 def test_time_double(self):
     """Test time_double function."""
     t0 = time_float()
     t1 = time_float_one()
     t2 = time_float(1450181243)
     print("Time_double functions test:", t0, t1, t2)
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015-12-15 12:07:23.767000')
                     == 1450181243.767)
     self.assertTrue(time_double(['2015-12-15 12:07:23.767000',
                                  '2015-12-15 12:07:43.767000'])
                     == [1450181243.767, 1450181263.767])
 def test_time_double(self):
     """Test time_double function."""
     self.assertTrue(time_string(time_double(), fmt='%Y-%m-%d') == datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015-12-15/12:00') == 1450180800.0000000)
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015-12-15/12') == 1450180800.0000000)
     #self.assertTrue(time_double('2015-12-15/6') == 1450159200.0000000) #this one doesn't work
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015-12-15/6:00') == 1450159200.0000000)
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015-12-15/06:00') == 1450159200.0000000)
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015-12-15') == 1450137600.0000000)
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015 12 15') == 1450137600.0000000)
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015-12') == 1448928000.0000000)
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015') == 1420070400.0000000)
     self.assertTrue(time_double('2015-12-15 12:07:23.767000') == 1450181243.767)
     self.assertTrue(time_double(['2015-12-15 12:07:23.767000', '2015-12-15 12:07:43.767000']) == [1450181243.767, 1450181263.767])
def read_data_files(out_files=None,
    Read data on a daily basis with a 10-secs or other resolution
    :param out_files: the string list of the downloaded data files' path.
    :param out_type: the return type: 'np': numpy array; 'df': pandas dataframe; 'dc': dictionary
    :param dtype: the data which will be read ('EICS' or 'SECS')
    :return: a numpy nd-array acrossing one or multiple days.
    file_names_arr_Dir = out_files
    start_time = time.time()
    # Reading the data at each time stamp (per resolution secs) on one specific date.

    # input the data into one pd data frame. (four columns)
    if out_type == 'df':
        if dtype == 'EICS':
            colnames = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'Jx', 'Jy']
        if dtype == 'SECS':
            colnames = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'J']
        data_all = []
        for idx, file in enumerate(file_names_arr_Dir):
            df = pd.read_csv(file,
            df['datetime'] = file[-19:-4]
        output = pd.concat(data_all, axis=0, ignore_index=True)

    elif out_type == 'np':
        latitude = []
        longitude = []
        date_time = []
        if dtype == 'EICS':
            Jx = []
            Jy = []
            for file in file_names_arr_Dir:
                di = np.loadtxt(file)
                num_row = np.shape(di)[0]
                latitude.extend(di[:, 0])
                longitude.extend(di[:, 1])
                Jx.extend(di[:, 2])
                Jy.extend(di[:, 3])
                date_time.extend(np.full((num_row, 1), file[-19:-4]))
            num_row2 = len(latitude)
            data_all = np.array([latitude, longitude, Jx, Jy, date_time])
            data_all = data_all.reshape([5, num_row2])
            data_all = np.transpose(data_all)

        if dtype == 'SECS':
            J = []
            for file in file_names_arr_Dir:
                di = np.loadtxt(file)
                num_row = np.shape(di)[0]
                latitude.extend(di[:, 0])
                longitude.extend(di[:, 1])
                J.extend(di[:, 2])
                date_time.extend(np.full((num_row, 1), file[-19:-4]))
            num_row2 = len(latitude)
            data_all = np.array([latitude, longitude, J, date_time])
            data_all = data_all.reshape([4, num_row2])
            data_all = np.transpose(data_all)

        output = data_all

    elif out_type == 'dc':
        data_dict = {}
        Jx = []
        Jy = []
        J = []

        date_time = []
        flag = 0
        filename_day1 = file_names_arr_Dir[0]

        for idx, file in enumerate(
                file_names_arr_Dir):  # per dat file with 1 min resolution.
            if not os.path.isfile(file):
                continue  # jump ouf of the current iteration, into the next iteration of the same loop.
            if os.stat(file).st_size == 0:  # check if the file is empty.

            di = np.loadtxt(file)
            if np.shape(di)[0] > 0 and flag == 0:
                num_row = np.shape(di)[0]  # np array
                latitude = di[:, 0]  # np array
                longitude = di[:, 1]  # np array
                flag = 1

            if dtype == 'EICS':
                Jx.append(di[:, 2])  # list [np.arrays]
                Jy.append(di[:, 3])  # list [np.arrays]
            if dtype == 'SECS':
                J.append(di[:, 2])  # list [np.arrays]
            date_time.append(file[-19:-4])  # list of str

        date_time = np.array(date_time)  # np array of str
        date_time = time_double(date_time)  # np array of float
        if dtype == 'EICS':
            Jx = np.vstack(Jx)  # np array
            Jy = np.vstack(Jy)  # np array
            data_dict = {
                'time': date_time,
                'latitude': latitude,
                'longitude': longitude,
                'Jx': Jx,
                'Jy': Jy
        if dtype == 'SECS':
            J = np.vstack(J)  # np array
            data_dict = {
                'time': date_time,
                'latitude': latitude,
                'longitude': longitude,
                'J': J
        output = data_dict

        raise TypeError("%r are invalid keyword arguments" % out_type)

    if save_pickle == True:
        if out_type == 'dc':  # too large, not useful.
            with open('data_dc.pkl', 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(output, f)

        # f.close()
    logging.info('running time of output ' + out_type +
                 ": --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

    return output
def cl_format_time(s):
    """Return a string formated for Cluster web services."""
    # Date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    r = time_string(time_double(s), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    return r
# e.g.,
# >>> times[0]
# 1444953613.330852
# >>> data[0]
# array([ 8580.49 ,  7339.21 ,  6250.034, 12905.493], dtype=float32)

# convert the unix time to a string

from pyspedas.utilities.time_string import time_string


from pyspedas.utilities.time_double import time_double

print(time_double('2015-10-16 00:00:13.330852'))

# create new tplot variables

store_data('b_gsm_vec', data={'x': times, 'y': data[:, 0:3]})  # B-field vector

store_data('b_gsm_mag', data={
    'x': times,
    'y': data[:, 3]
})  # B-field magnitude

tplot(['b_gsm_mag', 'b_gsm_vec'])

# modify variable metadata

from pytplot import options