    def __init__(self,
        mask = 1
        # Creating the default root within the __init__ call somehow
        # causes the root variable to persist and only a single root to be
        # created for multiple scenes. To avoid this we use the explicit
        # None initialization
        if root == None:
            root = VisusGroup.construct()

        # Create a root node (or get one from the user)
        self._root = root

        # Create the attributes
        self._attribs = dict()

        # Create the heightattributes
        self._heightattribs = dict()

        # Create the iso attributes
        self._isoattribs = dict()

        # Set whether we mask the ocean, the land, or nothing
        self._mask = mask

        # Create a radius object
        self._radius = VisusEarthRadius()

        # Create an earth node
        self._earth = VisusEarthNode.construct()

        # Create a node for the background image
        self._bgEarth = VisusEarthNode.construct()

        # Set the radius of the earth

        # Set the data that we have
        self._haveHeightData = True
        if (len(heightDataArray) == 0):
            self._haveHeightData = False
        self._haveIsoData = True
        if (len(isoDataArray) == 0):
            self._haveIsoData = False

        # Create the extractor, data description and update attribs
        self.setData(dataArray, heightDataArray, isoDataArray, usrAttribs)

        # Attach the texture extractor to the earth
        self._earth.attachSubTree(self._extractortexture, True)

        # Add the isosurface
        if (self._haveIsoData):
            self._isosurface = self.addIso(self._extractoriso)

            # Set the isoValue
            self._isoValue = VisusIsoValue(40)

            # Attach the iso extractor to the earth
            self._earth.attachSubTree(self._extractoriso, True)

        # Attach the height extractor to the earth
        if (self._haveHeightData):
            self._earth.attachSubTree(self._extractorheight, True)

        # Finally attach the earth node to the root
        self._root.attachSubTree(self._earth, True)

        # Create the drawing window
        if newWindow:

        # If masking is enabled, set it up
        if self._mask != 0:

        # Connect the extractor which is a VisusProducer
        # (which is really a VisusAxisAlignedExtractor)
        if not self._earth.connectTexture(self._extractortexture):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to connect extractor as EarthNode input")

        # Connect the height extractor which is a VisusProducer
        # (which is really a VisusAxisAlignedExtractor)
        if (self._haveHeightData):
            if not self._earth.connectHeight(self._extractorheight):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Unable to connect extractor as EarthNode input")

        # Set the earth as periodic

        # Rotate the hole to the top
        self.rotateEarth(0.0, -1.0)

        # Set the colormap

        # Create the colorbar for the colormap
        self._colorBar = VisusColorBar.construct()

        # Set the annotations for the scene

        self._earth.attachSubTree(self._colorBar, True)
        self._colorBar.inherit(8, True)

        # Position the colorbar
        self._colorBar.position(-.5, -0.8)

        # Add a title to the scene
        if (title == None):
            if "name" in self._attribs:
                title = self._attribs["name"].replace("_", " ")
                title = "Title"

        font = VisusFont()
        self._title = VisusLabelNode.construct()
        self._title.position(0, 0.92)

def sphereSlice(data=None, **keywords):

    This function constructs a default ViSUS scene displaying a single
    z-slice through a regular block of data mapped onto the earth. The
    user can either pass a cdms2 array using the data attribute or
    enter the necessary information into the vcdat gui. If no data
    attribute is present the function will try to extract the
    necessary information from the gui and if that fails an empty
    scene will be displayed.

    The scene contains multiple \"nodes\" each of which can be
    manipulated using the keyboard and mouse. Som basic commands are

    Tab : Switch node
    Middle Mouse button : Pan scene
    Left Mouse button : Rotate scene
    Right Mouse button : Zoom in and out

    Usage: cartesianSlice(DataArray, keyword=value,...) where DataArray
    can be a standard numpy array, a cdms type data set, or
    \"None\". The function will attempt to extract a number of
    attributes from the given data or the gui each of which can be
    overridden by the user by passing it explicitly. Possible keywords

    name     : Verbal description of the data set or variable (used in the title)
    var_name : Short name of the variable  
    domain   : Physical domain of the data set represented as
               [[min_x,max_x],[min_y,max_y],[min_z,max_z]]. If
               the data is only two- or one-dimensional the extra
               dimensions will be assumed to be [0,0]
    samples  : The number of samples in each dimension represented
               as [samples_x, samples_y, samples_z, samples_t]. For
               lower dimensional data the additional dimensions will
               be set to 1, e.g. a time-dependent 2D array would be
    units    : VisusUnit identfier describing the natural coordinate
               system of the data (e.g. cartesian length, polar
               coordinates, etc.) All possible values can be found in
    range    : Local function range of the data. Note, that percentages
               and fractions will automatically get a range of [0,100]
               and [0,1] respectively.
    time     : The cdtime.Comptime of the first time step in data

