def test_compute_position_return_values(swarm, bounds): """Test if compute_position() gives the expected shape and range""" topology = Star() p = topology.compute_position(swarm, bounds) assert p.shape == swarm.velocity.shape if bounds is not None: assert (bounds[0] <= p).all() and (bounds[1] >= p).all()
def evolution_search(f, para_b): begin_time = Timestamps_list = [] Target_list = [] Parameters_list = [] keys = list(para_b.keys()) dim = len(keys) plog = PrintLog(keys) min = np.ones(dim) max = np.ones(dim) value_list = list(parameters.values()) for i_v in range(dim): min[i_v] = value_list[i_v][0] max[i_v] = value_list[i_v][1] bounds = (min, max) plog.print_header(initialization=True) my_topology = Star() my_options ={'c1': 0.6, 'c2': 0.3, 'w': 0.4} my_swarm = P.create_swarm(n_particles=20, dimensions=dim, options=my_options, bounds=bounds) # The Swarm Class iterations = 30 # Set 100 iterations for i in range(iterations): # Part 1: Update personal best # for evaluated_result in map(evaluate, my_swarm.position): # my_swarm.current_cost = np.append(evaluated_result) # for best_personal_result in map(evaluate, my_swarm.pbest_pos): # Compute personal best pos # my_swarm.pbest_cost = np.append(my_swarm.pbest_cost, best_personal_result) my_swarm.current_cost = np.array(list(map(evaluate, my_swarm.position))) #print(my_swarm.current_cost) my_swarm.pbest_cost = np.array(list(map(evaluate, my_swarm.pbest_pos))) my_swarm.pbest_pos, my_swarm.pbest_cost = P.compute_pbest(my_swarm) # Update and store # Part 2: Update global best # Note that gbest computation is dependent on your topology if np.min(my_swarm.pbest_cost) < my_swarm.best_cost: my_swarm.best_pos, my_swarm.best_cost = my_topology.compute_gbest(my_swarm) # Let's print our output #if i % 2 == 0: # print('Iteration: {} | my_swarm.best_cost: {:.4f}'.format(i + 1, my_swarm.best_cost)) # Part 3: Update position and velocity matrices # Note that position and velocity updates are dependent on your topology my_swarm.velocity = my_topology.compute_velocity(my_swarm) my_swarm.position = my_topology.compute_position(my_swarm) Parameters_list.append(my_swarm.best_pos.tolist()) Target_list.append(1-my_swarm.best_cost) elapse_time = ( - begin_time).total_seconds() Timestamps_list.append(elapse_time) # print("The best candidate: ", my_swarm.best_pos) # print("The best result: ", res[1]) plog.print_step(my_swarm.best_pos, 1 - my_swarm.best_cost) if i == 0: plog.print_header(initialization=False) return Timestamps_list, Target_list, Parameters_list
class Legion(sc2.BotAI): def __init__(self): self.swarm_size = 0 self.my_topology = Star() # connect to n nearest neighbors self.my_options = {'c1': 4, 'c2': 1, 'w': 0.3} self.phys_swarm_pos = [] self.logical_swarm = 0 #self.logical_swarm = P.create_swarm(n_particles=0, dimensions=2, options=self.my_options, bounds=([0,0], [self.game_info.map_size[0], self.game_info.map_size[1]]) , init_pos=phys_swarm_pos, clamp=(0,10)) self.iter_of_last_update = 0 self.num_overlords = 0 # stagger calls per iteration to enhance speed maybe? async def on_step(self, iteration): await self.distribute_workers() await self.build_overlords() await self.scout() await self.build_workers() await self.build_queens() await self.inject_larva() await self.build_extractor() await self.build_offensive_buildings() await self.expand() await self.upgrade() await self.build_swarm() if self.units(MUTALISK).exists and iteration % 5 == 0: await self.attack(self.units(MUTALISK), iteration) # if self.units(ZERGLING).amount > 35 and iteration % 10 == 0: # await self.attack(self.units(ZERGLING)) if self.units(ROACH).amount > 5 and iteration % 4 == 0: await self.attack(self.units(ROACH), iteration) # figure out a way for the overlords to not send themselves to their death... async def scout(self): if self.num_overlords != self.units(OVERLORD).amount: self.num_overlords = self.units(OVERLORD).amount orders = [] for unit, pos in zip(self.units(OVERLORD), self.expansion_locations): orders.append(unit.move(pos)) await self.do_actions(orders) # reverse these if statements to check existance before cost... async def build_offensive_buildings(self): hatcheries = self.townhalls.ready if self.can_afford(SPAWNINGPOOL) and not self.units( SPAWNINGPOOL).exists and not self.already_pending( SPAWNINGPOOL): await, near=hatcheries.first) return # I want to build this near the main ramp... # if self.can_afford(SPINECRAWLER) and self.units(SPINECRAWLER).amount < 4: # await, near=hatcheries.first, max_distance=8) # return if self.can_afford(ROACHWARREN) and self.units( SPAWNINGPOOL ).ready and not self.units( ROACHWARREN).exists and not self.already_pending(ROACHWARREN): await, near=hatcheries.first) return if self.can_afford(EVOLUTIONCHAMBER) and len( self.units(EVOLUTIONCHAMBER)) < 1: await, near=hatcheries.first) if self.can_afford(LAIR) and not self.units( LAIR).exists and not self.already_pending(LAIR): await return if self.can_afford(SPIRE) and self.units( SPIRE).amount < 2 and not self.already_pending(SPIRE): await, near=hatcheries.first) return if self.can_afford(INFESTATIONPIT) and self.units( LAIR).ready and not self.units( INFESTATIONPIT).exists and not self.already_pending( INFESTATIONPIT): await, near=hatcheries.first) return if self.can_afford(HIVE) and not self.units( HIVE).exists and not self.already_pending(HIVE): await return if self.can_afford(GREATERSPIRE) and self.units(HIVE).ready \ and self.units(SPIRE).ready and not self.already_pending(GREATERSPIRE) and not self.units(GREATERSPIRE).exists: await # more succint way of writing this... refactor this!!! # check timing to ensure spire upgrades dont retard others... # incorporate the army specific upgrades for roaches and hydras async def upgrade(self): if self.units(EVOLUTIONCHAMBER).ready.idle.exists: for evo in self.units(EVOLUTIONCHAMBER).ready.idle: abilities = await self.get_available_abilities(evo) targetAbilities = [ AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGMISSILEWEAPONSLEVEL1, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGMISSILEWEAPONSLEVEL2, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGMISSILEWEAPONSLEVEL3, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGGROUNDARMORLEVEL1, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGGROUNDARMORLEVEL2, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGGROUNDARMORLEVEL3 ] if self.units(GREATERSPIRE).exists: targetAbilities.extend([ AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGMELEEWEAPONSLEVEL1, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGMELEEWEAPONSLEVEL2, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGMELEEWEAPONSLEVEL3 ]) for ability in targetAbilities: if ability in abilities: if self.can_afford(ability): err = await if not err: break if self.units(GREATERSPIRE).ready.idle.exists: gs = self.units(GREATERSPIRE).ready.idle.random abilities = await self.get_available_abilities(gs) targetAbilities = [ AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGFLYERATTACKLEVEL1, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGFLYERATTACKLEVEL2, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGFLYERATTACKLEVEL3, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGFLYERARMORLEVEL1, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGFLYERARMORLEVEL2, AbilityId.RESEARCH_ZERGFLYERARMORLEVEL3 ] for ability in targetAbilities: if self.can_afford(ability) and ability in abilities: err = await if not err: break # FUTURE: incorporate dynamic composition by either tech level or AI/ML async def build_swarm(self): if self.units(SPAWNINGPOOL).ready: larvae = self.units(LARVA).ready.noqueue for larva in larvae: if self.supply_left > 0: if self.units(SPIRE).ready: # if self.units(CORRUPTOR).amount < 5 and