def mousePressEvent(self, event):
     Interpret the mouse events to send the description of a robot or capability
     if the user click on the header.
     QHeaderView.mousePressEvent(self, event)
     index = self.logicalIndexAt(event.pos())
     if index in range(len(self._data)):
         suffix = 'Capability'
         if self.orientation() == Qt.Horizontal:
             suffix = 'Robot'
         title = ' - '.join([self._data[index]['name'], suffix])
         text = self._data[index]['description']
             from docutils import examples
             text = examples.html_body(text)
             import traceback
             rospy.logwarn("Error while generate description for %s: %s", self._data[index]['name'], traceback.format_exc(1))
         self.description_requested_signal.emit(title, text)