def _getSectionKey(self, section): tmp = section.split() assert(len(tmp) > 0) (curSection, curNames, curTags) = (tmp[0], [], {}) for token in tmp[1:]: if ':' in token: tag_entry = token.split(':') assert(len(tag_entry) == 2) curTags[tag_entry[0]] = tag_entry[1] elif token: curNames.append(token) def myIndex(src, value): try: return src.index(value) except Exception: return None idxClass = myIndex(self._cfgClassSections, curSection) idxSection = myIndex(self._cfgSections, curSection) if (not self._cfgClassSections) and (not self._cfgSections): idxSection = 0 if (idxClass is not None) or (idxSection is not None): # Section is selected by class or manually idxNames = tuple(imap(lambda n: myIndex(self._cfgNames, n), curNames)) if None not in idxNames: # All names in current section are selected curTagNames = lfilter(lambda tn: tn in curTags, self._cfgTagsOrder) curTagNamesLeft = lfilter(lambda tn: tn not in self._cfgTagsOrder, curTags) idxTags = lmap(lambda tn: myIndex(self._cfgTags, (tn, curTags[tn])), curTagNames) if (None not in idxTags) and not curTagNamesLeft: return (idxClass, idxSection, idxNames, idxTags)
def _sort_python_compat_lines(fn): output_line_list = [] output_set = set() import_section = False for line in SafeFile(fn).iter_close(): if line.startswith('from') or line.startswith('import'): import_section = True elif line.strip(): if import_section: output_list = lfilter(lambda x: x.strip() != '', output_set) output_list.sort( key=lambda l: (not l.startswith('import'), ('python_compat' in l), 'testfwk' not in l, lmap(lambda x: x.split('.'), l.split()))) for output_line in output_list: output_line_list.append(output_line) output_line_list.append('\n\n') output_set = set() import_section = False if not import_section: output_line_list.append(line) else: output_set.add(line) if import_section: output_list = lfilter(lambda x: x.strip() != '', output_set) output_list.sort( key=lambda l: (not l.startswith('import'), 'python_compat' not in l, lmap(lambda x: x.split('.'), l.split()))) for output_line in output_list: output_line_list.append(output_line) fp = open(fn, 'w') for output_line in output_line_list: fp.write(output_line)
def _checkJobList(self, wms, jobList): if self._defect_tries: nDefect = len(self._defect_counter ) # Waiting list gets larger in case reported == [] waitList = self._sample( self._defect_counter, nDefect - max(1, int(nDefect / 2**self._defect_raster))) jobList = lfilter(lambda x: x not in waitList, jobList) (change, timeoutList, reported) = JobManager._checkJobList(self, wms, jobList) for jobNum in reported: self._defect_counter.pop(jobNum, None) if self._defect_tries and (change is not None): self._defect_raster = utils.QM( reported, 1, self._defect_raster + 1) # make 'raster' iteratively smaller for jobNum in ifilter(lambda x: x not in reported, jobList): self._defect_counter[jobNum] = self._defect_counter.get( jobNum, 0) + 1 kickList = lfilter( lambda jobNum: self._defect_counter[jobNum] >= self. _defect_tries, self._defect_counter) for jobNum in set(kickList + utils.QM( (len(reported) == 0) and (len(jobList) == 1), jobList, [])): timeoutList.append(jobNum) self._defect_counter.pop(jobNum) return (change, timeoutList, reported)
def makeJDL(self, jobNum, module): cfgPath = os.path.join(self._jobPath, 'job_%d.var' % jobNum) sbIn = lmap(lambda d_s_t: d_s_t[1], self._getSandboxFilesIn(module)) sbOut = lmap(lambda d_s_t: d_s_t[2], self._getSandboxFilesOut(module)) wcList = lfilter(lambda x: '*' in x, sbOut) if len(wcList): self._writeJobConfig(cfgPath, jobNum, module, {'GC_WC': str.join(' ', wcList)}) sandboxOutJDL = lfilter(lambda x: x not in wcList, sbOut) + ['GC_WC.tar.gz'] else: self._writeJobConfig(cfgPath, jobNum, module, {}) sandboxOutJDL = sbOut # Warn about too large sandboxes sbSizes = lmap(os.path.getsize, sbIn) if sbSizes and (self._warnSBSize > 0) and (sum(sbSizes) > self._warnSBSize * 1024 * 1024): if not utils.getUserBool('Sandbox is very large (%d bytes) and can cause issues with the WMS! Do you want to continue?' % sum(sbSizes), False): sys.exit(os.EX_OK) self._warnSBSize = 0 reqs = self.brokerSite.brokerAdd(module.getRequirements(jobNum), WMS.SITES) formatStrList = lambda strList: '{ %s }' % str.join(', ', imap(lambda x: '"%s"' % x, strList)) contents = { 'Executable': '""', 'Arguments': '"%d"' % jobNum, 'StdOutput': '"gc.stdout"', 'StdError': '"gc.stderr"', 'InputSandbox': formatStrList(sbIn + [cfgPath]), 'OutputSandbox': formatStrList(sandboxOutJDL), 'VirtualOrganisation': '"%s"' % self.vo, 'Rank': '-other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime', 'RetryCount': 2 } return self._jdl_writer.format(reqs, contents)
def _get_section_key(self, section): tmp = section.split() if not tmp: raise ConfigError('Invalid config section %r' % section) (cur_section, cur_name_list, cur_tag_map) = (tmp[0], [], {}) for token in tmp[1:]: if ':' in token: tag_entry = token.split(':') if len(tag_entry) != 2: raise ConfigError('Invalid config tag in section %r' % section) cur_tag_map[tag_entry[0]] = tag_entry[1] elif token: cur_name_list.append(token) class_section_idx = safe_index(self._class_section_list, cur_section) section_idx = safe_index(self._section_list, cur_section) if (not self._class_section_list) and (not self._section_list): section_idx = 0 if (class_section_idx is not None) or (section_idx is not None): # Section is selected by class or manually name_idx_tuple = tuple(imap(lambda n: safe_index(self._section_name_list, n), cur_name_list)) if None not in name_idx_tuple: # All names in current section are selected cur_tag_name_list = lfilter(cur_tag_map.__contains__, self._section_tag_order) left_tag_name_list = lfilter(lambda tn: tn not in self._section_tag_order, cur_tag_map) tag_tuple_list = imap(lambda tn: (tn, cur_tag_map[tn]), cur_tag_name_list) tag_idx_tuple = tuple(imap(lambda tt: safe_index(self._section_tag_list, tt), tag_tuple_list)) if (None not in tag_idx_tuple) and not left_tag_name_list: return (class_section_idx, section_idx, name_idx_tuple, tag_idx_tuple)
