def set(self, day=None, hour=None, min=None, month=None, sec=None, year=None): ''' Set the hardware clock time. Any missing parameters will default to the current time. :param day: long, Day :param hour: long, Hour :param min: long, Minute :param month: long, Month :param sec: long, Second :param year: long, Year :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap( self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.hardware.clock.Set', day=day, hour=hour, min=min, month=month, sec=sec, year=year, )
def list(self): ''' This command will list all of the IPv6 addresses currently assigned to the system :returns:[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def rescan(self): ''' Issue a rescan operation to the VMkernel to have is scan storage devices for new mountable filesystems. :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def install(self, depot, profile, dryrun=None, force=None, maintenancemode=None, noliveinstall=None, nosigcheck=None, oktoremove=None, proxy=None): ''' Installs or applies an image profile from a depot to this host. This command completely replaces the installed image with the image defined by the new image profile, and may result in the loss of installed VIBs. The common vibs between host and image profile will be skipped. To preserve installed VIBs, use profile update instead. WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot, you need to disable HA first. :param depot: string[], Specifies full remote URLs of the depot index.xml or server file path pointing to an offline bundle .zip file. :param dryrun: boolean, Performs a dry-run only. Report the VIB-level operations that would be performed, but do not change anything in the system. :param force: boolean, Bypasses checks for package dependencies, conflicts, obsolescence, and acceptance levels. Really not recommended unless you know what you are doing. Use of this option will result in a warning being displayed in the vSphere Client. :param maintenancemode: boolean, Pretends that maintenance mode is in effect. Otherwise, installation will stop for live installs that require maintenance mode. This flag has no effect for reboot required remediations. :param noliveinstall: boolean, Forces an install to /altbootbank even if the VIBs are eligible for live installation or removal. Will cause installation to be skipped on PXE-booted hosts. :param nosigcheck: boolean, Bypasses acceptance level verification, including signing. Use of this option poses a large security risk and will result in a SECURITY ALERT warning being displayed in the vSphere Client. :param oktoremove: boolean, Allows the removal of installed VIBs as part of applying the image profile. If not specified, esxcli will error out if applying the image profile results in the removal of installed VIBs. :param profile: string, Specifies the name of the image profile to install. :param proxy: string, Specifies a proxy server to use for HTTP, FTP, and HTTPS connections. The format is proxy-url:port. :returns: ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', depot=depot, dryrun=dryrun, force=force, maintenancemode=maintenancemode, noliveinstall=noliveinstall, nosigcheck=nosigcheck, oktoremove=oktoremove, profile=profile, proxy=proxy, )
def get(self): ''' Get the keyboard layout :returns: string ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.settings.keyboard.layout.Get', )
def get(self): ''' Disply the number of microseconds the system has been running. :returns: long ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.stats.uptime.Get', )
def set(self, portgroupname, activeuplinks=None, failback=None, failuredetection=None, loadbalancing=None, notifyswitches=None, standbyuplinks=None, usevswitch=None): ''' Configure the Failover policy for a port group. These setting may potentially override virtual switch settings. :param activeuplinks: string, Configure the list of active adapters and their failover order. This list must be a comma seperated list of values with the uplink name and no spaces. Example: --active-uplinks=vmnic0,vmnic3,vmnic7,vmnic1 :param failback: boolean, Configure whether a NIC will be used immediately when it comes back in service after a failover :param failuredetection: string, Set the method of determining how a network outage is detected. beacon: Detect failures based on active beaconing to the vswitch link: Detect failures based on the NIC link state :param loadbalancing: string, Set the load balancing policy for this policy. This can be one of the following options: explicit: Always use the highest order uplink from the list of active adapters which pass failover criteria. iphash: Route based on hashing the src and destination IP addresses mac: Route based on the MAC address of the packet source. portid: Route based on the originating virtual port ID. :param notifyswitches: boolean, Indicate whether to send a notification to physical switches on failover :param portgroupname: string, The name of the port group to set failover policy for. :param standbyuplinks: string, Configure the list of standby adapters and their failover order. This list must be a comma seperated list of values with the uplink name and no spaces. Example: --standby-uplinks=vmnic2,vmnic4,vmnic8,vmnic6,vmnic11 :param usevswitch: boolean, Reset all values for this policy to use parent virtual switch's settings instead of overriding the settings for the port group. Using this in conjunction with other settings will first reset all of the fields to use the virtual switch setting and then apply the other options after the reset. :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', activeuplinks=activeuplinks, failback=failback, failuredetection=failuredetection, loadbalancing=loadbalancing, notifyswitches=notifyswitches, portgroupname=portgroupname, standbyuplinks=standbyuplinks, usevswitch=usevswitch, )
