    def __init__(self, file_root, time=0, freq=0, level="approx"):
        # Get model

        fname = file_root + ".uvh5"
        print("Get true model from", fname)
        uvdata = UVData()
        assert uvdata.Nants_data == uvdata.Nants_telescope, \
                "Not all antennas have data"
        nant = uvdata.Nants_data
        # Map antenna numbers to the vis index
        ants_to_baseline = []
        for i in range(nant):
            for j in range(i + 1, nant):
                ants_to_baseline.append((i, j))
        assert uvdata.Nbls-nant == len(ants_to_baseline), \
                "Data does not contain expected number of baselines"
        nvis = len(ants_to_baseline)

        # Load model
        V_model = np.zeros(nvis, dtype=np.complex64)
        for i, bl in enumerate(ants_to_baseline):
            V_model[i] = uvdata.get_data(bl[0], bl[1], "XX")[time][freq]

        # Get true gains

        fname = file_root + ".calfits"
        print("Get true gains from", fname)
        uvc = UVCal()
        g_bar = np.zeros(nant, dtype=np.complex64)
        for i in range(nant):
            g_bar[i] = uvc.get_gains(i)[0, 0]

        # Get V_obs

        fname = file_root + "_g.uvh5"
        print("Get V_obs from", fname)
        uvdata = UVData()
        assert uvdata.Nants_data == uvdata.Nants_telescope, \
                "Not all antennas have data"
        assert uvdata.Nbls-nant == nvis, \
                "Data does not contain expected number of baselines"

        # Load V_obs
        V = np.zeros(nvis, dtype=np.complex64)
        for i, bl in enumerate(ants_to_baseline):
            V[i] = uvdata.get_data(bl[0], bl[1], "XX")[time][freq]

        self.level = level
        self.nant = nant
        self.nvis = nvis
        self.g_bar = g_bar
        self.V_model = V_model
        self.x = np.zeros(g_bar.size, dtype=np.complex64)
        self.V_obs = V
        self.obs_variance = np.full(V.size, 1)
        self.redundant_groups, _, _ = uvdata.get_redundancies()
    def __init__(self, file_root, time=0, freq=0, level="approx"):
        file_root: str
            The file path referring to a non-redundant-pipeline simulation "case". 
            Use that path to select files from the simulation based on their extension.
        # Get V_obs from last file generated by analyse_sims.py

        fname = file_root + "_g.uvh5"
        print("Get V_obs from", fname)
        uvdata = UVData()
        assert uvdata.Nants_data == uvdata.Nants_telescope, \
                "Not all antennas have data"
        nant = uvdata.Nants_data
        # Map antenna numbers to the vis index
        ants_to_baseline = []
        for i in range(nant):
            for j in range(i + 1, nant):
                ants_to_baseline.append((i, j))
        assert uvdata.Nbls-nant == len(ants_to_baseline), \
                "Data does not contain expected number of baselines"
        nvis = len(ants_to_baseline)

        # Load V_obs
        V = np.zeros(nvis, dtype=np.complex64)
        for i, bl in enumerate(ants_to_baseline):
            V[i] = uvdata.get_data(bl[0], bl[1], "XX")[time][freq]

        # Get things out of calibration: model, redundant groups, weights

        fname = file_root + "_g_cal_dict.npz"
        print("Get model from", fname)
        cal = hkl.load(fname)

        baseline_groups = cal["all_reds"]
        redundant_groups = [[] for bg in baseline_groups]
        assert len(cal["v_omnical"].keys()) == len(baseline_groups), \
                "Number of baseline groups: "+str(len(baseline_groups))+ \
                " Number of model groups: "+str(len(cal["v_omnical"].keys()))
        V_model = np.zeros(nvis, dtype=np.complex64)
        for key in cal["v_omnical"].keys():
            baseline = (key[0], key[1])

            # Find the baselines in this group. First item will be "ants"
            group_index = -1
            for i in range(len(baseline_groups)):
                if (baseline_groups[i][0][0],
                        baseline_groups[i][0][1]) == baseline:
                    group_index = i
            if group_index == -1:
                raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find redundant group for model " +

            for bl in baseline_groups[group_index]:
                    i = ants_to_baseline.index((bl[0], bl[1]))
                    V_model[i] = cal["v_omnical"][key][time][freq]
                    i = ants_to_baseline.index((bl[1], bl[0]))
                    V_model[i] = np.conj(cal["v_omnical"][key][time][freq])


        assert np.min(np.abs(V_model)) > 0, "Model has missing values"

        # Get the weights used by calibration
        num_weights = len(list(cal["omni_meta"]["data_wgts"]))
        assert num_weights == V.size, "Not enough weights for baselines " + str(
            num_weights) + " " + str(V.size)
        weights = np.zeros(V.size)
        for key in cal["omni_meta"]["data_wgts"].keys():
                i = ants_to_baseline.index((key[0], key[1]))
                i = ants_to_baseline.index((key[1], key[0]))
            weights[i] = cal["omni_meta"]["data_wgts"][key][time][freq]

        # Get the gains generated from calibration

        fname = file_root + "_g_new.calfits"
        print("Get gains from", fname)
        uvc = UVCal()
        g_bar = np.zeros(nant, dtype=np.complex64)
        for i in range(nant):
            g_bar[i] = uvc.get_gains(i)[0, 0]

        self.level = level
        self.nant = nant
        self.nvis = nvis
        self.V_obs = V
        self.V_model = V_model
        self.g_bar = g_bar
        self.x = np.zeros(g_bar.size, dtype=np.complex64)
        self.obs_variance = weights
        self.redundant_groups = redundant_groups