def _getSubmissionJobs(self, maxsample): # Get list of submittable jobs readyList = self.jobDB.getJobs(ClassSelector(JobClass.READY)) retryOK = readyList defaultJob = Job() if self._job_retries >= 0: retryOK = lfilter(lambda x: self.jobDB.get(x, defaultJob).attempt - 1 < self._job_retries, readyList) modOK = lfilter(self._task.canSubmit, readyList) jobList = set.intersection(set(retryOK), set(modOK)) if self._showBlocker and readyList and not jobList: # No submission but ready jobs err = [] err += utils.QM((len(retryOK) > 0) and (len(modOK) == 0), [], ['have hit their maximum number of retries']) err += utils.QM((len(retryOK) == 0) and (len(modOK) > 0), [], ['are vetoed by the task module']) self._log_user_time.warning('All remaining jobs %s!', str.join(utils.QM(retryOK or modOK, ' or ', ' and '), err)) self._showBlocker = not (len(readyList) > 0 and len(jobList) == 0) # Determine number of jobs to submit submit = len(jobList) if self._njobs_inqueue > 0: submit = min(submit, self._njobs_inqueue - self.jobDB.getJobsN(ClassSelector(JobClass.ATWMS))) if self._njobs_inflight > 0: submit = min(submit, self._njobs_inflight - self.jobDB.getJobsN(ClassSelector(JobClass.PROCESSING))) if self._continuous and (maxsample > 0): submit = min(submit, maxsample) submit = max(submit, 0) if self._do_shuffle: return self._sample(jobList, submit) return sorted(jobList)[:submit]
def _check_get_jobnum_list(self, task, wms, jobnum_list): if self._defect_tries: num_defect = len( self._defect_counter ) # Waiting list gets larger in case reported == [] num_wait = num_defect - max( 1, int(num_defect / 2**self._defect_raster)) jobnum_list_wait = self._sample(self._defect_counter, num_wait) jobnum_list = lfilter( lambda jobnum: jobnum not in jobnum_list_wait, jobnum_list) (change, jobnum_list_timeout, reported) = JobManager._check_get_jobnum_list(self, task, wms, jobnum_list) for jobnum in reported: self._defect_counter.pop(jobnum, None) if self._defect_tries and (change is not None): # make 'raster' iteratively smaller self._defect_raster += 1 if reported: self._defect_raster = 1 for jobnum in ifilter(lambda x: x not in reported, jobnum_list): self._defect_counter[jobnum] = self._defect_counter.get( jobnum, 0) + 1 jobnum_list_kick = lfilter( lambda jobnum: self._defect_counter[jobnum] >= self. _defect_tries, self._defect_counter) if (len(reported) == 0) and (len(jobnum_list) == 1): jobnum_list_kick.extend(jobnum_list) for jobnum in set(jobnum_list_kick): jobnum_list_timeout.append(jobnum) self._defect_counter.pop(jobnum) return (change, jobnum_list_timeout, reported)
def _check_get_jobnum_list(self, task, wms, jobnum_list): if self._defect_tries: num_defect = len(self._defect_counter) # Waiting list gets larger in case reported == [] num_wait = num_defect - max(1, int(num_defect / 2 ** self._defect_raster)) jobnum_list_wait = self._sample(self._defect_counter, num_wait) jobnum_list = lfilter(lambda jobnum: jobnum not in jobnum_list_wait, jobnum_list) (change, jobnum_list_timeout, reported) = JobManager._check_get_jobnum_list( self, task, wms, jobnum_list) for jobnum in reported: self._defect_counter.pop(jobnum, None) if self._defect_tries and (change is not None): # make 'raster' iteratively smaller self._defect_raster += 1 if reported: self._defect_raster = 1 for jobnum in ifilter(lambda x: x not in reported, jobnum_list): self._defect_counter[jobnum] = self._defect_counter.get(jobnum, 0) + 1 jobnum_list_kick = lfilter(lambda jobnum: self._defect_counter[jobnum] >= self._defect_tries, self._defect_counter) if (len(reported) == 0) and (len(jobnum_list) == 1): jobnum_list_kick.extend(jobnum_list) for jobnum in set(jobnum_list_kick): jobnum_list_timeout.append(jobnum) self._defect_counter.pop(jobnum) return (change, jobnum_list_timeout, reported)
def _filterListImpl(self, entries): strict_result = lfilter( lambda entry: self._matchFunction.match(entry) > 0, entries) if strict_result: return strict_result return lfilter(lambda entry: self._matchFunction.match(entry) >= 0, entries)
def resync_psrc(self): (psrc_redo, psrc_disable, _) = self._psrc.resync_psrc() result_redo = set(lfilter(lambda pnum: pnum < self._max_len, psrc_redo)) result_disable = set( lfilter(lambda pnum: pnum < self._max_len, psrc_disable)) self._psrc_len = self._psrc.get_parameter_len() return (result_redo, result_disable, False ) # size can never change on-the-fly
def list_parameters(opts, psource): (result, needGCParam) = get_parameters(opts, psource) enabledOutput = opts.output.split(',') output = lfilter(lambda k: not opts.output or k in enabledOutput, psource.getJobKeys()) stored = lfilter(lambda k: k.untracked == False, output) untracked = lfilter(lambda k: k.untracked == True, output) if opts.collapse > 0: result_old = result result = {} result_nicks = {} head = [('COLLATE_JOBS', '# of jobs')] if 'DATASETSPLIT' in stored: stored.remove('DATASETSPLIT') if opts.collapse == 1: stored.append('DATASETNICK') head.append(('DATASETNICK', 'DATASETNICK')) elif opts.collapse == 2: head.append(('COLLATE_NICK', '# of nicks')) for pset in result_old: if ('DATASETSPLIT' in pset) and (opts.collapse == 1): pset.pop('DATASETSPLIT') nickname = None if ('DATASETNICK' in pset) and (opts.collapse == 2): nickname = pset.pop('DATASETNICK') h = md5_hex(repr(lmap(lambda key: pset.get(str(key)), stored))) result.setdefault(h, []).append(pset) result_nicks.setdefault(h, set()).add(nickname) def doCollate(h): tmp = result[h][0] tmp['COLLATE_JOBS'] = len(result[h]) tmp['COLLATE_NICK'] = len(result_nicks[h]) return tmp result = lmap(doCollate, result) else: head = [('GC_JOB_ID', '#')] if needGCParam: head.append(('GC_PARAM', 'GC_PARAM')) if head.append((ParameterInfo.ACTIVE, 'ACTIVE')) if opts.visible: stored = opts.visible.split(',') head.extend(sorted(izip(stored, stored))) if opts.untracked: head.extend( sorted( imap( lambda n: (n, '(%s)' % n), ifilter(lambda n: n not in ['GC_PARAM', 'GC_JOB_ID'], untracked)))) utils.vprint('') utils.printTabular(head, result)
