    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.inverse_module = MagicMock()
        self.input_step = MagicMock()
        time = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', freq='24H', periods=7)

        self.inverse_module.inverse_transform.return_value = xr.DataArray([[5, 5], [5, 5], [4, 5], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 7]],
                     dims=["time", "horizon"], coords={"time": time, "horizon": [0, 1]})
        self.input_step.stop = False
        self.inverse_step = InverseStep(self.inverse_module, {"input" : self.input_step}, file_manager=MagicMock())
        self.inverse_step_result = MagicMock()
        self.input_step.get_result.return_value = self.inverse_step_result
class TestInverseTransform(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.inverse_module = MagicMock()
        self.input_step = MagicMock()
        time = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', freq='24H', periods=7)

        self.inverse_module.inverse_transform.return_value = xr.DataArray(
            [[5, 5], [5, 5], [4, 5], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 7]],
            dims=["time", "horizon"],
                "time": time,
                "horizon": [0, 1]
        self.input_step._should_stop.return_value = False
        self.inverse_step = InverseStep(self.inverse_module,
                                        {"input": self.input_step},
        self.inverse_step_result = MagicMock()
        self.input_step.get_result.return_value = self.inverse_step_result

    def tearDown(self) -> None:
        self.inverse_module = None
        self.input_step = None
        self.inverse_step = None

    def test_get_result(self):
        # This test checks if the get_result methods works corerctly, i.e. if it returns the correct result of the step and
        # calculate it if necessary.
        self.inverse_step.get_result(None, None)

    def test_get_result_stop(self):
        self.input_step.get_result.return_value = None
        self.inverse_step.get_result(None, None)

        self.assertTrue(self.inverse_step._should_stop(None, None))

    def test_transform_no_inverse_method(self):
        self.inverse_module.has_inverse_transform = False
        self.inverse_module.name = "Magic"

        with self.assertRaises(
                KindOfTransformDoesNotExistException) as context:
            self.inverse_step.get_result(None, None)
        self.assertEqual(f"The module Magic has no inverse transform",

    def create_step(self,
                    module: Base,
                    kwargs: Dict[str, Union[StepInformation, Tuple[StepInformation, ...]]],
                    use_inverse_transform: bool, use_predict_proba: bool,
                    callbacks: List[Union[BaseCallback, Callable[[Dict[str, xr.DataArray]], None]]],
        Creates a appropriate step for the current situation.

        :param module: The module which should be added to the pipeline
        :param kwargs: The input steps for the current step
        :param targets: The target steps for the currrent step
        :param use_inverse_transform: Should inverse_transform be called instead of transform
        :param use_predict_proba: Should probabilistic_transform be called instead of transform
        :param callbacks: Callbacks to use after results are processed.
        :param condition: A function returning True or False which indicates if the step should be performed
        :param batch_size: The size of the past time range which should be used for relearning the module
        :param computation_mode: The computation mode of the step
        :param train_if: A method for determining if the step should be fitted at a specific timestamp.
        :return: StepInformation

        arguments = inspect.signature(module.transform).parameters.keys()

        if "kwargs" not in arguments and not isinstance(module, Pipeline):
            for argument in arguments:
                if argument not in kwargs.keys():
                    raise StepCreationException(
                        f"The module {module.name} miss {argument} as input. The module needs {arguments} as input. "
                        f"{kwargs} are given as input."
                        f"Add {argument}=<desired_input> when adding {module.name} to the pipeline.",

        # TODO needs to check that inputs are unambigious -> I.e. check that each input has only one output
        pipeline = self._check_ins(kwargs)

        input_steps, target_steps = self._split_input_target_steps(kwargs, pipeline)

        if isinstance(module, Pipeline):
            step = PipelineStep(module, input_steps, pipeline.file_manager, targets=target_steps,
                                callbacks=callbacks, computation_mode=computation_mode, condition=condition,
                                batch_size=batch_size, train_if=train_if)
        elif use_inverse_transform:
            step = InverseStep(module, input_steps, pipeline.file_manager, targets=target_steps,
                               callbacks=callbacks, computation_mode=computation_mode, condition=condition)
        elif use_predict_proba:
            step = ProbablisticStep(module, input_steps, pipeline.file_manager, targets=target_steps,
                                    callbacks=callbacks, computation_mode=computation_mode, condition=condition)
            step = Step(module, input_steps, pipeline.file_manager, targets=target_steps,
                        callbacks=callbacks, computation_mode=computation_mode, condition=condition,
                        batch_size=batch_size, train_if=train_if)

        step_id = pipeline.add(module=step,
                               input_ids=[step.id for step in input_steps.values()],
                               target_ids=[step.id for step in target_steps.values()])
        step.id = step_id

        if len(target_steps) > 1:
            step.last = False
            for target in target_steps:
                r_step = step.get_result_step(target)
                r_id = pipeline.add(module=step, input_ids=[step_id])
                r_step.id = r_id

        return StepInformation(step, pipeline)