def assign_pooling(data):

    image_name, feature_matrix = data[0]
    clusterCenters = data[1]

    feature_matrix = np.array(feature_matrix)

    model = KMeansModel(clusterCenters)
    bow = np.zeros(len(clusterCenters))

    for x in feature_matrix:
        k = model.predict(x)
        dist = distance.euclidean(clusterCenters[k], x)
        bow[k] = max(bow[k], dist)

    clusters = bow.tolist()
    group = clusters.index(min(clusters)) + 1
    return [image_name, group]
def assign_pooling(row, clusterCenters, pooling):
    image_name = row['fileName']
    feature_matrix = np.array(row['features'])
    clusterCenters = clusterCenters.value
    model = KMeansModel(clusterCenters)
    bow = np.zeros(len(clusterCenters))

    for x in feature_matrix:
        k = model.predict(x)
        dist = distance.euclidean(clusterCenters[k], x)
        if pooling == "max":
            bow[k] = max(bow[k], dist)
        elif pooling == "sum":
            bow[k] = bow[k] + dist
    clusters = bow.tolist()
    group = clusters.index(min(clusters)) + 1
    #print(image_name + " in group: " + str(group))
    return [(image_name, group)]
def assign_pooling(data):

    row = data[0]
    clusterCenters = data[1]
    pooling = data[2]

    image_name = row['fileName']
    feature_matrix = np.array(row['features'])

    model = KMeansModel(clusterCenters)
    bow = np.zeros(len(clusterCenters))

    for x in feature_matrix:
        k = model.predict(x)
        dist = distance.euclidean(clusterCenters[k], x)
        if pooling == "max":
            bow[k] = max(bow[k], dist)
        elif pooling == "sum":
            bow[k] = bow[k] + dist
    clusters = bow.tolist()
    group = clusters.index(min(clusters)) + 1
    return [image_name, group]
ref = []
minIndex, minValue = min(enumerate(totalDist), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
ref = perm[minIndex]

# dataPoint = []
correct = 0
incorrect = 0
with open('/home/ronald/data.csv', 'r') as f:
    csvReader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in csvReader:
        data = []
        for i in row:
            if i != 'target':
        if ref[model.predict(Vectors.dense(data))] == int(row['target']):
            correct += 1
            # print(str(ref[model.predict(Vectors.dense(data))])+' '+str(row['target']))
            incorrect += 1
        # dataPoint.append(data)

print(str(correct / (incorrect + correct) * 100) + '%')

centers = []
with open('/home/ronald/kmeansModel', 'r') as f:
    line = f.readline()
    while line:
        line = f.readline()