def list(self): ''' List all of the PCI devices on this host. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.hardware.pci.list.PciDevice[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.hardware.pci.List', )
def set(self, adapter, address, key, name, default=None, inherit=None, value=None): ''' Set the iSCSI parameter for the iSCSI Target. :param adapter: string, The iSCSI adapter name. :param address: string, The iSCSI target address: <ip/dns[:port]> :param default: boolean, Resetting iSCSI parameter setting to default. :param inherit: boolean, Inheriting iSCSI parameter setting from parent. :param key: string, The iSCSI parameter key :param name: string, The iSCSI target name: <iqn/eui> :param value: string, The iSCSI parameter value :returns: void ''' return execute_soap( self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', adapter=adapter, address=address, default=default, inherit=inherit, key=key, name=name, value=value, )
def unclaim(self, type, adapter=None, channel=None, claimruleclass=None, device=None, driver=None, lun=None, model=None, path=None, plugin=None, target=None, vendor=None): ''' 1) Unclaim a path or set of paths, disassociating them from a PSA plugin. NOTES: It is normal for path claiming to fail especially when unclaiming by plugin or adapter. Only inactive paths with no I/O will be able to be unclaimed. Typically the ESXi USB partition and devices with VMFS volumes on them will not be unclaimable. Also NOTE unclaiming will not persist and periodic path claiming will reclaim these paths in the near future unless claim rules are configured to mask the path. 2) Detach a (set of) filter(s) from one or more devices. :param adapter: string, If the --type paramter is 'location' this value indicates the name of the host bus adapter for the paths you wish to unclaim. This parameter can be omitted to indicate unclaiming should be run on paths from all adapters. :param channel: long, If the --type parameter is 'location' this value indicates the value of the SCSI channel number for the paths you wish to unclaim. This parameter can be omitted to indicate unclaiming should be run on paths with any channel number. :param claimruleclass: string, Indicate the claim rule class to use in this operation [MP, Filter]. :param device: string, If the --type parameter is 'device' attempt to unclaim all paths to a specific device (for multipathing plugins) or unclaim the device itself (for filter plugins). NOTE. For paths, if there are any active I/O operations on this device, at least 1 path will fail to unclaim. :param driver: string, If the --type parameter is 'driver' attempt to unclaim all paths provided by a specific HBA driver. :param lun: long, If the --type paramter is 'location' this value indicates the value of the SCSI Logical Unit Number (LUN) for the paths you wish to unclaim. This parameter can be omitted to indicate unclaiming should be run on paths with any Logical Unit Number. :param model: string, If the --type parameter is 'vendor' attempt to unclaim all paths to devices with specific model info (for multipathing plugins) or unclaim the device itself (for filter plugins). NOTE. For paths, if there are any active I/O operations on this device, at least 1 path will fail to unclaim. :param path: string, If the --type parameter is 'path' attempt to unclaim a specific path given its path UID or runtime name. :param plugin: string, If the --type parameter is 'plugin' attempt to unclaim all paths on for a given multipath plugin OR all devices attached to a filter plugin. :param target: long, If the --type paramter is 'location' this value indicates the value of the SCSI target number for the paths you wish to unclaim. This parameter can be omitted to indicate unclaiming should be run on paths with any target number. :param type: string, Indicate the type of unclaim you wish to perform. Valid values for this paramter are [location, path, driver, device, plugin, vendor] :param vendor: string, If the --type parameter is 'vendor' attempt to unclaim all paths to devices with specific vendor info (for multipathing plugins) or unclaim the device itself (for filter plugins). NOTE. For paths, if there are any active I/O operations on this device, at least 1 path will fail to unclaim. :returns: void ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', adapter=adapter, channel=channel, claimruleclass=claimruleclass, device=device, driver=driver, lun=lun, model=model, path=path, plugin=plugin, target=target, type=type, vendor=vendor, )
