文件: kuks.py 项目: gmwang18/pyscf
def get_veff(ks, cell=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1,
             kpts=None, kpts_band=None):
    '''Coulomb + XC functional for UKS.  See pyscf/pbc/dft/uks.py
    :func:`get_veff` fore more details.
    if cell is None: cell = ks.cell
    if dm is None: dm = ks.make_rdm1()
    if kpts is None: kpts = ks.kpts
    t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if ks.grids.coords is None:
        small_rho_cutoff = ks.small_rho_cutoff
        t0 = logger.timer(ks, 'setting up grids', *t0)
        small_rho_cutoff = 0

    dm = np.asarray(dm)
    nao = dm.shape[-1]
    # ndim = 4 : dm.shape = (alpha_beta, nkpts, nao, nao)
    ground_state = (dm.ndim == 4 and kpts_band is None)
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if hermi == 2:  # because rho = 0
        n, ks._exc, vx = 0, 0, 0
        n, ks._exc, vx = ks._numint.nr_uks(cell, ks.grids, ks.xc, dm, 1,
                                           kpts, kpts_band)
        logger.debug(ks, 'nelec by numeric integration = %s', n)
        t0 = logger.timer(ks, 'vxc', *t0)

    hyb = ks._numint.hybrid_coeff(ks.xc, spin=(cell.spin>0)+1)
    if abs(hyb) < 1e-10:
        vj = ks.get_j(cell, dm, hermi, kpts, kpts_band)
        vhf = lib.asarray([vj[0]+vj[1]] * 2)
        vj, vk = ks.get_jk(cell, dm, hermi, kpts, kpts_band)
        vhf = pbcuhf._makevhf(vj, vk*hyb)

        if ground_state:
            ks._exc -= (np.einsum('Kij,Kji', dm[0], vk[0]) +
                        np.einsum('Kij,Kji', dm[1], vk[1])).real * .5 * hyb * (1./nkpts)

    if ground_state:
        ks._ecoul = np.einsum('Kij,Kji', dm[0]+dm[1], vj[0]+vj[1]).real * .5 * (1./nkpts)

    if small_rho_cutoff > 1e-20 and ground_state:
        # Filter grids the first time setup grids
        idx = ks._numint.large_rho_indices(cell, dm, ks.grids,
                                           small_rho_cutoff, kpts)
        logger.debug(ks, 'Drop grids %d',
                     ks.grids.weights.size - np.count_nonzero(idx))
        ks.grids.coords  = np.asarray(ks.grids.coords [idx], order='C')
        ks.grids.weights = np.asarray(ks.grids.weights[idx], order='C')
        ks._numint.non0tab = None
    return vhf + vx
文件: kuks.py 项目: berquist/pyscf
def get_veff(ks, cell=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1,
             kpts=None, kpt_band=None):
    '''Coulomb + XC functional for UKS.  See pyscf/pbc/dft/uks.py
    :func:`get_veff` fore more details.
    if cell is None: cell = ks.cell
    if dm is None: dm = ks.make_rdm1()
    if kpts is None: kpts = ks.kpts
    t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if ks.grids.coords is None:
        small_rho_cutoff = ks.small_rho_cutoff
        t0 = logger.timer(ks, 'setting up grids', *t0)
        small_rho_cutoff = 0

    dm = np.asarray(dm)
    nao = dm.shape[-1]
    # ndim = 4 : dm.shape = (alpha_beta, nkpts, nao, nao)
    ground_state = (dm.ndim == 4 and kpt_band is None)
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if hermi == 2:  # because rho = 0
        n, ks._exc, vx = 0, 0, 0
        n, ks._exc, vx = ks._numint.nr_uks(cell, ks.grids, ks.xc, dm, 1,
                                           kpts, kpt_band)
        logger.debug(ks, 'nelec by numeric integration = %s', n)
        t0 = logger.timer(ks, 'vxc', *t0)