self.can_afford(CORRUPTOR): # await # continue # if self.units(HIVE).ready and self.units(BROODLORD).amount < 5 and self.can_afford(BROODLORD): # await if self.can_afford( MUTALISK ) and self.supply_left > 2: # 30 muta = 60 c, possibly set to max cap... await continue if self.units( ROACHWARREN ).ready and self.supply_left > 2 and self.units( ROACH).amount < 30 and self.can_afford( ROACH): # 30 roach = 60 c await continue # if self.units(ZERGLING).amount < 60 and self.can_afford(ZERGLING): # 60 lings = 30 c # await # continue # This could be more succinct... #need to consider a separate swarm list in order to allow damaged units to RTB # investigate multithreading and running each unit in own thread to avoid a double for loop... # might need to pursue subswarms or multiple swarms to avoid reinitializing the swarm so often # there is a parameter for multiprocessing... # This algo might only work for flying units. #might have to build a multiswarm architecture for overlords to pass data to mutalisks... # investigate periodic reinitialization to break convergance after defeating enemy army... async def attack(self, phys_swarm, iteration): if phys_swarm.amount > 3: orders = [] # reinitialize swarm if needed if phys_swarm.amount > self.swarm_size + 3 or iteration > self.iter_of_last_update + 75: self.swarm_size = phys_swarm.amount self.phys_swarm_pos = [] for unit in phys_swarm: self.phys_swarm_pos.append( [unit.position.x, unit.position.y]) self.phys_swarm_pos = np.array(self.phys_swarm_pos) self.logical_swarm = P.create_swarm( n_particles=phys_swarm.amount, dimensions=2, options=self.my_options, bounds=([0, 0], [ self.game_info.map_size[0], self.game_info.map_size[1] ]), init_pos=self.phys_swarm_pos, clamp=(0, 4.0)) self.iter_of_last_update = iteration self.logical_swarm.current_cost = self.logical_swarm.position, phys_swarm) self.logical_swarm.pbest_cost = self.logical_swarm.pbest_pos, phys_swarm) self.logical_swarm.pbest_pos, self.logical_swarm.pbest_cost = P.compute_pbest( self.logical_swarm) if np.min(self.logical_swarm.pbest_cost ) < self.logical_swarm.best_cost: self.logical_swarm.best_pos, self.logical_swarm.best_cost = self.my_topology.compute_gbest( self.logical_swarm) self.logical_swarm.velocity = self.my_topology.compute_velocity( self.logical_swarm) self.logical_swarm.position = self.my_topology.compute_position( self.logical_swarm) # Extract positions from above and issue movement/attack orders # loop through np array compiling positions and appending them to orders list. # I havent seen this behavior.... # wounded_units = phys_swarm.filter(lambda u: u.health_percentage <= .7) # phys_swarm = phys_swarm.filter(lambda u: u.health_percentage > .7) # for unit in wounded_units: # unit.move(self.townhalls.first.position) # print("Retreating wounded unit") # The mutas are still ignoring nearby enemies. for row, unit in zip(self.logical_swarm.position, phys_swarm): if self.known_enemy_units.closer_than(unit.radar_range, unit.position).exists: orders.append(unit.stop()) orders.append( unit.attack( self.known_enemy_units.closest_to( unit.position).position)) elif self.known_enemy_units.closer_than( 20, Point2(Pointlike((row[0], row[1])))).exists: orders.append( unit.attack( self.known_enemy_units.closest_to( Point2(Pointlike((row[0], row[1])))))) else: orders.append( unit.move(Point2(Pointlike((row[0], row[1]))))) await self.do_actions(orders) def fitness(self, logical_swarm_pos, phys_swarm): #account for own health, enemy health/splash&anti air damage/ # upgrade this function... # revert this back to a regular one unit function and apply the pyswarm evaluate method cost = [] # the coefficients within can be optimized... if self.known_enemy_units.exists: for logical_pos in logical_swarm_pos: target_point = Point2( Pointlike((logical_pos[0], logical_pos[1]))) cost.append( \ (1-(10/phys_swarm.amount))*self.known_enemy_units.closest_distance_to(target_point) + \ (10/phys_swarm.amount)*self.townhalls.first.distance_to(target_point) + \ (2 * self.known_enemy_units.closer_than(10, target_point).amount - phys_swarm.closer_than(10, target_point).amount) \ ) else: for logical_pos in logical_swarm_pos: cost.append(40 / Point2(Pointlike((logical_pos[0], logical_pos[1]))))) return np.array(cost) # Economic Functions async def build_workers(self): for larva in self.units(LARVA).ready.noqueue: if self.can_afford( DRONE ) and self.workers.amount < self.townhalls.amount * 16 and self.workers.amount < 80: await async def build_queens(self): if self.units(SPAWNINGPOOL).ready.exists: for hatchery in self.units(HATCHERY).ready.noqueue: if self.can_afford(QUEEN) and self.units( QUEEN).amount < self.townhalls.amount: await async def inject_larva(self): for queen, hatchery in zip( self.units(QUEEN).idle, self.townhalls.ready): abilities = await self.get_available_abilities(queen) if AbilityId.EFFECT_INJECTLARVA in abilities: await, hatchery)) async def build_overlords(self): if self.supply_left < 9 and self.units(OVERLORD).amount < 26: larvae = self.units(LARVA).ready.noqueue for larva in larvae: if self.can_afford( OVERLORD) and not self.already_pending(OVERLORD): await async def build_extractor(self): for hatchery in self.units(HATCHERY).ready: vespene = self.state.vespene_geyser.closer_than(15.0, hatchery) for v in vespene: if not self.can_afford(EXTRACTOR): break worker = self.select_build_worker(v.position) if worker is None: break if not self.units(EXTRACTOR).closer_than(1.0, v).exists: await, v)) # upgrade the logic of this to expand when a base becomes exhausted... async def expand(self): if self.townhalls.amount < 3 and self.can_afford(HATCHERY): await self.expand_now()
class Pyswarms: ''' Pyswarms Wrapper ''' def __init__(self, num_params, c1=0.5 + np.log(2.0), c2=0.5 + np.log(2.0), w=0.5 / np.log(2.0), popsize=256, sigma_init=0.1, weight_decay=0.01, communication_topology='star'): self.num_params = num_params self.c1 = c1 self.c2 = c2 self.w = w self.popsize = popsize self.sigma_init = sigma_init self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.best_param = np.zeros(self.num_params) self.best_reward = 0 self.pop_params = np.random.randn(self.popsize, self.num_params) * self.sigma_init self.pbest_params = self.pop_params self.pbest_rewards = np.zeros(self.popsize) self.pop_vel = np.zeros((self.popsize, self.num_params)) self.pop_rewards = np.zeros(self.popsize) self.gbest_param = self.pop_params[np.argmax(self.pop_rewards)] self.gbest_reward = np.max(self.pop_rewards) self.first_iteration = True # Import backend modules l_lims = -np.ones(self.num_params) u_lims = np.ones(self.num_params) bounds = (l_lims, u_lims) import pyswarms.backend as P self.P = P # Global topology will always be used to compute gbest from pyswarms.backend.topology import Star self.global_topology = Star() self.communication_topology = communication_topology # Unless specified, use the star topology. if self.communication_topology == 'random': from pyswarms.backend.topology import Random self.topology = Random() # The Topology Class elif self.communication_topology == 'local': from pyswarms.backend.topology import Ring self.topology = Ring() # The Topology Class else: from pyswarms.backend.topology import Star self.topology = Star() # The Topology Class self.options = {'c1': self.c1, 'c2': self.c2, 'w': self.w} self.swarm = self.P.create_swarm(n_particles=self.popsize, dimensions=self.num_params, options=self.options, center=self.sigma_init, bounds=bounds) def ask(self): '''returns a list of parameters''' if self.first_iteration: = np.copy(self.swarm.position) return self.pop_params self.swarm.velocity = self.topology.compute_velocity(self.swarm) self.swarm.position = self.topology.compute_position(self.swarm) = np.copy(self.swarm.position) return def