def update(self, depot=None, dryrun=None, force=None, maintenancemode=None, noliveinstall=None, nosigcheck=None, proxy=None, vibname=None, viburl=None): ''' Update installed VIBs to newer VIB packages. No new VIBs will be installed, only updates. WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot, you need to disable HA first. :param depot: string[], Specifies full remote URLs of the depot index.xml or server file path pointing to an offline bundle .zip file. :param dryrun: boolean, Performs a dry-run only. Report the VIB-level operations that would be performed, but do not change anything in the system. :param force: boolean, Bypasses checks for package dependencies, conflicts, obsolescence, and acceptance levels. Really not recommended unless you know what you are doing. Use of this option will result in a warning being displayed in the vSphere Client. :param maintenancemode: boolean, Pretends that maintenance mode is in effect. Otherwise, installation will stop for live installs that require maintenance mode. This flag has no effect for reboot required remediations. :param noliveinstall: boolean, Forces an install to /altbootbank even if the VIBs are eligible for live installation or removal. Will cause installation to be skipped on PXE-booted hosts. :param nosigcheck: boolean, Bypasses acceptance level verification, including signing. Use of this option poses a large security risk and will result in a SECURITY ALERT warning being displayed in the vSphere Client. :param proxy: string, Specifies a proxy server to use for HTTP, FTP, and HTTPS connections. The format is proxy-url:port. :param vibname: string[], Specifies VIBs from a depot, using one of the following forms: name, name:version, vendor:name, or vendor:name:version. VIB packages which are not updates will be skipped. :param viburl: string[], Specifies one or more URLs to VIB packages to update to. http:, https:, ftp:, and file: are all supported. VIB packages which are not updates will be skipped. :returns: ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', depot=depot, dryrun=dryrun, force=force, maintenancemode=maintenancemode, noliveinstall=noliveinstall, nosigcheck=nosigcheck, proxy=proxy, vibname=vibname, viburl=viburl, )
def set(self, adapter, ip, subnet, dns1=None, dns2=None, gateway=None, nic=None): ''' Set iSCSI network portal IP configuration :param adapter: string, The iSCSI adapter name. :param dns1: string, The iSCSI network portal primary DNS address :param dns2: string, The iSCSI network portal secondary DNS address :param gateway: string, The iSCSI network portal gateway address :param ip: string, The iSCSI network portal IP address :param nic: string, The iSCSI network portal (vmknic) :param subnet: string, The iSCSI network portal subnet mask :returns: void ''' return execute_soap( self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.iscsi.networkportal.ipconfig.Set', adapter=adapter, dns1=dns1, dns2=dns2, gateway=gateway, ip=ip, nic=nic, subnet=subnet, )
def get(self): ''' Show the current global configuration values :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.syslog.config.get.SyslogConfiguration ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.syslog.config.Get', )
def set(self, portgroupname, avgbandwidth=None, burstsize=None, enabled=None, peakbandwidth=None, usevswitch=None): ''' Set the shaping policy settings for the given port group :param avgbandwidth: long, The averge bandwidth allowed for this shaping policy. This value is in Kbps (1 Kbps = 1000 bits/s) :param burstsize: long, The largest burst size allowed for this shaping policy. This value is in Kib (1 Kib = 1024 bits) :param enabled: boolean, Indicate whether to enable traffic shaping on this policy. If this is true then the --avg-bandwidth, --peak-bandwidth and --burst-size options are required. :param peakbandwidth: long, The peak bandwidth allowed for this shaping policy. This value is in Kbps (1 Kbps = 1000 bits/s) :param portgroupname: string, The name of the port group to set shaping policy for. :param usevswitch: boolean, Reset all values for this policy to use parent virtual switch's settings instead of overriding the settings for the port group. Using this in conjunction with other settings will first reset all of the fields to use the virtual switch setting and then apply the other options after the reset. :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap( self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', avgbandwidth=avgbandwidth, burstsize=burstsize, enabled=enabled, peakbandwidth=peakbandwidth, portgroupname=portgroupname, usevswitch=usevswitch, )
def list(self): ''' List the enforcement level for each domain. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.secpolicy.domain.list.DomainList[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.secpolicy.domain.List', )
def list(self): ''' This command will list all of the esxcli commands with their namespace, object, command name and description. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.esxcli.command.list.EsxCliCommand[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.esxcli.command.List', )
def get(self, adapter): """ Get the iSCSI parameters for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter. :param adapter: string, The iSCSI adapter name. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.iscsi.adapter.param.get.iScsiParm[] """ return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, "vim.EsxCLI.iscsi.adapter.param.Get", adapter=adapter)
