def model_a_pixel(xy): x, y = int(xy[0]), int(xy[1]) kwargs = { 'tkin': parcube[0, y, x], 'tex': parcube[1, y, x], 'ntot': parcube[2, y, x], 'width': parcube[3, y, x], 'xoff_v': parcube[4, y, x], 'fortho': parcube[5, y, x], 'return_tau': True, } tau = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr, **kwargs) tau11[y, x] = tau['oneone']
def make_cube(nComps, nBorder, xarr, Temp, Width, Voff, logN, gradX, gradY, noise_rms): # the length of Temp, Width, Voff, logN, gradX, and gradY should match the number of components xmat, ymat = np.indices((2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1)) cube = np.zeros((xarr.shape[0], 2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1)) results = {} results['Tmax_a'], results['Tmax_b'] = (0,) * 2 for xx, yy in zip(xmat.flatten(), ymat.flatten()): spec = np.zeros(cube.shape[0]) for j in range(nComps): # define parameters T = Temp[j] * (1 + gradX[j][0] * (xx - 1) + gradY[j][0] * (yy - 1)) if T < 2.74: T = 2.74 W = np.abs(Width[j] * (1 + gradX[j][1] * (xx - 1) + gradY[j][1] * (yy - 1))) V = Voff[j] + (gradX[j][2] * (xx - 1) + gradY[j][2] * (yy - 1)) N = logN[j] * (1 + gradX[j][3] * (xx - 1) + gradY[j][3] * (yy - 1)) # generate spectrum spec_j = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr, T, ntot=N, width=W, xoff_v=V) if (xx == nBorder) and (yy == nBorder): Tmaxj = np.max(spec_j) results['Tmax_{}'.format(ascii_lowercase[j])] = Tmaxj # add each component to the total spectrum spec = spec + spec_j cube[:, yy, xx] = spec if (xx == nBorder) and (yy == nBorder): Tmax = np.max(spec) results['Tmax'] = Tmax cube += np.random.randn(*cube.shape) * noise_rms results['cube'] = cube return results
def generate_cubes(nCubes=100, nBorder=1, noise_rms=0.1, output_dir='random_cubes', random_seed=None): """ This places nCubes random cubes into the specified output directory """ if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) xarr11 = spaxis((np.linspace(-500, 499, 1000) * 5.72e-6 + nh3con.freq_dict['oneone'] / 1e9), unit='GHz', refX=nh3con.freq_dict['oneone'] / 1e9, velocity_convention='radio', refX_unit='GHz') xarr22 = spaxis((np.linspace(-500, 499, 1000) * 5.72e-6 + nh3con.freq_dict['twotwo'] / 1e9), unit='GHz', refX=nh3con.freq_dict['twotwo'] / 1e9, velocity_convention='radio', refX_unit='GHz') nDigits = int(np.ceil(np.log10(nCubes))) if random_seed: np.random.seed(random_seed) nComps = np.random.choice([1, 2], nCubes) Temp1 = 8 + np.random.rand(nCubes) * 17 Temp2 = 8 + np.random.rand(nCubes) * 17 Voff1 = np.random.rand(nCubes) * 5 - 2.5 Voff2 = np.random.rand(nCubes) * 5 - 2.5 logN1 = 13 + 2 * np.random.rand(nCubes) logN2 = 13 + 2 * np.random.rand(nCubes) Width1NT = 0.3 * np.exp(0.5 * np.random.randn(nCubes)) Width2NT = 0.3 * np.exp(0.5 * np.random.randn(nCubes)) Width1 = np.sqrt(Width1NT + 0.08**2) Width2 = np.sqrt(Width2NT + 0.08**2) # Find where centroids are too close too_close = np.where(np.abs(Voff1-Voff2)<np.max(np.column_stack((Width1, Width2)), axis=1)) # Move the centroids farther apart by the length of largest line width min_Voff = np.min(np.column_stack((Voff2[too_close],Voff1[too_close])), axis=1) max_Voff = np.max(np.column_stack((Voff2[too_close],Voff1[too_close])), axis=1) Voff1[too_close]=min_Voff-np.max(np.column_stack((Width1[too_close], Width2[too_close])), axis=1)/2. Voff2[too_close]=max_Voff+np.max(np.column_stack((Width1[too_close], Width2[too_close])), axis=1)/2. scale = np.array([[0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0.01]]) gradX1 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 4) * scale gradY1 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 4) * scale gradX2 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 4) * scale gradY2 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 4) * scale params1 = [{'ntot':14, 'width':1, 'xoff_v':0.0}] * nCubes params2 = [{'ntot':14, 'width':1, 'xoff_v':0.0}] * nCubes hdrkwds = {'BUNIT': 'K', 'INSTRUME': 'KFPA ', 'BMAJ': 0.008554169991270138, 'BMIN': 0.008554169991270138, 'TELESCOP': 'GBT', 'WCSAXES': 3, 'CRPIX1': 2, 'CRPIX2': 2, 'CRPIX3': 500, 'CDELT1': -0.008554169991270138, 'CDELT2': 0.008554169991270138, 'CDELT3': 5720.0, 'CUNIT1': 'deg', 'CUNIT2': 'deg', 'CUNIT3': 'Hz', 'CTYPE1': 'RA---TAN', 'CTYPE2': 'DEC--TAN', 'CTYPE3': 'FREQ', 'CRVAL1': 0.0, 'CRVAL2': 0.0, 'LONPOLE': 180.0, 'LATPOLE': 0.0, 'EQUINOX': 2000.0, 'SPECSYS': 'LSRK', 'RADESYS': 'FK5', 'SSYSOBS': 'TOPOCENT'} truekwds = ['NCOMP', 'LOGN1', 'LOGN2', 'VLSR1', 'VLSR2', 'SIG1', 'SIG2', 'TKIN1', 'TKIN2'] for i in ProgressBar(range(nCubes)): xmat, ymat = np.indices((2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1)) cube11 = np.zeros((xarr11.shape[0], 2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1)) cube22 = np.zeros((xarr22.shape[0], 2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1)) for xx, yy in zip(xmat.flatten(), ymat.flatten()): T1 = Temp1[i] * (1 + gradX1[i, 0] * (xx - 1) + gradY1[i, 0] * (yy - 1)) + 5 T2 = Temp2[i] * (1 + gradX2[i, 0] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 0] * (yy - 1)) + 5 if T1 < 2.74: T1 = 2.74 if T2 < 2.74: T2 = 2.74 W1 = np.abs(Width1[i] * (1 + gradX1[i, 1] * (xx - 1) + gradY1[i, 1] * (yy - 1))) W2 = np.abs(Width2[i] * (1 + gradX2[i, 1] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 1] * (yy - 1))) V1 = Voff1[i] + (gradX1[i, 2] * (xx - 1) + gradY1[i, 2] * (yy - 1)) V2 = Voff2[i] + (gradX2[i, 2] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 2] * (yy - 1)) N1 = logN1[i] * (1 + gradX1[i, 3] * (xx - 1) + gradY1[i, 3] * (yy - 1)) N2 = logN2[i] * (1 + gradX2[i, 3] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 3] * (yy - 1)) if nComps[i] == 1: spec11 = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr11, T1, ntot=N1, width=W1, xoff_v=V1) spec22 = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr22, T1, ntot=N1, width=W1, xoff_v=V1) if nComps[i] == 2: spec11 = (ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr11, T1, ntot=N1, width=W1, xoff_v=V1) + ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr11, T2, ntot=N2, width=W2, xoff_v=V2)) spec22 = (ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr22, T1, ntot=N1, width=W1, xoff_v=V1) + ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr22, T2, ntot=N2, width=W2, xoff_v=V2)) cube11[:, yy, xx] = spec11 