tell(self, reward_table_result): # input must be a numpy float array assert (len(reward_table_result) == self.popsize ), "Inconsistent reward_table size reported." reward_table = -np.array(reward_table_result) # Maximize! if self.weight_decay > 0: l2_decay = compute_weight_decay(self.weight_decay, reward_table += l2_decay self.swarm.current_cost = reward_table #pyswarm # If it's the first iteration, initialize pbest_cost, best_reward and # best_param if self.first_iteration: self.first_iteration = False self.swarm.pbest_cost = np.copy(self.swarm.current_cost) self.best_reward = np.min(self.swarm.current_cost) self.best_param =[np.argmin( self.swarm.current_cost)] else: self.swarm.pbest_pos, self.swarm.pbest_cost = self.P.compute_pbest( self.swarm) # Update and store # Update gbest. if self.communication_topology == 'random': self.swarm.best_pos, self.swarm.best_cost = self.topology.compute_gbest( self.swarm, k=(self.popsize * 3) // 4) # k = 4 typically elif self.communication_topology == 'local': self.swarm.best_pos, self.swarm.best_cost = self.topology.compute_gbest( self.swarm, p=2, k=2) else: # star self.swarm.best_pos, self.swarm.best_cost = self.topology.compute_gbest( self.swarm) # Update best_reward and best_param if pertinent. if np.min(self.swarm.pbest_cost) < self.best_reward: self.best_reward = np.min(self.swarm.pbest_cost) self.best_param =[np.argmin(self.swarm.pbest_cost)] def rms_stdev(self): return np.std( def best_param(self): return self.best_param def current_param(self): return[np.argmin(self.swarm.current_cost)] def result( self ): # return best params so far, along with historically best reward, curr reward, sigma_init return (self.best_param, -self.best_reward, -np.min(self.swarm.current_cost), self.sigma_init)
class PSOoptimizer(SwarmOptimizer): def __init__( self, n_particles, dimensions, options, bounds=None, bh_strategy="periodic", velocity_clamp=None, vh_strategy="unmodified", center=1.00, ftol=-np.inf, init_pos=None, ): """ A custom optimizer modified from pyswarms.single.global_best Attributes ---------- n_particles : int number of particles in the swarm. dimensions : int number of dimensions in the space. options : dict with keys :code:`{'c1', 'c2', 'w'}` a dictionary containing the parameters for the specific optimization technique. * c1 : float cognitive parameter * c2 : float social parameter * w : float inertia parameter bounds : tuple of numpy.ndarray, optional a tuple of size 2 where the first entry is the minimum bound while the second entry is the maximum bound. Each array must be of shape :code:`(dimensions,)`. bh_strategy : str a strategy for the handling of out-of-bounds particles. velocity_clamp : tuple, optional a tuple of size 2 where the first entry is the minimum velocity and the second entry is the maximum velocity. It sets the limits for velocity clamping. vh_strategy : str a strategy for the handling of the velocity of out-of-bounds particles. center : list (default is :code:`None`) an array of size :code:`dimensions` ftol : float relative error in objective_func(best_pos) acceptable for convergence. Default is :code:`-np.inf` init_pos : numpy.ndarray, optional option to explicitly set the particles' initial positions. Set to :code:`None` if you wish to generate the particles randomly. """ super(PSOoptimizer, self).