def list(self): ''' List all of the partitions on the system that have a partition type matching the VMware Core partition type. Also indicate which partition, if any, is being used as the system's dump partition and which is configured to be used at next boot. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.coredump.partition.list.DumpPartition[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.coredump.partition.List', )
def list(self): ''' This command will list the Physical NICs currently installed and loaded on the system. :returns:[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def get(self): ''' Get one of the dump partition configured values. This command will print either the active dump partition or the configured dump partition depending on the flags passed. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.coredump.partition.get.KernelDumpParition ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.coredump.partition.Get', )
def update(self, depot, profile, allowdowngrades=None, dryrun=None, force=None, maintenancemode=None, noliveinstall=None, nosigcheck=None, proxy=None): ''' Updates the host with VIBs from an image profile in a depot. Installed VIBs may be upgraded (or downgraded if --allow-downgrades is specified), but they will not be removed. Any VIBs in the image profile which are not related to any installed VIBs will be added to the host. WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot, you need to disable HA first. :param allowdowngrades: boolean, If this option is specified, then the VIBs from the image profile which update, downgrade, or are new to the host will be installed. If the option is not specified, then the VIBs which update or are new to the host will be installed. :param depot: string[], Specifies full remote URLs of the depot index.xml or server file path pointing to an offline bundle .zip file. :param dryrun: boolean, Performs a dry-run only. Report the VIB-level operations that would be performed, but do not change anything in the system. :param force: boolean, Bypasses checks for package dependencies, conflicts, obsolescence, and acceptance levels. Really not recommended unless you know what you are doing. Use of this option will result in a warning being displayed in the vSphere Client. :param maintenancemode: boolean, Pretends that maintenance mode is in effect. Otherwise, installation will stop for live installs that require maintenance mode. This flag has no effect for reboot required remediations. :param noliveinstall: boolean, Forces an install to /altbootbank even if the VIBs are eligible for live installation or removal. Will cause installation to be skipped on PXE-booted hosts. :param nosigcheck: boolean, Bypasses acceptance level verification, including signing. Use of this option poses a large security risk and will result in a SECURITY ALERT warning being displayed in the vSphere Client. :param profile: string, Specifies the name of the image profile to update the host with. :param proxy: string, Specifies a proxy server to use for HTTP, FTP, and HTTPS connections. The format is proxy-url:port. :returns: ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', allowdowngrades=allowdowngrades, depot=depot, dryrun=dryrun, force=force, maintenancemode=maintenancemode, noliveinstall=noliveinstall, nosigcheck=nosigcheck, profile=profile, proxy=proxy, )
def remove(self, satp, boot=None, claimoption=None, description=None, device=None, driver=None, model=None, option=None, psp=None, pspoption=None, transport=None, type=None, vendor=None): ''' Delete a rule from the list of claim rules for the given SATP. :param boot: boolean, This is a system default rule added at boot time. Do not modify esx.conf or add to host profile. :param claimoption: string, The claim option string for the SATP claim rule to delete. :param description: string, The desription string for the SATP claim rule to delete. :param device: string, The device for the SATP claim rule to delete :param driver: string, The driver string for the SATP claim rule to delete. :param model: string, The model string for the SATP claim rule to delete. :param option: string, The option string for the SATP claim rule to delete. :param psp: string, The default PSP for the SATP claim rule to delete. :param pspoption: string, The PSP options for the SATP claim rule to delete. :param satp: string, The SATP for which a rule will be deleted. :param transport: string, The transport type for the SATP claim rule to delete. :param type: string, Set the claim type when adding a SATP claim rule. :param vendor: string, The vendor string for the SATP claim rule to delete :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', boot=boot, claimoption=claimoption, description=description, device=device, driver=driver, model=model, option=option, psp=psp, pspoption=pspoption, satp=satp, transport=transport, type=type, vendor=vendor, )
def list(self): ''' List the keyboard layout :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.settings.keyboard.layout.list.Layout[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.settings.keyboard.layout.List', )