def _get_jdl_str_list_job(self, jobnum, task, sb_in_fn_list): workdir = self._get_remote_output_dn(jobnum) # publish the WMS id for Dashboard environ = 'CONDOR_WMS_DASHID=https://%s:/$(Cluster).$(Process)' % self._name sb_out_fn_list = [] for (_, src, target) in self._get_out_transfer_info_list(task): if src not in ('gc.stdout', 'gc.stderr'): sb_out_fn_list.append(target) # condor does not handle wildcards in transfer_output_files wildcard_list = lfilter(lambda x: '*' in x, sb_out_fn_list) if len(wildcard_list): sb_out_fn_list = lfilter(lambda x: x not in wildcard_list, sb_out_fn_list) + ['GC_WC.tar.gz'] environ += ';GC_WC=' + ' '.join(wildcard_list) job_sb_in_fn_list = sb_in_fn_list + [ os.path.join(workdir, 'job_%d.var' % jobnum) ] jdl_str_list = [ # store matching Grid-Control and Condor ID '+GridControl_GCtoWMSID = "%s@$(Cluster).$(Process)"' % task.get_description(jobnum).job_name, '+GridControl_GCIDtoWMSID = "%s@$(Cluster).$(Process)"' % jobnum, 'environment = %s' % environ, # condor doesn"t execute the job directly. actual job data, files and arguments # are accessed by the GC scripts (but need to be copied to the worker) 'transfer_input_files = ' + str.join(', ', job_sb_in_fn_list), # only copy important files - stdout and stderr get remapped but transferred # automatically, so don't request them as they would not be found 'transfer_output_files = ' + str.join(', ', sb_out_fn_list), 'initialdir = ' + workdir, 'Output = ' + os.path.join(workdir, "gc.stdout"), 'Error = ' + os.path.join(workdir, "gc.stderr"), 'arguments = %s ' % jobnum ] requirements = '' if self._user_requirements: requirements = '(%s)' % self._user_requirements if self._blacklist_nodes: if requirements: requirements += ' && ' blacklist_nodes = [ 'Machine != "%s"' % node for node in self._blacklist_nodes ] requirements += '(%s)' % ' && '.join(blacklist_nodes) if requirements: jdl_str_list.append('Requirements = (%s)' % requirements) jdl_str_list.extend(self._get_jdl_req_str_list(jobnum, task)) jdl_str_list.append('Queue\n') return jdl_str_list
def cms_name_to_se(self, cms_name): cms_name = cms_name.replace('*', '.*') cms_name = cms_name.replace('%', '.*') cms_name_regex = re.compile(cms_name) psn_site_names = lfilter(lambda site: site['type'] == 'psn' and cms_name_regex.match(site['alias']), self._site_names()) site_names = set(imap(lambda x: x['site_name'], psn_site_names)) site_resources = lfilter(lambda x: x['site_name'] in site_names, self._site_resources()) host_list = lfilter(lambda x: x['type'] == 'SE', site_resources) host_list = lmap(lambda x: x['fqdn'], host_list) return host_list
def list_parameters(opts, psource): (result, needGCParam) = get_parameters(opts, psource) enabledOutput = opts.output.split(',') output = lfilter(lambda k: not opts.output or k in enabledOutput, psource.getJobKeys()) stored = lfilter(lambda k: k.untracked == False, output) untracked = lfilter(lambda k: k.untracked == True, output) if opts.collapse > 0: result_old = result result = {} result_nicks = {} head = [('COLLATE_JOBS', '# of jobs')] if 'DATASETSPLIT' in stored: stored.remove('DATASETSPLIT') if opts.collapse == 1: stored.append('DATASETNICK') head.append(('DATASETNICK', 'DATASETNICK')) elif opts.collapse == 2: head.append(('COLLATE_NICK', '# of nicks')) for pset in result_old: if ('DATASETSPLIT' in pset) and (opts.collapse == 1): pset.pop('DATASETSPLIT') nickname = None if ('DATASETNICK' in pset) and (opts.collapse == 2): nickname = pset.pop('DATASETNICK') h = md5_hex(repr(lmap(pset.get, stored))) result.setdefault(h, []).append(pset) result_nicks.setdefault(h, set()).add(nickname) def doCollate(h): tmp = result[h][0] tmp['COLLATE_JOBS'] = len(result[h]) tmp['COLLATE_NICK'] = len(result_nicks[h]) return tmp result = lmap(doCollate, result) else: head = [('GC_JOB_ID', '#')] if needGCParam: head.append(('GC_PARAM', 'GC_PARAM')) if head.append((ParameterInfo.ACTIVE, 'ACTIVE')) if opts.visible: stored = opts.visible.split(',') head.extend(sorted(izip(stored, stored))) if opts.untracked: head.extend(sorted(imap(lambda n: (n, '(%s)' % n), ifilter(lambda n: n not in ['GC_PARAM', 'GC_JOB_ID'], untracked)))) utils.vprint('') utils.printTabular(head, result)
def _match_entries(self, container, option_list=None): key_list = container.get_options() if option_list is not None: key_list = lfilter(key_list.__contains__, option_list) def _get_entry_key_ordered(entry): return (tuple(imap(_remove_none, _get_section_key_filtered(entry))), entry.order) def _get_section_key_filtered(entry): return self._get_section_key( entry.section.replace('!', '').strip()) def _remove_none(key): if key is None: return -1 return key def _select_sections(entry): return _get_section_key_filtered(entry) is not None result = [] for key in key_list: (entries, entries_reverse) = ([], []) for entry in container.iter_config_entries(key, _select_sections): if entry.section.endswith('!'): entries_reverse.append(entry) else: entries.append(entry) result.extend( sorted(entries_reverse, key=_get_entry_key_ordered, reverse=True)) result.extend(sorted(entries, key=_get_entry_key_ordered)) return result
def __init__(self): # Collect host / user / installation specific config files def _resolve_hostname(): import socket host = socket.gethostname() return ignore_exception(Exception, host, lambda: socket.gethostbyaddr(host)[0]) try: hostname = hang_protection(_resolve_hostname, timeout=5) except TimeoutException: clear_current_exception() hostname = None logging.getLogger('console').warning('System call to resolve hostname is hanging!') def _get_default_config_fn_iter(): # return possible default config files if hostname: # host / domain specific for part_idx in irange(hostname.count('.') + 1, -1, -1): yield get_path_pkg('../config/%s.conf' % hostname.split('.', part_idx)[-1]) yield '/etc/grid-control.conf' # system specific yield '~/.grid-control.conf' # user specific yield get_path_pkg('../config/default.conf') # installation specific if os.environ.get('GC_CONFIG'): yield '$GC_CONFIG' # environment specific config_fn_list = list(_get_default_config_fn_iter()) log = logging.getLogger('config.sources.default') log.log(logging.DEBUG1, 'Possible default config files: %s', str.join(', ', config_fn_list)) config_fn_iter = imap(lambda fn: resolve_path(fn, must_exist=False), config_fn_list) FileConfigFiller.__init__(self, lfilter(os.path.exists, config_fn_iter), add_search_path=False)
