 def calc_coeffs_no_i(self, wave_base_j_qq_ZS_at_xs,
                      wave_dual_j_qq_ZS_at_xs, j, xs, i, balls_info, qq):
     "Calculate alphas (w/ dual) and alpha-duals (w/ base)"
     jj = [j + j0 for j0 in self.j0s]
     jpow2 = np.array([2**j for j in jj])
     zs_min, zs_max = self.wave.z_range('dual', (qq, jpow2, None),
                                        self.minx, self.maxx)
     omega_no_i = calc_omega(xs.shape[0] - 1, self.k)
     resp = {}
     vol_no_i = balls_no_i(balls_info, i)
     for zs in itt.product(*all_zs_tensor(zs_min, zs_max)):
         # below, we remove factor for i from sum << this has the biggest impact in performance
         # also, we calculated alpha_zs previously and cen be further optimised w/ calc_coeffs
         alpha_zs = omega_no_i * (
             (wave_dual_j_qq_ZS_at_xs[zs] * vol_no_i).sum() -
             wave_dual_j_qq_ZS_at_xs[zs][i] * vol_no_i[i])
         resp[zs] = (alpha_zs, alpha_zs)
     if self.wave.orthogonal:
         # we are done
         return resp
     zs_min, zs_max = self.wave.z_range('base', (qq, jpow2, None),
                                        self.minx, self.maxx)
     for zs in itt.product(*all_zs_tensor(zs_min, zs_max)):
         if zs not in resp:
         # below, we remove factor for i from sum << this has the biggest impact in performance
         alpha_d_zs = omega_no_i * (
             (wave_base_j_qq_ZS_at_xs[zs] * vol_no_i).sum() -
             wave_base_j_qq_ZS_at_xs[zs][i] * vol_no_i[i])
         resp[zs] = (resp[zs][0], alpha_d_zs)
     return resp
 def calc_coeffs(self, wave_base_j_qq_ZS_at_xs, wave_dual_j_qq_ZS_at_xs, j,
                 xs, balls_info, qq):
     jj = [j + j0 for j0 in self.j0s]
     jpow2 = np.array([2**j for j in jj])
     zs_min, zs_max = self.wave.z_range('dual', (qq, jpow2, None),
                                        self.minx, self.maxx)
     omega = calc_omega(xs.shape[0], self.k)
     resp = {}
     balls = balls_info.sqrt_vol_k
     for zs in itt.product(*all_zs_tensor(zs_min, zs_max)):
         alpha_zs = omega * (wave_dual_j_qq_ZS_at_xs[zs] * balls).sum()
         resp[zs] = (alpha_zs, alpha_zs)
     if self.wave.orthogonal:
         # we are done
         return resp
     zs_min, zs_max = self.wave.z_range('base', (qq, jpow2, None),
                                        self.minx, self.maxx)
     for zs in itt.product(*all_zs_tensor(zs_min, zs_max)):
         if zs not in resp:
         alpha_d_zs = omega * (wave_base_j_qq_ZS_at_xs[zs] * balls).sum()
         resp[zs] = (resp[zs][0], alpha_d_zs)
     return resp
def test_z_range_2d(wave, what, ix):
    "Test several facts with the range of z values"
    # region is p1=(1/3,1/4) & p2=(3/4,2/3)
    minx, maxx = np.array((1 / 3, 1 / 4)), np.array((3 / 4, 2 / 3))
    qq, ss, zz = ix
    zs_min, zs_max = wave.z_range(what, ix, minx, maxx)
    one0 = np.array([1, 0])
    one1 = np.array([0, 1])
    assert not intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zs_min - one0)).support)
    assert not intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zs_min - one1)).support)
    assert not intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zs_max + one0)).support)
    assert not intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zs_max + one1)).support)
    for zz in itt.product(*all_zs_tensor(zs_min, zs_max)):
        assert intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zz)).support)
    def calc_funs(self, j, qq):
        :param j: int, resolution level
        :param qq: tensor index in R^d
        :return: (base funs, dual funs)
            funs[zs] = base|dual wave _{j,zs}^{(qq)}
            wave_base_j_qq_ZS, wave_dual_j_qq_ZS
        jj = [j + j0 for j0 in self.j0s]
        jpow2 = np.array([2**j for j in jj])

        funs = {}
        for what in ['dual', 'base']:
            zs_min, zs_max = self.wave.z_range(what, (qq, jpow2, None),
                                               self.minx, self.maxx)
            funs[what] = {}
            for zs in itt.product(*all_zs_tensor(zs_min, zs_max)):
                funs[what][zs] = self.wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, jpow2, zs))
        return funs['base'], funs['dual']
def test_z1():
    wave = WaveletTensorProduct(('db1', 'db1'))
    what = 'dual'
    ix = ((0, 0), (1, 2), (0, 0))
    minx, maxx = np.array((0.2, 0.2)), np.array((0.4, 0.6))
    qq, ss, zz = ix
    zs_min, zs_max = wave.z_range(what, ix, minx, maxx)
    print(zs_min, zs_max)
    one0 = np.array([1, 0])
    one1 = np.array([0, 1])
    assert not intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zs_min - one0)).support)
    assert not intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zs_min - one1)).support)
    assert not intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zs_max + one0)).support)
    assert not intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zs_max + one1)).support)
    for zz in itt.product(*all_zs_tensor(zs_min, zs_max)):
        assert intersect_2d((minx, maxx),
                            wave.fun_ix(what, (qq, ss, zz)).support)