def add(self, satp, boot=None, claimoption=None, description=None, device=None, driver=None, force=None, model=None, option=None, psp=None, pspoption=None, transport=None, type=None, vendor=None): ''' Add a rule to the list of claim rules for the given SATP. :param boot: boolean, This is a system default rule added at boot time. Do not modify esx.conf or add to host profile. :param claimoption: string, Set the claim option string when adding a SATP claim rule. :param description: string, Set the claim rule description when adding a SATP claim rule. :param device: string, Set the device when adding SATP claim rules. Device rules are mutually exclusive with vendor/model and driver rules. :param driver: string, Set the driver string when adding a SATP claim rule. Driver rules are mutually exclusive with vendor/model rules. :param force: boolean, Force claim rules to ignore validity checks and install the rule anyway. :param model: string, Set the model string when adding SATP a claim rule. Vendor/Model rules are mutually exclusive with driver rules. :param option: string, Set the option string when adding a SATP claim rule. :param psp: string, Set the default PSP for the SATP claim rule. :param pspoption: string, Set the PSP options for the SATP claim rule. :param satp: string, The SATP for which a new rule will be added. :param transport: string, Set the claim transport type string when adding a SATP claim rule. :param type: string, Set the claim type when adding a SATP claim rule. :param vendor: string, Set the vendor string when adding SATP claim rules. Vendor/Model rules are mutually exclusive with driver rules. :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', boot=boot, claimoption=claimoption, description=description, device=device, driver=driver, force=force, model=model, option=option, psp=psp, pspoption=pspoption, satp=satp, transport=transport, type=type, vendor=vendor, )
def list(self): ''' List the NAS volumes currently known to the ESX host. :returns:[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def get(self): ''' Software iSCSI information. :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def list(self): ''' List the volumes available to the host. This includes VMFS, NAS and VFAT partitions. :returns:[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def get(self): ''' Get global IP settings :returns: ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def automount(self): ''' Request mounting of known datastores not explicitly unmounted. :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def get(self): ''' Disply the current hardware clock time. :returns: string ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.hardware.clock.Get', )
def list(self): ''' This command will list the VMkernel network interfaces currently known to the system. :returns:[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def set(self, portgroupname, allowforgedtransmits=None, allowmacchange=None, allowpromiscuous=None, usevswitch=None): ''' Set the security policy for a given port group :param allowforgedtransmits: boolean, Allow ports on the virtual switch to send packets with forged source information. :param allowmacchange: boolean, Allow ports on the virtual switch to change their MAC address. :param allowpromiscuous: boolean, Allow ports on the virtual switch to enter promiscuous mode. :param portgroupname: string, The name of the port group to set security policy for. :param usevswitch: boolean, Reset all values for this policy to use parent virtual switch's settings instead of overriding the settings for the port group. Using this in conjunction with other settings will first reset all of the fields to use the virtual switch setting and then apply the other options after the reset. :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap( self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', allowforgedtransmits=allowforgedtransmits, allowmacchange=allowmacchange, allowpromiscuous=allowpromiscuous, portgroupname=portgroupname, usevswitch=usevswitch, )
def list(self): ''' Show the currently configured sub-loggers :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.syslog.config.logger.list.LoggerConfiguration[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.syslog.config.logger.List', )
def get(self): ''' Get iSCSI IBFT Boot details. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.iscsi.ibftboot.get.IbftBoot[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.iscsi.ibftboot.Get', )
def get(self): ''' Get the currently configured parameters for network coredump, if enabled. :returns: ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def import(self): ''' Import iSCSI target configuration from iBFT to ESX iSCSI initiators. The boot target recorded in iBFT is added to all the eligible 'dependent' iSCSI adapters. :returns: void ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.iscsi.ibftboot.Import', )
