def in_minutes(x): '''Convert a time quantity to minutes Parameters ---------- x: unitfloat A float representing a quantity of time annotated with a time unit Returns ------- unitfloat: The time after conversion to minutes ''' try: unit = x.unit_info except AttributeError: return x if unit == 'minute': return x elif unit == 'second': y = unitfloat(x / 60., 'minute') return y elif unit == 'hour': y = unitfloat(x * 60, 'minute') return y else: warnings.warn("Time unit %r not recognized" % unit) return x
def _acquisition_information(self, scan): scan_info = {} scan_list_struct = scan['scanList'] combination = "unknown" if "no combination" in scan_list_struct: combination = "no combination" elif "sum of spectra" in scan_list_struct: combination = "sum of spectra" elif "median of spectra" in scan_list_struct: combination = "median of spectra" elif "mean of spectra" in scan_list_struct: combination = "mean of spectra" scan_info['combination'] = combination scan_info_scan_list = [] misplaced_FAIMS_value = scan.get(, None) for i, scan_ in enumerate(scan_list_struct.get("scan", [])): scan_ = scan_.copy() if misplaced_FAIMS_value is not None and i == 0: scan[] = misplaced_FAIMS_value struct = {} struct['start_time'] = scan_.pop('scan start time', unitfloat(0, 'minute')) struct['injection_time'] = scan_.pop("ion injection time", unitfloat(0, 'millisecond')) windows = [] for window in scan_.pop("scanWindowList", {}).get("scanWindow", []): windows.append(ScanWindow( window['scan window lower limit'], window['scan window upper limit'])) struct['window_list'] = windows scan_.pop("instrumentConfigurationRef", None) struct['traits'] = scan_ scan_info_scan_list.append(ScanEventInformation(**struct)) scan_info['scan_list'] = scan_info_scan_list return ScanAcquisitionInformation(**scan_info)
def in_minutes(x): try: unit = x.unit_info except AttributeError: return x if unit == 'minute': return x elif unit == 'second': y = unitfloat(x / 60., 'minute') return y elif unit == 'hour': y = unitfloat(x * 60, 'minute') return y else: warnings.warn("Time unit %r not recognized" % unit) return x
def to_mzml(reader, outstream, pick_peaks=False, ms1_filters=None, msn_filters=None, default_activation=None): if ms1_filters is None: ms1_filters = [] if msn_filters is None: msn_filters = [] reader.make_iterator(grouped=True) writer = MzMLSerializer(outstream, deconvoluted=False) writer.copy_metadata_from(reader) method = data_transformation.ProcessingMethod(software_id='ms_deisotope_1') if pick_peaks: method.add('MS:1000035') method.add('MS:1000544') writer.add_data_processing(method) if default_activation is not None: if isinstance(default_activation, basestring): default_activation = activation_module.ActivationInformation( default_activation, unitfloat(0, 'electronvolt')) elif isinstance(default_activation, dict): default_activation = activation_module.ActivationInformation( **default_activation) else: click.secho("Could not convert %r into ActivationInformation" % (default_activation, ), err=1, fg='yellow') default_activation = None if pick_peaks: try: writer.remove_file_contents("profile spectrum") except KeyError: pass writer.add_file_contents("centroid spectrum") for bunch in reader: if bunch.precursor is not None: if ms1_filters: bunch = bunch._replace( precursor=bunch.precursor.transform(ms1_filters)) if (pick_peaks or not bunch.precursor.is_profile): bunch.precursor.pick_peaks() for i, product in enumerate(bunch.products): if msn_filters: product = bunch.products[i] = product.transform(msn_filters) if pick_peaks or not product.is_profile: product.pick_peaks() if product.activation is None and default_activation is not None: product.activation = default_activation writer.save_scan_bunch(bunch) writer.complete() writer.format()
def _acquisition_information(self, scan): fline = self._filter_string(scan) event = self._get_scan_event(scan) trailer_extras = self._trailer_values(scan) traits = { 'preset scan configuration': event, 'filter string': fline, } cv = fline.get("compensation_voltage") if cv is not None: traits[FAIMS_compensation_voltage] = cv event = ScanEventInformation(self._scan_time(scan), injection_time=unitfloat( trailer_extras.get( 'Ion Injection Time (ms)', 0.0), 'millisecond'), window_list=[ ScanWindow( fline.get("scan_window")[0], fline.get("scan_window")[1]) ], traits=traits) return ScanAcquisitionInformation("no combination", [event])