    # If the user did not pass in an array try to extract one from the
    # gui
    if data is None:
        data = guiDefinedData()

    attributes = keywords
        # Try to infer as many data attributes as you can and return a
        # string describing/defining the data in the ViSUS internal format
        data_description = constructDataDescriptor(data, attributes)
        print "Could not parse data. Unknown format"

    # Create a font to be used in all the nodes that render text
    font = VisusFont()

    # Construct a root node for the scene graph hierarchy. This node is
    # mainly used for the global transformation (e.g. rotating the
    # complete scene) and is a convinient way to collect independent
    # nodes (nodes that should have no ancestor-descendend
    # relationship. Note, the use of the construct function rather than
    # a standard "constructor." ViSUS uses a smart pointer / reference
    # counting scheme which requires this.
    root = VisusGroup.construct()

    # Create two points that will form the left lower and right upper
    # corner of the data bounding box
    left = VectorDouble(3)
    right = VectorDouble(3)

    # Create a ViSUS data source based on the data description created earlier
    source = VisusDataSourceFactory.make(data_description)
    if not source.isValid():
        raise RuntimeError("Problem loading data set")

    # Get the bounding box of the data whose value may or may not depend
    # on data attributes such as units. In particular, if this
    # information was available the bounding box will be given in
    # pyhsical units rather than in index space
    source.domainBoundingBox(left, right)
    bbox = VisusBoundingBox()
    bbox.set(left, right)

    # The ViSUS system is based on data "requests" that describe a
    # particular piece of data that should be displayed. The data
    # requests can be manipulated through the user interface or
    # directly. However, here we want to create a sensible default
    # request to see a portion of our data.

    # First, we create an empty request
    request = VisusDataRequest()

    # Second, we construct an array that describes the length in each
    # dimension of the box of data we want to extract in whatever units
    # the data source uses (typically physical space).
    extent = VectorDouble(3)
    extent[0] = (right[0] - left[0])  # We want to see all of the x-coordinate
    extent[1] = (right[1] - left[1])  # and all of the y-coordinate
    extent[2] = 0  # But we want to look at a plane so the z extend is 0

    # And we pass the extent information into the request

    # Second, we need to position our extent box in the data
    # set. Initially, the extent will be centered around the origin. To
    # see the middle of the data we want translate our request to the
    # center of the data's bounding box

    # So we create the corresponding transformation matrix
    matrix = translationMatrix(
        (left[0] + right[0]) / 2,
        (left[1] + right[1]) / 2,
        (left[2] + right[2]) / 2,
    # And pass this matrix to the request

    # Third, we want to indicate to the ViSUS system that we are
    # really interested in a 2D slice of the data (rather than a
    # degenerate volume) as slices are a special case and implement some
    # special user interactions

    # Finally, we describe the resolution at which we want to see our
    # data. The resolution is defined in terms ofo sub-sampling
    # "strides" where a stride of 1 defines the full resolution data a
    # stride of 2, the data sub-sampled by a factor of 2 etc.. Strides
    # must be powers of two but can be independently set for each
    # dimension. Furthermore, for large data it can be useful to
    # progressively refine the data starting at some higher strides /
    # coarser resolution, ending at some lower strides / finer
    # resolution. This preserves interactivity while still providing
    # high resolution data if the request remains unchanged long enough

    # Since, for default scenes we expect the data to be small we only
    # want to see the highest resolution
    start = [1, 1, 1]
    end = [1, 1, 1]
    request.setStrides(start, end)

    # Armed with the description of the data and the request we just
    # constructed we create a scene graph node that will extract the
    # data for us. This node, will continuously test its current request
    # and update the data accordingly. Therefore, one could adapt the
    # scene by simply passing different requests to this node (which is
    # what the graphical user interface does on mouse movements or
    # keyboard commands)

    # Create a producer node specialized to extract and axis aligned
    # bounding box from a data set. As before with the root node the
    # node must be explicitly constructed.
    extractor = VisusAxisAlignedExtractor.construct()

    # Set the data to extract our data from
    extractor.setValue(request)  # Our default request
    # And the bounding box

    # A VisusEarthNode behaves much like a VisusOrthogonalSlice (see
    # cartesianSlice) except that it expects the data to be
    # angle+elevation and maps the slice onto the sphere.
    earth = VisusEarthNode.construct()

    # Now we connect the output of the extractor to the input of the
    # visualization node
    if not earth.connectTexture(extractor):
        raise RuntimeError("unable to connect slice as earth input")