__init__( n_particles=n_particles, dimensions=dimensions, options=options, bounds=bounds, velocity_clamp=velocity_clamp, center=center, ftol=ftol, init_pos=init_pos, ) # Initialize logger self.rep = Reporter(logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)) # Initialize the resettable attributes self.reset() # Initialize the topology = Star() = BoundaryHandler(strategy=bh_strategy) self.vh = VelocityHandler(strategy=vh_strategy) = __name__ # Populate memory of the handlers = self.swarm.position self.vh.memory = self.swarm.position self.swarm.pbest_cost = np.full(self.swarm_size[0], np.inf) # Set reached requirement self.reached_requirement = 0 def get_current_pos(self): return self.swarm.position def update(self, iters, current_cost, **kwargs): """ Optimize the swarm for one iteration by providing its cost manually. Parameters ---------- iters : int the current iterations current_cost : ndarray the current cost which should be provided """ self.rep.log("Obj. func. args: {}".format(kwargs), lvl=logging.DEBUG) self.rep.log( "Optimize for {} iters with {}".format(iters, self.options), lvl=logging.DEBUG, ) self.swarm.current_cost = current_cost self.swarm.pbest_pos, self.swarm.pbest_cost = compute_pbest(self.swarm) # Set best_cost_yet_found for ftol best_cost_yet_found = self.swarm.best_cost self.swarm.best_pos, self.swarm.best_cost = self.swarm) # fmt: on # self.rep.hook(best_cost=self.swarm.best_cost) # Save to history hist = self.ToHistory( best_cost=self.swarm.best_cost, mean_pbest_cost=np.mean(self.swarm.pbest_cost), mean_neighbor_cost=self.swarm.best_cost, position=self.swarm.position, velocity=self.swarm.velocity, ) self._populate_history(hist) # Verify stop criteria based on the relative acceptable cost ftol relative_measure = self.ftol * (1 + np.abs(best_cost_yet_found)) if (np.abs(self.swarm.best_cost - best_cost_yet_found) < relative_measure): self.reached_requirement = 1 # Perform velocity and position updates self.swarm.velocity = self.swarm, self.velocity_clamp, self.vh, self.bounds) self.swarm.position = self.swarm, self.bounds, def finalize(self): """ Obtain the final best_cost and the final best_position """ final_best_cost = self.swarm.best_cost.copy() final_best_pos = self.swarm.pbest_pos[ self.swarm.pbest_cost.argmin()].copy() # Write report in log and return final cost and position self.rep.log( "Optimization finished | best cost: {}, best pos: {}".format( final_best_cost, final_best_pos), lvl=logging.INFO, ) return (final_best_cost, final_best_pos) def optimize(self, objective_func, iters, **kwargs): # for _iter in range(iters): swarm_pos = self.get_current_pos() current_cost = objective_func(swarm_pos, **kwargs) self.update(_iter, current_cost) return self.finalize()
class Legion(sc2.BotAI): def __init__(self): self.swarm_size = 0 self.my_topology = Star() # connect to n nearest neighbors self.my_options = {'c1': 4, 'c2': 1, 'w': 0.3} self.phys_swarm_pos = [] self.logical_swarm = 0 #self.logical_swarm = P.create_swarm(n_particles=0, dimensions=2, options=self.my_options, bounds=([0,0], [self.game_info.map_size[0], self.game_info.map_size[1]]) , init_pos=phys_swarm_pos, clamp=(0,10)) # stagger calls per iteration to enhance speed maybe? async def on_step(self, iteration): await self.distribute_workers() await self.build_overlords() await self.build_workers() await self.build_queens() await self.inject_larva() await self.build_extractor() await self.build_offensive_buildings() await self.expand() await self.build_swarm() if self.units(MUTALISK).exists and iteration % 5 == 0: await self.attack(self.units(MUTALISK)) # reverse these if statements to check existance before cost... async def build_offensive_buildings(self): hatcheries = self.townhalls.ready if self.can_afford(SPAWNINGPOOL) and not self.units(SPAWNINGPOOL).exists: await, near=hatcheries.first) return # this needs adjusted to check for spawning pool... if self.can_afford(ROACHWARREN) and self.units(SPAWNINGPOOL).ready and not self.units(ROACHWARREN).exists: await, near=hatcheries.first) return if self.can_afford(LAIR) and not self.units(LAIR).exists: await return if self.can_afford(SPIRE) and not self.units(SPIRE).exists: await, near=hatcheries.first) return if self.can_afford(INFESTATIONPIT) and self.units(LAIR).ready and not self.units(INFESTATIONPIT).exists: await, near=hatcheries.first) return if self.can_afford(HIVE) and not self.units(HIVE).exists: await return # This probably can be reduced to a 2 argument statement... VVVV if self.can_afford(GREATERSPIRE) and self.units(HIVE).ready \ and self.units(SPIRE).ready and not self.units(GREATERSPIRE).exists: await # FUTURE: incorporate dynamic composition by either tech level or AI/ML async def build_swarm(self): if self.units(SPAWNINGPOOL).ready: larvae = self.units(LARVA).ready.noqueue for larva in larvae: if self.supply_left > 0: if self.units(SPIRE).ready: # if self.units(CORRUPTOR).amount < 5 and self.can_afford(CORRUPTOR): # await # continue # elif self.units(HIVE).ready and self.units(BROODLORD).amount < 5 and self.can_afford(BROODLORD): # await if self.can_afford(MUTALISK): # 30 muta = 60 c, possibly set to max cap... await continue # if self.units(ROACHWARREN).ready and self.units(ROACH).amount < 30 and self.can_afford(ROACH): # 30 roach = 60 c # await # continue # if self.units(ZERGLING).amount < 60 and self.can_afford(ZERGLING): # 60 lings = 30 c # await # continue #need to consider a separate swarm list in order to allow damaged units to RTB # investigate multithreading and running each unit in own thread to avoid a double for loop... # might need to pursue subswarms or multiple swarms to avoid reinitializing the swarm so often # there is a parameter for multiprocessing... # This algo might only work for flying units. #might have to build a multiswarm architecture for overlords to pass data to mutalisks... async def attack(self, phys_swarm): if phys_swarm.amount > 10: orders = [] # reinitialize swarm if needed if phys_swarm.amount > self.swarm_size + 3: self.swarm_size = phys_swarm.amount self.phys_swarm_pos = [] for unit in phys_swarm: self.phys_swarm_pos.append([unit.position.x, unit.position.y]) self.phys_swarm_pos = np.array(self.phys_swarm_pos) self.logical_swarm = P.create_swarm(n_particles=phys_swarm.amount, dimensions=2, options=self.my_options, bounds=([0,0], [self.game_info.map_size[0], self.game_info.map_size[1]]) , init_pos=self.phys_swarm_pos, clamp=(0,4.0)) self.logical_swarm.current_cost =, phys_swarm) self.logical_swarm.pbest_cost =, phys_swarm) self.logical_swarm.pbest_pos, self.logical_swarm.pbest_cost = P.compute_pbest(self.logical_swarm) if np.min(self.logical_swarm.pbest_cost) < self.logical_swarm.best_cost: self.logical_swarm.best_pos, self.logical_swarm.best_cost = self.my_topology.compute_gbest(self.logical_swarm) self.logical_swarm.velocity = self.my_topology.compute_velocity(self.logical_swarm) self.logical_swarm.position = self.my_topology.compute_position(self.logical_swarm) # Extract positions from above and issue movement/attack orders # loop through np array compiling positions and appending them to orders list. # The mutas are still ignoring nearby enemies. for row, unit in zip(self.logical_swarm.position, phys_swarm): if self.known_enemy_units.closer_than(unit.radar_range, unit.position).exists: orders.append(unit.stop()) orders.append(unit.attack(self.known_enemy_units.closest_to(unit.position).position)) elif self.known_enemy_units.exists: orders.append(unit.attack(self.known_enemy_units.closest_to(Point2(Pointlike((row[0], row[1])))))) else: orders.append(unit.move(Point2(Pointlike((row[0], row[1]))))) # if self.known_enemy_units.in_attack_range_of(unit).exists: # orders.append(unit.attack(self.known_enemy_units.closest_to(unit.position).position)) await self.do_actions(orders) def fitness(self, logical_swarm_pos, phys_swarm): #account for own health, enemy health/splash&anti air damage/ # upgrade this function... # revert this back to a regular one unit function and apply the pyswarm evaluate method cost = [] if self.known_enemy_units.exists: for logical_pos in logical_swarm_pos: cost.append(self.known_enemy_units.closest_distance_to(Point2(Pointlike((logical_pos[0], logical_pos[1]))))) else: for logical_pos in logical_swarm_pos: cost.append(1 /[0], logical_pos[1]))))) return