class PyTenseShift(object): """Initialization of PyTenseShift objects. The important part when you use the PlPyTenseShift is that we allow you to implmenent your own Tagger to optimize your results in translating from present to past tense. So, you need to implement the taggerinterface and change the second line of this code """ def __init__(self, corpus, isPl): if isPl: self.tagger = FirstTagger(corpus) else: dtag = DefaultTagger("NN") self.__utag = UnigramTagger(corpus.tagged_sents(), backoff = dtag) """ Tokenize the input sentence into words. This kind of representation is better to evaluate. """ def _tokenize(self, tense, isPl): if isPl: return self.tagger.tag(tense) else: return self.__utag.tag(tokenize(tense)) def getPastTense(self, tense): """Translates sentence given in present tense into past tense Args: sentence (str): Sentence to translate Returns: str. Sentence in past tense """ raise NotImplementedError("abstract method")
def __init__(self, corpus, isPl): if isPl: self.tagger = FirstTagger(corpus) else: dtag = DefaultTagger("NN") self.__utag = UnigramTagger(corpus.tagged_sents(), backoff = dtag)