    # For reasons internal to the underpinnings of the ViSUS system the
    # visualization node must know about the current data request. The
    # simplest way of achieving this is to attach the slice node as
    # child to the extractor

    # and to inherit/share the request
    earth.inherit(VisusSharedDataRequest.typeIndex(), True)

    # The default view displays the box [-10,-10,-10]x[10,10,10] so we
    # set the radius to 3 to get a reasonably size sphere.
    radius = VisusEarthRadius()

    # Instead of the default greyscale color map we want to use a
    # typical red-to-blue map
    color_map = banded()


    # Finally, we attach the whole subtree that renders the data to the
    # root node

    # Lastly, we attach more annotations to the scene

    # A VisusLabelNode is a general one line text of arbitrary font and
    # size. First, we create a title string using the variable name if
    # we found one
    label_node = VisusLabelNode.construct()
    title = "Variable: " + attributes["name"].replace("_", " ")

    # Positions of labels are given relative to the screen size
    label_node.position(-1, +0.8)
    root.attachSubTree(label_node, True)

    # If our data set is time-dependent we attach a label that displays
    # the current time step
    if "time" in attributes:
        time_node = VisusLabelNode.construct()
        t = attributes["time"]
        title = "Date: %02d/%02d/%04d" % (t.month, t.day, t.year)
        time_node.position(0.6, -0.95)
        root.attachSubTree(time_node, True)

    # A VisusColorBar displays a bar with a color map on the inside and
    # allows us to attach tickmarks and labels
    color_bar = VisusColorBar.construct()

    # As before fopr the tickmark node we modify the labels via the Axis construct
    axis = color_bar.axis()

    # If we found a variable name we use it as label
    if "var_name" in attributes:

    # If we found a range we use it as well.
    if "range" in attributes:

    color_bar.position(-1.2, -0.8)

    # Finally, attach the color bar to the slice and make sure it
    # inherits its colormap from there
    color_bar.inherit(8, True)


    return root, data_description

    # Create the default scene graph
    gBBox = VisusBoundingBox()
    gBBox.set(-5, -5, -5, 5, 5, 5)
    gRoot = VisusSceneNode.construct()
    gFocus = gRoot

    # Create Earth Radius
    radius = VisusEarthRadius()

    # Create Earth
    earth = VisusEarthNode.construct()
    gFocus = earth

    # Load Texture If Given
    if filename is not None:
        texture = VisusTexture()
        earth.loadData(texture, 0)

# Run The Main
def sphereSlice(data=None,**keywords):


    This function constructs a default ViSUS scene displaying a single
    z-slice through a regular block of data mapped onto the earth. The
    user can either pass a cdms2 array using the data attribute or
    enter the necessary information into the vcdat gui. If no data
    attribute is present the function will try to extract the
    necessary information from the gui and if that fails an empty
    scene will be displayed.

    The scene contains multiple \"nodes\" each of which can be
    manipulated using the keyboard and mouse. Som basic commands are

    Tab : Switch node
    Middle Mouse button : Pan scene
    Left Mouse button : Rotate scene
    Right Mouse button : Zoom in and out

    Usage: cartesianSlice(DataArray, keyword=value,...) where DataArray
    can be a standard numpy array, a cdms type data set, or
    \"None\". The function will attempt to extract a number of
    attributes from the given data or the gui each of which can be
    overridden by the user by passing it explicitly. Possible keywords

    name     : Verbal description of the data set or variable (used in the title)
    var_name : Short name of the variable  
    domain   : Physical domain of the data set represented as
               [[min_x,max_x],[min_y,max_y],[min_z,max_z]]. If
               the data is only two- or one-dimensional the extra
               dimensions will be assumed to be [0,0]
    samples  : The number of samples in each dimension represented
               as [samples_x, samples_y, samples_z, samples_t]. For
               lower dimensional data the additional dimensions will
               be set to 1, e.g. a time-dependent 2D array would be
    units    : VisusUnit identfier describing the natural coordinate
               system of the data (e.g. cartesian length, polar
               coordinates, etc.) All possible values can be found in
    range    : Local function range of the data. Note, that percentages
               and fractions will automatically get a range of [0,100]
               and [0,1] respectively.
    time     : The cdtime.Comptime of the first time step in data
  # If the user did not pass in an array try to extract one from the
  # gui
  if data is None:
    data = guiDefinedData()

  attributes = keywords
    # Try to infer as many data attributes as you can and return a
    # string describing/defining the data in the ViSUS internal format
    data_description = constructDataDescriptor(data,attributes)
    print "Could not parse data. Unknown format"
  # Create a font to be used in all the nodes that render text
  font = VisusFont()
  # Construct a root node for the scene graph hierarchy. This node is
  # mainly used for the global transformation (e.g. rotating the
  # complete scene) and is a convinient way to collect independent
  # nodes (nodes that should have no ancestor-descendend
  # relationship. Note, the use of the construct function rather than
  # a standard "constructor." ViSUS uses a smart pointer / reference
  # counting scheme which requires this.
  root = VisusGroup.construct()

