class LiveChatStream: def __init__(self, video_id: str) -> None: self._livechat = LiveChat(video_id) def __enter__(self) -> LiveChatStream: return self def __exit__(self, *args) -> None: self.terminate() def terminate(self) -> None: self._livechat.terminate() def __call__(self) -> Iterator[Message]: while self._livechat.is_alive(): for item in self.get(): yield item def get(self) -> List[Message]: chatdata = self._livechat.get() chatlist = chatdata.items # type: List[BaseRenderer] if chatlist: chatdata.tick() messages = [Message.from_renderer(x) for x in chatlist] return messages
def main(): yt_url = get_stream_url() livechat = LiveChat(yt_url) hour_start = 19 min_start = 30 time_start = None time_chat = None count = 0 limit = 100 while livechat.is_alive(): chatdata = livechat.get() for c in chatdata.items: if not bool(time_start): len_time = len(" 19:30:00") time_start = dt.datetime.strptime(c.datetime[:-len_time], "%Y-%m-%d") time_start = time_start.replace(hour=hour_start, minute=min_start) time_chat = dt.datetime.strptime(c.datetime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if time_chat >= time_start: print("{} [{}]- {}".format(c.datetime,, c.message)) count += 1 print("count = {}".format(count)) chatdata.tick() if count > limit: break if count > limit: break
class Pychat: def __init__(self, video, parser=YoutubeParser()): self.live_chat = LiveChat(, processor=CompatibleProcessor()) self._parser = parser def terminate(self): self.live_chat.terminate() def get_messages(self): return self._parser(self.live_chat.get())
def pipeYoutubeChat(activeYoutubeLink): livechat = LiveChat(activeYoutubeLink) while livechat.is_alive(): try: chatdata = livechat.get() for c in chatdata.items: print(f"{c.datetime} [{}]- {c.message}"), json={ "content": c.message, "username": f"YT: {}" }) chatdata.tick() except KeyboardInterrupt: livechat.terminate() break print("Terminated chat bridge.")
class collector(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, text, textor): super(collector, self).__init__() self.livechat = False self.program_running = True self.running = False self.text = textor def setlink(self, link): self.running = False if self.livechat: self.livechat.terminate() try: self.livechat = LiveChat(link) self.running = True self.text.settext('collecting\n > ' + link + '\n') return True except: print("link error") self.running = False return False def exit(self): if self.livechat: self.livechat.terminate() self.running = False self.program_running = False def run(self): while self.program_running: while self.running and self.livechat.is_alive(): try: self.chatdata = self.livechat.get() for c in self.chatdata.items: if not self.running: break d = condition(c.message, if d: maintranslatoradd( self.text.settext(d + '\n') self.chatdata.tick() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.livechat.terminate() break time.sleep(0.1)
class collector(thr): def __init__(self): super(collector,self).__init__() self.livechat=False self.program_running=True self.running=False def setlink(self,link): if self.livechat: self.livechat.terminate() self.livechat = LiveChat(link) self.running=True def exit(self): self.livechat.terminate() self.running=False self.program_running=False def run(self): while self.program_running: while self.running and self.livechat.is_alive(): try: self.chatdata = self.livechat.get() for c in self.chatdata.items: if not self.running:break d=condition(c.message, if d: maintranslatoradd( print(f"[ >{} ({maintranslator[]})]") print(d,end="\n\n") self.chatdata.tick() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.livechat.terminate() break except Exception as e: print(e) break time.sleep(0.1)
class collector(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): super(collector,self).__init__() self.livechat=False self.program_running=True self.running=False # self.t=time.time() def setlink(self,link): if self.livechat: self.livechat.terminate() self.livechat = LiveChat(link) self.running=True def exit(self): self.livechat.terminate() self.running=False self.program_running=False def run(self): while self.program_running: while self.running: while self.livechat.is_alive(): if not self.program_running: break try: try:self.chatdata = self.livechat.get() except:break for c in self.chatdata.items: d=condition(c.message, if d: maintranslatoradd( print(d) text.insert(1.0,d) self.chatdata.tick() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.livechat.terminate() time.sleep(0.1)
scope = [ '', '' ] creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( 'Spreadsheetapi-03009ddbdc6b.json', scope) client = gspread.authorize(creds) sheet ="Rekap Soal Webinar").sheet1 data = sheet.get_all_records() print(data) print(livechat.is_alive()) count = len(data) while livechat.is_alive(): chatdata = livechat.get() # print("live") for c in chatdata.items: print(f"{c.datetime} [{}]- {c.message}") value = c.message if value.count("#") >= 3: values = value.split("#") sheet.insert_row(values, count + 2) print("berhasil ditambah") print("count " + str(count)) count += 1
[sg.Text('_'*100)], [sg.Checkbox('Donation Message (100+ bits on twitch)', key='donmsg'), sg.Checkbox('Chat Message',key='chatmsg')], [sg.Submit()] ] window = sg.Window('Livestream Chat Narrator', layout, resizable=True,) while True: event, values = chat = LiveChat(video_id=values['streamid'][values['streamid'].find('=')+1:]) if '' in values['streamid'].lower(): #youtube textbox if values['donmsg']==True: print("youtube stream selected - donation messages selected - program activated") window.Refresh() while chat.is_alive(): try: data = chat.get() items = data.items for c in items: if c.amountValue > float(0.0): print(f"{c.datetime} [{}] - {c.message} - {c.amountString}") engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.setProperty('rate', 135) engine.say(' donated '+c.amountValue+' and says '+c.message) engine.runAndWait() print('finished playing audio message') except KeyboardInterrupt: chat.terminate() break if values['chatmsg']==True: print("youtube stream selected - all chat messages selected - program activated") while chat.is_alive():
live_chat.terminate() break if not live_chat.is_alive(): print("URL is not currently a live stream") print("Would you like to start on the recorded stream? (y/n)") while True: playback = input("> ") if playback.lower() == 'y' or playback.lower() == 'n': break else: print('Please enter (y) or (n)!') if playback == 'y': live_chat = LiveChat(, seektime=1) while live_chat: try: chat_data = live_chat.get() for c in chat_data.items: if in myList: if alarm.exists(): playsound(alarm_filename) print("{} [{}] - {}".format(c.datetime,, c.message)) chat_data.tick() except KeyboardInterrupt: live_chat.terminate() sys.exit() else: print("Program will now exit...") sys.exit()