def makemovie(url, size):
    client = Client()
    images = []
    r1 = ""
    log = client.log(url)
    versions = sorted([l['revision'].number for l in log])

    for rev in versions:
        (r2, diff) = getrev(client, url, rev)
        if r2 and not diff:
            #really wish I had multiple dispatch here
            images.append(gen_one(r2, size))
        elif r2 and diff:
            images.extend(gen_diff(r1, r2, diff, size))
        r1 = r2
        raw_input('<enter> to continue')
class SVNInterface: #XXX: for Testing pysvn, add new features as desired
            Provides an interface to SVN repositories

        def __init__(self, repo):
            self.repo = repo
            self.client = Client()

        def lastRev(self):
            ret = self.lastLog()
            if ret == 'Error connecting to SVN repo':
                return -1
                return ret[0]['revision']
        def lastLog(self, num=1, files=False):
            if num == 1:
                end = Revision(opt_revision_kind.head)
                end = Revision(opt_revision_kind.number, int(self.lastRev()) - (num - 1))

                log = self.client.log(self.repo, revision_end=end, discover_changed_paths=files)
            except ClientError, message:
                msg = 'Error connecting to SVN repo: %s' % (message, )
                print msg
                return 'Error connecting to SVN repo'

            for entry in log:
                entry['date'] = asctime(localtime(entry['date']))      # convert EPOCH seconds to human readable
                entry['revision'] = str(entry['revision'].number)      # str -> converts int -> string
                entry['author'] = str(entry['author'])                 # str -> converts unicode -> ascii
                entry['message'] = str(entry['message'])               # str -> converts unicode -> ascii
                if files:
                    files = []
                    for file in entry['changed_paths']:
                        filename = str(file['path'])
                        mode = str(file['action'])
                        files.append('%s (%s)' % (filename, mode))

                entry['files'] = files
            return log
class SvnRepoMonitor():
    def __init__(self, name, svn_root, svn_username, svn_password, config_file):
        self.name = name
        self.svn_root = svn_root
        self.svn_username = svn_username
        self.svn_password = svn_password
        self.client = Client()
        self.client.callback_get_login = self._credentials
        self.parser = ConfigParser()
        self.config_file = config_file

    def _notify(self, author, date, revision, message, paths):
        """Display the changed paths using libnotify"""
        title_string = 'New commit #%s in repository %s' % (revision, self.name)
        message_string = "<p>[%s] %s</p> <p><i>%s</i>" % \
                         (date.strftime("%d.%m %H:%M"), author, message)
        message_string += "<ul>"
        for p in paths[:5]:
            if len(p) > 50:
                p = "...%s" % p[-50:]
            message_string += "<li>%s</li>" % p
        if len(paths) > 6:
            message_string += "<li>...</li>"
        message_string += "</ul></p>"
        logging.debug("Open pynotify.Notification: %s | %s" % (title_string, message_string))
        pynotify.Notification(title_string, message_string, "view-refresh").show()

    def _credentials(self, realm, username, may_save):
        """Return the default login credentials"""
        return True, self.svn_username, self.svn_password, False

    def discover_changes(self):
        Find out the changes occured since the last time this method is ran
        logging.debug("Discover Changes in %s" % self.name)
        if self.parser.has_option(self.name, "last_revision"):
            last_revision = self.parser.get(self.name, "last_revision")
            last_revision = 0
        log = self.client.log(
            revision_end=Revision(opt_revision_kind.number, last_revision)
        log = log[:-1]   # Ignore last revision
        if len(log) > 0:
            logging.info("%s new commits in repository %s" % (len(log), self.name))
            # update last revision in config file
            last_revision = log[0].revision.number
            self.parser.set(self.name, "last_revision", last_revision)
            self.parser.write(open(self.config_file, 'w'))
            if len(log) > 5: # Show only most recent commits
                pynotify.Notification("Even more commits in repository %s" % self.name,
                                      "There are %s more new commits in the repository" % (len(log) - 5),
                log = log[-5:]
            for entry in log:
                author = entry.get('author')
                rev = entry.revision.number
                message = entry.message
                date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(entry.date)
                paths = []
                for change in entry.changed_paths:
                self._notify(author, date, rev, message, paths)
            logging.debug("No new commits in repository %s" % self.name)
class SvnRepoMonitor():
    def __init__(self, name, svn_root, svn_username, svn_password,
        self.name = name
        self.svn_root = svn_root
        self.svn_username = svn_username
        self.svn_password = svn_password
        self.client = Client()
        self.client.callback_get_login = self._credentials
        self.parser = ConfigParser()
        self.config_file = config_file