  # Create two points that will form the left lower and right upper
  # corner of the data bounding box
  left = VectorDouble(3)
  right= VectorDouble(3)

  # Create a ViSUS data source based on the data description created earlier
  source = VisusDataSourceFactory.make(data_description)
  if not source.isValid():
    raise RuntimeError("Problem loading data set")

  # Get the bounding box of the data whose value may or may not depend
  # on data attributes such as units. In particular, if this
  # information was available the bounding box will be given in
  # pyhsical units rather than in index space
  bbox = VisusBoundingBox()
  # The ViSUS system is based on data "requests" that describe a
  # particular piece of data that should be displayed. The data
  # requests can be manipulated through the user interface or
  # directly. However, here we want to create a sensible default
  # request to see a portion of our data.
  # First, we create an empty request 
  request = VisusDataRequest()

  # Second, we construct an array that describes the length in each
  # dimension of the box of data we want to extract in whatever units
  # the data source uses (typically physical space).
  extent = VectorDouble(3)  
  extent[0] = (right[0] - left[0]) # We want to see all of the x-coordinate
  extent[1] = (right[1] - left[1]) # and all of the y-coordinate 
  extent[2] = 0  # But we want to look at a plane so the z extend is 0

  # And we pass the extent information into the request

  # Second, we need to position our extent box in the data
  # set. Initially, the extent will be centered around the origin. To
  # see the middle of the data we want translate our request to the
  # center of the data's bounding box

  # So we create the corresponding transformation matrix
  matrix = translationMatrix((left[0]+right[0])/2,
  # And pass this matrix to the request
  # Third, we want to indicate to the ViSUS system that we are
  # really interested in a 2D slice of the data (rather than a
  # degenerate volume) as slices are a special case and implement some
  # special user interactions

  # Finally, we describe the resolution at which we want to see our
  # data. The resolution is defined in terms ofo sub-sampling
  # "strides" where a stride of 1 defines the full resolution data a
  # stride of 2, the data sub-sampled by a factor of 2 etc.. Strides
  # must be powers of two but can be independently set for each
  # dimension. Furthermore, for large data it can be useful to
  # progressively refine the data starting at some higher strides /
  # coarser resolution, ending at some lower strides / finer
  # resolution. This preserves interactivity while still providing
  # high resolution data if the request remains unchanged long enough

  # Since, for default scenes we expect the data to be small we only
  # want to see the highest resolution
  start = [ 1, 1, 1 ]
  end   = [ 1, 1, 1 ]
  # Armed with the description of the data and the request we just
  # constructed we create a scene graph node that will extract the
  # data for us. This node, will continuously test its current request
  # and update the data accordingly. Therefore, one could adapt the
  # scene by simply passing different requests to this node (which is
  # what the graphical user interface does on mouse movements or
  # keyboard commands)
  # Create a producer node specialized to extract and axis aligned
  # bounding box from a data set. As before with the root node the
  # node must be explicitly constructed.
  extractor = VisusAxisAlignedExtractor.construct()

  # Set the data to extract our data from
  extractor.setValue(request) # Our default request
  extractor.setValue(bbox); # And the bounding box 

  # A VisusEarthNode behaves much like a VisusOrthogonalSlice (see
  # cartesianSlice) except that it expects the data to be
  # angle+elevation and maps the slice onto the sphere.
  earth = VisusEarthNode.construct()

  # Now we connect the output of the extractor to the input of the
  # visualization node
  if not earth.connectTexture(extractor):
    raise RuntimeError("unable to connect slice as earth input")

  # For reasons internal to the underpinnings of the ViSUS system the
  # visualization node must know about the current data request. The
  # simplest way of achieving this is to attach the slice node as
  # child to the extractor 

  # and to inherit/share the request 

  # The default view displays the box [-10,-10,-10]x[10,10,10] so we
  # set the radius to 3 to get a reasonably size sphere. 
  radius = VisusEarthRadius()
  # Instead of the default greyscale color map we want to use a
  # typical red-to-blue map
  color_map = banded()


  # Finally, we attach the whole subtree that renders the data to the
  # root node
  # Lastly, we attach more annotations to the scene