def _fill_content_deep(self, config_fn, search_path_list, content_configfile): log = logging.getLogger(('config.%s' % get_file_name(config_fn)).rstrip('.').lower()) log.log(logging.INFO1, 'Reading config file %s', config_fn) config_fn = resolve_path(config_fn, search_path_list, exception_type=ConfigError) config_str_list = list(SafeFile(config_fn).iter_close()) # Single pass, non-recursive list retrieval tmp_content_configfile = {} self._fill_content_shallow(config_fn, config_str_list, search_path_list, tmp_content_configfile) def _get_list_shallow(section, option): for (opt, value, _) in tmp_content_configfile.get(section, []): if opt == option: for entry in parse_list(value, None): yield entry search_path_list_new = [os.path.dirname(config_fn)] # Add entries from include statement recursively for include_fn in _get_list_shallow('global', 'include'): self._fill_content_deep(include_fn, search_path_list + search_path_list_new, content_configfile) # Process all other entries in current file self._fill_content_shallow(config_fn, config_str_list, search_path_list, content_configfile) # Override entries in current config file for override_fn in _get_list_shallow('global', 'include override'): self._fill_content_deep(override_fn, search_path_list + search_path_list_new, content_configfile) # Filter special global options if content_configfile.get('global', []): def _ignore_includes(opt_v_s_tuple): return opt_v_s_tuple[0] not in ['include', 'include override'] content_configfile['global'] = lfilter(_ignore_includes, content_configfile['global']) return search_path_list + search_path_list_new
def getEntries(self, path, metadata, events, seList, objStore): datacachePath = os.path.join(objStore.get('GC_WORKDIR', ''), 'datacache.dat') source = utils.QM((self._source == '') and os.path.exists(datacachePath), datacachePath, self._source) if source and (source not in self._lfnMap): pSource = DataProvider.createInstance('ListProvider', createConfig(), source) for (n, fl) in imap( lambda b: (b[DataProvider.Dataset], b[DataProvider.FileList]), pSource.getBlocks()): self._lfnMap.setdefault(source, {}).update( dict( imap( lambda fi: (self.lfnTrans(fi[DataProvider.URL]), n), fl))) pList = set() for key in ifilter(lambda k: k in metadata, self._parentKeys): pList.update( imap( lambda pPath: self._lfnMap.get(source, {}).get( self.lfnTrans(pPath)), metadata[key])) metadata['PARENT_PATH'] = lfilter(identity, pList) yield (path, metadata, events, seList, objStore)
def __init__(self, config, job_db, task): map_cat2jobs = {} map_cat2desc = {} job_config_dict = {} vn_list = [] for jobnum in job_db.get_job_list(): if task: job_config_dict = task.get_job_dict(jobnum) vn_list = lfilter(self._is_not_ignored_vn, sorted(job_config_dict.keys())) cat_key = str.join('|', imap(lambda vn: '%s=%s' % (vn, job_config_dict[vn]), vn_list)) map_cat2jobs.setdefault(cat_key, []).append(jobnum) if cat_key not in map_cat2desc: map_cat2desc[cat_key] = dict(imap(lambda var: (var, job_config_dict[var]), vn_list)) # Kill redundant keys from description - seed with last vn_list common_var_dict = dict(imap(lambda var: (var, job_config_dict[var]), vn_list)) for cat_key in map_cat2desc: for key in list(common_var_dict.keys()): if key not in map_cat2desc[cat_key].keys(): common_var_dict.pop(key) elif common_var_dict[key] != map_cat2desc[cat_key][key]: common_var_dict.pop(key) for cat_key in map_cat2desc: for common_key in common_var_dict: map_cat2desc[cat_key].pop(common_key) # Generate job-category map with efficient int keys - catNum becomes the new cat_key self._job2cat = {} self._map_cat2desc = {} for cat_num, cat_key in enumerate(sorted(map_cat2jobs)): self._map_cat2desc[cat_num] = map_cat2desc[cat_key] self._job2cat.update(dict.fromkeys(map_cat2jobs[cat_key], cat_num))
def _processReplicas(self, blockPath, replica_infos): def empty_with_warning(*args): self._log.warning(*args) return [] def expanded_replica_locations(replica_infos): for replica_info in replica_infos: for entry in self._replicaLocation(replica_info): yield entry if not replica_infos: return empty_with_warning( 'Dataset block %r has no replica information!', blockPath) replica_infos_selected = self._phedexFilter.filterList( replica_infos, key=itemgetter(0)) if not replica_infos_selected: return empty_with_warning( 'Dataset block %r is not available at the selected locations!\nAvailable locations: %s', blockPath, str.join(', ', self._fmtLocations(replica_infos))) if not self._onlyComplete: return list(expanded_replica_locations(replica_infos_selected)) replica_infos_complete = lfilter(lambda nn_nh_c: nn_nh_c[2], replica_infos_selected) if not replica_infos_complete: return empty_with_warning( 'Dataset block %r is not completely available at the selected locations!\nAvailable locations: %s', blockPath, str.join(', ', self._fmtLocations(replica_infos))) return list(expanded_replica_locations(replica_infos_complete))
def _remove_all_overlap(data): def _center_of_mass(data): wsum_x = sum(imap(lambda pt: pt['x'] * pt['weight'], data)) wsum_y = sum(imap(lambda pt: pt['y'] * pt['weight'], data)) sum_w = sum(imap(lambda pt: pt['weight'], data)) return {'x': wsum_x / sum_w, 'y': wsum_y / sum_w} def _check_overlap(pos_a, pos_b): return _dist_sqr(pos_a, pos_b) < (pos_a['weight'] + pos_b['weight'])**2 def _dist_sqr(pos_a, pos_b): return (pos_a['x'] - pos_b['x'])**2 + (pos_a['y'] - pos_b['y'])**2 def _remove_overlap(fix, pos_a): vec = {'x': pos_a['x'] + fix['x'], 'y': pos_a['y'] + fix['y']} norm = math.sqrt(_dist_sqr(vec, {'x': 0, 'y': 0})) * 1000 vec = {'x': vec['x'] / norm, 'y': vec['y'] / norm} for pos_ref in result: while _check_overlap(pos_ref, pos_a): pos_a['x'] = pos_a['x'] + vec['x'] * (random.random() - 0.25) pos_a['y'] = pos_a['y'] + vec['y'] * (random.random() - 0.25) return pos_a result = [] data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: -x['weight']) for pos_ref in data: collisions = lfilter(lambda x: _check_overlap(x, pos_ref), result) if collisions: result.append(_remove_overlap(_center_of_mass(collisions), pos_ref)) else: result.append(pos_ref) return result