def _handle_param(self, element, **kwargs): """Unpacks cvParam and userParam tags into key-value pairs""" types = {'int': unitint, 'float': unitfloat, 'string': unitstr} attribs = element.attrib unit_info = None unit_accesssion = None if 'unitCvRef' in attribs or 'unitName' in attribs: unit_accesssion = attribs.get('unitAccession') unit_name = attribs.get("unitName", unit_accesssion) unit_info = unit_name accession = attribs.get("accession") # value = attribs.get("value", "") if 'value' in attribs and attribs['value'] != '': try: if attribs.get('type') in types: value = types[attribs['type']](attribs['value'], unit_info) else: value = unitfloat(attribs['value'], unit_info) except ValueError: value = unitstr(attribs['value'], unit_info) return {cvstr(attribs['name'], accession, unit_accesssion): value} else: return {'name': cvstr(attribs['name'], accession, unit_accesssion)}
def to_mzml(reader, outstream, pick_peaks=False, reprofile=False, ms1_filters=None, msn_filters=None, default_activation=None, correct_precursor_mz=False, write_index=True, update_metadata=True): """Translate the spectra from `reader` into mzML format written to `outstream`. Wraps the process of iterating over `reader`, performing a set of simple data transformations if desired, and then converts each :class:`~.Scan` into mzML format. Any data transformations are described in the appropriate metadata section. All other metadata from `reader` is copied to into `outstream`. Parameters ---------- reader : :class:`~.ScanIterator` The source of spectra to iterate over outstream : file-like The output stream to write mzML to. pick_peaks : bool, optional Whether to centroid profile spectra (the default is False) reprofile: bool, optional Whether to reprofile spectra from their centroids (the default is False) ms1_filters : list, optional An optional list of strings or :class:`~.ScanFilterBase` instances which will be used to transform the m/z and intensity arrays of MS1 spectra before they are further processed (the default is None, which results in no transformations) msn_filters : list, optional An optional list of strings or :class:`~.ScanFilterBase` instances which will be used to transform the m/z and intennsity arrays of MSn spectra before they are futher procssed. (the default is None, which results in no transformations) default_activation : :class:`str` or :class:`dict`, optional A default activation type to use when `reader` does not contain that information (the default is None) correct_precursor_mz : bool, optional Whether or not to assign the precursor m/z of each product scan to the nearest peak m/z in the precursor's peak list. (the default is False, which results in no correction) """ if ms1_filters is None: ms1_filters = [] if msn_filters is None: msn_filters = [] reader.make_iterator(grouped=True) writer = MzMLSerializer(outstream, len(reader), deconvoluted=False, build_extra_index=write_index, include_software_entry=update_metadata) writer.copy_metadata_from(reader) if update_metadata: method = data_transformation.ProcessingMethod( software_id='ms_deisotope_1') if pick_peaks: method.add('MS:1000035') if correct_precursor_mz: method.add('MS:1000780') if reprofile: method.add('MS:1000784') method.add('MS:1000544') writer.add_data_processing(method) if default_activation is not None: if isinstance(default_activation, basestring): default_activation = activation_module.ActivationInformation( default_activation, unitfloat(0, 'electronvolt')) elif isinstance(default_activation, dict): default_activation = activation_module.ActivationInformation( **default_activation) else: click.secho("Could not convert %r into ActivationInformation" % (default_activation, ), err=1, fg='yellow') default_activation = None if pick_peaks: try: writer.remove_file_contents("profile spectrum") except KeyError: pass writer.add_file_contents("centroid spectrum") n_spectra = len(reader) progbar = progress( label="Processed Spectra", length=n_spectra, item_show_func=lambda x: str( if x.precursor else x.products[0].id) if x else '') with progbar: for bunch in reader: progbar.current_item = bunch progbar.update((bunch.precursor is not None) + len(bunch.products)) discard_peaks = False if bunch.precursor is not None: if (reprofile): bunch = bunch._replace( precursor=bunch.precursor.reprofile()) if ms1_filters: bunch = bunch._replace( precursor=bunch.precursor.transform(ms1_filters)) if (pick_peaks or not bunch.precursor.is_profile): bunch.precursor.pick_peaks() if correct_precursor_mz: if not pick_peaks: bunch.precursor.pick_peaks() if bunch.precursor.is_profile: discard_peaks = True for i, product in enumerate(bunch.products): # if reprofile: # product = bunch.products[i] = product.reprofile() if msn_filters: product = bunch.products[i] = product.transform( msn_filters) if pick_peaks or not product.is_profile: product.pick_peaks() if product.activation is None and default_activation is not None: product.activation = default_activation if correct_precursor_mz: product.precursor_information.correct_mz() if discard_peaks: bunch.precursor.peak_set = None writer.save_scan_bunch(bunch) writer.complete() writer.format()
def to_mzml(reader, outstream, pick_peaks=False, ms1_filters=None, msn_filters=None, default_activation=None, correct_precursor_mz=False): """Translate the spectra from `reader` into mzML format written to `outstream`. Wraps the process of iterating over `reader`, performing a set of simple data transformations if desired, and then converts each :class:`~.Scan` into mzML format. Any data transformations are described in the appropriate metadata section. All other metadata from `reader` is copied to into `outstream`. Parameters ---------- reader : :class:`~.ScanIterator` The source of spectra to iterate over outstream : file-like The output stream to write mzML to. pick_peaks : bool, optional Whether to centroid profile spectra (the default is False) ms1_filters : list, optional An optional list of strings or :class:`~.ScanFilterBase` instances which will be used to transform the m/z and intensity arrays of MS1 spectra before they are further processed (the default is None, which results in no transformations) msn_filters : list, optional An optional list of strings or :class:`~.ScanFilterBase` instances which will be used to transform the m/z and intennsity arrays of MSn spectra before they are futher procssed. (the default is None, which results in no transformations) default_activation : :class:`str` or :class:`dict`, optional A default activation type to use when `reader` does not contain that information (the default is None) correct_precursor_mz : bool, optional Whether or not to assign the precursor m/z of each product scan to the nearest peak m/z in the precursor's peak list. (the default is False, which results in no correction) """ if ms1_filters is None: ms1_filters = [] if msn_filters is None: msn_filters = [] reader.make_iterator(grouped=True) writer = MzMLSerializer(outstream, len(reader), deconvoluted=False) writer.copy_metadata_from(reader) method = data_transformation.ProcessingMethod(software_id='ms_deisotope_1') if pick_peaks: method.add('MS:1000035') if correct_precursor_mz: method.add('MS:1000780') method.add('MS:1000544') writer.add_data_processing(method) if default_activation is not None: if isinstance(default_activation, basestring): default_activation = activation_module.ActivationInformation( default_activation, unitfloat(0, 'electronvolt')) elif isinstance(default_activation, dict): default_activation = activation_module.ActivationInformation(**default_activation) else: click.secho("Could not convert %r into ActivationInformation" % (default_activation, ), err=1, fg='yellow') default_activation = None if pick_peaks: try: writer.remove_file_contents("profile spectrum") except KeyError: pass writer.add_file_contents("centroid spectrum") for bunch in reader: discard_peaks = False if bunch.precursor is not None: if ms1_filters: bunch = bunch._replace(precursor=bunch.precursor.transform(ms1_filters)) if (pick_peaks or not bunch.precursor.is_profile): bunch.precursor.pick_peaks() if correct_precursor_mz: if not pick_peaks: bunch.precursor.pick_peaks() if bunch.precursor.is_profile: discard_peaks = True for i, product in enumerate(bunch.products): if msn_filters: product = bunch.products[i] = product.transform(msn_filters) if pick_peaks or not product.is_profile: product.pick_peaks() if product.activation is None and default_activation is not None: product.activation = default_activation if correct_precursor_mz: product.precursor_information.correct_mz() if discard_peaks: bunch.precursor.peak_set = None writer.save_scan_bunch(bunch) writer.complete() writer.format()