def test_field(proc_shape):
    if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1):
        pytest.skip("test field only on one rank")

    y = ps.Field("y", offset="h")
    result = ps.index_fields(y)
    assert result == parse("y[i + h, j + h, k + h]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", offset="h", indices=("a", "b", "c"))
    result = ps.index_fields(y)
    assert result == parse("y[a + h, b + h, c + h]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", ignore_prepends=True)
    result = ps.index_fields(y, prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y[4, 5]", ignore_prepends=True)
    result = ps.index_fields(y, prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[4, 5, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", ignore_prepends=True)
    result = ps.index_fields(y[2, 3], prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[2, 3, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y[4, 5]", ignore_prepends=True)
    result = ps.index_fields(y[2, 3], prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[2, 3, 4, 5, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", ignore_prepends=False)
    result = ps.index_fields(y, prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[0, 1, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y[4, 5]", ignore_prepends=False)
    result = ps.index_fields(y, prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[0, 1, 4, 5, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", ignore_prepends=False)
    result = ps.index_fields(y[2, 3], prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[0, 1, 2, 3, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y[4, 5]", ignore_prepends=False)
    result = ps.index_fields(y[2, 3], prepend_with=(0, 1))
    assert result == parse("y[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i, j, k]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", offset=("hx", "hy", "hz"))
    result = ps.index_fields(shift_fields(y, (1, 2, 3)))
    assert result == parse("y[i + hx + 1, j + hy + 2, k + hz + 3]"), result

    y = ps.Field("y", offset=("hx", var("hy"), "hz"))
    result = ps.index_fields(shift_fields(y, (1, 2, var("a"))))
    assert result == parse("y[i + hx + 1, j + hy + 2, k + hz + a]"), result
def test_sympy_interop(proc_shape):
    if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1):
        pytest.skip("test field only on one rank")

    from pystella.field.sympy import pymbolic_to_sympy, sympy_to_pymbolic
    import sympy as sym

    f = ps.Field("f", offset="h")
    g = ps.Field("g", offset="h")

    expr = f[0]**2 * g + 2 * g[1] * f
    sympy_expr = pymbolic_to_sympy(expr)
    new_expr = sympy_to_pymbolic(sympy_expr)
    sympy_expr_2 = pymbolic_to_sympy(new_expr)
    assert sym.simplify(sympy_expr - sympy_expr_2) == 0, \
        "sympy <-> pymbolic conversion not invertible"

    expr = f + shift_fields(f, (1, 2, 3))
    sympy_expr = pymbolic_to_sympy(expr)
    new_expr = sympy_to_pymbolic(sympy_expr)
    sympy_expr_2 = pymbolic_to_sympy(new_expr)
    assert sym.simplify(sympy_expr - sympy_expr_2) == 0, \
        "sympy <-> pymbolic conversion not invertible with shifted indices"

    # from pymbolic.functions import fabs, exp, exmp1
    fabs = parse("math.fabs")
    exp = parse("math.exp")
    expm1 = parse("math.expm1")
    x = sym.Symbol("x")

    expr = sym.Abs(x)
    assert sympy_to_pymbolic(expr) == fabs(var("x"))

    expr = sym.exp(x)
    assert sympy_to_pymbolic(expr) == exp(var("x"))

    expr = sym.Function("expm1")(x)  # pylint: disable=E1102
    assert sympy_to_pymbolic(expr) == expm1(var("x"))

    expr = sym.Function("aaa")(x)  # pylint: disable=E1102
    from pymbolic.primitives import Call, Variable
    assert sympy_to_pymbolic(expr) == Call(Variable("aaa"), (Variable("x"), ))
文件: derivs.py 项目: mfkiwl/pystella
def expand_stencil(f, coefs):
    Expands a stencil over a field.

    :arg f: A :class:`~pystella.Field`.

    :arg coefs: A :class:`dict` whose values are the coefficients of the stencil
        at an offset given by the key. The keys must be 3-:class:`tuple`\\ s, and the
        values may be :mod:`pymbolic` expressions or constants.


        >>> f = Field("f", offset="h")
        >>> coefs = {(1, 0, 0): 1, (-1, 0, 0): -1}
        >>> stencil = expand_stencil(f, coefs)
        >>> print(index_fields(stencil))
        f[i + h + 1, j + h, k + h] + (-1)*f[i + h + -1, j + h, k + h]

    return sum([c * shift_fields(f, shift=offset) for offset, c in coefs.items()])
def test_get_field_args(proc_shape):
    if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1):
        pytest.skip("test field only on one rank")

    from pystella import Field, DynamicField, get_field_args

    x = Field("x", offset=(1, 2, 3))
    y = Field("y", offset="h")
    z = DynamicField("z", shape=(2, "a"))

    import loopy as lp
    true_args = [
        lp.GlobalArg("x", shape="(Nx+2, Ny+4, Nz+6)", offset=lp.auto),
        lp.GlobalArg("y", shape="(Nx+2*h, Ny+2*h, Nz+2*h)", offset=lp.auto),
        lp.GlobalArg("z", shape="(2, a, Nx, Ny, Nz)", offset=lp.auto),
        lp.GlobalArg("dzdx", shape="(2, a, 3, Nx, Ny, Nz)", offset=lp.auto),

    def lists_equal(a, b):
        equal = True
        for x in a:
            equal *= x in b
        for x in b:
            equal *= x in a
        return equal

    expressions = {x: y, y: x * z + z.pd[0]}
    args = get_field_args(expressions)
    assert lists_equal(args, true_args)

    expressions = x * y + z + z.pd[2]
    args = get_field_args(expressions)
    assert lists_equal(args, true_args)

    expressions = [x, y, y * z**2, 3 + z.pd[0] + z.pd[1]]
    args = get_field_args(expressions)
    assert lists_equal(args, true_args)

    expressions = [shift_fields(x, (1, 2, 3)), y + z.pd[0], y * z**2]
    args = get_field_args(expressions)
    assert lists_equal(args, true_args)
def test_collect_field_indices(proc_shape):
    if proc_shape != (1, 1, 1):
        pytest.skip("test field only on one rank")

    from pystella import Field, DynamicField
    from pystella.field import collect_field_indices

    x = Field("x", offset=(1, 2, 3))
    y = Field("y", indices=("i", "x"), offset="h")
    z = DynamicField("z", shape=(2, "a"))

    expressions = {x: y, y: x * z + z.pd[0]}
    indices = collect_field_indices(expressions)
    assert indices == {"i", "j", "k", "x"}

    expressions = [x, z]
    indices = collect_field_indices(expressions)
    assert indices == {"i", "j", "k"}

    expressions = [shift_fields(x, (1, 2, 3)), y + z.pd[0], y * z**2]
    indices = collect_field_indices(expressions)
    assert indices == {"i", "j", "k", "x"}