def splitBlackWhiteList(bwfilter): blacklist = lmap( lambda x: x[1:], ifilter(lambda x: x.startswith('-'), QM(bwfilter, bwfilter, []))) whitelist = lfilter(lambda x: not x.startswith('-'), QM(bwfilter, bwfilter, [])) return (blacklist, whitelist)
def _fillContentWithIncludes(self, configFile, searchPaths, configContent): log = logging.getLogger(('config.%s' % utils.getRootName(configFile)).rstrip('.').lower()) log.log(logging.INFO1, 'Reading config file %s', configFile) configFile = utils.resolvePath(configFile, searchPaths, ErrorClass = ConfigError) configFileLines = SafeFile(configFile).readlines() # Single pass, non-recursive list retrieval tmpConfigContent = {} self._fillContentSingleFile(configFile, configFileLines, searchPaths, tmpConfigContent) def getFlatList(section, option): for (opt, value, src) in tmpConfigContent.get(section, []): try: if opt == option: for entry in parseList(value, None): yield entry except Exception: raise ConfigError('Unable to parse [%s] %s from %s' % (section, option, src)) newSearchPaths = [os.path.dirname(configFile)] # Add entries from include statement recursively for includeFile in getFlatList('global', 'include'): self._fillContentWithIncludes(includeFile, searchPaths + newSearchPaths, configContent) # Process all other entries in current file self._fillContentSingleFile(configFile, configFileLines, searchPaths, configContent) # Override entries in current config file for overrideFile in getFlatList('global', 'include override'): self._fillContentWithIncludes(overrideFile, searchPaths + newSearchPaths, configContent) # Filter special global options if configContent.get('global', []): configContent['global'] = lfilter(lambda opt_v_s: opt_v_s[0] not in ['include', 'include override'], configContent['global']) return searchPaths + newSearchPaths
def processBlock(self, block): if self._emptyFiles: block[DataProvider.FileList] = lfilter(lambda fi: fi[DataProvider.NEntries] != 0, block[DataProvider.FileList]) if self._emptyBlock: if (block[DataProvider.NEntries] == 0) or not block[DataProvider.FileList]: return return block
def __new__(cls, *psrc_list): def _select_extensive_psrc(psrc): return (not isinstance(psrc, int)) and (psrc.get_parameter_len() is not None) psrc_list = _strip_null_sources(psrc_list) if len(lfilter(_select_extensive_psrc, psrc_list)) < 2: return ZipLongParameterSource(*psrc_list) return MultiParameterSource.__new__(cls, *psrc_list)
def _getCategoryStateSummary(self): (catStateDict, catDescDict, catSubcatDict) = CategoryBaseReport._getCategoryStateSummary(self) # Used for quick calculations catLenDict = {} for catKey in catStateDict: catLenDict[catKey] = sum(catStateDict[catKey].values()) # Merge successfully completed categories self._mergeCats(catStateDict, catDescDict, catSubcatDict, catLenDict, 'Completed subtasks', lfilter(lambda catKey: (len(catStateDict[catKey]) == 1) and (Job.SUCCESS in catStateDict[catKey]), catStateDict)) # Next merge steps shouldn't see non-dict catKeys in catDescDict hiddenDesc = {} for catKey in ifilter(lambda catKey: not isinstance(catDescDict[catKey], dict), list(catDescDict)): hiddenDesc[catKey] = catDescDict.pop(catKey) # Merge categories till goal is reached self._mergeCatsWithGoal(catStateDict, catDescDict, catSubcatDict, catLenDict, hiddenDesc) # Remove redundant variables from description varKeyResult = self._getKeyMergeResults(catDescDict) self._clearCategoryDesc(varKeyResult, catDescDict) # Restore hidden descriptions catDescDict.update(hiddenDesc) # Enforce category maximum - merge categories with the least amount of jobs if len(catStateDict) != self._catMax: self._mergeCats(catStateDict, catDescDict, catSubcatDict, catLenDict, 'Remaining subtasks', sorted(catStateDict, key = lambda catKey: -catLenDict[catKey])[self._catMax - 1:]) # Finalize descriptions: if len(catDescDict) == 1: catDescDict[list(catDescDict.keys())[0]] = 'All jobs' return (catStateDict, catDescDict, catSubcatDict)
def _display_setup(self, dataset_fn, head): if os.path.exists(dataset_fn): nick_name_set = set() for block in DataProvider.load_from_file( dataset_fn).get_block_list_cached(show_stats=False): nick_name_set.add(block[DataProvider.Nickname])'Mapping between nickname and other settings:') report = [] def _get_dataset_lookup_psrc(psrc): is_lookup_cls = isinstance( psrc, ParameterSource.get_class('LookupBaseParameterSource')) return is_lookup_cls and ('DATASETNICK' in psrc.get_parameter_deps()) ps_lookup = lfilter(_get_dataset_lookup_psrc, self._source.get_used_psrc_list()) for nick in sorted(nick_name_set): tmp = {'DATASETNICK': nick} for src in ps_lookup: src.fill_parameter_content(None, tmp) tmp[1] = str.join( ', ', imap(os.path.basename, self._nm_cfg.lookup(nick, '', is_selector=False))) tmp[2] = str_lumi_nice( self._nm_lumi.lookup(nick, '', is_selector=False)) report.append(tmp) ConsoleTable.create(head, report, 'cl')
def remove_all_overlap(data): dist2 = lambda a, b: (a['x'] - b['x'])**2 + (a['y'] - b['y'])**2 check_overlap = lambda a, b: dist2(a, b) < (a['weight'] + b['weight'])**2 def remove_overlap(fix, a): vec = {'x': a['x'] + fix['x'], 'y': a['y'] + fix['y']} norm = math.sqrt(dist2(vec, {'x': 0, 'y': 0})) * 1000 vec = {'x': vec['x'] / norm, 'y': vec['y'] / norm} for pt in result: while check_overlap(pt, a): a['x'] = a['x'] + vec['x'] * (random.random() - 0.25) a['y'] = a['y'] + vec['y'] * (random.random() - 0.25) return a def center_of_mass(data): wsum_x = sum(imap(lambda pt: pt['x'] * pt['weight'], data)) wsum_y = sum(imap(lambda pt: pt['y'] * pt['weight'], data)) sum_w = sum(imap(lambda pt: pt['weight'], data)) return {'x': wsum_x / sum_w, 'y': wsum_y / sum_w} result = [] data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: -x['weight']) for pt in data: collisions = lfilter(lambda x: check_overlap(x, pt), result) if collisions: result.append(remove_overlap(center_of_mass(collisions), pt)) else: result.append(pt) return result
