def run_alexa(): command = take_command() if 'time' in command: time ='%I:%M %p') print(time) talk('Current time is ' + time) elif 'play' in command: song = command.replace('play', '') talk('playing ' + song) pywhatkit.playonyt(song) elif 'tell me about' in command: look_for = command.replace('tell me about', '') info = wikipedia.summary(look_for, 100) print(info) talk(info) elif 'tell me a joke' in command: talk(pyjokes.get_joke()) elif "note" in command: pyttsx3.speak("opening notepad") os.system("Notepad") else: talk('Okay,Please wait')
def speak_out(audio, voice): #"speaks audio passed as argument" engine = pyttsx3.init() # object creation voices = engine.getProperty('voices') #getting details of current voice engine.setProperty('voice', voices[voice].id) #changing index, changes voices pyttsx3.speak(audio) engine.setProperty('rate', 300) # setting up new voice rate
def __init__parser(): with speech_recognition_system(): try: with Microphone as source: Recognition.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) Recognition.dynamic_energy_threshold = 3000 audio = Recognition.listen(source, phrase_time_limit=6) speech = '' try: speech = Recognition.recognize_google( audio, language='en-in'), print( "Got it! Now to recognize it...") print(f"You said {speech}") except sr.WaitTimeoutError: pass except sr.RequestError: speak("I am Having Trouble Initiating Your Request") except Exception as e: pass print("Oops! Didn't catch that") return "none" return speech.lower() except sr.WaitTimeoutError: pass except sr.UnknownValueError: pass speak("I Am Having Trouble Understanding Right Now")
def main(): while True: os.system("cls") f = open("menu.txt", "r") a = "".join(f.readlines()) print("\u001b[33m" + a) print(""" \u001b[32m Press 1 : About Docker. Press 2 : About Hadoop Press 3 : About AWS Cloud Press 4 : Ansible Configure Press 5 : Web Server Configure Press 6 : Machine Learning Press 7 : Exit """) p.speak("Enter your Choice") choice = input(" Enter Your Choice : \u001b[31m ") print(choice) if int(choice) == 1: docker.docker() elif int(choice) == 2: hadoop_main.hadoop() elif int(choice) == 7: os.system("cls") f = open("by.txt", "r") a = "".join(f.readlines()) print("\u001b[32m" + a) p.speak("see you soon , have a nice day") exit() else: input("Invalid Value, Press Enter to Continue") continue continue
def start_game(): print('Welcome to the AdventureGame!') pyttsx3.speak('Welcome to the AdventureGame!') help_screen() knight_sword = WeaponsClasses.Sword(10).sword_damage(5)
def choiceMenu(): print("Do you want to (1)chat, (2)choose or (3)exit?") ch = input() if ch == "chat" or ch == '1': py.speak('How can I help u?') print("How can I help u?") p=funcChat() print(p) check(p) return 0 elif ch == "choose" or ch == '2': p=funcMenu() check(p) return 0 elif ch == "exit" or ch == "quit" or '3': py.speak("Ok, seeya!!!") print("Exitting the program!!!") return 1 else: print("Wrong choice, please try again") choiceMenu() return 0
def r1(): doorisclosed = True print( 'You wake up in a small, dark room. Rats running beneath your feet. In the background you can hear' 'sounds of metal doors slamming and distant screams. You have to get out of here... but how?' ) pyttsx3.speak( 'You wake up in a small, dark room. Rats running beneath your feet. In the background you can hear' 'sounds of metal doors slamming and distant screams. You have to get out of here... but how?' ) while doorisclosed: userinput = input('What would you like to do : ') user_input(userinput) if userinput == "LOOK LEFT": #GO TO FUNCTION FOR LOOKING LEFT r1lookleft() elif userinput == "LOOK RIGHT": #GO TO FUNCTION FOR LOOKING RIGHT r1lookright() elif userinput == "LOOK FORWARD": #GO TO FUNCTION FOR LOOKING FORWARD r1lookforward() elif userinput == "LOOK DOWN": #GO TO FUNCTION FOR LOOKING DOWN r1lookdown() else: print('Not a valid input. type help to look at options')
def convertFile(): app.speakPrint('Please write down the "path" of the -original- file') app.speakPrint( 'You can click "shift + right-click" and choose copy as path') src = input() src = src.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', "") while True: if not path.exists(src): app.speakPrint( "Sorry, Didn't find the file\nMake Sure To write the path correctly" ) src = input() src = src.replace("\\", "\\\\") else: break app.speakPrint( 'Please write down the name of the new file followed by the extension') print('Ex. : output.mp3') dst = input() while True: if src[0] == " ": src = src[1:] else: break if path.exists('Converted Files') == False: os.mkdir("Converted Files") app.speakPrint( '"Converted Files" folder has successfully been created') app.Speak("Converting")['Utils\\ffmpeg.exe', '-i', src, f'Converted Files/{dst}']) speak("Done")