    hyb = ks._numint.hybrid_coeff(ks.xc, spin=(cell.spin>0)+1)
    if abs(hyb) < 1e-10:
        vj = ks.get_j(cell, dm, hermi, kpts, kpt_band)
        vhf = lib.asarray([vj[0]+vj[1]] * 2)
        vj, vk = ks.get_jk(cell, dm, hermi, kpts, kpt_band)
        vhf = pbcuhf._makevhf(vj, vk*hyb)

        if ground_state:
            ks._exc -= (np.einsum('Kij,Kji', dm[0], vk[0]) +
                        np.einsum('Kij,Kji', dm[1], vk[1])).real * .5 * hyb * (1./nkpts)

    if ground_state:
        ks._ecoul = np.einsum('Kij,Kji', dm[0]+dm[1], vj[0]+vj[1]).real * .5 * (1./nkpts)

    if small_rho_cutoff > 1e-20 and ground_state:
        # Filter grids the first time setup grids
        idx = ks._numint.large_rho_indices(cell, dm, ks.grids,
                                           small_rho_cutoff, kpts)
        logger.debug(ks, 'Drop grids %d',
                     ks.grids.weights.size - np.count_nonzero(idx))
        ks.grids.coords  = np.asarray(ks.grids.coords [idx], order='C')
        ks.grids.weights = np.asarray(ks.grids.weights[idx], order='C')
        ks._numint.non0tab = None
    return vhf + vx
文件: uks.py 项目: pulkin/pyscf
def get_veff(ks,
    '''Coulomb + XC functional for UKS.  See pyscf/pbc/dft/uks.py
    :func:`get_veff` fore more details.
    if cell is None: cell = ks.cell
    if dm is None: dm = ks.make_rdm1()
    if kpt is None: kpt = ks.kpt
    t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if ks.grids.coords is None:
        small_rho_cutoff = ks.small_rho_cutoff
        t0 = logger.timer(ks, 'setting up grids', *t0)
        small_rho_cutoff = 0

    if not isinstance(dm, numpy.ndarray):
        dm = numpy.asarray(dm)
    if dm.ndim == 2:  # RHF DM
        dm = numpy.asarray((dm * .5, dm * .5))

    if hermi == 2:  # because rho = 0
        n, ks._exc, vx = (0, 0), 0, 0
        n, ks._exc, vx = ks._numint.nr_uks(cell, ks.grids, ks.xc, dm, 0, kpt,
        logger.debug(ks, 'nelec by numeric integration = %s', n)
        t0 = logger.timer(ks, 'vxc', *t0)

    # ndim = 3 : dm.shape = ([alpha,beta], nao, nao)
    ground_state = (dm.ndim == 3 and dm.shape[0] == 2)

    hyb = ks._numint.hybrid_coeff(ks.xc, spin=cell.spin)
    if abs(hyb) < 1e-10:
        vj = ks.get_j(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpt_band)
        vhf = lib.asarray([vj[0] + vj[1]] * 2)
        vj, vk = ks.get_jk(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpt_band)
        vhf = pbcuhf._makevhf(vj, vk * hyb)

        if ground_state:
            ks._exc -= (numpy.einsum('ij,ji', dm[0], vk[0]) +
                        numpy.einsum('ij,ji', dm[1], vk[1])).real * .5 * hyb

    if ground_state:
        ks._ecoul = numpy.einsum('ij,ji', dm[0] + dm[1],
                                 vj[0] + vj[1]).real * .5

    nelec = cell.nelec
    if (small_rho_cutoff > 1e-20 and ground_state
            and abs(n[0] - nelec[0]) < 0.01 * n[0]
            and abs(n[1] - nelec[1]) < 0.01 * n[1]):
        # Filter grids the first time setup grids
        idx = ks._numint.large_rho_indices(cell, dm, ks.grids,
                                           small_rho_cutoff, kpt)
        logger.debug(ks, 'Drop grids %d',
                     ks.grids.weights.size - numpy.count_nonzero(idx))
        ks.grids.coords = numpy.asarray(ks.grids.coords[idx], order='C')
        ks.grids.weights = numpy.asarray(ks.grids.weights[idx], order='C')
        ks.grids.non0tab = ks.grids.make_mask(cell, ks.grids.coords)
    return vhf + vx