    def run_test_with_prelude(self, code, prelude, *params, **interface):
        """Test if a function call return value is unchanged when
        executed using python eval or compiled with pythran.

           code (str):  python (pythran valid) module to test.
           params (tuple): arguments to pass to the function to test.
           prelude (fct): function to call between 'code' and the c++ 
                          generated code
           interface (dict): pythran interface for the module to test.
                             Each key is the name of a function to call,
                             the value is a list of the arguments' type.

        Returns: nothing.

           AssertionError by 'unittest' if return value differ.
           SyntaxError if code is not python valid.
           CalledProcessError if pythran generated code cannot be compiled.
           ...possible others...
        for name in sorted(interface.keys()):

            # Build the python function call.
            modname = "test_" + name
            arglist = ",".join(("'{0}'".format(p) if isinstance(p, str)
                              else str(p)) for p in params)
            function_call = "{0}({1})".format(name, arglist)

            # Compile the python module, python-way, 'env' contains the module
            # and allow to call functions.
            # This may be done once before the loop, but the context might
            # need to be reset.
            compiled_code = compile(code, "", "exec")
            env = {'__builtin__' : __import__('__builtin__')}
            prelude and prelude()
            eval(compiled_code, env)

            python_ref = eval(function_call, env)  # Produce the reference

            # Compile the code using pythran
            cxx_code = cxx_generator(modname, code, interface)
            cxx_compiled = pythran_compile(os.environ.get("CXX", "c++"),
            prelude and prelude()
            pymod = load_dynamic(modname, cxx_compiled)

            # Produce the pythran result
            pythran_res = getattr(pymod, name)(*params)

            # Compare pythran result against python ref and raise if mismatch
            if python_ref != pythran_res:
                print "Python result: ", python_ref
                print "Pythran result: ", pythran_res
                self.assertAlmostEqual(python_ref, pythran_res)
文件: setup.py 项目: franckCJ/pythran
    def run(self):
        import glob
        import timeit
        from pythran import cxx_generator, spec_parser
        from pythran import compile as pythran_compile
        where = "pythran/tests/cases/"
        candidates = glob.glob(where + '*.py')
        median = lambda x: sorted(x)[len(x) / 2]
        for candidate in candidates:
            with file(candidate) as content:
                runas = [line for line in content.readlines()
                        if line.startswith(BenchmarkCommand.runas_marker)]
                if runas:
                    module_name, _ = os.path.splitext(
                    runas_commands = runas[0].replace(
                            BenchmarkCommand.runas_marker, '').split(";")
                    runas_context = ";".join(["import {0}".format(
                                    module_name)] + runas_commands[:-1])
                    runas_command = module_name + '.' + runas_commands[-1]

                    # cleaning
                    sopath = module_name + ".so"
                    if os.path.exists(sopath):

                    ti = timeit.Timer(runas_command, runas_context)

                    # pythran part
                    if self.mode.startswith('pythran'):
                        specs = spec_parser(candidate)
                        code = file(candidate).read()
                        mod = cxx_generator(module_name, code, specs)
                        cxxflags = ["-Ofast", "-DNDEBUG"]
                        if self.mode == "pythran+omp":
                        pythran_compile(os.environ.get("CXX", "c++"),
                                mod, cxxflags=cxxflags)

                    timing = median(ti.repeat(self.nb_iter, number=1))
                    print module_name, timing