def play(game, x_player, o_player, print_game=True): if print_game: game.print_number_board() letter = 'X' while game.empty_squares(): if letter == 'O': square = o_player.get_move(game) else: square = x_player.get_move(game) if game.make_move(square, letter): if print_game: print(letter + ' makes a move to {}'.format(square)) game.print_board() print() if game.current_winner: if print_game: print(letter + ' wins!') return letter if letter == 'X': letter = 'O' else: letter = 'X' time.sleep(.8) if print_game: print("It's a Tie") p.speak("It's a Tie")
def r1lookleft(): print( 'Looking left from the bed you are sat on you can see in the darkness a stone wall covered in damp' 'there is a small black iron bar window going into the cell next door.' ) pyttsx3.speak( 'Looking left from the bed you are sat on you can see in the darkness a stone wall covered in damp' 'there is a small black iron bar window going into the cell next door.' ) looking_left = True stonewall_inspected = False while looking_left: uinput = input('What would you like to do : ') if uinput == "LOOK AWAY": print('You look away') looking_left = False #if uinput == "INSPECT STONE WALL" & stonewall_inspected == False: # print('Looking at the stone wall closer, you notice one of the stones is loose.Pulling at the old stone' # 'it breaks out. Looking in the hole there is a rusty spanner. you put this in your pocket') #PUT SPANNER IN INVENTORY # inventory.append('Spanner') # stonewall_inspected = True # print(inventory) if uinput == "INSPECT STONE WALL" & stonewall_inspected == True: print('There is nothing new about this wall.') if uinput == "INSPECT WINDOW": print('Inspect Window')
def hadoop(): os.system("cls") while True: f = open("hadoop.txt", "r") a = "".join(f.readlines()) print("\u001b[33m" + a) print(""" \u001b[32m Press 1: Hadoop Master Press 2: Hadoop Slave Press 3: Hadoop Client Press 4: View Hadoop Web UI Press 5: Return to Main Menu Press 6: Exit """) # user input entered p.speak("Enter your Choice...") var = int(input("Enter the option: ")) if var == 1: master_confi.master() elif var == 2: slave_conf.slave() elif var == 3: client_confi.client() elif var == 5: break elif var == 6: exit() else: input("Invalid Value, Press Enter to Continue") p.speak("please choose right option") continue
def run(self): # 获得购物车信息 cart_infos = self.buycartinfo() # 打印并选择想要抢购的商品信息 title, items = ['id', 'title'], [] for key, value in cart_infos.items(): items.append([key, value['title']]) self.printTable(title, items) good_id = input('请选择想要抢购的商品编号(例如"0"): ') assert good_id in cart_infos, '输入的商品编号有误' # 根据选择尝试购买商品 print( f'[{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())} INFO]: 正在尝试抢购商品***{cart_infos[good_id]["title"]}***' ) while True: try: is_success = self.buygood(cart_infos[good_id]) except: is_success = False if is_success: break time.sleep(self.trybuy_interval) print( f'[{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())} INFO]: 抢购***{cart_infos[good_id]["title"]}***失败, 将在{self.trybuy_interval}秒后重新尝试下单.' ) print( f'[{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())} INFO]: 抢购***{cart_infos[good_id]["title"]}***成功, 已为您自动提交订单, 请尽快前往京东完成付款.' ) # 电脑语音提示 for _ in range(5): pyttsx3.speak('已经为您抢购到你所需的商品, 请尽快前往京东完成付款.') # 发送Server酱提示 if self.server_key: self.pushwechat( f'已经为您抢购到你所需的商品***{cart_infos[good_id]["title"]}***, 请尽快前往京东完成付款.' )
def UpdateHdfsSite(): pt.speak("Starting update of hdfs file") filename = "/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml" f = open(filename, 'r') file_lines = list(f.readlines()) offset = len(file_lines) - 1 if file_lines[offset - 1] == "</property>\n": pt.speak("hdfs-site is already configured") print("hdfs-site is already configured.........\n") pt.speak("checking core-site.xml") print("checking core-site.xml.........") return pt.speak("Create folder for datanode enter path") folder = get_input_speech("Create folder for datanode(enter path): ") string = "<property>\n<name></name>\n<value>{}</value>\n</property>\n".format( folder) file_lines.insert(offset, string) print(file_lines) f.close() f = open(filename, 'w+') for i in range(len(file_lines)): f.write(file_lines[i]) f.close() pt.speak("Update successful")
def CheckDataNodeStatus(): pt.speak("checking datanode status") sub = subprocess.Popen("jps", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = if 'DataNode' in str(output): return 1 else: return 0
