cipsi(ci_vector_ref.copy(), clustered_ham, thresh_cipsi=1e-14, thresh_ci_clip=0, max_iter=0) #print(ci_vector.get_vector()) #ci_vector.print_configs() civec = ci_vector.get_vector() occ = nel vir = n_orb - occ ci_ab = civec[1:nel*nel*nel*nel+1].reshape(occ*occ,vir*vir) print(ci_ab) U,s,Vt = np.linalg.svd(ci_ab) print(s) bcci_dim = len(ci_vector) print("BCCI: %12.8f Dim:%6d"%(e0+enu,bcci_dim)) print(" HCI: %12.8f Dim:%6d"%(ehci+enu,hci_dim)) print(" FCI: %12.8f Dim:%6d"%(efci+enu,fci_dim)) from pyscf import ci myci = ci.CISD(myhf).run() assert(abs(myci.e_tot - e0-enu) < 1e-7) assert(abs(myci.e_tot - e0-enu) < 1e-7)