def __cc_plot(self): """Plot cross correlation.""" p = int(self.plot_joint.currentText().replace('P', '')) target = self.canvas2.get_target() ans = self.canvas2.get_path() dlg = DataChartDialog(self, "Cross Correlation", 3) ax = c1 = curvature(ans[p]) c2 = curvature(target[p]) ps1 = path_signature(c1) ps2 = path_signature(c2) cc = cross_correlation(ps1, ps2, 0.1) ps2[:, 0] += cc.argmax() * 0.1 ax[0].set_title(f"Cross Correlation of Point{p}") ax[0].plot(cc) ax[1].set_title("Curvature") ax[1].plot(c1, label=f"Point{p}") ax[1].plot(c2, label=f"Target Path") ax[1].legend() ax[2].set_title("Path Signature") ax[2].plot(ps1[:, 0], ps1[:, 1], label=f"Point{p}") ax[2].plot(ps2[:, 0], ps2[:, 1], label=f"Target Path") ax[2].legend() dlg.set_margin(0.2) dlg.exec_() dlg.deleteLater()
def __cc_plot(self): """Plot cross correlation.""" p = int(self.plot_joint.currentText().replace('P', '')) target = self.canvas2.get_target() c1 = curvature(self.canvas2.get_path()[p]) c2 = curvature(target[p]) p1 = path_signature(c1) p2 = path_signature(c2, 100 - 100 / (len(target[p]) + 1)) cc = cross_correlation(p1, p2, _U) cc_argmax = cc.argmax() p2[:, 0] += cc_argmax * _U m_p1 = p1.copy() m_p1[:, 0] += p1.max() p1 = concatenate((p1, m_p1), axis=0) del m_p1 dlg = DataChartDialog(self, "Cross Correlation", 3) ax = ax[0].set_title("Curvature") ax[0].plot(c1, label=f"Point{p}") ax[0].plot(c2, label=f"Target Path") ax[0].legend() ax[1].set_title("Path Signature") ax[1].plot(p1[:, 0], p1[:, 1], label=f"Point{p}") ax[1].plot(p2[:, 0], p2[:, 1], label=f"Target Path") ax[1].plot(cc_argmax * _U, p2[0, 1], 'ro', label=f"Shift Origin") ax[1].legend() ax[2].set_title(f"Cross Correlation of Point{p}") ax[2].plot(linspace(0, len(cc) * _U, len(cc)), cc) ax[2].plot(cc_argmax * _U, cc[cc_argmax], 'ro') dlg.set_margin(0.2) dlg.exec_() dlg.deleteLater()
def __plot(self) -> None: """Plot the data. Show the X and Y axises as two line.""" joint = self.plot_joint.currentIndex() name = self.__current_path_name() data = self.__paths.get(name, []) slider_data = self.__slider_paths.get(name, {}) if not data: return if self.plot_joint_slot.isChecked(): pos = array(slider_data.get(joint, [])) else: pos = array(data[joint]) if self.wrt_label.isChecked(): joint_wrt = self.wrt_joint.currentIndex() if self.wrt_joint_slot.isChecked(): pos[:] -= array(slider_data.get(joint_wrt, [])) else: pos[:] -= array(data[joint_wrt]) vel = derivative(pos) acc = derivative(vel) cur = curvature(data[joint]) plot = {} plot_count = 0 if self.plot_pos.isChecked(): plot_count += 1 plot["Position"] = pos if self.plot_vel.isChecked(): plot_count += 1 plot["Velocity"] = vel if self.plot_acc.isChecked(): plot_count += 1 plot["Acceleration"] = acc if self.plot_jerk.isChecked(): plot_count += 1 plot["Jerk"] = derivative(acc) if self.plot_curvature.isChecked(): plot_count += 1 plot["Curvature"] = cur if self.plot_signature.isChecked(): plot_count += 1 plot["Path Signature"] = path_signature(cur) if plot_count < 1: QMessageBox.warning(self, "No target", "No any plotting target.") return polar = self.p_coord_sys.isChecked() row = plot_count col = 1 if polar: row, col = col, row dlg = DataChartDialog(self, "Analysis", row, col, polar) dlg.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QPixmap(":/icons/formula.png"))) ax = for p, (title, xy) in enumerate(plot.items()): ax_i = ax[p] ax_i.set_title(title) if title == "Path Signature": ax_i.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1]) ax_i.set_ylabel(r"$\kappa$") ax_i.set_xlabel(r"$\int|\kappa|dt$") elif xy.ndim == 2: x = xy[:, 0] y = xy[:, 1] if self.c_coord_sys.isChecked(): ax_i.plot(x, label='x') ax_i.plot(y, label='y') ax_i.legend() else: r = hypot(x, y) theta = arctan2(y, x) ax_i.plot(theta, r, linewidth=5) else: ax_i.plot(xy) dlg.set_margin(0.2) dlg.exec_() dlg.deleteLater()