    def _notify(self, author, date, revision, message, paths):
        """Display the changed paths using libnotify"""
        title_string = 'New commit #%s in repository %s' % (revision,
        message_string = "<p>[%s] %s</p> <p><i>%s</i>" % \
                         (date.strftime("%d.%m %H:%M"), author, message)
        message_string += "<ul>"
        for p in paths[:5]:
            if len(p) > 50:
                p = "...%s" % p[-50:]
            message_string += "<li>%s</li>" % p
        if len(paths) > 6:
            message_string += "<li>...</li>"
        message_string += "</ul></p>"
        logging.debug("Open pynotify.Notification: %s | %s" %
                      (title_string, message_string))
        pynotify.Notification(title_string, message_string,

    def _credentials(self, realm, username, may_save):
        """Return the default login credentials"""
        return True, self.svn_username, self.svn_password, False

    def discover_changes(self):
        Find out the changes occured since the last time this method is ran
        logging.debug("Discover Changes in %s" % self.name)
        if self.parser.has_option(self.name, "last_revision"):
            last_revision = self.parser.get(self.name, "last_revision")
            last_revision = 0
        log = self.client.log(self.svn_root,
        log = log[:-1]  # Ignore last revision
        if len(log) > 0:
            logging.info("%s new commits in repository %s" %
                         (len(log), self.name))
            # update last revision in config file
            last_revision = log[0].revision.number
            self.parser.set(self.name, "last_revision", last_revision)
            self.parser.write(open(self.config_file, 'w'))
            if len(log) > 5:  # Show only most recent commits
                    "Even more commits in repository %s" % self.name,
                    "There are %s more new commits in the repository" %
                    (len(log) - 5), "view-refresh").show()
                log = log[-5:]
            for entry in log:
                author = entry.get('author')
                rev = entry.revision.number
                message = entry.message
                date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(entry.date)
                paths = []
                for change in entry.changed_paths:
                self._notify(author, date, rev, message, paths)
            logging.debug("No new commits in repository %s" % self.name)
def get_revisions(since_revision):
    client = Client()
    end_rev = Revision(opt_revision_kind.number,
    return client.log(app.config["SVN_URL"], Revision(opt_revision_kind.head),
def main(options):
    """docstring for main"""
    client = Client()
    client.callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt = ssl_trust_prompt
    if (options.verbose > 1):
        client.callback_notify = notify
    retcode = 0
    # check out branch from subversion
    if (test_skip(options.branch_flags, update)):
        getSourceTree(options.workingDir + os.sep + "branch",
                      options.branchUrl, client, options)
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping branch update"

    # compile branch
    if (test_skip(options.branch_flags, build)):
        print "Compiling branch"
        retcode = doCompile(options.workingDir + os.sep + "branch" + os.sep +
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping branch compile"

    # If compile successful, Run autotest
    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Failed to compile branch"
        return retcode

    if (test_skip(options.branch_flags, autotest)):
        print "Running branch autotest"
        retcode = doAutotest(options.workingDir + os.sep + "branch")
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping branch autotest"

    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Failed branch autotest"
        return retcode

    if (test_skip(options.trunk_flags, update)):
        getSourceTree(options.workingDir + os.sep + "trunk", options.trunkUrl,
                      client, options)
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping trunk update"

    # Determine the revision number of the head of the branch
    if (options.endrev == 'HEAD'):
        if (options.verbose):
            print "Getting last revision number of branch"
        messages = client.log(branchUrl,
                                  pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, startrev))
        endrev = messages[0].revision.number
        options.endrev = str(endrev)

    if (options.verbose):
        print "Revisions to merge", options.startrev + ":" + options.endrev

    # Merge changes from branch to trunk
    if (not options.skip_merge):
        if (options.verbose):
            print "Merging branch changes to trunk working directory"
        (retcode, conflicts) = doMerge(options.workingDir + os.sep + "trunk",
                                       endrev, options)
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping merge"

    # How do we tell if there were merge errors?!?
    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Merge to working directory failed with conflicts."
        return retcode

    # Compile trunk
    if (test_skip(options.trunk_flags, build)):
        print "Compiling trunk"
        retcode = doCompile(options.workingDir + os.sep + "trunk" + os.sep +
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping trunk compile"

    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Failed to compile merged trunk"
        return retcode

    # If compile successful, run autotest
    if (test_skip(options.trunk_flags, autotest)):
        print "Running trunk autotest"
        retcode = doAutotest(options.workingDir + os.sep + "trunk")
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping trunk autotest"

    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Failed in merged autotest"
        return retcode

    # TODO: If successful, commit.
    if (not options.skip_commit):

    # Write out new lastrev.py file
    fp = open("lastrev.py", 'w')
    fp.write("startrev = " + str(endrev) + "\n")
    fp.write("prevrev = " + str(startrev))