def totext(l): #Function to write and speak the output of the Response to display speak(l) print(l) with open('', 'wb') as filehandle: pickle.dump(l, filehandle)
def checkNameNodeStatus(): pt.speak("Checking namenode status") sub = subprocess.Popen("jps", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = if 'NameNode' in str(output): return 1 else: return 0
def loginpage(): pyttsx3.speak("Plz login with your name and password: "******"------------------------") print("_______Login-Page_______") print("------------------------") m=input("Name: ") n=int(input("Password(only digits): ")) q=admin_account(m,n)
def check_net(): try: if requests.get('').ok: time.sleep(1) pyttsx3.speak("Have a nice day a k r") open_github() except: time.sleep(1) pyttsx3.speak("Unable to open GitHub. Looks like you are offline")
def checkJava(): pt.speak("checking Java") r = os.system("java -version") if r != 0: pt.speak("Java is not installed in your system") print("Java is not installed in your system....") return 0 else: return 1
def checkHadoop(): pt.speak("Checking Hadoop") r = os.system("hadoop -v") if r != 0: pt.speak("hadoop is not installed in your system") print("hadoop is not installed in your system....") return 0 else: return 1
def get_text(): while (1): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: audio_text = r.listen(source) try: return r.recognize_google(audio_text) except: print("Sorry, I did not get that.\nPlease try again...") pyttsx3.speak("Sorry, I did not get that. Please Try Again...")
def stopwatch(): watch = int(input('for how many seconds\t')) counter = watch n = 0 while watch>n-1: print(counter) pyttsx3.speak(counter) n += 1 counter -= 1 pyttsx3.speak('Your time is up!!!')
def design1(): os.system(" cls ") os.system(" tput bold ") print("=============================================================================================================================================================") os.system(" tput setaf 1 ") print("\t\t\t\t----------------->Your welcome in this Hadoop Automation Menu Program<----------------\t\t") pyttsx3.speak("Your welcome in this Hadoop Automation Menu Program") os.system(" tput setaf 3 ") print("=============================================================================================================================================================\n") os.system(" tput setaf 77 ")
def read_text(): page_num = int(page_number.get()) path_name = path.get() pyttsx3.speak("Welcome to PDF Reader") file = open(path_name, "rb") fileReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file) page = fileReader.getPage(page_num - 1) page_content = page.extractText() pyttsx3.speak(page_content)
def contEx(): print("Do you wish to (1)continue or (2)exit?") c=input() if c=='1' or c == 'continue': choiceMenu() return 0 elif c=='2' or c == 'exit' or c == 'quit': py.speak("Ok, seeya!!!") print("Exitting the program!!!") return 1
def display(event=None): try: text = TextBlob(var1.get()) lang = text.detect_language() lang_dict = languages.get() lang_to = dict[lang_dict] mytext = text.translate(from_lang=lang, to=lang_to) var2.set(mytext) pyttsx3.speak(mytext) except: var2.set("Try another keyword")
def hadoop(): pyttsx3.speak("Welcome to the hadoop world") while True: tprint("Hadoop", font="block", chr_ignore=True) print("Press 1: To Configure Name Node") print("Press 2: To configure Slave Nodes") print("Press 3: To configure CLient Node") print("Press 3: To Go Back") hnn = input("Enter your choice: ") if (int(hnn) == 1): hamaster() elif (int(hnn) == 2): print("hadoop slave")
def ask_choice(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Start Speaking!") psy.speak("Star Speaking.") print() r.pause_threshold = 1 audio = r.record(source, duration=6) text = r.recognize_google(audio, language="en-in") print("You said {}".format(text)) option = text.lower() psy.speak("Ok Working on it Please Wait!") return option
def commands(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1) print("Start Speaking!") psy.speak("Star Speaking.") audio = r.record(source, duration=6) print("Working on it") psy.speak("Ok Working on it Please Wait!") text = r.recognize_google(audio, language="en-in") print("You said {}".format(text)) p = text.lower() return p
def mycommand(): try: r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Listening...") audio = r.listen(source) query = r.recognize_google(audio, language='en-in') print('User: '******'\n') except sr.UnknownValueError: tts.speak("Sorry sir! I didn't get that! Try typing the command!") query = str(input('Command: ')) return query