def test_mse():
    Test for mse
    # example 1
    x = np.arange(10)
    y = np.arange(10) + 2

    mse_pred = 4.
    mse_bias_pred = 2. ** 2
    mse_obs, _, mse_bias, _ = met.mse(x, y)

    nptest.assert_equal(mse_obs, mse_pred)
    nptest.assert_equal(mse_bias, mse_bias_pred)

    # example 2, with outlier
    x = np.arange(10)
    y = np.arange(10) + 2
    y[-1] = 51.

    mse_pred = 180.
    mse_bias_pred = 36.
    mse_obs, _, mse_bias, _ = met.mse(x, y)

    nptest.assert_almost_equal(mse_obs, mse_pred, 6)
    nptest.assert_almost_equal(mse_bias, mse_bias_pred, 6)
def test_mse():
    Test for mse
    # example 1
    x = np.arange(10)
    y = np.arange(10) + 2

    mse_pred = 4.
    mse_bias_pred = 2.**2
    mse_obs, _, mse_bias, _ = met.mse(x, y)

    nptest.assert_equal(mse_obs, mse_pred)
    nptest.assert_equal(mse_bias, mse_bias_pred)

    # example 2, with outlier
    x = np.arange(10)
    y = np.arange(10) + 2
    y[-1] = 51.

    mse_pred = 180.
    mse_bias_pred = 36.
    mse_obs, _, mse_bias, _ = met.mse(x, y)

    nptest.assert_almost_equal(mse_obs, mse_pred, 6)
    nptest.assert_almost_equal(mse_bias, mse_bias_pred, 6)
    def calc_metrics(self, data, gpi_info):
        dataset = super(BasicMetricsPlusMSE, self).calc_metrics(data, gpi_info)
        if len(data) < self.min_obs:
            return dataset
        x, y = data['ref'].values, data[self.other_name].values
        mse, mse_corr, mse_bias, mse_var = metrics.mse(x, y)
        dataset['mse'][0] = mse
        dataset['mse_corr'][0] = mse_corr
        dataset['mse_bias'][0] = mse_bias
        dataset['mse_var'][0] = mse_var

        return dataset
    def calc_metrics(self, data, gpi_info):
        dataset = super(BasicMetricsPlusMSE, self).calc_metrics(data, gpi_info)
        if len(data) < 10:
            return dataset
        x, y = data["ref"].values, data[self.other_name].values
        mse, mse_corr, mse_bias, mse_var = metrics.mse(x, y)
        dataset["mse"][0] = mse
        dataset["mse_corr"][0] = mse_corr
        dataset["mse_bias"][0] = mse_bias
        dataset["mse_var"][0] = mse_var

        return dataset
def test_rmsd_mse():
    Test for rmsd and mse
    # example 1
    x = np.random.randn(1000)
    y = np.random.randn(1000)

    rmsd_pred = met.rmsd(x, y)
    mse_pred, _, _, _ = met.mse(x, y)

    nptest.assert_almost_equal(rmsd_pred ** 2, mse_pred, 6)
def test_rmsd_mse():
    Test for rmsd and mse
    # example 1
    x = np.random.randn(1000)
    y = np.random.randn(1000)

    rmsd_pred = met.rmsd(x, y)
    mse_pred, _, _, _ = met.mse(x, y)

    nptest.assert_almost_equal(rmsd_pred**2, mse_pred, 6)
def test_mse(arange_testdata):
    Test for mse
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        # example 1
        x, y = arange_testdata

        mse_pred = 4.
        mse_bias_pred = 2.**2
        mse_obs, _, mse_bias, _ = met.mse(x, y)

        nptest.assert_equal(mse_obs, mse_pred)
        nptest.assert_equal(mse_bias, mse_bias_pred)

        # example 2, with outlier
        y[-1] = 51.

        mse_pred = 180.
        mse_bias_pred = 36.
        mse_obs, _, mse_bias, _ = met.mse(x, y)

        nptest.assert_almost_equal(mse_obs, mse_pred, 6)
        nptest.assert_almost_equal(mse_bias, mse_bias_pred, 6)
def compare_data(ismn_data, validation_data, scaling='linreg', anomaly=None):
    Compare data from an ISMN station to the defined validation datasets.

