    def bbox(self):
        Return the bounding box of the Path
        b = Bbox()
        for pl in self._pathlettes:

        # take into account extent of arrowheads
        for ar in self.heads:

        return b
    def bbox(self):
        Gather together common bounding box for group
        Don't use Area's bbox as transformations may
        mean a tighter bbox (eg a circle)
        @return: a Bbox()
        @rtype: Bbox

        # We need to do the calculation in the 
        # external co-ordinates (that's where the
        # bounding box will be used)

        # first a null Bbox
        bbox = Bbox()
        for obj in self.objects:
            bbox.union(obj.bbox(), self.itoe)

        return bbox
class Group(Area):
    Groups together a list of objects
    def __init__(self, *objects, **options):
        Initialisation of Group object

        @param objects: list of objects to group together
        @type objects: list

        @param options: dictionary of options
        @type options: dict

        self.objects = []
        self.objbox = Bbox()
        if len(objects) == 1 and type(objects[0]) in (TupleType, ListType):
            apply(self.append, objects[0])
            apply(self.append, objects)

        Area.__init__(self, **options)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        Get an item from the list of objects

        @param i: the index of the item to get
        @type i: int
        return self.objects[i]
    # these will break alignment
    #def __setitem__(self,i,other):
    #    self.objects[i]=other

    def __getslice__(self, i, j):
        Get a slice of items from the list of objects

        @param i: the first index of the slice of items to get
        @type i: int

        @param j: the last index of the slice of items to get
        @type j: int
        return self.objects[i:j]

    #def __setslice__(self,i,j,wert):
    #    self.objects[i:j]=wert

    def __len__(self):
        Returns the length of the object list
        return len(self.objects)

    def validate(self, obj):
        make sure this object can be inserted into group

        @param obj: object to test for insertability
        @type obj: object
        if isinstance(obj, Page) or isinstance(obj, Pages):
            raise TypeError, "Can't add a Page to %s" % str(self.__class__)

    def reverse(self):
        Reverse the order of objects in the list of objects in the group
        # for convenience return reference to group
        return self

    def insert(self, idx, obj):
        insert object

        @param idx: index at which to insert object
        @type idx: int

        @param obj: the object to insert
        @type obj: object

        self.objects.insert(idx, obj)

        # for convenience return reference to group
        return self

    def append(self, *objs, **options):
        append object(s) to group

        @param objs: list of objects to append
        @type objs: list

        @param options: dictionary of options
        @type options: dict
        for obj in objs:

        # update size
        if self.objbox.is_set():
            self.isw = self.objbox.sw
            self.width = self.objbox.width
            self.height = self.objbox.height

        # for convenience return reference to group
        return self

    def apply(self, **options):
        apply attributes to all objects

        @param options: dictionary of attributes
        @type options: dict

        @return: reference to self
        @rtype: self
        # do this by attributes since they 
        # might not all get accepted

        for key, value in options.items():
            dict1 = {key:value}
            for obj in self.objects:
                if isinstance(obj, Group):
                    # recurse
                    apply(obj.apply, (), options)
                    apply(obj, (), dict1)            
                except AttributeError:
                    # skip objects that don't have the attribute
        # we don't know if the sizes where changes so recalculate them

        # for convenience return reference to group
        return self

    def recalc_size(self):
        recalculate internal container size based on objects within
        self.objbox = Bbox()
        for obj in self.objects:

        if self.objbox.is_set():
            self.isw = self.objbox.sw
            self.width = self.objbox.width
            self.height = self.objbox.height

    def clear(self):
        Clear all the elements and reset group to 
        an empty group

        self.isw = Area.isw
        self.width = Area.width
        self.height = Area.height
        self.objbox = Bbox()
        self.objects = []
    def body(self):
        Returns the body postscript of the object
        out = cStringIO.StringIO()
        for obj in self.objects:
            if obj.bbox().sw is not None:
        return out.getvalue()

    def bbox(self):
        Gather together common bounding box for group
        Don't use Area's bbox as transformations may
        mean a tighter bbox (eg a circle)
        @return: a Bbox()
        @rtype: Bbox

        # We need to do the calculation in the 
        # external co-ordinates (that's where the
        # bounding box will be used)

        # first a null Bbox
        bbox = Bbox()
        for obj in self.objects:
            bbox.union(obj.bbox(), self.itoe)

        return bbox