    # Load models of objects that appear in the current scene
    obj_ids = set([gt['obj_id'] for gts in scene_gt.values() for gt in gts])
    models = {}
    for obj_id in obj_ids:
        models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply(par['model_mpath'].format(obj_id))

    # Visualize GT poses in the selected images
    im_ids_curr = sorted(scene_info.keys())
    if im_ids:
        im_ids_curr = set(im_ids_curr).intersection(im_ids)
    for im_id in im_ids_curr:
        print('scene: {}, im: {}'.format(scene_id, im_id))

        # Load the images
        rgb = inout.read_im(par['test_rgb_mpath'].format(scene_id, im_id))
        depth = inout.read_depth(par['test_depth_mpath'].format(
            scene_id, im_id))
        depth = depth.astype(np.float)  # [mm]
        depth *= par['cam']['depth_scale']  # to [mm]

        # Render the objects at the ground truth poses
        im_size = (depth.shape[1], depth.shape[0])
        ren_rgb = np.zeros(rgb.shape, np.float)
        ren_depth = np.zeros(depth.shape, np.float)

        gt_ids_curr = range(len(scene_gt[im_id]))
        if gt_ids:
            gt_ids_curr = set(gt_ids_curr).intersection(gt_ids)
        for gt_id in gt_ids_curr:
            gt = scene_gt[im_id][gt_id]

            model = models[gt['obj_id']]
        for res_path in res_paths:
            #t = time.time()

            # Parse image ID and object ID from the file name
            filename = os.path.basename(res_path).split('.')[0]
            im_id_prev = im_id
            im_id, obj_id = map(int, filename.split('_'))

            print('Calculating {} error - scene: {}, im: {}, obj: {}'.format(
                error_type, scene_id, im_id, obj_id))

            # Load depth image if VSD is selected
            if error_type == 'vsd':
                if im_id != im_id_prev:
                    depth_path = dp['test_depth_mpath'].format(scene_id, im_id)
                    depth_im = inout.read_depth(depth_path)
                    depth_im *= dp['cam']['depth_scale']  # to [mm]

            # Load camera matrix
            if error_type in ['vsd', 'cou']:
                K = scene_info[im_id]['cam_K']

            # Load pose estimates
            ests = inout.load_poses(res_path)

            # Sort the estimates by score (in descending order)
            ests_sorted = sorted(enumerate(ests),
                                 key=lambda x: x[1]['score'],

            # Consider only the top N estimated poses
    obj_id = scene_id  # The object id is the same as scene id for this dataset
    model = inout.load_ply(model_mpath.format(obj_id))

    # Transformation which was applied to the object models (its inverse will
    # be applied to the GT poses):
    # 1) Translate the bounding box center to the origin
    t_model = bbox_cens[obj_id - 1, :].reshape((3, 1))

    im_id_out = 0
    for im_id in im_ids:
        # if im_id % 10 == 0:
        print('scene,view: ' + str(scene_id) + ',' + str(im_id))

        # Load the RGB and depth image
        rgb = inout.read_im(rgb_in_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id))
        depth = inout.read_depth(depth_in_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id))

        depth *= 10.0  # Convert depth map to [100um]

        # Save the RGB and depth image
        inout.write_im(rgb_out_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id_out), rgb)
        inout.write_depth(depth_out_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id_out), depth)

        scene_info[im_id_out] = {
            'cam_K': par['cam']['K'].flatten().tolist()

        # Process the GT poses
        poses = load_tejani_poses(pose_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id))
        scene_gt[im_id_out] = []
        for pose in poses: