def drawFrontFacePair(topCorners, bottomCorners, color): pointList = [] pointList2 = [] output = G() YZStyle1 = StyleBuilder() #YZStyle1.setStroke('black') #YZStyle1.setStrokeWidth(1.5) YZStyle1.setFilling(color) YZStyle1.setFillOpacity(0.75) YZStyle2 = StyleBuilder() YZStyle2.setStroke('black') YZStyle2.setStrokeWidth(0.5) YZStyle2.setFillOpacity(0.75) YZStyle2.setFilling('#ffffff') pointList.append(strPathStart(topCorners[1])) pointList.append(strPathPoint(topCorners[2])) pointList.append(strPathPoint(bottomCorners[2])) pointList.append(strPathPoint(bottomCorners[1])) svgCode1 = pGram(pointList) pointList2.append(strPathStart(topCorners[0])) pointList2.append(strPathPoint(topCorners[3])) pointList2.append(strPathPoint(bottomCorners[3])) pointList2.append(strPathPoint(bottomCorners[0])) svgCode2 = pGram(pointList2) frontFace = Path(svgCode1) frontFace.set_style(YZStyle1.getStyle()) backFace = Path(svgCode2) backFace.set_style(YZStyle2.getStyle()) output.addElement(backFace) output.addElement(frontFace) return output
def drawSideFacePair(topCorners, bottomCorners, color): pointList = [] pointList2 = [] output = G() XYStyle1 = StyleBuilder() #XYStyle1.setStroke('black') #XYStyle1.setStrokeWidth(1.5) XYStyle1.setFilling(color) #XYStyle1.setFillOpacity(0.8) XYStyle2 = StyleBuilder() XYStyle2.setStroke(color) XYStyle2.setStrokeWidth(0.5) XYStyle2.setFilling(color) pointList.append(strPathStart(topCorners[2])) pointList.append(strPathPoint(topCorners[3])) pointList.append(strPathPoint(bottomCorners[3])) pointList.append(strPathPoint(bottomCorners[2])) svgCode1 = pGram(pointList) pointList2.append(strPathStart(topCorners[0])) pointList2.append(strPathPoint(topCorners[1])) pointList2.append(strPathPoint(bottomCorners[1])) pointList2.append(strPathPoint(bottomCorners[0])) svgCode2 = pGram(pointList2) rightFace = Path(svgCode1) rightFace.set_style(XYStyle1.getStyle()) leftFace = Path(svgCode2) leftFace.set_style(XYStyle2.getStyle()) output.addElement(leftFace) output.addElement(rightFace) return output
def rev_path(x1,y1, x2,y2, txt=None): elements = [] # x1, y1 = r1.get_cx(), r1.get_cy() # x2, y2 = r2.get_cx(), r2.get_cy(), l = line(x1, y1, x2, y2) elements.append(l) style = 'stroke-width:{0};stroke:{1}'.format(16, ALUM_6) l.set_style(style) if txt: x, y = middle(x1, y1, x2, y2) style2 = StyleBuilder() #style2.setFontFamily('envy code r') style2.setFontFamily('arial') style2.setFontWeight('bold') style2.setFilling(ALUM_1) # shift text left and up by a bit # whole alphabet in this font is 167 px width per_char = 167./26 t = text(txt, -len(txt)/2*per_char, 4) t.set_style(style2.getStyle()) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() group = rotate([t], slope_angle(x1, y1, x2, y2)) group = translate([group], x, y) elements.append(group) return elements
def rev_path(x1, y1, x2, y2, txt=None): elements = [] # x1, y1 = r1.get_cx(), r1.get_cy() # x2, y2 = r2.get_cx(), r2.get_cy(), l = line(x1, y1, x2, y2) elements.append(l) style = 'stroke-width:{0};stroke:{1}'.format(16, ALUM_6) l.set_style(style) if txt: x, y = middle(x1, y1, x2, y2) style2 = StyleBuilder() #style2.setFontFamily('envy code r') style2.setFontFamily('arial') style2.setFontWeight('bold') style2.setFilling(ALUM_1) # shift text left and up by a bit # whole alphabet in this font is 167 px width per_char = 167. / 26 t = text(txt, -len(txt) / 2 * per_char, 4) t.set_style(style2.getStyle()) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() group = rotate([t], slope_angle(x1, y1, x2, y2)) group = translate([group], x, y) elements.append(group) return elements
def genHoneycomb(self): outComb = G() circleStyle = StyleBuilder() #circleStyle.setStrokeWidth(0.5) circleStyle.setStroke('orange') circleStyle.setFilling('#edd239') CORNER = self.hCSlice.getBottomRight() circleY = [] circleY.append(CORNER[1] + (ROW_SPACE - CIRCLE_RADIUS)) for g in range(0, self.row): circleX = CORNER[0] - CIRCLE_RADIUS if (g != 0 and g % 2 != 0): circleY.append(circleY[g-1] + 2*CIRCLE_RADIUS) elif (g!= 0 and g % 2 == 0): circleY.append(circleY[g-1] + 2*(ROW_SPACE - CIRCLE_RADIUS)) #initCircle = Circle(circleX, circleY[g], CIRCLE_RADIUS) #outComb.addElement(initCircle) for i in range(0, self.col): newShift = TransformBuilder() xShift = -i*CIRCLE_RADIUS*math.sqrt(3) yShift = 0 if i % 2 != 0 and g % 2 != 0: yShift = CIRCLE_RADIUS elif i % 2 != 0 and g % 2 == 0: yShift = -1*CIRCLE_RADIUS newShift.setTranslation(str(xShift) + ' ' + str(yShift)) a = Circle(circleX, circleY[g], CIRCLE_RADIUS) a.set_transform(newShift.getTransform()) outComb.addElement(a) outComb.set_style(circleStyle.getStyle()) return outComb
class SimpleSurfaceStyle(object): """ A simple style for polygons. """ def __init__(self, style=None): # Provide a default style if none is specified if style == None: style = { 'fill': '#cccccc', 'fill-opacity': 0.7, 'stroke': 'black', 'stroke-width': 0.3 } = StyleBuilder(style) def style_feature(self, feature, elem): """ Styles the provided feature. """ elem.set_style( def needs_statistics(self): return False def init_statistics(self): pass def update_statistics(self, feat): pass def finalize_statistics(self): pass def legend(self, elem, x, y, width, height, label_style): pass
def draw(self): rectangleStyle = StyleBuilder() rectangleStyle.setStroke('black') rectangleStyle.setStrokeWidth(2) rectangleStyle.setFilling(self.color) self.view = Rect(self.gridCoord[0], self.gridCoord[1], self.dimA*SCALING_FACTOR, self.dimB*SCALING_FACTOR) self.view.set_style(rectangleStyle.getStyle()) return self.view
def words(txt, family='arial', weight='bold', color=ALUM_1): style2 = StyleBuilder() #style2.setFontFamily('envy code r') style2.setFontFamily('arial') style2.setFontWeight('bold') style2.setFilling(ALUM_1) t = text(txt, 0, 0) t.set_style(style2.getStyle()) return t
def image(self): style_line = StyleBuilder() style_line.setStrokeWidth(self.type.dim_x / 100) if self.type.shape == 'ellipse': return pysvg.shape.ellipse(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.type.dim_x / 2, self.type.dim_y / 2, stroke='black', fill=self.type.color, style=style_line.getStyle()) elif self.type.shape == 'rectangle': return pysvg.shape.rect(self.pos_x - self.type.dim_x / 2, self.pos_y - self.type.dim_y / 2, self.type.dim_x, self.type.dim_y, stroke='black', fill=self.type.color, style=style_line.getStyle())
def image(self): style_line = StyleBuilder() style_line.setStrokeWidth(self.dim_x / 100) return pysvg.shape.rect(self.pos_x - self.dim_x / 2, self.pos_y - self.dim_y / 2, self.dim_x, self.dim_y, stroke='black', fill='white', style=style_line.getStyle())
def command(num_txt, cmd, explanation, color): x = 0 y = 0 elems = [scale(num(num_txt, color), 2)] cmd_txt = text(cmd, x + 40, y + 12) s = StyleBuilder() s.setFontWeight('bold') s.setFontFamily('Bitstream Vera Sans Mono') cmd_txt.set_style(s.getStyle()) elems.append(cmd_txt) exp_txt = text(explanation, x + 45, y + 27) s = StyleBuilder() #s.setFontWeight('bold') s.setFontFamily('Bitstream Vera Serif') s.setFontSize('10px') exp_txt.set_style(s.getStyle()) elems.append(exp_txt) return elems
def command(num_txt, cmd, explanation, color): x = 0 y = 0 elems = [scale(num(num_txt, color), 2)] cmd_txt = text(cmd, x+40, y+12) s = StyleBuilder() s.setFontWeight('bold') s.setFontFamily('Bitstream Vera Sans Mono') cmd_txt.set_style(s.getStyle()) elems.append(cmd_txt) exp_txt = text(explanation, x+45, y+27) s = StyleBuilder() #s.setFontWeight('bold') s.setFontFamily('Bitstream Vera Serif') s.setFontSize('10px') exp_txt.set_style(s.getStyle()) elems.append(exp_txt) return elems
def genLabels(self): labels = G() labelStyle = StyleBuilder() labelStyle.setTextAnchor('middle') labelStyle.setFontSize(10) lineStyle = StyleBuilder() lineStyle.setStroke('#a9a9a9') dimLabelA = str(self.dimA) + ' nm' dimLabelB = str(self.dimB) + ' nm' # horizontal label cornerHL = self.view.getTopLeft() cornerHR = self.view.getTopRight() hLabelStart = [cornerHL[0], cornerHL[1] + 5] hLabelEnd = [cornerHR[0], cornerHR[1] + 5] hLine = Line(hLabelStart[0], hLabelStart[1], hLabelEnd[0], hLabelEnd[1]) hLabel = Text(dimLabelA, (hLabelStart[0] + hLabelEnd[0])/2, hLabelEnd[1] + 20) hLine.set_style(lineStyle.getStyle()) hLabel.set_style(labelStyle.getStyle()) cornerVL = self.view.getTopLeft() cornerVR = self.view.getBottomLeft() vLabelStart = [cornerVL[0] - 5, cornerVL[1]] vLabelEnd = [cornerVR[0] - 5, cornerVR[1]] vLine = Line(vLabelStart[0], vLabelStart[1], vLabelEnd[0], vLabelEnd[1]) vLabel = Text(dimLabelB, vLabelEnd[0] - 30, (vLabelStart[1] + vLabelEnd[1])/2) vLine.set_style(lineStyle.getStyle()) vLabel.set_style(labelStyle.getStyle()) labels.addElement(hLine) labels.addElement(hLabel) labels.addElement(vLine) labels.addElement(vLabel) #center = [self.gridCoord[0] + self.dimA*SCALING_FACTOR/2, self.gridCoord[1] + self.dimB*SCALING_FACTOR + LABEL_SHIFT] #dimLabel = str(self.dimA) + 'nm x ' +str(self.dimB) + 'nm' #labels = Text(dimLabel, center[0], center[1]) #labels.set_style(labelStyle.getStyle()) return labels
def Scalebars(smin, smax, xmin, xmax): c_lines = StyleBuilder(config['scaleline_style']) c_times = StyleBuilder(config['scale_style']) c_times.setFontSize(str(config['scale_font_height']) + 'px') g_scale = G() g_scale_lines = G() g_scale_times = G() g_scale_lines.set_style(c_lines.getStyle()) g_scale_times.set_style(c_times.getStyle()) g_scale_times.setAttribute('xml:space', 'preserve') # seconds value of largest minute smaller than first time start = (int(smin) / 60) * 60 # seconds value of smallest minute larger than last time end = 60 + ((int(smax) / 60) * 60) # if the max time wasn't exactly on a minute interval, add one more if end < smax + 60: end += 60; # one scale bar for each minute in the range, including last for s in range(start, end, 60): y = config['vscale'] * (s - smin) sline = Line(xmin, y, xmax, y) if config['scaleleft']: # note hard coded expectation of 7 char max scale label lx = xmin - 5 - (7 * config['scale_font_width']) else: lx = xmax + 5 stime = Text(time(s), lx, y + 6) g_scale_lines.addElement(sline) g_scale_times.addElement(stime) g_scale.addElement(g_scale_lines) g_scale.addElement(g_scale_times) return g_scale
def create_rectangle(self, bounds, outline): r = Rect( x= bounds[0], y= bounds[1], width= bounds[2] - bounds[0], height= bounds[3] - bounds[1] ) myStyle = StyleBuilder({'fill':None, 'stroke-width':0.5, 'stroke':outline}) r.set_style(myStyle.getStyle()) self.svg.addElement( r)
def legend(self, elem, x, y, width, height, label_style): n = len(self.colors.colors) box_height = int(np.floor(float(height) / (n+2))) box_width = min(8, width/2) mark_style = StyleBuilder(self.mark_style) textsize = int(re.findall('([0-9]+)', label_style.get('font-size', "8") )[0]) label_x = x + box_width + self.mark_length + 1 for i in range(n): box = rect( x = mm_to_px(x), y = mm_to_px(y + (n-i-1)*box_height), width = mm_to_px(box_width), height = mm_to_px(box_height) ) s = deepcopy(self.styles[i].style_dict) s['stroke'] = 'black' box.set_style(StyleBuilder(s).getStyle()) elem.addElement(box) if i < (n-1): mark = line( X1=mm_to_px(x+box_width), Y1=mm_to_px(y+(n-i-1)*box_height), X2=mm_to_px(x+box_width+self.mark_length), Y2=mm_to_px(y+(n-i-1)*box_height) ) mark.set_style(mark_style.getStyle()) elem.addElement(mark) label = text( content="%0.*f" % (self.ndecimals, self.limits[i]), x=mm_to_px(label_x), y=mm_to_px(y+(n-i-1)*box_height)+(textsize/2) ) label.set_style(StyleBuilder(label_style).getStyle()) elem.addElement(label) label = text( content="Min: %0.*f" % (self.ndecimals, np.min(self.values)), x=mm_to_px(label_x), y=mm_to_px(y+n*box_height)+(textsize/2) ) label.set_style(StyleBuilder(label_style).getStyle()) elem.addElement(label) label = text( content="Max: %0.*f" % (self.ndecimals, np.max(self.values)), x=mm_to_px(label_x), y=mm_to_px(y+0*box_height)+(textsize/2) ) label.set_style(StyleBuilder(label_style).getStyle()) elem.addElement(label)
class ScaleBar(Container): def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, map_container, unit, step=1, factor=1, style=None): Container.__init__(self, x, y, width, height) self.has_content = True self.map_container = map_container self.unit = unit self.step = step self.factor = factor = StyleBuilder({'font-family': 'Helvetica', 'font-size': '8pt', 'font-weight': 'normal'}) if style != None: = StyleBuilder(style)['text-anchor'] = 'middle'['text-align'] = 'center' def draw_content(self, elem): # Create a new group grp = g() grp.setAttribute('id', 'scalebar') # Find the amount of available width bbox = self.map_container.bbox step_length = (float(self.step) * self.factor) c = [[bbox[0], 0], [bbox[0] + step_length, 0]] px = self.map_container.geo_to_local_coords(c) step_px = abs(px[1][0] - px[0][0]) nsteps = int(floor(float(self.width) / step_px)) # Draw the horizontal line l = path(pathData="M %f %f L %f %f" % ( mm_to_px(self.x), mm_to_px(self.y + self.height), mm_to_px(self.x + nsteps*step_px), mm_to_px(self.y + self.height) ), style=StyleBuilder({'stroke': 'black', 'stroke-width': 0.3}).getStyle()) grp.addElement(l) # Draw the vertical lines and write the text # textsize = int(re.findall('([0-9]+)', #'font-size', "12") # )[0]) for i in range(nsteps+1): l = path(pathData="M %f %f L %f %f" % ( mm_to_px(self.x + i*step_px), mm_to_px(self.y + self.height), mm_to_px(self.x + i*step_px), mm_to_px(self.y + self.height - 3) ), style=StyleBuilder({'stroke': 'black', 'stroke-width': 0.3}).getStyle()) grp.addElement(l) content = str(i*self.step) if i == nsteps: content += ' ' + self.unit t = text( content=content, x=mm_to_px(self.x + i*step_px), y=mm_to_px(self.y + self.height - 5) ) t.set_style( grp.addElement(t) elem.addElement(grp)
def num(txt, color): txt = str(txt) elems = [] r = rect(0, 0, 16, 16) s = StyleBuilder() s.setFilling(color) r.set_style(s.getStyle()) elems.append(r) if txt: style2 = StyleBuilder() #style2.setFontFamily('envy code r') style2.setFontFamily('arial') style2.setFontWeight('bold') style2.setFilling(ALUM_1) # shift text left and up by a bit if len(txt) == 1: x = 5 elif len(txt) == 2: x = 1.5 t = text(txt, x, 12.5) t.set_style(style2.getStyle()) elems.append(t) return elems
def genLabels(self): labels = G() labelStyle = StyleBuilder() labelStyle.setTextAnchor('middle') labelStyle.setFontSize(10) lineStyle = StyleBuilder() lineStyle.setStroke('#a9a9a9') dimLabelA = str(self.x/SCALING_FACTOR) + ' nm' dimLabelB = str(self.z/SCALING_FACTOR) + ' nm' # horizontal label cornerHL = self.hCSlice.getTopLeft() cornerHR = self.hCSlice.getTopRight() hLabelStart = [cornerHL[0], cornerHL[1] + 5] hLabelEnd = [cornerHR[0], cornerHR[1] + 5] hLine = Line(hLabelStart[0], hLabelStart[1], hLabelEnd[0], hLabelEnd[1]) hLabel = Text(dimLabelA, (hLabelStart[0] + hLabelEnd[0])/2, hLabelEnd[1] + 20) hLine.set_style(lineStyle.getStyle()) hLabel.set_style(labelStyle.getStyle()) cornerVL = self.hCSlice.getTopLeft() cornerVR = self.hCSlice.getBottomLeft() vLabelStart = [cornerVL[0] - 5, cornerVL[1]] vLabelEnd = [cornerVR[0] - 5, cornerVR[1]] vLine = Line(vLabelStart[0], vLabelStart[1], vLabelEnd[0], vLabelEnd[1]) vLabel = Text(dimLabelB, vLabelEnd[0] - 30, (vLabelStart[1] + vLabelEnd[1])/2) vLine.set_style(lineStyle.getStyle()) vLabel.set_style(labelStyle.getStyle()) labels.addElement(hLine) labels.addElement(hLabel) labels.addElement(vLine) labels.addElement(vLabel) return labels
def makerow(self): frameStyle = StyleBuilder() frameStyle.setStrokeWidth(1.5) frameStyle.setStroke('black') frameStyle.setFilling('white') out = G() yCoord = 10 + (FRAMELEN + 20) * self.i for z in range(0, 4): newFrame = Rect(10 + (FRAMELEN + 20) * z, yCoord, FRAMELEN, FRAMELEN) newFrame.set_style(frameStyle.getStyle()) out.addElement(newFrame) self.rowCoords.append([10 + (FRAMELEN + 20) * z, yCoord]) return out
def draw_tree(width, height): global nameStyle nameStyle = StyleBuilder() nameStyle.setFontFamily(fontfamily=dc.nameFont) nameStyle.setFontSize("%spt" % dc.nameFontSize) nameStyle.setTextAnchor("left") nameStyle = nameStyle.getStyle() svg = Svg(width=width, height=height) # draw nodes for depth in depthToNames: for name in depthToNames[depth]: node = nameToNode[name] draw_node(svg, node, name) # draw branches for depth in depthToNames: for name in depthToNames[depth]: node = nameToNode[name] isLeaf = (node.children == []) if (isLeaf): continue numChildren = len(node.children) for (i, child) in enumerate(node.children): rootFrac = 0.4 + (0.2 * i) / (numChildren - 1) sinkFrac = 0.5 if (orientation == "T2B"): (rootX, rootY) = (node.x + rootFrac * dc.nodeWdt, node.y + dc.nodeHgt) (sinkX, sinkY) = (child.x + sinkFrac * dc.nodeWdt, child.y) draw_vert_branch(svg, "%s_branch_%d" % (name, i), rootX, rootY, sinkX, sinkY) else: # if (orientation == "L2R"): (rootX, rootY) = (node.x + dc.nodeWdt, node.y + rootFrac * dc.nodeHgt) (sinkX, sinkY) = (child.x, child.y + sinkFrac * dc.nodeHgt) draw_horz_branch(svg, "%s_branch_%d" % (name, i), rootX, rootY, sinkX, sinkY) return svg
class Text(Container): def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, text, style=None): Container.__init__(self, x, y, width, height) self.has_content = True self.text = text if style != None: = StyleBuilder(style) def draw_content(self, elem): textsize = int(re.findall('([0-9]+)','font-size', "12") )[0]) txt = self.text.split('\n') for i in range(len(txt)): y = mm_to_px(self.y) + textsize + i*1.8*textsize t = text( content=txt[i], x=mm_to_px(self.x), y=y ) t.set_style( elem.addElement(t)
class NodeRenderer(object): def __init__(self, conf): self.__shapeBuilder = ShapeBuilder() self.__fontSize = conf['frame']['font']['size']; self.__fontFamily = conf['frame']['font']['name']; self.__alignment = conf['frame']['font']['align']; self.__frameThickness = conf['frame']['thickness']; self.__frameWidth = conf['frame']['width']; self.__framePadding = conf['frame']['padding']; self.__separatorWidth = conf['frame']['separator']['width']; self.__textStyle = StyleBuilder() self.__textStyle.setFontFamily(self.__fontFamily) self.__textStyle.setFontSize(self.__fontSize.__str__() + 'px') self.__LINE_SEPARATOR = 5; self.__resolver = BBCodeResolver(); def __createLines(self, values): result = []; for value in values: if isinstance(value, basestring): lines = self.__resolver.resolveString(value); if isinstance(lines, list): for line in lines: result.append(line); elif isinstance(value, int): result.append(value); else: assert 1 == 2 return result; def __determineLineHeight(self, isSeparator): if isSeparator: return self.__separatorWidth + self.__LINE_SEPARATOR; else: return self.__fontSize + self.__LINE_SEPARATOR; def __determineContainterHeight(self, lines): #TODO wrapping! height = 0; for line in lines: if isinstance(line, int): height = height + self.__determineLineHeight(True); else: height = height + self.__determineLineHeight(False); return height + 2 * self.__framePadding; def __prepareNodeContainer(self, startX, startY, width, height, isReference): nodeGroup = g() nodeGroup.set_style(self.__textStyle.getStyle()) if isReference: color = 'gray'; else: color = 'white'; rect = self.__shapeBuilder.createRect(startX, startY, width, height, strokewidth = self.__frameThickness, stroke='black', fill=color) nodeGroup.addElement(rect) return nodeGroup; def render(self, node, startX, startY, isReference = False): if node['type'] != 'node': raise Exception("Wrong input object. Expected type: 'node'"); lines = self.__createLines(node['value']); height = self.__determineContainterHeight(lines); nodeContainer = self.__prepareNodeContainer(startX, startY, self.__frameWidth, height, isReference) y = startY + self.__framePadding; for line in lines: if isinstance(line, int): # if int, then render horizontal line lineHeight = self.__determineLineHeight(True); x = startX; separatorObj = self.__shapeBuilder.createLine(x, y, x + self.__frameWidth, y, strokewidth = self.__separatorWidth) nodeContainer.addElement(separatorObj) elif isinstance(line, list): #list, because line is list of bbcoded spans lineHeight = self.__determineLineHeight(False); x = startX + self.__framePadding; txtObj = text(None, x, y + self.__fontSize); for txt in line: span = tspan(); span.appendTextContent(txt.getText()); span.setAttribute("style", txt.getStyle()) txtObj.addElement(span) nodeContainer.addElement(txtObj) else: raise Exception("unsupported value type") y = y + lineHeight; return nodeContainer; #pseudo static method def getNodeHeight(self, node): lines = self.__createLines(node['value']); return self.__determineContainterHeight(lines);
actual_page_width += config['pagewidth'] gap_count = len(races) - 1 scale_label_width = ((7 * config['scale_font_width']) + 5 if config['scalebars'] else 0) free_space = actual_page_width - total_label_width - scale_label_width - (gap_count * 2 * config['gutter']) calc_linespan = free_space / gap_count config['linespan'] = calc_linespan # SVG styles s_label = StyleBuilder(config['label_style']) s_label.setFontSize(str(config['label_font_height']) + 'px') # SVG Groups g_label = G() g_label.set_style(s_label.getStyle()) g_label.setAttribute('xml:space', 'preserve') g_linkline = G() g_linkline.set_style(StyleBuilder(config['linkline_style']).getStyle()) g_weaklink = G() g_weaklink.set_style(StyleBuilder(config['weaklink_style']).getStyle()) g_underline = G() g_underline.set_style(StyleBuilder(config['underline_style']).getStyle()) for r in range(0, len(races)): # left edge of first label column is at x = 0; # left edge of subsequent label columns is offset from right edge of previous column # by width of connector line plus width of two gutters (either side of connector). races[r]['xl'] = (races[r-1]['xr'] + config['linespan'] + (2 * config['gutter']) if r > 0 else 0)
def genHoneyRect(self): rectangleStyle = StyleBuilder() rectangleStyle.setFilling('blue') rectangleStyle.setStroke('black') # temp self.hCSlice.set_style(rectangleStyle.getStyle()) return(self.hCSlice)
def draw(self): faceStyle = StyleBuilder() faceStyle.setFilling('blue') faceStyle.setStroke('black') faceStyle.setFillOpacity(0.5) topStyle = StyleBuilder() topStyle.setFilling('green') topStyle.setStroke('black') topStyle.setStrokeWidth(2) topStyle.setFillOpacity(0.5) sideStyle = StyleBuilder() sideStyle.setFilling('red') sideStyle.setStroke('black') sideStyle.setStrokeWidth(2) sideStyle.setFillOpacity(0.5) frontFace = Rect(self.startCoord[0], self.startCoord[1], self.x, self.z) backFace = Rect(self.startCoord[0] + self.y/math.sqrt(2), self.startCoord[1] - self.y/math.sqrt(2), self.x, self.z) # draw parallelogram, grab corners cornerBack = backFace.getEdgePoints() cornerFront = frontFace.getEdgePoints() # Top face string pointListT = [] pointListT.append(strPathStart(cornerBack[0])) pointListT.append(strPathPoint(cornerBack[1])) pointListT.append(strPathPoint(cornerFront[1])) pointListT.append(strPathPoint(cornerFront[0])) topFaceString = pGram(pointListT) # right side face pointListR = [strPathStart(cornerBack[1])] pointListR.append(strPathPoint(cornerBack[2])) pointListR.append(strPathPoint(cornerFront[2])) pointListR.append(strPathPoint(cornerFront[1])) # bottom face pointListB = [strPathStart(cornerBack[2])] pointListB.append(strPathPoint(cornerBack[3])) pointListB.append(strPathPoint(cornerFront[3])) pointListB.append(strPathPoint(cornerFront[2])) # left pointListL = [strPathStart(cornerBack[0])] pointListL.append(strPathPoint(cornerBack[3])) pointListL.append(strPathPoint(cornerFront[3])) pointListL.append(strPathPoint(cornerFront[0])) # make faces topFace = Path(pGram(pointListT)) rightFace = Path(pGram(pointListR)) leftFace = Path(pGram(pointListL)) bottomFace = Path(pGram(pointListB)) topFace.set_style(topStyle.getStyle()) bottomFace.set_style(topStyle.getStyle()) rightFace.set_style(sideStyle.getStyle()) leftFace.set_style(sideStyle.getStyle()) frontFace.set_style(faceStyle.getStyle()) backFace.set_style(faceStyle.getStyle()) self.out.addElement(backFace) self.out.addElement(frontFace) self.out.addElement(rightFace) self.out.addElement(leftFace) self.out.addElement(bottomFace) self.out.addElement(topFace) return self.out
class Container(object): """ A container is an empty box. Subclasses can specify the content by overriding the draw_*() methods. """ def __init__(self, x, y, width, height): self.needs_clipping = False self.has_background = False self.has_content = False self.has_labels = False self.has_contour = False self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height = ShapeBuilder() # Create a default background style self.bg_style = StyleBuilder({ 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': 0, 'stroke': 'none' }) # Create a default contour style self.contour_style = StyleBuilder({ 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': 0, 'stroke': 'none' }) def draw_background(self, elem): """ Draws the background of the container. elem is a SVG element, and we should add our content to this element. The method doesn't return anything. """ bg_rect = rect( x = mm_to_px(self.x), y = mm_to_px(self.y), width = mm_to_px(self.width), height = mm_to_px(self.height) ) bg_rect.set_style(self.bg_style.getStyle()) elem.addElement(bg_rect) def draw_content(self, elem): """ Draws the content of the container. elem is a SVG element, and we should add our content to this element. The method doesn't return anything. """ pass def draw_labels(self, elem): """ Draws the labels of the container. elem is a SVG element, and we should add our content to this element. The method doesn't return anything. """ pass def draw_contour(self, elem): """ Draws a contour around the container. """ contour_rect = rect( x = mm_to_px(self.x), y = mm_to_px(self.y), width = mm_to_px(self.width), height = mm_to_px(self.height) ) contour_rect.set_style(self.contour_style.getStyle()) elem.addElement(contour_rect)
class QuantileSurfaceStyle(SimpleSurfaceStyle): """ Chooses a discrete color for a feature based on the quantiles. For n colors, we need to have n-1 quantile limits. """ def __init__(self, attr, colors, quantiles, default_color=Color((220,220,220)), style=None): # Store the attributes self.attr = attr self.colors = colors self.quantiles = np.array(quantiles) self.quantiles.sort() self.mark_style = {'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': 0.25, 'stroke': 'black'} self.mark_length = 1 self.ndecimals = 4 # Provide a default style if none is specified if style == None: style = { 'fill-opacity': 0.7, 'stroke': 'black', 'stroke-width': 0.3, } style['fill'] = default_color.hex self.default_style = StyleBuilder(deepcopy(style)) self.styles = [] for c in self.colors.colors: style['fill'] = c.hex self.styles.append(StyleBuilder(deepcopy(style))) def style_feature(self, feature, elem): """ Styles the provided feature. """ v = feature['properties'][self.attr] if v == None: elem.set_style(self.default_style.getStyle()) return for i in range(len(self.limits)): l = self.limits[i] if v < l: elem.set_style(self.styles[i].getStyle()) return elem.set_style(self.styles[i+1].getStyle()) def needs_statistics(self): return True def init_statistics(self): self.values = [] def update_statistics(self, feat): if feat['properties'][self.attr] != None: self.values.append(feat['properties'][self.attr]) def finalize_statistics(self): self.values = np.array(self.values, dtype=np.float32) self.limits = [np.percentile(self.values, q*100) for q in