cube22[:, yy, xx] = spec22 Tmax11 = np.max(cube11[:, nBorder, nBorder]) Tmax22 = np.max(cube22[:, nBorder, nBorder]) cube11 += np.random.randn(*cube11.shape) * noise_rms cube22 += np.random.randn(*cube22.shape) * noise_rms hdu11 = fits.PrimaryHDU(cube11) for kk in hdrkwds: hdu11.header[kk] = hdrkwds[kk] for kk, vv in zip(truekwds, [nComps[i], logN1[i], logN2[i], Voff1[i], Voff2[i], Width1[i], Width2[i], Temp1[i], Temp2[i]]): hdu11.header[kk] = vv hdu11.header['TMAX'] = Tmax11 hdu11.header['RMS'] = noise_rms hdu11.header['CRVAL3'] = 23694495500.0 hdu11.header['RESTFRQ'] = 23694495500.0 hdu11.writeto(output_dir + '/random_cube_NH3_11_' + '{0}'.format(i).zfill(nDigits) + '.fits', overwrite=True) hdu22 = fits.PrimaryHDU(cube22) for kk in hdrkwds: hdu22.header[kk] = hdrkwds[kk] for kk, vv in zip(truekwds, [nComps[i], logN1[i], logN2[i], Voff1[i], Voff2[i], Width1[i], Width2[i], Temp1[i], Temp2[i]]): hdu22.header[kk] = vv hdu22.header['TMAX'] = Tmax22 hdu22.header['RMS'] = noise_rms hdu22.header['CRVAL3'] = 23722633600.0 hdu22.header['RESTFRQ'] = 23722633600.0 hdu22.writeto(output_dir + '/random_cube_NH3_22_' + '{0}'.format(i).zfill(nDigits) + '.fits', overwrite=True)
def generate_cubes(nCubes=90, nBorder=1, noise_rms=0.1, fix_vlsr=False, random_seed=None, remove_low_sep=True, set_name='GAS_reg', regression=False): """ This places nCubes random cubes into the specified output directory """ #if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): # os.mkdir(output_dir) xarr11 = spaxis((np.linspace(-500, 499, 1000) * 5.72e-6 + nh3con.freq_dict['oneone'] / 1e9), unit='GHz', refX=nh3con.freq_dict['oneone'] / 1e9, velocity_convention='radio', refX_unit='GHz') #xarr22 = spaxis((np.linspace(-500, 499, 1000) * 5.72e-6 # + nh3con.freq_dict['twotwo'] / 1e9), unit='GHz', # refX=nh3con.freq_dict['twotwo'] / 1e9, # velocity_convention='radio', refX_unit='GHz') out_arr = [] out_vels = [] nDigits = int(np.ceil(np.log10(nCubes))) if random_seed: np.random.seed(random_seed) # Check that ncubes divisible by 3 if (nCubes % 3 != 0): print 'Warning: Number of cubes not divisible by 3' print 'Setting ncubes to 90' nCubes = 90 # Ensure output is balanced between each class nComps = np.concatenate( (np.ones(nCubes / 3).astype(int), np.zeros(nCubes / 3).astype(int), np.zeros(nCubes / 3).astype(int) + 2)) if regression: nComps = np.ones(nCubes) + 1 out_y1 = np.where(np.array(nComps) == 1, 1, 0) out_y2 = np.where(np.array(nComps) == 0, 1, 0) out_y3 = np.where(np.array(nComps) == 2, 1, 0) Temp1 = 8 + np.random.rand(nCubes) * 17 Temp2 = 8 + np.random.rand(nCubes) * 17 if fix_vlsr: Voff1 = np.zeros(nCubes) else: Voff1 = np.random.rand(nCubes) * 5 - 2.5 Voff2 = Voff1 + np.random.rand(nCubes) * 5 - 2.5 logN1 = 13 + 1.5 * np.random.rand(nCubes) logN2 = 13 + 1.5 * np.random.rand(nCubes) Width1NT = 0.1 * np.exp(1.5 * np.random.randn(nCubes)) Width2NT = 0.1 * np.exp(1.5 * np.random.randn(nCubes)) Width1 = np.sqrt(Width1NT + 0.08**2) Width2 = np.sqrt(Width2NT + 0.08**2) #print np.where(np.abs(Voff1-Voff2)<np.max(np.column_stack((Width1, Width2)), axis=1))[0] if