def replychat(id): print('这个是获取到的主题ID:', id) if request.method == 'GET': dbsession = db.get_db() posts = dbsession.query( Posts.post_id, Posts.post_content, Posts.post_date, Topics.topic_subject, Users.user_name, Users.user_id).outerjoin( Users, Posts.post_by == Users.user_id).outerjoin( Topics, Posts.post_topic == Topics.topic_id).filter( Topics.topic_id == id).all() return render_template('blog/replychat.html', posts=posts) if request.method == 'POST': #获取关于该主题的回复 reply_content = request.form['reply_content'] posts_date = posts_topic = id posts_by = session['user_id'] #连接数据库插入 dbsession = db.get_db() newposts = Posts(post_by=posts_by, post_date=posts_date, post_content=reply_content, post_topic=id) dbsession.add(newposts) dbsession.commit() dbsession.close #添加入参,为刚才主题的博客,再次转到当前页面,及时刷新,信息可以立刻看到。 return redirect(url_for('blog.replychat', id=id)) return render_template('blog/replychat.html')
def topic(): #查询数据库中所有的类别,在页面选项中展示出来 if request.method == 'GET': error = None dbsession = db.get_db() posts = dbsession.query(Categories).all() #没有创建类别需提示,锁定提交按钮为灰色,或者弹出按钮后,回到首页。 if len(posts) == 0: error = '类别为空,联系管理员添加类别' else: return render_template('blog/createtopic.html', posts=posts) flash(error) if request.method == 'POST': error = None topicsubject = request.form['topic_subject'] topiccat = request.form['topic_cat'] topicdate = #获得用户信息 if g.user is None: error = '请登陆后发布帖子' else: topicby = session['user_id'] postcontent = request.form['post_content'] postdate = postby = topicby if error is None: dbsession = db.get_db() newtopic = Topics(topic_subject=topicsubject, topic_date=topicdate, topic_cat=topiccat, topic_by=topicby) dbsession.add(newtopic) #add 后可以直接查询ID 信息 dbsession.flush() newpost = Posts(post_content=postcontent, post_date=postdate, post_topic=newtopic.topic_id, post_by=postby) dbsession.add(newpost) dbsession.commit() dbsession.close return redirect(url_for('blog.topic')) flash(error) return render_template('blog/createtopic.html')
def topicchat(id): dbsession = db.get_db() posts = dbsession.query(Topics.topic_id, Topics.topic_subject, Topics.topic_date, Users.user_name).join( Users, Topics.topic_by == Users.user_id).filter( Topics.topic_cat == id).all() return render_template('blog/topicchat.html', posts=posts)
def replydelete(id): if request.method == 'POST': post_id = id dbsession = db.get_db() post_topic = dbsession.query( Posts.post_topic).filter(Posts.post_id == post_id).first() dbsession.query(Posts).filter(Posts.post_id == post_id).delete() dbsession.commit() dbsession.close return redirect(url_for('blog.replychat', id=post_topic[0])) return render_template('blog/replyupdate.html')
def replyupdate(id): #展示要更新的源数据 if request.method == 'GET': post_id = id dbsession = db.get_db() posts = dbsession.query(Posts).filter(Posts.post_id == id).all() return render_template('blog/replyupdate.html', posts=posts) #提交后,获取更新内容,进行更新 if request.method == 'POST': post_id = id post_content = request.form['post_content'] post_date = dbsession = db.get_db() updatepost = dbsession.query(Posts).filter( Posts.post_id == post_id).update({ Posts.post_content: post_content, Posts.post_date: post_date }) #从要更新的内容获得上级回复主题信息,做为跳转 post_topic = dbsession.query( Posts.post_topic).filter(Posts.post_id == post_id).first() dbsession.commit() dbsession.close return redirect(url_for('blog.replychat', id=post_topic[0]))
def index(): dbsession = db.get_db() #联合topic,category 查询 展示 sql = """select cc.cat_id,cc.cat_name,cc.cat_description,,tt.topic_subject,tt.topic_date from ( select t.topic_cat,t.topic_subject,t.topic_date,count(1)as row_num from topics t left join topics o on t.topic_cat = o.topic_cat where t.topic_date <= o.topic_date group by t.topic_cat,t.topic_date,t.topic_subject )tt ,( select c.cat_id,c.cat_name,c.cat_description,count(1) total from categories c,topics t where c.cat_id = t.topic_cat group by c.cat_id,c.cat_name,c.cat_description ) cc where tt.topic_cat = cc.cat_id and tt.row_num =1;""" posts = dbsession.execute(sql).fetchall() return render_template('blog/index.html', posts=posts)
def category(): if request.method == 'POST': catname = request.form['catname'] catdescription = request.form['catdescription'] dbsession = db.get_db() camg = dbsession.query(Categories).filter( Categories.cat_name == catname).first() error = None if camg is not None: error = '分类信息已经存在' if error is None: newCat = Categories(cat_name=catname, cat_description=catdescription) dbsession.add(newCat) dbsession.commit() dbsession.close return redirect(url_for('blog.category')) flash(error) return render_template('blog/createcategory.html')
def get_post(id, check_author=True): """Get a post and its author by id. Checks that the id exists and optionally that the current user is the author. :param id: id of post to get :param check_author: require the current user to be the author :return: the post with author information :raise 404: if a post with the given id doesn't exist :raise 403: if the current user isn't the author """ dbsession = db.get_db() post = (dbsession.query(db.Topics).all()) if post is None: abort(404, "Post id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id)) if check_author and post["author_id"] != g.user["id"]: abort(403) return post