def remove_all_overlap(data): dist2 = lambda a, b: (a['x'] - b['x'])**2 + (a['y'] - b['y'])**2 check_overlap = lambda a, b: dist2(a, b) < (a['weight'] + b['weight'])**2 def remove_overlap(fix, a): vec = {'x': a['x'] + fix['x'], 'y': a['y'] + fix['y']} norm = math.sqrt(dist2(vec, {'x': 0, 'y': 0})) * 1000 vec = {'x': vec['x'] / norm, 'y': vec['y'] / norm} for pt in result: while check_overlap(pt, a): a['x'] = a['x'] + vec['x'] * (random.random() - 0.25) a['y'] = a['y'] + vec['y'] * (random.random() - 0.25) return a def center_of_mass(data): wsum_x = sum(imap(lambda pt: pt['x']*pt['weight'], data)) wsum_y = sum(imap(lambda pt: pt['y']*pt['weight'], data)) sum_w = sum(imap(lambda pt: pt['weight'], data)) return {'x': wsum_x / sum_w, 'y': wsum_y / sum_w} result = [] data = sorted(data, key = lambda x: -x['weight']) for pt in data: collisions = lfilter(lambda x: check_overlap(x, pt), result) if collisions: result.append(remove_overlap(center_of_mass(collisions), pt)) else: result.append(pt) return result
def _broker(self, reqs, items): if not self._item_list_discovered: return FilterBroker._broker(self, reqs, self._item_list_start) # Use user constrained items # Match items which fulfill the requirements def _matcher(props): for key, value in reqs: if props.get(key) is None: continue if value >= props[key]: return False return True # Apply sort order and give matching entries as preselection to FilterBroker items = lfilter(lambda x: _matcher(self._item_list_discovered[x]), self._item_list_start or self._item_list_sorted) return FilterBroker._broker(self, reqs, lfilter(items.__contains__, self._item_list_sorted))
def __init__(self): # Collect host / user / installation specific config files def resolve_hostname(): import socket host = socket.gethostname() try: return socket.gethostbyaddr(host)[0] except Exception: return host try: host = hang_protection(resolve_hostname, timeout=5) hostCfg = lmap( lambda c: utils.pathPKG('../config/%s.conf' % host.split( '.', c)[-1]), irange(host.count('.') + 1, -1, -1)) except TimeoutException: sys.stderr.write('System call to resolve hostname is hanging!\n') sys.stderr.flush() hostCfg = [] defaultCfg = [ '/etc/grid-control.conf', '~/.grid-control.conf', utils.pathPKG('../config/default.conf') ] if os.environ.get('GC_CONFIG'): defaultCfg.append('$GC_CONFIG') log = logging.getLogger('config.default') log.log(logging.DEBUG1, 'Possible default config files: %s', str.join(', ', defaultCfg)) fqConfigFiles = lmap(lambda p: utils.resolvePath(p, mustExist=False), hostCfg + defaultCfg) FileConfigFiller.__init__(self, lfilter(os.path.exists, fqConfigFiles), addSearchPath=False)
def _get_possible_merge_categories(self, map_cat2desc): # Get dictionary with categories that will get merged when removing a variable def _eq_dict(dict_a, dict_b, key): # Merge parameters to reach category goal - NP hard problem, so be greedy and quick! dict_a = dict(dict_a) dict_b = dict(dict_b) dict_a.pop(key) dict_b.pop(key) return dict_a == dict_b var_key_result = {} cat_key_search_dict = {} for cat_key in map_cat2desc: for var_key in map_cat2desc[cat_key]: if var_key not in cat_key_search_dict: cat_key_search = set(map_cat2desc.keys()) else: cat_key_search = cat_key_search_dict[var_key] if cat_key_search: matches = lfilter(lambda ck: _eq_dict(map_cat2desc[cat_key], map_cat2desc[ck], var_key), cat_key_search) if matches: cat_key_search_dict[var_key] = cat_key_search.difference(set(matches)) var_key_result.setdefault(var_key, []).append(matches) return var_key_result
def list_parameters(psrc, opts): (psp_list, need_gc_param) = get_parameters(opts, psrc) enabled_vn_list = opts.output.split(',') meta_list = lfilter(lambda k: (k in enabled_vn_list) or not opts.output, psrc.get_job_metadata()) tracked_vn_list = lmap(lambda k: k.value, ifilter(lambda k: not k.untracked, meta_list)) untracked_vn_list = lmap(lambda k: k.value, ifilter(lambda k: k.untracked, meta_list)) if opts.collapse > 0: (header_list, psp_list) = collapse_psp_list(psp_list, tracked_vn_list, opts) else: header_list = [('GC_JOB_ID', '#')] if need_gc_param: header_list.append(('GC_PARAM', 'GC_PARAM')) if header_list.append((ParameterInfo.ACTIVE, 'ACTIVE')) if opts.visible: tracked_vn_list = opts.visible.split(',') header_list.extend(sorted(izip(tracked_vn_list, tracked_vn_list))) if opts.untracked: header_list.extend( sorted( imap( lambda n: (n, '(%s)' % n), ifilter(lambda n: n not in ['GC_PARAM', 'GC_JOB_ID'], untracked_vn_list)))) ConsoleTable.create(header_list, psp_list)
def freezeConfig(self, writeConfig=True): self._curContainer.setReadOnly() # Inform the user about unused options unused = lfilter( lambda entry: ('!' not in entry.section) and not entry.accessed, self._view.iterContent()) log = logging.getLogger('config.freeze') if unused: log.log(logging.INFO1, 'There are %s unused config options!', len(unused)) for entry in unused: log.log(logging.INFO1, '\t%s', entry.format(printSection=True)) if writeConfig or not os.path.exists(self._oldCfgPath): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self._oldCfgPath)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self._oldCfgPath)) # Write user friendly, flat config file and config file with saved settings self._write_file(self._flatCfgPath, printDefault=False, printUnused=False, printMinimal=True) self._write_file( self._oldCfgPath, printDefault=True, printUnused=True, printMinimal=True, printSource=True, message= '; ==> DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! <==\n; This file is used to find config changes!\n' )