np.array(cost) #scouting... else: # for logical_pos in logical_swarm_pos: # cost.append(self.known_enemy_units.closest_distance_to(Point2(Pointlike(logical_pos[0], logical_pos[1])))) # Economic Functions # Theres a bug resulting in overproduction of overlords and workers as well as 2 extra expansions.... async def build_workers(self): for larva in self.units(LARVA).ready.noqueue: if self.can_afford(DRONE) and self.workers.amount < self.townhalls.amount * 12: await async def build_queens(self): if self.units(SPAWNINGPOOL).ready.exists: for hatchery in self.units(HATCHERY).ready.noqueue: if self.can_afford(QUEEN) and self.units(QUEEN).amount < self.townhalls.amount: await async def inject_larva(self): for queen, hatchery in zip(self.units(QUEEN).idle, self.townhalls.ready): abilities = await self.get_available_abilities(queen) if AbilityId.EFFECT_INJECTLARVA in abilities: await, hatchery)) async def build_overlords(self): if self.supply_left < 9 and self.units(OVERLORD).amount < 26: larvae = self.units(LARVA).ready.noqueue for larva in larvae: if self.can_afford(OVERLORD) and not self.already_pending(OVERLORD): await async def build_extractor(self): for hatchery in self.units(HATCHERY).ready: vespene = self.state.vespene_geyser.closer_than(15.0, hatchery) for v in vespene: if not self.can_afford(EXTRACTOR): break worker = self.select_build_worker(v.position) if worker is None: break if not self.units(EXTRACTOR).closer_than(1.0, v).exists: await, v)) # upgrade the logic of this to expand when a base becomes exhausted... async def expand(self): if self.townhalls.amount < 5 and self.can_afford(HATCHERY): await self.expand_now()
def PSO_grad_optimize(n_particles, dimensions, bounds, init_pose, select_num, iteration, lr, init_state, init_act): #Input: # n_particles:num of particles #dimension: dim of varibales #bounds: boundary of actions #init_pose: initial pose #select_num: num of particle kept #iteration: number of iterations #lr: learning rate of apply gradient #init_state: initial state input for gradient compute #init_act: initial action input for gradient compute #output: #the best pose #a list of selected pos #define partcicle my_topology = Star() # The Topology Class my_options = { 'c1': 0.1, 'c2': 0.000, 'w': 0.000 } # arbitrarily set #0.01,0.01 my_swarm = P.create_swarm(n_particles=n_particles, dimensions=dimensions, options=my_options, bounds=bounds, init_pos=init_pose) # The Swarm Class for i in range(iteration): # Part 1: Update personal best step_num = int(dimensions / actor_critic.act_dim) my_swarm.current_cost = f(my_swarm.position) cur_action = my_swarm.position.reshape( (n_particles, step_num, actor_critic.act_dim)) gradients = actor_critic.compute_gradient(step_num, init_act, init_state, cur_action) my_swarm.pbest_pos = cur_action.reshape( (-1, dimensions)) + gradients[0].reshape((-1, dimensions)) * lr my_swarm.pbest_pos = np.clip(my_swarm.pbest_pos, -0.015, 0.015) my_swarm.pbest_cost = f(my_swarm.pbest_pos) print(my_swarm.pbest_cost) # Part 2: Update global best # Note that gbest computation is dependent on your topology if np.min(my_swarm.pbest_cost) < my_swarm.best_cost: my_swarm.best_pos, my_swarm.best_cost = my_topology.compute_gbest( my_swarm) # Let's print our output print('Iteration: {} | my_swarm.best_cost: {:.4f}'.format( i + 1, my_swarm.best_cost)) # Part 3: Update position and velocity matrices # Note that position and velocity updates are dependent on your topology my_swarm.velocity = my_topology.compute_velocity(my_swarm) my_swarm.position = my_topology.compute_position(my_swarm) my_swarm.position = np.clip(my_swarm.position, -0.015, 0.015) best_index = my_swarm.pbest_cost.argsort()[:select_num] print(best_index) good_actions = my_swarm.pbest_pos[best_index].tolist() good_actions.append(my_swarm.best_pos) return np.clip(my_swarm.best_pos, -0.015, 0.015), np.asarray(good_actions)