self.quantiles] self.limits.sort() def legend(self, elem, x, y, width, height, label_style): n = len(self.colors.colors) box_height = int(np.floor(float(height) / (n+2))) box_width = min(8, width/2) mark_style = StyleBuilder(self.mark_style) textsize = int(re.findall('([0-9]+)', label_style.get('font-size', "8") )[0]) label_x = x + box_width + self.mark_length + 1 for i in range(n): box = rect( x = mm_to_px(x), y = mm_to_px(y + (n-i-1)*box_height), width = mm_to_px(box_width), height = mm_to_px(box_height) ) s = deepcopy(self.styles[i].style_dict) s['stroke'] = 'black' box.set_style(StyleBuilder(s).getStyle()) elem.addElement(box) if i < (n-1): mark = line( X1=mm_to_px(x+box_width), Y1=mm_to_px(y+(n-i-1)*box_height), X2=mm_to_px(x+box_width+self.mark_length), Y2=mm_to_px(y+(n-i-1)*box_height) ) mark.set_style(mark_style.getStyle()) elem.addElement(mark) label = text( content="%0.*f" % (self.ndecimals, self.limits[i]), x=mm_to_px(label_x), y=mm_to_px(y+(n-i-1)*box_height)+(textsize/2) ) label.set_style(StyleBuilder(label_style).getStyle()) elem.addElement(label) label = text( content="Min: %0.*f" % (self.ndecimals, np.min(self.values)), x=mm_to_px(label_x), y=mm_to_px(y+n*box_height)+(textsize/2) ) label.set_style(StyleBuilder(label_style).getStyle()) elem.addElement(label) label = text( content="Max: %0.*f" % (self.ndecimals, np.max(self.values)), x=mm_to_px(label_x), y=mm_to_px(y+0*box_height)+(textsize/2) ) label.set_style(StyleBuilder(label_style).getStyle()) elem.addElement(label)
def draw_tree(): if (dc.nameFontSize < 16): scale = dc.nameFontSize / 16.0 nameCapsHgt = dc.nameCapsHgt * scale nameDescHgt = dc.nameDescHgt * scale nameFontLineHgt = dc.nameFontLineHgt * scale nameStyle = StyleBuilder() nameStyle.setFontFamily(fontfamily=dc.nameFont) nameStyle.setFontSize("%spt" % dc.nameFontSize) nameStyle.setTextAnchor("left") nameStyle = nameStyle.getStyle() svg = Svg() # draw nodes for depth in depthToNames: for name in depthToNames[depth]: node = nameToNode[name] isLeaf = (node.left == None) yLine = node.y + nameCapsHgt + 1 ob = SvgRect(node.x, node.y, dc.nodeWidth, dc.nodeHeight, id="%s_box" % name) ob.set_stroke(dc.lineColor) ob.set_stroke_width(dc.lineThickness) if (isLeaf): ob.set_fill(dc.leafFillColor) else: ob.set_fill(dc.nodeFillColor) svg.addElement(ob) ob = SvgText("%s" % name, node.x + 1, yLine, id="%s_name" % node) ob.set_style(nameStyle) svg.addElement(ob) yLine += nameFontLineHgt if (hasattr(node, "bitsUnion")): ob = SvgText("U:" + bits_to_string(node.numBits, node.bitsUnion), node.x + 1, yLine, id="%s_Bunion" % node) ob.set_style(nameStyle) svg.addElement(ob) yLine += nameFontLineHgt if (hasattr(node, "bitsIntersection")): ob = SvgText( "I:" + bits_to_string(node.numBits, node.bitsIntersection), node.x + 1, yLine, id="%s_Bintersection" % node) ob.set_style(nameStyle) svg.addElement(ob) yLine += nameFontLineHgt if (hasattr(node, "bitsAll")): ob = SvgText("A:" + bits_to_string(node.numBits, node.bitsAll), node.x + 1, yLine, id="%s_Ball" % node) ob.set_style(nameStyle) svg.addElement(ob) yLine += nameFontLineHgt if (hasattr(node, "bitsSome")): ob = SvgText("S:" + bits_to_string(node.numBits, node.bitsSome), node.x + 1, yLine, id="%s_Bsome" % node) ob.set_style(nameStyle) svg.addElement(ob) yLine += nameFontLineHgt # draw branches for depth in depthToNames: for name in depthToNames[depth]: node = nameToNode[name] if (node.left == None): continue (leftStartX, leftStartY) = (node.x + 0.4 * dc.nodeWidth, node.y + dc.nodeHeight) (rightStartX, rightStartY) = (node.x + 0.6 * dc.nodeWidth, node.y + dc.nodeHeight) (leftEndX, leftEndY) = (node.left.x + 0.5 * dc.nodeWidth, node.right.y) (rightEndX, rightEndY) = (node.right.x + 0.5 * dc.nodeWidth, node.right.y) draw_branch(svg, "%s_left_branch" % node, leftStartX, leftStartY, leftEndX, leftEndY) draw_branch(svg, "%s_right_branch" % node, rightStartX, rightStartY, rightEndX, rightEndY) return svg