def _getKeyMergeResults(self, catDescDict): # Merge parameters to reach category goal - NP hard problem, so be greedy and quick! def eqDict(a, b, k): a = dict(a) b = dict(b) a.pop(k) b.pop(k) return a == b varKeyResult = {} catKeySearchDict = {} for catKey in catDescDict: for varKey in catDescDict[catKey]: if varKey not in catKeySearchDict: catKeySearch = set(catDescDict.keys()) else: catKeySearch = catKeySearchDict[varKey] if catKeySearch: matches = lfilter( lambda ck: eqDict(catDescDict[catKey], catDescDict[ck], varKey), catKeySearch) if matches: catKeySearchDict[varKey] = catKeySearch.difference( set(matches)) varKeyResult.setdefault(varKey, []).append(matches) return varKeyResult
def _processCfg(self, tar, cfg): cfgSummary = {} cfgContent = bytes2str(tar.extractfile('%s/config' % cfg).read()) cfgHashResult = bytes2str(tar.extractfile('%s/hash' % cfg).read()).splitlines() cfgHash = cfgHashResult[-1].strip() cfgSummary = {'CMSSW_CONFIG_FILE': cfg, 'CMSSW_CONFIG_HASH': cfgHash} cfgSummary['CMSSW_CONFIG_CONTENT'] = self._cfgStore.setdefault(cfgSummary[self._mergeKey], cfgContent) # Read global tag from config file - first from hash file, then from config file if cfgHash not in self._gtStore: gtLines = lfilter(lambda x: x.startswith('globaltag:'), cfgHashResult) if gtLines: self._gtStore[cfgHash] = gtLines[-1].split(':')[1].strip() if cfgHash not in self._gtStore: try: cfgContentEnv = utils.execWrapper(cfgContent) self._gtStore[cfgHash] = cfgContentEnv['process'].GlobalTag.globaltag.value() except Exception: self._gtStore[cfgHash] = 'unknown:All' cfgSummary['CMSSW_GLOBALTAG'] = self._gtStore[cfgHash] # Get annotation from config content def searchConfigFile(key, regex, default): try: tmp = re.compile(regex).search('\"\' ')) except Exception: tmp = None if tmp: cfgSummary[key] = tmp else: cfgSummary[key] = default searchConfigFile('CMSSW_ANNOTATION', r'.*annotation.*=.*cms.untracked.string.*\((.*)\)', None) searchConfigFile('CMSSW_DATATIER', r'.*dataTier.*=.*cms.untracked.string.*\((.*)\)', 'USER') cfgReport = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(bytes2str(tar.extractfile('%s/report.xml' % cfg).read())) evRead = sum(imap(lambda x: int(readTag(x, 'EventsRead')), cfgReport.getElementsByTagName('InputFile'))) return (cfgSummary, cfgReport, evRead)
def format(self, printSection = False, printDefault = False, default = noDefault, source = '', wraplen = 33): if (self.value == noDefault) or (not printDefault and (self.value == default)): return '' if printSection: prefix = '[%s] %s' % (self.section, self.option) else: prefix = self.option prefix += ' %s' % self.opttype line_list = lfilter(lambda x: x != '', imap(str.strip, self.value.strip().splitlines())) if not line_list: line_list = [prefix] # just prefix - without trailing whitespace elif len(line_list) > 1: line_list = [prefix] + line_list # prefix on first line - rest on other lines else: line_list = [prefix + ' ' + line_list[0]] # everything on one line result = '' for line in line_list: if not result: # first line: if source and (len(line) >= wraplen): result += '; source: ' + source + '\n' elif source: result = line.ljust(wraplen) + ' ; ' + source + '\n' continue else: result += '\t' result += line + '\n' return result.rstrip()
def _match_entries(self, container, option_list=None): key_list = container.get_options() if option_list is not None: key_list = lfilter(key_list.__contains__, option_list) def _get_entry_key_ordered(entry): return (tuple(imap(_remove_none, _get_section_key_filtered(entry))), entry.order) def _get_section_key_filtered(entry): return self._get_section_key(entry.section.replace('!', '').strip()) def _remove_none(key): if key is None: return -1 return key def _select_sections(entry): return _get_section_key_filtered(entry) is not None result = [] for key in key_list: (entries, entries_reverse) = ([], []) for entry in container.iter_config_entries(key, _select_sections): if entry.section.endswith('!'): entries_reverse.append(entry) else: entries.append(entry) result.extend(sorted(entries_reverse, key=_get_entry_key_ordered, reverse=True)) result.extend(sorted(entries, key=_get_entry_key_ordered)) return result
def _process_replica_list(self, block_path, replica_infos): def _empty_with_warning(error_msg, *args): self._log.warning('Dataset block %r ' + error_msg, block_path, *args) return [] def _expanded_replica_locations(replica_infos): for replica_info in replica_infos: for entry in self._iter_replica_locations(replica_info): yield entry if not replica_infos: return _empty_with_warning('has no replica information!') replica_infos_selected = self._phedex_filter.filter_list( replica_infos, key=itemgetter(0)) if not replica_infos_selected: return _empty_with_warning( 'is not available at the selected locations!\n' + 'Available locations: %s', str.join(', ', self._iter_formatted_locations(replica_infos))) if not self._only_complete: return list(_expanded_replica_locations(replica_infos_selected)) replica_infos_complete = lfilter(lambda nn_nh_c: nn_nh_c[2], replica_infos_selected) if not replica_infos_complete: return _empty_with_warning( 'is not completely available at the selected locations!\n' + 'Available locations: %s', str.join(', ', self._iter_formatted_locations(replica_infos))) return list(_expanded_replica_locations(replica_infos_complete))
def _matchEntries(self, container, option_list=None): key_list = container.getKeys() if option_list is not None: key_list = lfilter(lambda key: key in key_list, option_list) result = [] getFilteredSectionKey = lambda entry: self._getSectionKey( entry.section.replace('!', '').strip()) def removeNone(key): if key is None: return -1 return key getOrderedEntryKey = lambda entry: (tuple( imap(removeNone, getFilteredSectionKey(entry))), entry.order) for key in key_list: (entries, entries_reverse) = ([], []) for entry in container.getEntries( key, lambda x: getFilteredSectionKey(x) is not None): if entry.section.endswith('!'): entries_reverse.append(entry) else: entries.append(entry) result.extend( sorted(entries_reverse, key=getOrderedEntryKey, reverse=True)) result.extend(sorted(entries, key=getOrderedEntryKey)) return result