    ismn_data: pandas.Dataframe
        Data from the ISMN used as a reference
    validation_data: dict
        Dictionary of pandas.DataFrames, One for each dataset to
        compare against
    scaling: string, optional
        Scaling method to use.
    anomaly: string
        If set then the validation is done for anomalies.
    insitu_label = 'soil moisture'

    if anomaly != None:

        if anomaly == 'climatology':
            ascat_clim = anomaly_calc.calc_climatology(
            insitu_clim = anomaly_calc.calc_climatology(
                ismn_data['soil moisture'])

            ascat_anom = anomaly_calc.calc_anomaly(ascat_masked[ascat_label],
            ascat_masked[ascat_label] = ascat_anom.values

            insitu_anom = anomaly_calc.calc_anomaly(ISMN_data['insitu'],
            ISMN_data['insitu'] = insitu_anom.values

        if anomaly == 'average':
            ascat_anom = anomaly_calc.calc_anomaly(ascat_masked[ascat_label])
            ascat_masked[ascat_label] = ascat_anom.values

            insitu_anom = anomaly_calc.calc_anomaly(ISMN_data['insitu'])
            ISMN_data['insitu'] = insitu_anom.values

        ascat_masked = ascat_masked.dropna()
        ISMN_data = ISMN_data.dropna()

    for dname in validation_data:
        vdata = validation_data[dname]
        vdata_label = 'cci_sm'

        matched_data = temp_match.matching(ismn_data, vdata, window=1)

        if scaling != 'noscale' and scaling != 'porosity':

            scaled_data = scale.add_scaled(matched_data,

            scaled_label = vdata_label + '_scaled_' + scaling

            scaled_data = scaled_data[[insitu_label, scaled_label]]

        elif scaling == 'noscale':
            scaled_data = matched_data[[insitu_label, vdata_label]]
            scaled_label = vdata_label

    # scaled_data.rename(columns={'insitu': ISMN_ts_name}, inplace=True)

    labels, values = scaled_data.to_dygraph_format()

    ascat_insitu = {'labels': labels, 'data': values}

    x, y = scaled_data[insitu_label].values, scaled_data[scaled_label].values

    kendall, p_kendall = sc_stats.kendalltau(x.tolist(), y.tolist())
    spearman, p_spearman = sc_stats.spearmanr(x, y)
    pearson, p_pearson = sc_stats.pearsonr(x, y)
    rmsd = metrics.rmsd(x, y)
    bias = metrics.bias(y, x)
    mse, mse_corr, mse_bias, mse_var = metrics.mse(x, y)
    statistics = {
        'kendall': {
            'v': '%.2f' % kendall,
            'p': '%.4f' % p_kendall
        'spearman': {
            'v': '%.2f' % spearman,
            'p': '%.4f' % p_spearman
        'pearson': {
            'v': '%.2f' % pearson,
            'p': '%.4f' % p_pearson
        'bias': '%.4f' % bias,
        'rmsd': {
            'rmsd': '%.4f' % np.sqrt(mse),
            'rmsd_corr': '%.4f' % np.sqrt(mse_corr),
            'rmsd_bias': '%.4f' % np.sqrt(mse_bias),
            'rmsd_var': '%.4f' % np.sqrt(mse_var)
        'mse': {
            'mse': '%.4f' % mse,
            'mse_corr': '%.4f' % mse_corr,
            'mse_bias': '%.4f' % mse_bias,
            'mse_var': '%.4f' % mse_var

    scaling_options = {
        'noscale': 'No scaling',
        'porosity': 'Scale using porosity',
        'linreg': 'Linear Regression',
        'mean_std': 'Mean - standard deviation',
        'min_max': 'Minimum,maximum',
        'lin_cdf_match': 'Piecewise <br> linear CDF matching',
        'cdf_match': 'CDF matching'

    settings = {
        'scaling': scaling_options[scaling],
        # 'snow_depth': mask['snow_depth'],
        # 'surface_temp': mask['st_l1'],
        # 'air_temp': mask['air_temp']

    era_data = {'labels': [], 'data': []}
    output_data = {
        'validation_data': ascat_insitu,
        'masking_data': era_data,
        'statistics': statistics,
        'settings': settings

    return output_data, 1