def _getObject(parent, selectorObject, timeout=0):
  foundObject = None

  selectorKeys = selectorObject.keys()
  primarySelectors = []

  if timeout == 0:
    timeout = core.IMPLICIT_WAIT
  # Iterate over selectorKeys narrowing down a list of primarySelectors until there is exactly 1 element (ideally)
  for selKey in selectorKeys:
    selectorList = []
    selVal = selectorObject[selKey]
    logging.debug("Finding object by  %s: %s" % (selKey, selVal))

    # If the selector Key is 'text', make the necessary adjustments to do an identical search using xpath (only way)
    if (selKey == "text"):
      selKey = "xpath"
      selVal = "//*[contains(.,'%s')]" % selVal

    # Determine the desired methodName
    methodName = "find_elements_by_%s" % selKey
    if (methodName in dir(parent)): # Ensure methodName exists
      locationMethod = getattr(parent, methodName) # Retrieve method
      wait = WebDriverWait(core.DRIVER, timeout) # Create a webDriver wait
      selectorList = wait.until(lambda d: _clickable(locationMethod(selVal))) # Return a refined selection of elements containing those which are visible and enabled

    # Display IDs of selectors available during this iteration
    logging.debug("Available Selectors for (%s: %s)" % (selKey, selVal))
    for se in selectorList:
      logging.debug("Available Selector (%s) ID (%s)" % (se, se._id))

    # If primary selectors are still empty, set it to the results of the first scan
    if len(primarySelectors) == 0: 
      primarySelectors = selectorList
      # Otherwise, merge the two lists using the auto-generated ID for each element ('_id')
      primarySelectors = _common_elements(selectorList, primarySelectors)
    # Displays IDs of selectors currently on the primary Stack - this has to be reduced to 1 for safe testing.
    logging.debug("Current Selectors for (%s: %s)" % (selKey, selVal))
    for se in primarySelectors:
      logging.debug("Primary Selector(s) (%s) ID (%s)" % (se, se._id))

    if len(primarySelectors) == 1: # if there is only one element found break out of loop

  # Raise Error if empty selectors
  if len(primarySelectors) == 0:
    core.raiseError("No Selectors found", selectorObject)
  # Return the primary selector if only one left
  if len(primarySelectors) == 1:
    return primarySelectors[0]
  # If we somehow have more than 1 selector, attempt to continue while selecting the first, but raise a warning
  if len(primarySelectors) > 1:
    core.raiseWarning("Multiple Selectors found", selectorObject)
    return primarySelectors[0]
def assertNoElement(stepData):
  logging.debug("TEST:\t Assert No Element \t")

  parent = core.DRIVER
  if "parent" in stepData.keys():
    parent = _getObject(parent, stepData["parent"])

  selector = stepData["selector"]
  webObject = _getObject(parent, selector)

  if webObject:
    core.raiseWarning("Assertion Failed. Element found!", stepData)
    return True