def str_dict_linear(mapping, keys_order=None): keys_sorted = sorted(mapping.keys(), key=repr) if keys_order is None: keys_order = keys_sorted else: keys_order = list(keys_order) keys_order.extend(lfilter(lambda x: x not in keys_order, keys_sorted)) return str.join(', ', imap(lambda k: '%s = %s' % (k, repr(mapping.get(k))), keys_order))
def cancelJobs(self, wmsJobIdList): if not len(wmsJobIdList): raise StopIteration activity = Activity('Canceling jobs') assert not bool( lfilter(lambda htcid: htcid.scheddURI != self._schedd.getURI(), self._splitGcRequests(wmsJobIdList)) ), 'Bug! Got jobs at Schedds %s, but servicing only Schedd %s' % ( lfilter( lambda itr: itr.scheddURI != self._schedd.getURI(), self._splitGcRequests(wmsJobIdList)), self._schedd.getURI()) canceledJobs = self._schedd.cancelJobs( self._splitGcRequests(wmsJobIdList)) # Yield ( jobNum, wmsID) for canceled jobs for htcJobID in canceledJobs: yield (htcJobID.gcJobNum, self._createGcId(htcJobID)) activity.finish()
def _getJobsOutput(self, wmsJobIdList): if not len(wmsJobIdList): raise StopIteration activity = Activity('Fetching jobs') assert not bool( lfilter(lambda htcid: htcid.scheddURI != self._schedd.getURI(), self._splitGcRequests(wmsJobIdList)) ), 'Bug! Got jobs at Schedds %s, but servicing only Schedd %s' % ( lfilter( lambda itr: itr.scheddURI != self._schedd.getURI(), self._splitGcRequests(wmsJobIdList)), self._schedd.getURI()) returnedJobs = self._schedd.getJobsOutput( self._splitGcRequests(wmsJobIdList)) # Yield (jobNum, outputPath) per retrieved job for htcID in returnedJobs: yield (htcID.gcJobNum, self.getSandboxPath(htcID.gcJobNum)) activity.finish()
def resolve_install_path(path): os_path_list = UniqueList(os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)) result = resolve_paths(path, os_path_list, True, PathError) result_exe = lfilter(lambda fn: os.access(fn, os.X_OK), result) # filter executable files if not result_exe: raise PathError('Files matching %s:\n\t%s\nare not executable!' % ( path, str.join('\n\t', result))) return result_exe[0]
def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs): predef = { 'TODO': 'SUBMITTED,WAITING,READY,QUEUED,UNKNOWN', 'ALL': str.join(',', Job.enum_name_list) } self._state_list = [] for selector_str in predef.get(arg.upper(), arg).split(','): state_name_list = lfilter(re.compile('^%s.*' % selector_str.upper()).match, Job.enum_name_list) self._state_list.extend(imap(Job.str2enum, state_name_list))
def _translate_pa2pspi_list(padapter): # Reduces parameter adapter output to essential information for diff - faster than keying meta_iter = ifilter(lambda k: not k.untracked, padapter.get_job_metadata()) meta_list = sorted(meta_iter, key=lambda k: k.value) for psp in padapter.iter_jobs(): # Translates parameter space point into hash psp_item_iter = imap(lambda meta: (meta.value, psp.get(meta.value)), meta_list) hash_str = md5_hex(repr(lfilter(itemgetter(1), psp_item_iter))) yield (psp[ParameterInfo.ACTIVE], hash_str, psp['GC_PARAM'])
def report(self, jobNum): info = self.source.getJobInfo(jobNum) keys = lfilter(lambda k: not k.untracked, self.source.getJobKeys()) result = utils.filterDict(info, kF = lambda k: k in keys) if self.dataSplitter: result.pop('DATASETSPLIT') result['Dataset'] = info.get('DATASETNICK', info.get('DATASETPATH', None)) elif not keys: result[' '] = 'All jobs' return result
def processBlock(self, block): if self._emptyFiles: n_files = len(block[DataProvider.FileList]) block[DataProvider.FileList] = lfilter(lambda fi: fi[DataProvider.NEntries] != 0, block[DataProvider.FileList]) self._removedFiles += n_files - len(block[DataProvider.FileList]) if self._emptyBlock: if (block[DataProvider.NEntries] == 0) or not block[DataProvider.FileList]: self._removedBlocks += 1 return return block
def _init_psrc_max(self): self._psrc_info_list = [] psrc_group_size = 1 for (psrc, psrc_max) in izip(self._psrc_list, self._psrc_max_list): self._psrc_info_list.append((psrc, psrc_max, psrc_group_size)) if psrc_max: psrc_group_size *= psrc_max psrc_max_list = lfilter(lambda n: n is not None, self._psrc_max_list) if psrc_max_list: return reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, psrc_max_list)
def initMaxParameters(self): self.quickFill = [] prev = 1 for (psource, maxN) in izip(self._psourceList, self._psourceMaxList): self.quickFill.append((psource, maxN, prev)) if maxN: prev *= maxN maxList = lfilter(lambda n: n is not None, self._psourceMaxList) if maxList: return reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, maxList)
def _checkJobList(self, wms, jobList): if self._defect_tries: nDefect = len(self._defect_counter) # Waiting list gets larger in case reported == [] waitList = self._sample(self._defect_counter, nDefect - max(1, int(nDefect / 2**self._defect_raster))) jobList = lfilter(lambda x: x not in waitList, jobList) (change, timeoutList, reported) = JobManager._checkJobList(self, wms, jobList) for jobNum in reported: self._defect_counter.pop(jobNum, None) if self._defect_tries and (change is not None): self._defect_raster = utils.QM(reported, 1, self._defect_raster + 1) # make 'raster' iteratively smaller for jobNum in ifilter(lambda x: x not in reported, jobList): self._defect_counter[jobNum] = self._defect_counter.get(jobNum, 0) + 1 kickList = lfilter(lambda jobNum: self._defect_counter[jobNum] >= self._defect_tries, self._defect_counter) for jobNum in set(kickList + utils.QM((len(reported) == 0) and (len(jobList) == 1), jobList, [])): timeoutList.append(jobNum) self._defect_counter.pop(jobNum) return (change, timeoutList, reported)
def process(self, pNum, splitInfo, result): locations = self._filter.filterList(splitInfo.get(DataSplitter.Locations)) if self._preference: if not locations: # [] or None locations = self._preference elif any(imap(lambda x: x in self._preference, locations)): # preferred location available locations = lfilter(lambda x: x in self._preference, locations) if self._reqs and (locations is not None): result[ParameterInfo.REQS].append((WMS.STORAGE, locations)) if self._disable: result[ParameterInfo.ACTIVE] = result[ParameterInfo.ACTIVE] and (locations != [])