remove_low_sep: # Find where centroids are too close too_close = np.where( np.abs(Voff1 - Voff2) < np.max(np.column_stack((Width1, Width2)), axis=1)) # Move the centroids farther apart by the length of largest line width min_Voff = np.min(np.column_stack( (Voff2[too_close], Voff1[too_close])), axis=1) max_Voff = np.max(np.column_stack( (Voff2[too_close], Voff1[too_close])), axis=1) Voff1[too_close] = min_Voff - np.max(np.column_stack( (Width1[too_close], Width2[too_close])), axis=1) / 2. Voff2[too_close] = max_Voff + np.max(np.column_stack( (Width1[too_close], Width2[too_close])), axis=1) / 2. #print Voff1[too_close] #print Voff2[too_close] #print len(np.where(np.abs(Voff1-Voff2)<np.max(np.column_stack((Width1, Width2)), axis=1))[0]) scale = np.array([[0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01]]) gradX1 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 4) * scale gradY1 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 4) * scale gradX2 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 4) * scale gradY2 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 4) * scale params1 = [{'ntot': 14, 'width': 1, 'xoff_v': 0.0}] * nCubes params2 = [{'ntot': 14, 'width': 1, 'xoff_v': 0.0}] * nCubes hdrkwds = { 'BUNIT': 'K', 'INSTRUME': 'KFPA ', 'BMAJ': 0.008554169991270138, 'BMIN': 0.008554169991270138, 'TELESCOP': 'GBT', 'WCSAXES': 3, 'CRPIX1': 2, 'CRPIX2': 2, 'CRPIX3': 500, 'CDELT1': -0.008554169991270138, 'CDELT2': 0.008554169991270138, 'CDELT3': 5720.0, 'CUNIT1': 'deg', 'CUNIT2': 'deg', 'CUNIT3': 'Hz', 'CTYPE1': 'RA---TAN', 'CTYPE2': 'DEC--TAN', 'CTYPE3': 'FREQ', 'CRVAL1': 0.0, 'CRVAL2': 0.0, 'LONPOLE': 180.0, 'LATPOLE': 0.0, 'EQUINOX': 2000.0, 'SPECSYS': 'LSRK', 'RADESYS': 'FK5', 'SSYSOBS': 'TOPOCENT' } truekwds = [ 'NCOMP', 'LOGN1', 'LOGN2', 'VLSR1', 'VLSR2', 'SIG1', 'SIG2', 'TKIN1', 'TKIN2' ] for i in ProgressBar(range(nCubes)): xmat, ymat = np.indices((2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1)) cube11 = np.zeros((xarr11.shape[0], 2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1)) #cube22 = np.zeros((xarr22.shape[0], 2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1)) for xx, yy in zip(xmat.flatten(), ymat.flatten()): T1 = Temp1[i] * (1 + gradX1[i, 0] * (xx - 1) + gradY1[i, 0] * (yy - 1)) + 5 T2 = Temp2[i] * (1 + gradX2[i, 0] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 0] * (yy - 1)) + 5 if T1 < 2.74: T1 = 2.74 if T2 < 2.74: T2 = 2.74 W1 = np.abs(Width1[i] * (1 + gradX1[i, 1] * (xx - 1) + gradY1[i, 1] * (yy - 1))) W2 = np.abs(Width2[i] * (1 + gradX2[i, 1] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 1] * (yy - 1))) V1 = Voff1[i] + (gradX1[i, 2] * (xx - 1) + gradY1[i, 2] * (yy - 1)) V2 = Voff2[i] + (gradX2[i, 2] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 2] * (yy - 1)) N1 = logN1[i] * (1 + gradX1[i, 3] * (xx - 1) + gradY1[i, 3] * (yy - 1)) N2 = logN2[i] * (1 + gradX2[i, 3] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 3] * (yy - 1)) if nComps[i] == 1: spec11 = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr11, T1, ntot=N1, width=W1, xoff_v=V1) #spec22 = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr22, T1, # ntot=N1, # width=W1, # xoff_v=V1) if (xx == nBorder) and (yy == nBorder): Tmax11a = np.max(spec11) Tmax11b = 0 Tmax11 = np.max(spec11) if nComps[i] == 2: spec11a = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr11, T1, ntot=N1, width=W1, xoff_v=V1) spec11b = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr11, T2, ntot=N2, width=W2, xoff_v=V2) spec11 = spec11a + spec11b if (xx == nBorder) and (yy == nBorder): Tmax11a = np.max(spec11a) Tmax11b = np.max(spec11b) Tmax11 = np.max(spec11) if nComps[i] == 0: cube11[:, yy, xx] = np.zeros(1000) else: cube11[:, yy, xx] = spec11 #cube22[:, yy, xx] = spec22 cube11 += np.random.randn(*cube11.shape) * noise_rms #cube22 += np.random.randn(*cube22.shape) * noise_rms loc11 = cube11[:, 1, 1].reshape(1000, 1) loc11 = loc11 / np.max(loc11) glob11 = np.mean(cube11.reshape(1000, 9), axis=1) glob11 = glob11 / np.max(glob11) loc11 = cube11[:, 1, 1].reshape(1000, 1) T1 = Tmax11a / np.max(loc11) T2 = Tmax11b / np.max(loc11) loc11 = loc11 / np.max(loc11) glob11 = np.mean(cube11.reshape(1000, 9), axis=1) glob11 = glob11 / np.max(glob11) z = np.column_stack((loc11, glob11)) out_arr.append(z) V1 = Voff1[i] V2 = Voff2[i] W1 = Width1[i] W2 = Width2[i] out_vel = [ min([V1, V2]), max([V1, V2]), [W1, W2][np.argmin([V1, V2])], [W1, W2][np.argmax([V1, V2])], [T1, T2][np.argmin([V1, V2])], [T1, T2][np.argmax([V1, V2])] ] out_vels.append(out_vel) #if nComps[i]==1: #plt.plot(xax, loc11) #plt.plot(xax, glob11+1) #plt.errorbar([Voff1[i], Voff2[i]], [0,0.1], xerr=[Width1[i],Width2[i]], color='orange', fmt='none') #plt.title(i) #hdu11 = fits.PrimaryHDU(cube11) #for kk in hdrkwds: # hdu11.header[kk] = hdrkwds[kk] # for kk, vv in zip(truekwds, [nComps[i], logN1[i], logN2[i], # Voff1[i], Voff2[i], Width1[i], Width2[i], # Temp1[i], Temp2[i]]): # hdu11.header[kk] = vv #hdu11.header['CRVAL3'] = 23694495500.0 #hdu11.header['RESTFRQ'] = 23694495500.0 #hdu11.writeto(output_dir + '/random_cube_NH3_11_' # + '{0}'.format(i).zfill(nDigits) # + '.fits', # overwrite=True) #hdu22 = fits.PrimaryHDU(cube22) #for kk in hdrkwds: # hdu22.header[kk] = hdrkwds[kk] # for kk, vv in zip(truekwds, [nComps[i], logN1[i], logN2[i], # Voff1[i], Voff2[i], Width1[i], Width2[i], # Temp1[i], Temp2[i]]): # hdu22.header[kk] = vv #hdu22.header['CRVAL3'] = 23722633600.0 #hdu22.header['RESTFRQ'] = 23722633600.0 #hdu22.writeto(output_dir + '/random_cube_NH3_22_' # + '{0}'.format(i).zfill(nDigits) + '.fits', # overwrite=True) with h5py.File('nh3_three_class_' + set_name + '.h5', 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset('data', data=np.array(out_arr)) hf.close() with h5py.File('labels_nh3_three_class_' + set_name + '.h5', 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset('data', data=np.column_stack((out_y1, out_y2, out_y3))) hf.close() with h5py.File('params_nh3_three_class_' + set_name + '.h5', 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset('data', data=np.array(out_vels)) hf.close()