def list(self): ''' Print a list of the DNS server currently configured on the system in the order in which they will be used. :returns: ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def set(self, adapter, address, name, authname=None, default=None, direction=None, inherit=None, level=None, secret=None): ''' Set the iSCSI CHAP authentication for the iSCSI Target. :param adapter: string, The iSCSI adapter name. :param address: string, The iSCSI target address: <ip/dns[:port]> :param authname: string, The iSCSI authentication name :param default: boolean, Resetting iSCSI authentication setting to default. :param direction: string, The iSCSI authentication direction ( [uni, mutual]) :param inherit: boolean, Inheriting iSCSI authentication setting from parent. :param level: string, The iSCSI authentication level ( [prohibited, discouraged, preferred, required]) :param name: string, The iSCSI target name: <iqn/eui> :param secret: string, The iSCSI authentication password :returns: void ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', adapter=adapter, address=address, authname=authname, default=default, direction=direction, inherit=inherit, level=level, name=name, secret=secret, )
def get(self): ''' Get the host, domain or fully qualified name of the ESX host. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.hostname.get.FullyQualifiedHostName ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.hostname.Get', )
def list(self): ''' List the VMFS extents available on the host. :returns:[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def get(self): ''' Display the product name, version and build information. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.version.get.VersionGet ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.version.Get', )
def list(self): ''' Get all fence switch info on the system. :returns:[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def rescan(self, adapter=None, all=None, skipclaim=None, skipfsscan=None, type=None): ''' Rescan SCSI HBAs to search for new Devices, remove DEAD paths and update path state. This operation will also run an claim operation equivalent to the claimrule run command and a filesystem rescan. :param adapter: string, Select the adapter to use when rescanning SCSI adapters. This must be a SCSI HBA name as shown in the adapter list command. This cannot be used with the --all option :param all: boolean, Indicate the rescan should rescan all adapters instead of a specific one. :param skipclaim: boolean, By default after an add operation a claiming session is run to find new devices and have them be claimed by the appropriate Multipath Plugin. Passing this flag will skip that claiming session. :param skipfsscan: boolean, By default after all rescan operations a filesystem scan is performed to add newly found filesystems and remove any filesystems that are no longer available. Passing this flag will skip that filesystem scan. :param type: string, Specify the type of rescan to perform. Available types are add: Perform rescan and only add new devices if any. all: Perform rescan and do all opertaions (this is the default action.) delete: Perform rescan and only delete DEAD devices. update: Rescan existing paths only and update path states. :returns: void ''' return execute_soap( self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', adapter=adapter, all=all, skipclaim=skipclaim, skipfsscan=skipfsscan, type=type, )
def list(self): ''' List the VMkernel UserWorld processes currently on the host. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.process.list.UserWorld[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.process.List', )
def reload(self): ''' Reload the log daemon to apply any new configuration options :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.syslog.Reload', )
def list(self): ''' List the Storage Array Type Plugins (SATP) that are currently loaded into the NMP system and display information about those SATPs :returns:[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', )
def list(self): ''' List FCOE-capable CNA devices. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.fcoe.adapter.list.FcoeAdapterDevice[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.fcoe.adapter.List', )
def get(self): ''' Obtain status information on the memory filesystem as a whole. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.visorfs.get.VisorfsStatus ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.visorfs.Get', )
def list(self): ''' List the tardisks used by the host. :returns: vim.EsxCLI.system.visorfs.tardisk.list.VisorfsTardisk[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.visorfs.tardisk.List', )
def list(self, rulesetid=None): ''' list allowed ip addresses for rulesets. :param rulesetid: string, The label of the ruleset. :returns:[] ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', rulesetid=rulesetid, )
def mark(self, message): ''' Mark all logs with the specified string :param message: string, The message to place in the logs :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, 'vim.EsxCLI.system.syslog.Mark', message=message, )
def down(self, nicname): ''' Bring down the specified network device. :param nicname: string, The name of the NIC to configured. This must be one of the cards listed in the nic list command. :returns: boolean ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', nicname=nicname, )
def get(self, nicname): ''' Get the generic configuration of a network device :param nicname: string, The name of the NIC to configured. This must be one of the cards listed in the nic list command. :returns: ''' return execute_soap(self._client, self._host, self.moid, '', nicname=nicname, )