  # A VisusLabelNode is a general one line text of arbitrary font and
  # size. First, we create a title string using the variable name if
  # we found one
  label_node = VisusLabelNode.construct()
  title = "Variable: " + attributes["name"].replace("_"," ")

  # Positions of labels are given relative to the screen size

  # If our data set is time-dependent we attach a label that displays
  # the current time step
  if "time" in attributes:
    time_node = VisusLabelNode.construct()
    t = attributes["time"]
    title = "Date: %02d/%02d/%04d" % (t.month,t.day,t.year)

  # A VisusColorBar displays a bar with a color map on the inside and
  # allows us to attach tickmarks and labels
  color_bar = VisusColorBar.construct()

  # As before fopr the tickmark node we modify the labels via the Axis construct
  axis = color_bar.axis()

  # If we found a variable name we use it as label
  if "var_name" in attributes:
  # If we found a range we use it as well. 
  if "range" in attributes:

  # Finally, attach the color bar to the slice and make sure it
  # inherits its colormap from there  


  return root, data_description
  def __init__( self, dataArray, heightDataArray=[], isoDataArray=[], mask=0, title=None, usrAttribs=dict(), 
                root=None, newWindow = True):
    mask = 1
    # Creating the default root within the __init__ call somehow
    # causes the root variable to persist and only a single root to be
    # created for multiple scenes. To avoid this we use the explicit
    # None initialization
    if root == None:
      root = VisusGroup.construct()

    # Create a root node (or get one from the user)
    self._root = root
    # Create the attributes
    self._attribs = dict()
    # Create the heightattributes
    self._heightattribs = dict()
    # Create the iso attributes
    self._isoattribs = dict()

    # Set whether we mask the ocean, the land, or nothing
    self._mask = mask
    # Create a radius object
    self._radius = VisusEarthRadius()
    # Create an earth node 
    self._earth = VisusEarthNode.construct()
    # Create a node for the background image
    self._bgEarth = VisusEarthNode.construct()
    # Set the radius of the earth  

    # Set the data that we have
    self._haveHeightData = True
    if(len(heightDataArray) == 0):
      self._haveHeightData = False
    self._haveIsoData = True
    if(len(isoDataArray)== 0):
      self._haveIsoData = False

    # Create the extractor, data description and update attribs 
    self.setData(dataArray, heightDataArray, isoDataArray, usrAttribs)
    # Attach the texture extractor to the earth
    self._earth.attachSubTree(self._extractortexture, True) 

    # Add the isosurface
      self._isosurface = self.addIso(self._extractoriso)
      # Set the isoValue
      self._isoValue = VisusIsoValue(40)
      # Attach the iso extractor to the earth
      self._earth.attachSubTree(self._extractoriso, True)
    # Attach the height extractor to the earth
      self._earth.attachSubTree(self._extractorheight, True)

    # Finally attach the earth node to the root
    # Create the drawing window
    if newWindow:

    # If masking is enabled, set it up
    if self._mask != 0:

    # Connect the extractor which is a VisusProducer 
    # (which is really a VisusAxisAlignedExtractor)
    if not self._earth.connectTexture(self._extractortexture):
      raise RuntimeError("Unable to connect extractor as EarthNode input")

    # Connect the height extractor which is a VisusProducer 
    # (which is really a VisusAxisAlignedExtractor) 
      if not self._earth.connectHeight(self._extractorheight):
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to connect extractor as EarthNode input")
    # Set the earth as periodic

    # Rotate the hole to the top
    self.rotateEarth(0.0, -1.0)
    # Set the colormap

    # Create the colorbar for the colormap
    self._colorBar = VisusColorBar.construct()

    # Set the annotations for the scene
    self._earth.attachSubTree(self._colorBar, True)
    self._colorBar.inherit(8, True)

    # Position the colorbar

    # Add a title to the scene
      if "name" in self._attribs:
        title = self._attribs["name"].replace("_", " ")
        title = "Title"

    font = VisusFont()
    self._title = VisusLabelNode.construct()
    self._title.position( 0, 0.92)

	glutMotionFunc( motion )
	glutIdleFunc( idle )

        # Create the default scene graph 
        gBBox = VisusBoundingBox()
        gRoot = VisusSceneNode.construct()
	gFocus = gRoot

        # Create Earth Radius
	radius = VisusEarthRadius()

        # Create Earth
        earth = VisusEarthNode.construct()
        gFocus = earth

        # Load Texture If Given
        if filename is not None:
          texture = VisusTexture()
	  earth.loadData(texture, 0)

        # Run The Main