def residual_cube(cubename, fitfile=None, expand=20, writemodel=False, fileprefix=None, filesuffix=None, writeresidual=False, writechisq=True): """This function generates products for evaluating the goodness of fit for a cold_ammonia model. Either a parameter cube name must be passed or the prefix/suffixes of the files. Parameters ---------- cubename : str Name of the original data file Keywords -------- fitfile : str Name of the parameter file produced by the cube fitter fileprefix : str Prefix of file name before the parameter name (e.g., for L1688_N_NH3_DR1_rebase3_flag.fits, this would be 'L1688_'). filesufffix : str Prefix of file name before the parameter name (e.g., for L1688_N_NH3_DR1_rebase3_flag.fits, this would be '_DR1_rebase3_flag'). expand : int Expands the region where the residual is evaluated by this many channels in the spectral dimension writemodel : bool Setting to True writes out a model cube of the ammonia fit writeresidual : bool Setting to True writes out a residual cube writechisq : bool Setting to True writes out a map of the reduced chi-squared goodness of fit. Returns ------- None """ try: if fitfile is None: tkin = fits.getdata(fileprefix + 'Tkin' + filesuffix + '.fits') tex = fits.getdata(fileprefix + 'Tex' + filesuffix + '.fits') sigma = fits.getdata(fileprefix + 'Sigma' + filesuffix + '.fits') column = fits.getdata(fileprefix + 'N_NH3' + filesuffix + '.fits') v0 = fits.getdata(fileprefix + 'Vlsr' + filesuffix + '.fits') fortho = np.zeros_like(v0) else: hdu = fitparams = hdu[0].data tkin = fitparams[0, :, :] tex = fitparams[1, :, :] column = fitparams[2, :, :] sigma = fitparams[3, :, :] v0 = fitparams[4, :, :] fortho = fitparams[5, :,:] except NameError: warnings.warn("Either fitfile or fileprefix/filesuffix"+ " must be specified") cube = cube = cube.with_spectral_unit(,velocity_convention='radio') model = np.zeros(cube.shape) yy, xx = np.where(column>0) cube = cube.with_spectral_unit(u.Hz) spaxis = pyspeckit.spectrum.units.SpectroscopicAxis(cube.spectral_axis) for y, x in console.ProgressBar(zip(yy,xx)): fit = ammonia.cold_ammonia(spaxis, tkin[y, x], tex=tex[y, x], ntot=column[y, x], width=sigma[y, x], xoff_v=v0[y, x], fortho=fortho[y, x]) model[:, y, x] = fit mask = model > 0 residual = cube.filled_data[:].value-model # This calculates chisq over the region where the fit is non-zero # plus a buffer of size set by the expand keyword. selem = np.ones(expand,dtype=np.bool) selem.shape += (1,1,) mask = nd.binary_dilation(mask, selem) mask = mask.astype(np.float) chisq = np.sum((residual * mask)**2, axis=0) / np.sum(mask, axis=0) # This produces a robust estimate of the RMS along every line of sight: diff = residual - np.roll(residual, 2, axis=0) rms = 1.4826 * np.nanmedian(np.abs(diff), axis=0) / 2**0.5 chisq /= rms**2 root = (cubename.split('.'))[0] if writechisq: hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(chisq, cube.wcs.celestial.to_header()) hdu.writeto(root+'_chisq.fits', clobber=True) if writeresidual: newcube = SpectralCube(residual,cube.wcs,header=cube.header) newcube.write(root+'_residual.fits', overwrite=True) if writemodel: model = SpectralCube(model, cube.wcs, header=cube.header) model.write(root + '_model.fits', overwrite=True)