def generator(z, y, image_size, batch_size, y_dim, gfc_dim, gf_dim, c_dim): with tf.variable_scope("generator"): g_bn0 = BatchNorm(name='g_bn0') g_bn1 = BatchNorm(name='g_bn1') g_bn2 = BatchNorm(name='g_bn2') # taken from s_h, s_w = image_size[1], image_size[0] s_h2, s_h4 = int(s_h / 2), int(s_h / 4) s_w2, s_w4 = int(s_w / 2), int(s_w / 4) yb = tf.reshape(y, [batch_size, 1, 1, y_dim]) z = tf.concat([z, y], 1) h0 = tf.nn.relu(g_bn0(linear(z, gfc_dim, 'g_h0_lin'))) h0 = tf.concat([h0, y], 1) h1 = tf.nn.relu( g_bn1(linear(h0, gf_dim * 2 * s_h4 * s_w4, 'g_h1_lin'))) h1 = tf.reshape(h1, [batch_size, s_h4, s_w4, gf_dim * 2]) h1 = conv_cond_concat(h1, yb) h2 = tf.nn.relu( g_bn2( deconv2d(h1, [batch_size, s_h2, s_w2, gf_dim * 2], name='g_h2'))) h2 = conv_cond_concat(h2, yb) h3 = tf.nn.sigmoid( deconv2d(h2, [batch_size, s_h, s_w, c_dim], name='g_h3')) return tf.identity(h3, 'generator')
def discriminator(x, y, batch_size, y_dim, c_dim, df_dim, dfc_dim, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope("discriminator") as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() d_bn1 = BatchNorm(name='d_bn1') d_bn2 = BatchNorm(name='d_bn2') yb = tf.reshape(y, [batch_size, 1, 1, y_dim]) x = conv_cond_concat(x, yb) h0 = lrelu(conv2d(x, c_dim + y_dim, name='d_h0_conv')) h0 = conv_cond_concat(h0, yb) h1 = lrelu(d_bn1(conv2d(h0, df_dim + y_dim, name='d_h1_conv'))) h1 = tf.reshape(h1, [batch_size, -1]) h1 = tf.concat([h1, y], 1) h2 = lrelu(d_bn2(linear(h1, dfc_dim, 'd_h2_lin'))) h2 = tf.concat([h2, y], 1) h3 = linear(h2, 1, 'd_h3_lin') return tf.nn.sigmoid(h3), h3
def create_generator(self, z, y, scope_name, is_training=True, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope(scope_name) as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() batch_norm_params = { # 'decay': 0.999, 'decay': 0.9, # also known as momentum, they are the same 'updates_collections': None, # 'epsilon': 0.001, 'epsilon': 1e-5, 'scale': True, 'is_training': is_training, 'scope': 'batch_norm', } # first argument is where to apply these with arg_scope([layers.conv2d, layers.conv2d_transpose, layers.fully_connected], normalizer_fn=layers.batch_norm, normalizer_params=batch_norm_params, weights_initializer=layers.xavier_initializer(uniform=False), biases_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0) ): # taken from s_h, s_w = self.image_size[1], self.image_size[0] s_h2, s_h4 = int(s_h / 2), int(s_h / 4) s_w2, s_w4 = int(s_w / 2), int(s_w / 4) yb = tf.reshape(y, [self.batch_size, 1, 1, self.y_dim]) z = tf.concat([z, y], 1) h0 = slim.fully_connected(z, num_outputs=self.gfc_dim, scope='g_h0_lin', activation_fn=slim.nn.relu, ) h0 = tf.concat([h0, y], 1) h1 = slim.fully_connected(h0, num_outputs=self.gf_dim * 2 * s_h4 * s_w4, scope='g_h1_lin', activation_fn=slim.nn.relu, ) h1 = tf.reshape(h1, [self.batch_size, s_h4, s_w4, self.gf_dim * 2]) h1 = conv_cond_concat(h1, yb) h2 = slim.conv2d_transpose(h1, num_outputs=self.gf_dim * 2, scope='g_h2', kernel_size=[5, 5], stride=2, activation_fn=slim.nn.relu, ) h2 = conv_cond_concat(h2, yb) h3 = slim.conv2d_transpose(h2, num_outputs=self.c_dim, scope='g_h3', kernel_size=[5, 5], stride=2, normalizer_fn=None, activation_fn=slim.nn.sigmoid ) return h3
def create_discriminator(self, x, y, scope_name, is_training=True, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope(scope_name) as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() batch_norm_params = { # 'decay': 0.999, 'decay': 0.9, # also known as momentum, they are the same 'updates_collections': None, # 'epsilon': 0.001, 'epsilon': 1e-5, 'scale': True, 'is_training': is_training, 'scope': 'batch_norm', } with arg_scope([layers.conv2d, layers.conv2d_transpose, layers.fully_connected], normalizer_fn=layers.batch_norm, normalizer_params=batch_norm_params, weights_initializer=layers.xavier_initializer(uniform=False), biases_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0) ): yb = tf.reshape(y, [self.batch_size, 1, 1, self.y_dim]) x = conv_cond_concat(x, yb) h0 = slim.conv2d(x, num_outputs=self.c_dim + self.y_dim, scope='d_h0_conv', kernel_size=[5, 5], stride=[2, 2], normalizer_fn=None, activation_fn=lrelu, ) h0 = conv_cond_concat(h0, yb) # not having bias variables here because of bias adding in batch normalization, see: h1 = slim.conv2d(h0, num_outputs=self.df_dim + self.y_dim, scope='d_h1_conv', kernel_size=[5, 5], stride=[2, 2], activation_fn=lrelu ) h1 = tf.reshape(h1, [self.batch_size, -1]) h1 = tf.concat([h1, y], 1) h2 = slim.fully_connected(h1, num_outputs=self.dfc_dim, scope='d_h2_lin', activation_fn=lrelu, ) h2 = tf.concat([h2, y], 1) h3 = slim.fully_connected(h2, num_outputs=1, scope='d_h3_lin', normalizer_fn=None, activation_fn=None ) return tf.nn.sigmoid(h3), h3